Fitness Circuit Training

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Hans K Anderson

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Fitness circuit training will take you through a series of exercise stations, with short rest periods between each station. The amount of stations can range 4 to 10.

Traditionally, circuit training programs were developed to increase muscular endurance and included exercises to help improve muscular endurance such as the bench press, push-ups, leg press and sit-ups.

A circuit would consist of 4 to 10 stations with a low impact aerobic warm-up and cool-down station (you might use a stationary bike). The exercise stations could be set-up using free weights and/or weight machines that train one muscle at a time.

An example of circuit training exercises using your environment is par course exercise training. This style intersperses jogging or walking with numerous strength, flexibility and muscular endurance exercises.

Aerobic circuit training for women is particularly very popular. Four to eight aerobic exercise stations are used with one to five minutes per station with a 15-30 second rest between stations, this is considered one circuit. The different stations will be set up with stationary cycling, elliptical rider, treadmill, stair climbing on a stair master at a moderate pace and the use of a rowing machine.

It will depend on the number of stations that are set-up but the number of circuits completed usually adds up to 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise.

One thing to remember that will help you to be successful is to not train to failure at each station. What I mean by this is when the appointed time is coming to an end for that station, you should be able to complete the designated time with out having exhausted yourself.

You should be training some where between 50 percent and 70 percent of your functional capabilities

When participating in circuit training you will notice an increase in strength, improved muscular and aerobic endurance and last but not least weight loss.

About the Author

Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

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Hans K Anderson

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Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Fast Fat Loss Workouts Bodyweight Circuit Training

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Clint Grimes

Let’s be honest. Long, slow cardio stinks. If you want to burn fat fast while building muscle, bodyweight circuit training is the way to go. This is the fastest, most efficient way for you to burn the fat, build the muscle and get the lean hard body that you’ve always wanted.

Don’t under estimate the simplicity of this workout. Some time the simplest things are the most effective. Make sure that you warm up with some arm swings, push ups, squats, and lunges. Ready? Here we go:

We’ll start off with 25 jumping jacks, just like you did in your gym class when you were a kid. One variation to this might be seal jacks, with your arms moving parallel to the ground rather than up in the air.

Next we’ll move to 25 Hindu push ups. This is not only great for the upper body but is also a great stretch for the back and legs. If you can’t handle Hindu push ups do standard ones and if standard push ups are too hard, do them kneeling.

Now lets move on to 10 burpees. If you have problems with impact leave out the jump and if you are a thrill seeker you can substitute 8-count bodybuilders.

Next put your feet up on a chair or a step and crank off 10 incline push ups. If you are absolutely spent from the earlier pushups, do as many as you can.

Move on to one of my favorite exercises, Hindu squats. You’ll need to do 25 of them. Well that’s it, right? Wrong! For the next 15 minutes you are going to be repeating this sequence. Get ready to sweat. When you’re done put this one in your bag of tricks so you can reap the benefits for years to come.

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Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.

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Cardiovascular And Circuit Training

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a healthy cardiovascular related training routine. Many peoples workout regimen only involves a routine of lifting weights a few days a week. While weight training is necessary and extremely beneficial, ignoring cardiovascular training can affect your heart and general health. The term cardiovascular can be defined as the bodys ability and efficiency to get blood and oxygen to the muscles.

The amount of time spent on cardiovascular exercises will vary according to your specific goals. For an individual attempting to further their heart health, without specifically gaining or losing weight, a general guideline would be to perform cardio a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Gaining and losing weight involves a different approach to doing cardio. If you are a hard gainer attempting to gain a desired amount of weight, you probably do not want to do a large amount of cardio. Incorporating light cardio work twice a week, for about 20 minutes a session, would never hurt anyone though. If you do wish to gain weight and incorporate a serious cardio routine, increase your calories consumed per day, or see our circuit training section.

