Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Kevin Pola

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners – Health

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Cardio and Aerobics The phrase, “Cardio Exercise” scares many people. Although weight lifting is incredibly beneficial exercise, for a completely well-rounded fitness regimen one must include aerobic exercise, or “cardio”, as well. Cardio, or aerobic exercises have a number of benefits: Reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke,Increase stamina,Lose excess body fat,Increased immune system Cardio or aerobic exercise is cheap and can be done anywhere. Make cardio or aerobics more interesting with a few basic ideas. OK, let’s get going! How many times a week should I do Cardio? To start with your cardio, aerobics exercise should be completed three days a week. If you are following the weight lifting program we’ve outlined in this series, it is a good idea to do cardio on the same day as you perform your weight training. Your weight lifting workout should be completed before doing your aerobic/ cardio workout. Cardio equipment very often is packed away in peoples home, if you have one it could be more convenient to clean it up and start doing your aerobic workout at home. Weight loss is best achieved by doing your cardio workout early in the morning. Waking up to an aerobic workout is a excellent way to start your day, so if you have this option good luck. How long should my cardio workout last? Cardio, like weight lifting should be started slowly and gradually built up. 15 minutes a day is sufficient to start with. What cardio is best. In the beginning, it is advised that you use a machine built for cardio exercise rather than trying to keep up with an aerobics or spinning class. This means you can start and finish when you feel you have reached your limit without pressure from others in the class. Cardio exercise can be completed in three types. Make your choice from the cardio workouts listed below: Exercise bikes are very good for reducing the pressure on joints. This is very good for people with sore joints or back problems. Elliptical machine, The aerobic exercise on this machine is more intense but is still easy on joints. The elliptical trainer, similar to the treadmill is used standing up but that is the only similarity. It is more effective in toning the glutes, or the butt) and also includes a workout for the arms. Stair climber or step machine, this gives an even more strenuous workout than the elliptical walker. The pace of the step machine is slower so a longer workout is generally necessary to deliver a decent cardio workout. This type of exercise machine is best used for advanced workouts. The treadmill is the most widely used in the gym. The exercise on these machines can be carried out at a slow walk right up to a fast sprint. The “incline” can also be set to provide a more challenging workout. The only caveat is that running or jogging is a very high-impact exercise and is not recommended for those with sore knees, hips or lower backs. A aerobic program for beginners. The first two weeks of your cardio exercise program should be….. Select whichever method suit you best and follow the guide below: Week 1Monday 15 minutesWednesday 15 minutesFriday 15 minutesWeek 2Monday 20 minutesWednesday 20 minutesFriday 20 minutes Enjoy you cardio exercise!

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Kevin Pola

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Dan Clay

Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer – Health – Fitness

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Obesity is a rising health problem today which not only makes people look unattractive but also disrupts the normal functioning of the body. Nowadays health issues have become a major concern for most people. A good way to lose weight is cardiovascular endurance exercises. Cardiovascular exercises which is also known as cardio workout and aerobic training offer a number of health benefits, but then they should be performed properly if you wish to reap the benefits. A personal trainer can immensely help you by chalking out a fitness program including different types of cardio vascular activities that suit your body type.

Many people, having failed to realize the importance of cardiovascular exercises, do not incorporate them in their fitness regimen. But these exercises not just help to burn calories; they also strengthen important organs like the heart and the lungs. That is the reason why most personal trainers incorporate cardiovascular activity in the fitness schedule of their clients. For total fitness experience cardiovascular exercises are a must. Do not overlook the importance of these exercises if you want the wellbeing of the most important organ of your body, i.e. your heart.

Hiring a personal trainer can be of great benefit for he would chalk out a fitness plan for you that would address your fitness goals. Strength training, weight training, cardiovascular training all are important but only a personal trainer can suggest you the ratio in which these exercises should be incorporated in your workout schedule. A good cardiovascular workout will yield positive results for sure, but then it is also important to perform the exercises in the correct way. Cardiovascular workouts consist of different forms and your trainer will be able to determine the type of cardio exercises that would suit your body the most.

Nowadays the practice of hiring personal trainers has become quite popular and this is because of the great health benefits that these fitness experts bring in for their clients. They work on a one to one basis which enables you to enjoy greater care and better service. The trainer would ensure your safety during the training sessions and will assess your improvement after every specific interval. Cardiovascular exercises are extremely important if you wish to stay healthy and fit, but seeking the guidance of a trainer before planning your cardio workouts is equally important.

