Marcy Cardio Mini Cycle
March 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Bikes
- Portable cycling machine with tabletop design
- Pedal with your arms to tone and define upper body
- Set on floor and pedal with feet to work lower body
- Computer tracks your time, reps, total, reps, and calories
- Variable resistance feature; 2-year limited warranty
Product Description
The Marcy Cardio Mini Cycle from Impex Fitness allows you to target both upper and lower body muscles. Set it on a table and pedal with your arms for an upper body workout. Set it on the floor and pedal with your feet for a lower body workout. The mini cycle is great for rehab exercises and increasing cardiovascular endurance. As your strength increases, so can the intensity of your workout with the variable resistance feature. Portable and compact, the mini cy… More >>
Cardio Circuit Training Workouts
February 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Ella McGinley
Cardio circuit training workouts are a great form of exercise; good for the heart and circulatory system, good for muscle building and toning and great for keeping your weight under control. Another fantastic thing about cardio circuit training workouts is that you can do them in the privacy of your own home. There’s no need to spend a fortune on gym memberships or fuel to get to said gym and what’s more working out at home saves you time.
Depending on the cardio circuit training workouts you want to do, you don’t need expensive equipment either and if you hate the drudgery of running for miles then that’s fine too, because all cardio circuit training workouts need to do is increase your heart rate to between 60-80% of your maximum (you will find calculators online to find this out – it’s age dependent). If you want to burn fat, then 60% will do it and for fitness, up to 80%.
You need to focus on each of three zones for this workout; upper, middle and lower. The upper zone covers the chest, triceps and shoulders, the middle zone is the abdominal muscles and the lower zone includes buttocks and thighs.
Most cardio circuit training workouts recommend that you choose an exercise for each zone and exercise almost continuously (meaning with only a few seconds rest between sets) for 30 – 45 minutes, doing around 25 repetitions of each exercise before you move onto the next one. If you find doing only three types of exercise boring, then add more; the point is to keep your heart rate up.
Among the exercises you can choose are push ups and dips (upper zone), crunches and leg lifts (middle zone) and squats and lunges (lower zone).
To supplement some exercises, you can use a set of weights and increase the weight you use gradually, but this isn’t strictly necessary.
Don’t forget to do your stretches before you start your workout and after you’ve finished. Take plenty of fluids onboard as you work out; water is best or you can use sports energy drinks if you prefer. If you feel severely out of breath, faint or suffer out of the ordinary muscular discomfort, stop your workout immediately. Try again tomorrow but if you still have problems, you should consult your doctor. If you already suffer from chronic health issues such as cardio vascular or respiratory system illnesses then always consult a health professional before embarking on any sort of exercise program.
Ella McGinley is a great advocate of cardio circuit training workouts as a way of losing weight, getting fit and staying fit. Her website, Cardio Workouts offers tips, articles and videos to help you with your cardio workouts.
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Why a Circuit Workout Routine is Better Than Cardio
January 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Clint Grimes
Circuit workout routines are a fantastic way to keep your workout routines lively while inducing fast weight loss. Since you have to move to exercises rapidly in sequence, your mind is on what exercise is next and how many reps do I do?Not only does circuit training burn 30 per cent more calories than weight lifting, eliminating rest time gives you all the benefits of cardio without the dangers of overuse injuries.With circuit training you can burn fat and build muscle simultaneously.
How to Perform a Circuit
A circuit workout routine is simply a series of of resistance and cardio exercises, with or without weights (usually dumbbells). The exercises are performed with 30 seconds to no rest period between exercises. When I use them for myself and when I condition my high school soccer players, there is no rest to maximize the cardio effect.
