Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Jose B. Tollefson

Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster – Health – Fitness

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According to records, the use of kettlebells can be traced back to the 1700s by Russian weightlifters. Kettlebells should not be dismissed as just another workout fad. This is because a study by the American Council on Exercise in 2010 showed that it is possible to gain not only aerobic fitness, but also muscle strength in a short period of time through kettlebell workouts. Jim Smith, certified strength training coach, says that this workouts for men will help build strength, flexibility and muscle mass pretty fast.

Kettlebells are versatile and offer more benefits when compared with dumbbell training. The thick handles poses challenges in terms grip and the distance of the weight from the handle works the core muscles harder. Therefore, kettlebell workouts for men ideally help to tone up major muscles, build strength and burn body fat. In fact, this workouts add a new dimension to the classic exercises like chest presses.

Shoulder Press

Whatever is your need, improving performance in sports or getting your body ready for the beach season, kettlebell shoulder press will be helpful. This exercise routine targets the shoulder muscles and triceps.

Instructions for performing this exercise are as follows:

Hold the kettlebell in one hand and lift it up the height of the shoulder. Keep the forearm perpendicular to the floor, holding the kettlebell upside down. Keeping the abs tight lift the kettlebell above the head, lower and repeats the movement eight to 10 times on each arm. Start by doing two to three sets for each arm.


Using kettlebells during push-up routines contributes to increasing the challenge and helps building chest and core muscles faster.

Instructions for performing push-ups using kettlebells:

Grip the kettlebells that are suitably kept apart tightly instead of placing hands on the floor. Start by doing two or three sets of eight to 10 reps. Increase the reps as strength improves.

As the hand is at a higher position from the floor, the range of movement increases and provides additional workout for chest, shoulder, triceps and core muscles.

One-arm Row

One-arm row provides workout to your biceps and muscles at the back.

Instructions for performing one-arm row:

Assume push-up position. Lift one hand and hold the kettlebell. Without rotating the body, pull the elbow back and lift the kettlebell off the floor towards the shoulder. Lower the kettlebell and again pull the elbow back. Do two or three sets of eight to 10 reps for each hand.

Some of the other kettlebell workouts for men are:

Chest press: Lie on the back on a beach, holding a kettlebell in each hand at the level of the chest. Lift the weight over the chest, stretching the hands up. Bring the weights back down.

Fly: Hold the kettlebells over the chest with hands stretches and palms facing each other. Lower the hands away from the body such that the body takes a T shape. Bring hands back to the original position.

Situp: Lie on the back with knees bent, holding the kettlebell slightly below the chest. Contract the abs to assume a sitting position by pressing the kettlebell to the front and without locking the elbows. Come back to the original position.

About the Author

Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

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Jose B. Tollefson

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Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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5 Things You Can Do to Raise Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Faster

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by James S Pendergraft

5 Things You Can Do to Raise Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Faster – Health – Fitness

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Most of us do wonder when we see a person who was overweight some weeks ago and reduced his weight and trimmed his body. The thought that will soon come to our mind is that his metabolism process is functioning very effectively and burns fat much faster than before. What is metabolism or metabolism process that happens within a human body?

Metabolism is the rate at which our body turns the food that we had taken into energy. Energy can be in the form of carbohydrate, protein or fat. In short we can say that metabolism is the process by which our body converts food into energy that is to be used for various purposes in the human body. The rate at which the food particles get converted into energy is known as metabolism rate and this rate is different among various persons. The rate at which metabolism takes place in our body will not be the same all day around. It depends upon the activities that you engage in and some activities can really make our metabolism rates to increase and thereby burn fat in our body faster.

Raising Your Metabolism Rate

Eat sufficient protein throughout the day. Protein can help in increasing the metabolism rate in human beings 2 to 3 times more than that of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are easily digestive foods and so they can be easily turned into energy. The proteins can help to increase the metabolism rate and thus more fat in our body is burned off.

Drink more water. Water is an essential component in metabolism as it helps in increasing the rate of metabolism. If there is absence of sufficient water in your body, the metabolism process will slow down so as to make fat which can help the body to remain warm.

