Chest Exercises For Men – PhD Scientist Says Most Are Wrong
February 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Raffy Chan
Most people probably wouldn’t associate chemical engineering with creating a better body, but for a scientist in England, the connection is obvious. Dr. Nick Hallale, a former lecturer at the University of Manchester, believes that the fundamental chemical and physical processes used to transform raw materials into finished products are just as applicable to the human body as they are to any other manufacturing process.
In his mid-30s, Hallale applied his scientific knowledge to the challenge of getting back to his college-age shape, with startling results. He has recently released his system, which he calls “The Apollo Program” because of the strong influence of ancient Greek athletes. His research into classical training methods showed him how many of today’s diet and exercise beliefs are wrong – including the favourite chest exercises for men.
“I wasn’t interested in looking enormous or ‘ripped’ like a modern bodybuilder,” he says. “But I had always admired the toned, streamlined physiques on Greek statues, and I hit the museums and libraries to see how I could achieve the same.”
His quest for the ideal Greek body led him to revive some almost-extinct concepts, like the “tetrad” method for creating a workout program, and exercises like the ancient Greek long jump and the archer. The latter involves mimicking the actions of shooting a bow and arrow, and is, in his experience, one of the best ways to lead into chest exercises for men.
“The archer movement is done without actually holding a bow and arrow in the hands,” he explains, “but the movement is the same.” By repeating these actions on the left and right sides in quick succession, the chest muscles are warmed up and receive a dynamic stretch, preparing them for harder training. The rapid changes from left to right also enhance coordination and mental focus.
Perhaps surprisingly, the ever-popular bench press doesn’t feature in The Apollo Program’s armory of chest exercises for men. “I’d always believed that the bench press was how to build chest muscles, but found out that this isn’t necessarily true.” His experimentation showed that it tends to build bulk in the lower and mid chest, which can often make the chest look out of proportion.
“None of the Greek statues I saw in museums had massive chest muscles,” he recalls. “In fact, the classical ideal body had a chest that is much smaller and less pronounced than what is seen on bodybuilders today.” Because of this, Hallale’s recommended chest exercises for men tend to favor bodyweight workouts, with some use of dumbbells.
Although his findings may draw the wrath of many professional bodybuilders, at least one big name seems to agree. Vince Gironda, a famous competitor and coach from the 20th century, wrote something similar in his classic book, Unleashing the Wild Physique (Sterling Publishing Co., 1986). His advice on how to build chest muscles is to make them look like “slabs” rather than “bulging and hanging from sheer weight.” He too was not a fan of the bench press and advocated other exercises instead.
Gironda (a.k.a. “The Iron Guru”) had an impressive list of students, including many bodybuilding champions, as well as actors like Clint Eastwood, Kurt Russell and Carl Weathers (who played Apollo in the Rocky movies!). So it seems that the ancient Greeks still have some support when it comes to chest exercises for men.
There is much more on how you can lose fat gain muscle. To learn how you can get your Adonis-figure with the Apollo Program, visit
Raffy Chan is an exercise enthusiast and an expert in Website Design-Creation and Making Money Online.
More List Of Chest Exercises Articles
How To Perform Chest Press With Resistance Bands
January 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Thomas Leroy
Exercise bands are so versatile you can use them anyway you want to train any muscle you want and work out anywhere you want too. To build some chest muscle, a great exercise is the chest press with exercise bands. You actually need a bit more than just your tubes.
Indeed, you will need a stationary object to wrap the band around, like a post. I’ve seen people tying their band to a door handle, but I’m not sure it’s the safest thing to do. That’s why I recommend to get some sort of door attachment. Hopefully some exercise bands manufacturers provide it with your set of bands. This opens the door to so much more exercises.
Here’s how you perform the chest press with exercise bands:
1. Wrap the band around a post or pass it through the door anchor provided with your set. Grab the band by the handles, each in one hand, your back to the post or door. The band should be at chest height, but with a door attachment system can also be placed lower so you train on another angle.
2. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, you may have to make one little foot step so you have one a bit in front of the other to stabilize your body. Have your hands with handles to your chest height, palms down. That’s the starting position
3. Press the handles in front of you, still at chest height, by extending your arms parallel to the floor. You will feel the tension in your chest. Get back to the starting position by keeping control of the tension, you’ve just performed one chest press rep.
