The Top 5 Best Chest Exercises
July 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Zero
The Top 5 Best Chest Exercises – Health – Fitness
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One of the basic and obvious ways of losing weight and building muscles is exercising. Exercising helps us in burning more calories, thus enabling us to lose weight in the process. It is also important to note that not all exercises are meant for losing weight and building muscle. There are certain exercises that are meant for building and strengthening muscles. There are some that are meant only for losing weight.
What exercise would best suite us then? Well it really depends on what your goal is and what part of the body you want to work on. Do you want to work on your chest muscles, your abs, triceps, biceps, and so on.
Whatever muscle in your body that you want to work on, exercising will be one of the key factors to get it done. Here’s a list of the 5 best exercises that will work your chest muscles.
1. Flat Bench Press – The flat bench press is one of the most known chest exercise. It is also one of the best because it works not only the muscles in your chest but also your biceps and shoulder muscles.2. Incline Bench Press Exercise – The incline bench press is a good chest exercise because it targets the chest muscles in a different angle. It then recruits more chest muscle fibers allowing you to effectively strengthen the muscles in your chest.3. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press – The flat bench dumbbell press is an effective chest exercise that helps build over-all mass and stimulates the entire chest muscle. Using two dumbbells also forces the body to use more stabilizer and assistor muscles.4. Incline Dumbbell Press – The incline dumbbell press is also an effective exercise for the chest. This exercise helps shift the focus of the angle in which your chest is being worked on thus enabling your chest to be fully worked on.5. Dips – Dips is an exercise used for strength training. It is an effective chest exercise that also works on the triceps and shoulders.
These are considered the five best exercises for working the chest muscles. These five exercises won’t necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you build and strengthen your chest muscles.
So it’s important to have a goal when exercising. Is your goal to lose weight, build muscle or both? This is a question that you must yourself ask first before you choose what exercise you want to do.
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My name Zero is I’m an internet marketer who enjoys doing research online.
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Chest Fat Reduction Surgery – Which Is The Best Chest Exercise
July 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The chest can be one of the most attractive organs in a man’s body. In a survey of women, over 80% of them stated that a man’s chest is one of the things which can make or break his sex appeal. A firm and flat chest with well developed pectoral muscles is the goal of many men, especially those who suffer from excessive chest fat. Over 30% of the entire male population suffer have too much chest fat which makes their chest looks rounded and puffy. This can gravely hurt a man’s sex life.
2 of the mainstream options to burn chest fat are chest fat reduction surgery and chest burning pills, but you can also reduce the amount of chest fat you have by performing spot-on focused chest strength exercises.
But which of these exercises should you invest the most of your time in? Which is the best chest fat losing weight exercise?
If you’re wondering how to lose chest fat, this list of chest exercises in order of effectiveness can come in handy: Chest Fat Reduction Surgery
1. Push Ups – The classic push-up exercise is a great way to reduce chest fat. It may not bulk you up like a gym workout, but it gets the chest flatter and firmer. Make sure to alternate between straight push-ups, push-ups with elevated feet, and elevated hands push-ups to get a full chest workout.
2. Dumbell chest press – The chest press is an excellent routine, though men with excessive chest fat need to make sure that they don’t bulk up because your initial goal is to reduce fat and not to build muscle which will sit on top of that fat. Do sets with many repetitions (15-20) and make sure to work with a straight, decline and incline angles.
3. Barbell chest press – The barbell chest press is similar to the dumbell chest press but I find it to be slightly less effective than with the dumbells. However, it is also an excellent exercise for losing chest fat.
4. The chest flies – The chest flies routine works the chest muscles differently than the chest press and push-up as it involves a cross over motion. Even though by itself it’s not as effective at burning chest fat as the others, I still recommend doing it as it completes the chest workout.
All of these chest exercises are great, and you should incorporate all of them into your routine. The push up is the most effective while the flies is the least. Chest Fat Reduction Surgery
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The Best Chest Exercises
July 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Chest exercises help to develop an area on your body that some might say is the most attractive body part. It signals vitality and health, and it just makes the owner of a well-developed chest feel better.
Although typically associated as a male exercise, exercises for your chest are equally important and beneficial for women. Although the exercises will not transform cup sizes, they will help you by lifting sagging chest and breast and enhancing your cleavage.