Losing weight takes a different approach to cardio. In addition to eating below your maintenance calorie level, taking part in cardio 3-5 times per week, at about 20-40 minutes per session should be adequate for fat loss. For those who have never done any form of cardiovascular training, or are just out of shape, 3 times a week at 20 minutes per session would be a good starting point. For those in poor shape, low intensity cardio exercises such as walking should be done in the beginning stages. Those in decent cardiovascular shape could do exercises at a higher level of intensity. Fat loss remains the main reason people take part in cardiovascular training. However, this belief does not totally justify the true advantages of cardio since anyone can reap the benefits.

Finding your target heart rate is important for the length of time spent on each session and the intensity that you are completing the work. Finding your target heart rate can be explained in the link at the bottom of this page. The two types of exercises that involve mainly your cardiovascular system include aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic work is done where your body is using oxygen as fuel. Anaerobic work is done where your body does the work without oxygen as fuel. Both types of exercises are vital to a successful training regimen.
Examples of aerobic exercises include: Walking, running, swimming, and cycling.
Examples of anaerobic exercises include: Weightlifting, sprints, hill climbing, and jumping rope.

Circuit training is a type of interval training program which combines components of both strength training and cardiovascular training. It is often a set up of stations or circuits which individuals will complete before moving onto the next. Within each circuit participants will perform exercises for a specific count or a specific time period before they venture to the next station. The goal of circuit training is to increase strength and agility at the same time as increasing fitness. Some studies have even found that circuit training is the most efficient way to enhance cardiovascular training and muscle endurance.

There are many advantages to opting to take part in a circuit training regimen as opposed to a weight training or cardiovascular routine in addition to combining the benefits of both into one schedule. Circuit training can easily be assembled to include a full body workout. A circuit training routine does not require expensive gym equipment, a gym membership, or any traveling to find facilities to fit your needs. The small groups that typically are a part of circuit training routines assist beginners by allowing them to more easily be paired with advanced and experienced people to learn the basics.
Circuit training also allows for the routine to take place at any venue and can be customized for any person or athlete of any age, gender, or physical ability.
The goal of circuit training is to force individuals to display their maximal physical effort at the same time of achieving your maximal target heart rate. You should not rest in between exercises. Each exercise should burn out the targeted muscle groups as well as increase your heart rate to fat and sugar burning zones. Lean muscle gains along with simultaneous fat losses are highly possible from adopting a circuit training program.

When constructing a circuit training routine you should remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand-held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different sprinting, strength gaining, and jogging exercises intertwined. See some circuit training examples below to get an idea of how to construct your very own customized program. Good luck and happy training!

My name is Brian Cliver. I am 27 years old and live in New York City. I am a fitness enthusiast. I love working out and eating right. In my spare time I also enjoy extreme sports, traveling, and reading. I have been into designing websites since 1999 and consider it a passion of mine.

Fitness General

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Circuit Training: Adding More Fun to Your Workouts…

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by M. Jamal

A group gym exercise method in which endurance exercises (those that increase endurance and stamina) are combined with strength exercises (those that develop the size and strength of skeletal muscles) is known as circuit training.

In circuit training, stations are positioned around the facility, with each one focusing on a different exercise – sit-ups, pushups, resistance training, weight training, and others.

Participating individuals are assigned to each station for mini-workouts of 8-20 repetitions each, and rotate to the next station with little or no rest in between those 15-45 second turns.

This goes on until all stations have been tackled by a participant (one complete circuit) or until a pre-specified time period.

The program may consist of exercise machines, calisthenics, elastic resistance, hand-held weights, or a combination of any of these. Between each station, a 30-second to 3-minute aerobics workout is squeezed in to improve the participant’s cardiorespiratory endurance.

This program was developed in 1953 by G.T. Anderson and R.E. Morgan in London and originally comprised 9-12 stations. Today, any number of stations can be employed, according to the circuit’s design.

This type of workout is preferred by those who want to get an intensive strength and resistance training because the in-between rests are eliminated to take the participant to her maximum target heart rate as well as her maximum physical effort.

Others turn to circuit training simply for the variety.

If you’ve been solely on the treadmill for months, or have never tried anything other than the stepper, then circuit training can definitely keep you from getting bored with exercising.