You should be able to perform 8 to 12 reps and if you can go over 12 then it’s time to use a stronger tension resistance band. There are more chest exercises you can do with exercise bands, chest press being only one of those.
For exercise bands reviews and more tips and resistance bands workouts, visit Fitness Bands.
More Chest Press Exercise Articles
Most effective Chest Exercises That could Absolutely Do the job
January 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Calvin Rice
If you think that you may develop the most effective chest just by addressing the gym and pumping equally as much iron and often within a weeks time, then you’re inactive wrong. What you require is not more weights and many more time in a health club, what you need are the most effective chest workouts widely available and find outside what works for yourself.
Compound Exercises
Good chest exercises are the ones can hit several muscles per time. You might name these work outs as compound training. Bench presses, with or without the utilization of dumbbells, fly box exercises, and wide-grip dips all compose this so labeled compound exercises.
This will depend on your preference whether to operate exercises with hand weights, barbells, or almost every other equipment in a health club, or just easily perform push-ups. Having said that, keep in mind that you have to perform all all these routine moderately to have a well-developed box. I meant to talk about that no greater than 10 repetitions is sufficient for a day’s workout. In order to get maximum more muscle, it’s important to increase the weight of each set that you decide to do.
Bench Press by using Barbell
By changing the amount of incline if doing bench makers, not only don’t you hit different elements of your chest, but additionally you can increase the stress that your chosen muscles are exposed to. Your lower box muscles are targeted if you use low inclined common presses while a person’s upper chest muscles are participating while doing a high incline barbell common presses. Flat common presses basically click both areas likewise.
Using Dumbbell in Bench Presses
A common injury that you may get from working with barbells is arm injuries. Well, should you use dumbbell instead on the barbell, then you may prevent shoulder injury from occurring. This could certainly also prevent you actually from developing a person muscle group more with the other. However, or prevented, this may result to what the heck is called musculature imbalances.
Dynamic Push-ups
If you ever prefer doing all-natural exercises that don’t use anything except your body excess fat like push-ups, these is often equally effective when those exercises done while in the gym. Since push-ups might also hit different groups of muscles in one time frame, you can as well call it some sort of compound exercise. A pectoralis, triceps, plus deltoids are for the most part affected when doing push-ups.
By changing the amount of incline in the exercises, you might also change what muscle mass you mainly apply and develop. You can also get several forms of push-ups you may possibly not know with but have that will work. You will supercharge your attention against your chest and deltoids whenever you increase the depth within your push-up exercises.
Additionally you can achieve bigger plus stronger muscles if doing tense push-up work outs. One variation with explosive push-ups which will probably be familiar to is a clap push-ups. An explosive push-up is only a push-up that involves you to lift our bodies off the floor just like you push your self-up. Your chest muscle mass become stable just like you level up a person’s push-up exercises.
It’s commended that you manage 10 repetitions and then to take rest for not less than 1 minute plus 30 seconds amongst each exercise to make sure a good final result. When exercising, you should also ensure that you have good form. This allows your muscle to use a the full range which can be sure growth and development within your muscles.
All these different types of Chest Workouts will developed a good outcome if done inside of a proper way. If you choose among the list of three types plus perform it competently, for sure you will definitely get the best from the jawhorse and develop fine muscles you possibly wanted.
Now you already know the basics, read our free complete guide to Your Best Chest Exercises and get yourself started on your dream body without delay!
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The Ultimate Chest Building Exercises
January 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Adam Snyder
The ultimate chest building exercises are not a huge secret, but the way they need to be done are. The 3 exercises that need to be done to build the greatest chest are pushups. You need to do normal pushups, incline pushups and declined pushups. The reason this is the ultimate chest building exercise is because you don’t stop for rest in between sets.The way this exercise routine is set up is very simple, all you need is a chair that has enough room that you can do your incline pushups on it. Now that you have the chair you want to start with incline pushups and do 20 of them, then without breaking your form you want to drop down to the ground for regular pushups and do another 20 of them and right after you do those you want to turn your body around, again without breaking your form. Now that you have your body turned around your feet should be next to the chair and now you just need to get your feet up on the chair and do another 20 reps. This is one set, you need to do at least 5 sets per workout in order to get the best results.Remember one thing when it comes to the ultimate chest building exercises, if you don’t do them right or you stop doing them then they just won’t work, so never stop until you are happy with the way your body and chest looks. For years I have been working on my body to get it looking perfect. Everything from building a stronger chest to arms, legs, back, and abs. The one thing I would never have been able to do without are these six pack secrets that I got from a website I saw when I first started out.
