Get Off Your Fat Lazy Butt and Get In Shape Now

June 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Joe Collinsworth

Get Off Your Fat Lazy Butt and Get In Shape Now – Health – Fitness

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This is exactly what I was saying to myself for the last four years. After living through my teens and twenties totally fit, I have found that this priority has fallen down the list (we all have careers, kids, spouses, and other things to do right)?

Fitness programs like anything in this day and age are popping up everywhere. Unless you know how simple the steps are and what it takes to get in shape, then it is a constant whirlwind. I have found that true with anything in life. Just look at infomercials and you’ll see the people who’ve “made it/found it,” and are now preying on us to show us the way!

My name is Joe Collinsworth and in this article you are going to discover the simple strategies for getting in shape. Like a presentation, this is just an outline, but if you take each step and follow up with more information, you will find the system you want to get in shape. This will in turn provide you with the results you have been looking for, or if you are like me, struggled to find.

Being physically fit provides health, vigor, confidence, energy, and so much more that helps along life. But do you want to know the secret to all this?

Before I tell you, let me share with you some simple steps that you can take towards total fitness. Not just for that wedding or next event, but for life. Call it a lifestyle – one that will have you feeling outstanding and wanting more.

Over a decade I have tried, tested, become a guinea pig, read, and studied numerous techniques, supplements, programs, and more. With all the stuff out there today (and most of them work), it is hard to pick one that will keep you motivated. Plus, the problem with many of them is that you only get a portion of how to get fit and stay that way.

You can get as scientific as you want with all this (I studied exercise physiology so I know this to be the case), but my favorite motto and one that has catapulted people to success in all areas of life is K.I.S.S. If you don’t know what that means, you need to find out.

So, without further ado, I am going to let you in on the proven secrets that not only allowed me to get into the best shape of my life, but also allowed my wife and other everyday people to also transform their bodies into the Greek god’s and goddesses they have always dreamt of.

Maybe you’ve heard these and maybe you haven’t but they will remain the foundation for success at getting the look and feel you want.

Secret #1: Decide that you are going to get into shape. Make it clear and don’t go back on your decision. The first challenge and many people overlook or don’t know about it, is to prepare your mind.

You body follows what your mind tells it to and it is going to be in for a shocker when you start exercising and feeding it foods that it probably hasn’t seen in years. So, be sure that you do whatever you have to do to prep.

Sit down in a quiet place, take a walk, whatever, and go over what you want out of this. Be as precise and clear as possible. You don’t have to be anal (that is definitely not my personality), but you do have to know what you want. Excuses come easy and anything worth having takes some work – and yes this is worth having but you need to start off right by being prepared.

Secret #2: After you have taken step 1, and please don’t forget it because you will find yourself a few weeks in and wanting to quit if you skip step 1, you will want to take on rule/secret number 2. This involves putting together a plan.

There are a million programs out there from well-known and not so well-known gurus. This can be tough because we all have different body types and goals and not every program fits to your lifestyle and what you want out of this. I have seen and tried a few programs that I feel can fit anyone’s body type and goals.

Sometimes you have to tweak it to fit your situation without totally re-writing the program and therefore destroying what has been proven to work. It’s also important to find something that you will enjoy doing. Boredom and frustration can set in really quick once you get to certain spots in any fitness program. Sometimes having a buddy or trainer is necessary to keep you going.

Secret #3: Exercise. How many times have you heard this? Yes, that dreaded thing called exercising. I was laying in bed this morning coming up with excuses on why I didn’t want to exercise.

They ran long and they ran far and it wasn’t me that was running. It seems so simple, but is a major obstacle in our goals to get our hot bodies. If you are like me and only have so much time to fit yet another thing in each day, this is tough. Time management becomes essential if you want to succeed in fitness. The only thing I can tell you is “just do it.” You are guaranteed to feel better if you do. You will be glad you did it and it with each passing day it gets easier and more rewarding.

This breaks down into two categories: weight training and cardiovascular work. Yes you can do other little things, but to keep it simple, we these are the categories we focus on. Girls you won’t get buff by lifting weights (which seems to still be a major concern) and guys doing cardio work isn’t that horrible. I can write a book about various exercise programs and how to correlate the two so I won’t get into that here, but any program usually involves combining the two.

Secret #4:Nutrition and Supplementation. Eating right is more than half the battle in the fitness world. I do hate those people who can eat anything they want and stay thin, but they aren’t a dime a dozen. If you are like me you have to eat as perfectly clean as you can just to lose a few pounds of fat and gain some muscle.