Dr. Len Kravitz, a researcher at the University of Mexico and Program Coordinator of Exercise Science, believes that “variety” of the stimulus to muscle is important, and that if these stimuli are not regularly changed, the benefits gained in muscular or strength endurance will eventually plateau.

What are the advantages of circuit training?

* Circuit training is flexible.If you’ve got time constraints, a total-body workout can be finished in roughly 10 minutes. If more time is available, you can finish up to four circuits, which would total about 45 minutes.

* Circuit training is challenging and can be psychologically rewarding.A study on unfit female college students concluded that those who were involved in circuit training improved in several aspects of body image more than those who only trained aerobically (Anshel, et al., Journal of Sport Behavior, 2006).

* Circuit training involves a very quick pace that is great for fat-burning.

* Circuit training can be fashioned to whatever fitness level you’re at – whether you’re an expert or beginner, you can work out at an intensity that suits you.

* Circuit training can be done either at your home or in the gym.

Mohamed Jamal is founder of a fresh look into women fitness and tips with downloadable special reports that could boost your next workout.

Visit to see the latest special reports and tips.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Why You Should Do Circuit Training Exercises

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Jonathan Montealto

Circuit training exercises has increasingly become more and more famous and rewarding in most fitness programs especially in different sports levels. The main goal for every form of exercise program is to improve performance, strength, endurance and efficiency. This is done within the shortest time possible. It is a fact that only very few people have allocated their free time to exercise daily and most of them have very little time to squeeze some type of workout routines into their very busy schedules. But to continue to live a healthy lifestyle, one should regularly do an effective and well-rounded exercise few minutes a day. This can be made possible through Circuit Exercises.

Circuit Training Exercises is very much applicable to all kinds of sports, climates, ages, in both sexes and in all degrees of professions. It is best described by example and that’s why for this purpose some schools and universities have large exercise rooms to be used by their faculty and students.

The way to demonstrate it is by having the circuit trainer enter this room and stand right in front of the first station. In this station there’s a mat on the floor where the trainer do ten sit ups. Moving to the next station, he must then do two pull- ups under a bar. He must then quickly move to the 3rd station where he should run in place for about a hundred steps.

The next step is to perform all the required exercises moving from one station to another until all the exercises are completed at every station. Using a timer, he should record the time he took to complete the whole circuit training exercises.

The goals for this type of training is to complete the exercises within a short period of time and to do an exercise that involves the whole body. It is also important to change the exercises at every station to workout the different body parts.

Some people do the circuit training exercises in a way that is fun and interesting for them. For instance, a boxer may integrate this type of workout to his boxing exercise routine. Others use a popular dance called Zumba.

So far, the workouts that has been mentioned above serves specific purposes. There are of course other types of exercise programs but most are for the amateur athletes or professionals whose main goal is to compete. They are mainly focused on breaking some records and to be superior in performance. Competition of course is not just for the stars but also for the mediocre who is more interested in competing so everyone should be allowed to do so. But for those whose main goal is to be fit and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, circuit training exercises is the way to go.

For Best Circuit Training Exercises, Go to >>> Best Circuit Training Exercises

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Circuit Training Workouts for Women

April 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

The popularity of circuit training is growing thanks to the amazing results it can achieve. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Aside from the benefit of being able to perform them anywhere, your circuit training workouts can also claim optimum results in less than twenty minutes.

Circuit training workouts are therefore suitable for:

1. Single moms at home with the kids
2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time
3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase
4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership

Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.

Are you at home with your kids?

You don’t need a lot of space to carry out your routine.

Short of time?

These circuit training workouts for women can be completed in less than half an hour.

Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?

There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.

So what exactly are the circuit training workouts for women?

The typical circuit training workout will be of high intensity, and you will not have a lot of rest time between exercises.

Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.

The following are a few circuit training workouts for women:

Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds.

As soon as you have completed your fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds and then start exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Continue this pattern until all six exercises have been completed. When all six exercises have been completed, take a break for a couple of minutes, and then start the whole routine again from the top. Your goal is to see how many times this circuit can be completed each time.

