Weight Training Exercise And Dieting

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Dorrie Ruplinger

Weight Training Exercise And Dieting – Health – Fitness

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Is weight training exercise important when dieting? Many experts will quickly tell you “yes” if you ask them this question. Why? It’s because weight training builds muscle and helps increase the body’s metabolic rate. This means, that even while resting, a person who weight trains and who has built more muscle in their body will burn more calories than a person who doesn’t do any weight training.

Plus, weight training workouts typically burn more calories per minute of exercise than cardio workouts do.

But, for women especially, the thought of doing weight training exercises with the intent of building muscle scares them because they think it will make them look less feminine and too masculine. A woman shouldn’t worry though. Unless she does a tremendous amount of muscle building exercises (hours a day) she will not develop a more masculine physique.

Many experts are now recommending that women pick up heavier weights to help them build more muscle and a lean, toned body that is healthy.

Curves for women is one national chain that promotes a circuit type workout for women that builds muscle without building bulk. They recommend doing their 30 minute workout three times a week. That doesn’t mean a person should only exercise three times a week. Cardio exercise can be done every day of the week. Curves isn’t the only choice for women who wish to do weight training exercises. The YMCA is a good place for both men and women who want to get in shape.

Muscle building exercises shouldn’t be done every day though because they fatigues the muscles too much (except for body builders who spend hours a day in a gym following highly specialized workouts under the advice of highly trained trainers). Muscles need a day to rest and recover from their workout before being worked out again. That’s why the recommendation for most people is three weight training sessions a week, doing cardio workouts the other days of the week, with one day a week off to rest.

Another benefit of weight training workouts while dieting that many people don’t think of is that they prevent the loss of lean body mass that typically occurs when people diet. What typically happens when a person goes on a diet is they lose some of their muscle mass along with that unwanted fat. Weight training exercise also strengthens bones and connective tissue.

So, to help your weight loss efforts be successful, do three 30 minute weight training exercise sessions a week. Not only will they help you lose weight, they will help you get stronger, more toned, and healthier.

About the Author

Dorrie Ruplinger has written several articles about weight loss. For a free report on how to lose 10 pounds before Christmas visit LoseWeightForChristmas.com.

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Dorrie Ruplinger

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Dorrie Ruplinger has written several articles about weight loss. For a free report on how to lose 10 pounds before Christmas visit LoseWeightForChristmas.com.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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April 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

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If you’re going to get in shape for summer, you are probably wondering what types of exercises to get in shape for summer are the most effective. Well, first of all, you should realize that getting into shape for summer requires more than just losing weight. Unless you’ve been toning your muscles as well, you probably will not look as good as you would like. Not only that, but muscle tissue also burns more calories than fat tissue – so if you add a little bit of muscle mass now, you’ll find it easier to keep the weight off through the summer.

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The best options for toning your muscles involve some resistance training, which should be a major part of your exercise to get in shape for summer. While you do not need to do a lot of weight lifting unless you actually want to bulk up a little, some resistance training is necessary. This includes getting free weights or a home gym in order to work out your upper and lower bodies. You should also use resistance training on your abdominal muscles – this way they will look much better than if you are just relying on un-weighted sit-ups or crunches to help you build your stomach muscles.

The other benefit of doing resistance training, especially on your abdomen, is that it will likely help you feel better during the rest of the day. Strong abs, for instance, will improve your posture. This, in turn, can also reduce the amount of aches and pains, especially in your back, that you have to deal with now and in the future.

Finally, exercising to get in shape is always a good idea! Even if you do not reach your goal for the summer, you will still have done your body good.

Julia Mahler is the publisher of a1-weight-lifting-equipment.com. She has studied fitness & nutrition for over 22 years & loves teaching how to get six pack abs

How to find the worlds best dieting tips.

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Article by Worlds Best Diets

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For gaining attractive lean muscles, you need to follow a proper diet along with regular exercising. You can consult a dietician for this purpose. Following are a few suggestions that will help you to make an effective diet plan for building muscles.

Fiber rich food items are very important to lose weight. It prevents accumulation of fat in the body. In addition to this, it reduces the cholesterol present in the blood. A fiber rich food offers slow burning carbohydrates to your body.

Did you know that fiber also helps in enhancing the metabolism of the body? A few rich fiber foods are fruits, wheat, vegetables and oatmeal. In addition to this, add lean meat in your diet. It is a very rich source of protein which is essential for building muscles. You can eat fish, soybean, egg white, beans etc. to have protein. You may also take whey protein shake for providing enough protein to your body.

Soybeans have no cholesterol and have a nominal amount of fat. However, it is a great food for building muscles. I t is easily available and not at all expensive.

To develop lean muscles, drink as much water as you can in a day. This is because you lose a lot of fluids, while working out or doing other physical activities. Last but not the least, try to avoid fat containing foods like butter, etc. Cook your food with canola oil, soybean oil or olive oil, to provide healthy fats to your body.

Learn more by reading Diet Reviews about the best ways to lose weight. Also read more Health Tips to improve your wellness!

The importance of Anaerobic Exercises and Dieting

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

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You are looking at a variety of diets and you see they all say you should exercise but what exercise? As you may know there are two types of exercise. They are aerobic which means with oxygen and anaerobic exercises which means without oxygen. The simple explanation is anaerobic exercises are exercises that use short burst of intense physical activity. These types of activities include sprinting of all types, weight lifting, and circuit training.

How does this type of exercise work? When you start to exercises such as lifting weights for this example you do work in sets. Usually 8-10 repetitions per set then you take a break before doing the set again or moving on depending on your routine. When you begin the set there is a temporary shortage of oxygen being delivered to the muscles and lactic acid is produced. The more you work out the more the lactic acid is produced and put into your bloodstream and as that amount is increases it produces muscular fatigue. This is why this type of exercises is usually only for short burst of time.

As you train your body adapts and you are better able to handle the production of lactic acid. In reality your body produces a buffer that slows the fatigue response in your muscles. As you exercise and get stronger the body is better able to handle the lactic acid as more of this buffering chemical is produced. When the exercises become easy you increase the resistance or distance or cycle depending on the type of exercises you are doing and the process starts all over. The other benefit is you now have increased your muscle mass and the amount of energy that your muscles need to move because they have a larger mass. This increase means that you now need more energy to move the muscles and now they will start to burn more energy and more fat.