Home Gym Equipemnt : Effective or Not?

April 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Nathalie Fiset

A home gym equipment can be very expensive especially if buy you the high-end class. Who would want to purchase a piece of equipment worth $ 1000 to $ 4000 without getting anything from it? Although a home gym can be constructed without having to spend a lot of money, there are multi-gyms that cost thousands of dollars. There must be some way to check the effectiveness of these items so that we can be sure that we are getting enough value for our money.

The best way to test the effectiveness of a multi-gym is by comparing its performance with the performance of the equipment that can be found on a real gym. A home gym is supposed to give you the same, if not better, result as a regular gym. Your home gym can be considered effective if it is able to do so. You may want to ask yourself the following questions to test if your home gym is effective.

Can I weight train alone in my home gym? If it is impossible to weight train without a spotter, your home gym does not serve its purpose well

The most effective Bicep Exercises For Strong Arms

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Michael McIntyre

I first want to go ahead and point out that some of the very best bicep exercise routines are actually back exercise routines. Most back exercise routines are compound movements and the bicep is employed more often than not. These contain supinated barbell rows and chin ups. A lot of folks will let you know, because of this truth, you don’t truly need to train your arms specifically but I happen to disagree and feel that isolation workouts will take your training to the subsequent level and actually shape your biceps.

To acquire really large and solid biceps, it’s a sensible idea that you just concentrate your energy on the task in front of you. We are going to begin by making your biceps bigger by employing high volume training for two months and then 30 days strength training.

Ok, to get bigger biceps you must fatigue them. The repetition range is not the most critical issue, but it assists if this fatigue takes place inside the 6-15 repetition range, so the bicep workout for muscle size will take into account all of these repetition varieties. Rest between sets must be 30-60 secs.

Best Bicep Workout For Mass

Barbell Curl

four sets. Pick a weight you can do 6 reps on and do Six repetitions. Lower the load and do Eight repetitions and proceed in this way for ten reps and then Twelve repetitions.

Preacher curls

four sets. Choose a weight it is possible to do 15 repetitions on and do Fifteen reps. Lower the weight marginally and carry out Twelve reps and repeat until you do 10 reps and then 8 repetitions.

Concentration curls

2 sets. Perform Fifteen repetitions on these two sets. By this exercise your biceps really should be genuinely exhausted and these are created to finish them off and develop the peak of the bicep.

Bicep Workout For Tone

To acquire genuinely ripped biceps, it is best to mix a low calorie diet, some cardio exercise and working your biceps the correct way by utilizing strength training. For strength training of your biceps, choose an exercise from barbell curl, alternate curl or drag curls and perform 5 sets. Each set ought to build on the prior one, building up to your largest set where you’ll execute two reps.

To make the most of the two workouts, alternate among them, so do the initial one for two months and the second one for 1 month and continue to keep transitioning back till you reach your desired aim.

If you would wish to find out more regarding best bicep exercises, you should consult my weblog which also provides great information on the best bicep exercises for tone.

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Workout Tips – Make Your Workouts More Effective

March 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Eric Bernard

Weight plateaus happen to everyone, whether you’re trying to lose weight or bulk up. Your body just hits a point where it won’t respond to the same workouts on a repeated, consistent routine. Open up about your problem and everyone you know – especially those not exercising – will feed you with a variety of exercise tips to help you stay the course.Put the random excercise to the side and consider what you can do that is relevant to your specific workout. In many cases, the repetitive nature of a workout is the cause. An easy way to break through stubborn loss or gain is to just change up your workout. Work different muscle groups with different weights, frequencies, reps, etc. Also check your diet to make sure it’s balanced for your workout plan.If that doesn’t produce results, here are some additional workout tips to get your body back on track.Workout Tips to Success – Set New GoalsChances are good that your goals may not be inline with your workout, or that you’re setting milestones too far ahead. Set smaller goals and work toward them. One of the best workout tips to breaking through barriers is to head in a different direction. exercise to Success – Set a New ScheduleYour body has likely adjusted to your schedule and is expecting the same steady workout. If you workout in the evening, switch over to the morning and let your workout fuel your day. The metabolism boost could improve your calorie burn during the day. If you only workout twice a week, add a day and reschedule your workouts. Make sure you write your schedule down; you’ll be more likely to adhere to it.Workout Tips to Success – StretchHere’s one of several surprise workout tips; if you’re not stretching at all, or not properly, you’re not relieving the tension and stress on your body. This leads to inefficiency in the performance of your muscles while you’re working out.Workout Tips to Success – Keep a Food JournalThe chances are good that you’re taking in more calories – and the wrong kinds of foods – more than you think. Want workout tips that break the cycle? Keep track of your food. Not only will this show you where you take in too much, but it will show you the time and days where you don’t take in enough nutrients for your body.Workout Tips to Success – Remember the ProteinTaking in protein right after you exercise is important. It’s the fuel used to repair the muscles after they go through the strain of a rigorous workout. Protein shortens recovery time and helps the muscle build faster. This is great for strength training and those bulking up. If you’re trying to lose weight, that lean muscle will help increase your metabolism, effectively burning off more calories when you workout.Lastly, one of the best workout tips you’ll get is to drink water. Far too many people are afraid of water gain when they are trying to lose weight. Don’t just drink after a workout. Take in plenty of water throughout the day. If you’re dehydrated, your metabolism will plummet.

