Essentials of Fast Muscles Gain – How to Gain Muscle Quickly
May 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Let’s face it; we are a society of quick fixes. Even the more experienced bodybuilders who should know better sometimes fall for the latest hype about a product that promises fast muscles gain. But can you really gain muscle fast?
Well, you can gain muscle fast, but don’t expect miracles. The essentials of fast muscle gain can be broken down as follows:
1. Stimulus: This means good old work. You must be prepared to put in the work that will stimulate your muscles to grow. The best and quickest way is by learning scientific methods of lifting weights. Establish a weight training program and stick to it. Hire a personal trainer or buy books and videos to learn the proper techniques.
2. Nutrition: This can never be stressed enough. To build muscle you have to gain lean weight. Even if you are overweight today from the wrong kind of tissue (fat), you still have to gain lean mass.
Yes, sounds a little strange in a society where weight loss is almost an obsession, but it is a fact. What will build up lean mass is extra caloric intake. But this caloric intake must be quality, not just empty calories. Eat several meals with a balanced ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat every day.
3. Progressive resistance: In order for your body to keep growing you should keep challenging it with progressively heavier weights, increased repetitions, or increased sets. The more advanced you get the harder it will seem to increase the weight utilized and the increases will get smaller. This is normal, but can be extremely frustrating especially when it seems to last too long.
4. Intensity: Whether you prefer to use lighter weights and higher repetitions or heavier weights and lower repetitions, maximum workout intensity should be your goal. This means working the muscle to the point of failure or slightly beyond. You should vary intensity on different days though, by going heavier with fewer repetitions some days or light with high repetitions other days. This helps target different types of muscle such as fast twitch or slow twitch muscles.
5. Full range: If you’ve been to the gym often, you may have observed the guy who slaps on the plates and the proceeds to do the movements, none of which are done to full range. This may be a training technique for the advanced athlete but for most people it won’t do much good. Always perform the full range of motion by lifting the weight all the way and bringing it back all the way down. Of course, you should never lock out joints, nor should you lower the weight past a certain point or you risk injury.
Want to build muscle fast? Muscle building strategies for professional bodybuiders don’t always work for the average guy! Check out what works at muscle building programs now. David Kamau is offering free special reports full of fitness training tips by highly respected fitness trainers today.
More Gain Muscle Quick Articles
Fast Fat Loss Workouts Bodyweight Circuit Training
May 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Clint Grimes
Let’s be honest. Long, slow cardio stinks. If you want to burn fat fast while building muscle, bodyweight circuit training is the way to go. This is the fastest, most efficient way for you to burn the fat, build the muscle and get the lean hard body that you’ve always wanted.
Don’t under estimate the simplicity of this workout. Some time the simplest things are the most effective. Make sure that you warm up with some arm swings, push ups, squats, and lunges. Ready? Here we go:
We’ll start off with 25 jumping jacks, just like you did in your gym class when you were a kid. One variation to this might be seal jacks, with your arms moving parallel to the ground rather than up in the air.
Next we’ll move to 25 Hindu push ups. This is not only great for the upper body but is also a great stretch for the back and legs. If you can’t handle Hindu push ups do standard ones and if standard push ups are too hard, do them kneeling.
Now lets move on to 10 burpees. If you have problems with impact leave out the jump and if you are a thrill seeker you can substitute 8-count bodybuilders.
Next put your feet up on a chair or a step and crank off 10 incline push ups. If you are absolutely spent from the earlier pushups, do as many as you can.
Move on to one of my favorite exercises, Hindu squats. You’ll need to do 25 of them. Well that’s it, right? Wrong! For the next 15 minutes you are going to be repeating this sequence. Get ready to sweat. When you’re done put this one in your bag of tricks so you can reap the benefits for years to come.
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Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.
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Will Boot Camp Workouts Get Me in Shape Fast?
May 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Boot camp workouts have been rising in popularity amongst health trainers and those searching to lose weight and get in shape fast.
Boot camp workouts are more popular than ever. Why? Here’s why — Boot Camp Workouts WORK!!!!
