Back Massage: Alleviate Soreness More Effectively

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

If you are a home-owner (or renter), a parent, a caregiver, heck, even a pet-owner, you are on-the-go! Between carrying groceries or kitty litter, moving car seats, picking up small children, carrying back-packs, you are under physical (perhaps mental) pressure. As a parent, I can attest. If I am not making a bed, cooking meals, taking children from one activity to another, I am doing laundry, feeling my back hurt! This is truly common. My solution? Back massage at my local spa. The more frequent the better.

Spas offer more than just a back massage, from fingers to toes, from back to head. We tend to neglect our backs, even we are always using them. They are used even more than our feet. While I have tried many different massages, and enjoy them all, I feel that a back massage is most beneficial.

You will surely find a caring masseuse who will talk you through your first massage, discuss a variety of lotions and methods, as well as offering a semi-nude option or nude (covered modestly with towels) depending on your level of comfort.

I, for one, was quite uncomfortable with the nude option, so first time around went semi-nude. The massage was so, so great! Two weeks later I am still feeling the relaxing, refreshing effect!

You and your spouse may both be feeling the same level of backache. This may lead to you feeling unsympathetic to him, and him discounting your gripes. Try talking with a girlfriend. She will understand. Who knows, she’s probably had many a massage. My good friend describes a massage as getting away from it all, a vacation

While modern medicine is great, it won’t always get to the root of the problem. Massage is an ancient technique, which has been used through the ages to cure many ailments. With modern advances in medicine, massage became pass, a thing no longer needed. However, in the late 1990’s (including the Olympic year in Atlanta) massage made a comeback and was considered a valuable medical service.

Massage can be used on any body part, but to me a back massage is the most suitable to my needs. After all, with three children, I am moving heavy car seats, carrying backpacks, and driving a lot.

As a parent, I instill in my girls the necessity of stretching and excercising. You would think I would lead by example. No, if I have great energy, I will clean out closets, take them to many classes, sit and watch. You ask, why not exercise when they are in class”. Seems obvious – unless you have an obstinate child.

However, ours is not a perfect world. My 6 yr old will not run and keep up with me. Heavens, she will barely keep up with my walk pace. She refuses to sit in a stroller or to ride her bike. She also will throw a fit when I mention that maybe, just maybe, she will sit through two hours while her sisters have their ballet class. What’s a mom to do. Say nothing, but get a back massage!

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Body Builders Can Use Fat Burners Effectively

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Fat burners can be a great tool for body builders to use, but they do not take the place of a healthy diet and exercise routine. Fat burners should be used as a supplement to help bodybuilders sculpt their bodies and lose fat quickly. Diet and training must be the foundation for body sculpting and fat loss for fat burners to do their job effectively. They will not be effective if a diet and exercise program is not followed.

How They Work 

Fat burning supplements increase body heat in most people who take them because they are naturally thermogenic. These supplements mimic the effects of epinephrine in the body. They take stored fat and turn it into fatty acids and release it in the tissues. The metabolic rate and heart rate are also increased. Appetite suppression also occurs as a natural effect of fat burners. Fat burners can affect the central nervous system, so they can make users feel cranky, jittery or dehydrated.

Cycle Fat Burners

Bodybuilders who don’t take steroids are among the people who use fat burners and other thermo genic compounds. Bodybuilders often gain significant amounts of body fat while allowing their bodies to recover from heavy training. They often gain at least ten pounds of body fat during a recovery phase. Before a body building event, a bodybuilder will often deplete their body of carbohydrates and increase their cardiovascular workouts. Many bodybuilders use a fat burning supplement to skim the fat from their muscles. During the off season, bodybuilders usually focus on weight training and eating more protein to increase muscle tissue. It is important to cycle the use of fat burners so that their effectiveness is maintained. It is a good idea to use a fat burner for 6 weeks before taking a break for 2 months. This schedule also prevents the body from building a resistance to fat burners.

