Weight Lifting Equipment is Essential to Everyone

April 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Jeremy Page

Weight lifting began for me over 14 years ago as a means to gain muscular weight for hockey. Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Weight lifting exercises consists of repetitions and sets. Weight lifting should not be confused with “weight training,” which is the general lifting that you do at the gym.


Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Free weights and compound movements such as squats, bench press, shoulder press, and bent over barbell rows apply a lot of stress on the supporting muscles. By using free weights and compound movements in your weight lifting routine, you will challenge your body to work harder and therefore make better muscle gains. As your form and style improves, you’ll want to move to a lower repetition range using heavier weights. Lifting heavier weights increases the chances of injury. Almost anybody can improve his/her chest by lifting weights with only the smallest bit of know-how. Slowly raise the weights, again making sure not to move the upper arms during the weight lifting exercise. Power lifting (a weight-lifting competition in which participants compete in the squat, dead lift, and bench press), Olympic weight lifting (the type you see on TV where athletes lift the weight overhead), strength training (lifting weights to get stronger), and weight lifting (the sport of lifting heavy weight, typically fewer than six repetitions). Continuing to lift weights after release could lead to use of illegal steroids and association with those who sell them and other illegal drugs.


Another important weight lifting technique is wearing gloves or using grips to make sure the weights are secure in your hands. A good pair of weight lifting gloves will protect your hands and keep you comfortable as you workout. You have done your research, you have bought your weight lifting gloves, you’ve psyched yourself up the whole ride to the gym telling yourself “I can do this. You will also likely to prefer some gloves to both protect your hands and prevent them from slipping.

Weight lifting equipment is essential to anyone who is genuinely dedicated to staying in shape. Weight lifting hooks allow you to lift heavy weight without having to worry about maintaining your grip. Weight lifting straps make weight training easier, safer, and more comfortable. Weight lifting can be as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise — and it’s not just for men. Weight lifting accessories can improve your weightlifting experience, making it both for effective and safer, as well as more fun. Weight lifting is one of the most popular sports in the country and there is a strong reason supporting that fact.

Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowBodyBuilding.com. He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Gain Muscle, Not Fat – 3 Essential Tips You Need to Gain Muscle, Not Fat

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

If you’ve been researching muscle building for a while, you know that you’ve got to seriously pack away the food to make any real progress. However, with this huge food intake can sometimes come unwanted fat gain. You need to learn how to eat to gain muscle, not fat!

This article will explain how to gain muscle, not fat through proper nutrition and training. At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for building muscle fast, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of muscle in just 6 months.

Focus On Protein As Your Primary Nutrient

You have probably heard about the benefits of a high protein intake for building muscle, but it’s also the best nutrient for avoiding fat gain, as well! Whereas dietary fat, and even carbs can be relatively easily converted to fat, it is a very difficult, inefficient process for your body to do so with protein.

In addition to its low likelihood of being turned into fat, protein has an extremely high thermic effect.

Carbs and fats are very easily digested by your body with little energy consumption, but your body uses a great deal of energy to digest protein. This means that you are burning more calories, and potentially more fat when you eat lots of protein.

Eat Carbs At The Right Times

Carbs can be an extremely beneficial nutrient, but they can also easily be converted into fat when consumed in the wrong ways at the wrong times. You need to eat the right sources, and consume them at right times of day to make sure you are using them to gain muscle, not fat.

The best sources of carbs are complex, such as whole grains, some breads, and potatoes. These will digest slowly, are unlikely to be converted to fat, and will provide the most stable source of energy.

They are the best carbs to eat for giving you energy to train hard.

The best times to eat carbs are in the morning and before and after training. In the morning, your body is ready to accept lots of nutrients and will most likely store carbohydrates at glycogen in your muscles, and not fat. Before and after training, your body is also ready to use carbs as energy to gain muscle, not fat.

Train Hard!

Now it doesn’t matter how much or how well you eat, if you want to gain muscle, not fat with that huge food intake, you’re going to need to seriously train hard. You have to give your body a big reason to grow and use all of that extra energy.

Follow A Proven Muscle Building System!

