The Hardgainer’s Body Building Handbook: Workouts, Nutrition, and Results

May 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Pack on muscle mass quickly and get bigger and stronger now-—an essential guide for the everyday weight trainer.

Are you tired of working out with nothing to show for it? Are you pumping iron but not getting big? Then you are a hardgainer, someone who needs a special plan for building a superbly muscled, strong, lean, and healthy physique.

Now you can get big faster than you ever imagined with the secret techniques revealed in The Hardgaine… More >>

The Hardgainer’s Body Building Handbook: Workouts, Nutrition, and Results

The 9 Best Exercises for Building Muscle and Burning Fat!

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Chip Douglas

1) Squat

If you exercise, and you don’t squat, then you don’t exercise. They are definitely the single most essential exercise for all athletes these days. Master the squat, and you’re going to improve every lift which you do in the gym.

2) Deadlift

Could there really be anything simpler than grabbing a weight off the ground and standing upright? It is amazing that this most basic movement will provide such incredible results. You may an ass like Vida Guerra, but doing heavy deadlifts is an excellent starting place.

3) Clean

Cleans are the most exciting workout of all, in my humble opinion. They force you to be explosive unlike any other. Master the clean and you will take your vertical jump to another level.

4) Dumbbell Bench

This can even be listed as being the push-up or regular bench press, however the dumbbell option just is my favorite of the 3. It fuses the mobility of the pushup while using the heavy force with the bench press. This could be the most overrated exercise listed, nevertheless it’s far too solid to leave off.

5) Pull Up

The Pull Up certainly is the king of bodyweight movements. When people focus on strength-to-bodyweight ratio, the Pull Up is the superhuman test. Even some of the greatest athletes around the world can only perform a couple of Pull Ups. Become an expert at this to get the ideal V-shape.

6) Dips

The optimal exercise for developing arms and shoulders. The individual that masters the bench press can get more awareness in the gym. But the one that masters dips will benefit from getting a lot more attention out of the opposite sex.

7) Sprints

The closest exercise I am going to ever recommend to doing “cardio”. The strength, stability, and explosiveness is unrivaled. This is what makes sprinters amongst most of the fittest athletes on the planet.

8) Kettlebell Swings

Another great blend of speed and strength. They may well be more aerobic by nature in comparison to the most of this list, but they will kick your ass in a very short time. Kettlebells are the best tool you will own in your home.

9) Planks

It’s a total body exercise disguised Ab workout. Planks place the finishing touches onto the 8-pack you want for Summer time.

It isn’t really the most complicated list, yet these exercises provide gains! If the greater part of your workout program does not mimic this list, it could be time re-evaluate what you’re doing in the gym.

author and subject of health and fitness blog

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American Body Building Maxx Recovery Fruit Punch — 18 fl oz

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Putting it all back together takes protein, carbs and rest
  • American Body Building

Product Description
Putting it all back together takes protein, carbs and rest. Protein for muscle rebuilding, carbs for glycogen replenishment and enough time off to maximize results. Maxx Recovery plies it on while holding back on sugar and fat. That’s how ABB helps you come back greater than before…. More >>

American Body Building Maxx Recovery Fruit Punch — 18 fl oz

Punching Bag Workouts- The Best Cardio/Strength Building Workout Around

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Dave Toub

Before jumping right in, let me clarify the title: Working the punching bag can provide the best tradeoff between cardio and strength training – This was not meant to imply that working the bag would make you stronger than doing squats with 500 lbs or that it would give you better endurance than running 5 miles a day. Punching bags provide a very effective way to achieve both goals in a very short amount of time.

The Cardio Aspect:To begin, try standing in one place and throwing one jab a second for a full minute. A jab should be quick and make a popping sound upon bag impact. This should not be a strong punch like the cross; the jab is only meant to stun your opponent and set up future punches. After a full minute of jabs, rest and try it for two minutes, and then try “dancing” around the bag for a minute while jabbing approximately once every second for a minute. You’ll notice that you start to sweat pretty quickly and simple normally overlooked actions such as miniscule jabs can be quite taxing and give you quite the workout. Try a 1 minute session standing still for warming up, followed by a 2 minute session with circling the bag. Rest a minute and repeat.

