Bodybuilding Workout Routine – Diet Recommendation

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

I will cover this in more detail in another article, but for now I’ll give this advice: it is best to consume a diet consisting of approximately 50-60% carbohydrate (mostly complex carbs.), 30-40% protein, and around 10% fat. Try to stay away from junk food, and drink plenty of water. To stay fully hydrated is very important to building muscle tissue – remember, muscle is 70% water. Protein sources should come from white and red meat, fish, eggs and other dairy produce. Good carb sources are rice, pasta, potatoes etc.

If you are also trying to lose body fat, you must eat in the above way, but you must also create a ‘caloric deficit’ i.e. take in slightly fewer calories than you burn up each day, while training, and keeping you’re protein intake high.

In order to work out your maintenance caloric intake, i.e. the number of calories you need to take in each day to maintain weight, add up the calories from everything you have eaten in a seven day period, and divide by seven during a week in which you’re weight has not changed.

This is you’re maintenance caloric intake. In order to lose fat, consume about 300 calories less each day than this figure. In this way, you will lose body fat while maintaining, or perhaps increasing, your current muscle mass. The addition of some mild aerobic exercise a couple of times a week will also increase the fat burning process. Once you are happy with you’re body fat level, you must then increase your caloric intake in order to gain muscular bodyweight.

If you are initially just trying to add muscular bodyweight, then it is obviously important to eat slightly more than your maintenance level number of calories per day. Increase slowly, eating good food, and in so doing, determine how much you need to eat to progress, without putting on large amounts of body fat. Remember, though, that it is not possible to put on large amounts of muscle without adding some body fat in the process, which can be periodically removed with alterations in training and diet, revealing your hard-earned new muscle.

What rate of progress is to be expected?
In the first six months or so, if you do everything right, you should experience quite rapid progress, especially in terms of strength. However, sooner or later you will hit a plateau where you will have to experiment with your training and diet in order to make further progress, which is where determination and patience come in. Make no mistake about it, there is a law of diminishing returns in bodybuilding where the bigger and stronger you get, the harder it is to add further strength and muscle mass.

This is why so many trainees lose interest and give up training, because they lack this determination and drive. The greatest battle that you have in bodybuilding or other strength sport is not with the weights, but with yourself; quite simply put, if you don’t have the guts to push yourself, and the will to be consistent, you won’t reach your training goals.

In future articles, I’ll cover more advanced training for strength in specific exercises, and dietary considerations. Until then; go for it!  

Mick Hart – Hardcore bodybuilder – expert Muscle Growth Tips and training , author of two anabolic steroid best selling books, steroids and bodybuilding magazine publisher. Steroid Training Advice and Muscle Workout Routine exercises to develop SAFE huge muscles.

An Exceptional Example of a Muscle Building Diet Plan

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Mass gain diet plan simply consists eating more amount of calories than what you can burn. Remember that you will never gain muscle without foods. So read the following weight gain diet plan so you would know the right kind of foods to eat in order to gain weight and increase muscle mass.


Carbohydrates are responsible for providing your body with more energy than fats or proteins. Therefore, it is just necessary that weight gainers will include simple carbohydrate enriched foods on their meals. Some examples of carbohydrate enriched foods are cereals, green leafy veggies, beans, bread, oatmeal, rice, pasta and potatoes.


If you want to gain weight while working hard to increase your muscle mass, you must be able to consume some fats as well. Although you have to make sure that you eat only foods that are filled with unsaturated fatty acids, so that no cholesterol will build-up on your body. Foods that are filled with healthy fats are flaxseed, cod liver oil, olives, avocados, olive oil, sunflower and walnuts.


Foods that are rich in proteins must also be included in your mass gain diet, so as to achieve a healthy development of your body. Make sure to consume dairy products that are rich in protein everyday so to gain weight and build muscles. Some few examples of foods that are rich in proteins are chicken breasts, eggs, tuna, salmon, lean beef and turkey breasts.

To help you in coming up with a diet plan for muscle building and gaining weight, here is a sample of a whole day meal plan that you can follow

1st meal – to be eaten at 7AM

– Protein supplement of your choice and 1 tsp flaxseed oil – This allows you to consume 432 calories, 42 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs and 14 grams of fat.

2nd meal – to be eaten at 10AM

– 6 ounce chicken breast paired with one-half cup of rice – Eating this meal will enable you to consume 319 calories, 50 grams of protein as well as 23 grams of carbohydrates and 7 grams fats.

3rd meal – to be eaten at 1PM

– 4 whole eggs on a flour tortilla – this enables you to earn about 367 calories, 24 grams of protein, as well as 17 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of fats.

Fourth meal at 4PM

– 6 ounce grilled tuna paired with a large piece of baked potato and a cup of veggies – this will allow you to gain 450 calories, 48 grams of protein, as well as 56 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fats.

5th meal – to be eaten at 7PM

– four pieces whole eggs paired with a cup of hash browns – this will allow you to gain 440 calories, 28 grams of protein, as well as 36 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of fats.