Designing the Right Workout RoutineNow it’s time for you to design your own workout routine. This will depend on several things. Do you have a specific weight loss goal? Are you looking to develop a specific body type? Are you training for a particular sport. I will give you a few examples. I am a soccer player and coach so I have a lot of lunges, kicks, step ups, and burpees in my circuits be cause I want leg strength for myself and my players. I also want them to able to leave their feet. If you are looking for extra upper body strength you may want to include chest presses and overhead presses with dumbbells, as well as some pullups and dips. If you want a nice slim athletic build, you may want to go with a bodyweight circuit without weights.Anyway you slice it, circuit training, with or without weights, with minimum or no weights is ideal for fast weight loss and building muscle. Here’s a circuit to get you started.Bodyweight Rows X 25 reps
Squats x 25 reps
Push Ups x 25 reps
Step Jumps x 25 reps
Grasshoppers x 25 reps total
Dips x 25 reps
Perform 2 rounds
Get Your Free Workout Routine at
Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.
Get your Free Workout Routine at
Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys’ soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest,CA.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info. http Youre about to discover the Big 5 Barbell circuit workout that will help you burn fat and build muscle at the same time. This is great for fat loss, but it’s also really good for conditioning yourself for Mixed Martial Arts training. So, we will do a Barbell Complex where you do a bunch of exercises back-to-back-to-back, with each exercise being done for 15 repetitions. The type of exercises used in the Big 5 circuit include a squat, a pushing movement, a pulling movement, a single leg exercise, and a total body abdominal exercise. For each of these circuits, you will complete all of the exercises without any rest in between, and then rest one minute and repeat for a total of 3 times through the circuit. Start out with a barbell, however, if you are a bit weaker or are a female, then use a 25 pound EZ curl bar. If you find that that is still too difficult, then use a broomstick or just your bodyweight. In contrast, if you are super-fit, then you can go up to 55-65 pounds. The first exercise to do is the squat. For 15 repetitionspush your hips back, squat down to parallel, keeping your back flat, and then up. Next, move on to 15 push presses, making sure to really drive up on the way up. After the push press exercise, you’ll move on to 15 standing barbell rows. For proper form, bend over slightly, keep your back flat, and bring your shoulder blades together. Once you have completed all the repetitions for the rows, you’ll then go into 15 …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Jump Start Your Fitness Routine This Winter with High Intensity Cardio Training
December 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Fitness Together
Pack Training Fitness Together
As you dive into the winter season, you may find yourself in a rut of doing the same old, same old when it comes to your fitness and wellness routine. And as the temperatures get cooler, climbing on the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machine may seem to be your only options for burning those inevitable extra holiday calories.
Effective cardio training, though, can include more than your traditional running, biking and swimming. By taking your workout up a notch with high intensity cardio variations, you can jump start your fitness routine so you look better, feel better and perform better throughout this winter season.Ramp Up Your Cardio for Weight Loss and Maintenance
As the holidays approach and we are in the thick of pumpkin pies, turkey dinners and over scheduled calendars, the common fitness theme this time of year is fighting the bulge and finding time to squeeze in a workout. Although concentrating on eating in moderation is a key component to weight loss and maintenance, cardio exercises focused on interval training can help combat the belly bounce. Interval training focuses on intense bursts of exercise in your workout that not only jump start your heart rate, but burn body fat quicker as well.
The good news for your hectic schedule is that you don’t have to bang out hours on the treadmill to realize the best cardio results for your body. Industry research[1] shows that shorter duration of high intensity exercise can be more beneficial than traditional endurance training.
Basic exercise science also supports that the harder you work, the more calories you burn every minute you exercise, while high intensity cardio sessions also speed your metabolism for hours following your workout session.
So, if weight loss/maintenance is your main goal this holiday season, ditch the treadmill and opt for a more fast and furious workout full of burpees, wind sprints and slam balls. Your belly will appreciate it and so will the number on the scale January 1st, 2012.Incorporate Cardio for Greater Strength and Muscle Definition
As we all know, strength and conditioning exercises build muscle. Cardio, when coupled with proper nutrition; however, is the secret weapon to defining and showing off the hours spent in the weight room. To create greater muscle definition in the common “problem” areas (arms, abs, glutes), it is important to incorporate metabolic cardio conditioning to your fitness regimen to unveil your hidden lean and sleek muscles.