Adam Snyder is also has a love for landscape and he has put together many great cheap landscape ideas.
The 3 Best Upper Chest Exercises to include in your chest workout. The top 3 specialization upper chest exercises. These exercise demo’s I show you are the most effective to isolate that upper portion of your chest and build mass on the inner chest. These upper chest exercises should be included near the end of a workout after you have performed your compound movements such as bench press and the bigger muscle movements. Use these extra techniques for no longer than about 4-6 weeks. Make sure to are really focusing on contracting the muscles of the inner and upper chest. Good form will be the key to making the correct muscles work. Use a weight that allows you to keep good form. You should see some great results after only 1 cycle of these exercises. Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started
Chest Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
January 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The chest area is one of the easist muscle groups for beginning bodybuilders to strengthen and develop. It consists of a large muscle (pectoralis major) to either side of the breastbone and a smaller muscle (pectoralis minor) underneath. The pecs are relatively easy to develop in the early stages simply because they can be trained intensively although care needs to be taken to work them from different angles to ensure full development.
For beginners, three safe but effective exercises are recommended:
1. Incline dumbbell press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. When you feel comfortable with the mechanics involved in this exercise you can move on to using a barbell instead, remembering to maintain proper form.
2. Incline dumbbell flyes – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Done properly, this exercise is good for inner and outer pecs.
3. Push-ups – 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Keep your body straight from head to knees and lower your body until your arms form right angles. Done properly, the old fashioned push-up still offers benefits to the chest muscles.
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As with all exercises you need to take care in scheduling specific body parts. To begin with you should incorporate your chest exercises into a program similar to the one suggested below:
Day 1: Biceps, Back, Abs
Day 2: Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs
Day 3: Quads, Forearms, Calves
Day 4: Triceps, Chest, Abs
For the first couple of weeks complete one set but then add one set each week to a maximum of three.
At the end of three months you will be ready to move on to more intensive intermediate level exercises.
Oli works full time as a Market Analyst.He graduated in Management.He can help you to grow your computer consulting. For more on teaching and education, be sure to check out the website. Involved in FREE advertisement for all kind of online businesses. Everyone needs business exposure. There’s FREE advertising gift for your business.
Related Good Chest Exercises Articles
Chest Exercises For Women
January 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Jared DiCarmine
Chest exercises for women will truthfully be the same thing for men; however the big and major difference between a man and a woman that I have seen when it comes to working out and developing upper body strength is that women lag behind by a lot. This is normal though as men have more upper body mass than a woman, but a woman generally has an increased amount of lower body muscles than a man. However, don’t fret because they are plenty of awesome chest exercises for women to do to bring up their upper body strength and today we are going to focus on only one exercise with many variations. This exercise does not receive enough credit when it comes to training the upper body muscles especially the chest. It’s often overlooked in most training programs because of its simplicity. And the exercise that I’m talking about is the pushup. Women PushupsI really hate using the term women pushups because I feel like it is slightly degrading because an exercise should never be classified as a woman or a man’s exercise. But a lot of people refer to the picture below as a women pushup so for now, that is what we are going to call it. There are many variations that you can do for this exercise with the first one having your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees, legs and feet on the ground. From there, slowly lower yourself keeping your elbows at 45 degrees or tuck into your sides and press back. If you are weak, you will want to flare your elbows out which will allow you to get a better stretch reflex at the bottom of the movement so you can come up a lot faster and easier. You want to avoid this at all costs by keeping your elbows tucked into your sides or by pointing them out at a 45 degree angle. The next variation you can do for them is to just simply pick your feet up off the floor and keep them there for the entire set. By picking your feet up off the floor, you will be lifting more total body weight for the duration of the entire set as opposed to having them on the floor. Once you get good at those, then you keep your feet up but space your knees further back. This will increase your center of gravity which will force you to move more of your body weight. Again just slowly lower yourself, keep your arms at 45 degrees, and keep your feet up in the air. Your body will be naturally flatter like a plank and lower to the ground during the duration of the set. Now after you get good at this variation, you can change