Shocking video: MuscleMaximized.com In today’s video from my old high school classmate, previously known as “Lanky Leo”, now supplement sponsored athlete, you’ll discover 3 advanced muscle building and bodybuilding techniques to get more muscle mass onto your body, without the ugly body fat that covers up your six pack abs. These unheard of muscle building tips, especially the second one, will help you build muscle and gain weight as fast as humanly possible — week after week — until you don’t recognize the body starring back at you in the mirror. After you watch the video, check out this brand new video from The Muscle Maximizer himself, Kyle Leon, who will explain the 3 BIGGEST mistakes you must address if you want to build muscle and gain weight WITHOUT getting fat and while keeping your ripped abs and six pack 365-days a year. http Avoiding the mistakes in this video will ensure you gain new muscle size and improve your physique. Enjoy! Vince Del Monte =======Frequently Asked Question======= ============== What is the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer? ============== There is nothing like the “Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer” anywhere. Period The “Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer” is a truly customized, unique, anabolic approach to nutrition. The “Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer” is breakthrough nutritional software that when combined with proper weight training, packs-on pure shredded muscle in record time without any fat. It is designed to explode you through any muscle building
Video Rating: 4 / 5

6 Essential Stretches for a Woman’s Workout

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Flavia Del Monte

For a healthy workout, you can’t just lift weights. You need to include stretches for a woman’s workout. In fact, you should stretch half the amount of time you lift weights. So, if you lift weights five hours a week, you should stretch 2.5 hours a week.

The Repercussions of Not Stretching

Muscles naturally tighten up. And not stretching and loosening them up can have some serious repercussions. You increase your risk of injury. You’ll move slower, have decreased mobility, and have less power. Your muscle coordination and metabolism will suffer, and so will your performance.

Flexibility — One of the Four Main Components of Fitness

Stretching has numerous benefits. It reduces the amount of lactic acid and inflammation in your muscle tissue, while preventing muscle cramps. Most importantly, because stretching reduces your body’s automatic need to protect itself against overextension, it improves your flexibility. And the more flexible you are, the easier your muscles are able to move through the full range of motion. This increases your performance and reduces your risk of injury.

Tips for Stretching

There’s a lot more to stretching than just movement. First, you should never stretch cold muscles, so warm up a bit with five to ten minutes of low intensity exercise like walking or jogging. Then, stretch all the major muscle groups. Just make sure to stretch each side equally and focus on the major groups you’ll be using during your workout.

Don’t bounce while stretching your muscles. This will only cause unhealthy damage. Use slow, focused movements, gradually speeding up as you go. You should feel some tension as you move, but there shouldn’t be any pain. If it hurts, you’ve moved too far. Ease up on your position and hold it.

Ready for some good stretches?

Neck Stretch — Standing with your feet a comfortable width apart, tilt your head to the right and slightly forward. Then, with your right hand behind your head, gently pull down until you feel a gentle stretch on the left side of your neck. Hold it for half a minute and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Shoulder Stretch — Shoulder stretches for a woman’s workout help you avoid issues like rotator cuff injuries. To stretch it out, bring your left arm over your body and hold your right arm either above or below your elbow. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat by brining your right arm over to hold your left.

Back Stretch — Called the “Cat and Camel”, start in the kneeling position, with your hands flat on the floor. Then, looking at the floor, let your tummy sag to the floor and your face turn to the ceiling, arching your back as far as you can. Then, do the opposite: Round your back by tightening the abdominals and lowering your head to the floor.

Hip Flexor Stretch– When doing stretches for a woman’s workout, don’t forget your upper thighs. Called a hip flexor, this muscle lifts your knees and helps when you bend at the waist. To stretch your hip flexor, place some padding on the floor and kneel on it with your right knee. Then, put your left foot in front of you. Shift your weight to your right thigh by leaning forward, holding your left leg with your left hand to hold yourself steady. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat it on the other side.

Quad Stretch — To stretch your calf muscles, stand an arm’s length away from a wall or support. Put your right food behind your left foot and slowly bend your left leg, moving it forward. Keep your back and right knee straight, your hips forward, and your right heel straight and flat on the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat it for the other side. If you need to deepen the stretch, bend your right knee slightly as you lean forward.

Hamstring Stretch — Sit flat on the floor with your legs straight out. Then, bend forward to reach ahead of you, while keeping your knees straight. Hold for ten seconds, relax, and repeat the motion.

