Basic Boxing Training Equipment And Gear

September 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Al Dawson

Basic Boxing Training Equipment And Gear – Sports – Boxing

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In a contact sport like boxing, proper equipment and gears are essential. Here are the things you need to have when training for boxing.

Gloves – A pair of boxing gloves that is both comfortable and fitted to the boxer’s hands are essential. Laces should not be tightly (but not too tightly) tied around the gloves at the wrist. Cut off any lace tips that are hanging off the gloves before sparring. Laces should also be wrapped with tape and the gloves covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

Handwraps – Handwraps reduces the boxer’s hand injury both on training and in actual boxing match. Make sure that an expert demonstrates the proper way of wrapping the hands. If it is not available, remember that the fingers must be separated to allow freedom of movement and the knuckles should be padded evenly.

Headguard – There is a continuous debate about whether boxing headgear prevents head injuries or not. Still, there is no question that a proper fitting headgear reduces the risk of cuts, bruises and other eye injuries. A good headgear must snug comfortably and properly that a blow would not move it and obstruct your vision.

Mouthguards – You can buy a mouthpiece for 2 dollars but that doesn’t mean you should buy it. In fact, the worst thing you could do is to buy the cheapest mouthpiece your money can buy. The mouthpiece you should have is the type that is molded fit to your mouth. The extra amount you pay should be enough to prevent any possible injuries and damages to your gums, teeth and lips.

No-Foul Protector – Wearing a no-foul protector during training is as important as wearing a mouthpiece. If a mouthpiece protects your from any possible mouth injuries, wearing a no-foul protects you from the damage that can be dame by a low blow.

Shoes – Boxing shoes are different from your conventional snickers and other rubber-soled shoes. Boxing shoes are lighter, leather soled and provide excellent ankle support. Wearing shoes other than those that are truly made for boxing make you look awkward when moving around the ring. Non-boxing shoes also increases the risk of ankle injuries and increases your legs fatigue level significantly.

Jump rope -A regular jump rope exercise helps improve coordination, agility, speed, footwork and endurance. A good jump rope can cost under $ 5.

Training Apparel – Commercially sold training apparels are designed to give you maximum comfort while on the ring.

Boxing Bags – You can either make it your own or buy in a store. Boxing bags are usually made of canvas or vinyl. Other bags are made of leather. The earliest form of punching bags is made from kangaroo skin. Home-made punching bags can be a simple duffle bag filled with sand. The material which the bag is made of is really not that important as long as it is durable and can withstand daily use. Boxing bags are effective training equipment if you want to improve your punching strength, increase your stamina, and practice punch combination.

Speed Bags – Speed bags are either mounted on the wall or in a free-standing floor frame. Whichever you choose, it can provide loads of benefits including increased hand-eye coordination, improved reflexes and increased strength.

Speed bags also improve endurance and stamina.

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Al Dawson is a 25 year + keep fit fanatic and runs the company :

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Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jack Griffith

Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance – News

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Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

If you’re a serious softball enthusiast, or even if you’re just helping your son or daughter develop some strength and accuracy for little league, then you’re probably on the lookout for softball training equipment.

There are actually many items available to help you improve your performance as a softball player. This article will discuss some of the softball training equipment that’s out there in order to help you decide what may be of benefit to you or your kids.

Softball Training Equipment Starts With the Basics – Balls and Bats

Every softball game needs a ball. And since every softball player will handle the ball at some point, there are weighted softballs that can help to increase strength as well as improve accuracy.

Imagine training with a ball that is 9, 10, 12 ounces or more. The heavier ball allows players to develop a strong arm and increase pitch speed. As the player gets accustomed to the heavier ball, he also learns to throw with greater accuracy. A set of 4 weighted training softballs will have an approximate price of $ 25.

Whether you’re an outfielder or a pitcher, weighted training softballs can help you throw better, faster, and get the ball to your intended target – not overthrown or underthrown. When you get into the game and throw the regulation 6.5 ounce softball, it will feel like you’re throwing a ball made of styrofoam!

The next piece of softball training equipment that you’ll want to consider is the training bat.

Some training bats come with adjustable weights that hang on the end of the bat. They look like a bat that has a ring stuck on the end.

These weights allow the player to increase swing strength and encourages “muscle memory,” which is where the muscles involved in the swing become used to the initial short swing to hit the ball, and then the long follow-through after the hit.