As has been stated before the cardio workouts consist of different forms ranging from light to heavy exercises – all meant to increase the work load of your heart. As a result, the risk of being affected by heart problems is greatly reduced. Weight loss and a toned body are some other benefits of cardio exercises.

The cardiovascular exercises if performed on a regular basis can solve many health problems. But though these exercises look quite simple and do not involve any equipment they should be performed only with the guidance of a personal trainer. Only a trainer can suggest you the cardio workouts that would be work best for your body. He would demonstrate the cardiovascular exercises to make it sure that you are performing the exercises in the correct form. Assessing your improvement he would even change your workout regimen from time to time. So be prudent and improve your cardiovascular endurance level with the aid of a trainer.

About the Author

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

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Dan Clay

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Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Get your heart rate up and increase time of treadmill workout. Learn how to improve cardio endurance in this exercise video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Cardiovascular And Circuit Training

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a healthy cardiovascular related training routine. Many peoples workout regimen only involves a routine of lifting weights a few days a week. While weight training is necessary and extremely beneficial, ignoring cardiovascular training can affect your heart and general health. The term cardiovascular can be defined as the bodys ability and efficiency to get blood and oxygen to the muscles.

The amount of time spent on cardiovascular exercises will vary according to your specific goals. For an individual attempting to further their heart health, without specifically gaining or losing weight, a general guideline would be to perform cardio a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Gaining and losing weight involves a different approach to doing cardio. If you are a hard gainer attempting to gain a desired amount of weight, you probably do not want to do a large amount of cardio. Incorporating light cardio work twice a week, for about 20 minutes a session, would never hurt anyone though. If you do wish to gain weight and incorporate a serious cardio routine, increase your calories consumed per day, or see our circuit training section.

Losing weight takes a different approach to cardio. In addition to eating below your maintenance calorie level, taking part in cardio 3-5 times per week, at about 20-40 minutes per session should be adequate for fat loss. For those who have never done any form of cardiovascular training, or are just out of shape, 3 times a week at 20 minutes per session would be a good starting point. For those in poor shape, low intensity cardio exercises such as walking should be done in the beginning stages. Those in decent cardiovascular shape could do exercises at a higher level of intensity. Fat loss remains the main reason people take part in cardiovascular training. However, this belief does not totally justify the true advantages of cardio since anyone can reap the benefits.

Finding your target heart rate is important for the length of time spent on each session and the intensity that you are completing the work. Finding your target heart rate can be explained in the link at the bottom of this page. The two types of exercises that involve mainly your cardiovascular system include aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic work is done where your body is using oxygen as fuel. Anaerobic work is done where your body does the work without oxygen as fuel. Both types of exercises are vital to a successful training regimen.
Examples of aerobic exercises include: Walking, running, swimming, and cycling.
Examples of anaerobic exercises include: Weightlifting, sprints, hill climbing, and jumping rope.

Circuit training is a type of interval training program which combines components of both strength training and cardiovascular training. It is often a set up of stations or circuits which individuals will complete before moving onto the next. Within each circuit participants will perform exercises for a specific count or a specific time period before they venture to the next station. The goal of circuit training is to increase strength and agility at the same time as increasing fitness. Some studies have even found that circuit training is the most efficient way to enhance cardiovascular training and muscle endurance.

There are many advantages to opting to take part in a circuit training regimen as opposed to a weight training or cardiovascular routine in addition to combining the benefits of both into one schedule. Circuit training can easily be assembled to include a full body workout. A circuit training routine does not require expensive gym equipment, a gym membership, or any traveling to find facilities to fit your needs. The small groups that typically are a part of circuit training routines assist beginners by allowing them to more easily be paired with advanced and experienced people to learn the basics.
Circuit training also allows for the routine to take place at any venue and can be customized for any person or athlete of any age, gender, or physical ability.
The goal of circuit training is to force individuals to display their maximal physical effort at the same time of achieving your maximal target heart rate. You should not rest in between exercises. Each exercise should burn out the targeted muscle groups as well as increase your heart rate to fat and sugar burning zones. Lean muscle gains along with simultaneous fat losses are highly possible from adopting a circuit training program.

When constructing a circuit training routine you should remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand-held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different sprinting, strength gaining, and jogging exercises intertwined. See some circuit training examples below to get an idea of how to construct your very own customized program. Good luck and happy training!

