How to Build Muscle Fast – The Essentials You Need to Know

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Christian Morino

How to Build Muscle Fast – The Essentials You Need to Know – Health

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If you were a muscle building expert, you would get tired of answering the same question over and over again – How to build muscle fast?

Every day I meet scores of skinny guys who want to know how to pack on about ten to fifteen pounds of muscle mass before a very important event that is looming in their immediate future. It could be a vacation where they plan to sit shirtless on a beach, or a fitness and bodybuilding competition, or a very important modeling assignment. If you want to look bulky, you need to gain muscle mass, and quick and therefore; you need to learn how to build muscle fast

As a muscle building expert, I get approached with these questions and urgent appeals for help almost every day of my life. I work with a lot of hard muscle gainers and almost every single one of them wants to know how to build muscle fast. Of course, most of them are also concerned with the safety and the effectiveness of the methods I would employ.

If you are also a hard gainer, there is good news for you. Learning and understanding how to build muscle fast is not as difficult as some would have you believe. There are safe and effective methods of doing what you desire. However, though this is possible, this is a tedious process and needs a lot of hard work and consistency. For starters, you need to train a lot smarter than you are used to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that what you have been doing is not right. What I am saying is that if you want to learn how to build muscle fast, you will need to train much more intelligently.

If you are a hard gainer, and really want to know how to build muscle fast, read on as I reveal my best kept secrets to you.

1. Perform Only 10 Reps of Any Exercise

Your body is made up several different kinds of muscles. Different muscles of your body grow differently and therefore require different workout regimens. If you have been performing more than 10 reps with weights, you are involving the slow-twitch muscles of your body, which have the smallest muscle growth. As a hard gainer, every set you perform should involve as many muscles as you possibly can use. Always choose your weights carefully; keeping in mind that the 11th rep should not be performed and if you deviate from this advice, you would be packing your bags to vacation in ‘skinny land’. In addition, you will never learn how to build muscle fast.

If you are interesting in knowing how to build muscle fast, keep in mind that you need to lifting heavy for every single exercise you perform and each set you repeat. Simply put, keep your weights heavy, and never do more than 10 reps of a single exercise. I would also recommend finding a partner for each of these workouts so that you have no safety issues. Having a partner will also ensure that you push your limits every inch of the way, do not slack off in your workout and learn how to build muscle fast.

2. Workout More In The Limited Time You Have

If you really want to know how to build muscle fast, always keep in mind the fact that an increased work capacity helps build muscles faster. To do this, try performing as much work you can, in as limited time as possible. This means you will need to increase the number of sets and the poundage of the weights you lift within your workout.

Think about this. There are two guys – one who performs 4 sets of 185 pounds bench press with only a 30 second rest and another who performs the same sets with the same weight with a 90 second rest. Who is the fitter of the two? The answer is the guy who performs the same amount of work in less time. Now guess who of the two is more muscular? The answer again, is the one who has a higher work capacity. When you are learning how to build muscle fast, this would really help you.

So the next time you enter your gym, make an attempt to complete more workout in less time. This may mean you have to take shorter rests and perform one exercise after another in a very quick manner. If you feel a little haggard during the first few days of this regime, don’t be surprised. This is the easiest way to learn how to build muscle fast and to take your fitness to a whole new level. A warning though, be prepared to feel humbled and be ready to get way out of your comfort zone.

3. Perform A Single Exercise For a Single Muscle Group

Each of the muscle groups in your body needs a different exercise. You may be wondering, only one exercise? Yes. That is exactly what I said. If you think that exercising a single muscle group for hours with various different exercises can help you, you couldn’t be more off the mark. This would only mutilate your muscles. If you really want to know how to build muscle fast, consider this. Your typical day in the gym should have only a single muscle group to exercise. When you walk into the gym, think of the day as your chest day and so, logically, your first exercise would be the bench press. Perform the first set with a weight of 185 pounds and keep adding 20 pounds for every subsequent set. The second set would then be of 205 pounds, the third of 225 pounds and the fourth of 245 pounds.

Assuming that this is your workout for a day, consider what you have done. You have involved the maximum fibers of your muscles into your workout. Since you are learning how to build muscle fast, know that with this workout, you have sparked your muscles and initiated them into the process of growth. This was your goal, and you have achieved it. Your ultimate aim is to learn how to build muscle fast, so you need to grow your muscles not kill them. That is exactly what you have done. If you exhaust your muscles, your body will begin to grow new ones to beat any future assault. This is not what you want when learning how to build muscle fast.