No starving. This is not a good idea as it will lead to decreasing the rates of metabolism. When you do not take in foods our body is being deprived of the necessary calories which are required for its functioning. In the absence of sufficient calories our body will slow down the metabolism process so as to hold fat in our body to support life.

Do your exercises regularly. Exercising is the best way to increase your metabolism rates. You may not know that due to exercises our body will be burning twice the amount of fat that it would have burned in a normal activity. Continue doing exercises regularly and you are sure to get into a perfect shape body.

Sleep is as important as exercise and diet. Your body cannot indulge in metabolism activity 24 hours a day. Like every human being the metabolism process in our body also needs some rest. So it is advisable that you do take in good sleep at regular intervals so as to maintain the metabolism rates in our body.

Keep moving with healthy exercises and you will raise your metabolism in no time and burn fat faster.

About the Author

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women’s Center in March 1996. Physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

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James S Pendergraft

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Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women’s Center in March 1996. Physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Running Faster ? How to Improve Running Time

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

After months of training, the next step for runners is to develop more their running speed. Most runners have run only within their comfort zones and little changes with it will cause a little panic (especially for beginners). They are afraid that when they try to get out from their zone they will fail, but they should seek ways of running faster. The following are some methods that will lead to increasing your running speed:

• Turnover
Your turnover (number of times a foot hits the ground per minute) must increase to get you to go faster. The increased number of turnover will mean an increase in the covered distance also. With the use of a stopwatch, count the number of turnovers you make in a single minute. Then, gradually increase your turnover rate by adding 5 steps every minute until you reach your goal rate. A competitive runner can make 90 steps or more in 1 minute, but regular faster runners achieve at least 80 strides per minute.

This way, you won’t be panicking of the idea that your heart will increase because the increase in your running rate will happen in a gradual manner.

• Utilize Toes
Another way of running faster is through pushing with the big toe. This moves your body forward and it take off some of the pounding on your heels.

• Proper Posture
Proper posture should be observed at all times. Your head should be aligned with your back and chin must be kept tucked. Look straight ahead of you (about five feet). The arms must be at the sides and swung forward, never swing across your body.

• Speed Workouts
Speed workouts are very for running faster. Including some of them in your training program will boost your speed in a slow and steady manner. A very good example of speed workout is hill training. Start by doing this workout once a week and then as you get use to the pace increase it to twice a week.

On race day, just remember that all techniques and trainings of running faster have one key: that is to start with a slow pace and gradually work yourself up until you reach the finish line. Be calm and cool. Warm up and let your body loose before the race starts because tight muscles do not help much and easily get tired. Don’t forget to do cool down exercises right after finishing.

For more information about this article, please check out Running Faster, and Run to Finish.

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Faster Triathlon Splits

July 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Gary Tingley

Faster Triathlon Splits – Sports – Other Sports

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The bike leg of triathlon and duathlon is essentially a time trial race sandwiched in between swimming and running. You will find subtle differences in training for a true time trial race, such as frequency, duration, and other TT specific workouts.

Here are a few tips for your first time trial:

* If preparing for an upcoming event, use the race as training, race the time trial using all equipment you will have with you during a tri – spares and water – this way you “train like you race”.

* Wear a jersey that covers your shoulders, many USCF races require this.

* You may be required to purchase a 1-day license at the event.

* Warm up for the race for at least 45 minutes incorporating ‘step’ intervals that prepare your body for high race efforts. Consume some CHO drink.

* At the starting line a ‘holder’ will hold your bike saddle (at most events) and allow you to clip in to your pedals. Start your stopwatch when the rider in front of you goes off – then subtract the time difference when you finish (depending on the race, usually 30 seconds).

* You will want to start the race on your non-primary leg (your weaker leg) which will allow you to power a full revolution of your more powerful leg once you start the event. Make sure you are in the correct gear, spin your cranks forward and backward before you line up to make certain that your chain will not drop. Take a few deep breaths right before the start, then when the official says “GO!” (on the basebar) shift your weight forward and push hard, sprint up to speed (10 seconds) and settle into your pace.

