Vacuum Pump The 5 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by hipolitolindblom

In this article you’re about to discover the real truth about penis male enlargement and what you can and SHOULD do to get a bigger stronger and more attractive penis. If you’re undersized and feel embarrassed about it then this article is just for you!

Did you know that it’s possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

According to medical research and studies men are extremely unhappy with their penis and feel very insecure. Most men think that it is not long or big enough for sexual activities. Women were asked on the girth of the penis size and most results gathered stated that it did not matter the size.

penis male enlargement exercises are not only a highly effective way of gaining inches in length and girth but they are also among the safest methods available today. Exercising the penis not only increases its size but it also increases its overall health and stamina unlike other methods such as pumping and weight hanging.

How would you like to know the best approaches to boost the size of your penis? If you’ve been unfairly endowed with a small manhood and can’t want to get a bigger better size this article is for you. Read this now and learn about 2 popular penis male enlargement methods to make your penis bigger better and stronger.

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains – read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Get a Bigger penis now >>

So you admit you need to get a bigger penis but how much bigger? Most guys say they would be delighted with an extra inch or so. With the right program you can easily increase your penis size by at least 2 inches! This article will show you the way to get started.

If you want to rejuvenate libido as well as get harder erections naturally you can with the proven herbs which are enclosed in this article and not only will they help improve your sexual health they will also improve your overall wellness at the same time. Let’s take a look at how they work…

Have you always heard that all penis male enlargement products and techniques are just scams or jokes? This is what many different men think but it’s far from the truth. With modern medicine and science it’s a very real and possible thing to accomplish most people just don’t have the facts.

Extends Penis Enlargment Bad Boy Seduction – How To Be The Bad Boy Women Love To Fall For

Dumbbell Workout Routines: Solutions to Body Building Issues

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Karen Winton

There are fats that are easy to get rid of, while there are some that are too stubborn. Sometimes, after dieting and exercising often, you may notice that you have stopped losing weight, and that there are still some flab on various parts of your body. There is a good solution to this dilemma: dumbbell workout routines.

Working out with dumbbells on a regular basis actually speeds up fat elimination, and also helps in muscle building and muscle shaping at the same time. If you see that fitness machines in the gym do not work as much as you expect, try exercising with dumbbells. Performing a dumbbell exercise routine that targets your problem spots, if not daily, every other day, more often than not results to a body that’s toner and healthier.

The following are some must try dumbbell workout routines:

1. Dumbbell Lifting Sets

These are a collection of dumbbell exercises that rely mainly on lifting movements which are said to be excellent muscle shapers and muscle developers. Squatting with dumbbells is a good example of a dumbbell lifting routine.

Another dumbbell exercise routine that belongs to this set is the dead lift exercise. The dead lift routine basically means holding your dumbbells in each hand, while bending forward using your waist while lowering your weight slightly to the ground. The dead lift is somewhat similar to the squat.

For these dumbbell workout routines to really work, it is best to perform another routine after performing the other. By interchanging those workouts, most fitness experts say that your excess fat will be burned off faster.

2. Dumbbell Energy Sets

Just by the term ‘energy sets’ you should have an idea that every dumbbell exercise routine included requires a lot of energy. Speed is also another requirement when performing dumbbell energy sets. You have to be able to move your dumbbells fast, which means that you’ll use up a lot of energy, eventually leading to better fat burning and muscle shaping.

3. Dumbbell Exercise Combos

Exercising with dumbbells can make your body leaner and make your muscles grow faster especially when you perform dumbbell workout routines in combos. This means combining at least two dumbbell routines and doing them in a single repetition. The result: longer repetitions done, more muscles utilized and targeted, which means higher chances of waving goodbye to stubborn fat. Of course, working out with dumbbells in combos requires a big amount of energy so you should be prepared.

Do not think that a dumbbell exercise routine only gives little results. For as long as you perform dumbbell workout routines properly as well as engage in exercising with dumbbells in a regular manner, body shaping, toning, and fat burning are not ‘impossible dreams’.

