After Workout Nutrition for a Women’s Fitness Diet

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Flavia Del Monte

The foods we choose to refuel our body with post-exercise are vital to meeting our body’s needs. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion surrounding women’s fitness diet plans, leaving most of us unsure of what to eat and not eat after a workout.

The important thing to remember is that nutrition needs clear, factual information, common sense, and diligence if you want to make your overall health better. If the other meals of the day are not executed properly, you won’t achieve your workout goals.

What Happens When We Workout

Let’s make some sense of this confusing topic by discussing why we workout. For me, (and I think I speak on behalf of MOST of the population), there are 3 main reasons to exercise:

1. Improve health2. Improve body composition3. Improve performance

If you want your fitness diet to contain the right nutrients your body needs after a workout, we need to focus on what our body experiences during exercise. During an intense workout, we break down muscle tissue, essentially damaging the tissues. This sounds bad, but this process is what actually makes us leaner, fitter, stronger and more muscular.

Essentially, a women’s fitness diet needs to do 3 things:

1. Replenish glycogen 2. Stop protein breakdown3. Promote protein synthesis

Muscle building occurs when our body reaches a positive protein balance during recovery by consuming the right type of nutrients after exercise triggers protein synthesis. Our body also depletes its carbohydrate levels during exercise, which need to be refilled. This means our body NEEDS protein and carbohydrates post-workout.

During and after exercise, our blood circulates more rapidly, especially through the muscles being trained. If we strategically put the nutrients it needs into our bloodstream at the right times, our bodies will be able to recover and replenish more efficiently.

After Workout Nutrition For A Women’s Fitness Diet

This brings us to the “window” of opportunity, which occurs immediately after a workout. During this timeframe, our muscles are primed to accept the nutrients that can stimulate muscle repair and growth.

While protein synthesis lasts for up to 4 hours, our body will receive the most benefits from nutrients consumed within two hours of exercising. Wait too long to refuel your body, however, and you’ll experience a decrease in glycogen storage and protein synthesis.

So What Should I Eat?

Let’s recall what it is that we are trying to achieve with post-workout nutrition:

1. Replenish glycogen2. Stop protein breakdown3. Promote protein synthesis

This tells us we need carbohydrates to replenish our energy levels, and protein to prevent further breakdown and promote rebuilding.

Because our window is small, we need to consume quick digesting carbohydrates and quick digesting protein post-workout. Sources such as isolates, dextrose, or a recovery drink are best.

Whole foods digest slowly, which is why most fitness enthusiasts choose liquid post-workout over whole foods. If you do choose whole foods, opt for ones that are quick to absorb like fish and white rice. Just make sure to take advantage of the two-hour “window”.

Post-Workout Protein Shakes and Protein Types

Post-workout shakes are not NEEDED, but they’ll help with recovery and muscle building. Protein powder is convenient and cost-effective option. It’s great for before and after your workouts, and also as a meal replacement. Because proteins have different uses, however, you’ll need to select different types of protein supplementation for each one.

Soy protein comes directly from the only plant-based food to contain a complete protein: soybeans. However, it does have more fat and takes longer to absorb. On the bright side, it’s excellent for supplying your muscles with a steady supply of protein throughout the day. It also contains isoflavones, which promote health cholesterol levels.

Hemp protein is derived from hemp seeds. It contains approximately 50% less protein than whey, but it does contain omega-3 fatty acids to boost heart health. This type of protein powder is best used for morning drinks and between meal snacks, rather than for post workout recovery. It’s also a suitable alternative for those sensitive or intolerant to milk products.

Whey protein, from cow’s milk, is a by-product left over when making cheese. It’s 31% more effective at building muscle than soy, and is considerably more effective at stimulating protein synthesis compared to other proteins, but you need to be careful when buying.

Lower quality whey powder has high fat and dietary cholesterol levels. It’s also the fastest-absorbing protein powder types, making it the best of the three for recovery, growth, and maintenance after workouts.