This tends to be the most expensive part, especially if you get into supplements. Now, I have been out of the loop in the supplement world and I don’t plan on being a bodybuilder, so I stay away from most things except vitamins, minerals, and protein/meal replacement shakes (just b/c they are convenient.

If you have been under a rock and haven’t at least heard that eating more often at smaller portions is the way to go, then I am here to pick up that rock and tell you, this is the way to go. Yes it takes a bit of change, but I can promise you that you will feel so much better, healthier, and have more energy this way. I could get into the scientific side of it, but I’ll spare you the boredom I had to sit through.

The kicker becomes what to eat. Let me put it this way – one part protein, one part good carbs, and add some veggies and you have it. Just by doing this and walking each night my stepfather lost over 50 pounds.

If you are interested in adding supplements to the mix, be sure to do your homework and make sure you aren’t just taking placebos so to speak. Remember it all starts with your mind and that is the most powerful part of the whole fitness regimen.

Secret #5:Taking action and sticking to it. The first week is tough so start slow. Make sure you do everything in your power to stay motivated. Good music in your ear, books that motivate, pictures on the bathroom sink as you look in the mirror, a journal, or whatever you need to stay focused. The next step and I mentioned this earlier is overcoming the voices in your head (or out for that matter) and doing something each day.

The best thing most people do is find someone to do this with. It makes you accountable and having to take action.

Okay so we made it through. Reading this was hopefully informative and interesting. It is tough to make a subject like fitness exciting without giving you a bunch of hype and B.S. You will need to learn more so you don’t get lost, but keep your eye out for programs and products that that involve all the above. You can do it and I am here to help in anyway that I can.


Keep It Simple Silly

About the Author

I (Joe Collinsworth) am someone who loves success and wealth in all forms. Fitness and Health are part of the equation and I have studied these areas for years. After taking time away and slowly gaining weight, losing muscle, plus overall health & confidence, I have made my plans to come back strong. Click Here to see the plan I follow

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Joe Collinsworth

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I (Joe Collinsworth) am someone who loves success and wealth in all forms. Fitness and Health are part of the equation and I have studied these areas for years. After taking time away and slowly gaining weight, losing muscle, plus overall health & confidence, I have made my plans to come back strong. Click Here to see the plan I follow

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

MMA Training Workouts – Do You Want To Look Great and Learn to Kick Butt?

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Paul Halme

The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workout is a new workout regimen that is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness, both as an aerobic exercise and as an anaerobic exercise. This workout targets specific muscles in the body which makes it all the more effective. This type of workout is designed to constantly change the pace of the routines to help participants lose weight faster than usual.

And because MMA training workouts are very dynamic, with the changes of pace incorporated in it, participants develop better stamina and improves their endurance. Aside from the pace, changes in the exercise also include using different equipment which translates to participants getting stronger throughout their programs.

An MMA training workouts can be performed alone, but is best when done with the help of professionals. Professional trainers with MMA workout experience will help participants lose weight faster and develop muscles sooner. Professionals are able to offers advises as well as tips on how to perform certain routines the proper way, which will also help participants avoid injuries.

As in all types of other workouts, it is imperative that participants have the right attitude before committing to a certain program. Those who decide to take on this type of workout must have the right determination, commitment and will to be able to achieve the goals he/she has set beforehand.

MMA training workouts incorporate many facets of the sport of MMA into the exercise. Some of these include take-downs, striking with hands and feet, grappling, wrestling, clinching and ground-pound technique. Not every UFC fighter uses all these aspects of the fighting game, but in the ever-increasing MMA World it seems that being a well rounded fighter is becoming more and more important to winning!

Aside from seeking the advice of professionals, there are many ways of learning more about MMA training workouts. One can join online communities to learn additional information about proper techniques related to a good workout. Training videos are also available for sale that will teach how to do the routines the right way. Sherdog is one such community.

MMA training workouts are effective in losing weight and building muscles, but the bonus with it is that participants also learn techniques about self-defense. You really get more out of this training than you might imagine. Not only do you learn to defend yourself, but you also in a short time will look great too! That is a huge bonus.

You will learn Self Defense, Gain Confidence, Discipline, and Get inAmazing Shape! We have lots of programs to choose from, pleaseenjoy our website and call us today at 817-614-9325 to set up anappointment for a Free Private Lesson & Consultation to see howwe will help you reach your goals!