It can be tempting to skip stretching, but you won’t save yourself any time. Stretches for a woman’s workout can improve your results and you might even do more harm than good.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on her female fitness blog.

Learn some great tips on how to do Quad stretches for a track and field meet in this free sports events, stretching, and preparation video clip. Expert: Jabari Pride Bio: Jabari Pride started running track in 1993. The summer before entering into college at the University of Wisconsin, Jabari competed at the Junior Olympics in Baton Rouge. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Physical Fitness for Kids is Essential

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jesse Regan

Gone are the days when neighborhood kids are more often seen racing by the roadside, skipping ropes, or playing hide-and-seek. Instead, they are most likely found huddled in a friend’s living room playing video games or watching cartoons. That is not the case though when TV was still in black-and-white. Today’s kids definition for leisure is closely related to computer gaming. To gather friends means getting the latest version of a role-playing computer online game or showing a newly-release DVD version of a hit animated film

Kids are also insatiable monsters when it comes to junk food consumption, which is why snack food producers target them most in their advertisements. The kids do not need hard selling of fares with generous amounts of cholesterol and sugar. However, it would take words of an ace sales representative to goad them into eating anything made of veggies or fish. Their eating habits are usually influenced by TV commercials and not by what but nutritionists or doctors say.

This only shows that today’s kids have a way of life that is, perhaps, enjoyable but also harmful. Cases of obesity among them have risen in numbers. Bad cholesterol has stricken many young ones with hypertension. The chocolates, ice cream, and cookies have also made some suffer diabetes early on. The sedentary lifestyle and the bad diet naturally make them physically and mentally weak.

To deprive them absolutely the anomalous snack and TV is harsh for the kids. While perhaps minimizing junk food and boob tube time, they must be encouraged to pursue playful activities that would develop physical fitness. These are important measures for them to trim the level of fat and holistically improve their physique. Aside from the physical aspect, they can hone their mental faculties to coordinate their body functions well. Playing with other kids through physical games will also teach them teamwork and competitiveness, both much-needed foundations needed for adulthood.

As it is for teenagers and adults, physical fitness is important for kids. The common but narrow notion is that cardio-vascular problems strike only adults. Statistics have since proven, however, that the causes for such diseases did not occur only in early adulthood. The causes that led to these started to develop even during the pre-teen or teen years. Therefore, if measures had been taken during childhood, the chances of acquiring heart diseases would have been lesser.

It would be cruel and rigorous to a kid though if the adult concept of physical fitness training is strictly applied on him. However, outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, sports and other kid’s games can encourage him to sweat out and burn calories. There are also fitness-training methods that are creatively and professionally designed to catch the kids’ interest. These dwell on motivating the kids to participate actively in fitness training sessions by simply making it fun and enjoyable, making it just another easy routine in a child’s day.

If you enjoy great fitness tips like these keep on reading. If you are interested about getting in the best shape of your physical and financial life, then visit my site Fitness of Wealth. Here you will learn from Jesse what it takes to get amazing results from being a top Beachbody Coach. It is his goal to help at least 1000 people achieve their fitness and financial dreams.

6/26/10 Al did 27 pullups at this years Marine PFT at age 64, see new video. (10/07/09 update: Martin was able to re-calculate the correct PFQ score due to an error in the 3 mile run distance, as a 297. Additionally, a former Marine also calculated the score at 297. Al says “Im absolutely good with that”) Al Moreno served as a Marine in Vietnam from 1968-1969. On May 18, 2008 at age 62 Al performed the PFT with other active duty Marines at Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California to achieve the highest possible fitness score of 300 points. Al is very proud to be a former-Marine saying “Once a Marine, Always a Marine!”. Al is an avid rock climber and works hard to stay in “Marine Corps” shape. In 1996, when Al was 50, he qualified for and was selected to participate in the American Gladiators show. The Gladiators show was cancelled a month later before he had a chance to tape a show. Al is a private investigator and specializes in personal training and security in the Long Beach, California area. Al is a great motivator to others and is available for personal training and speaking engagements. He can be contacted at aam@globalinvestigations.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Essential Running Gear and Accessories

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

One of the great things about running is that you need very little to start. Most everyone has a pair of sneakers, and although you may not want to run a marathon in your old pair of sneakers, starting out doing a ½ mile or so every few days is probably fine. I’ll admit to even running barefoot on the beach sometimes, although that does put different stresses on the body so don’t suddenly switch to barefoot running and try to go a long distance!

