Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Jeff Hudson

Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Muscle building can be done as a career or leisure on the account where people desire to cut weight. Reps and sets in various exercises are vital when one looks forward to achieving great muscle body. Reps is the short term of the word repetition while sets are made up of several reps. A bicep curl up and down can be said to be a rep while repletion of the same procedure several times seemingly becomes a set and thus reps and sets. Whenever you are working out, you need to come up with a method in which you will definitely build muscles from. Although reps and sets can be categorized as part of these endeavors, they can only enhance muscle building in connection with other tools of exercises. In a common gym, there are many items that instructors use while training. The barbell for example a barbell which is a common piece of gym workout tool is primarily used to build your triceps and the chest dependence of how you use it. By using a bench press, the barbell will give you an experience that conforms to the right muscle builds. Any time a barbell is being used; there is always a handler to assist the lifter in case the weight overwhelms him or her. As a matter of fact, there are various reported cases of broken ribs amongst few people who choose to pump without an assistant. Another very important piece of equipment that has always been echoed as important in any weight lifting exercise is the dumbbell. The dumbbell which comes in two has always been said to be good in the case where an individual wishes to save money. This is because while trying to work the muscles on your triceps, it has been said that with a proper use of the dumbbell the results would significantly be greater than imagined. The following are the top ten muscle building exercises of all time.

A seated calve raise is one way of working out the lower leg muscle which is achieved by rarely bending the knee as well as avoiding shoulder raise and thus maintaining the proportional calve raise.

When you hear of the word dips, what should come into your mind is probably the dumbbell. This is because this piece of gym equipment can be used to enhance your triceps on a bench press by hanging them on the feet which makes sure that your feet don’t move upwards while lying on the bench press. The advantage with the dips is that you get to choose which muscle to target.

The EZ bar is practically important when it comes to developing your biceps. Reps and sets on the standing barbell curl will would bring about the curls on those biceps. It is not wrong to lift weights that may be a bit heavier during a barbell curl.

Ever wondered how you can build your shoulders? You need to undergo a special gym workout exercise referred to as a shoulder press. This is achieved whether seated or on your feet. The tools to use here would be dumbbells. It is also said depending on your training routine, the barbell can also be used for thicker shoulder builds.

Do you desire a V shape look on your body? You need to exercise the bent over row exercise. The bench here is used by the trainee to lean on it while he or she exercises with the dumbbell.

A leg press is another world class exercise that can be included in this list. It is more related to squatting.

The development of the back muscles has always been left out while exercising. Chin up is the method to achieve great muscle builds in the back shoulder forms.

Another category that we can never vote out is the dead lift. It is also used to workout the back although just as the name suggests, there are certain risks of killing off your back! So care and caution must be taken however if you survive, the results are great.

Bench press is one of the common muscle building exercises that are used to develop the chest to the right proportion. You can follow the traditional techniques of raised, lowered or flat press to achieve numerous different results.

The squat is the other muscle building exercise, though old fashioned, can really present good results.

Exercises are generally important whenever you need to stay fit. They are used by people who need to cut weight as well as burn fat. So if you are in this category don’t just sit, do something!

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Get a ripped body….FAST: Hey what’s up guys in this video I show you a unique bicep workout I call running the rack, in which I use to get bigger biceps. (1:44) Hammer Curls(Running The Rack Workout Technique). (6:21) Straight Bar Curls(Workout). (8:25)Alternating Curls(Running The Rack Informational Technique). If you want to know the right exercises to sculpt a perfect “fitness model” body, check out this free video: I show you the tricks pro fitness models use to build perfect-looking physiques — the kind that make peoples’ jaws drop when you take off your shirt. If you’re in pretty good or “OK” shape right now, but you want to look GREAT…you’ve got to watch this video right now: -Mike #TrainHard!!! PS — Share this video with your friends on Facebook with this link:
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Mass Building Bicep Exercise

August 8, 2012 by  
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Article by James Ross

Mass Building Bicep Exercise – Health – Fitness

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Large arms are created with a combination of triceps and bicep work. But it is the bicep muscle that peoples eyes focus on, hence extra attention should be given to this all important “mirror” muscle. Though all bicep exercises involve the curling motion, I have found one to be significantly better for building the mass and peak that most people look for.Basic or compound exercises allow you to lift more weight, and the heavier weight you can lift, the bigger you will be. With that in mind, what are compound exercises and which are the best for maximum muscle mass? Compound lifts, or multi-joint lifts, are weightlifting exercises that force you to use more then one muscle group, preferably 3 or more.