* Don’t worry about keeping a set heart rate or power during the first five minutes of the race, instead try to maintain a pace just under your 1-hour race effort. After the first five minutes you will want to hold your power or heart rate just below or right at your 1-hour threshold power/pace, then bump it up and really give it your all in the last 1/3 of the race. Focus on finishing strong.

* Depending on the course profile, finish the race with the same power and a higher perceived intensity that you started it with, but have nothing left to give at the end of the event. If the profile is hilly, you will want to push a little harder on the climbs.

* Properly warm down and stretch to prevent injuries. Hydrate and get some CHO drink into your system.

Time trial racing is one of the best ways to improve your bike split. You already have the bike and the fitness, all you need to do is show up and race a TT!

About the Author

Gary Tingley is a USA Cycling Certified Level 2 / CPBT Power-based Training Coach, 6x Calif state Time Trial Champion (ITT/TTT), 2x USAC Masters Road Nationals medalist, and USCF road Cat. 2 cyclist at

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Gary Tingley

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Gary Tingley is a USA Cycling Certified Level 2 / CPBT Power-based Training Coach, 6x Calif state Time Trial Champion (ITT/TTT), 2x USAC Masters Road Nationals medalist, and USCF road Cat. 2 cyclist at

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How to Get Abs Faster

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Great abs are something that most of us have at least thought about getting a time or two. The trouble with making a real effort, however, is that trying to get great abs can be frustrating, if you don’t know how to eat and work out effectively. But with a few simple diet and exercise tips, you can get abs faster than you ever thought possible; and enjoy the benefits of a lean, toned midsection all year long.

1. Ditch the Junk
One of the easiest ways to sabotage your best efforts at getting great abs is to take in significant quantities of “empty” or “mindless” calories. Consider this scenario: you’re sitting at your desk, bored; thinking about a snack. A quick inventory of your drawers turns up nothing promising, so you take a walk around the office, snagging a handful of M&Ms from someone’s candy jar, a cookie from a plate in the conference room, and a pop from the soda machine to wash it all down.

You’ve just eaten about 300 calories, and chances are good that your desire for a snack still hasn’t been satisfied. Do that for a week and a half straight, and you’ll probably gain a pound. Bummer.

2. Make Every Meal Work Harder for You
It’s no secret that some foods do more for our bodies than others. While sugary foods, rich in simple carbohydrates, can give us a temporary energy spike (a “sugar high”), they can also leave us more sluggish than when we were tired and hungry to begin with. For lasting energy and to keep your stomach satisfied, opt for complex carbs like whole grains. Eating cereal or whole wheat toast in the morning will ward off morning cravings for less helpful foods, and give your body what it needs to focus and work hard.

3. Work Out Like You’re Going Somewhere
When you hit the gym, don’t just jump into the same old half hour jog and light lifting routine. If what you were doing was producing great results, you probably wouldn’t be here right now. Boost your exercise intensity by adding hills or sprint intervals (or both, for bonus points!) to your standard run. You’ll burn more calories in the same amount of time, and melt fat off of your body to get great abs fast.

Make sure you’re getting a solid, full body strength training workout at least a couple of times each week. Building more muscle also helps you burn fat, and helps tone up your entire body. Do focus on working your abs hard, but don’t neglect to do the same for the rest of your body.

The real trick of how to get abs faster is simply to work harder, and concentrate on following a diet and exercise program that will benefit every part of your body. Sure, cutting out sweets or making time to work out every day will require some sacrifices now; but just think of how good it will feel to get great abs faster than you ever thought possible. The tools are here. The way you implement them, and your subsequent success is entirely up to you.

by Werner Wichmann is an experienced fitness fanatic from, who has written a number of informative articles on the topic of How To Get Abs Fast. Want to learn more about How To Get Abs Fast?

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How to get pregnant faster?

May 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

We have often found couples to be in a hurry to get pregnant faster without knowing how to go for it. They just go for it without going for the proper system and knowledge and that is where they lack and fail getting pregnant. Let us look at some of the simple tips on how to get pregnant faster that have been found to be really helpful to make many get pregnant.

