Exercise At Home When You Can’t Get To The Gym

July 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Glenn Dickstein

Exercise At Home When You Can’t Get To The Gym – Health – Fitness

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Yesterday was an awful day weatherwise.  Whether you work in an office or you work at home, this was not the kind of day that motivated you to head to the gym.  Yesterday was the kind of day where you want to stay in bed or on the couch and watch a full season of your favorite show on DVD. The skies were gray, the rain was hard at times.  There were even a couple of claps of thunder ringing through the afternoon sky.  If you actually thought about skipping the gym, there is no reason that you couldn’t just decide to do some quick exercises at home instead.

Working in a home office has positive and negative aspects.  Without getting into the list of pros and cons, let’s just agree that being able to exercise on impulse is an advantage.  While you may not have work colleagues to motivate you for a noontime workout, you do have great flexibility of how and when to exercise. You never know when you will need to expend some nervous energy or release some stress.  I am often reminded of the scene in “A Few Good Men”, where Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and Kevin Pollack are discussing the case and Tom Cruise suddenly decides he has to go and get his bat.  “I think better with my bat,” he says.  For many, exercise is the bat and when you need to do it, you need to do it.  It probably would not look so good to see someone doing push ups in the middle of the office.  Colleagues would think the person has lost it.  But if you need to do some push ups or jumping jacks and you work at home, this is a more acceptable energy outlet.

Exercise options for the home have changed significantly over the last decade.  There was a time in the 1980’s when workout videos were the craze. People couldn’t get enough of them. With the explosion of personal training in NYC, many personal trainers in Queens are becoming more than trainers.  They are innovators and entrepreneurs.  It seems like everyday there are new kinds of resistance bands, stretch bands, water filled weights, sand filled weights, adjustable weights, and mats.  Every tweak seems to add a whole new brand and style of workout. This is in addition to the already vast amounts of innovative workout dvds and videos touting different workout programs.

No longer are home workouts limited to push ups, sit ups, and a jump rope. Those are great options, but now there are many new pieces of equipment you can incorporate that do not take up much space at home.  Many of the items listed above can be slid underneath a couch or stored in a closet until it is time to get moving.   Resistance bands can help provide you with a vast number of upper body exercises to help strengthen and tone your arms, back, shoulders, and chest. If you can loop it behind a pole or under your feet to stabilize it, you can get some great shoulder raises or bicep curls done. Many of these bands will come with literature outlining many, but not all, of the exercises that can be performed with the product.

Remember to see your doctor for a complete checkup before starting any physical fitness or weight training program,. A complete annual physical should be a part of everyone’s wellness plan. This simple visit to your doctor can help stave off chronic or serious health problems from developing. This is especially important if you will be working out when you are alone. If you are at risk for any health problems, you will want to know before you get started. Plus, this will give you a great picture of your current state of health so your can compare later on for results.

About the Author

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.

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Glenn Dickstein

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About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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What to Do About “I Can’t Do Math Word Problems” Syndrome

May 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Robert Duval

What to Do About “I Can’t Do Math Word Problems” Syndrome – Education

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It is very easy to give up and say: I just can’t do math word problems. But the truth is, math word problems will always be part of your education. Before you go on and quit, you should know how math actually has significance in your daily life. When you read math word problems, do not immediately push it aside and declare “It has nothing to do with me!”

In fact, as you probably know, math word problems are integral in our mundane life, we just don’t realize it. Think about going shopping or baking. You do not just do calculation off the top of your head, you are carrying out an actual math word problem without pen and paper! So, don’t give up on math problems just yet. There is more in store for you.

So, how do you survive math word problems?

Converting into an equation is the key!

The key to solving any math word problem is to correctly convert the word statement into an mathematical equation. Unfortunately, this is a giant stumbling block for most students. Know that math has its own language. You probably know this already, your variable x stands for some unknown, and you get an equation based on what information is given in the problem.

Know what infomation is given, and which you have to solve for

Remember that the information given in the word problem has something to do with how you can get the solution. At this point, it is a useful habit to draw illustrations which can help you imagine the situation better. Focus next on the unknown and try to see how the information given can help you find the unknown.

The importance of logical reasoning

Based on what is given and asked for in an math word problem, you must be able to connect all the information together and web them into one whole. There are math word problems which are very common. If you have been solving many of them, you can see how these word problems repeat itself. If you get the right reasoning flow, there is no reason not to get it right the next time.

Recognize key words

Math word problems are made of keywords. These keywords are crucial. If you encounter words like “twice that of” for example, it simply means 2x, assuming x is your variable. There are many other keywords which signify operations. Once you familiarize yourself with most of them, you will find it easy to convert the word problem into an actual math equation to solve.

Mathematics is simply a more organized methodology for solving some of the ordinary word problems we encounter everyday. It has not been invented out of the blue to make things more miserable for students.

If you are going through the “I can’t do math word problems syndrome,” maybe now is the right time to change that. Add in a little critical thinking and some positive energy, you will surely get the next math word problem right.

About the Author

John runs a site called MathTrench.com, which offers thousands of solved math problems

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Robert Duval

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John runs a site called MathTrench.com, which offers thousands of solved math problems

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