Mass building at its very core is a matter of stimulating (breaking down) the muscle by overloading it, and then providing the proper nutrients for the body to repair and rebuild the muscle even bigger. In this article I will discuss the exercise portion of mass building.The most popular isolation exercise for the bicep happens to be the standing curl, this exercise can be done with a barbell, a dumbbell or even a cable machine. Although a lot of people believe it to be a necessary exercise for successfully building biceps, many see better results sticking solely to compound exercises.Sounds familiar? Are you guilty of the above-mentioned acts? Well, don’t fret. Everyone has to start somewhere. Heck, many experienced lifters had a shaky start before setting on the right path. You too can turn things around, and attain the body that you’ve always wanted by channeling your efforts on muscle mass building workouts that are proven, time and time again for developing an armored tank physique.

Next comes overload. And the standing bicep curl allows you to apply the maximum amount of overload which activates little stabilizer muscles plus the larger bicep muscle that no other bicep exercise activates. For this reason it allows the maximum amount of overload to be applied which means more muscle stimulation and bigger biceps.Instead of doing pushing movements separately for each muscle group, you are performing them all in one workout session and this guarantees the fully recuperation to your pushing muscle groups.

Last, but definitely not least, the pull-up is one of the only compound exercises designed for hitting the biceps. Also hitting the upper back and shoulder muscles, this exercise is imperative for quick bicep growth. A good way to include this exercise into your workout is by using it as a replacement for the less effective bicep curls.

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The 3 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginners Who Want to Train at Home

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Let me be frank – I don’t care about muscle building. I’m an Average Joe who just wants to look lean and athletic. One of the most over-worked muscle groups are the Chest (after the arms). Go to any gym and you’ll see guys trying to build freakishly large chest muscle.

This article, as the title states, is for people who want to build a lean, strong, and athletic body while training in the comfort of their own homes. There are two effective ways to train at home: Bodyweight and Dumbbell Exercises.

The following five exercises are ones that you can do at home with minimal equipment. Here is what you need:

Bench (Optional)
Two sturdy chairs
Mat (Optional)

Here are the three best chest exercises:

Dumbbell Chest Press – Lay down on your back on a bench, or the floor. I personally use this old Total Gym bench thingamagig that’s only about 6 inches off the ground.

You can create your own bench by placing pieces of wood on the floor (but this might not be comfortable). The choice is yours. You can even perform Chest Presses on floor. All you do is start off with the dumbbells two your sides at chest level, then push them towards the ceiling until your arms are straight. Then return back to starting position.

Pushups – Lay down with your belly on a mat or floor. I just use the cold concrete floor in my garage gym. If you don’t like inhaling dust and getting your hands dirty, then may want to perform pushups on a carpet or mat. There are tons of push up videos out there, but the two main things you need to remember is to keep your back straight, and to stop the movement when your chest is just an inch off the ground.

Too many people drop their body and let it touch the ground during a set. This defeats the purpose of placing maximum tension on your chest muscles.

Chair Dips – Get two sturdy chairs and place the backs of the chairs in front of each other. Get between the chairs and grab the backs. Now straighten your arms out as you lift your body off the ground. Tuck your feet behind you and drop your body towards the ground. Lean slightly forward to hit the chest muscles. Keep going until your upper arm is slightly past parallel. Push yourself back up to starting position and repeat. This is an extremely difficult exercise, but it will boost your chest strength tremendously.

Once again, the key to an improved physique is to combing bodyweight and dumbbell training. Coach Eddie Lomax has written an entire program around this concept titled the Gladiator Body Workout. You can check it out on blog,

Find More Best Chest Building Exercises Articles

8 oz D-Ribose Powder Weightlifting Body Building Muscle Energy Sport Endurance Recovery Stamina USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
  • Double Factory Sealed For Freshness.
  • Lab Tested and Verified.
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

Product Description
Benefits: D-Ribose is used in an attempt to boost strength levels, enhance gains in muscle size and strength and prevent muscle tissue breakdown that can occur subsequent to strenuous exercise. By supplementing with ribose, an athlete can increase their muscle ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) levels and thereby produce more energy during short, intense bursts of activity, like weight training and sprinting. All muscles in the body rely on a constant supply of ATP for th… More >>

8 oz D-Ribose Powder Weightlifting Body Building Muscle Energy Sport Endurance Recovery Stamina USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

Dumbbells ? Dumbbell Workouts, Dumbbell Exercises, Muscles Building with Dumbbells

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

A dumbbell is a short bar with a metal ball or disk, at both ends that is lifted for developing muscles. The Wikipedia defines dumbbell as, a type of free weight, a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs (one for each hand). They are appropriate for all fitness levels and they are small and portable. Dumbbells are often used in conjunction with barbells. Barbells are long bars that allow someone to put weight plates on the ends to adjust the weight. According to “Men’s Fitness,” dumbbells are better for beginners. They are safer because they are smaller in size. You can work all muscle groups using just dumbbells. You can use dumbbells very effectively to build muscle on the chest. Dumbbells are great for building shoulder muscles. Dumbbells build biceps muscles, triceps, and the forearm muscles.