4. Each Of Your Muscle Group Requires Only 3-5 Sets

To learn how to build muscle fast, you have to keep an open mind about your workouts. Your workout intensity is insanely high if you plan to perform more than 5 sets for each of your muscle groups and this is not necessarily a great thing to do. If you use any kind of steroids, your muscles may keep developing regardless, but for most normal people, who are not on anabolic steroids, 3-5 sets are all that your muscles can take. Even if you are a hard gainer, learning how to build muscle fast, my best piece of advice to you would be to consider a new set of rules for your workout.

The first 1-2 sets that you work on, should ideally get 85% effort. The next set should be performed at 95% of your effort and finally, the last two sets should be performed with 100% effort. This distribution has been made keeping in mind that it is only your last two sets which would actually contribute to the growth of your muscles. If you perform more sets than these, you will simply be exhausting your muscles. If you perform only 5 sets, and pay special attention, focusing your efforts on the last two sets, you will have triggered your muscles into growth.

5. Attempt At Increasing Your Strength By At Least 5% After Every 2 Weeks

Tracking your progress in your workout sessions is one of the most important things you will do. If you return every week, performing the same workouts and exhausting yourself, this is the biggest mistake you could possibly make. In fact, I have seen too many people go down this devious road. To learn how to build muscle fast, you have to bring variation into your workouts and you have to increase the strength you put into it. Keep in mind that your body has been created to endure stress and therefore, you can tolerate it.

When you are making plans for your workout, your goal should be to increase your strength periodically. An increase of 5% of your strength should be ideal when learning how to build muscle fast. When you are working larger muscle groups, like those in your back, chest and legs, your progress would be much speedier and you will be able to increase your strength faster. However, for smaller and more complex set of muscles, like those in your biceps and triceps, hard work would be required.

To those who come to learn how to build muscle fast, I always advise maintaining a strength goal book. Write down your long term and short strength and muscle gain goals. This will help you work backwards and plan your workouts properly. This will also help you keep a track of where you are headed.

To conclude, I would just like to say that though these tips are not what your average gym instructor would give you. The bottom line is, if you try hard enough and understand your body well enough, you can train smarter and defeat your genetics to turn from a skinny guy to a well-muscled one. How to build muscle fast is not an obscure thought and with just the right attitude, you can pull it off.

About the Author

Watch a short video exposing lies of the fitness industry and how its designed to slow or prevent you from achieving your muscle building goals.

Why settle for being skinny or flabby when you can have the rock-hard muscle you’ve always wanted? What have you got to lose? Can you think of any reason not to build muscle fast? Take this important first step. This is your moment! You can do it!

Yours in Success,

Christian Morino

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Christian Morino

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Watch a short video exposing lies of the fitness industry and how its designed to slow or prevent you from achieving your muscle building goals.

Why settle for being skinny or flabby when you can have the rock-hard muscle you’ve always wanted? What have you got to lose? Can you think of any reason not to build muscle fast? Take this important first step. This is your moment! You can do it!

Yours in Success,

Christian Morino

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Essentials of Fast Muscles Gain – How to Gain Muscle Quickly

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Let’s face it; we are a society of quick fixes. Even the more experienced bodybuilders who should know better sometimes fall for the latest hype about a product that promises fast muscles gain. But can you really gain muscle fast?

Well, you can gain muscle fast, but don’t expect miracles. The essentials of fast muscle gain can be broken down as follows:

1. Stimulus: This means good old work. You must be prepared to put in the work that will stimulate your muscles to grow. The best and quickest way is by learning scientific methods of lifting weights. Establish a weight training program and stick to it. Hire a personal trainer or buy books and videos to learn the proper techniques.

2. Nutrition: This can never be stressed enough. To build muscle you have to gain lean weight. Even if you are overweight today from the wrong kind of tissue (fat), you still have to gain lean mass.

Yes, sounds a little strange in a society where weight loss is almost an obsession, but it is a fact. What will build up lean mass is extra caloric intake. But this caloric intake must be quality, not just empty calories. Eat several meals with a balanced ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat every day.

