Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – How to Get Ripped in 30 Days, Or Less

August 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Jerrod Walker

Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – How to Get Ripped in 30 Days, Or Less – Health – Fitness

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What’s the fastest way to gain muscle? There is a ton of info online about how to get ripped in 30 days or less–that’s the good news.

What’s the bad news?

Most of it doesn’t work. There are 3 myths floating around today about how to bulk up quick that need to be dispelled now.

MYTH #1) More time at the gym is better

You DO NOT need to spend hours and hours at the gym to get results. In fact this is actually hurting your progress… because less time at the gym is much more effective.

Why is this? Because super vigorous workouts are much more effective. The longer you spend at the gym the less intense your workout will be.

So how long should I spend at the gym? A good rule of thumb is to leave when you feel your performance start to decline… and even sooner.

What’s the best workout routine to build muscle? One sequence that is very effective is to do just 1 exercise per day… and do 5 sets of 5 reps for that one. This is how to get ripped in 30 days.

MYTH #2) More repetitions is better

Most people perform 8-12 repetitions and more… but this is too many.

How many repetitions should you do? 5-8 is the fastest way to gain muscle mass.

This will allow you to go all out for each rep and therefore get better results.

MYTH #3) Do as many different exercises as possible

Wrong again. When you do compounding exercises (ones that target many muscles) you only need 3-5 total exercises to get a total body workout.

What are examples of “compounding exercises”? The overhead press… squat… deadlift… bent rows, etc. All these give you the best results for the least amount of effort.

MYTH #4) Eating habits don’t matter

On the contrary-having the right diet for strength training is critical. There is perhaps more misinformation on this topic than anything else pertaining to bodybuilding.

Eat CONSISTENTLY throughout the day. Eating just 3 meals a day slows your metabolism… very bad for fat loss.

MYTH #5) You NEED supplements

This is complete bogus. When you consume healthy foods you get all the nutrients you need… bar none.

Eating natural foods… along with proper workout habits… is the fastest way to gain muscle mass. This is how to get ripped in 30 days or less.

About the Author

Discover how to gain 10-30 pounds of solid muscle…in less than 8 minutes per day…without supplements…by checking out

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Jerrod Walker

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Discover how to gain 10-30 pounds of solid muscle…in less than 8 minutes per day…without supplements…by checking out

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The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by R.T. Bucher

The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – Health – Fitness

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The fastest way to gain muscle is with an intensive workout routine, coupled with a proper diet and adding some much need supplements. Please also understand we are not including steroids to aid us.

Try to understand first of all what must occur for muscle to grow, when lifting weights the small muscle fibers are shredded. The body immediately looks for a way to repair the damage. But, when it repairs them, it makes them bigger. It is trying to protect itself.

Now in order to find the fastest way to gain muscles we need to find the quickest way to damage the muscle we have. The best way to do this is with short repetitions and heavy weight. We want to put the muscles in duress quickly, so to shred them faster.

It’s important to note, your body will start trying to use muscle as energy if you work out to long. So keep your muscle building routines under an hour. Short reps and longer sets are for sure the fastest way to gain muscle.

You need to also implement a rigorous but much needed diet plan, including supplements like whey protein and creatine. Both of these are highly important when building muscles. They will help aid in the recovery of the small muscle tears and repair the muscle tissue faster.

On another note, immediately after a strenuous workout you need to replenish the liquids and carbohydrates you lost. It would be a futile point to workout and not replenish the most important nutrients your muscles need to grow. I always try to drink 64 ounces of water a day and religiously stick to low glycemic carbs like oatmeal and yams.

Try to avoid sugars and high glycemic carbs like potatoes. They cause your insulin levels to skyrocket. You want to keep your insulin levels maintained evenly throughout the day. Make sure your are eating 6 small meals a day with a focus on high protein. I try to get 20 grams of protein with each meal. Shoot for 1.5 grams of protein or each pound you way, it is very important when trying the fastest way to gain muscle.

Keeping track of what you eat and how hard you work out will help you find the fastest way to gain muscle. Stick to this formula and stay motivated and focused. You should start seeing insane results in two or three weeks.

About the Author

Discover how to get ripped and big by visiting Burn The Fat Today!

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R.T. Bucher

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Discover how to get ripped and big by visiting Burn The Fat Today!