This type of training bat can also be used to warm up, helping the muscles to loosen up before the player’s at-bat. Training bats typically run from $ 35 to about $ 70.

Batting Tees and Pitching Machines

Of course, most of us are familiar with the batting tee and pitching machines.

Batting tees basically hold the ball off the ground so that the player can practice hits and home runs. They typically run $ 25 to $ 200 or more, depending upon their level of sophistication.

Pitching machines are the next piece of softball training equipment we’ll discuss. These have come a long way since the expensive machines of a few years ago. Today, you can get a nice pitching machine that will throw 30 mph balls at regular intervals for as little as $ 40!

Reaction Balls and Soft Mitts

A newer piece of softball training equipment is the reaction ball. This is a ball with “bumps” on it. It can be used for fielding practice or just tossed between two players. When the reaction ball hits the ground, it will bounce in unpredictable manners, allowing players to improve reaction time and hand-and-eye coordination.

Soft mitts are flat, foam mitts that train the player to improve the relationship between his two hands. The mitt encourages “quick hands,” or the transition from catching the ball to throwing. It fits on the hand with three small elastic loops, and works well for honing fielding skills.

These run $ 15 to $ 20 and can fit on either hand.

Softball Training Equipment for Strength and Conditioning

There are additional softball training aids that can increase strength and condition of specific areas of your body.

For example, there is the wrist roller, which uses different weighted plates to develop strength in forearms. Reviewers have indicated that you can really feel the burn in your forearms!

Another aid is the power chute, which is a small parachute attached to your waist to increase wind resistance as he jogs. This allows the player to build up stronger thigh muscles as he runs trailing the power chute behind. This piece of softball training equipment can also increase stamina and acceleration.

Many baseball players are using titanium necklaces and bracelets, stating that titanium increases blood circulation and helps to relieve stiff muscles. Titanium is also available in a “power sleeve,” which is said to concentrate the titanium in your arms to increase power and reduce any muscle fatigue.

One final piece of softball training equipment that has received good reviews is a drill mat. The mat absorbs the impact of jumping jacks and other up-and-down type motions to reduce impact on joints. While this has been encouraged as a softball training aid, it can also be used by athletes of all disciplines.

Softball training equipment can significantly improve game performance for the little league player as well as the serious athlete.

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Your Guide to MMA Training Equipment

August 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Tony Taylor

Your Guide to MMA Training Equipment – Sports – Martial Arts

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Whether you have just started out training MMA or you’ve been training for a while everyone is going to need the right MMA Gear for training and working out. The training sessions will be very demanding and you will require the correct pieces of MMA equipment and buy MMA gear to train properly.

Punch Bags are a great way to improve your Punching technique as you can do head shorts, body shots and footwork. You also have the chance to train as many rounds as you need to without getting hit back. Most MMA fighters do 3 lots of 5 minute rounds on the heavy punch bag and when fighting for a title they do 5 lots of 5 minute rounds. This ensures that they can go the distance in the title fight. Coaches believe the use of a heavy bag will improve your punching technique dramatically and is very important for training in MMA.

Focus pads are very simple and cheap piece of equipment but it is very useful. They can be used anywhere that you train or teach MMA. Using focus pads will help your hand eye coordination and help you improve you combinations of punches. Focus pads will help you refine your punching technique.

Do not hit the focus mitts without hand wraps because you could damage your hands or wrist. Hand wraps are essential pieces of equipment in MMA Gear because they offer protection because they protect your hands and all of their bones. They also help to give you a solid punch in your technique and in your training.

A grappling dummy is also a very good piece of equipment for your training. You can use it to practice your wrestling take downs and throws on. You can also use it for strength exercises and your cardio training. It is also very good for practicing ground and pound techniques. You can mount the grappling dummy and ground and pound it as much as you want and can work up a good sweat during your training.

You will also need various types of fitness training equipment. These will include abdominal exercise tools, skipping ropes, kick pads and other types of punch bags. These are all very important equipment for the development of your techniques.

When you purchase MMA Gear, it is important to buy the best quality equipment that you can afford. This will be a good investment for your training and your fighting career. Cheap products will break easily and you will need to keep buy replacements and they will cost you more in the long run. Better quality equipment will last you a lifetime through your training so will save you money in the long run.