Thousands of people all more than the world each young and previous are experiencing the advantages of boot camp workouts for health, health, and rapid weight loss
A health bootcamp offers variety, fun, and Outcomes! Outcomes create even more motivation and determination to continue on having a program. Outcomes feed the fire of your desire. Early and fast outcomes will maintain you inspired and coming back for more. When you get results fast you are energized for more!
Boot camp workouts have become well-liked amongst each men and ladies because you get to suffer right along some other people while sweating off those calories and feeling your muscles burn.
The pain and intensity feels so a lot much better whenever you suffer with others because everybody in class can relate to each other.
There is a strange bond that develops whenever you suffer with other people. The previous saying “misery loves company” comes to mind, and it sure does really feel better when you know you aren’t the only 1 who has legs that feel like jello that has been lit on fire. Boot camp workouts are tough and boot camp workouts can get even tougher!
This bond you develop with other people is precisely how young males and women are in a position to get via 13 weeks with the real Bootcamp Exercise at Paris Island when coaching to be a U.S. Marine. I remember watching grown males cry, and even pee their pants because they were too afraid to ask if they could go to the bathroom.
Luckily, you won’t run into this issue at your local health boot camp. You are able to really walk away at any second to go towards the restroom and you won’t have to worry about going to jail for being AWOL. When you see other individuals just like yourself overcoming obstacles and pushing through the discomfort it really does make things so much easier mentally. If they can do it, you are able to do it!
Boot camp workouts can even be carried out at home by yourself or with a couple of friends. No equipment necessary! Bodyweight exercises are really the king with the hill when it comes to toning up fast and stripping off physique extra fat.
If you want a truly efficient and fast extra fat reduction exercise then look no further than your own backyard or anywhere within the house with sufficient room to spread out and do pushups. You’ll be in a position to do a variety of workout styles to increase your heart rate and tone up your muscles at the same time.
There is no require to do a separate “cardio” exercise and muscle toning workout because you’ll get them both in at once. That’s proper – you are able to really train 3 days per week for about 35 to 45 minutes and get exceptional outcomes. Have you ever heard of interval training workouts? They’re super effective for fat loss.
What do you receive when you combine interval training exercises,boot camp workouts, extra fat reduction workouts, and bodyweight workouts?
You get this – an Interval Training Fitness Bootcamp Exercise with Bodyweight Exercises for Extra fat Loss!!!!! That’s impressive!
Abs Workout – With out the Boring Crunches
I’ll tell you what else is great about doing full physique exercises with bodyweight workouts. You’ll never again do crunches for an abs workout. The exercises carried out in a boot camp exercise will have you using your core and abs in methods you by no means imagined. Have you ever tried doing planks? You literally lie on the floor like a board propping yourself up with your elbows and you’ll feel your abs burning like by no means before.
No crunching needed! Plus, doing simple planks actually works each muscle and stabilizer in your body so you burn much more calories just lying on the floor like a board. It hurts though so do not get as well excited!
Whether you’re a fitness bootcamp workout instructor of someone looking for one you can discover everything from beginner to advanced boot camp workouts. There are even specialized boot camps made for athletes.
If you’re an athlete and can’t find an athletic bootcamp inside your area you may want to believe about starting one. Athletes wish to stay in shape during the off season, but they just require just a little nudge. Get the nearby football players into a athletic boot camp and have them show up to their next season in much better shape than ever.
Have a look at Help Me Lose Weight to lose belly fat and learn how to lose weight
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How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast For Women At Home
May 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Wendy Jane
Despite their endearing name, love handles aren’t usually a much loved part of the body. The additional fat deposited on the belly, above the hips are informally called love handles. Men might also develop love handles, but it is the curvaceous shape of women’s body that make it more noticeable in women.
These 2 general methods may help you to rid of the love handles around your waist:
Adjust your diet plan. The focus should not be on eating less, but on eating the right amount. The market is full of foods which are packaged in an enticing way, opening the path to take food that’s low on nutritional value but high on fats and calories. Make yourself conscious of this kind of foods. Before you decide to eat anything read the nutritional details printed on the labels. Try substituting your regular packaged snacked food items with natural or organic alternatives like apple chips rather than potato chips, slices of fruit rather than cake and frozen fruit juice popsicles rather than ice cream. For those determined to make a change, employing a nutritionist could be of big help. Although you might find it a hard task to adjust your diet in the beginning, but you need to begin it anyhow. And, the surprise may be just round the corner when you find yourself feeling and looking good.