Karen Winton is a trusted fitness writer. To learn more muscle building moves, see: Dumbbell Workout Routines. Want to have a leaner and stronger body at the same time? This is for you: Train Smart.
 – Learn how to do a Home Chest & Back Dumbbell Workout Routine designed to help you build muscle as fast as possible. Become a fan The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has been used in bodybuilding circles for years in order to break through plateaus and make weight gains in the form of lean muscle mass. Many people have claimed to its invention, but regardless of who came up with it, it has been used with great success by awesome bodybuilders from the past such as Vince Gironda, as well as Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, many athletes on the know still use this method and even elite strength coaches, such as Charles Poliquin, are great advocates of it and use it on their Olympic athletes when they are in need of gaining muscle weight quickly. I’ve used this method myself without fail since early on my bodybuilding career. It never ceases to yield great results. As a matter of fact, early on when I was less informed, I thought that I had invented it. That was until I found out that this bodybulding workout has been around since the early 60s! The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has proven time and time again to be fantastic at increasing muscle mass through the systematic fatigue of the muscle fibers being worked on. In order to implement a 10×10 routine, a mass building exercise is chosen and a weight that you can perform for 15 reps or so is selected. However, you will stop your set once you achieve 10
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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American Body Building Speed Shot Fruit Burst — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

January 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down
  • American Body Building

Product Description
SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down. The unrivaled potency stokes thermogenesis and gets your senses tingling without overfilling your tank. We’re talking zero calories and zero sugar. That’s ABB’s solution for greater performance. This new 4-PAK makes it easy to grab enough concentrated energy for a week’s worth of personal bests. Minimal VolumeMaximal EnergyGreater StaminaThermogenic Sup… More >>

American Body Building Speed Shot Fruit Burst — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

American Body Building Speed Stack Pumped NO Grape 20 x 22 Oz

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • FREE Shipping on $100 orders
  • Extra 10% off orders over $200!
  • In Stock and Ships within 24 Hours!
  • Brand New Condition

Product Description
+ + Product Details: Product Name: ABB Speed Stack Pumped NO Grape Size: 20 x 22 Oz UPC: 045529888593… More >>

American Body Building Speed Stack Pumped NO Grape 20 x 22 Oz

Burning Stubborn Fat And Building Muscle With Elastic Exercise Bands

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Elastic exercise bands can be used to effectively burn stubborn fat and build muscle. If you’d like to know the real reason as to why these bands are more effective than other fitness equipment, pay close attention here.

For the last decade or so, the medical community has been using elastic exercise bands for musculoskeletal problems. Studies have proven that various musculoskeletal problems can be corrected if an exercise regime is followed right from the start.

Using any form of fitness equipment has been proven to be quite effective for treating such issues. But the medical community has started using these bands because of their low cost.

Unlike traditional fitness equipment, exercises with elastic bands are harder. You can actually feel your muscles worked out right away.

You may do a lot of free weight exercises quite well. But if you try to replicate the same exercise with these bands, it’s going to be even more challenging. Therefore, these bands make your muscle stronger and burn fat faster.

Working out various parts of your body

The biggest benefit of the elastic exercise bands is that they help you apply progressive resistance on various parts of your body from head to toe. You are not limited to only certain set of exercises. With the bands, you can actually target almost all muscle groups in your body.

With the traditional fitness equipment like the bowflex, treadmills and free weights, you won’t be able to get a full body workout.

You’ll be able to work out your upper body and lower body mildly. But none of it will be really that effective.

The only way you can target various other muscle groups is with the help of body weight exercises. Body weight exercises can be effective but you can’t get progressive resistance from them. It’s a slow process and you won’t notice any immediate results as you would with the free weights or exercise bands.

On the other hand, elastic exercise bands help you target every single muscle group on your body and you can actually increase your resistance levels as you go. You are not limited in any way. You just have to buy the right set of handles, add the bands to the handles and you’ll get the resistance you need.

Burning fat with these bands

The resistances you get from these bands make your workouts very effective. There’s no easier way to burn fat than to use elastic exercise bands. But working out with these bands will only help you get moderate results. You won’t be able to transform your body and your fitness level unless you get all parts of the weight loss equation right.

A lot of people are looking for the magic pill to lose weight. The truth is there’s no magic pill to weight loss. Your results can be accelerated with the use of elastic exercise bands if you use them consistently. But you will never be able to get what you want if you don’t remain consistent to your goal and plan.