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Fastest Way To Gain Muscle

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

If you want to look at the quickest way through which you can build muscle then the simple answer is by eating the right kind of food and being dedicated to the right exercises. To put this fact straight, if you work out harder then it is going to be faster for you to gain muscles, which are bulky and big. Therefore, you can find a few techniques and tips through which you will be able to help in your progress, read further to know.

The main thing about to know how to gain muscle is having to follow the right diet, correct food quantities. It does not matter even if you are working out for five hours a day; if you do not get the right calories, you are not going to get bigger. Most people have this understanding that the main portion that helps in muscle gain is protein. However if you do not support the protein intake with the right amount of carbohydrate then there is no way that you are going to grow or gain.

You should double up the intake of meals. If you are going to follow a poor diet, then eating twice as much as your portion is going to just help you gain ugly fat. however if you are going to eat healthy foods to find a good way to muscle building then the fastest way of making this happen is to see that your muscle is responding the right way to the hard work you invest. However, do not force yourself to double your meals if you cannot consume the food.

You should start writing a diary for your workout. Once you are into the habit of working then you will find it how easy it is to lose track of what you are following. It is in fact very easy to just slip the amount of reps that you are performing per exercise or how much weight you are lifting. If you are into the habit of entering all these details down on a pad, this is the best way to know your progress since you will know the ways to push yourself by lifting more.

You should be very sure that the methods you are using for muscle gain are good techniques. If you are not doing it the right way then you are doing nothing but just cheating yourself, even without being aware of what you are doing. You should be able to complete the phase of lifting as quickly as possible, you should however remember to keep under your control, you should exhale at all times, during the time of release you should do it slowly. You should manage to get about two counts each time that you lower the weights. This could be tough buy you will only see big benefits from the same. When you follow the right kind of principles, you are only going to be rest assured about building muscle in the fastest way possible.

Great tips like this will”;>help you discover the secrets gaining muscle while”;>losing body fat.

Muscle Secrets – The Collection – The fastest way to complete physical transformation

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Muscle Secrets – The Collection contains all titles of the Muscle Secrets Series providing the best value for your money.

Vol. 1 Lean Muscle

Vol. 2 Getting Massive

Vol. 3 Self Made Protein Shakes

Vol. 4 Get Your Six Pack

Vol. 5 Chest Booster

Vol. 6 Big Guns – The Ultimate Arm Training

The collection is offered at the significant discount of over 33% compared to the individual volumes.
More >>

Muscle Secrets – The Collection – The fastest way to complete physical transformation

Fastest Way To Lose Weight – Boost Your Metabolism 09

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Aubrey Keller

This article will teach you how to boost your metabolism. Here you will find at least one common thread that will guide you to the fastest way to lose weight by understanding how to boost your metabolism.Many people who are overweight believe that diet tablets and fasting will help boost your metabolism. It may for awhile, but you will not achieve the long term results you’re trying to find. Hopefully, you’re not one of those folks.There are a few methods to lose fat and boost your metabolism. By naturally doing what your body needs, you will shed pounds and keep it off. Isn’t that what everybody wants? So, let’s graspthe procedures to boost your metabolism.Your body cannot be conned into shedding pounds. All parts of your body work better when using only natural substances. The same is true when it comes to eating. Doctors and dietitians have long stated “always shop the perimeter of the store for everything in the middle has ingredients you will not even pronounce and therefore is foreign to your body. This method will help you boost your metabolism.In order to boost your metabolism, first discover what your fundamental metabolic rate is. Your fundamental metabolic rate is defined as the smallest amount of energy it takes to keep you alive. This is the rate you burn calories while resting. To do this take your temperature first thing in the morning before getting out of bed for several days. This is the best place to start to find the truth of your weight gain. If done properly your temperature should range from 97.8 to 98.2. If it constantly runs below 97.8 you will have a hypo-metabolic rate. This could be the explanation you are not shedding pounds. You should learn to boost your metabolism.To boost your metabolism requires a change in lifestyle. It also suggests you have to constantly take several vitamins and vitamins. Consult your doctor to start a vitamin regimen. When I started my search for better health, first thing I did was to buy the vitamins I knew would be advantageous. After six weeks, I felt like a new person. I continue to take those additions to this day. As stated before, to boost your metabolism shop the perimeter of the store. You will discover that you’re going to lose your need for sugar in about 2 weeks. The same applies for other foods which may keep you overweight. In order to boost your metabolism, make sure you eat a healthy breakfast each day. This revs up your metabolism and will last throughout the day. In order to boost your metabolism and burn calories there must be something to burn. So fasting is a temporary solution. Also, keep moving. Buy a step-counter to see how far you travel each day. The goal is to stroll 10,000 steps a day. Find out where you are and work your way towards your goal.My definition of shedding weight is every step counts. If you choose to lose fat and boost your metabolism, the weight will be lost proportionately. You will be shrinking from head to toe. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to chuck in some conclusive exercise. The fundamentals to a healthy weight loss is knowing How to Boost Your Metabolism.