Do a little bit of workout. Normally, crunches are best for targeting the mid section, but when it comes to love handles they are not effective. As love handles are situated at the side of the mid-section, also called the obliques, crunches don’t target them and also they should. Your exercise for targeting the love handles could be turned into fun by grabbing a mid-sized ball and a friend. Both you and your friend must sit back to back, straightening your legs to the front. The ball is then held to the chest with both of your hands, and then it is passed to the friend by twisting your torso right. Ask your friend to do exactly the same thing as you get the ball from her from your left. Continue to do this at moderate speed for about 3 minutes then begin again on your other side.
Determination and discipline are the two primary factors that will help you to focus on any part of your body. You aren’t going to achieve any physical or mental results using half-hearted efforts and excuses, but to attain the tapered waist you would require to work hard with total dedication.

Push Up On Knees | Chest Exercise Woman / Female breast firming
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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How to Build Muscle Fast
April 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Michael Johns
Finding fast ways to build muscle is something almost every guy attempts at one point in life. There’s nothing more satisfying than building muscles and finding the best shape of your life, especially when it happens quickly. The problem is, building muscle fast is NOT easy. In fact, it’s pretty damn hard – but not for the reasons you probably think.
Many guys believe to build muscle fast it requires MORE work at the gym, and HARDER work. This is a popular misconception, in reality building muscle fast is less about working hard, it’s about finding the right techniques and programs. If you have the right plan in place, it’s actually very easy to build muscle fast. There’s a few thing you should remember when it comes to building muscle fast;
Eat lots
Eating is a huge part of muscle growth. For muscles to get bigger, they need to be fed correctly. This means taking in more calories than you burn. It’s the opposite technique to weight loss of course; as an important part of building muscle is gaining weight. It’s ESSENTIAL however, to make sure the calories you do add on are not fat. It’s best to stick to eating a lot of protein.
Intense workouts
When attempting to build muscle fast, the workouts you do should be shorter, but more intense. Doing long hours of easy reps and exercises will do nothing towards building your muscles or stimulating growth, it will only contribute to fitness and strength. To really get the muscles growing, it’s important to do low reps, at max weight. You should really be challenging those muscles you’re targeting to lift MORE than they ever have before.
Mix up your workouts!
Another huge part of muscle growth is challenging them to do new things, and keeping them confused and on their toes. When muscles are told to do the same exercises every day, they get used to it and will eventually go into a state in which they will practically stop growing. You always need to keep your muscles in an anabolic state (state of growth). Part of this is keeping them busy and excited with new workouts.
There’s a lot to muscle growth, and really it all comes down to one thing: having the right plan. A good program is the KEY to every athlete’s progress.
If you can’t formulate your own plan effectively, I suggest you check out for a COMPLETE program that GUARANTEES results.—3-Key-Components&id=1864373
How to lose weight fast doing the weight loss exercises at home
April 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Aerobic Exercises
Article by Rinkirawat10
Obesity is considered as the curse because it causes various health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, arthritis etc. Apart from causing these serious health issues, obesity is responsible for lowering the self-esteem of a person. Each one of us wants to remain fit and healthy. A properly planned healthy diet can help one to limit the intake of calories in the body. If some weight loss exercises can be done along with a proper diet plan, one can lose weight fast. Going to the gym or fitness centre to do workouts are not always appealing to people because of the busy schedule and at time due to money constraints. But one need not worry. One can do many weight loss exercises at home and no equipment will be needed for them.
One should remember that doing weight loss exercises alone might not be help to lose weight fast so a proper diet plan has to be followed to get the desired results. All types of fried and sugary foods have to be stopped. The beverage intake has to be limited. Green tea is very effective in losing weight. Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetable in the diet chart. One can have lemon juice along with honey 2-3 times in a day as it helps in burning of fat. Cabbage soup is also very effective in weight loss. Taking half a grape fruit daily before meals is very good for fat burning.
Cardiovascular exercise like swimming, running, cycling and dancing are good for burning fats of the body. One should do one of these exercises regularly.