A recent study[2] that evaluated the effect of training methods on female college athletes found that concurrent strength and aerobic endurance training was highly effective on muscle strength and endurance, body composition and flexibility. When your goal is to build strength and muscle, combining strength training exercises with total body cardio is key to realizing the best results. This type of cardio approach packs a variety of total body movements into your workout that aims to raise your heart rate and maintain the increased level for 5-10 minutes.
Some full body cardio exercises include:
● mountain climbers
● battling ropes
● jump squat circuits.
These exercises allow you to build more muscle and burn calories, while you to get the most bang for your buck as it relates to time efficient and effective cardio exercises.Maintain Consistent Cardio for Endurance Training
Whether your goal is to achieve a personal best at this year’s turkey trot or you’re planning to start the New Year with a triathlon or long distance running race, consistent cardio exercises are the key to any training program. There is no doubt about it that in order to prepare your body for a long endurance event, you have to put in the mileage. If you are signed up to run a half marathon in January, then you have to prepare your body for the wear and tear of pounding pavement for two hours by running (not walking, elliptical, biking) the mileage laid out for you in your training plan.
However, if you find yourself lacking motivation half way through your training program, you can mix up your weekly workouts by incorporating some hill and interval training to not only build muscle and endurance, but also keep you mentally engaged throughout your training program. Just make sure to plan appropriate rest days after the more intense training sessions to give your body time to recuperate and prepare for the big race day.
Another tactic for keeping you on track for successfully completing your training plan is to take your cardio training outdoors whenever possible. In the winter months this isn’t always an option, but if you can hit the trails early in the morning before a snow storm rolls in or later in the afternoon when temperatures have reached a reasonable level, research from West Virginia University found that training outdoors makes you 52 percent more likely to exercise more regularly.
Whether your goals this season are to combat the belly bounce, build more muscle or successfully train for an upcoming endurance event, incorporating high intensity cardio into your fitness routine will not only make you feel better and look better, but also perform better in any of your upcoming endeavors. Contact your local Fitness Together PACK Training studio today to start building cardio into your overall fitness and wellness routine at:
McGill S, Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation, Human Kinetics, 2007 Baechle T and Earle R, editors, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics, 2008 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4th Edition, American Council on Exercise, 2010 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, American Council on Exercise, 2010
Bodyweight Calisthenics: Give Your “Cardio” A Kick In The Pants
December 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscular Endurance
Article by Eddie Lomax
If you are one of the people who believe steady-state aerobic exercise is the only way to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat, you’re in for a treat. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent way to get a full body workout that includes the heart and lungs. I’ll show you how to use bodyweight exercise in a second, but first let’s talk a little about cardiorespiratory endurance.
Cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of ability your body has to gather, process, deliver and sustain oxygen to produce energy for use in physical activity. Basically, the respiratory system gathers and starts to process the oxygen. The cardiovascular system continues to process and distributes the oxygen. So, your cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of efficiency your heart and lungs have to sustain and deliver oxygen for energy.
So, when most people want to improve their endurance they do cardiorespiratory conditioning exercises (cardio) to improve endurance by “conditioning” the heart and lungs. Unfortunately, the form of cardiorespiratory conditioning usually takes the form of aerobic exercise. And bodyweight calisthenics are completely ignored! But the fact is, any activity can improve cardiorespiratory endurance if they are done properly, and bodyweight exercises and calisthenics are an excellent choice.
There is something important I should mention. The type of cardio conditioning you do improves over-all endurance. But, the increased endurance is most closely related to the activity used. This means if you ride an exercise bike, your cardiorespiratory endurance will primarily be improved for bike riding. This is fine if you ride a bike in your normal, everyday life. But this has limited application for most people who are involved in a wide variety of activities both in and out of the gym.
If, on the other hand, you use bodyweight calisthenics for your cardio conditioning, you are using a wide variety of movements and muscles. Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics more closely represent the movements of highly random movements encountered in sport, work and life. So, you could make a case that cardiorespiratory conditioning using bodyweight calisthenics is better for endurance improvement that can be used in and out of the gym.