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Could This Be the Ultimate Butt Workout?

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Stacie Cole

How to get a great butt fast…

It’s what we women want to know. How to get a great butt, fast, with what really works, long term, and regardless of our age. Let’s face it; it’s the Holy Grail we endlessly seek.

We’ve tried creams, lotions, crash yo-yo diets, pills, flaky fad fitness trends, rollers, body wraps, weight lifting, stair steppers, aerobics, spinning classes, kickboxing, and in extreme cases we go into surgery to have liposuction, which is expensive, dangerous, and does not last. Can you identify?

Nothing seems to work. In our frustration, we give up and accept that a great behind is something that is, in fact, behind us, left to our teens and twenty-something years.

But not anymore…

The overwhelming demand of busy women for something that works long-term and fast has finally produced a real, proven solution: Russian Kettlebells.

Okay, so what exactly are Russian kettlebells?

A ‘kettlebell’ or girya (Russ.) is a traditional Russian cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. Its simplicity and ease of use makes the kettlebell the ultimate tool for extreme total body fitness for women of all ages and body types.

Thousands of women, and more in droves, are discovering that nothing, bar none, works faster, better, and more completely than Russian Kettlebells for toning hips, thighs, and yes… the butt. Finally!

So how and why do kettlebells work to get a great butt fast–when nothing else does? (a tiny bit of science for you)…

**Recent studies, such as the one by the American Council on Exercise, (ACE, America’s leading authority on fitness and one of the largest fitness certification, education and training organizations in the world) reveal that working out with Russian Kettlebells burned about 400 calories during a typical 20-minute kettlebell workout.

**Researchers say that’s equivalent to running a six-minute mile or cross-country skiing uphill at a fast pace. All from a handheld piece of iron with a handle!

**This rapid calorie burn is due to the interval-training format of kettlebell workouts.

**Also, kettlebells provide a more intense workout than standard weight lifting, without the bulky equipment and having to go to a gym.

**It is the combination of the weight resistance stance, rapid calorie burn, maximum oxygen delivery, and intensity of workout that in 20-minutes, blasts cellulite, and tones hips, thighs and the butt faster than anything out there. The results are cumulative and-best of all–they last! There are many, many more scientific sounding reasons why they work, but does it really matter? Kettlebells just flat out work!

Who doesn’t have 20 minutes to get a great body?

What types of women can benefit?

Now, a concern might be that only those who are already in shape can workout with kettlebells. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women (and men) of all ages and fitness levels are transforming their bodies, self-image, quality of life, and indeed, getting great butts fast, with Russian Kettlebells.

That’s nice, but what about post-baby weight?

Maybe you have just had a baby and are wondering if that stubborn weight can also be blasted off, or if you just have to accept it and suffer. Visit the site below, and you will find women all over the nation who have obliterated their post-baby weight in no time at all–with these convenient, space-saving, brief Russian Kettlebell workouts. And as if that wasn’t enough, these delighted women find they now possess an even sexier-looking butt than they had before they got pregnant!

Oh and, a side benefit… your abs will also become ripped in record time. (Just look at the photos of the ripped kettlebell goddesses you’ll see on Dragon Door.) All of your girlfriends will be jealous and wonder what your secret is!

But, I’ve had cellulite and flabby thighs and a saggy behind for years and nothing has ever worked.

You and 90% of all the rest of the women of the world…

That is why the demand for something that really works became so strong that Dragon Door had to answer with specialized Russian Kettlebell workouts just for women’s specific needs. Take a look at some of the pictures and unsolicited, honest testimonials from the women on the website. The evidence speaks for itself. We women like to stick to what works. And Russian Kettlebells work like nothing else for getting a great butt workout that defines a woman’s body and creates sleek, sexy behinds fast.

And men?

It’s not just for women either. Ever salivated over the great body of actor Gerard Butler? His secret? He used kettlebell workouts to train for his role of King Leonidas of Sparta in the movie 300. So get your man involved too and both of you can increase your confidence and look great in jeans together. Countless couples are experiencing a stronger closeness and bonding by working out with kettlebells together. So how to get a great butt fast?

Go to the site below. Read what the kettlebell women have to say. Decide that you want a great butt now. Then, get yourself some kettlebells and one of their thorough DVDs, and join the community, where you will have full support from women all over the nation and world just like you who used kettlebells to get the butt they’ve always wanted. You deserve it!


The Women of Dragon Door and RKC

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