Aubrey Keller writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from carlo_scialla and more videos in the Weight Loss category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at Burn more calories without even trying with these metabolism boosters. To complete this How-To you will need: Cold showers Lean protein Complex carbohydrates Short bursts of aerobic exercise Weight lifting Fidgeting Breakfast Red chili pepper Black pepper Ginger Step 1: Take cold showers Give yourself occasional blasts of cold water when you shower; it improves circulation, according to research, which can in turn speed up metabolism. Step 2: Don’t skip meals Don’t go longer than five hours without eating, except when you’re sleeping. Skipping meals slows down metabolism. Tip: Always eat breakfast to kick-start your metabolism in the morning. Step 3: Eat lean protein Eat lean protein, like skinless chicken or egg whites, at every meal, and aim to make lean protein 30 percent of your daily food intake. A Dutch study found that people who did increased their metabolism all day long, even while they slept! Step 4: Choose the right carbs Choose complex carbohydrates, whole-wheat bread instead of white, and steel-cut oatmeal rather than sugary cereals. They boost metabolism because they are harder to digest than refined carbs are. Tip

Know The Fastest Way To Burn Fat Weight Loss Tips

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jeramey Thompson

Burning off fat is neither easy nor fast, but you can definitely do things that could help boost up your metabolism to burn more calories. It is found that with age our body’s metabolism slows down and we tend to lose about half a pound of muscles each year and if the muscle is not used it could lead to formation of fats as fewer calories are burnt. It is true that there is no fastest way to burn fat, but you have to use ways to burn calories, with about losing 1 pound of fat requiring burning of 3500 calories. However there are various ways that you can burn more calories and lose fat.

Running proves to be one the fastest way to burn fat, with exercise helping as the best way to burn fat effectively and quickly. Doing aerobic exercises and strength training helps, with the general fastest way to burn fat being those that involve more intensity. It is true that rock climbing, biking, step aerobics, swimming and running could give the best result and bring about improvement in overall health. I would say the best results could be expected with doing aerobic and strength training exercises on alternate days.

I would never agree with people that told me that not having a breakfast would help, for our metabolism slows down as we sleep and breakfast helps to speed it up with the digestion of food. Taking a breakfast of 300 to 400 calories that has high fiber preferably a cereal with skimmed milk and fruit proves to also be the fastest way to burn fat, as fiber has always proved useful in fat and weight loss programs.

It is again worth noting that having protein at each meal could also prove to the fastest way to burn fat as it speeds up the metabolism, with the digestive system using more energy to break proteins down. So this could help burn more calories, with taking about 20 to 30 percent of the diet as protein helping to burn fat. However this percentage should not be increased as it could lead to strain on the kidney and storing of fats.

Consuming green tea proves to be not only useful to fight cancer, but it can also prove to be the fastest way to burn fat for some. People that take green-tea extract 3 times a day found that their metabolism increased by about 4%, meaning you burnt about 60 more calories in a day that amounted to about 6 pounds in a year. The catechins in green tea helped to increase the metabolic speeding chemical, norepinephrine in the brain.

It is strange, but true that one fastest way to burn fat is by what is known as thermo genesis. It is found that people burn fats especially in the winter months in extreme cold climates by simply going out in the cold air. This could be also done with taking a shower with very cold water, as much as one can stand. The process of the body trying to warm itself with thermo genesis will aid your losing calories and fats for hours. The similar effect could be got with drinking very cold water.

That’s to the fastest way to each one finding one method superior to all the others.

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