Post-Workout Nutrition For A Women s Fitness Diet — Whey Protein

If you’ve looked around, you’ll have noticed three types of whey protein supplements:

Whey Protein Isolate — With almost no carbs, lactose, or fat content, this is the highest quality powder available. In fact, 90% or more of its weight will be protein. It is also the most efficient of the proteins — 30-60% more efficient than concentrate.

Whey Protein Concentrate — The cheapest whey supplement, concentrate is high in fat and lactose. It has the highest biological value, and is about 75% protein by weight.

Whey Protein Blends — A mixture of concentrate and isolate, this provides you with a lower fat and lactose content, while still being affordable. Blends also have a great amino acid profile.

If you’re looking for a post-workout protein shake, choose whey isolate for its protein synthesis (building) effect. It may be more expensive, but it rapidly releases amino acids into blood stream and gets into the blood quicker, which is exactly what you need immediately after a workout. It peaks after about 40 minutes, and lasts about an hour.

Micellar-Isolate Protein Powder is the highest quality form of protein powder. Called a ‘muscle-sparing’ protein, casein releases much more slowly in the body, causing a steady release of amino acids into the blood, over a longer period of time.

A fast-digesting protein, such as white fish is a better pre-workout protein. And for breakfast, supplement with whey protein to combat the muscle breakdown that may occur due to the fasting that occurs while sleeping. Again, a better option here is a fast-digesting protein such as eggs.

Remember that what you eat and when you eat is just as important as the details of your specially designed workouts for women. Create a women’s fitness diet that best suits you and meets the needs of your workout. You’ll not only look better, and get improved results, but you’ll feel better, too.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

Choosing a Diet and Exercise Plan

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

It seems that there’s no age limit on wanting to look good and feel good. Diet and exercise are both equal opportunity endeavors. Men and women of all ethnicities and those who are young, old, or somewhere in between are all welcome to join millions of others in eating less and exercising more in pursuit of looking better and being healthier.

It seems that we are always in pursuit of looking better and being healthier. But how and what steps should we take to search for the best diet and exercise plan for ourselves?

The first step in a diet and exercise program is usually to determine what kind of diet is best for us. While there are a lot of choices, you can choose a diet that requires you to count calories, carbohydrates, or fat grams. You can choose one that includes a number system that makes counting calories, carbohydrates, or fat grams easier or simpler or you can even find a diet where food is sent to you weekly or monthly already prepared and in the correct serving size.

Diets are different, but the commonality of going on a diet for the purpose of losing weight is that each and every individual should secure the blessing (and possibly the advice) of their personal physicians.

Changing your pattern of eating can be a bit traumatic for your digestive system.

You want to make sure that your overall health is good enough for you to make a drastic change without upsetting your system something fierce! And be warned: dieting, even moderate and sensible dieting, can upset your system.

The human body requires certain vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to function correctly. Ingesting less food can create a deficit in the nutrients supplied to the body.

The idea of any good diet is to eat less but to eat a well-balanced diet that supplies the body with all of the “stuff” that it needs to function correctly.

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Vegetarian Food Diet, Healthy Food For Healthy Living

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Many people around the world have chosen to become vegetarians. Although this is commonly referred to as a vegetarian diet, it is more of a lifestyle change. These are people who have come to believe that a diet with primarily vegetables is better for them. There is a lot of research to support the benefit of vegetarian food. If you become a vegetarian there are practical decisions to make.

People who have made this sort of lifestyle change have reported these benefits that they’ve experienced. One of the important reasons to become a vegetarian is for your health. You may find that consuming vegetables alone makes your healthier and physically fit. You will need to find great vegetarian recipes, such as, vegetarian soup. You may even find a terrific restaurant for your new diet. This may not always be the most economic approach for the vegetarian lifestyle.

There are a number of ways to find great vegetables for your diet. Most grocery stores have a wide array of produce for customers to choose from. Not all produce, however, is the same. Organic produce has become very popular in recent years. These fruits and vegetables are grown naturally without chemical pesticides. Gardening is another way to get the produce you require for your vegetarian diet. Here are some vegetarian tips to consider for your garden:

Find a place with full sunlight

One of the best ways to eat healthy vegetables is to grow them yourself. This is one of the reasons why people opt to start a garden. You will need to find garden space that is just right for growing your vegetables or fruit. This is a piece of land that gets full sunlight, especially in the summer. Full sunlight is typically measured at about 8-10 hours per day. With practice you can become a great vegetarian cook.