The Strength Aspect:Throw two jabs, a cross and circle the bag. The cross should be a very strong punch where you use your whole body weight to strike the bag, pivoting off your opposite foot. So if you’re a righty, your left foot should pivot. Try two sessions of 3 minutes each, just landing strong solid punches while still remembering to circle the bag. We are after strength so try to really push through all of your punches.

Mix it Up:To completely exhaust you, try a final 3 minute session that combines cardio and strength methodologies. Throw three, or four jabs followed by a cross, hook, uppercut combination. Really explode on the bag while still being safe; contact the bag aiming for the flat part of your your middle finger and pointer (not your knuckles). Yes, you will get a great workout either way, but it’s always better not to break your hand. If you can last a full three minutes, you’re in great shape.

So the whole workout is less than 15 minutes and you expend much more energy than you would running. I’m not going to give you numbers here since there is a bit of range depending on the source, but google “calorie burn activity chart” and compare boxing to the other activities. You’ll notice that it’s towards the highest calorie burn activities, considerably more intensive than running.

David Toub is the owner of Punching Bags Pro and absolutely loves the sport.

21 Day Fast Mass Building – Fast Way To Gain Muscle

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Leslie Waler

A lot of men always dreamed of having firm and muscular built. This is because it often signifies good health as well as gives additional points when wooing women. However, in these modern times where almost everyone is living a fast-paced life, spending hours working in the gym is often not that feasible. This is the reason why many of these individuals want to know the fast way to gain muscle.Gaining muscle bulk without making the gym as your favorite is not an easy task. However, there are some ways where you could maximize the little time that you could spend working out to gain the maximum results. This could be summarized in four words: Diet, Double, Diary and Technique.1. Having the right and balanced diet is a must and one of the fast ways to gain muscle. The most common misconception is to have a protein rich diet since our body needs protein to build muscles. However, without carbohydrates which would provide the calories that our body also needs, your efforts will be useless. This is because our body needs the energy that is derived from calories to effectively convert the protein in muscle building activities.2. You should also double the amount that you are eating. With the correct diet, this will not result in building fats but instead, this will be very effective in conjunction with the work outs that you are doing.3. You would also need to keep a workout diary. In this way, you will be able to effectively keep track of your progress. It is very easy to forget the number of reps that you are currently doing or for how long have you been doing those numbers of reps. With the help of a workout diary, you will be able to keep on top of things and ensure that you are pushing your body towards your goal.4. Finally, you must be able to know the proper weight technique that you are using. Unknowingly doing your workouts improperly will prevent you to maximize the benefits that you could get from such exercises. It could even lead to muscle injuries which would further derail your way towards a muscularly and well-built physique.Access 21-Day Fast Mass Building!

More Fast Way To Gain Muscle Articles

“Learn The No Nonsense Muscle Building Secrets That Most Body Builders Do Not Even Know!”

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Steve

You’re about to learn more about:

Did you know that there’s a crucial ingredient to muscle building that will skyrocket your muscle growth?

More important than training, nutrition, supplementation and even more than anabolic steroids! Don’t do this and you have

Dumbbells ? Dumbbell Workouts, Dumbbell Exercises, Muscles Building with Dumbbells

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

A dumbbell is a short bar with a metal ball or disk, at both ends that is lifted for developing muscles. The Wikipedia defines dumbbell as, a type of free weight, a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs (one for each hand). They are appropriate for all fitness levels and they are small and portable. Dumbbells are often used in conjunction with barbells. Barbells are long bars that allow someone to put weight plates on the ends to adjust the weight. According to “Men’s Fitness,” dumbbells are better for beginners. They are safer because they are smaller in size. You can work all muscle groups using just dumbbells. You can use dumbbells very effectively to build muscle on the chest. Dumbbells are great for building shoulder muscles. Dumbbells build biceps muscles, triceps, and the forearm muscles.