things up by starting at the bottom position of the pushup. This is much harder for you to do because you are starting without a stretch reflex. All a stretch reflex is, is the elastic bounce you get at the bottom portion of any exercise. This is because your muscles are elastic in nature as well as your tendons. There is a lot of built up force and elastic energy so when you start from a stretch position without that elastic component, it forces the muscle to work that much harder since there is no built up kinetic energy. Now once these becomes a piece of cake for you, then you can move on to doing pushups off the floor and on a bench. All you’re going to do is place your hands on the bench and bring your body directly over your arms so everything is in line. Push your feet back and slowly lower yourself all the way down and press back up. To make this exercise easier, just simply keep your feet closer to the bench. To make it much harder, push your feet back further so that you’re lifting more of your body weight. When you do this, you will feel more of a stretch in your hamstrings. Also don’t worry about if you come up on your toes when you lower yourself all the way down. This is natural for some people, especially if you don’t have the flexibility in your calves to keep your heel on the ground for the duration of the set. Okay, so once you get good at these, now you can try and move on to a regular pushup. I’m going to warn you that it might not be that easy at first. In the beginning, you might only be able to get a couple of repetitions which is okay. That’s normal. The easiest and fastest way to get stronger at these is to do multiple sets throughout the day never going to failure. What I mean by this is for each set of pushups that you do, don’t go to exhaustion, to the point where you couldn’t physically get another rep and you would fall straight to the floor if you tried. Leave a rep or two in the tank per set. This will ensure your nervous system does not get burnt out. Also for each rep that you do, make sure to push as hard and as fast as you can. This again will engage your central nervous system and condition it to fire your motor units much faster which will increase your strength over time at a much faster rate. All in all, the pushup and its many variations is an awesome chest exercise for women. It’s very over rated and rarely used anymore I feel because of its simplicity. But it truly is one of the safest and most beneficial exercises for women to do. Once you master these, then you can move on to other more technical exercises.
I hope you like this article. Check out my other site here that’s all about how tolose love handles. Just click this link now,
Related Good Chest Exercises Articles
Awesome Chest Exercises For Men
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Jared DiCarmine
So what are some great chest exercises for men? Well to be honest there are a ton of chest exercises out there that are really awesome for guys to do to build up their Pecs but it all really depends on you. For example you have to look at your past exercise history, what you have done before, what you currently are doing in the gym to build up your chest muscles, if you have any injuries, and what your goals are. If you goal is to strictly lose belly fat, then I wouldn’t really worry about building up your chest muscles. But if your goal is to really build up your body and add mass and size to your frame, then this article is perfect for you. I have been very lucky in that I haven’t had to do much to build up my chest. I guess I was blessed with good genetics, however my arms suck! Now when you look at biomechanics, usually if you’re arms aren’t that well developed, especially in the triceps then you usually have a pretty decent looking chest. This is because in any pressing movements that are horizontal, the shoulder, triceps and Pecs all come into play. If you have weak triceps, then your chest will be doing most of the movement and vice versa. So if you find yourself with good triceps but a small chest then you’ll have to make some modifications to the exercises. The one thing you can automatically do is take a wider grip on any type of bench pressing movement. The wider grip will take your triceps out of the movement and increase a lot of the stress on your chest. Just be careful though not to use a lot of weight because the extra long grip places a tremendous stress across your shoulders and chest. The one movement that I would absolutely stay away from is the class bench press. In the U.S. the bench press for some stupid reason is known as the king of all upper body exercises. That’s garbage in my opinion and a lot of other strength coach’s opinion. What young, inexperienced, and bonehead gym rats won’t tell you is that the bench press is the NUMBER ONE exercise responsible for tearing people’s Pecs and ripping off their tendons at the insertion points on the humerus. Not the best exercise to be doing to hit your chest. So what I’m going to give you is some exercises that are safe but extremely effective in building up your chest without having to worry about injury. Now before you do any sort of chest workout, I want you to pre-exhaust them with machine flies or what some old school guys like to call the pec deck. By pre exhausting your chest muscles, they’ll be forced to work that much harder throughout your workout and not allow the pesky triceps to come into play and take over the movement. Remember, we are not trying to bench a lot of weight, we are trying to stimulate your Pecs and that’s it. So what I want you to do is 3 sets of 12-15 reps on the machine chest fly and squeeze at