Eight Week Workout Program – Shaun T Insanity

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Shaun T Insanity is an eight week workout program designed mostly with a cardiovascular style approach though it does include strength and power training to help build lean muscle and definition.

The program starts right out of the gate with a fit test to help you determine your current physical level. You perform 8 different moves and record your repetitions. You repeat this video several times throughout the eight week workout program and then you do it once more at the very end.

Most people that try Shaun T Insanity are surprised that the warm up itself doesn’t seem like much of a warm-up, it’s more like a workout itself. Though, it’s good to have a straight forward and fast approach since this is only an eight week workout program. You won’t be standing around and just simply going through the motions.

Basically, the first month is broken into four repeat weeks where you switch out a variety of 5 DVDs and perform them in different order each week.

Then you get a one week “recovery week” to build core and balance. Then you end the eight week workout program with a final 4 weeks of MAX training which is where the real work comes in.

Month one is more about conditioning and getting your mind/ body prepared for the second half. The program will get about 15-20 minutes longer and the moves become much more challenging and fresh. I suppose with the recovery week you could almost call this a 9 week workout program but the core of the program is based on the month one and month two workouts.

The idea with Shaun T Insanity is to push as hard as humanly possible, beyond just what the body says, but more with the mind. Each workout should feel as though it’s the first time through.

Each week will get easier as you adapt so pushing harder is the only option to get better results.

Shaun T’s eight week workout program is not a joke, there is no additional equipment besides your own body, gravity, a DVD player, the eight week workout program itself, and the will to push.

Shaun T Insanity comes with a companion nutrition guide which has you pick from meals to eat 5 times a day. There really are no snacks; each meal is a decent meal with a balanced approach at nutrition.

You will need every bit of food energy you can get because Insanity will not back down; it only gets harder as the 8 weeks progress. It’s been said that some people burn between 700-1500 calories in a single workout.

Shaun T Insanity is a straight up hard core approach as an eight week workout program with a 9th week to “recover” in between. Don’t attempt this program if you are not already in decent shape, have some knee or hip issues, or have a hard time with high impact workouts.

Learn more about the eight week workout program plus find other health and fitness tips, program reviews, and other healthful information.

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Eight Weight Training, Fat Loss Tips For Lazy People

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Juana Cruz

There may be seemingly countless diet plans which seem to claim weight watchers they would eliminate weight, but regardless of what kind of weight loss plan you go for, there are general pointers to apply when you are losing weight. These tips help you along the way as you follow a specific diet or weight loss plan. When you are bodybuilding or weight training, the same principles apply, too. Always see to it that you are losing weight the healthy way, without risking your health.

What are the general pointers when eliminating weight?

1. Do not starve your self.

The key to a healthier way of losing weight is not to diet.

You may seem happy and feel that you are eliminating those huge flabs on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remind yourself that this would not last long. Your body cannot allow having insufficient food to fuel the energy that energizes you everyday.

If you are accustomed to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up rather than the energy that should have been gotten from the food you eat. So if you just eat one huge sandwich in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area (i.e. highs, buttocks, hips).

2. Start your day right.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should eat your breakfast to help your metabolism get to work.

Your food intake after you wake up will burn your body fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.

Five snacks in small amounts per day is more recommended than three large meals. Eating more often, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also speed up your metabolism and make calories burn faster.

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is very hard for you to eliminate 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to be healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have picked a weight loss plan, follow it and keep it a point that you practice your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water.

Your body must have adequate water to burn fat and make sure your cells are healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Prepare your meals involving plenty of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for carbohydrates, along with lean meat and protein rich-foods. Sweets, sodas and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.

7. Watch your fat intake.

Fat is not the factor to being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the right level.

There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.

8. Exercise.

Leave your car if you the distance is only a few blocks from home, take the stairs rather than the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Take advantage of these activites and other home chores if you don’t want to go to the gym. Do them regularly and you will soon find yourself doing them without hesitation or reluctance on your part.

Learn about weight training and fat loss at Healthy Fat Loss Tips, with helpful tips on how to lose body fat healthily.

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