So to enjoy these benefits, you of course have to exercise that area. Although there are a countless number of exercises that you could perform, the following are some of the best chest exercises.
However, before going over these exercises, here are some tips on technique and form that will help you to get the most out of your workout.
Tips for Technique and Form
For each exercise, don’t arch your back, as this can lead to injury.
Always keep your back flat against the bench. Equally important, keep your feet planted firmly on the floor.
In addition to working your chest muscles, these exercises will also strengthen your wrist, which will grow stronger as you continue to lift. Just make sure when your are gripping the bar to keep your wrist straight.
For more strength and to avoid unnecessary strain, the bar should also rest on your palms.
As you perform each rep, make sure that the motions are smooth and even. With barbell exercises, there is a tendency to let the bar bounce off your chest. Don’t do it. Let the bar touch your chest and continue upward in a smooth motion.
Best Chest Exercises
Flat Bench Press The flat bench exercise is the standard of chest exercises.
To perform it, lay on the bench with your grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Make sure to keep your elbows in. Repetitions: 8-10
Incline Bench Press The incline bench chest exercise is performed with the bench angled upward and is designed to work your upper chest or pecs. Because of the angle, you can’t lift as much as with the bench press, so don’t try. Also, as a second reminder, since many lifters tend to do this with this exercise, do not arch your back. Repetitions: 8-10
Decline Bench Press For the decline bench exercise, the bench is angled downward and is designed to work the lower chest. You can use either the barbell or dumbbells to perform this exercise. It you are just beginning, start with the dumbbells. This will help you to become accustomed to the position and the motion of the exercise. Repetitions: 8-10
Dumbbell Flyes Designed as a inner chest exercise, dumbbell flyes are performed lying on a flat bench. Holding your arms out and your elbows slightly bent, perform a flying motion. When lowering the dumbbells, do not go pass the level of the bench, as this will help to avoid overextension injury. Repetitions: 10-12
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In order to build a toned, powerful chest you need to do more than just bench presses, push-ups and other standard chest exercises. This book is packed with 53 new and unique chest exercises that will help you increase your strength and develop a more complete physique. Each exercise is explained with full descriptions, detailed instructions and pictures so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing every step of the way.
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Military Press With Exercise Bands – Chest Workout
June 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Military press can be a very challenging exercise and can be performed with exercise bands. A set of resistance bands can be a great home gym system and can get help you perform any kind of workout. In this article we’ll discuss how to perform shoulder press with exercise bands.
1. So the first step is to grab your band by the handle, each in one hand. Then step on it in the middle, your feet should be shoulder width apart.
2. Move the handles up next to your head. Your elbows should be bent and form a 90 degree angle, and upper arms should be parallel to the floor (which mean they also form a 90 degree angle with your body). This is the starting position.
3. Press the handles overhead and get back to the starting position. It is important you perform this exercise with proper form. You should always control the tension in the negative movement. You don’t want to release all the tension, you could hurt. Control the movement so you lock your elbow and arms at the starting point. That’s one rep.
Repeat the exercise for 12 reps to make one set. If this is too easy for you, maybe your exercise band tension is too light and you may go for a heavier one. Many exercise bands manufacturers have light, medium, heavy and very heavy resistance bands so you can progress and build muscle. You may even be able to clip several bands together to get even more tension.
The military press, or overhead press exercise is just one of the many shoulders exercises you can perform with exercise bands. You can really get an awesome and intense workout for any muscle with these. Plus you can achieve fat loss as well as muscle gain by following the same fitness principles required for each of these goals.
Here’s a full body workout with 10 resistance bands exercises.
You can also read exercise bands reviews if you’re not sure about which resistance bands to get (Bodylastics is great).
Find More Chest Workout Exercises Articles
Eliminate Chest Fat
June 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
It is natural for guys to be attracted to women with a huge rack. Who wouldn’t be, considering that women with voluptuous curves are a turn-on for guys? Yes, boobs are for the ladies but it?s an entirely different story when a guy is sporting a huge rack of his own. It is totally uncool for a guy to have flabby man boobs instead of hard and well-defined pecs. If you have that unsightly man boobs, then it is time to get rid of chest fat.