1. Swimming- It keeps the body in shape as it helps in the movement of all body parts.2. Cycling- It is good for the lower parts of the body and keeps them in shape3. Walking- It is very good for burning extra body calories
Some lose weight fast exercises at home are-
1. Plank exercise- It is helpful as the person doing it has to maintain a difficult position for sometime2. Aerobics- Aerobics makes the whole body to work so it is a very good choice for burning body fat.3. Squatting- squatting can be done at home very easily. One can start doing it by sitting and standing from a chair.
One can follow some practices like walking down to the bus stop, climbing up the stair to ensure that the body is active enough.
Author in this article has conveyed information on lose weight fast. You can also get information on weight loss tips and weight loss exercises at home at our Onlymyhealth health care website.
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21 Day Fast Mass Building – Fast Way To Gain Muscle
April 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Leslie Waler
A lot of men always dreamed of having firm and muscular built. This is because it often signifies good health as well as gives additional points when wooing women. However, in these modern times where almost everyone is living a fast-paced life, spending hours working in the gym is often not that feasible. This is the reason why many of these individuals want to know the fast way to gain muscle.Gaining muscle bulk without making the gym as your favorite is not an easy task. However, there are some ways where you could maximize the little time that you could spend working out to gain the maximum results. This could be summarized in four words: Diet, Double, Diary and Technique.1. Having the right and balanced diet is a must and one of the fast ways to gain muscle. The most common misconception is to have a protein rich diet since our body needs protein to build muscles. However, without carbohydrates which would provide the calories that our body also needs, your efforts will be useless. This is because our body needs the energy that is derived from calories to effectively convert the protein in muscle building activities.2. You should also double the amount that you are eating. With the correct diet, this will not result in building fats but instead, this will be very effective in conjunction with the work outs that you are doing.3. You would also need to keep a workout diary. In this way, you will be able to effectively keep track of your progress. It is very easy to forget the number of reps that you are currently doing or for how long have you been doing those numbers of reps. With the help of a workout diary, you will be able to keep on top of things and ensure that you are pushing your body towards your goal.4. Finally, you must be able to know the proper weight technique that you are using. Unknowingly doing your workouts improperly will prevent you to maximize the benefits that you could get from such exercises. It could even lead to muscle injuries which would further derail your way towards a muscularly and well-built physique.Access 21-Day Fast Mass Building!
This author writes about 21 Day Fast Mass Building and How To Gain Muscle Quickly.
More Fast Way To Gain Muscle Articles
How To Get Muscles Fast – Learn The Secrets
April 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Fabian Aleks
Almost every guy out there at one point wanted to know how to get muscles fast. However, certainly not every one knows that process of building muscle takes time, serious motivation and dedication. There are “shortcuts” like anabolic steroids, but in the end you will pay for such shortcuts with your health.
So if you bought a bunch of books on “how to get muscles fast” be aware that not all of this information is completely true and honest. It just isn’t possible for a human being to gain 10 pounds of lean muscle every week. Trust only proven and authoritative authors. Vince Del Monte is a good example.
Remember to learn how to get muscles fast from qualified fitness/bodybuilding trainers. Why? Because you will be able to stay away from a lot of beginner mistakes and beliefs. And you will very likely prevent any unsuspected injuries. And believe me, there is nothing worse than getting injured in the beginning of your bodybuilding journey – all your motivation will disappear in seconds.
So to be clear – stay away from guides and courses that claim they know how to get muscles fast. It’s a long process and you need to be seriously prepared for your journey. Muscle building process requires three main things – intense training, solid diet and proper rest. If you throw out any of these “ingredients” process will be hindered, or even stopped.
Of course the biggest impact will have the diet. Nutrition timing and choice will do miracles to your body, if you follow the advice of nutrition specialists. Having few books on dieting and nutrition is a must, if you are serious about healthy lifestyle. If you will master nutrition, you will learn how to get muscles fast, or how to lose fat fast. Well, relatively fast.
Training is important aspect as well. Make sure you will get advice from honest fitness trainer. Some ripped guys might tell you how to get muscles fast by taking some “trusted” pills or supplements. Find a biggest guy in your gym and never ask him for advice. It’s almost impossible to get really big and defined without sport enhancement drugs.