3. Progressive resistance: In order for your body to keep growing you should keep challenging it with progressively heavier weights, increased repetitions, or increased sets. The more advanced you get the harder it will seem to increase the weight utilized and the increases will get smaller. This is normal, but can be extremely frustrating especially when it seems to last too long.

4. Intensity: Whether you prefer to use lighter weights and higher repetitions or heavier weights and lower repetitions, maximum workout intensity should be your goal. This means working the muscle to the point of failure or slightly beyond. You should vary intensity on different days though, by going heavier with fewer repetitions some days or light with high repetitions other days. This helps target different types of muscle such as fast twitch or slow twitch muscles.

5. Full range: If you’ve been to the gym often, you may have observed the guy who slaps on the plates and the proceeds to do the movements, none of which are done to full range. This may be a training technique for the advanced athlete but for most people it won’t do much good. Always perform the full range of motion by lifting the weight all the way and bringing it back all the way down. Of course, you should never lock out joints, nor should you lower the weight past a certain point or you risk injury.

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More Gain Muscle Quick Articles

Why go to gym when you have TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Trx Training Bundles

TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle has revolutionized the way of exercising and doing work out. Fitness experts and professionals are recommending TRX Lean DVD Bundle for body builders as well as all those who are conscious about maintaining fitness and toning their shape. It inexpensive as compared to the other fitness and exercise machines which are not only heavy in weight but also on one’s wallet.

GYM in your bag:

It will not be wrong to say that TRX bundle is a complete gym in a bag. TRX has added convenience in our life; it is portable and can easily fit in a bag and carried anywhere one likes. You can set it up anywhere you want, from a hotel room or on a tree, at home, office, or take it with you when going for vacations. No matter where you are you will not get a chance to miss your workout and fitness training. Unlike gyms where you have to pay heavily and miss when you are on holidays, TRX Essentials training DVD bundle is one time investment which is almost nothing as compared to the expenses of joining a gym, physical fitness training classes or buying different exercise machines and equipments. TRX helps in increasing our metabolism and burring calories in natural way. TRX Suspension Training leverages bodyweight to help in building core strength and flexibility and endurance so that you can conquer your goals.

Perfect physical fitness training program:

TRX suspension also comes with TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle, with complete video guide and instructions on how to get started with TRX suspension training. It provides five hours of TRX suspension training programs to help users get most out of their workouts. TRX training bundles are ideal for people who want to build their muscles, increase strength and enhance flexibility. There are around hundred exercises that one can perform using this TRX fitness program. You can start with any exercise that suits your level and physical fitness. You will be surprised to know that TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle will help you can get a total-body workout in less than 25 minutes. It has already revolutionized the way athletes, fitness professionals and military officials and even the injured all over the world accomplish their fitness goals.

All that you need to get in good shape:

You must be anxious to know what TRX Essential Training DVD bundle has to offer, well it comes with all that you need to get in perfect shape. It comprises of 65-minute Basic Training DVD, full-color 35 page Quick-start Guide, Flexibility DVD and Guide, Strength DVD and Guide, Cardio Circuit DVD and Guide, TRX Suspension Training P2 Model that features all new modular anchoring interface for quick set-up and take-dow, TRX Door Anchor, TRX Storage Bag, along with 2 bonus workouts: TRX Endurance Circuit and TRX Metabolic Blast. The best thing about TRX Essentials Training DVD bundle is that it guarantees satisfaction in just 30 days. So how about buying this amazing fitness tool!

Getting Started:

If you have just started using TRX fitness program then it is recommended to select 5 to 6 exercises that are suitable to your fitness level and perform a single set of each working at 10 to 12 repetitions. You can begin with a less advanced resistance and take the time to assure that you are in perfect form. Do not forget to take rest between the exercises. Just feel comfortable with the movements so that you can progress. Gradually add the number of exercises, decrease the rest between movements and sets. You can try more challenging resistances and increase the sets and reps of the movements to reach your desired fitness goal.