Tips to Get Pregnant Fast:

These tips for getting pregnant fast are,
1. Know your perfect menstrual dates and then only you can go for the perfect ovulation period.
2. Go for maintaining a chart of intercourses that you do during this ovulation period to get pregnant.
3. Make sure that you try different positions for sexual intercourses for getting pregnant.
4. Try to lie down after you finish the intercourse.
5. Place a pillow below the hips can help you in getting pregnancy fast as this will stop the spam from coming out.

Getting pregnant can be tough if you do not stop to take alcohol and cigarette. So avoid them for sure.
7. Go for physical checkups if you want to get pregnant faster as the doctor can guide you with the kind of daily routine that you need to maintain for getting a healthy lifestyle.
8. Reduce stress as stress has been found to be one of the main causes for stopping pregnancy.

Go for maintaining a good relationship with the partner as the relationship is the key to your pregnancy. Once you are able to achieve a peaceful and sustained relationship the stress will automatically come down from your head and you will be getting pregnant fast.

If you can follow these tips you can be mentally fit to overcome the barriers that you were facing previously to get pregnant. As soon as you feel that while you are planning to get pregnant faster consult your medical practitioner immediately. He will be the right person to judge your physical conditions and guide you accordingly on what to do for getting pregnant fast. The basic fact of getting pregnant is the relations ship between you and you’re pregnant and for this you need to be extra careful and to get the best results consult the fact that you want to be pregnant with your partner. This will ease down the process and with the try from both the ends you will be able to get pregnant and be the mother.

In this article the author has conveyed information about getting pregnancy and get pregnant fast. Also get information on Having Trouble getting Pregnant and Detecting Ovulation for Pregnancy.

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Home Fitness Workouts – 4 Reason Why This Can Be Your Ticket to Getting in Shape Faster

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Hugo Guerreiro

Everybody wants to get in shape and I’m sure you’re probably one of them. You’ll find several options to exercise, and a lot of people choose fitness in your own home workout programs Let us face the facts, you would like to get fit rapidly, however, you most likely want some privacy and do not want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away Let’s be realistic, you want to condition your body quickly, however, you almost certainly want some privacy and don’t want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away

The question comes up, can you be successful at getting in shape quickly with home fitness workouts?

The answer is a definite yes if you take the necessary steps to make it happen. Here are some ways that you can make your home fitness workouts successful, so you can look and feel the way you’ve always wanted.

Create a plan and stick with it

This is the number one reason most people fail to follow through on home fitness workouts or any exercise plan for that matter. You have to take the time, sit down and decide what kind of workouts you’re going to do, when you’re going to do them and fill in as much detail as possible. If you start exercising without any real direction of what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’re going to do it, it becomes really easy to get distracted and give up altogether.

Take your home fitness workouts seriously

This goes along with creating your plan. You need to really ask yourself if you want to get into shape, have better health and lose the weight that you been wanting to lose for probably years now. As part of the plan, exercise must become as important as going to work, eating and anything else you do on a daily basis. If it comes down to watching TV or getting in your workout, what are you going to do?

You have to decide now how much you really want to get in shape. It might be hard in the beginning to be consistent. However, if you perform your workouts regularly over a month’s time, you’ll be in the habit of making it a part of your day. One good tip would be to write it down on your calendar or add it to the do list with the specific time and workout you’re going to do. This will force you to set time aside and plan for your workout.

Don’t think everything has to be perfect

One of the reasons why people get frustrated, skip their home fitness workouts and give up altogether, is because they think they need to do everything perfectly.

Don’t worry so much about how you’re doing your exercise, but just doing the best you can. Most people think they can do more than they really can. Just go ahead and be ready to modify what you do, so you can keep doing it consistently. For example, if you are performing a certain strength exercise as part of your home fitness workout and you find your using too much weight, it’s OK to stop, change the weight and continue to finish the exercise. Also, if you need a rest half way through the set for five to ten seconds, then take the rest.

The point trying to be made here is you do what you can to complete your workout. It’s more important to do the workouts with modifications than trying to force yourself to do something that could injure you or cause you to have to take more recovery days.