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F3 Cross Training Gym Tour. F3 Cross Training is located in Houston TX and is a fully functional fitness and combative studio. 90% of our equipment is homemade exercise equipment.
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Setting Up Your Own Gym With the Fitness Equipment/Weight Training Equipment Required

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Alexander Campbell Wong

Setting Up Your Own Gym With the Fitness Equipment/Weight Training Equipment Required – Website Promotion

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Setting up your own gym and choosing the relevant fitness equipment/weight training equipment can be a very interesting experience. I have seen many people who do not have the faintest idea about how to set up a gym. However, lack of expertise does not deter them from establishing one with disastrous outcomes. At the outset, you have to be obvious about why you need to be setting up your own gym. If time (money) constraints prevent you from joining a local health club, then go ahead; nothing better than establishing a fitness equipment/weight training equipment centre in the confines of the home itself.

What are the excellent places to be setting up your own gym?

Obviously, it is understood that the room needed has to be big enough so that you can fit in several fitness equipment/weight training equipment features. Have proper ventilation. Try to have an air conditioning system to control the temp. This will give you optimum temp for working out. Now, have a music system or a television in the room, so that boredom does not set in and you lose your interest in the gym.

Next, the question which will come to your mind is, which fitness equipment /weight training equipment should I buy?

This is a very interesting question, and a careful analysis has to be made to decide when setting up your own gym.. For starters, know your priorities. Do you want a gym just to keeping body health and fitness, or you want eхtensive muscle building fitness equipment? A obvious idea is very important here, since it is on the basis of your desires when you design the gym. if you are on a health and fitness program for weight loss, then a treadmill, an elliptical exercise machine machine, an exercise bike, an abs coach and an abs roller will be enough for you.

Treadmills, elliptical exercise machine equipment, and exercise bikes help to warm up the body and body toning. They are the major exercise that burn down maximum calories from the body. So, if fat reduction is your primary criteria, these three machines will work great for you.

working out at home is no longer a costly affair. Compared to gyms, home fitness equipment/weight training equipment, in the long run, are less expensive. Moreover, the added advantages that home workouts have over gyms are why people everywhere are turning to home gyms. depending on what is the aim, setting up your own gym for under £400 with some pretty fine fitness equipment/weight training equipment is more than achievable.

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H.G.Williams is an Independent Fitness Equipment Writer

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Is Weight Lifting Equipment Expensive

August 21, 2012 by  
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Article by Marry Jazz

Is Weight Lifting Equipment Expensive – Sports

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Basically, weight lifting equipment is not expensive. In fact, you can start your weight lifting program at home by just buying a set of barbells or dumbbells for as low at $ 25 to $ 50. If you are keen in online shopping, you can even have barbells and a weight lifting bench for only $ 50. It is indeed possible for anybody to engage in weight lifting exercise and develop a great looking body without hurting their pockets.

But of course, the weight lifting equipment that you can found in gyms and workout training centers are not as affordable as the one that you can see in homes. This is because those that are in gyms are for institutional use. Meaning, they are more heavy duty and most are mechanized or automated.

Weight lifting equipment such as the bench presses with extra functional features can range from $ 100 to $ 1000 depending on the brand and the kinds of weight lifting exercises you can do with it. The same with barbells and dumbbells; you can buy as low as $ 14 or as much as $ 1500 for professional dumbbells.

On the other hand, weight lifting machines are even more expensive because it is designed to help weight lifters to target and tone their abs, arms and shoulders or legs and hips accurately and conveniently even without the help of any assistant or trainer. Some of this weight lifting equipment even has timer and control panel to automate your weight lifting workout.But then again, the results that you can achieve when you do weight lifting are not bound to the price of the weight lifting equipment you are using. In fact, many experts believed that traditional weight lifting (those that are not machine-assisted) develops better muscle tone.

In short, you can have great health and perfect body muscle tones without buying any expensive machine or barbells. What matter is your workout training routine and your commitment to do it on a regular basis regardless whether you do it at home or at the paid gym center.

But if you want to have convenient weight lifting training program, you can shop for wide variety and affordable weight lifting equipment through online stores. Whatever kind of equipment you need and whatever budget you have, this is the best place to compare prices without the necessity to leave the comfort of your home.