As a fitness enthusiast, I strongly recommend that you invest in a pair of elastic exercise bands. It’s one of the best investments you can make. But always make sure that you buy it from the right manufacturer. My favorite is Bodylastics

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The Ultimate Chest Building Exercises

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Adam Snyder

The ultimate chest building exercises are not a huge secret, but the way they need to be done are. The 3 exercises that need to be done to build the greatest chest are pushups. You need to do normal pushups, incline pushups and declined pushups. The reason this is the ultimate chest building exercise is because you don’t stop for rest in between sets.The way this exercise routine is set up is very simple, all you need is a chair that has enough room that you can do your incline pushups on it. Now that you have the chair you want to start with incline pushups and do 20 of them, then without breaking your form you want to drop down to the ground for regular pushups and do another 20 of them and right after you do those you want to turn your body around, again without breaking your form. Now that you have your body turned around your feet should be next to the chair and now you just need to get your feet up on the chair and do another 20 reps. This is one set, you need to do at least 5 sets per workout in order to get the best results.Remember one thing when it comes to the ultimate chest building exercises, if you don’t do them right or you stop doing them then they just won’t work, so never stop until you are happy with the way your body and chest looks. For years I have been working on my body to get it looking perfect. Everything from building a stronger chest to arms, legs, back, and abs. The one thing I would never have been able to do without are these six pack secrets that I got from a website I saw when I first started out.

Adam Snyder is also has a love for landscape and he has put together many great cheap landscape ideas.

The 3 Best Upper Chest Exercises to include in your chest workout. The top 3 specialization upper chest exercises. These exercise demo’s I show you are the most effective to isolate that upper portion of your chest and build mass on the inner chest. These upper chest exercises should be included near the end of a workout after you have performed your compound movements such as bench press and the bigger muscle movements. Use these extra techniques for no longer than about 4-6 weeks. Make sure to are really focusing on contracting the muscles of the inner and upper chest. Good form will be the key to making the correct muscles work. Use a weight that allows you to keep good form. You should see some great results after only 1 cycle of these exercises. Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started

Supplements for Natural Body Building

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Well-known natural health expert and medical doctor Zoltan Rona provides informtion about the ten most important supplements for bodybuilders~and indeed for anyone who wants to look and feel their healthy best without dangerous drugs. Learn how to gain muscle and power with an easy-to-follow program that utilizes protein, glutamine, arginine, a whole-foods diet and more. These safe and natural nutritional and herbal supplements can help you achieve a well-muscl… More >>

Supplements for Natural Body Building

Newbie Guide to Body Building

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Alexa Mei

What do you think about when you hear the words “body building”? Do you think about women and men with huge muscles parading about in tiny bathing suits and posing for pictures? Do you think of the guy who is able to lift a few hundred pounds without help? Believe it or not, there is so much more to body building than just morphing into a stereotypically muscle clad meat head. Body building is a fantastic way to tone and strengthen you muscles as you get into shape.

Anybody can do a body building workout. Here are a few hints to help you get started.

No body building routine is complete if you do not back it up with a balanced and healthy diet. When you think about it, this means that body building is just like all of the other forms of exercise. If you really want to be healthy you need to eat nutritious, balanced and healthy foods. This means that you should not eat junk food but should eat grains, fruits and vegetables. You should avoid foods that contain a lot of chemicals or high amounts of high fructose corn syrup. These things work against your body. When you eat natural foods, healthy foods and a balanced diet, you are taking steps to make sure that your muscles are getting all of the nutrients and vitamins that they need to stay healthy as they get worked out during your exercise routines.

Body building relies quite a bit upon proper protein intake. Protein is what helps your muscles rebuild after a workout so it is incredibly important that you get enough protein in your system. Lots of body builders will add protein powders to their food so that they can be sure they are taking in enough of it. When you are first tarting the sport this probably won’t be as important to you. Eating a well balanced diet should be enough when you first start out. If you become very involved in body building and start to take part in it more often or to intensify your workouts, you might want to think about upping your protein intake to compensate for the needs of your muscles. You should ask your doctor about the different types of protein powder.

Keep a positive frame of mind. The story of The Little Engine that Could is more than a cliché. It is an actual mindset that you can have. It is often the key to being successful.

You need to believe that you can do it. If you don’t want to be easily discouraged you need a positive outlook. More importantly, your body will have a better response if you maintain a positive outlook. It is easier to body build when you are happy with the actions you are taking. If you can’t stand the actions you are taking you won’t be able to take them for very long. When you want to build your health, muscle strength and stamina body building is a fantastic exercise. Body building is often assigned “hobby” status by people who do not understand it. It is actually a great way to build your muscle tone and strength while simultaneously working to be healthier. If you approach the sport correctly body building is an excellent way to build strength throughout your whole body.