The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be accessed very easily by many people since they are not very expensive compared to other gym equipment like recumbent bikes, exercise bikes, cross trainer, rowing machine, spin bike, elliptical trainer etc. They are popular because they are highly versatile. Working with dumbbells allows you to adapt exercises in variations depending on fitness level, exercise type or strength goals. With the dumbbells set, the sky is the limit really to what you can do. The dumbbells set is a time-tested form of workout equipment found in every gym around the world, largely in part to the variety and versatility they offer in achieving tremendous results.

Most of the dumbbell exercises ideally involve 10 to 12 repetitions, with few minutes of rest time.

It is useful for people of all ages and fitness levels; to build stamina, provide movement, improve agility and achieve body strength. Dumbbell equipment forms a most vital part in any of the strength training and muscle building programs. Using dumbbells for exercise is the most effective and efficient way to strengthen and develop the muscles of the body. Women use dumbbells to tone up rather than to build muscle. This can be achieved in executing particular exercises, combinations, and choices of some exercises that target a woman’s problem areas. Thus women must learn the techniques of using the dumbbells correctly, with help of proper trainers if need be.  When you have done a dumbbell training programs long enough, stand in front of a mirror to admire the results you have achieved!

Normally, dumbbell workouts are done to develop certain muscle groups but they also provide definition of the whole body. They certainly strengthen and develop parts that are worked on like shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs and hamstring muscles. They add intensity to your exercises. Dumbbell exercises make you less prone to osteoporosis. Consistent dumbbell exercises will allow your body to speed up your metabolic rate helping in maintaining your weight. Dumbbell exercises make your body more contoured, making you feels confident and will inspire you to dress up nicely and make you feel lovely. Dumbbell exercises make your system conditioned, making you feel tighter and firmer. It will help you sleep sounder and better. These exercises demand less time. A well-protected system, a shapely body and a feeling of overall goodness are yours once you are able to train and develop your muscles using dumbbells.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipment that provides gym equipment, bodybuilding supplements, cheap protein powder, boxing equipment, including elliptical trainer, exercise bikes, treadmill, bench, kettlebell, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

Muscle Advance Creatine Muscle Building Supplement – Creatine Muscle Builder Pill for Workouts ~ 1 Bottle

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • Promotes Increased Workout Capacity
  • Supports Healthy Gains In Lead Body Mass and Strength
  • Helps Improve Muscular Performance and Power
  • Supports Strength, Endurance and Muscle Mass
  • 4500mg of Creatine in Every Serving

Product Description
Creatine is the secret used by guys everywhere looking to build serious muscle. It is a natural acid your body produces to supply energy to your muscles, but most guys don’t get enough to gain serious muscle mass. Creatine Supplements help give you the creatine you need to fuel your muscles for serious results. When you add Muscle Advance Creatine Supplement to your routine, you’ll be maximizing your workout’s muscle building potential.

Professional athlete… More >>

Muscle Advance Creatine Muscle Building Supplement – Creatine Muscle Builder Pill for Workouts ~ 1 Bottle

Importance of Workout Schedule for Building Muscle

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Balu Muscle

There are many tools not that talked about in the muscle building world and an important one is a workout schedule for building muscle. The importance of having a workout schedule for building muscle is such a key factor to stay consistent and focused throughout your muscle building journey. We will in this article go through the benefits of having a workout schedule for building muscle and how it can look like.

Why do you need a workout schedule for building muscle

The obvious reason for having a workout plan for muscle building is because it will be harder to get side tracked. Once you have a schedule, you will know exactly when to train, how to train and on which days. Furthermore if you have a workout schedule for building muscle and exercise the same time each day, then you will create a habit in your mind and it will be a lot easier packing your bag and going to the gym.