Beginners Level
1. Run On The Spot
2. Squats
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push Ups
6. Laying leg lifts or crunches

Intermediate level
1. Squats
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Half Burpees
4. High Knees
5. Push Ups
6. Lunges

Advanced level
1. Lunges
2. High Knees
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push ups
6. Jump Squats

Let’s Take Circuit Training Workouts for Women One Step Further

With some light dumbbells and a jump rope, you can seriously increase the intensity of the workouts. For this you need to integrate the equipment into the circuit you are performing. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. Just a little extra weight on the legs, creates a much more intense workout.


Burning fat at a fast rate will be possible, if you maintain a good healthy diet, and perform the circuit training workouts for women, a few times a week. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. Always allow a full day between workouts so your body can rest and recover from the circuit training.

Mike Miller is a CPT whose goal is to help others like himself to achieve their physical fitness goals.

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Circuit Training Exercises

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

When trying to build muscle and lose fat, circuit training is by far one of the best methods to do so. But before you start you should have a little insight of the two types of training methods you will implement into your circuit program. These two different types of training are Aerobic and Anaerobic conditioning.

If you are looking for some great workouts, see circuit training programs

Aerobic conditioning is defined as activities performed at a low intensity, for a extended durations of time. A good Aerobic exercise should last anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes. Exercises such as cycling and running for long distances are considered great methods of aerobic training. These are traditionally the preferred methods to lose fat, but they are not necessarily the most effective.

Anaerobic training is defined as activities performed where oxygen is used up more quickly than the body is able to replenish inside the working muscle.

Workouts that requires the muscles to contract at high intensities for short durations of time are considered to be anaerobic. Plyometrics, weight lifting, and sprinting are good examples of anaerobic exercises. Sports that execute high levels of anaerobic conditioning for example are football and mixed martial arts.

Many wrongly assume that aerobic exercise is the most effective way to lose fat. The best way to lose fat is by replacing it with muscle. Muscle naturally causes your metabolism to work at a higher rate throughout the day, causing you to burn fat and calories more rapidly.

Aerobic conditioning can be an effective means to getting in shape, but it can restrict muscle growth. If your trying to lose fat, only doing aerobic exercise is the long way to attain your goal. To accomplish your goal to build muscle and lose fat, you will combine both anaerobic and aerobic exercises into one intense, explosive workout. This is done with Circuit Training.

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Circuit training consist of 5-8 exercises completed one right after another with little to no rest in between them. Circuit training consist mainly of core movements which work most of your body, causing you to burn more calories, develop greater functional strength, and build muscle faster. The great thing about circuit training is that it only takes 20 to 45 minutes to finish. Causing you to burn more calories in less amount of time then traditional weight lifting routines would. Which in most cases take any where to 1 to 2 hours to finish. The high intensity of circuit training will juice up your metabolism even after you have completed your workout. What this means is that your body will continue to burn calories hours after you have finished your workout. This effect does not occur in low intensity aerobic exercises and weight lifting.

There are two types of circuit training you can do, either by weight lifting, where you would work two opposing groups of muscles at once. Or with body weight exercises (calisthenics), combined with plyometrics.

Weight training incorporated with circuit training is one the most effective and fastest ways to build muscle and strength. Most people don’t achieve their muscle building goals because their approach to weight training is wrong.Traditional lifting programs have you doing 3 to 5 sets with 5 to 12 reps for every exercise. Each set takes about 20-30 seconds to complete, after which you rest for about 2-5 minutes before doing the exercise again. This is ineffective when it comes to burning calories and losing fat, which should be one of your goals if you want muscle definition.

By working with weights you can focus a lot more  on individul muscle groups, which can help you improve on any specific weak spots. One great benefit to circuit training with weights is that you will only be doing it three times a week. As opposed to more traditional weight training programs where you focus on one muscle group a day and only work it once or twice a week (ex. Chest-Monday, legs-Tuesday, back-Wednesday, etc…). Instead, in this program you will working two opposing muscle groups on the same day.