My name is Brian Cliver. I am 27 years old and live in New York City. I am a fitness enthusiast. I love working out and eating right. In my spare time I also enjoy extreme sports, traveling, and reading. I have been into designing websites since 1999 and consider it a passion of mine.

Fitness General

Video Rating: 5 / 5

What is cardiovascular exercise

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Starlightoko

All it amounts to is exercises that involve the large muscles like legs and help make your heart and lungs stronger. Your ‘target heart rates zone’ is a range of that is considered to be the best rate to be in to give your heart a good workout. One way measure the amount of exertion while exercising is by monitoring your heart rate. This range is between 50% and 85% of your maximum heart beat Everyone also has a maximum heart rate, which the maximum amount of times your heart can beat in a minute. Everyone has a resting heart rate, which is just what it sounds like – the rate your heart beats per minute while you are resting. You can measure your heart rate manually or with a heart rate monitor. Some people refer to Cardiovascular exercise as aerobic exercise, some people even call it ‘cardio’ for short. Cardiovascular exercise is activity involving the large muscles, such as your legs. The word ‘aerobic’ refers to something that needs oxygen. it is the number of times your heart beats per minute. I prefer using a heart rate monitor, but more about that later. To give your heart a proper workout you need to make sure that you do your cardiovacular exercise with a certain amount of intensity, but you don’t want to overdo it. Outside of exercise, terms like ‘aerobic bacteria’ refer to bacteria that need oxygen to survive, and ‘anaerobic bacteria’ are ones that do not need oxygen to stay alive. Cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, and also it can burn lots of calories – for those of you who want to lose weight. During cardiovascular or aerobic exercise oxygen gets continuously delivered to your muscles.

Your maximum heart beat can be determined by a doctor, or you can use a formula to calculate a rough estimate. The most common way to calculate it is the following:

For women:226 – (your age) = your maximum heart rate

For men:220 – (your age) = your maximum heart beat For example, if you are a 32 year old woman: substract 32 from 226

226 – 32 = 194

Then take that number and multiply it by .5, to get your lower end of your target zone. And then multiply that same number by .85 to get the upper end of your zone. For example:

194 x .5 = 97


194 x .85 = 164.9

So, for a 32 year old woman an estimate of her maximum heart beat is 194. And her ‘target rate zone’ is between 97 and 164.9 heart beats per minute.

Other methods exist for calculating your maximum and target zone heart sounds, including using a heart sounds monitor and the Karvonen method.

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Keys To Successful Cardiovascular Training

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Doing cardio just for the sake of doing cardio is a plan for failure. Without a clear goal, it’s going to be tough to know where you are, and if you’re progressing. Many people – both bodybuilders and the untrained – begin their cardiovascular training with a very unclear path in front of them. They know they want to lose some of the fat on their body, but other than that, it’s hard for them to quantify where they’d like to be, or even where they currently are.

You can avoid this pitfall by taking measurements of your waistline with a tape measure, and having a body fat percentage analysis completed at your local gym or fitness center. Then you’ll be able to set realistic fitness goals for your cardio. Realistically, a man should want to get down to 7 or 8% body fat, and a woman should aim for 9 to 12% body fat. Take a test every 2 to 4 weeks to measure your progress, but no more frequently than that. Otherwise, the daily fluctuations may cause premature feelings of success or failure.

Mix it up
Variety is the spice of life. While it may make for easy planning to write “30 minutes elliptical machine” on your morning to-do list, actually following through with this repetitive and tedious task may not be nearly as easy. However, if you plan out a variety of activities for cardio, you’ll be much more likely to quit out of boredom.

Train early
Cardio training should be completed immediately after you awake in the morning, on an empty stomach. Wake up, stretch out, urinate, grab an ice cold bottled water, turn on the television (the news or sports works great) and complete your cardio training before you consume a single calorie. This will ensure the energy being spent comes from fat stores in your body, not carbohydrates in your bloodstream.

Granted, this isn’t always the rule. If you enjoy a nice cheat meal with a loved one and seriously feel like you need to knock out a nice 30-minute walk after dinner, then by all means, put on your walking shoes and get out there. Rather than limiting yourself to only early-morning cardio, make it your focus but allow for the introduction of cardio later in the day when applicable and necessary.

Stack it up
In addition to the cardio, make adjustments to your diet and supplement regimen as well. Use a fat-burner such as ECA (ephedrine, caffeine & aspirin stack) to speed up the fat-burning effect in your body. Lower the amount of simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates in your diet, and you’ll notice the cardio working even faster than you could have imagined!