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Marry Jazz is a successful author of

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Weight Training Equipment For the Home

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight training at home

Not everyone has time to go to a well-stocked gym. But for those who still want to keep in shape, there is good news: It’s possible, with just a few targeted purchases, to do strength training at home.

And in even better news, you can spend as little or as much as you want to purchase your home weight training equipment. It all depends on how intense of a workout you want.

For those on a tight budget, an aerobic step, several sets of free weights, an adjustable bench, exercise mat and fitness ball can be enough for home weight training equipment. This basic setup, which will cost you less than $ 500, will provide you with enough variety and strength-training basics for muscle growth to develop an effective workout and training program.

For those willing to spend a little more, a multi-gym machine might be the answer.

These machines allow users to perform a number of weight training exercises. They save space because only one machine is needed.

Prices for these multi-gyms vary. You can find a basic model that costs less than $ 500. Or you can go deluxe and spend $ 4,000 or more. Generally, though, multi-gyms costing from $ 500 to $ 1,000 are usually advanced enough for most weight training routines.

Those looking for a more intense fitness routine can go one of two routes: They can spend under $ 1,000 to purchase a larger set of free weights, including dumbbells, barbells, plates and an exercise bench.

Or they can spend from $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 for a more advanced multi-gym machine. Others might prefer to mix and match, spending for a variety of free weights and purchasing a more basic multi-gym.

The key is to develop a home strength training program that works best for you.

This may require you to comparison shop for such weight training essentials as free weights, exercise benches and multi-gyms. But a little homework now will pay off with several great workouts in the future.

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How To Choose Best Exercise Equipment According To Your Requirement

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Kirti_saxena

How To Choose Best Exercise Equipment According To Your Requirement – Business

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There are innumerable types and varieties or exercise equipment available in the market that cater to the myriad needs of those who practice strength training and cardiovascular workouts. The exercise equipment price can vary depending on the type of machine you are buying and the number of people likely to use it. For instance, you can buy a relatively inexpensive treadmill if you are buying it for your personal use. Whereas if you are buying for a regular gym or even a gym in an apartment complex, you need to shell out more than double that price as the number of people using it is likely to be high and hence the treadmill needs to be sturdy and high quality.They are most commonly classified under two types of equipment, namely strength and cardio. The strength training equipment are those using weights and can range from simple arm machines and ankle weights, bars and benches to unwieldy and complex back exercises machines, core strengthening machines, and abdominal trainers. Recent innovations like the kettlebells apart from the regular dumbbells, machines for doing push ups and pull ups, and home gyms are also important for a overall workout. Such strength exercise equipment price ranges vary from a few hundred rupees for dumbbells of different weights to the complex workout machines with provisions for doing exercises like ab crunches and bicep curls costing many tens of thousands of rupees. The cardiovascular equipment consists mainly of elliptical, exercise bikes, rowing machines, stair, and stepping and treadmill based machines. These are usually large and expensive.A number of abdominal oriented exercise equipment are available in the market, each with a catchy name and the supposed secret to perfect abs. Usually these products are most effective only when used in conjunction with an overall exercising routine since they target only one muscle group. A number of alternative methods of exercise each use different equipment – Pilates and Yoga kits are available, boxing bags and boxing gloves can be used to provide a different form of exercise based on the type of equipment used (speed bags and heavy bags), and the workout ball provides for a cost effective and simple way to stretch and hence strengthen most muscles including the cores like abdominals. The best way to ensure that the exercise equipment price you buy is suitable is to decide on a workout plan based on consultation with doctors, fitness trainers, and physiotherapists and then choose the ideal machines that compliment your chosen exercise schedule. Whether you are planning to work in a home gym or join a regular gym, consult your doctor and your trainer and then decide to invest in the exercise equipment best suited to achieve your fitness goals.