the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds for each rep.Chest Exercise #1: Incline Smith Machine PressesSince your chest is already pre-exhausted and slightly fatigued, we are going to hit it hard with the incline smith machine press, but we’re going to add a little twist to the exercise. I want you to set up an incline bench in the smith machine rack. You’ll get under the bar and make sure to take a normal grip slightly shoulder width apart. When you un-rack the bar and lower it, I want it to be in line with your neck. The reason for this is because it’s going to provide the deepest level of range of motion and biggest stretch. The deeper the range of motion the more muscle fibers you stimulate. Now when you press the weight up, I want you to make believe you have a giant rubber band around your elbows and want to pull your elbows in towards the center. So when you press up, “push” your elbows in towards the center and squeeze the living day lights out of your chest. You won’t be using much weight and won’t need to use much weight to get an awesome contraction for this exercise. Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps. Chest Exercise #2: Weighted Raised PushupsPushups often get overlooked when it comes to chest exercises for men. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they are so simple to perform that people overlook them. But what many don’t realize is that they are one of the most effective exercises for your upper body and one of the safest too. Plus you can add resistance to make it really hard. If you have a partner that trains with you, you can have him place a weighted plate on top of your back or a dumbbell and hold it there. If you don’t you can grab some weighted chains from the local hardware store and wrap them around your torso to provide the extra resistance. You’ll also want to grab two dumbbells to elevate you off the floor during your sets. This ensures a deeper range of motion. So you’ll get in a normal pushup position, slowly lower yourself all the way down and explode back up squeezing your chest together at the top. Again we want a peak contraction to really stimulate those fibers. Slowly lower yourself again and repeat the same process. With pushups, I like to go to failure and test my endurance. So do 3-4 sets to absolute failure on each set. Chest Exercise #3: Flat Dumbbell Press With BandsThis exercise is a serious killer. What you’re going to do is a flat dumbbell press but you’re going to hook up jump stretch bands to the dumbbell and have the band anchored to the floor. So when you press the weights up, the resistance gets a lot tougher. This is called accommodating resistance and goes hand in hand with your strength curve. You’re of course stronger at the top portion of the movement, but that’s where all the resistance will be. When you lower the weight, make sure to do it in a controlled fashion and resist the pull of the bands. Make sure to lower the weights all the way down and get a deep stretch at the bottom portion of the movement. From there, activate your chest and press back up with a peak contraction at the top. When you hit failure on your last set, un-hook the bands and just rep out with the dumbbells till failure. All I want you to do is 2 sets for this exercise for 10 reps and then to failure on the last set with just the dumbbells. All in all, these 3 exercises above are definitely some great chest exercises for men. You can’t go wrong with these and this workout that I provided above. Try it today and I guarantee your chest will be screaming at you for the next couple of days.
I hope you like this article. Check out my other site here that’s all about how tolose love handles. Just click this link now,
More Dumbbell Exercises For Men Articles
Top 6 Exercises to Build Chest Muscles ? So Cool
December 27, 2011 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The chest muscle is a big and important muscle and this article will be about some very effective exercises to build chest muscles with.
Before going into the exercises on how to build chest muscles, I want to emphasize the importance of having the right nutrition. Without nutrition, you won’t be able to build chest muscles that stand out. Having the right kind of nutrition is the main ingredient for awesome chest muscles.
How to Build Chest Muscles – Exercises
-Build Chest Muscles #1 – Incline Bench Press with Dumbbells:
This exercise to build chest muscle is excellent for your upper chest area. You need an incline bench and a pair of dumbbells. As soon as you are ready, you take the two dumbbells and push them upwards towards the ceiling and return to the start position where your elbows are bending.
Repeat as necessary.
-Build Chest Muscles #2 – Flat Bench Press with Barbell:
This exercise is standard for every gym and is a great way to build chest muscles with. Lie on the bench with the back of your shoulders pushed towards each other. You will this way only make use of your chest and triceps and not your shoulders. Grab the barbell and extend the bar upwards and then lower it right above your chest.
-Build Chest Muscles #3 – Incline Chest Flyers:
Sit on an incline bench. Grab a pair of dumbbells and extend your arms upwards which will be your starting position. Now slowly lower your arms to the side, all the way until you can feel the stretch in your chest area. Return to the starting position and repeat as necessary.
-Build Chest Muscles #4 – Decline Bench Press:
Bodybuilders know the effectiveness of this exercise to build chest muscles with. Lie on a decline bench and grab the bar. Lower it towards your chest and push it upwards. Repeat as required.