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics.

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Cardio Twister – Best Cardiovascular Fitness

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Arms, back, shoulders, abs, obliques and 20 more core muscles!
  • Cardio Twister combines bi-directional up & down + in & out stepping that firms tour entire core.
  • Increasing muscle mass, strength, endurance and energy
  • Improve your self-image!

Product Description
Cardio Twister the machine that combines aerobic and twists exercise!
Arms, back, shoulders, abs, obliques and 20 more core muscles!! The cardio twister makes them all workout more than any other machine!
Why? Cardio Twister combines bi-directional up & down + in & out stepping that firms tour entire core.
You adjusted your own speed? Your own resistance?? Now grab the rotating handle bars… Step on the roomy foot pads… and twist!!

Nothing is eas… More >>

Cardio Twister – Best Cardiovascular Fitness

Cardiovascular And Circuit Training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a healthy cardiovascular related training routine. Many peoples workout regimen only involves a routine of lifting weights a few days a week. While weight training is necessary and extremely beneficial, ignoring cardiovascular training can affect your heart and general health. The term cardiovascular can be defined as the bodys ability and efficiency to get blood and oxygen to the muscles.

The amount of time spent on cardiovascular exercises will vary according to your specific goals. For an individual attempting to further their heart health, without specifically gaining or losing weight, a general guideline would be to perform cardio a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Gaining and losing weight involves a different approach to doing cardio. If you are a hard gainer attempting to gain a desired amount of weight, you probably do not want to do a large amount of cardio. Incorporating light cardio work twice a week, for about 20 minutes a session, would never hurt anyone though. If you do wish to gain weight and incorporate a serious cardio routine, increase your calories consumed per day, or see our circuit training section.

Losing weight takes a different approach to cardio. In addition to eating below your maintenance calorie level, taking part in cardio 3-5 times per week, at about 20-40 minutes per session should be adequate for fat loss. For those who have never done any form of cardiovascular training, or are just out of shape, 3 times a week at 20 minutes per session would be a good starting point. For those in poor shape, low intensity cardio exercises such as walking should be done in the beginning stages. Those in decent cardiovascular shape could do exercises at a higher level of intensity. Fat loss remains the main reason people take part in cardiovascular training. However, this belief does not totally justify the true advantages of cardio since anyone can reap the benefits.

Finding your target heart rate is important for the length of time spent on each session and the intensity that you are completing the work. Finding your target heart rate can be explained in the link at the bottom of this page. The two types of exercises that involve mainly your cardiovascular system include aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic work is done where your body is using oxygen as fuel. Anaerobic work is done where your body does the work without oxygen as fuel. Both types of exercises are vital to a successful training regimen.
Examples of aerobic exercises include: Walking, running, swimming, and cycling.
Examples of anaerobic exercises include: Weightlifting, sprints, hill climbing, and jumping rope.

Circuit training is a type of interval training program which combines components of both strength training and cardiovascular training. It is often a set up of stations or circuits which individuals will complete before moving onto the next. Within each circuit participants will perform exercises for a specific count or a specific time period before they venture to the next station. The goal of circuit training is to increase strength and agility at the same time as increasing fitness. Some studies have even found that circuit training is the most efficient way to enhance cardiovascular training and muscle endurance.

There are many advantages to opting to take part in a circuit training regimen as opposed to a weight training or cardiovascular routine in addition to combining the benefits of both into one schedule. Circuit training can easily be assembled to include a full body workout. A circuit training routine does not require expensive gym equipment, a gym membership, or any traveling to find facilities to fit your needs. The small groups that typically are a part of circuit training routines assist beginners by allowing them to more easily be paired with advanced and experienced people to learn the basics.
Circuit training also allows for the routine to take place at any venue and can be customized for any person or athlete of any age, gender, or physical ability.
The goal of circuit training is to force individuals to display their maximal physical effort at the same time of achieving your maximal target heart rate. You should not rest in between exercises. Each exercise should burn out the targeted muscle groups as well as increase your heart rate to fat and sugar burning zones. Lean muscle gains along with simultaneous fat losses are highly possible from adopting a circuit training program.

When constructing a circuit training routine you should remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand-held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different sprinting, strength gaining, and jogging exercises intertwined. See some circuit training examples below to get an idea of how to construct your very own customized program. Good luck and happy training!