Eric Bernard is the marketing manager of Sixpackfactory.com who promotes its fitness videos throughout Globe. Checkout free abs workout videos and get workout tips at his website –> http://www.sixpackfactory.com/

More Workout Tips Articles

Effective Lower Back Strengthening Exercises Changing Lives of Sufferers

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Jason Ellis

Lower back pain is a serious health problem facing by millions of sufferers all over the globe. Some of the primary causes of lower back pain are inappropriate weight lifting, consistent sitting in front of TV and computer, lack of proper back exercises as well as abdomen and back muscles injuries. The report from The American Academy of Neurology states that effective lower back strengthening exercises is the only way to speedily recover from lower back pain and to strengthen abdominal and back muscles naturally. The following are some of the effective lower back workouts that can provide quick back pain recovery to the sufferer.

Affective lower back strengthening exercises

1) Back hyper-extensions exercise – Lie down on the stomach on the ground in order to perform back hyper-extensions exercise. When a person stretches out on the floor, it is important to keep legs straight. Now place both hands behind the head and raise chest along with shoulders in the back direction which helps to loosen up the lower back. Stay in this position for few seconds and repeat it again for few times every day.

2) Pelvic lift exercise – Pelvic lift exercise is yet another effective lower back strengthening exercise that can be performed easily at the home. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the back while keeping both legs bent and feet being parallel to the ground. Now cross both hands across the chest as well as firm up the abdomen in order to create pressure on the lower back. Now start raising hips from the ground in the upper direction and make sure that the knees form a direct line with the shoulders. Stay in this position for about 10-12 seconds and get back to the original position slowly. A back pain sufferer can repeat this exercise for about 10-12 times in a day.

3) Wall squats exercise – Wall squats exercise is very efficient and proven to provide back pain relief in few days. This exercise consists of standing approx. 10-12 inches away from the wall with back facing the wall. Then start to go backwards and slowly rest the back on the wall. Now begin bending down the legs and start contracting the abdominal muscles. This would help pressing down the arch of lower back into the wall. Keep bending down the knees until thighs become parallel to the ground. Now stay in the same position for at least 5-10 seconds and then slowly get back to the original position. One can repeat this exercise for at least 10-12 times every day.

4) Hip bridge exercise – Hip bridge exercise helps the person to counteract the effects of sitting in a chair for longer timer period. This exercise needs the person to lie down on the floor with the back facing the ground. Bend the knees and keep feet parallel to the ground. Now start to raise the hips and at the same time squeeze down the buttocks. Make sure that the knees are in line with the shoulders and remain in this position for few seconds. Get back to the original position slowly and repeat the whole procedure for at least 10-12 times every single day.

Lower back strengthening exercises are key to eliminating lower back pain. So, don’t ignore putting lower back exercises into your workout routine. You won’t regret doing it.

Effective Group Fitness Training Tips

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Many people rarely consider the need for professional group fitness instructor liability insurance. It makes sense, however, that in our litigious society precautions should be taken to ensure that those who choose to earn their living as a fitness instructor are protected against legal damages.