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American Body Building Hardcore Essentials Crea-Force Unflavored — 1.1 lbs

March 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • With the possible exceptions of protein and caffeine, no other supplement is as effective as creatine when it comes to performance enhancement
  • American Body Building

Product Description
With the possible exceptions of protein and caffeine, no other supplement is as effective as creatine when it comes to performance enhancement. Cell volumization, energy production, increased lean body mass you name it; creatine plays a part, making it a must-have for serious athletes. CreaForce is your no-nonsense solution. No fancy, shmancy names or other bells and whistles here just an affordably priced supplement made with strength-supporting creatine monohydrat… More >>

American Body Building Hardcore Essentials Crea-Force Unflavored — 1.1 lbs

Essentials of Strength Training Routine

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Bill Burns

Strength training is not just for body builders and weight lifters, but for everyone who wants a healthy body. But first, what is strength training? It part of a balanced exercise routine which includes aerobic activity and flexibility exercises. Strength training increases muscle mass by making the muscles work harder than they’re used to. It can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being. A lifelong training program is one of the best insurance policies for a better quality of life.

It is a progressive type of training where the force output is increased through incremental increase of weight, elastic tension or other resistance and the use of a variety of exercises and equipments to target specific groups of muscles. It should not be confused with bodybuilding, weightlifting and power lifting because these are sports and not forms of exercise although it is interconnected with these sports. Always remember to warm up before you start your routine and tone down after to prevent injuries to your muscles and bones. Do the most taxing exercises first in your routine and progress to the easy ones later as you finish your routine.

Essentials of Strength Training Routine

In developing a training routine, you have to take note that it is one of the trickiest part of a fitness program. The first rule is don’t strength train in successive days. Allow at least 24 to 36 hours of rest because strength gain is made during the rest time and if you do it in consecutive days, you will only strain and injure your muscles. While you can’t do strength training in consecutive days, it must be regular and consistent for the results to be seen. Second rule is you can’t spot reduce but you can spot tone. You can reduce overall body fat and you can spot tone a muscle group because it is possible to do target training on specific muscle group.

Next rule is to change the routine every 4 to 6 weeks. This will minimize boredom and also to prevent your body from developing a plateau. Make sure that every strength training workout is a challenging one. You can increase the intensity level every workout. Another rule is to make your routine according to your specific goal because specific goals have different sets and methods of exercises in order to produce optimal result. Know your specific goal before you make your routine. Make sure that the routine that you have made works out all the major muscle groups because leaving out even one muscle group will create an imbalance.

By following the above guide in making your routine, you should be able to draw up an effective routine that will be easy for you to follow and adjust accordingly. Having a routine that is made for your specific goals will produce maximum results and will maintain your muscle mass and strength throughout your active years.

Bill Burns is the author of this article on Essentials of Strength Training Routine Find more information about Strength Training Routine here.

Strength training is not just for body builders and weight lifters, but for everyone who wants a healthy body.

Muscle Building Workout Plans For Men ? The Essentials

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Muscle building workout plans for men has gotten very popular the last couple of years. That is because having a muscle building workout plans for men is important to gain consistent muscle mass and there are several reasons why:

By having a muscle building workout plans for men you will know exactly what to do, when to do it and most importantly, if you find the right program you will have faith in what you are doing because it has worked for others as well.

How to find muscle building workout plans for men that works?

But finding muscle building workout plans for men can be a journey by itself. This is because there are so many muscle building workout plans for men floating around promising so much, but with no real meat behind the surface.

What we want is a muscle building workout plan that has everything you need to know about building your dream physique and that has worked for others.

You have probably heard the saying, If you want to be successful in something, find somebody who has mastered it and do the same. It is that simple.

When looking for muscle building workout plans for men, there are several things you should be on the lookout for. Does it include a workout plan, a nutrition plan and a how-to plan? If not, the muscle building workout plans for men is not the one you are looking for.

What should muscle building workout plans for men include

You need the above mentioned plan because of the following:

-A workout plan: By having a workout plan in your muscle building workout plans for men, you will know what exercises you should work with, on what days, what muscle groups the different exercises targets etc.

-A nutrition plan: A nutrition plan in your muscle building workout plans for men is as important, if not more, as your workout plan. By having a nutrition plan you will know what to eat and when to eat, which will make a drastic change in a positive way, to your body.

-A how-to plan: The reason for having a how-to plan in muscle building workout plans for men, is because you want to be efficient when working out. If you don’t know how to perform each exercise the right way, you won’t benefit as much from it. And by knowing how to perform each exercise, you will keep yourself injury free.

It is like going into a jungle when you are looking for muscle building workout plans for men, because there are many programs, but only a few worth investing in. If you want a guarantee in following a program that works, then look for muscle building workout plans for men that has worked for others.

But what is essential when you find the muscle building workout plans for men that works, is to stick to it and stay 100% committed to having the body of your dreams.

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