For example, one day you would do chest and back and another day legs and shoulders. Your workouts will consist of six movements, three for chest, and three for back. If you haven’t lifted weights for awhile, your first three weeks you will be getting your muscles acclimated to the weights and the movements you will be performing. You should be performing 3 sets of each movement for 10 to 12 reps, not particulary heavy, but enough in which you ought to be struggling on the last rep. After 3 weeks you should start using additional weight and do and less reps to build even more muscle mass.

For those looking to gain muscle mass and increase strength, will perform the circuit training workout by increasing the resistance by adding pounds. You will perform five sets of 5 to 8 rep, and you should struggle with final few reps. You will combine each of the six movements.  For example,  you should do a set of bench  press,  after you wll do a set of pull-ups, weighted pull-ups preferably.

You will have about one minute rest between the two, which should be enough   time to prepare you for the next movement. When you lift heavy you should take about 2 1/2 to 5 minute break in between sets,  for the purpose having an adequate amount of time for your muscles to recover to execute the following reps. Your going for strength, not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible for each rep. You will need a sufficient amount of rest for the muscle groups you are working in order to complete the desired amount of reps.

The problem with doing this is that  you are not burning up a lot of calories.  By taking extended breaks your heart rate slows down,  therefore your  goal to shred off fat and burn up calories becomes to difficult.  You will probably not see any muscle definition from all your weight training that you’ve done. That’s why when you see those huge guys that bench 500 pounds, many don’t have much muscle tone, some even look obese.  Your objective is to kill to birds with one stone.

By working  two different opposing muscle groups together, you get a sufficient amount of rest for the muscles that your targeting to keep lifting heavy. You also get a effective calorie burning workout because your breaks are quick and you’re continuously working. For instance, when you end one exercise, like bench press, then move on to pull-ups right after, the time it will take you to finish your pull-ups gives you a adequate amount of rest time for your chest muscles

Below are some sample circuit training routines. Feel free to experiment with different exercise movements, but try to stick to primarily compound movements, the Biceps and Triceps exercises being an exception. These are the workout routines that correspond the muscle groups being worked. The order they are listed I believe to be the most optimal, but you can change them up as you see fit.  You may also combine up the groups differently. For example, rather than performing chest and back together, and shoulders and legs, you can do chest/legs and back/shoulders. Just make certain that you’re not pairing up muscle groups that indirectly work supporting muscle groups, like chest and shoulders or back and biceps.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

Bench Press/ Weighted Pull-Ups
Incline Press/ Bent-Over Rows
Weighted Parallel Bar Dips/ Single-Arm Bent Over Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

Squats/ Military Press
Deadlift/ Lateral Raises
Straight Legged Deadlift/ Arnold Press

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

Bicep Curl/ Close Grip Bench Press
Concentration Curl/ Skull Crushers
Open-Arm Curl/ Weight Bench Dips

For those lifting for muscle tone, I advise you do 8 to 10 reps, but you can continue performing 10 to 12 reps as you did the first 3 weeks if you prefer. For those wanting to increase strength and muscle mass you will complete 5 to 8 reps per exercise. It’s essential you increase the weight you use. If you proceed with the  exact amount of pounds, you will not see any development and you could not see any gains Adjust the pounds according to how challenging the weight feels. You should struggle with the final one or two reps.

Instead of going through one exercise movement then moving on to the next, you will go through all movements one right after another. Once you completed all six movements, you’ve completed one set. You will perform three sets all together.

Once you complete a set you will take a 2 to 5 minute break. If your reps are in the 8 to 12 range, I recommend resting for no longer then 2 to 3 minutes. If you are going for strength and doing fewer reps the longer your rest period should be. You’re going for strength not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible on your next set. Also when you’re switching between exercises you should take about 30 to 60 seconds to switch between movements. If you are lifting heavy, 45 to 60 seconds is good, but no more then a minute. Lifting light, you should take no longer then 30 seconds. The only rest time you should have between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to one exercise to the next.  For example, it’s your chest and back day, your six movements are bench press, pull-ups, incline press, bent over rows, butterflies, and lat pull downs, you will perform all six of them consecutively without a break in between them. The only break time you should have in between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to the following workout. It should take no  then 30 to 45 secs to adjust your weight accordingly and begin the subsequent exercise.