Young, healthy persons may be able to jump right into the conditioning phase, while those who have been exercising regularly may already be in the maintenance phase. Factors such as extended inactivity, injury or illness can drop you from a maintenance to a conditioning phase.

This fitness-training program for soccer is highly effective in building both strength and speed in the players. What is more, unlike most people think, it is not a very difficult training process. The training becomes much easier when both the coach and the players follow the guidelines associated with the same religiously.

You can pick audio or video fitness podcasts. Which is better? It all depends on your Ipod system gear. If space is restricted or you’re going to a room without any media gear, then an audio download is likely to be the best offering. Download, adjust your headphones, push play and let the sweat roll!

Understand that you need to start slowly. Your body will adjust quickly to the changes that will take place as you get into a regular exercise program – but overdoing things at the beginning will have the opposite effect you are looking for.

There was a time when people conditioned their bodies out of necessity. In certain cultures a lack of physical conditioning often meant death, either for reasons of acquiring food or surviving a battle. The Spartans are a prime example that most everyone is surely familiar with.

Don’t always stick to the same routines. You must experiment with different types of exercises to ensure various muscle groups are strengthened. If your body becomes accustomed to you training routine, you won’t put enough stress on the muscles to keep them fit.

Group outdoor training offers something different to the conventional fat burning exercise and fitness strength training promoted in gyms. It is commenced outdoors and often alternates venues and even if they don’t, the surroundings forever change with the seasons.

Finally, do stretching exercises. Stretching taut muscles helps to loosen and relax the muscles. It stretches them back into shape. Ending a fitness training schedule with stretches help to ease the tightness and tautness of the muscles.

All of us know that losing a few kilos to get back in shape is not an easy thing. In spite of all the diets, you still find out that you need to lose a little more weight to be able to wear your favorite pair of jeans.

Although the career outlook for personal fitness training is growing, fitness trainers with more formal training and certification may have more favorable employment opportunities due to rapid job growth in health clubs, fitness facilities, and other settings where fitness workers are concentrated.

Whether you are employed full time or staying at home, you can all take advantage of personal training. Every woman in the world wants to look attractive and everyone wants to wear those skinny jeans and leggings they used to wear when they were in school.

Read About Gold Coast Boot Camp Also Read About Outdoor Group Fitness And Group Fitness Training

Anabolic Steroids – Effective on the Body

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Daniel Hirsch

Anabolic steroid is s synthetic compound which is basically derived from the testosterone. Steroids are god if prescribed by doctors due to any deficiency and health problems but taking it only for muscle gain and as habit will result in many health disorders like the physiological effects including strength, bone growth, muscle mass, high protein levels and appetite. These steroids are good if used in proportionate quantity and can cause ill side effects to body especially when not prescribed. Athletes and sports persons are advised to take steroids under medical supervision to avoid long term health ailments. These are medications which initially provide stamina and strength but slowly make your body weak permanently. Anabolic steroid is considered armful and deadly drug for human body. It use is under speculations and many misconceptions prevail.

Anavar-Oxandrolone is perfect steroid which gives body clean and cut toned look. This is ideal but will not help in muscle gaining mass. You can burn the excess muscle mass with Anavar-Oxandrolone as it is steroid associated especially for burning ample muscle mass. It has mild side effects on the liver and very few effects on the natural sex hormones of body. Though it is expensive but can be readily found in foreign countries on sale.The solid form of this steroid is capsules and it packed with a quantity of 25mg for a single dose. This oral androgen substitute works as a receptor in muscles and helps in gaining or repairing tissue strength. Proviron is a typical hardening agent and functions like a libido booster in the body. This synthesis steroid basically recommended to the players, body builders and athletes. Nevertheless, it does not pose any harmful effect on the human body, but it helps in reducing excessive weight and fat including water from the body.

Oxandrolone was earlier called by the brand name as Anavar in United States. It was produced by Searle- a drug manufacturer in year 1964. When it was introduced this was very mild drug which can be used for stimulating the child’s growth. Don’t worry as this steroid will not stunt the growth rather it increases the estrogen produced in the body and hence most of the women have less height than men.

After all this one must be finding that how the steroids are available for sale? In some countries there is black marketing of the products done whereas in many countries steroids are readily available for sale but most of them with prescriptions. Steroids for Sale are available in various brands and products by manufacturers. There are steroids for muscle gains, skinny body types, athletes and weightlifters the steroids differ and the proportion and guidelines are different. There are misconceptiosn regarding the side effects experienced by people with steroids consumption. Remember, through research and planning, quality Steroids for Sale can be found.