Note that you can spend hundreds of dollars on fancy running shoes and outfits, but that isn’t necessary at all. You probably will want to spend fifty or so dollars on a decent pair of running shoes. For clothes, you don’t need anything special. I wear a pair of shorts in the summer along with a tee shirt. If it’s a bit chilly I’ll wear a cheap pair of Walmart shorts over them. In the winter I usually add another layer or two on top, along with a hat and gloves.

Women may want a jogging bra as well.

For a long run in the summer I’ll add a hat to keep the sun out of my face and suntan lotion. You can certainly sunburn while running. Depending on where I’m running, especially around dusk and dawn, I may spray on some bug repellant to keep the mosquitoes away. And I’ll also sometimes wear my heart rate monitor, although that’s certainly optional.

Most people can start running without buying any gear, just like I did. You probably will want to buy a decent pair of running shoes if you stick to it, and of course you can always go wild and buy expensive shoes, fancy outfits, and more, just like with any other sport.

Harry loves to write on his passions of exercise, food, and wine. See his latest on the best wine opener for you and advantages of a houdini wine opener.

In an effort to make shopping for running gear a little easier I went to The Running Room for the 411 on shoes, gear, clothing and bras. I learned that what you wear on your body while running is as important as the run itself to your overall health and fitness.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss – Discover Why it Is Essential in Weight Loss

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Weight loss in simple terms is all about arithmetic. However, unfortunately it is not always that simple to put into action. Everyone knows about faddy diets and weight loss packages that assure you that you will lose two stone in as many weeks, but in reality, weight loss has to be well thought out, realistic and at a moderate and steady pace.

That being said, there is one method in particular that can speed up the process that is safe and will significantly increase your health and fitness levels. That crucial method comes in the form of exercise, aerobic exercise and weight loss go together beautifully.

So how does this work?

Well, if you incorporate exercise into your daily life or two to three times per week, you will increase the amount of calories you burn allowing you to lose more weight. Furthermore, your metabolism will be working harder and more efficiently so even when you are not exercising, you will be burning more energy than when you were doing little to no exercise.

It really is as simple as that.

A huge mistake that many people make when they embark on losing weight, is that they think eating very little will help them lose so much more weight. The fact is, the body goes into starvation mode and slows down the metabolism. Energy levels drop dramatically and there is very little motivation for exercise.

Even though some weight will be lost, it will not be in direct proportion to how little food is being consumed.

A far healthier, more realistic and sustainable weight loss regime, is to eat smaller portions, watching the fat content, reduce the calorie intake depending on your initial weight, height and gender, making sure to increase your exercise levels.

This healthy calorie reduction, aerobic exercise and weight loss can take you all the way to your target weight and your body will become much fitter and stronger in the process.

There are many different forms of exercise which burn varying amounts of energy. Strenuous exercise such as climbing stairs burns far more energy than brisk walking minute for minute. However you can be sure that after a short time you will be burnt out from climbing stairs, however you will be able to walk briskly for a longer period of time.

This just highlights that moderate, aerobic exercise is just as beneficial, if not more, as it is more realistic, less of an assault on the body and maintainable.

In order to be truly successful with your aerobic exercise and weight loss, a step-by-step guide should be followed that is tailored to your particular circumstances. This way you do not have to worry whether what you are doing is right or is going to make a difference. To get full access to the best weight loss programs and find out today how to successfully reach your target weight, continue to Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss.

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Essential Facts On The Muscular Dystrophy Association And Summer Camp

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Craig Morganson

The words summer camp provide instant mental pictures of wooden docks on rich green lakes surrounded by woods, cabins filled with bunk-beds, dining halls with screens as opposed to windows and s ‘mores over a campfire. Summer camp is a rite of passage for a few, a privilege for many people and an out of reach desire for others. Most of us have heard about the MDA, you remember fondly the Jerry Lewis telethons, and the big electronic donation tally, but did you know that through the donations produced by the MDA countless MDA kids each year get to benefit from camp totally free to their families?

