Crazy Abs Machine: A Modern Piece of Ab Equipment

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Wilma Lojewski

“Crazy Abs Abdominal Exercise Home Gym – As Seen on Youtube”, so or similar is a modern piece of abdominal exercise equipment presented in commercials. It is simple but nicely designed. A higher stand on one side and a lower on the other side, connected by a tubular arc. A handlebar for different grip positions is on the upper side. Movable knee pads are on the lower side. Users kneel on those pads, grab the handlebar and are ready for a funny ab workout, well supported by the crazy abs machine.

For the exercises, people pull the knees toward the chest and then back. That works the abs as well as arms, shoulders and back. Slow performing is more intense than quick performing. An upright training position makes it possible to look TV during the workout. The handle bar can be turned to the side to work the obliques. With this feature, plus different grip positions, a user can work different muscle groups.

The main benefit is the supported workout. There is no pressure on the back and neck. The exercises against body weight and gravity are highly effective. Only power towers with a vertical knee raise station have these advantages in a similarly supported way. The workout position on the crazy abs machine seems even more comfortable. Another benefit is the portability. The crazy abs home gym measures 48 x 40 x 25 inches, is not bulky and weighs about 45 pounds. Almost everybody can easily carry it to the preferred place for workout. The greatest benefits are the long-term results. More and stronger muscles improve the overall health and fitness immensly. That includes a higher BMR and healthier bones. We usually do not recognize those benefits, before we reach a certain age in excellent condition caused by regular ab workout.

The customer’s echo in reviews on the crazy abs machine is positive. Most people like it and report successful abdominal exercise at home. A little criticism points to the obliques training. Some users say, although the handlebar can be turned, there would not be enough twist to work the side abs very well. This could be according to the body length. Users can improve the twist a little by crossing the outer hand over the inner hand on the turned handlebar.

Customers who want to buy the crazy abs abdominal exercise home gym should know about that little drawback. It is nothing, compared with the benefits of this funny ab workout machine. The main workout is highly praised by most of the users. That includes 50plus people, even with back problems or arthritis. Last but not least the little ab machine is affordable priced and easy to assemble.

There is a large bunch of classic abdominal exercise equipment available, from small ab wheels to big ab workout machines. Sometimes a modern device enters the market. The crazy abs abdominal exercise home gym is one of them. The workout is well supported and relatively easy. Almost everybody can use the crazy abs machine, whereas people with health problems better double check with the doctor. As for the rest, such abdominal exercise at home is good for everybody.

Click here and get to know more about the crazy abs machine. Abdominal exercise tips, as well as comprehensive abs equipment information, are on Wilma Lojewski’s website.

Related Crazy Abs Abdominal Exercise Home Gym Articles

The Elite Push Up Exercises These Varieties Of Push Ups Will Build Your Pectorals Like Crazy

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by chif chanton

There are so scores of different types of push ups you can do there is zero way you might ever get disinterested with creating bodyweight pectoral exercises. The modes of push ups you can complete will for definite add in the muscle confusion essential feature and give you first-rate pay off. You can pull off plyometirc push ups, static push ups, diversified arm and hand placement push ups, the run down goes on and on. In this post, I will certainly review a little of my cherished types of push ups you can act out as well as create a push up exercise out for you.

The Modes Of Push Ups That Act The Best

I have been completing push ups for years. The excellent thing is, it feels almost once a day that folks set up diversified modes of push ups and post those around the online network. This has supported me to keep focused to do hundreds of push ups a week with loads of fluctuation. Here is a small run down of the varieties of push ups that I know for a fact will get you exceptional positive changes. These three varieties of push ups are the infrastructure for all other varieties of push ups:

General Push Ups

Yeah I understand reasonably commonplace, though general hand broadness and normal momentum push ups are the groundwork for the varieties of push ups you can do. You need to without exception do these, mainly for a warm up set before to you getting into the more demanding modes of push ups. beginning at this base, you can alternate hand placement to narrow, wide, diamond, off set, plank, and so on. You can align your body to achieve decline push ups, incline push ups, hand stand push ups. As long as you are creative or frankly go to Youtube, you will certainly not run out of the varieties of push ups you can fulfill.

Plyometric Push Ups

These types of push ups I be fond of, erupting up and leaving the air when you complete the plyometirc push ups. These are challenging, fun and you are able generate varied types of these as well. You can fulfill the clapping plyo push up,s the airborne plyo push ups, the double and triple clap push ups, and so on. These will be the catalyst for your pectoral development.

motionless Push Ups

Motionless push ups or isometric push ups are brutal. If you plainly maintain your position for at smallest 20 seconds you will no dispute feel it working and your arms will begin to quiver like mad. These varieties of push ups will certainly really focus on the solid muscle fibers in your pectorals.

Now that you are informed the varieties of push ups that are the groundwork to all other types of push ups its time that you give the training session beneath an attempt. Don’t complete this exercise more than 3 times per week. Your muscles need to renew.

Here is merely an example of the varieties of push ups you can complete in a given exercise routine. The regimen beneath will have you carrying out a total of 200 push ups, with varied varieties of push ups. I bet you any one thing it this will brutish even the most exceptional.

Do 25 universal push ups

Complete 25 contracted push ups (arms touching sides)

Achieve 25 outspread arm push ups

Perform 25 diamond hand placement push ups

Fulfill 25 plyometirc clap push ups ( your feet stay on the floor)

Act out 25 jumping plyo push ups ( your entire body goes airborne the floor)

Complete 25 burpee push ups

Finish with 20 seconds isometric hold push ups at bottom of your stance (chest almost touching ground). Then for 20 additional seconds with your body posture should be half way up from the ground, and the last 20 seconds your body placement should be 3/4 the way off the floor totaling it an aggregate of 1 minute.

As you can notice the varieties of push ups you can pull off are for sure nearly endless. Changing it up, and having fun with the exercises is what you aspire to shoot for. Fix in the mind, the varieties of push ups you can do is only restricted to your creativity.

There are many ways to get in shape, visit Types of Push Ups and Develop Lean Muscle