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Click Here for more info about “The Human Trainer” The “Human Trainer” Is an elite total body suspension gym that you can use in at home. With the The “Human Trainer” you can do hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries, all at the intensity you choose. I like The “Human Trainer” WAY better that other suspension gyms like “TRX” because The “Human Trainer” has TWO Dual-anchor suspension straps!!! Two suspension straps nearly eliminate the rubbing on your arms and neck which you get from using a single-anchor, suspension gym like TRX. The Dual-anchor suspension straps also allow you to preform more exercises like “DIPS” that are totally impossible with a single-anchor, suspension gym. Another advantage that “Human Trainer” has over a single-anchor suspension gym like TRX, the fact that YOU CAN USE IT ON A PULL-UP BAR! The main reason that I never bought TRX was because you HAVE to drill anchors into your wall to use it! Thats fine for your home (you can use anchors for the “Human Trainer” too) but what a bout when your on vacation? Now I can bring “Human Trainer” to any hotel and no matter how shitty the gym is, as long as they have a pull up bar, I can use the “Human Trainer” to get a great workout! This is also great for people that cant (or don’t want to) drill anything into your wall that will be permanent, now you can just attach the “Human Trainer” to your “Iorn Gym” style pull up bar and take it all
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Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment

July 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Shekhar Bhalla

Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment – Sports – Other Sports

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Resistance training refers to that kind of training that uses resistance to the force of muscular contraction. It is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance and weight training is also a part of resistance training. After using these equipment each and every exercise becomes easier with an explosive force. There are three types of resistance training:-

1. Isotonic: It is the kind of training in which the force is applied to muscle does not change while the length of muscles increases or decreases.

2. Isometric: In this training the joint angle and muscle length does not change during contraction. Isometric training is done in completely static position rather than being dynamic.

3. Isokinetic: It is the form of training where the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.

Speed resistance training equipment is considered as the best sports training accessory and it is designed to add extra resistance to an Athlete as he/she attempts to move through a range of motion. These accessories are very helpful for increasing jumping strength, speed training movements, quick leg recovery drills, lateral speed and balance. By using training equipment an athlete can easily increase stride length, frequency, power and acceleration by selecting the most suitable equipment. It is very beneficial in increasing muscle power through both speeds in starting and stopping function and used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscle.

In market, there is a large collection of speed resistance training equipment that helps an athlete to gain experience and keep full control over his/her speed during game and practice situation and these are:-(1) Dual Resistance Trainer: It is the most economical equipment where two players are required for training in which one provides resistance while other one runs.(2) Evasion Belt: It is the perfect equipment that requires one on one marking up and mirroring and also useful for soccer, rugby, netball, basketball and other sports that require short space shielding.(3) Speed Chute: It is ultimate speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improving leg muscles which results in increasing performance during training and game competition.(4) Resistance Trainer: In this training equipment, require two Athletes to perform speed training in which one is providing resistance while other one runs.(5) Weighted Sledge: It is also one of the best speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improve speed, change direction suddenly and perform sport-specific skills.

In market, “Bhalla International – Vinex” is the leading and oldest supplier and manufacturer of best sporting goods and accessories since last 54 years that provides best speed resistance training equipment. The company becomes India’s Number 1 exporter of sporting goods due to its advanced manufacturing techniques and providing most excellent customer satisfaction.

About the Author

I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.

For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.

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I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.

For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.

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Fitness Equipment Repair: Marcy Wm1509 Multigym Summary

July 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Robert McKay

Fitness Equipment Repair: Marcy Wm1509 Multigym Summary – Health – Fitness

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If you are endeavouring to buy a home gym, be certain you buy from a renowned company. One such firm who goes all out to make health and stamina popular at an individual level is Marcy. Multi-gyms are all the rage everywhere in Europe and also many a lot of other countries to keep a person’s body in shape. Marcy has created a fitness machine called the WM1509 Multi-gym which works for novices as well as trained exercisers and for loyal fitness fanatics of all ages. This is a review of the WM1509 Multi-gym as well as what a dependable fitness equipment repair provider can do to assure it is in tip top condition for the best possible fitness regime.

Remarkable Facets and Features of the Marcy WM1509 Multi-gym

A compact multi-gym which is equipped with dual function press arms. These allow the exerciser to perform a lot of pressing exercises such as shoulder, incline, and bench. It furthermore offers high and low pulleys, butterfly action, lateral pull down bar, leg developer, and also preacher curl pad. The WM1509 is designed with a 45kg weight stack including shrouds for more security. The sealed bearing pulleys can ensure a smooth ride. Many of the main product features are listed here.