Garden needs good drainage

When you choose to garden to accommodate your vegetarian diet, there will be some work required. Your garden will not only need sunlight, but proper drainage. The garden should not hold standing water from rain. One way to determine if your space drains well is to test it. Sprinkle water here and monitor if it stands or not. Looking through a vegetarian guide could help you decide which vegetables to plant.

Start with a small garden

Many new vegetarians are so excited about their healthy options. They end up many times starting a garden that is too big. It is wise to start a small garden. This is one that measures 4 x 8 or 4 x 10. This size garden is easier to maintain and to care for. Considering this as a beginner is important.

Buy tools to grow vegetables

Your new garden is going to require more than time and nurturing. There are tools that can help the gardening process go smoothly. Using each of these will allow you to give your garden the best care. Here are some necessary garden tools to buy:

* Wooden stakes – used to mark off your land
* Sharp spade – used to move the soil for gardening
* Wide spaced garden fork – used to break up the ground

For more information on Vegetarian Food Diet, please visit:

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Stupendous Diet and Fitness Tips

March 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

If you want to lose weight fast, today I have a few great diet and fitness tips. These tips aren’t the typical things you may be used to hear

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Weight Loss Diet Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips With Phen375

March 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Fat Burner & Weight Loss Review

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, the Kapha Dosha (humour) is primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and therefore reducing Kapaha is the key to a successful weight loss program. Below you will find some effective tips from ayurveda to help reduce Kapha Dosha and thus battle obesity and being overweight.Of the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in this article I will cover the Physical Dimension which is most important for the reduction of Kapha and the correlating reduction in weight.Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda:1. Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss:Obviously an anti-kapha diet is the place to start when looking to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.2. Exercise for Weight Loss:The following Ayurvedic guidelines should be followed for proper exercise with regard to weight loss:

More Exercise the Better: Kapha\’s qualities of fixed, dull, heavy, soft and cold are all negated via exercise. In other words, the more exercise you do the more you reduce Kapha and therefore fat in your body.Exercise Without Excessive Strain: According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need the most vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should never be extreme. Find a good balance between doing too little and over doing it. Breaking a nice sweat is good, but being totally breathless is probably too much.Be Consistent: A Kapha body type has a propensity towards weight gain so you need to make exercise a daily part of you life. The hardest part will be to get the exercise program underway. Once this is done Kapha people tend to be very determined and steady, so they will be able to adhere to it long term. Getting started though is another matter for Kapha types and usually requires shock treatment. In the spirit of shock treatment, understand that by NOT exercising and NOT losing the weight you are putting your longevity and quality of life at risk. Enough said, start today!Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga offers an excellent way to include holistic exercises into your fitness program. These exercises will not just help you lose weight, but will also help your overall health and well-being.Post Exercise Diet: After exercises do not drink cold liquids. This period is key as you are trying to increase the metabolic fire in your cells so they burn more calories and drinking cold liquids at this time will negate this important benefit which exercise bestows.3. Hard Physical Work to Burn Calories:According to Ayurveda reduction of Kapha is promoted by living a physical, active lifestyle. In today\’s age of technology, computers, TVs, TiVO, internet, etc, manual labor is getting more rare for people to do. So you need to consciously incorporate physical work into your life. Whether that be mowing the lawn, tending to the garden or shoveling snow, it is important to not live a sedentary live of watching TV and eating twinkies.4. Massage Therapy to Reduce Fat:There are many treatment modalities in Ayurveda of which massage is highly recommended. In the context of weight loss and reducing Kapha, strong massage with light oils such as mustard or flaxseed is helpful.5. Sleep Guidelines for Weight Loss:No napping or going to bed early. If you want to reduce Kapha and weight remember you burn more calories when you are awake and being active, than when you are happily snuggled under the blanket.The above recommendations will surely help you with your weight loss goals and in addition to helping you get slim, they will also make you more healthy and fit.Do not waiting start action with buy phen375 now here.