Looking for Anabolic?Buy Anavar-Oxandrolone Online from euroanabolex we offers Steroids for Sale.

74 Year Old Female Body Builder only started exercising at age 56. It’s not too late to get in Fantastic Shape! You will notice that even though this is a woman of faith, and a testimony to God, that there will be very immoral comments about those wanting sex with this woman posted under this video. It shows how we have a shameless culture and those without conscious today. No class, no respect and clueless.

10 Effective Yoga Back Pain Exercises

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Despite all the warnings and advice about the risks of back pain and injury, most of us do not exercise enough or take care to protect ourselves against further back injury. The good news is that there are some wonderful back pain exercises that not only help to relieve pain, but are also excellent in strengthening the back to prevent against further injury. Below are 10 effective yoga back pain exercises, if you take the time to learn, will be able to ensure that your back remains strong and healthy indefinitely:

“Triangle pose.” This is a yoga pose that can help the chronic sufferer by concentrating on the hips which has a strong influence on the spine. It also tones the leg muscles, spinal nerves and abdominal organs.

“Mountain pose or Tadasana.” The Mountain pose is probably one of the most important poses in yoga as it is the starting and finishing point of all standing poses. It is especially helpful in establishing the ideal spinal alignment and helps in the overall improvement of the body.

“Pelvic tilt.” The pelvic tilt is one of the basic movements in yoga. It is excellent in working the abdominal muscles and helps to correct the lower back posture. It is also a great way to stretch tight muscles around the hip including the hamstrings and quadriceps.

“Bridge pose.” This is an extremely effective pose to practice, yet very simple. Practicing this pose helps to promote a flexible spine while strengthening the legs and buttock muscles at the same time as well as stimulating the abdominal muscles and organs.

“Reclined Big Toe pose.” The primary function of this pose is to stretch the hamstrings and calves. However, it can also help reduce pain by addressing the lower back posture.

“Cat Pose.” This pose is very popular as one of the back pain prevention exercises for both yoga and Pilates. It is very effective in helping you to establish the ideal spinal alignment, strengthening and stretching of back muscles as well as developing the coordination of spinal movement.

“Down Dog Pose.” The down dog pose is excellent because it stretches and releases tension from the spine. It also strengthens the shoulders, arms and back and it is great at relieving headaches and back pain.

“Cobra pose.” As far as yoga exercises go, the Cobra pose is probably one of the more popular poses because it has a rather extensive list of benefits including relieving the pain in your back, strengthening of the spine, stress relief and reduction in sciatic pain.

“Child’s pose.” This is quite an all-rounder pose because not only does it help to alleviate certain types of back ailments, it is also a great aid in relieving stress, anxiety, tension and fatigue. It is also used before and after more complex and strenuous poses.

“Corpse Pose.” The corpse pose can also be considered an all-rounder because in addition to alleviating the pain in your back, this pose also calms the brain, helps reduce stress and depression.

As you can see, there are a lot of back exercises that are effective in relieving chronic back pain, and they also have a whole host of the added benefits. However, in order to execute these yoga back exercises correctly, it is highly advised that you get the proper training from a professional yoga instructor.

Are you interested in learning more about Back Pain Exercises? There’s no shortage of available methods, guides and other great resources right online. Visit our site right now if you want to see what’s available and how you can eliminate your back pain the easy way at The Back Pain Spot.

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Iron Gym – Most Popular and Effective Pull Up Bar Available

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Mike Dutton

The Iron Gym Pullup bar sets itself apart from all the others and may be the reason it has become so popular. The way that it is made makes it more universal to use then the traditional pull up bar. The bar allows you to use it for much more than just your standard pullup.One of the best features of this gym is that it is very portable. With very little effort it can be taken off any door frame and used on the floor or anywhere in your home. The reason for this is you don’t have to mount it with any type of screws, nuts or bolts.

The standard pull-up bar always requires you to drill into a door frame; mount hardware and this can lead to a variety of issues. You may find that you split your door frame and if you decide to move it to another location you now have nasty holes left behind. The Iron Gym requires no hardware installation at all! The design itself simply wraps around the door frame and is extremely stable.