General principle of training would be progressive intensity and overload. That means you need to increase stress on your body on every training session. Do it slowly, gradually. Here is another tip for your journey on how to get muscles fast – start a log book. Tracking your progress is mandatory. You should write down exercises you performed, numbers of reps, weights and total time you spent in the gym.
Time spent in the gym is also greatly misunderstood factor. If you are natural athlete (and you should be), you need to forget about 2-2.5 hours grueling weight lifting sessions. You just cannot recuperate from such amount of stress quickly enough. Maximum time you can afford – 1 hour 10 minutes. All time spend after this mark will be a waste of your results. And better to strive for 50-55 minutes (not including cardio). But the training should be intense.
This is most basic info about muscle building. Good books on nutrition, diet, training and rest will be a great jump start for you. Rest is practice. Remember, if you really want to know how to get muscles fast you SHOULD research this topic in depth, starting from today!
What if you just can’t get enough bulk?
I know how hard it can be trying to pack some muscles, going through grueling workouts and ruthless diets.But if you really want to get massive, you’ll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.
This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can read how to do it in my free report here: How To Get Muscles FastDon’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more ways about getting ripped.Again by clicking the link. How To Get Abs Fast
Dumbbell Exercises for Women to Get a Fit Body Fast
April 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Luis Eduardo
Did you know that there are a lot of dumbbell exercises for women to get toned fast? Dumbbell exercises are very popular among men because that is how they get to workout their arms but women can also benefit from these dumbbell exercises. Women can work out anything from the biceps, triceps, and even legs with dumbbell exercises. When it comes to losing weight and building a better body dumbbells are an essential tool to have in your toolbox. How Much Weight Should I Use?This is a very common question when it comes to dumbbell exercises. For women it really depends because it might be their first time carrying a dumbbell so it is something that they will have to get used to. If you are doing a super-set then start out with the heaviest weight that you can do 9 reps with. If you are focusing on circuit training then it is best to go a little bit lighter since you will be getting tired during the circuits. Different Body Parts to Work OutThere are different dumbbell exercises for women to target different parts of the body. The most common misconception is that dumbbells are only good for the arms. This is not true. Dumbbells can be used for squats instead of using a barbell. If you want to gain power and strength in your legs then doing squats or lunges with dumbbells is a good idea. The good thing about using dumbbells to work on your legs is that you can often go heavy since your legs are the strongest muscle in your body. Another great exercise that can be done with dumbbells is the push-up. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and get into push-up position. Go down and come back up, when your body is up lift up a dumbbell towards your chest one hand at a time. By doing this you will get toned arms faster and you will also give your core a heck of a workout. As you can see, there are many different dumbbell exercises for women to get in shape. There are some workout programs that are made with only dumbbell exercises. With dumbbells you can be sure that you will get a whole body workout.
Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training
Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=””>
Kim Strother demonstrates exercises with dumbbells that will give you those loooong, sexy muscles! Please visit for more great videos.
More Dumbbell Exercises For Women Articles
Slimming Down Fast
When you follow a regiment that has proper steps in the approach, with some psychological training, the target is reached faster.
Are you among the people who are online to search for ways to slim down your weight, and are worn out practicing all those different diets and regimes, yet not found the right technique to suit you?
Just follow the simple guidelines below, to have ensure a slim down in your appearance. The proper blend of the following methods produces amazing results.
Set goals
Only when you have goals, do achievements come easily and bring thrills to process. Decide on a targeted weight to lose in a set amount of time. Make it practical. You can also split up the time for the goal to make it look simple.
Motivate yourself
For every success, you can give a small treat to yourself, like new clothing, going to a movie but definitely not to favorite restaurants, as you will gain what you have lost.
Bring in good
Try alternatives for the practices that cause you to gain weight.
Sodas and colas should be replaced with water or pulpy real juices; instead of watching TV use that time for workouts or your favorite sports or outside activities. When the bad is out, the fat is out, too.
Watch others around you; they will definitely stick to some exact pattern of exercises, every day. Workout is the ideal avenue to slim down, both easily and healthily. Constant workouts include brisk walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, and simple exercises.
You can find an exercise that perhaps is easy for you to follow. Regular exercise increases the rate of metabolism and thereby reduces the fat.
When excess calories are burnt successfully, you can slim down.
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