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Diet Fitness

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

When it comes to setting weight loss goals, many people want to know what the best exercise program for burning fat really is. The truth is that there is no single best workout program. Whatever exercise program you use, you need to make sure that you push yourself if you’re going to change your body for the better.

Which Exercises Should You Do To Lose Weight?

The best exercise program for losing weight may include almost all types of exercise. However, in order to lose weight you’ll need to understand the fundamentals. In the end your aim should be to take in fewer calories than you burn off each day. This can be done through a combination of diet and exercise.

A lot of people begin with cardio exercises to help them lose weight. These are the kind of exercises that get your heart rate going and leave you feeling puffed out at the end of it.

This could be as basic as going for a walk every day – as long as you stick to a pace that leaves you feeling tired.

It really is critical that you make sure that you have the right intensity in your workouts. This may mean making sure that you walk a little faster, rather than at your standard slow pace, until you can really feel your heart pumping. The unfortunate truth is that you do need to push yourself in order to burn calories.

Learning How To Challenge Self

The most important thing is that you learn how to effectively challenge your body. Even the best exercise program could eventually become easier for you to do, so you’ll constantly need to look at what you’re doing to make sure that your body is forced into adapting to the hurdles you set it.

How Much Exercise Do You Need?

Leading health organizations recommend that you get 5 cardio workouts in every week, for periods of 30 minutes or more.

If you’re finding that difficult, then try breaking this up into periods of 10 minutes at a time. When you’re just starting out then you may need start slow and gradually push yourself harder as you progress.

The best exercise plan should also include some muscle work on top of cardio activity. This helps to make sure you’re building your muscles which will, in turn, increase your metabolism and help you to burn calories quicker.

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A Look at Fats in the Body Builder’s Diet

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Gavin Brodie

Yes, even when you are building the perfect body, you’ll still need some fats in your diet. Fats are the main source of energy in the body. Fat combines with glucose for energy in order to spare the breakdown of protein. That way, protein can do what it is supposed to do – build muscle.

The key to fat intake is to stay away from bad fats and only eat the good fat. Saturated fat is bad. These are the fats that contribute to heart disease and high cholesterol. Because of the chemical composition of saturated fat, your body cannot break it down very well.

Saturated fats are commonly found in animal products such as meat, seafood, whole milk dairy products like milk and cheese, as well as egg yolks. Saturated fats elevate blood cholesterol by increasing both the good HDL and the bad LDL. Elevated levels of LDL can clog arteries and cause heart disease. They are also more readily stored as body fat, so they should be limited.

Trans fats should also be avoided. This type of fat is often used in commercially processed food because they are preserved longer. Trans fats cause an over activity in the immune system and are linked to stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. You should truly strive to eliminate all trans fats from your diet.

Unsaturated fats are easier for your body to break down. Some of them can act as antioxidants that can actually help in losing stored fatty tissue in the body. These fats are found naturally in foods like nuts and avocados. These fats have a great effect on the cardio system as they work to lower the bad LDL cholesterol in the body.The easiest way to tell the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is to look at them. At room temperature, saturated fats are hard and solid. Unsaturated fats are in liquid form as in oils.

So basically, you should stay away from fats like animal lard and use oils such as olive oil or canola oil. Pay close attention to the fat content of any processed foods you are eating and keep it to a minimum or else your body will store that fat as, well, fat.Probably the best type of fat to have in your diet would be Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These fats are most often found in fish and can have some significant health advantages. They can reduce inflammation, help prevent cancer growth, and improve brain function.Omega 3 Fatty Acids can actually help combat conditions such as depression, fatigue, joint pain, and even Type 2 diabetes. Because they reduce inflammation in the body, they are good for the body builder because they help promote muscle recovery which can be important in the body building process.

Fats are actually an important part of any diet. They play an important role in protecting the body’s vital organs. Fats keep the body insulated, maintain healthy hair and skin as well as providing a sense of fullness after meals.