When placing it at the top of the door frame you can do exercises such as three varieties of pull-ups and other ab strengthening routines. When you take the unit and place it at the base of the door opening you then have a solid setup for doing sit-ups. Making this change from one workout position to the other is almost effortless.

Getting in shape using the Iron Gym Pullup bar you will find to be very easy. It will give you stronger chest, back and shoulder muscles as well as help you to tone your mid section. This can all happen pretty fast but the important part is that you use the gym consistently. If you do it for a week and walk away you will not get the desired results you’re looking for.

The fact that this pull up bar is multifunctional gives you the option to customize your workout using three different gripping positions. The positions include the standard grip which helps to target the triceps, the narrow position which helps your biceps and the wide grip which will help to build up you lateral muscles. Using all three will lead to a nice balance of muscle tone over your upper body.

When using the Iron Gym on the floor you also have a few options which can lead to even muscle definition over your abdominal area. When the bar is removed from the door opening you can use it for pushups that can be done in the standard or wide position. The wide position is not recommended if you’re just starting out as it can be more difficult. When on the floor, you also have the option to use the bar for dips. Dips will build out triceps and help a variety of other muscles at the same time. Having the option of using this gym on the floor is really a great feature of this unit.

Overall the Iron Gym Pullup bar is a very unique multifunctional workout device that will prove itself to you in a matter of a few weeks. It has been on the market for years because it just plain works.

Get more information on the Iron Gym on my blog along with discounts and more. Remember the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar will prove itself to you in just a few weeks time if you stick with it. Good luck and thank you for reading.

More Pull Ups Muscles Articles

Finding Effective Arm Exercises that Work

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Protica Research

There are some parts of the body that simply defy toning, no matter what you do to them. Some people are blessed with arms that stay slender even when they gain a little bit of extra weight while others may have toneless, flabby arms even at their thinnest. No matter which one you are, if you are interested in arm exercises, there are several things that you should know.

First, you should know the mechanics of bulking up. There are a number of myths that still keep women from picking up a dumbbell. Second, you should know where to go to learn not only exercises but to learn proper and safe form as well. If you are not going to do your arm exercises correctly, you would be better off not doing them at all. Third, you should also understand how good nutrition is as important as the right exercises at toning your body because no matter how much weight you pick up or how many times you lift it up and down, it won’t be effective if your muscles are hidden by a layer of fat and flab.

The Truth About Bulky Arms and More

Women have often refused to pick up more than a two or three pound dumbbell, curling it once or twice and then putting them down, aghast that they are suddenly going to turn into the Terminator. It is important to note that women do not automatically bulk up and that genetically, they are not predisposed to being big and beefy.

The women who compete in the body building competitions are rare- they have worked very hard, often for hours at a time, putting particular effort into each and every muscle group in their body to look the way they do. In addition to all of the hard work that they do in the gym, they also know how to flex and pose their muscles to make them appear even bigger and more toned. A man may do a few reps with a dumbbell and get some pretty solid definition because genetically he is meant to have more upper body strength than a woman does.

Even when a man does a lot of repetitions with a dumbbell, he may only see so much progression because he is not challenging his arm muscles. Once they learn the arm exercises that are being used they use muscle memory and work more efficiently. While you want that with your heart and with your car’s engine, you don’t want your muscles to be so efficient that they do not have to work to accomplish what they need to do.

The key to finding the right arm exercises is to find one that exhausts your arm muscles within twelve reps. If you can safely and effectively do more than fifteen reps, you are either using improper form or you have been using a weight that is too light. If you cannot complete ten reps, your weight is too heavy.

Proper Form and Safety

There are several different types of arm exercises that can be used effectively including those that use weights and those that do not. Exercises that do not rely on weights may instead use body weight as the resistance and can include pushups, chin ups, arm dips, and others. Exercises that use various types of weights or others should be designed to hit all of the muscle groups in the arms. Regardless of the type of arm exercises that you are doing, you need to be sure that you are using proper form. If you are lifting too high or not high enough, you are not going to see any results and are far more likely to cause injuries which can lead you to slacking off on upcoming workouts and then not managing to accomplish you goals.