MDA is an abbreviation for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MDA is a non-profit organization committed to helping fund research into muscular dystrophy, ALS and nearly 50 other similar neuromuscular diseases. MDA scientists are at the leading edge of gene therapy research as well as helping provide medical services, equipment and support groups. This is in addition to helping provide the funding for MDA summer camps.

Every summer a large number of kids attend many of the 80 camps in the United States, all for the low, low cost of 0 dollars, on account of the fund raising efforts of MDA. The magic of MDA camps is always that for 1 week a year, children enduring various types of neuromuscular diseases are just kids. Camps are fashioned around activities for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility. Lifelong friendships are formed around shared ordeals and conflicts.

Many of the many fun activities might include: swimming, boating & canoeing, horse riding, karaoke, archery, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts and campfires. For one week, kids get to spend some time in a world that was built just for them. Not only that, this can very well be the one week a year their parents get a rest from the constant worry that their child is being appropriately cared for. Having their child in the care of an MDA summer camp specifically designed to suit the medical and physical issues of their disease supplies a kind of peacefulness that is priceless in and of itself.

The MDA has supplied not only the financial backing to support these camps, but they are already able to reach out to create a network of people prepared to volunteer their time to make this experience a reality. By supporting the MDA, you help them make a difference in the future of the disease, but you also help make a tangible real time difference in the lives of the children and families who are living with these challenges on a daily basis.

Craig Morganson was born and raised in Connecticut, then migrated to Nevada in 1980. From an early age, Craig had a strong sense of independence and an entrepreneurial spirit.

As a very young man, Craig began his professional career in the rough and tumble world of the New England textile mills. After demonstrating his competitive nature and high productivity on the production floor, Craig was promoted and quickly rose through the mill’s management ranks. A natural leader was born.

Iron Tek Essential Glutamine Powder, 1.1-Pound

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Helps the body support muscle tissue
  • Important sports-related nutrient
  • Contributes to glycogen storage in the muscles

Product Description
Country life’s essential glutamine has 5 grams of l-glutamine per serving. glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the human body, helps support muscle tissue. intense physical exercise utilizes the body’s glutamine stores, therefore glutamine is an important sports-related nutrient. it is especially concentrated in muscle tissue where it is the most abundant free amino acid. free form amino acids are readily available for various uses by the muscles and other ar… More >>

Iron Tek Essential Glutamine Powder, 1.1-Pound

How to Lose Weight Healthy and Fast – 3 Essential Tips

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

How to lose weight healthy and fast is no longer a thing of the past. Solutions are readily available for anyone who wants to reduce weight in a fast and healthy way. Although we must still be cautious about quick diet fixes and too good to be true weight loss programs that pitches empty promises. The means to lose weight is as much important as the end result.

The following tips will help you get started and going towards a healthier and lighter you.

One of the best weight loss allies you could ever have comprises about 60% of your body. Water maybe tasteless and odorless which makes it less appealing than a soda, but what it can do for you is unrivaled by any other liquid you can easily have access to. We all know that 8-10 glasses a day is best, but more is required if you’re trying to shed off pounds. Water will help purge out toxins in your body.

It also helps you feel full which steers you clear from extra calorie intake.

Fruits and Vegetables aren’t highly regarded foods for nothing. They’re rich in fiber which aids your digestion and will ultimately help you to lose the bulge. Having them raw is also better since their natural components are kept intact and you’ll then ingest every bit of their goodness.The techniques you’ll learn on how to lose weight healthy and fast wouldn’t be complete without knowing the right kinds of food to eat. Keep in mind that 80% of losing weight has to do with what you eat and only 20% involves exercise.

Having just learned that exercise isn’t even half part of the process to lose weight doesn’t mean that you can do without it. Physical activity burns the calories you take in. Bending over to tie your shoelaces, even if it uses energy, is not counted as exercise, repetitive motions and getting your heart rate up is! Your activities on how to lose weight fast and healthy doesn’t even have to be boring.

Introduce variety to your fitness routine. Try kick boxing, yoga and even belly dancing! Also utilize your surroundings in losing weight. If you can walk going to the nearby store, then ditch the car and put your leg muscles to work.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weight loss. If you want to learn more as I’ve discovered that food is truly the key to getting the body you want, please visit http://bestweightlosshq.com

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