A simple workout schedule for building muscle could look like the following:

Monday: ChestTuesday: BackWednesday: RestThursday: ShoulderFriday: ArmsSaturday: LegsSunday: Rest

Benefits of having a workout routine to build muscle

The above schedule for muscle building is just one of the many you can find. But by having a workout schedule like the one above or any other, you won’t look like a question mark when entering the gym, because you know exactly what to work on and you have probably visualized your whole session already before entering the gym.

A mistake a lot of people make when starting to workout and not having a schedule for muscle building, is that they a lot of times hit the same muscle twice or more. Your muscles need rest to grow and it is actually on your rest days that your muscles grow to become what you have dreamt of.

When you don’t have a workout plan for building muscle, the chance for hitting the same muscle repeatedly is increased and by working on the same muscles, your body will adapt to your routines and you will not experience the accelerated growth that you want in your muscle building journey.

However, if you have various schedules for muscle building with different exercises to choose from, you will keep on surprising your body, and surprising the body is the best way to increase a gain in your muscles.

If there is one thing I want you to get out of this article, it is the importance of having various training schedules for muscle building. This will not only help your muscle grow faster, but it will also be more exciting to workout. We as human beings like variation, and having different exercises in your workout schedule for building muscle is the best way to stay consistent and ensuring yourself your dream physique.

You can either do this by gathering different workout schedule for building muscle from various sources or you can invest in a muscle building program that offers a lot of variety, both in exercises and also in nutrition, which is as important as working out. So make sure to get a workout schedule for building muscle and enjoy the results for yourself.

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a reality….


Hypertrophy Training – What Are The Best Weight Training Routines And Endurance Training For Building Muscle?

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Thomas Brodie

Hypertrophy training was firstly introduced in to mainstream muscles building in October of 2000. Bryan Haycock, a workout writer for Think Muscle right then, unleashed a revolutionary process of building muscle which quickly became one of the core rules of body building. In actuality hypertrophy working out is categorized as strength coaching however, its purpose is to cause rapid muscle growth without the threat of introducing anabolic steroid drugs into your routine.

Hypertrophy also mentioned as HST, is also created to maintain the efficiency of the rapidly growing muscles, as it could not be very beneficial to have massive muscles and have them be week. HST was structured around psychological principles and designed to stimulate hypertrophy through certain weight training exercises.

The concepts of HST are narrowed down into four types, the first is Mechanical Load. The Mechanical Load process is a form of endurance instruction which is required for the hypertrophy training to be effective. It consists of loading tension on to the muscle during activity by means of lifting weights. The next hypertrophic standard is Chronic Stimulation. Here the idea of continuous hypertrophy training routines is expressed as crucial. The muscles will begin to recuperate after 48 hours of rest, and will render the previous routine ineffective in building muscle by the next bout. Continuous working out is a strategic key in weight coaching.

The third theory is the idea of Progressive Loads. This principle is a sibling to Mechanical loads, and requires the slow progression of heavier weights throughout the hypertrophy routines, weight training specific. Muscles will adapt over time to the load placed on them and will reduce the effects of mechanical load. Growing the weight forces the muscles to continuously work harder and thus becoming much larger. Strategic De-conditioning is the last stage in hypertrophy training. This de-conditioning lasts somewhere around twelve days and is used as a reversal of the usual weight lifting by halting the use of the heaviest weights for some time.

Aerobic endurance training should also be combined into any training routine. Endurance training enables the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to get more efficient at providing oxygen to the muscles being used during exercise. It also improves the conversion of carbohydrates and fats into valuable energy. There are different methods of aerobic endurance training. Two of them may sound acquainted to veteran gym attendants.

Long Slow Distance Training is the most popular method which allows for the trainee to run long distances as a constant slower pace. This will build the runners ability to run long distances before he must center on his speed. This technique is also used for new weight coaching exercisers. Pace Training contains of training at a higher pace than the normal “race pace” for a lower period of time. This exercise routine concentrates on the runner’s speed potential without the endurance of long distance running and hypertrophy plan weight training. Weight and muscles building routines require a bit of outside help for example protein rich diets and aerobic training. But the core of muscle building remains hypertrophy working out.

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