Workout as early in the day as possible

This simple tip, especially for home fitness workouts, can make or break your success in getting in shape. Try to schedule your exercise the first thing in the morning or as close to waking up as possible. For one, you’ll have the energy to exercise. Two, you won’t have any other distractions that might take you away from it. If you wait until later in the day, especially when you’re at home, you might find it hard to do it without being interrupted. Also, you might just be tired from the day and it becomes very easy to pass up your exercise for another day. If you get it out of the way first thing, you’ll feel better and you won’t feel the stress of having to get it done later.

In conclusion, home fitness workouts can work if you follow these tips and make your exercise a priority. If you do, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can get in shape and start feeling the way you’ve always wanted.

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How to Run Faster in 1 Week!

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Bob Brown

How to run faster, that is an issue that has been around forever. People have gone to great lengths in order to get faster such as weight training, running, and unfortunately performance enhancing drugs. Knowing how to run faster is actually more important than the process because one cannot do the process until they understand what they are going to put their body, mind, and heart through.

Many people choose to go to the track and run in hopes of getting faster. Many people choose to go into the weight room in hopes of getting faster. But unfortunately, not only do these people have little direction as far as these methods go, but they are unaware that they are actually programming their bodies to work slower.

Think of a time you have gone to run sprints. You ran the first sprint as hard as you could. Then you ran the second sprint as hard as you could but it was not as fast as the first. Finally, by the time you had finished your third sprint, you were completely winded. The following sprints saw a decrease in speed little by little each sprint, and you began the process of teaching your body to move slower. Why you might ask? The truth is unless you are training maximally, you are getting slower. The more sprints you attempt to run, the slower you are getting. Let’s look at the weight room now. Most people go in the weight room and plan on doing squats or leg press for the lower body. Those are great ideas, but the way 99.9% of people apply those exercises makes them slower. Let’s look at an example. Athlete A is planning on doing squats, three sets of eight repetitions; he does a warm up set and is ready to go. Athlete A chooses a light weight for the first set, builds up weight the second set, and finally is using some heavier weight for the third set. The last few repetitions of the third set were challenging for athlete A and he feels he completed a great lower body workout. But what did athlete A really do? He made himself slower. The only repetitions that were remotely challenging for athlete A were the last few repetitions of the last set! He wasted around twenty repetitions, and because he was not working maximally, those twenty reps really served as a way to make his body slower.

Truly knowing and understanding how to run faster means working from the inside out. You must program your nervous system to go fast with an output of 100% all the time. Although this looks complicated, there is an easy fix to these issues. Using isometrics in the proper position CAN make you faster in as little as one week. Isometrics allow you to always work maximally and always give your 100% effort over and over again. If you perform isometrics correctly within the proper running position for five minutes the outcome will be similar to doing five full minutes of sprinting; imagine what that could do! That is the reason you can see drastic results in as little as one week! To find out more about exercises and routines to get faster using isometrics go to Good Luck!

Bob Brown is a fitness expert who focuses mainly on speed training and speed development of athletes of all ages. Bob Brown has become known in the speed training world after his ebook “How to Run Faster in 1 Week” hit the market. For more information on speed training or the ebook go to How to Run Faster

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Tips for Running Faster

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

3 Tips for Running Faster That Don’t Require Weights

When searching for ways to get faster, you’ve probably come across dozens of exercises and methods, but most of those involve weights. Everywhere you turn, people are telling you to do squats and leg extensions and all kinds of other workouts that are mostly done in a weight room. But what if you don’t have access to a weight room and you want to get faster? The following three tips for running faster don’t require weights, but they’re very effective at making you ultra-fast in record time.

Stair Running

This is a cheap and easy solution for helping you run faster and, unlike other tips for running faster, you don’t need the resistance of physical weights to keep your body under stress. You only need your own body weight. When you run stairs, you are forcing your legs to drive your body upwards, which is building the muscles in your legs that are responsible for increasing your speed and power. Then, when you run back down the stairs you should try to go as fast as you safely can to increase your foot speed. Do this for 10-20 minutes a few days per week and you’ll become faster in no time.