Plus, bodyweight calisthenics use all the muscles in your body. Compare this to the predominately lower body exercises of jogging or riding a bike. So, using bodyweight exercises allow you to build a strong, lean physique while improving cardiorespiratory endurance and burning fat!
Just think about it. Let’s say you do a fast paced bodyweight workout consisting of a circuit of bodyweight exercises and calisthenics. You’ll simultaneously build strong muscles and burn fat while improving heart and lung function. You wouldn’t even have to do a long, slow aerobic workout to supplement your training.
I hope this article has opened you eyes to the wide variety of possibilities available to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. You don’t always have to do long-slow aerobic exercise. And the truth is, using other forms of training to simultaneously improve heart and lung power can prepare you better for the challenges of sport, work and life. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent choice for both building a strong, lean, athletic physique and building a strong heart and lungs.
Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights uses bodyweight calisthenics to improve fitness, burn fat and build an attractive physique.
Body Champ BRM3671 Cardio Dual Trainer
December 21, 2011 by admin
Filed under Elliptical Trainers
- Two-in-one design allows you to use it as an elliptical trainer or exercise bike
- Deluxe programmable LCD console features 10+ preset workout programs, heart rate driven programs
- Seat adjusts vertically and horizontally
- 14-Inch stride length
Product Description
Blast away calories with the Body Flex BRM 3671 dual trainer! It features a sturdy oversized steel construction and 2-way adjustable seat, allowing it to be used as an elliptical or exercise bike. The adjustable magnetic resistance lets you set your own pace, while an electronic display offers easy progress
The Cardio Dual Trainer is an ingenious two-in-one exercise machine that serves as both an elliptical trainer and a stationary bi… More >>
Body Champ BRM3671 Cardio Dual Trainer
How to Use Cardio and Strength Training to Lose Weight
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
If you want to lose weight fast, you must engage in cardio and strength exercises. This is because cardio and strength exercises can burn fat. So by using cardio and strength training, you will increase your metabolism rate and make your body burn fat faster.
So how much time do you need to put into cardio and strength trainings in order to lose weight successfully? Many people think that they must put in hours every day in gyms or on the track in order to achieve their weight loss goals. This is not true. In fact, the hours needed are much lesser than you assume. Although putting hours in the gym is effective, it is very difficult for you to find the time to do it because of other commitments. So, you should start from basic trainings that can be achieved in 30 to 45 minutes every day.
For strength training, you must lift weights at least 3 to 4 days a week.
For each session, you only need to spend 45 minutes. Overdoing it in the gym may slow down your progress and prevent you from losing weight fast. A basic strength training program should consist of bicep curls, bench press, should press and squats.
Next, let us move on to cardio exercises. Cardio exercises are anything that involves movement. Some excellent cardio exercises to burn fat are running, sprinting, swimming, rowing, skipping, soccer, tennis, etc. If you have not been exercising for a long time, you should stay within the intensity level that is most comfortable for you. If you do not condition your body enough and jump straight to high intensity cardio exercises, you may get injured.
For cardio exercises, each session should last at least 30 minutes. Anything less will prevent you from losing weight successfully.
Also, you should engage in cardio exercises at least 3 times a week, depending on your conditioning. If you are more conditioned, you can increase the frequency to 5 times a week.
By engaging in both cardio and strength trainings, you can achieve your weight loss goals faster. These trainings will greatly increase your metabolism rate and make you lose fat extremely fast. By reducing the volume of stored fat in your body, you will lose weight, get leaner and look better when you look into the mirror. So go and plan your training programs now. Stay motivated and stick to the plan that you created. Let’s go!
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Dumbbell Cardio For Endurance and Fat Loss
December 19, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Using Dumbbells for Endurance or Fat Loss is a foreign concept to most people. Most people believe that weights are for strength and cardio is for endurance and fat loss. It’s time to look beyond these “singular” viewpoints and understand what Dumbbell Cardio can do for you.
Lets see if the following describes you: You perform endless cardio, and diligently go to the gym lifting heavy weights. But when it comes time to carry heavy boxes up the stairs, and to REPEAT that task over and over again, you become TIRED.