-Build Chest Muscles #5 – Barbell/Dumbbell Pullover:
For this exercise, you can choose to use a barbell or a dumbbell. Grab your desired choice and lie on a bench, facing upwards. Extend your arms upwards, which will be your starting position. Now slowly lower your arms all the way to the back of your head and feel the stretch in your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat as necessary.
Build Chest Muscles – The Cool Way
-Build Chest Muscles #6 – Push Up with Exercise Ball:
You might be surprised to hear that this exercise is a great way to build chest muscles without weights. Position yourself in a push up position, but with your feet on an exercise ball.
Lower yourself all the way down, but without touching the ground and then push yourself upwards. This exercise to build chest muscles with can also be performed with a weight plate on your back or with a weight vest.
All of the above exercises to build chest muscles are excellent if you choose to apply them. Take the above exercises with a nutrition plan and you will have a great cocktail to build chest muscle with.
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Upper Chest Workout
December 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Are you one of the 9 in 10 guys that is unhappy with the way your chest looks? Well, there is good news, an upper chest workout can change the way your chest looks in short period of time.
Most guys don’t go to the gym and then wonder why they don’t look good with their shirts off. Others go to the gym on a regular basis but still don’t have the results that they desire. I am going to tell you how you can get a great looking chest by focusing on the most important part.
What is an upper chest workout?
It is a workout that focuses on training the upper most part of the chest. To do this you have to do all your lifts on an inclined bench instead of a flat one.
You will notice that you are much weaker in the upper chest than the rest of the chest. You will have to do lighter weight and that is normal. Plan on doing about three fourths of the weight that you would use on the flat bench.
I recommend doing dumbbell presses instead of using the bar because you shoulders will be able to move in their range of motion that is comfortable to them instead of being forced in awkward positions.
Start training on the incline bench now and make sure you do a really light warm-up set before starting because you don’t want to put too much stress on the shoulder joint. You will notice that your chest will look better than ever before when you focus on upper chest exercises.
Click here for an upper chest workout routine. And read more here on the best chest exercises for men.
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Chest Muscle Without Weights – Challenging Exercises
December 21, 2011 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Jefferie Wilkenson
In this article we will look at some powerful chest exercises without weights as well as some other very effective bodyweight workout exercises.
Decline Push-Ups. To do a declined push-up place your feet on an elevated object such as a box or a chair. Your arms should be on the ground as usual. You will then lower your upper body towards the ground at a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts more of a focus on the lower part of the chest. It is always a good idea to mix up the widths of the push-up grips so that all areas of the chest muscles get in a decent workout.
Walk Up Planks. Walk up planks are when you get in the basic plank position, which is the push-up position but with your forearms resting on the ground (and your back flat). With a basic plank you will just hold this position for 90 seconds, but for a walk up plank you slowly walk your forearms towards your midsection arm by arm. Almost squriming along the floor like a snake. The slowly raise your arms off the floor, arm by arm, so that your palms are on the ground and your hands are outstretched in the end position which looks like the top position of a push-up. Then repeat this exercise and carry on going for at least 90 seconds. It is a killer!
Seated Dumbell Curls for Biceps. By sitting down when doing a bicep curl as opposed to standing up you will focus on working out the biceps. It is harder to cheat when sitting down as you wont be able to put your back or leg muscles into it to help you out. It will be the biceps all the way. So sit at the end of a workout bench and hold a dumbell in each of your hands with them down by your side. Start with your palms facing towards your body. Then, one arm at a time, lift the weights up whilst turning your palms up to the ceiling. At the moment of full muscle contraction give the biceps a nice big squeeze for a second or two and then slowly lower the weights down to the ground.
Abdominal Alternative Oblique Twists. This exercise is similar to the basic ab crunch exercises. Lay in a cruch position, but instead of having our arms behind your head have them raised out in front of you touching your knees…almost like a zombie. And then do the crunch exercise by raising your shoulder blades a few inches off the floor. As you raise your body from the floor do it on one side and at an angle to work the oblique muscles. Alternate the side that you lean to each rep. With this abdominal bodyweight exercise, keep going until you reach muscle failure. That is the point at which you cannot physically do another rep because your muscles are exhausted.
For more information on building muscle with bodyweight exercises check out our chest exercises without weights blog post and the official chest exercises page on
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