The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be accessed very easily by many people since they are not very expensive compared to other gym equipment like recumbent bikes, exercise bikes, cross trainer, rowing machine, spin bike, elliptical trainer etc. They are popular because they are highly versatile. Working with dumbbells allows you to adapt exercises in variations depending on fitness level, exercise type or strength goals. With the dumbbells set, the sky is the limit really to what you can do. The dumbbells set is a time-tested form of workout equipment found in every gym around the world, largely in part to the variety and versatility they offer in achieving tremendous results.

Most of the dumbbell exercises ideally involve 10 to 12 repetitions, with few minutes of rest time.

It is useful for people of all ages and fitness levels; to build stamina, provide movement, improve agility and achieve body strength. Dumbbell equipment forms a most vital part in any of the strength training and muscle building programs. Using dumbbells for exercise is the most effective and efficient way to strengthen and develop the muscles of the body. Women use dumbbells to tone up rather than to build muscle. This can be achieved in executing particular exercises, combinations, and choices of some exercises that target a woman’s problem areas. Thus women must learn the techniques of using the dumbbells correctly, with help of proper trainers if need be.  When you have done a dumbbell training programs long enough, stand in front of a mirror to admire the results you have achieved!

Normally, dumbbell workouts are done to develop certain muscle groups but they also provide definition of the whole body. They certainly strengthen and develop parts that are worked on like shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs and hamstring muscles. They add intensity to your exercises. Dumbbell exercises make you less prone to osteoporosis. Consistent dumbbell exercises will allow your body to speed up your metabolic rate helping in maintaining your weight. Dumbbell exercises make your body more contoured, making you feels confident and will inspire you to dress up nicely and make you feel lovely. Dumbbell exercises make your system conditioned, making you feel tighter and firmer. It will help you sleep sounder and better. These exercises demand less time. A well-protected system, a shapely body and a feeling of overall goodness are yours once you are able to train and develop your muscles using dumbbells.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipment that provides gym equipment, bodybuilding supplements, cheap protein powder, boxing equipment, including elliptical trainer, exercise bikes, treadmill, bench, kettlebell, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Kya Grace

Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building – Health – Fitness

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Exercise is a must-do in today’s fast-paced world. The increasing pressure at the work place makes it increasingly difficult to balance work with personal and social life. While everyone knows the importance of exercise very few actually take it seriously and inculcate it in their daily routine.

It would be in your best interest to hire a personal trainer who is professionally qualified and experienced. He will enable you to stay motivated and reach your desired fitness goals in a safe and steady manner.

Most people take to exercise to reduce weight, tone muscles or increase stamina and endurance levels. They focus too much upon their appearance and tend to lose sight of the importance of balancing their workouts in order to properly strengthen all the muscle groups in the body.

Both the arms and forearms form the major part of the upper limb and provide the much needed support and balance to the body. Driving a car, writing, playing music, cooking, eating, drinking water or coffee and any activity that we perform in our day to day life would not be possible without strong arms.

Strengthening the arms is therefore essential for a healthy and fit body. Biceps form the anterior part of the arms and most exercise enthusiasts concentrate on developing them for display. Triceps form the major part of the arm and they are present on the back of the arms.

Extensors, flexors and supinators are the three muscle groups that constitute the forearm. While performing arm strengthening exercises it is important to avoid overstraining these muscle groups. Weight training will help strengthen the arms but it should not be performed in isolation.

Boot-camp style training under the guidance of a reputed personal trainer will help strengthen the arms and forearms faster. High intensity exercises should be performed at a steady pace with little periods of rest between them. Care should be taken to avoid repetition of the same set of exercises.

Stretching exercises should be performed as a warm up to the regular workout. It will enable toning of the arm muscles and strengthen them. Elastic band can be used in stretching the arms. The common exercises that help in strengthening biceps muscle are dumbbell and barbell curls, preacher curls etc.

Exercises used to strengthen the triceps muscle are lying barbell extensions, closed grip bench press, push downs, dumbbell extensions and bench dips. Reverse curls, dumbbell and barbell wrist curls are exercises that are used to build muscles of the forearm.

