Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen With Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Avi Marents

Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen With Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups – Other

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When compared to traditional squats and pushups, Hindu squats and Hindu pushups are unique variations on these well-known bodyweight exercises. Bethaks (Hindu squats) and dands (Hindu pushups) have been in common use among Indian wrestlers for several decades now. These exercises have begun to appear in the West, and my first encounter with them was in Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey. Some believe the products offered by Furey to be “over-hyped,” however, due to his experience as a former Kung Fu and wrestling champion, he has a lot of experience with strength-training and endurance.

Furey states that the bethaks and dands will help you build your strength, endurance, power and speed though I find that they are better as a single component in a standard calisthenics program. In order to get the most out of these exercises, high repetitions should be completed. I’m always up for a new challenge, particularly one like the Hindu squats and Hindu pushups that will increase your cardiovascular performance and force your muscles to work in a new and unexpected way; I wouldn’t suggest replacing your low rep weight training program with these, however, because your heavy weights are still the best way to increase your strength.

Hindu squats work much like traditional squats, focusing the work on your calves, hamstrings and quads, as well as working your lower back and hips as you improve your lung capacity during each exercise. To perform a Hindu squat, you stand with your hands pulled into your chest. You will then extend your hands toward the floor behind you as you lower down into the squat. Rise up on your toes as you near the bottom region of your squat. Then, as you extend your arms in front of you, propel your body upward at the same time. Bring your hands in toward your chest and begin a second rep.

The key to Hindu squats is that motion should be fluid. Breathing correctly is one of the hardest parts to adapt to. For example, breathing is completed opposite to what you would do in a traditional squat, and you should instead inhale as you stand up and exhale as you descend down toward the floor. One of the toughest cardiovascular workouts you’ll ever try will be to perform several Hindu squats without stopping. Matt Furey claims to have done 2,000 straight, a mere drop in the bucket compared to his mentor Karl Gotch who was able to do 9,000 such squats over 4 1/2 hours; for the rest of us, a set of 100 reps is a fair goal.

A Hindu pushup is similar to the traditional pushup but with an additional arched back motion. The arching movement helps to bring the back and hips into the exercise in addition to the involvement of the arms and shoulders. To begin performing your first Hindu pushup you need to get your body into the traditional pushup position. However, spread your legs wide and stick your butt in the air. Your arms should now be fully extended. To perform one rep, bend your elbows and lower your hips, pushing through until your arms are straight once again. You should be facing forward and your hips should be as close to the floor as possible throughout the exercise. Then, move back into the start position, while still keeping your arms straight. As with the Hindu squats, your Hindu pushups should be done in a very fluid motion.

Hindu pushups are similar to dive bomber pushups with a subtle difference. During a dive bomber pushup, you bend your arms twice – once on the way down and once on the way back up. Dive bomber pushups give more of a workout to the arms, however they reduce the benefits that the Hindu pushups give to the back and shoulder regions.

If you want to raise your endurance levels and increase your cardiovascular health, then Hindu squats and Hindu pushups can really help; if, on the other hand, you want to tighten your muscles or increase your max lifts, then you probably need to try something else. After you get over the strangeness of doing these traditional exercises in such an unique and different way, you will be able to get the rhythm down pat and increase your speed in order to get an even better cardio workout. A regimen of Hindu squats and Hindu pushups will definitely help fortify your stamina and flexibility.

About the Author

About me: Dave provides no-nonsense “best of the best” dieting and exercise ideas to lose weight as well as build toned, defined muscle with out spending too much time in the work out center. There is no point in using a bodybuilder program to secure a fitness model appearance. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about fitness tips and get a low fat, athletic look in no time.

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Avi Marents

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About me: Dave provides no-nonsense “best of the best” dieting and exercise ideas to lose weight as well as build toned, defined muscle with out spending too much time in the work out center. There is no point in using a bodybuilder program to secure a fitness model appearance. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about fitness tips and get a low fat, athletic look in no time.

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Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen with Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups

August 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by David Martinez

Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen with Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups – Other

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When compared to traditional squats and pushups, Hindu squats and Hindu pushups are unique variations on these well-known bodyweight exercises. Bethaks (Hindu squats) and dands (Hindu pushups) have been in common use among Indian wrestlers for several decades now. These exercises have begun to appear in the West, and my first encounter with them was in Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey. Some believe the products offered by Furey to be “over-hyped,” however, due to his experience as a former Kung Fu and wrestling champion, he has a lot of experience with strength-training and endurance.