Obtaining sufficient fat in its healthy form is one of the keys to good health and well being and a great body! However, you must be careful not to overdo on the fats, so consider the following suggestions for keeping your fat intake at a healthy level:

• Snack on peanuts instead of chips or candy. About a ½ cup is a good amount.

• Use olive oil in salad dressings and when cooking

• When baking, instead of topping with chocolate or candies, consider using nuts and seeds instead

• Try making sandwiches with avocado and tuna instead of higher fat lunchmeats

• Eat fish at least three times a week to increase your Omega 3 intake

• Limit or even eliminate fast food as well as sources of trans fats like commercially processed cookies and cakes

Gavin Brodie is a fitness and nutrition coach and writer. For more information on a fitter healthier life see

American Bodybuilding – Diet Turbo Tea Pre-Workout Diet & Energy Drink – 24 – 18 fl oz 1 pt 2 fl oz bottles – Peach Tea

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Description
Dietary Supplement. Fitness & Energy Formula. Energizing. A zero calorie supplement with Tea‚ Ginseng and Guarana extracts. Pre-workout diet & energy formula. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose‚ treat‚ cure‚ or prevent any disease). No calories. No sugar. No ephedra or Ma Huang. 90mg Caffeine to enhance mental energy and fat oxidation (These statements have n… More >>

American Bodybuilding – Diet Turbo Tea Pre-Workout Diet & Energy Drink – 24 – 18 fl oz 1 pt 2 fl oz bottles – Peach Tea

The Serious Body Builder Diet To Optimize Muscle Built

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Joe Lee Javier

The muscle builders diet should contain one kilogram of protein for every one kilogram of body weight. The protein should be made up about thirty per cent of the muscle builder’s calories intake.

The carbohydrates should make up about twenty per cent of the total amount of calories for the average body builder. This is not the ideal ratio for everyone bust it does give a good idea of what the average body builder should be eating.

Most muscle builders like to start there day with a large fried breakfast something along the lines of ten egg whites, two scrambled yolks mixed with one tablespoon of olive oil, two slices of whole wheat toast with a generous spreading of natural peanut butter, one hundred grams of oats and one banana and this is all washed down with black coffee and water. If you feel like you are putting on too much fat then you could reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you have in your diet. Or on the other hand if you feel that you are not gaining enough weight you can add to your carbohydrates.

Once you have worked out how much protein you need to have in your diet it is important to keep this level. When you are trying to work out the best diet stick to your diet for a couple of weeks and then revise it, this is important because it can take a couple of weeks for any changes to take place.

If you feel that you need to make changes to your diet look at changing the amount of carbohydrates or fats or in some cases even both.

Most body builders also opt for a reasonable sized lunch such s two hundred and fifty grams of tuna in either water or brine with a five hundred jacket potato accompanied with a mixed salad and a large glass of water.

There are a lot of people who are into muscle building to opt for a snack in the middle of the afternoon. This snack is not what most people class and a snack.

For a muscle builder a snack is more likely to be something along the lines of two hundred and fifty grams of chicken breast, one hundred grams of boiled rice and one cup of mixed vegetables.

The muscle builder would also try to include one tablespoon of extra virgin oil olive which would in most cases be washed down by a large glass of water.

The body builders tend to have three meals in the evening as well which are usually only a few hours apart and they all include a lot of carbohydrates, proteins and calories.

It is also very common for muscle builders to use daily supplements. There is a wide range of daily supplements that are available in the market such as carbohydrate powder, cod liver oil, whey isolate protein powder, evening primrose oil, multivitamins and minerals and vitamin C to name a few.

In most cases the proteins and carbohydrates contain about four calories per gram and fat has nine calories.

The above is a suggestion and recommendation, it is always safe advice for you to consult your nutritionist and physician to cater to your unique needs.

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HCG Diet Drops vs Jillian Michaels vs ProShapeRx.