Interestingly though, there are actually famous man who do not give a damn about their male chest fat situation. American Idol judge Simon Cowell, for example, has been comfortable showing off his man boobs in public. If you do not care about the same thing, then by all means keep up the good work and stay happy. On the other hand, if you are literally suffering from man boobs or male chest fat, then it is time to keep on reading and learn the ways of removing chest fat.
So you need to eliminate chest fat.
In actuality, it is a pretty challenging route to take. You have to know that chest fat is one of the most stubborn areas to tone but rest assured that it is not impossible to get rid of. Though it does entail a lot of discipline and patience from you to do the right things in order to get the results that you are aiming for and finally be free from this nasty concern.
Changing your lifestyle is one of the first things that you need to do to get rid of chest fat. At the top of your list should be avoiding alcohol intake like a plague. Alcohol decreases the body?s ability to burn off fat . That single reason is enough to convince you to stay away from it. The time has come for you to say No to your beer buddies and focus on more important things such as healthy diet and regular exercise.
Speaking of diet, it is important that you eat foods that are healthy and fat-burning.
Clean up your food cabinets and discard foods that are unhealthy. Avoid foods that have high glycemic index such as French Fries and white bread. Moreover, it is also crucial that you stay away from foods that are just simple carbs or with very high sugar content. If you are seriously trying to get rid of chest fat, then this should be your initial step.
Your next step is to adopt a regular physical activity. It also necessary that for you to get rid of chest fat, you need to start working out your chest muscles. A good initial plan is to increase your body?s metabolism so choose an exercise regimen that works different muscles of your body. After that, you can now put more focus on your pectoral muscles so that they will become hard, tight, and firm and those nasty boobs will be gone forever.
A healthy eating habit and a regular chest exercise will help you get rid of chest fat fast and safely. Results from all your hard work will be visible in a month?s time and further improvement will be noticed in two to three months.
Dennis Gates
Fast Fat Loss Diet
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Longer Erections The 5 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
June 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by edenglaubke
Longer Erections The 5 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders – Relationships – Sexuality
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There is only one way to actually get larger for life and that is with a century old practice known as hand exercises. Men have been doing these in Africa and Asia for centuries to get lager and they die laughing when they hear that men in the west actually buy penis pills and pumps thinking that they will work. Find out what these men don’t want you to know about.
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95% of guys would like to have a bigger penis and that is totally normal and understandable. The bigger a guys penis is the more confident he is and confidence is very important for women. But the vast majority of men who really really want to increase their penis size are very sceptical. They don’t want to be scammed and to get ripped of. So are there any real powerful penis male enlargement techniques that work?
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Ways To Prolong Ejaculation Making Your Penis 3′ – 4′ Bigger – Are You Man Enough To Learn This Natural Penis Male Enlargement Trick?
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Men’s Fitness has developed a two day 6 weeks workout that will hit your chest angles and challenge your muscles to grow. What I like about this routine is the utilization of different exercises with and without weight. This keeps the routine fresh and challenging. Try the routine for yourself and let me know what you think. Get more information @ Get your free workout sheet http
How To Do Chest Exercises At Home
June 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by James Stokes
How To Do Chest Exercises At Home – Health – Fitness
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If you want to know how to do chest exercises at home, without the hassle and cost of going to the gym, you have come to the right place. The exercise I am about to describe is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build up your chest muscles. It takes only a few minutes, depending on how many times you choose to do each excercise, and all you need is space on the floor to do pushups.
This is a high-intensity workout involving doing 60 pushups. One circuit of this workout should take only a few minutes. Essentially you should do 10 types of one pushup, pause to rest for 10 seconds, then 10 of the next type of pushup. To optimize your pushup, place your hands and feet on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. I will now describe the types of pushup;
Exercise 1: After each pushup, push yourself up from the floor with your hands. I call this the ‘jump pushup’.
Exercise 2: After each pushup bring one hand to your side (Note: your legs must be wide enough on the floor to enable you to balance on one hand). Alternate hands with each pushup.
Exercise 3: Begin the pushup with one hand positioned above your shoulders, and one below. After each pushup, push yourself from the floor and switch the position of each hand, so the hand that was above your shoulders is now below, and vice versa.
Exercise 4: After each pushup, rotate your torso and reach with one arm towards the ceiling. Alternate arms with each pushup.
Exercise 5: After each pushup, lift one hand and place it over the other, then back to its original position. Alternate hands with each pushup.