It’s good to know how much weight you will be using before you begin each set. To pick up the intensity of your workout to burn even more calories, try running from workout to workout.

If done right this workout should take you no more then 30 minutes to finish this workout. This is a very intense workout and 30 minutes is a sufficient amount of time for a great anaerobic and aerobic workout. You should be breathing hard and sweating a lot by the time you’re done. If not, you need to work harder. Either try adding more weight to the exercises or try to make the duration of time it takes you to get to one workout to the next shorter. You can also shorten your rest time during your breaks. It would be even more beneficial if you finished up with abs or jogged for 10 to 20 minutes.

Below are some circuit training routines. Experiment with different exercises but try to stick with mostly compound exercises, in exception to the Triceps and Biceps routine. Complete the exercises in the order that they are listed.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

Bench Press
Wide Grip Pull-Ups
Incline Dumbbell Press
Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Flys
Seated Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

Military Press
Leg Press
Front Raises
Lateral Raises

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

Close-Grip Bench Press
Bicep Curls
Skull Crushers
One-Arm Concentration Curl
Dumbbell Kick Backs
Open-Arm Curls

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to learn how to gain 41 pounds of muscle in 6 months or lose fat and get ripped quick, checkout my reviews of these great how to gain strength

You can I also find some great tips on how to eat to build muscle

Shawn Kocab

Shawn Kocab has over 16 years experience in physical fitness, bodybuilding and martial arts. Shawn has competed in college football, professional boxing, as well as placed in numerous powerlifting competitions. His main focus now is Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts and devotes himself to helping individuals achieve their fitness and health goals.

GET MUSCLES: To successfully perform circuit training, a series of different exercises is done in succession. Circuit training is popular because an increased amount of calories is burned over other forms of training with greater results than conventional training in a reduced amount of time. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), using a circuit training program will “incorporate both cardio respiratory and resistance training into one’s routine, enhancing caloric expenditure.” The bottom line is that this type of training will help you lose weight faster than conventional cardio. The definition of a superset is the combination of two or more different exercises, usually for the same muscle group, without a rest period between the two exercises. When two different exercises are performed for the same muscle group such as military press and upright dumbbell flyes, a longer more strenuous exercise period is endured by the muscle group than just one exercise. There is also a decreased risk of injury because of the variation in movement of the two exercises. According to the NASM, a superset of a more stable exercise followed by a less stable exercise will increase muscle growth. For example, since I am a bodyweight warrior, I might perform decline pushups with my feet on a bench, followed by flyes using a suspension trainer. Unclose the truth from bodybuilding and provides you with unique information about topics like bodybuilding
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Circuit training at its finest!

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by John Platero

In a time when everyone is promoting 30-minute workouts to make Personal Training affordable, I’d like to remind you that most athletes could never train for just thirty minutes and make any gains, let alone maintain their form. Baseball, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, triathlons, cycling and jogging all last longer than a half an hour. Although, a volley in tennis or volleyball might last a few seconds or a football, basketball or baseball play might last the same, an athlete must be able to focus, concentrate and keep their head on the game for much longer than 30 minutes. However, in soccer, cycling, triathlons and running it’s rarely the case these sporting events will last less than 30 minutes. Think back to your high school or college days. When did your practice ever last 30 minutes? There was the warm-up, stretching, skills, plays, scrimmaging, special teams, laps and a cool-down. All that in 30 minutes? Can’t happen. The human body is an amazing machine. It can withstand a whole lot of punishing. It also can adapt very well. Very quickly, this machine will be able to handle 30 minutes. The workouts below are for conditioning not hypertrophy. A bodybuilder would rarely train this long. Most clients won’t have the time, but some will not only have the time, but also have the money. Because of the long days of summer, you might be able to perform this training outside. These workouts should last about two hours plus and burn approximately 1500 calories depending on the size of the client and intensity of the exercises.


30-40 minutes on the treadmill, bike or some piece of cardio.