It is essential that adequate nutrition is provided to the muscles during exercise. High protein diet rich in carbohydrates and essential minerals should be taken daily. Fresh fruits and vegetables have to be consumed regularly. Drink at least 3 liters of fresh water daily.

There should be a balance between exercises performed to build mass and volume of triceps and biceps muscles. Never exercise with excessive emphasis on one group of muscles as it will negatively affect the normal movement of the elbow, shoulders and hands.

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If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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American Body Building Speed Shot Grape Frost — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

August 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Description
SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down. The unrivaled potency stokes thermogenesis and gets your senses tingling without overfilling your tank. We’re talking zero calories and zero sugar. That’s ABB’s solution for greater performance. This new 4-PAK makes it easy to grab enough concentrated energy for a week’s worth of personal bests.Minimal VolumeMaximal EnergyGreater StaminaThermogenic Supp… More >>

American Body Building Speed Shot Grape Frost — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

5 lb. D-Ribose Powder Weightlifting Body Building Muscle Energy Sport Endurance Recovery Stamina USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
  • Double Factory Sealed For Freshness.
  • Lab Tested and Verified.
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

Product Description
Benefits: D-Ribose is used in an attempt to boost strength levels, enhance gains in muscle size and strength and prevent muscle tissue breakdown that can occur subsequent to strenuous exercise. By supplementing with ribose, an athlete can increase their muscle ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) levels and thereby produce more energy during short, intense bursts of activity, like weight training and sprinting. All muscles in the body rely on a constant supply of ATP for th… More >>

5 lb. D-Ribose Powder Weightlifting Body Building Muscle Energy Sport Endurance Recovery Stamina USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

3 Secret Building Muscle Tips – How to Get in Shape and Build Muscle Fast

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Max Cipher

3 Secret Building Muscle Tips – How to Get in Shape and Build Muscle Fast – Health – Fitness

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Because of the passive lifestyles we lead, more people are constantly starting a new workout routine in order to get in shape and build muscle. However, not everybody knows exactly what they are doing, and they could be missing out on important information that could really help them get in shape easily and really build muscle fast. In this article, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to really kick-start your exercise routine to help you get in shape. These are tips that many people have never known before, but can be very effective in helping you with working out and building muscle more easily and efficiently.

1. Exercise Your Mind Before Your Body

One of the most effective ways to prepare your body and really build muscle fast is to use a technique known as ‘visualization’. All you need to do is to sit down before you actually do the physical exercise, close your eyes, and imagine yourself working out. The more detail, the better. Not only will this lead to better performance when during your exercise and weightlifting routine, but your muscles will also benefit. While you’re visualizing, your muscles will also be contracting, and you can actually start working out your muscles and getting in shape before you even lift a finger! If you get nothing from this article, at least remember this highly effective building muscle tip.

2. Do the Weightlifting First

If you’re combining an aerobics and strength training program, make sure that you’re hitting the weights before you start your jog. Doing it in this order can help you burn 30-40% more fat calories than if you started running before lifting weights. You’ll be maximizing your workout by ensuring that you burn more fat, and you’ll really be able to get in shape and build muscle fast.

3. Shorter is Actually Better!

Rather than having one long workout session, splitting it up into two shorter sessions can really help you burn more calories. When you work out, you stimulate the body to increase its metabolism and burn many more calories than usual. When you’re done exercising, your body experiences the ‘afterburn effect’. Your body will continue to burn calories at an enhanced rate, many hours after you’ve already stopped exercising. If you split your muscle building workouts into two sessions, for example 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening instead of a 1 hour long workout, you’ll be able to burn twice as many calories using the “afterburn effect”. It’s as close to natural, healthy, automatic fat loss as you can get!

If you keep these simple but highly effective secrets in mind while you plan your exercises, you’ll be able to get in shape and build muscle two or three times as fast as the poor saps who hit the gym every day and see slow or few results. Many more tips on exercising, getting in shape, and building muscle can be found on my website.

About the Author

Max Cipher is an internet author and the owner of If you’re serious about weight loss and body building, you will want to make sure you’re on the right program. Find out the truth behind weight loss and body building programs at

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Max Cipher is an internet author and the owner of If you’re serious about weight loss and body building, you will want to make sure you’re on the right program. Find out the truth behind weight loss and body building programs at

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American Body Building Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch 20 x 22 Oz

July 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Serving Size – 22 fl oz

Product Description
+ + Product Details: Product Name: ABB Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch Size: 20 x 22 Oz UPC: 0455298508… More >>

American Body Building Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch 20 x 22 Oz

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