After reading this article, you should now have an idea in mind on how to go about your mass gain diet plan. Try to follow the menu above for your daily meals and you

Muscle Building Diet Plan

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

If you want to build a muscular physique you know how important it is to lift weights and do cardio, right? But if you are to maximize your results in the gym then you have to create a muscle building diet plan as well. It is a must do and an essential part of the equation to a muscular physique. You have to supply your body with nutrients from foods that will build muscle.

So what is involved in building a diet that will compliment your workout strategy? There are four main areas to focus on.

1. Total Calories. You should be aware of the total calories you are consuming everyday and where those calories are coming from. Don’t assume you know. Start keeping a journal of everything that you eat with a breakdown of the macronutrient content. This is the best way to determine exactly what your total calorie content is. You have to take in enough calories throughout your day to supply your body with a continuous amount of nutrients.


Adequate Protein. Lean protein is the way to go. Lean sources of protein can be found in chicken and eggs. This is a must if you want to build quality, lean muscle. An adequate source of protein will help your body repair itself after a hard workout.

3. Carbohydrates. Carbs are the best source of fuel or energy for your body. If you cut your carbs significantly and for a prolonger period of time you will find yourself lacking energy and your workouts will suffer as a result. You need to supply your body with carbohydrates, specifically complex carbs to keep your body’s energy stores up. Good sources of complex carbs are oatmeal and wheat based products.

4. Drink plenty of water. This may sound too basic but it is an aspect of any muscle building diet plan that is grossly overlooked.

You should be consuming 1 ounce of water for every pound of bodyweight you have. So if you weigh 200lbs. you should be drinking 200 ounces of water everyday. Just about everything in your body needs water to function – so make sure you are drinking your fair share.

It is as important to spend as much time planning your diet as it is planning your workouts. A solid diet plan that will compliment your workouts will include knowing your total caloric intake per day, consuming an adequate amount of lean protein and complex carbohydrates in addition to drinking plenty of water.


Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men ? Tips and Techniques for Transformation

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Muscle building diet plan for men is usually different from those of women. That is because men tend to have another purpose with the look of their bodies, as they want to be big and muscular and even intimidating, whereas women wants definitions and a clean look.

We will in this article go through what a muscle building diet plan for men can look like, both in terms of foods and the timing of it.

Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men – Example

The following foods in the muscle building diet plan for men will be a mixture of natural foods, as well as some supplements that can be good to use at times. The focus on the muscle building diet plan for men will be of gaining muscle mass.

100 grams of oatmeal
2 scoops of protein powder
400 ml of milk

-Meal 2:
1 can of tuna in water
200 grams of whole grain bread
Some vegetables

-Meal 3:
Post workout shake with 2 scoops of protein
50 grams of carbohydrate or a banana

-Meal 4:
200 grams of chicken
200 grams of potatoes
And mixed vegetables, including broccoli

-Meal 5:
200 grams of salmon
Mixed Vegetables

-Meal 6:
50 grams of almonds or cashew nuts (non-roasted)

The above muscle building diet plan for men is just one example out of many.

But what you should get out of it is that you can be as creative as you want, as long as you hit the amount of calories you are aiming for.

And you need about 1.5 grams of protein per body weight and a good amount of healthy fat and carbohydrates.
We will now look into some of the foods you can include in your muscle building diet plan for men.

Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men – Foods

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #1 – Meat:
There are a lot of different meat sources, like chicken, red meat, fish etc. and they are all rich in proteins. Some would argue that chicken is preferred over meat because of the fewer amount of saturated fat and that fish is better than chicken, because of the good amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

I recommend that you include them all in your muscle building diet plan for men to have a variety.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #2 – Nuts:
You should have a variety of nuts in your muscle building diet plan for men. Some good sources are almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts etc. Nuts are both a good source of protein as well as healthy fat.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #3 – Yoghurt, cheese…:
Yoghurt and cheese are also great sources of protein in your muscle building diet plan for men. Yoghurt also contains the good bacteria’s that are good for your digestive system.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #4 – Carbohydrates:
You also need the right kind of carbohydrates in your bodybuilding diet plan for men. These can be the likes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown bread, pasta, potatoes etc.

Follow the above tips and advice in your muscle building diet plan for men and you will build muscle mass like never before.

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Muscle Building Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Discovering the Benefits of a Muscle Building Diet

Many have discovered the benefits from a muscle building diet and how effective it is for getting into great physical shape. This kind of a diet is not so much about losing weight but losing fat. It is a re-proportioning of the body’s weight so to speak. Lose the fat and increase your strength is the main focus for this kind of regimen.

Effective for Young or Older

It does not matter if you are 16 or 60 a muscle building diet can be effective getting into shape. This is accomplished through a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. This of course is strengthened by a sensible diet. The aerobic aspect will burn fat and the anaerobic aspect will build muscle. Paired with a sensible diet plan the body can be supplied with healthy nutrition. It only takes moderate amount of commitment and determination to consistently complete the program.

About 3 days per week and an hour and half is all that is needed to produce outstanding results in about 90 days.

