3 FAQs About Isometric Muscle Exercise
January 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Many people wonder what is this talk about isometric muscle exercise, and will it really increase muscle strength and size in only a fraction of the time of traditional muscle building routines.
Here are a few answers to the most frequently asked questions that I’ve encountered about isometric muscle exercise:
Does it really work?
Yes! I can say that from my personal experience as well as from countless others that I’ve had the privilege to meet and hear of, isometrics truly works by increasing muscle strength and muscle mass in only a short 10-15 minute workout each day.
How can it increase muscle in so little time?
The power of isometrics is in the INTENSITY of the exercise, and not the duration. If the duration of the exercise (the amount of time spent doing the exercise), then all forms of traditional exercise would still be king of the muscle training world. But scientists have discovered that the intensity is the one key factor in muscle growth. With isometrics, you focus on the point of greatest muscle fiber contraction; build the greatest intensity you can deliver; and HOLD that level of intensity to muscle exhaustion — which is normally a slow count of 5 to 10. All this takes is a minute or two for each muscle group, so the exercise sessions are quick but super-effective.
What is the best method of Isometric muscle exercise?
The best methods vary from person to person. What are your goals? I’ve got several plans already set up for most any goal. All I’ve got to do is point you in the right direction. The great thing is, with isometrics, the method is always simple, quick, and gets results.
If you are interested in isometric muscle exercise, check out my blog at http://isometricman.blogspot.com for free articles and more information on this amazing system of muscle training.

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