When you get into the lunge position, you are isolating the hip flexors and the hamstrings, which are essential when it comes to the pull and return phases of the running process. Simply step forward as much as you can and make sure your front knee stays over your ankle. Then, with your other leg outstretched behind you, dip down as far as you can and slowly come back up. Do ten reps and then repeat with the other leg.Sprints

Nothing builds speed more than running for speed as much as you can. You should practice sprinting at short distances and at long distances to mix it up. Most athletes will use a combination of short and long distance sprints to prepare them for all scenarios where quick or long-lasting speed may come into play. It’s recommended that you do the same. Some of the best tips for running faster include sprints at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 yards. By mixing it up, you’ll be ready to push your speed to the limit no matter how long or hard you have to run.

There you have it: a simple and effective way to help you get to the finish line before everyone else. Speed isn’t something you’re born with and you certainly don’t have to have a certain type of body to be fast. And now you also see that you don’t need weights to increase your speed. You only need to use stair running, lunges and sprints at various distances in order to run faster, longer and harder than anyone on the court or field. Simply incorporate these three tips for running faster into your current training regimen and soon you’ll achieve the speed you’ve always wanted.

To learn more about speed training drills, visit, where you’ll find the secrets to speed and so much more, including [Mind Blowing Speed Training].

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed
 EPS brings you instruction from current Division 1 Army Football player, Rob Wright, who demonstrates speed training drills and proper running form to improve your speed and help you run faster. Explosive Power & Speed offers speed training products such as parachutes, speed ladders, resistance sleds, hurdles, lateral side steppers, resistance harnesses, cones, balance wobble boards, reaction balls, and much more. We also offer a variety of speed, power, and agility equipment along with instructional videos, workout manuals, and workout plans. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality and most effective tools to fully develop your God-given athletic potential. By using our products and programs, athletes can increase their speed, agility, explosiveness, power, reaction, quickness, balance, and core strength. All athletes can benefit from our products and programs, regardless of their sports.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to Run Faster and Longer in 1 Week!

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Bob Brown

“How to run faster and longer,” that’s a double whammy! The individuals that ask this question would clearly like to not only run faster, but also run longer! In my opinion, these individuals would like to improve at running longer distances. They feel as if they could run faster AND longer they would get the benefit of killing two birds with one stone. If they could accomplish both, they most certainly would!

So the next question would be “how?” Most would tell you to either go run sprints or go for a jog. But time and time again, the individuals that train these ways do not get the results they desire; in fact most see their times go up rather than down. Why you might ask? The answer is very simple, “you are either getting faster or slower!”

Let’s take both examples and apply them to the idea that you are either getting faster or slower. If one were to attempt to get faster by running sprints, they would simply go to the track and run sprints! The first sprint would go great, the seconds would go not as great, and the third would go not great at all. By the end of the third sprint most people would be completely exhausted. But because they are strong-willed people, they push through the pain and keep running because they want to achieve their goal. But after the first or maybe second sprint, they are running nowhere near their maximum levels. They are running slower and slower each sprint. If we were to ask ourselves, are we getting faster or slower, we would have to agree we are getting slower because we are not always working maximally. Now lets look at distance running. I’m sure by now you can apply this to our ultimate idea, but let’s look into it anyway. You go out, jog a mile, do it the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Each day you go out hoping to go further or longer than the previous. But that does not happen. Again, you are not training your body maximally because it is literally impossible to run as hard as you can for a full mile, so you are getting slower.

Fortunately for us, there is a very simple answer to all of this. We need to train from the inside out. We need to train our body to work maximally! We must train our nervous system! But it is impossible to run as hard as we can over and over again, right? Correct, but we can mimic that running motion over and over again through an exercise known as isometrics. These exercises are where you hold a certain position and contract certain muscles as hard as you can for an extended period of time. So what if we could do this in the running position? We certainly can!

To find out exactly how to run faster and longer in as little as one week go to Good Luck!

Bob Brown is a fitness expert who focuses mainly on speed training and speed development of athletes of all ages. Bob Brown has become known in the speed training world after his ebook “How to Run Faster in 1 Week” hit the market. For more information on speed training or the ebook go to How to Run Faster

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