Alexa website’s: White Patches On Skin, Fungus Treatment, Exercise Induced Asthma and Getting Pregnant Tips.

Showing some crazy pictures of bodybuilders with enormous bodies. ————————————————————————— Have a look at my other videos, or sub/visit my channel.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Building Muscle Tips – Getting the Extra Grunt You Need to Kick Your Body Into Gear Building Muscle

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Dave Vower

You want building muscle tips? OK, You’ve got it!

Building Muscle Tips #1

Workout 3-4 times a week lifting weights. Yeah yeah, I know, it just makes sense. But you’d be surprised to find out how many people think they can skip this step. Lots of heavy people with little to know muscle strength! You’ve gotta get into the gym, or do some kind of resistance training at least 3 times a week to stimulate your body to grow and repair… therefore creating heavier and stronger muscles. You want to build muscle? You’ve gotta lift weight.

Building Muscle Tips #2

Eat to gain muscle. You’ve gotta eat good quality food and at least 5 meals a day. Ideally, get some food into your body every 2-3 hours or so. If you need to one of the best things to do is simply supplement your diet with a quality whey protein shake or a protein snack bar. This way you’ll be getting all the quality protein your body needs to repair the muscles as you train. Extra tips: Avoid sugar, preservatives, and chemicals. They’ll strip the nutrients from your body and make you feel sleepy and tired. You’re gonna need your energy to train so eat healthy raw foods, not take away. When you think about eating take away, think of how slow and sluggish you’ll feel, then reach for an apple or something!

Building Muscle Tips #3

Do comprehensive exercises. These are exercises that have one large movement that work out many muscles all at once. The best ones to do are listed below.

* Squats * Deatlifts * Dips * Chin-ups * Bench Press * Military Press * Lat Pull Downs * Bent Over Rows

Do Squats every time you train, the massive muscles in your quads being exercised hard will stimulate the growth hormone Testosterone and your whole body will benefit by experiencing extra growth.

Building Muscle Tips #4

Strip that fat from your body by doing Interval Training (Also called HIIT, and Fartlek Training). This kind of training can be done on every off day (i.e. when you’re not training weights), but remember to take off 1 day each week where you DO NOT train. This is so your body can recover.

Interval training is done with short (usually 30 second) sets of very intense activity like sprinting, followed by a longer and less intense session (about 20-30% of your max) of jogging or walking. Doing this will increase your metabolism dramatically and you’ll notice the higher energy consumption of your body sometimes for days after a good training session. And the great thing is that you only have to train for about 15 minutes to get the benefits! This is how professional bodybuilders strip fat quickly and it’s the best way yet.

Building Muscle Tips #5

Get a training partner. Yep, get someone to motivate you into shape, someone who’s got similar goals as you, and hopefully the same commitment (if not more) as you.

Make sure you make a commitment on time and place to train, intensity level during training, and focus during training. You can socialize and check out the girls after you’ve done the hard work.

If you’re looking for the best advice or a personal trainer and you cant find someone in person, one of the best things to do is plug in your ipod, and listen to some motivating “success coach” while you train. This will ensure you give it your best. There are some good training programs targeting muscle building available online today.

Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: Wilson Softball GlovesYonex Badminton Racquet

American Body Building Pure Pro Shake Chocolate Swirl 12 x 12 Oz

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • FREE Shipping on $100 orders
  • Extra 10% off orders over $200!
  • In Stock and Ships within 24 Hours!
  • Brand New Condition

Product Description
8.5″ 10.75″ 6.25″ 10.8 lb 1g Fat 35g Protein Heavy on flavor, stingy with fat and sugar This thick, creamy shake leaves plenty of room for 35 grams of milk, casein, and whey proteins teeming with muscle-building Essential Amino Acids & BCAAs. That’s how ABB helps you realize greater goals. Directions For Post-Workout Recovery: Begin drinking one (1) Pure Pro Shake immediately upon completing your workout. For Hi-Protein Daily Nutrition: Drink one (1) to three (3) bo… More >>

American Body Building Pure Pro Shake Chocolate Swirl 12 x 12 Oz

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