Controlled Labs Purple Wraath, Ergogenic Essential Amino Acid Matrix, 90 Serving, Juicy Grape, 2.39-Pound Tub

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Amino Acid Supplement

  • Net weight of 2.39 pounds
  • Maximizes lean gains and fat loss while enhancing recovery and increasing strength, endurance, and energy
  • A complete EAA/BCAA(Branched-chain amino acids) product
  • Keeps you training hard with its added super endurance complex

Product Description
Discover the “Holy Grail” of bodybuilding and athletic performance enhancement: maximizing lean gains and fat loss while enhancing recovery and increasing strength, endurance, and energy. Purple Wraath was created to be the most complete EAA/BCAA product on the market; keeping your body in a constant anabolic state and keeping you training hard with its added super endurance complex…. More >>

Controlled Labs Purple Wraath, Ergogenic Essential Amino Acid Matrix, 90 Serving, Juicy Grape, 2.39-Pound Tub

Anabolic Primer: Ergogenic Enhancement for Hardcore Bodybuilders

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Muscle is built with weights, food, rest and sweat. All bodybuilders create their bodies with these four elements … in the beginning. But there comes a time when the muscle gains slow down. This is when they need to increase their body’s anabolic, or muscle-building, capacity. Increasing the body’s anabolic capacity is what Anabolic Primer is all about. Every bodybuilder is inundated with ads that this or that supplement will bring him to the next bodybuilding rea… More >>

Anabolic Primer: Ergogenic Enhancement for Hardcore Bodybuilders