My name is Brian Cliver. I am 27 years old and live in New York City. I am a fitness enthusiast. I love working out and eating right. In my spare time I also enjoy extreme sports, traveling, and reading. I have been into designing websites since 1999 and consider it a passion of mine.

Fitness General

Cardiovascular Research – Free-Form Amino Acids, 50 g powder

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Amino Acid Supplement

  • Serving Size – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Does Not Contain: Phenylalanine or trytophan.

Product Description
Ecological Formulas / Cardiovascular Research – Free-Form Amino Acids, 50 g powder… More >>

Cardiovascular Research – Free-Form Amino Acids, 50 g powder

Cardiovascular and Circuit Training

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Brian Cliver

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a healthy cardiovascular related training routine. Many people’s workout regimen only involves a routine of lifting weights a few days a week. While weight training is necessary and extremely beneficial, ignoring cardiovascular training can affect your heart and general health. The term cardiovascular can be defined as the body’s ability and efficiency to get blood and oxygen to the muscles.

The amount of time spent on cardiovascular exercises will vary according to your specific goals. For an individual attempting to further their heart health, without specifically gaining or losing weight, a general guideline would be to perform cardio a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Gaining and losing weight involves a different approach to doing cardio. If you are a hard gainer attempting to gain a desired amount of weight, you probably do not want to do a large amount of cardio. Incorporating light cardio work twice a week, for about 20 minutes a session, would never hurt anyone though. If you do wish to gain weight and incorporate a serious cardio routine, increase your calories consumed per day, or see our circuit training section.

Losing weight takes a different approach to cardio. In addition to eating below your maintenance calorie level, taking part in cardio 3-5 times per week, at about 20-40 minutes per session should be adequate for fat loss. For those who have never done any form of cardiovascular training, or are just out of shape, 3 times a week at 20 minutes per session would be a good starting point. For those in poor shape, low intensity cardio exercises such as walking should be done in the beginning stages. Those in decent cardiovascular shape could do exercises at a higher level of intensity. Fat loss remains the main reason people take part in cardiovascular training. However, this belief does not totally justify the true advantages of cardio since anyone can reap the benefits.

Finding your target heart rate is important for the length of time spent on each session and the intensity that you are completing the work. Finding your target heart rate can be explained in the link at the bottom of this page. The two types of exercises that involve mainly your cardiovascular system include aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic work is done where your body is using oxygen as fuel. Anaerobic work is done where your body does the work without oxygen as fuel. Both types of exercises are vital to a successful training regimen.Examples of aerobic exercises include: Walking, running, swimming, and cycling.Examples of anaerobic exercises include: Weightlifting, sprints, hill climbing, and jumping rope.

Circuit training is a type of interval training program which combines components of both strength training and cardiovascular training. It is often a set up of stations or ‘circuits’ which individuals will complete before moving onto the next. Within each circuit participants will perform exercises for a specific count or a specific time period before they venture to the next station. The goal of circuit training is to increase strength and agility at the same time as increasing fitness. Some studies have even found that circuit training is the most efficient way to enhance cardiovascular training and muscle endurance.

There are many advantages to opting to take part in a circuit training regimen as opposed to a weight training or cardiovascular routine in addition to combining the benefits of both into one schedule. Circuit training can easily be assembled to include a full body workout. A circuit training routine does not require expensive gym equipment, a gym membership, or any traveling to find facilities to fit your needs. The small groups that typically are a part of circuit training routines assist beginners by allowing them to more easily be paired with advanced and experienced people to learn the basics. Circuit training also allows for the routine to take place at any venue and can be customized for any person or athlete of any age, gender, or physical ability.The goal of circuit training is to force individuals to display their maximal physical effort at the same time of achieving your maximal target heart rate. You should not rest in between exercises. Each exercise should burn out the targeted muscle groups as well as increase your heart rate to fat and sugar burning zones. Lean muscle gains along with simultaneous fat losses are highly possible from adopting a circuit training program.

When constructing a circuit training routine you should remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand-held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different sprinting, strength gaining, and jogging exercises intertwined. See some circuit training examples below to get an idea of how to construct your very own customized program. Good luck and happy training!

Fitness General

My name is Brian Cliver. I am 27 years old and live in New York City. I am a fitness enthusiast. I love working out and eating right. In my spare time I also enjoy extreme sports, traveling, and reading. I have been into designing websites since 1999 and consider it a passion of mine.

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