Furey states that the bethaks and dands will help you build your strength, endurance, power and speed though I find that they are better as a single component in a standard calisthenics program. In order to get the most out of these exercises, high repetitions should be completed. I’m always up for a new challenge, particularly one like the Hindu squats and Hindu pushups that will increase your cardiovascular performance and force your muscles to work in a new and unexpected way; I wouldn’t suggest replacing your low rep weight training program with these, however, because your heavy weights are still the best way to increase your strength.

A well-executed Hindu squat works the same muscles as the traditional squat, namely the calves, quads and hamstrings, as well as your lungs, hips and lower back. To perform a Hindu squat, you stand with your hands pulled into your chest. You will then extend your hands toward the floor behind you as you lower down into the squat. Rise up on your toes as you near the bottom region of your squat. Then, as you extend your arms in front of you, propel your body upward at the same time. Bring your hands in toward your chest and begin a second rep.

The key to Hindu squats is that motion should be fluid. Breathing correctly is one of the hardest parts to adapt to. For example, breathing is completed opposite to what you would do in a traditional squat, and you should instead inhale as you stand up and exhale as you descend down toward the floor. One of the toughest cardiovascular workouts you’ll ever try will be to perform several Hindu squats without stopping. Matt Furey claims to have done 2,000 straight, a mere drop in the bucket compared to his mentor Karl Gotch who was able to do 9,000 such squats over 4 1/2 hours; for the rest of us, a set of 100 reps is a fair goal.

A Hindu pushup is similar to the traditional pushup but with an additional arched back motion. So not only do you work the arm and shoulder muscles, you also use the hips and back. To begin performing your first Hindu pushup you need to get your body into the traditional pushup position. However, in this case, you need to stick your butt up in the air and spread your legs far apart. Your arms should now be fully extended. To perform one rep, bend your elbows and lower your hips, pushing through until your arms are straight once again. You should still be facing forward, with your hips just a few inches from the floor. Then, move back into the start position, while still keeping your arms straight. As with the Hindu squats, your Hindu pushups should be done in a very fluid motion.

Hindu pushups are similar to dive bomber pushups with a subtle difference. During a dive bomber pushup, you bend your arms twice – once on the way down and once on the way back up. Dive bomber pushups give more of a workout to the arms, however they reduce the benefits that the Hindu pushups give to the back and shoulder regions.

While Hindu squats and Hindu pushups won’t necessarily make your muscles tighter or increase your max lifts, they will undoubtedly increase your endurance and cardiovascular conditioning. After you get over the strangeness of doing these traditional exercises in such an unique and different way, you will be able to get the rhythm down pat and increase your speed in order to get an even better cardio workout. A regimen of Hindu squats and Hindu pushups will definitely help fortify your stamina and flexibility.

About the Author

In case you’d like to find out more about fitness tips, come take a look at my website where I have diet and exercise techniques to allow you to get in shape and obtain a lean look. Start getting in great condition immediately!

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David Martinez

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In case you’d like to find out more about fitness tips, come take a look at my website where I have diet and exercise techniques to allow you to get in shape and obtain a lean look. Start getting in great condition immediately!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

The Dive Bomber Push-up is an advanced push-up exercise that targets chest, arms, abdominals, back and legs. It is a whole body workout in one exercise. Use this fitness drill to double your strength, stamina and flexibility in 30 days! HOOAH! *Assumes no association with the US ARMY or the Department of Defense.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

It Is a Changing World for Those Running a Dollar Store

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Bob Hamilton

It Is a Changing World for Those Running a Dollar Store – Business – Small Business

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Let’s face it, the world for those running a dollar store has drastically changed over the past years. There was a time when a tiny retail store could provide profits which were adequate to support an owner/manager. Now that just is not a realist expectation in the dollar business. In fact not only has the need for a bit larger store become a requirement for success, but even the format of a 99¢ or $ 1 store has started to move closer to the same path as was followed by the dinosaur.

So exactly what does the future hold for dollar stores? Read on for some of the potential hurdles those operating a dollar store will likely face sometime in the future:

• More and more cost pressurePrices on almost everything are creeping higher for those running a dollar store. In fact the pressure on profits is growing so strong that more and more store owners are exploring how to move from a retail price of 99¢ or $ 1 only concept to dollar plus to allow them to continue their business operation. This cap is especially difficult to deal with when the wholesale cost of virtually all the hottest selling items are approaching ever-closer to full retail. Obviously you cannot make a profit if your wholesale price is as much as you are selling those same items for.