Long Term Benefits

Beginning a muscle building diet will produce a host of long term health and performance benefits. Consistent anaerobic training will increase muscle mass as well as strengthen individual muscles. No form of exercise burns more calories then anaerobic strength training. Without strength training the muscles only begin to atrophy and lose strength over time. This trend is almost immediately reversed when a strength training routine begins. Strength training is progressive resistance training which strengthens the muscles, tendons and bones. Improved bone density results from the progressive resistance placed on muscles and tendons.

Progressive Results

When beginning a muscle building diet always start off on the low end of the weight scale.

You can always increase more weight as you become comfortable handling it. By beginning on the low end you will also prevent and reduce the chance of straining or injuring muscles. The term progressive resistance means making improvements by increment, not in leaps. If you are beginning a strength training program for the first time in a long time proceed with caution on weight selection. Those with an above average strength level going in will use starting weights that are higher then those with below average strength. Ask the professional trainer at the club or studio to assist you in weight selection when in doubt.


A muscle building diet has a lot of benefits to offer those with the discipline and motivation to engage in it. Age is not a barrier for anyone with the desire to improve their strength, endurance and physical condition. Consuming about 30% of your calories in good lean protein will also give your muscles the protein they need to become toned. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables while cutting back on the sweets will help to burn more fat. By using the combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, while eating healthy, will not only burn fat but get you into the best shape of your life.

I have worked in the fitness industry for over 10 years and have tried many weight loss and fitness programs. I have also written several reviews of some of the top weight loss programs, which you can see on my website at This website was set up for anyone wishing to lose weight, and is designed to give advice and plans for fat loss, toning muscle and general weight loss.

Designer Whey Protein Diet Shakes ? Your Source For Muscle Building

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Ever since the discovery that whey protein is a perfect source of the amino acids that are highly important in building muscle mass and boosting the immune system, people can’t seem to get enough of it. It is now available in many forms such as supplements, concentrates and designer whey protein diet shakes. This has given people considerable choice depending on their preference and dietary requirements.

In comparison to whey protein supplements, designer whey protein diet shakes are tastier and are a preferred option for pickier eaters. Most of these designer diet shakes are available in flavours that include vanilla praline, chocolate, French vanilla, strawberry and natural. Part of the appeal of shakes is that aside from tasting better, they are also relatively easy to prepare – and therefore very useful for people who have hectic schedules and are always on the go.

Each serving of designer whey protein diet shakes usually contains 92 calories, 1.2g of fat, 2.8g of carbohydrates and 17.5g of whey protein.

These figures explain why whey designer whey protein diet shakes are America’s number one selling protein drink. They have even surpassed concentrates and supplements that are also popular as whey protein sources. Shakes are an excellent option for a post workout nutritional drink since they can be easily absorbed by the body during this period. In addition, designer whey protein diet shakes can also be taken early in the morning as a healthy drink for a high dose of energy that can sustain you throughout even the most gruelling day.

In theory people can get their daily supply of protein from different food groups. However, meeting the recommended daily dietary requirement would also mean increasing food consumption.

This is certainly not an option for individuals who want to avoid gaining weight. Designer whey protein diet shakes provide the right amount of protein that the body needs without gaining additional pounds in the process. This is a great alternative for athletes and body builder who want increase their consumption of whey protein, since they would normally require more than most ordinary people. They will therefore be able to build and develop muscle while still keeping their bodies light and flexible.

For more information on Design Whey Protein and whey protein for bodybuidling click on the link

Creative Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

When a lot of people think about a vegetarian muscle building diet, they think about only being able to eat salad or some other non-muscle gainers. The usual picture coming up when thinking about muscle building diet is MEAT and a lot of it. But this is not true, as vegetarian muscle building is not only possible, it can also be fun.

It is a myth that you need to have an insane amount of proteins to grow your muscles and recent studies also confirm this, now this is where vegetarian diet gets fun!

Today we live in a society that has gotten increased awareness of the benefits of being a vegetarian, which has given vegetarians a lot of different choices to play with. We will in this article go through what a vegetarian diet for building muscle can consist of and the health benefits of the different choices in the diet.

Food in a vegetarian muscle building diet

The first food in the vegetarian diet for building muscle that also contains a good portion of proteins, are beans. Even though I stated that vegetarians do not need a crazy amount of proteins in a vegetarian muscle building diet, getting protein from protein rich food is something that should be taken advantage of.

Beans in a vegetarian diet has a lot of benefits, beside the protein, it contains a good amount of soluble fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol, helps your body process fat, just to name few. Beans in a vegetarian building muscle diet also gives you the feeling of being full and maintaining a healthy calorie intake is a lot easier.

Mixed nuts is the next one on the vegetarian building muscle diet. Some people use it for snack and other uses it to mix in their plate of food. I have to admit that I have experienced some great mixed nuts diet around the world with my friend who follows a vegetarian diet for building muscle.

The benefits of mixed nuts in a vegetarian building muscle diet are many. They contain a lot of proteins and are a great source of healthy fat, which is essential for your body. You need healthy fat to lose fat beside all the other great benefits healthy fat provide you.

Furthermore mixed nuts in a vegetarian diet for muscle building provide some great vitamins and nutrition

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