Dual function press arm that permits bench, shoulder, and incline pressing as well as pectoral fly exercise.Has Pec DecLeg developer with very large roller pads plus accurate pivot point to make possible proper muscle isolationAdaptable arm curl pad3 3/4″ pulleys made with sealed ball bearingsAnkle strap, lat bar, plus rotating straight bar45 kg selectorized weight stack made with metal protective shrouds200 lb tensile strength aircraft cable2″ x 2″ heavyweight steel tube frameOverall maximum user weight: 140kg / 308lbs / 22 stoneDimensions: 160 x 110 x 209 (DxWxH in cm)

Advantages of the Marcy WM1509 Multi-gym

This Multi-gym can assist in building a trim body, shedding excess body fat as well as amplifying your rate of metabolism. Considering the array of exercises, you are going to get a total workout of both your upper and lower body. The after effect of this form of machine is a continuing burning of stored body fat for even a few hours after your exercise routine. Implementing a multi-gym is a perfect way to complete extra workouts in addition to your basic fitness centre routines.

If you are pushed for time and have to get in condition quickly you will likely need to take your exercise level a notch higher. By bringing the Marcy WM1509 multigym into your home you can increase your activity level easily. With this remarkable piece of equipment in your household you can pick your own exercise routine time.

Care for Your WM1509 Multi-gym

If you’re currently doing a fitness program, you should be aware that training incorrectly can cause bodily harm most assuredly will not effect the wanted end results. implementing inappropriately maintained conditioning machines may produce like results. Employment of a good fitness equipment repair company could assist to guarantee the end results you are expecting from your devoted exercising program.

Fitness World is amongst the best fitness equipment repair businesses within the UK and provides services all over the country. Despite your repair necessities, our well-taught and welcoming staff can care for your dilemma quickly and at a good cost.

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To learn additional details regarding fitness equipment repair, or for aid with fitness equipment services, phone us on 0845 6410753.You can also visit our site

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Marcy Inspire M2 Multi Gym With today’s economic climate, high petrol prices, and often lofty gym membership fees, the idea of purchasing a home gym speaks to many benefits regarding health, convenience, and saving money. But with so many options for devices and machines currently on the market, choosing that product which most suits you may appear immensely difficult. Firstly, there is the obvious need for construction quality. Whenever we are discussing entrusting the performance and safety of our body to a machine, the integrity of the build is everything. Second, with the unit often occupying a visible place in our homes, focus on aesthetic appeal is a must. The M2 Multi-gym is designed to deliver on both these counts. The M2 from the Inspire range offers a complete range of exercises for many different fitness agendas. Toning, sculpting, or building muscle in any of the body’s core areas can be specifically targeted using this product. The user can introduce an extremely high level of variation with regards to routines or combined workouts which not only augment effectiveness, but virtually eliminate the possibility that your experience will ever grow stale or repetitive. In terms of structural integrity, this is a serious machine. The M2 is comprised of a thick steel frame which is triangularly anchored to the ground. The moving parts governing exercise motion are all pre-lubricated to facilitate fluid operation and to guarantee that the owner or user never has to

Abdominal Exercise Equipment Review

July 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Judging from TV ads, we all should have been walking with perfect six pack abs by now. The infomercials for abdominal exercise equipment make everything look so easy, so effortless, that it makes you feel bad that you don’t have the flat abs the models in the infomercials do. The next step is to buy whatever is being advertised. 9 times out of 10, you’re going to be disappointed.

To avoid paying good money for a bad product, I want to share with you my views about abdominal exercise equipment and whether it really works or not.

I divide ab fitness products to 3 categories:

What can’t work

In this group I put most of the electric ab belts and stimulators as well as those products promising flat abs and amazing results by working for just seconds or minutes a day.

These products may help you to tone your stomach but they will do little to deal with the root cause of the problem: your excess stomach fat. They probably don’t do much for toning the muscles, either.

The Pricey

In this group there are some ab machines that may be useful in the sense that they do help you to do a solid abdominal workout. However, their price is too high for the benefit they give, especially when you consider the fact that you can do regular ab exercises for free, on the floor in your home.

The Good and affordable

This is the group of products I mostly recommend. These products are low-prices but help you to do a real ab workout that delivers results. I have two products in this group: the stability ball and the ab wheel. Both of these products are affordable and they make any ab workout much harder. These are the products you should by to tone and strengthen your abs

John Davenport is a health and fitness author.

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