Starting at 15 minutes, add at a 1:1 work: rest ratio,.60,.90 and 1:20 second intervals with 3-5 minutes in between those three intervals. The intervals could be speed or hill intervals. Progressively increase the speed or the grade of the hill on each interval. You might need to keep the first and second bouts the same speeds or incline.

For example:

5.0 mph for 15 minutes or 0% grade5.5 mph for.30 seconds or 3% grade5.0 mph for.30 seconds or 0% grade6.0 mph for.90 seconds or 4% grade5.0 mph for.90 seconds or 0% grade6.5 mph for 1:20 seconds or 5% grade5.0 mph for 3-5 minutes.

Repeat the same or proceed starting with 6.0 mph or 4% grade.

Circuit Training

Here are four circuits to be completed twice each before the bouts of jumping rope.The loads and reps might change based on your client.Always obtain a client profile with exercise history, medical history and any medications.

1. 2 ft box jumps with 20-40lb weighted vest 15-25 reps2. Medicine ball sit ups (with weighted vest) 25-50 reps3. Squat. Same vest 25-50 reps4. The plank 3-minutes:.30 prone,.30 to each side with.30 prone in between and then.60 prone to finish.

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Hamstring curl (heavy) 8-12 reps2. Dumbbell clean and press 15-25 reps3. Reverse hip extension on ball 15-25 reps4. Standing lunge with a lateral raise (until failure)

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Plyometric dumbbell push-up to a standing dumbbell press. (Pick light dumbbells and good luck trying to get 25 reps)2. Reverse crunches 25-50 reps3. Pec dec or one-armed cable cross-overs 15-25 reps4. Ab machine (heavy 10-12 reps)

Jump rope for 5 minutes

1. Pull-ups (as many as possible)2. Russian twists w/medicine ball (2kg) between the feet3. Contralateral one-arm rows with a lunge on a low cable 4. Leg raises with a medicine ball (2kg) between the feet

Jump rope for 5 minutes


Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.

Stretch and cool down


Perform the same as the previous workout

Circuit Training

(Start with body weight and then add a weighted vest)

Squat 25-50 reps90 degree jumps with a wide stance. 25-50 repsSplit jumps 15-25 repsJump squats 25 reps

UBE (upper body ergometer or tubing) for 5 minutes

Drop push-ups off of two medicine balls. 10-15 repetitionsPec deck on two stability balls. 10-15 reps. (Prone, a wide stance with elbows bent, one on each ball similar to a Pec deck)Push-ups with legs on the stability ball. 15-20 repsOne-armed cable crossovers. 15-25 reps

Stationary bike for 16 minutes performing intervals at a 1:1 work to rest ratio, 2 minutes seated, two minutes standing for a total of four intervals.

Hip extension on ball. 10-15 repsSupermans.60-1.30 secondsProne free style kick on stability ball..60-1.30 seconds. (Prone, on stability ball with hands secured to something)

UBE 5 minutes

Smith machine chins. 15-25 reps. (If the client is not strong enough adjust the bar so it’s only about 2-ft above the ground. Have the client lie down under it). Alternating pulls with torso rotation. 25 repsStaggered stance one-arm rows 15-25 reps (you may incorporate a lunge)One armed cleans. 15 reps. (start in a squat position and hang the dumbbell between the legs, sumo style)


Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.

Stretch and cool down

I hope this gives you some ideas. ENJOY!

John Platero is the founder and owner of Future Fit, Inc. a successful multi-faceted fitness company that manages personal trainers, provides fitness products, services and educational services for the consumer. He is also the Director of the N.C.C.P.T. (The National Council of Certified Personal Trainers) which has certified thousands of personal trainers at its intensive, two-day workshops held throughout the country. For more informa

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Basics for MMA Circuit training

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Mark Franco

MMA Training Circuit Basics

MMA Circuit training is a basic part of any MMA workout routine. Every successful MMA fighter incorporates circuits in their training, and if you want to be truly successful, you should learn the benefits of this kind of workout too. There is no point doing something if you don’t know it’s advantages. You don’t want to be running around like a headless chicken.