Read Labels 

There are many places to buy fat burners, from a local gym to an online store. They are even available at most grocery stores. It is important for body builders to read the label of each supplement carefully and understand the effect that the ingredients will have on their body before taking any supplement. Ingredients that are often found in fat burners include ma huang, ephedra, green tea, willow bark, citrus aurantium and guarana. These 
ingredients are considered safe and will not cause harmful side effects when taken by most body builders or other athletes.

Moses Aderes writes on a number of subjects including Fat Burners

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Muscle and Fitness Training – How to Work Out Effectively

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

If you are looking to do gym or exercise workouts that involve muscle and fitness training, there are a range of different exercises you’ll have to focus on, and the order you do them in will also make a difference as to how effective your workouts will be.

Building muscle and getting generally fitter or trying to burn fat require two different forms of exercise.

Muscle and fitness training will involve work with weights for muscle building. If you are going to do both muscle and fitness training then its best to do the muscle work first after an initial warm up. It will mean the body is already up and running when you move on to the more fitness/stamina based aspects of exercise.

What you do with weights again depends on your objectives – if your are looking for a “body building” kind of work out it will focus very much on specific muscle groups, while more general strength work will look at building up core stability, i.e.

the abs, the lower back muscles which help support the spine and hips. A lot of problems can stem from weakness in this area.

The fitness training exercises will have the most impact at the end of your workout. They might be running, cycling, or cross country ski-ing, or machines that mimic those. The best way to improve general fitness is to alternate between high and low intensity. If this was running, then jogging mixed with brief periods of sprinting would be a good example. It all helps get your heart rate up to the levels where the body will start to burn fat.

So good muscle and fitness training will see a careful choice of balance and exercise.

For professionally designed muscle and fitness training head to this site which offers the best in strength and conditioning workouts.

How to Gain the Bodybuilding Workout Routines Effectively

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Swalesta

The following article includes relevant information that may root you to re-evaluate what you notion implicit. The most important thing is to learn with an open mind and be willing to modify your perceptive if necessary.

Whether you are looking for a bodybuilding workout routine to prepare for competition or simply one that will help you to reclaim the muscular body of your youth, you will need to find a program that will be tailored to your unique situation and goals. There are plenty of options for resources, from your local gym to Internet sites, but how do you know which routine will work the best for you? Sometimes it can be a matter of trial and error to develop a bodybuilding workout routine that you enjoy and that gives you the desired results. However, there are a few basic guidelines in weight training that will help to get you started.

Beginner Bodybuilders

If you are just beginning a bodybuilding workout routine, your first step should be into your doctor’s office to ensure that you are healthy enough for this type of workout. Your doctor can also advise you as to the best choices in bodybuilding workout routines for you. Your next step should be to your local gym or fitness center to find a personal trainer that can help you to tailor a bodybuilding workout routine to your unique needs and goals. You don’t have to continue to work with the trainer indefinitely, but a few sessions will ensure that you are working on a good program, and that you are performing the individual exercises properly.

While it may be tempting to jump into a daily bodybuilding workout routine to see results as quickly as possible, keep in mind that even the most experienced bodybuilders do not pick up weights every day. It is best to give your muscles 24 hours in between workouts to rest and recover. You may think that it’s okay to work your shoulders one day, your triceps the next and your chest the following day, but in reality, your triceps are working overtime since they are needed for all three of these muscle groups. Some weight lifters will do the upper body exercises on one day and the lower body the next. This works well for those with limited time, but a full workout every other day is generally the preferred bodybuilding workout routine for most bodybuilders.

Advanced Techniques

Once you have gotten into the groove of a good bodybuilding workout routine, keep in mind that you are going to want to modify that program every four to six weeks. This will ensure that your muscles continue to be challenged to their peak efficiency, and that muscle mass will continue to grow. Once your repetitions become too easy to complete, it is time to up the weight amount and the difficulty of your workout. A good series will include some easy repetitions at the beginning of the set, and some very challenging ones at the end. If you are having difficulty completing the last couple of lifts, you are probably right on target with your bodybuilding workout routine.

Now you can be a convinced on bodybuilding workout routine and you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion.

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