This is because you lack proper strength endurance. Dumbbell Cardio allows you train both your musculature and cardiovascular systems at the same time so that you can perform daily activities better. Most things in life require you to use your muscles and your heart at the same time.
How do You Do Dumbbell Cardio?
There’s two things you need to know in order to develop intense dumbbell workouts:
1 – Choose Whole-Body Exercises
Choose exercises such as dumbbell swings, cleans, and snatches which train more than one muscle group at once.
The more muscles you can engage in a particular exercise, the better. The key is not to isolate, but to train your body as one piece.
2 – Choose a High Intensity Training Method
Organize your exercises into circuits, intervals, supersets, trisets, or any other high intensity training method. There are at least a dozen high intensity methods out there, and you can modify them any which way. These modifications, if you’re creative enough, can allow you to develop hundreds of different workouts using hundreds of different methods.
Hopefully this article has convinced you to start using dumbbell cardio in your regular fitness routines.
But wait..I need to tell you one more thing. Dumbbell cardio is great, but if you want even greater results, then you should try combining dumbbell exercises with bodyweight exercises. You should check out the Gladiator Body workout. I talk more about this workout on my blog
The Perfect Cardio Exercise Weight Loss Program
December 15, 2011 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Jessica Tanady
The weight loss and health industry is currently inundated with products like diet pills, diet powders, and diet shakes that promise to miraculously work in reducing your weight. What you should know is, most of these products don’t really work as advertised. Some products may work to a certain extent, but they won’t be suitable for everyone. What works for your best friend in Accounting, might not work for you at all. The only thing that is guaranteed to work in helping you to lose weight is exercise – cardio exercise weight loss to be exact.
There are many types of cardio exercise weight loss programs that you can follow – but in essence they are similar. If you are already following a cardio exercise weight loss program that works great for you, by all means try to stick to the program. If you are consistent in your exercise program, you will eventually get the good results that you wanted. Any fat loss workout program that is in line with basic health guidelines is a program that will work. But just to make sure, you may want to consult with your doctor first to make sure your health and body condition permits you to undertake such cardio exercise weight loss program.
As previously mentioned, not every program will work for every one, since we are all unique being. A workout routine that works best for one person, may not at all be suitable for you. Unfortunately, you have to go through the exercises first to know if they suit you or not. If you’re comfortable doing it and you can see good results within a couple of weeks, then it’s safe to say that you have found the right cardio exercise program.
However, if upon doing the cardio weight exercise program for a couple of weeks you don’t see any improvement, you may want to start thinking about doing another cardio exercise weight loss program. Whatever exercise you do, it’s important to set a realistic goal. Just because you’re not seeing any significant results, it doesn’t mean that it won’t work in the long term.
In case you’re wondering, the average healthy amount to lose each week is around 2 pounds. This can be achieved through healthy diet and regular exercises. Do what exercise is best for you and you will get the results in no time at all – as long as you are consistent.
Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she’s keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on candy gift boxes which reviews and discuss about small gift bags
In this video I take you through an excellent 10-minute aerobic cardio workout that you can do right in your own home any time it is convenient. I recommend you do this every day if you are trying to lose weight or even just to reduce stress. Doing regular cardio exercise is so important for a healthy heart, and overall fitness of your body. Cardiovascular exercise is any type of exercise that increases the work of the heart and lungs which is what you will do in this video. My routine is comprised of 5 different energizing cardio exercises that will get your heart pumping and you burning calories. I do the exercises right along with you so you can see proper form with your arms, legs and feet, and stay motivated. I will go through the five exercises 3 times for a total of 10 minutes. Want more cardio workout exercise; simply replay the tape and you will now have a 20 minute workout. Replay it again and you have a 30 minute workout! That’s quite a challenge!!! Put your own favorite music on while you are exercising along with me for even more fun.Please remember to subscribe because I have so much more to come; something helpful and of interest to everyone. Thanks so much for viewing! To purchase a YouTips4U custom-designed T-Shirt please click here: To visit me at my blogspot, please click here:
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