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Marvin Wallace

If you are Serious about Reducing Excess Body Fat

Everyone by now has heard of the BMI, or Body Mass Index that is being utilized to gage the amount of body fat that you have and to give a range of what is healthy for you. Basically the BMI is a measurement of body weight that is based on your own weight and height. It doesn’t really actually measure the percentage of your body fat that you have, it is used as a guideline to estimate what your body weight should be based on your height. It has now become a very widely used and accepted practice to identify whether a person is overweight, or even underweight. It is nothing new — having been invested in the mid 1800’s but it has become increasing popular along with the wide range of health and diet aids that have hit the market over the last few decades.

There are lots of quick and easy online tools to access your own personal BMI, but basically it is a calculation of your current weight against your height. A ‘normal’ range of BMI is estimated to be between 18.5 and 24.9. A survey conducted in 1994 indicated that over 59% of American men and 49% of American women were over 25%. A 2007 survey now states that 63% of people are now over 25%. That is a startling statistic and certainly one that indicates that losing weight is more critical than ever as that trend needs to be reduced.

Scoring a BMI that is over 30 indicates that you are on the wrong track and that losing weight should be a primary focus to regain your health. But sometimes it can be daunting on where you can go to start to lose that weight and reduce your BMI. But luckily for you there have been teams of researchers and doctors who have been doing the homework for you and have now formulated a weight loss system that not only works, but is also comprised of 100% natural ingredients.


This weight loss system will help you not only lose weight but also reduce your body fat. You will start to notice immediate results even after only seven days. You will start to lose your cravings and the hunger pangs will soon be a thing of the past. Once you lose those two main deterrents to sticking to a healthier way of eating, your body fat will start to decrease significantly. Your BMI will start to decrease and that will help reduce other health factors associated with being overweight.

Just think of plugging your new weight into the BMI calculator and watching as you become closer to that goal number of 25. With the ProShape RX weight loss system, you will find it easier to stick to your goals and soon you will be at your ideal weight and your ideal BMI in no time. The ProShapeRX system is guaranteed to give you the results you need or your money back. In fact, for a limited time, you can have a free 30 day trial to get you started. So what do you have to lose except that excess weight? Order your free trial today and get started on that optimum BMI goal!

For more information, go to

HCG Diet Drops

Day 1-2During the first two days of your program, (while taking the HCG drops) we ask that you eat as you normally do, but please do not over eat. This is a very important step in the diet because it prepares the body for the weight reduction program. This also allows time for the HCG to get into your system thus cutting your appetite so that you may avoid the possibility of suffering from hunger. Make sure and take 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Day 3-15+Your weight loss protocol begins on day three. At this point you MUST follow the prescribed program without deviation. Eating more food than the plan allows, or consuming foods that are not allowed, will only cause an immediate weight gain. It is also important that you correct any deviations. Should deviations occur, you must return immediately to the stated diet plan. Make sure to continue taking 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Jillian Michaels Diet

Jillian has combined years of training experience with the weight-loss secrets from her success on NBC’s hit series The Biggest Loser to create her proven online program. This is your real solution to weight loss. Change your life by following Jillian’s triple-threat approach to success: self, science, and sweat.

Self: Learn how to change your behaviors to finally reach your goals.•Inspiration and advice from Jillian•Weight-Loss Buddies who share your goals•Message Boards for daily motivation•Calorie Calculator & Interactive Weight Tracker•Jillian’s 7 Steps to Behavioral Modification

Science: Eat right for your metabolism.•100s of metabolism-boosting recipes•Meal Plans and Menus for your body type•Special food guides to help you eat right•Customized info on your metabolic rate

Sweat: Train your body for serious weight loss•151 printable exercises you can do from home•Cardio workouts that you enjoy•Complete Muscle Manual•Fitness Advice Videos

So lets sum it all up

ProshapeRx takes a natural approach using natural ingredients.

HGC Diet Drops takes a medical approach.

Jillian Michaels takes the old fashioned approach.

And last but not least always consult with your doctor first.

My name is Marvin, Im a stay at home dad and I enjoy working from home and spending time with my family and friends. In my spare time I enjoy creative writing and posting articles about different topics. Thank you for reading my article.

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