• Tougher competitionThere are some extremely successful dollar store companies in the market place. They know the dollar discount business well, do a great job of managing their business, and in some cases they have established aggressive growth programs. Add to that the number of other retailers who are doing everything possible to compete for the dollar discount shopper and those operating a dollar store must step up their own performance to succeed.

• Bigger storesIt is shocking to see the size stores have grown to. Where once a profitable small family run store was easy to open and operate, things are changing. Now massive stores are becoming more and more common. In fact some shoppers make this an important factor they consider when examining your business versus other shopping options. Fair or not, their decision about returning to your store hinges in-part on just how big your store is. After all, a bigger store obviously offers the shopper a greater selection of products!

• Ever-wider variety of productsThese massive stores offer a gigantic number of different products, all in huge quantities. Careful consideration must be made to offer a broad assortment of the most in-demand consumables as well as other popular items. It takes room to accomplish this task. So once again, bigger stores can be better positioned win when the selection of merchandise offered is considered by shoppers.

Those running a dollar store must be fully aware of the market place and specifically the competition in the market place. The environment has changed, and continues to change. These changes are likely to continue as all who are running a dollar store whether it is a small single store or a massive chain seek the best ways to meet consumer demand while also generating a profit. While you don’t need a mega-store to succeed, you must develop and then successfully execute a plan to grow sales, cut costs and excel when compared to the competition.

About the Author

Are you interested in starting a dollar store? Visit and be ready to have your whole view of dollar stores changed forever.

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Bob Hamilton

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Are you interested in starting a dollar store? Visit and be ready to have your whole view of dollar stores changed forever.

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Effective Lower Back Strengthening Exercises Changing Lives of Sufferers

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jason Ellis

Lower back pain is a serious health problem facing by millions of sufferers all over the globe. Some of the primary causes of lower back pain are inappropriate weight lifting, consistent sitting in front of TV and computer, lack of proper back exercises as well as abdomen and back muscles injuries. The report from The American Academy of Neurology states that effective lower back strengthening exercises is the only way to speedily recover from lower back pain and to strengthen abdominal and back muscles naturally. The following are some of the effective lower back workouts that can provide quick back pain recovery to the sufferer.

Affective lower back strengthening exercises

1) Back hyper-extensions exercise – Lie down on the stomach on the ground in order to perform back hyper-extensions exercise. When a person stretches out on the floor, it is important to keep legs straight. Now place both hands behind the head and raise chest along with shoulders in the back direction which helps to loosen up the lower back. Stay in this position for few seconds and repeat it again for few times every day.

2) Pelvic lift exercise – Pelvic lift exercise is yet another effective lower back strengthening exercise that can be performed easily at the home. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the back while keeping both legs bent and feet being parallel to the ground. Now cross both hands across the chest as well as firm up the abdomen in order to create pressure on the lower back. Now start raising hips from the ground in the upper direction and make sure that the knees form a direct line with the shoulders. Stay in this position for about 10-12 seconds and get back to the original position slowly. A back pain sufferer can repeat this exercise for about 10-12 times in a day.

3) Wall squats exercise – Wall squats exercise is very efficient and proven to provide back pain relief in few days. This exercise consists of standing approx. 10-12 inches away from the wall with back facing the wall. Then start to go backwards and slowly rest the back on the wall. Now begin bending down the legs and start contracting the abdominal muscles. This would help pressing down the arch of lower back into the wall. Keep bending down the knees until thighs become parallel to the ground. Now stay in the same position for at least 5-10 seconds and then slowly get back to the original position. One can repeat this exercise for at least 10-12 times every day.

4) Hip bridge exercise – Hip bridge exercise helps the person to counteract the effects of sitting in a chair for longer timer period. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the floor with the back facing the ground. Bend the knees and keep feet parallel to the ground. Now start to raise the hips and at the same time squeeze down the buttocks. Make sure that the knees are in line with the shoulders and remain in this position for few seconds. Get back to the original position slowly and repeat the whole procedure for at least 10-12 times every single day.

Lower back strengthening exercises are key to eliminating lower back pain. So, don’t ignore putting lower back exercises into your workout routine. You won’t regret doing it.