Merchant marines- everything you need to know

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Geemy

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The United States Merchant Marine is the fleet of American civilian owned merchant ships, operated either by the private sector or the government sector. These ships are used for the purpose of transporting goods and services. They are also engage in basic commerce. In times of unrest and war, the merchant marine acts as an auxiliary to the American navy and can be called upon to assist the navy by delivering troops as well as supplies for the military. During peace time, they have no military duties and are responsible only for transporting cargo and passengers.

The basic role of these ships is to maintain contact of the United States with the rest of the world through commerce. Merchant mariners transport or deliver cargo and passengers from the United States to other nations and vice versa. They operate merchant ships, ferries, tugboats, dredges and other kinds of vessels on the oceans, the seas, lakes, rivers, canals, harbors etc. the number of ships as well as the number of merchant mariners is constantly growing.

The United States of America is a maritime nation. To the north are the great lakes, off the south is the Gulf of Mexico, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. Thus, American waterways are some of the busiest areas around. Ships are always leaving the docks carrying goods and people and more ships are coming in carrying goods from around the world. Operating these ships is hard work. Engineers and architects who build the ships are important, but even more important than them are the people who operate the ships while at sea- the merchant mariners. Merchant mariners are highly trained individuals educated at the United States Merchant Marine Academy or the USMMA. It is also known as king’s point. It is one of America’s five service academies.

Being a part of the USMMA is a big deal for everyone cannot apply to this prestigious academy. In addition to great SAT scores and GPA, the candidates are required to be nominated by a member of U.S House of representatives or the U.S senator of your state of residence. They also have to undergo various physical tests like the CFA (candidate fitness assessment). Being a part of this highly esteemed institution is extremely beneficial if you are looking for a successful career in the maritime industry and armed services. The academy helps you develop your personality and drill into you the importance of discipline, cooperation, obedience and leadership. After graduation, you have the opportunity to make anything out of your career.

Famous personalities who have been maritime merchants include actors, scientists, astronauts and various other people from the top of their fields. You have the opportunity to serve your country and there is no higher honor than that. Graduates from the USMMA are well rounded individuals capable of making their own decisions in life.

It is an honor to be a merchant marine and to serve your country in times of need. It takes bravery, commitment and hard work to be able to make it as a merchant mariner and only the toughest of the lot are chosen. So, if you feel that working at the sea is your calling, give a shot to studying at the merchant mariners academy or kings point.

About the Author

USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.

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USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

A recruitment video for the United States Merchant Marine Academy, one of the United States five service academies. Also known as Kings Point, the academy is located in eastern Long Island.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cloth Training Pants: Everything You Should Understand

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Byron Dyson

Parents look forward to training their children to make use of the potty. The process may be very difficult for the parents and for the child. They do a lot of reading about potty training and learn precisely what they can about toilet training. They consult with their friends and family and read some books.

Cloth traniing pants is something that you may want to get if you have a kid who is beginning to learn how to make use of the toilet. If you select the cloth training pants, you will find some good benefits instead of using the ones you dispose of.

One thing to remember is that they are not something you use instead of diapers. They need to be used once your youngster is learning to make use of the potty. These are going to be a substitute for pullups and the ones you throw away.

There are a variety of benefits of utilizing these kinds of pants.

One of them is that, they are often used again as with all other type of underwear like big girl underwear. Because you don’t need to keep getting them, you’ll save money. The price discounts on their own have persuaded a great deal of economical mothers and fathers to utilize them.

As they are reused as well as washed, they’re just the thing for the earth. When using these with your toilet training, you don’t have to bother about filling the trash dumps with the ones you throw away. Lots of people throw things away that the dumps are becoming filled up. So using ones which are reusable and washable is an effective thing for the environment and for the world on the whole. There are many people who are chioosing to discard things that they could recycle.

Lastly these types of pants can help your kids to learn how to make use of the bathroom a lot more quickly. Disposables are likely to pull away just about any liquids and therefore the youngster can simply only use them like baby diapers and never visit the toilet. However when you are utilizing the cloth training pants, your son or daughter will know when they are soiled. This means that your child will unquestionably get the routine of going to the bathroom a lot more quickly.

Potty training a child can be very challenging but one thing that can really help is definitely cloth training pants. When your child has a small accident in their pants, you’ll like them to understand. This way they are going to know that something occurred and that they should be aware of it Rather than keeping the child dry, they inform them that there’s been an accident. That is why they’re so excellent for bathroom training and for getting kids to use the restroom. Cloth training pants are something which most parents can use to help with toilet training children.

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Merchant marines- everything you need to know

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Geemy

The United States Merchant Marine is the fleet of American civilian owned merchant ships, operated either by the private sector or the government sector. These ships are used for the purpose of transporting goods and services. They are also engage in basic commerce. In times of unrest and war, the merchant marine acts as an auxiliary to the American navy and can be called upon to assist the navy by delivering troops as well as supplies for the military. During peace time, they have no military duties and are responsible only for transporting cargo and passengers.

The basic role of these ships is to maintain contact of the United States with the rest of the world through commerce. Merchant mariners transport or deliver cargo and passengers from the United States to other nations and vice versa. They operate merchant ships, ferries, tugboats, dredges and other kinds of vessels on the oceans, the seas, lakes, rivers, canals, harbors etc. the number of ships as well as the number of merchant mariners is constantly growing.

The United States of America is a maritime nation. To the north are the great lakes, off the south is the Gulf of Mexico, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. Thus, American waterways are some of the busiest areas around. Ships are always leaving the docks carrying goods and people and more ships are coming in carrying goods from around the world. Operating these ships is hard work. Engineers and architects who build the ships are important, but even more important than them are the people who operate the ships while at sea- the merchant mariners. Merchant mariners are highly trained individuals educated at the United States Merchant Marine Academy or the USMMA. It is also known as king’s point. It is one of America’s five service academies.

Being a part of the USMMA is a big deal for everyone cannot apply to this prestigious academy. In addition to great SAT scores and GPA, the candidates are required to be nominated by a member of U.S House of representatives or the U.S senator of your state of residence. They also have to undergo various physical tests like the CFA (candidate fitness assessment). Being a part of this highly esteemed institution is extremely beneficial if you are looking for a successful career in the maritime industry and armed services. The academy helps you develop your personality and drill into you the importance of discipline, cooperation, obedience and leadership. After graduation, you have the opportunity to make anything out of your career.

Famous personalities who have been maritime merchants include actors, scientists, astronauts and various other people from the top of their fields. You have the opportunity to serve your country and there is no higher honor than that. Graduates from the USMMA are well rounded individuals capable of making their own decisions in life.

It is an honor to be a merchant marine and to serve your country in times of need. It takes bravery, commitment and hard work to be able to make it as a merchant mariner and only the toughest of the lot are chosen. So, if you feel that working at the sea is your calling, give a shot to studying at the merchant mariners academy or kings point.

USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
From the pages of Muscle & Fitness magazine comes Bodybuilding 101, a complete motivational how-to guide based on Robert Wolff’s immensely popular column in the world-renowned fitness magazine. Covering everything from nutrition basics, common training mistakes, and powerful mental strategies to specialized training for your body type and the 22 best machine exercises, Bodybuilding 101 appeals to men and women of all ages, from beginner to advanced fitness enthusias… More >>

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want