The Tools You Need for Arm Exercises

You can use a solid bar with several pounds on each end (called a barbell) or a small hand weight called a dumbbell. These are not the only tools that can be beneficial for arm exercises however. There are stretchy bands that can also give you fast, effective and very portable exercise no matter where you are going.

In addition, there is the kettle bell which delivers more fat fighting and body toning benefits than both 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of traditional weight lifting. The kettle bell uses full body motions that rev your heart rate faster and causes more calorie burn with an estimated 400 calories in 20 minutes. Just as with other types of arm exercises and tools, the kettle bell has a number of guidelines including: standing tall, keeping the shoulders down and the chest lifted. Contract your core to both stabilize yourself as you lift and to provide a secondary ab workout at the same time. And finally, whether you are using the kettle bell or doing the same movements with a dumbbell, you should make sure that you are using controlled movements throughout each repetition. Do not let momentum make the move for you.

Why Good Nutrition Matters to Your Arm Exercises too

As previously mentioned, the arm exercises will have no impact on the look of your arms if you are buried under the flab and fat of being overweight. Muscle burns more calories than fat does so once you start building solid and lean mass, you will be able to eat a little more without gaining weight, however you have to kick your metabolism into gear before that can happen.

A good diet is one that has the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and the right number of calories per day. As you get active, your hunger will pick up- you have to work to find the right number of calories that keep you satisfied but do not pack on more weight. You may also find that you need to boost the amount of protein that you are consuming as well. For some, protein supplements are a good idea and can include Profect from Protica which has 25 grams of protein per 110 calorie serving.

About Protica Research (http://www.protica.com) Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (http://www.profect.com), IsoMetric (http://www.isometric.com), Pediagro (http://www.pediagro.com), Fruitasia (http://www.fruitasia.com) and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

Build triceps and arms with exercise bands; learn resistance band exercises for upper body muscles in this free video. Expert: Jeanette Stojcevski Bio: Jeannette Stojcevski has been an avid runner for over 15 years. Her track career started in middle school and spans through college. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

Four Effective Resistance Training Workouts

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Resistance training includes all exercises devoted towards increasing size of skeletal muscles and improving physical strength. It is a form of strength training that uses free weights, elastic bands, exercise machines or one’s own body weight to increase strength and endurance. Resistance training exercises help you burn excessive fats accumulated around body parts especially belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. Moreover, they also increase your stamina and boost energy levels.

There are numerous resistance training exercises that you should perform on a regular basis to strengthen your whole body and build your muscles. Among those exercises, Squat is a magnificent resistance training workout that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves all at once.

Push-Up, like Squat, is another compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

You can also perform this exercise in the comfort of your home or even room. This exercise targets abs, back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

Lat Pulldown is one of the best exercises you can do to work the major muscles of your back, known as latissmus dorsi. Not only does this exercise help strengthen your back, but it also burn fat from abdomen and lower back.

Lunges make an excellent exercise to resistance train your lower limbs. Like squats, it targets muscles in your legs including calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Make sure that you incorporate these 4 exercises 2 to 3 times a week into your regular resistance training sessions. In order to reap the maximum weight-loss results from resistance training workouts, you need to perform some aerobic exercises as well. You should do brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming half an hour before starting a resistance training session.

After performing Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts or other resistance training exercises, make sure that you nourish your body with protein and carbohydrate.

Protein contains amino acids that are known as the building blocks. They are metabolized directly in muscles and help cellular growth to take place. Consumption of protein-rich diets before and after resistance training exercises helps in increased nitrogen retention, which plays an important role in repair and building of muscle tissue.

Protein rich diets include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and fish oil, dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk, cereals such as millet, barley, oat, and wheat, pulses such as red beans, and chickpeas, eggs, nuts, whole grains etc.

If you are new to gym or are not sure about how to perform above mentioned resistance training workouts, then hire the services of a qualified gym trainer in your vicinity. Not only will he or she suggest you a right combination of resistance training exercises keeping in view your health, age group and training needs, but will also guide you on how to execute them safely. Another benefit of hiring a professional fitness trainer is that he or she will guide you on performing workouts with a perfect technique and right angle. This will allow you to get maximum benefits from hard resistance training exercises in a quick span of time.

Guy Long is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield and provides Personal Training in St.Kilda where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, fat loss and overall muscular strength for local residents.

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