An MMA training circuit basics routine involves combining multiple exercises and performing them little rest. Normally, a circuit will last about five minutes. More experienced fighters give themselves more time, but 5 minutes is an ideal training time.

Circuit training in MMA is effective because it simulates what a real fight is like. Non stop constant action. When you’re in the ring, you won’t have time for rest, and you must have enough stamina to outlast your opponent. This is especially valid in cases where you’re up against an opponent of equal skill to yours. Then, the fight will be mostly decided by who can last longer – as soon as you start getting tired and let your guard down you start to expose yourself and be an open target for your opponent.

With that in mind, to create your MMA training circuit basics program, you need to think of exercises which simulate fighting to some degree. For example, skipping rope, punching bag, running, etc – exercises which use actions which you would normally use in an actual fight. This way, you’ll train yourself to more efficiently conserve your energy when you’re in the ring, and you’ll be prepared for the exhaustion that comes after a long fighting session.

This is what a lot of MMA fighters lack, and if you can train yourself perfectly in that aspect, you’re already well ahead of the majority of your competition – just by being able to last longer. This is why circuit training is a basic part of any MMA workout routine.

Of course, you should adjust your choice of exercises according to your preferred style of fighting. Some people are better in wrestling, for example, and they prefer to take the fight to the ground where they have the upper hand. If you’re one of those, you need to concentrate Get the ultimate mma training hereon your wrestling skills – doing weight exercises is always useful for this purpose, for example. If your advantage is in your speed, try to incorporate more exercises which develop that further, etc. It all boils down to your style of fighting.

Mixing up the exercises is very important because you do not want your body is adapt to your training, thus your training improvement will be slowed down. Your muscle memory is important because when you are tired and not thinking properly as you usually would, this is where it jumps in and takes over. It becomes natural for you. You need to repeat those exercises a lot to have a real effect from them though, so don’t neglect your MMA training circuit basics if you want to be a good MMA fighter.

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Circuit Training: Fast Workout For Quick Paced People.

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by James Conte

Everyone knows the value of exercise and other physical activities to one’s health. However, the people today are more preoccupied by work and other responsibilities that can’t seem to allocate time for exercise. Nonetheless, many people still want to keep fit and are looking for ways to improve their well-being and their physique without spending too much time on exercise.

Circuit training is a workout program that could help you better your health and physique. It uses different strength training that are done at a specified period of time and targets major muscle groups found in the upper, lower and core of the body. Individuals who want to try this program should remember that no two consecutive exercises should target the same muscle group. There should be a 30-second gap between each exercise and each workout lasts for at least 20-30 seconds too. After doing a 3-5 sets of exercises, there’s a 3-minute recovery period between each set.

Circuit training boosts one’s strength, muscle endurance and metabolism due to consistent movements. In addition to these health benefits, if circuit exercises are done at speed, some benefits of aerobic exercises can be achieved as well. However, circuit workout is not capable of burning ample amount of calories and promote significant decrease in weight. Circuit training may have advantages but it also has some disadvantages.

Here are the advantages of circuit training. Promotes strength and endurance and this is used when training in sports training. Circuit training can be adjusted for appropriate age, fitness, and health of individuals. The exercises involved are simple and it gives you a sense of achievement after the workout. The wide array of circuit exercises available gives the person a chance to choose which exercise he likes to use best.

In order for you to improve your health, the exercises in circuit training must be done properly. Excessively training is one of the most common mistakes that many individuals commit because they want to achieve good physique and health rapid. Excessively training could overstretch and injure your muscles and bones so it must be avoided all the time. This happens because the body literally undergoes “wear and tear” during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to rest to attain normal development. Studies show that fatigue and respiratory infection could result from excessively training. Other effects of excessively training are low sperm quality and production in men. Low sperm quality and production is due to the decline in the level of hormones in the bloodstream during an intense physical exercise. Sperm production and quality will only go back to normal if you rest for at least 2 to 3 days.

Seek advice from your doctor before you jumpstart your circuit training or any workout for that matter. They could formulate a workout and diet regimen that is appropriate for your health needs. The Best way to improve your health and physique is for you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of physical activities first.

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