Exercise 6: This is called a ‘Hindu pushup’. You may want to look this up on YouTube for a demonstration, as it is a little difficult to describe. Start the pushup bent at the waist in an upside-down V shape. Go towards the floor in the pushup, slide forward and then push yourself up. Once in this position, bow your head to the floor, then push yourself back into the original upside-down V position. This is quite a strenuous exercise, but make sure that you complete 10 repetitions, even if you have to take breaks in between.
So now you know how to do chest exercises at home, get started! If you keep to this quick and simple routine once every one or two days, you could and should notice results in a matter of days. When starting out you may only be able to do one set of 60 pushups, but your ability will increase as you repeat the exercises – in order to maximize muscle growth, you should push yourself to do as much as you can. Note: these exercises should also be complmented by a high protein muscle-building diet.
About the Author
James Stokes
Young student based in Surrey and Leicester, interested in and writing articles about films, arts and entertainment, mens’ exercise and health.
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James Stokes
Young student based in Surrey and Leicester, interested in and writing articles about films, arts and entertainment, mens’ exercise and health.
If you liked this article, go over to my blog:
It gives readers no-nonsense direction to the best resources on the web. On there you will find the best resource for muscle building, with a ton of free videos and stuff. Let me know what you think.
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Chest Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
June 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The chest area is one of the easist muscle groups for beginning bodybuilders to strengthen and develop. It consists of a large muscle (pectoralis major) to either side of the breastbone and a smaller muscle (pectoralis minor) underneath. The pecs are relatively easy to develop in the early stages simply because they can be trained intensively although care needs to be taken to work them from different angles to ensure full development.
For beginners, three safe but effective exercises are recommended:
1. Incline dumbbell press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. When you feel comfortable with the mechanics involved in this exercise you can move on to using a barbell instead, remembering to maintain proper form.
2. Incline dumbbell flyes – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Done properly, this exercise is good for inner and outer pecs.
3. Push-ups – 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Keep your body straight from head to knees and lower your body until your arms form right angles. Done properly, the old fashioned push-up still offers benefits to the chest muscles.
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As with all exercises you need to take care in scheduling specific body parts. To begin with you should incorporate your chest exercises into a program similar to the one suggested below:
Day 1: Biceps, Back, Abs
Day 2: Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs
Day 3: Quads, Forearms, Calves
Day 4: Triceps, Chest, Abs
For the first couple of weeks complete one set but then add one set each week to a maximum of three. At the end of three months you will be ready to move on to more intensive intermediate level exercises.
Oli works full time as a Market Analyst.He graduated in Management.He can help you to grow your computer consulting. For more on teaching and education, be sure to check out the website. Involved in FREE advertisement for all kind of online businesses. Everyone needs business exposure. There’s FREE advertising gift for your business.
Upper Chest Workout
June 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
While you’re just getting started, a full body workout is highly recommended rather than jumping right into, and targeting more, specific muscle groups. You can do that later, once your full body workout has helped in pinpointing your weaknesses. And if, in this case, your chest is the part that needs the most improvement, here’s an upper chest workout that’ll do the trick for you.
Remember that when doing a full body workout, be sure to do chest exercises first before building up your triceps and shoulders. Saving the chest for last is not advisable as your triceps and shoulders will be tired by then and the chest’s workout will be compromised. Once you’re more advanced, you may set aside one day a week specially for your chest routine alone. Monday is preferable as you’re just coming out of a weekend-long break. Or any day will do, as long as you’ve had two days of rest beforehand.
The ubiquitous bench press is still the best exercise there is for working the chest muscles.
Whether done on a flat bench or an incline, or using a bar or a pair of dumbbells, a good and correctly done bench press works the chest, as well as the shoulders.
Try doing an incline (45 degrees) bench or dumbbell press. Do 12 reps. That’s one set. Do four sets, decreasing the number of reps by two each time. So for the second set, do 10 reps. For the third set, do 8, and so on.
Next, do incline dumbbell flyes at 10 reps for the first set and 8 reps for the second.
And there you have it-your upper chest workout.
If you want to learn more about chest workouts, then you should take a look at my site – I’ll show you an incredible muscle building program that doesn’t require supplements, gimmicks, big life style changes, or spending your entire life in the gym – but you will become stronger, ripped and more muscular than ever before, guaranteed. Click here to go there now.