Jodie Marsh: Female Body Builder in An Incredible Muscular New Look (Photos)
July 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Jodie Marsh was once famous as one of the country’s foremost glamour models for flaunting her body in tiny outfits. And recently, once again Jodie Marsh’s body has been making the headlines when the 32-year-old female body buider stunned all over the world with her muscular new body as she entered the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships last month.
Interestingly, Jodie has gone from a size ten dress size to a size six in seven weeks after a grueling regime of weights and dieting which culminated in her competing in a bodybuilding contest last weekend. At that competition, she came fifth in a qualifier for the Natural Physique Association British championships. Talking about her new figure, Jodie said: “This is the best I’ve ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too.” In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained 8 pounds of muscle, and lost 20 pounds of fat. In 8 weeks I have achieved what normally takes 6 to 9 months”, she added.
Known for being an English media personality, former glamour model, Jodie Marsh is now a bodybuilder
Jodie Marsh shows off her incredible muscular new body at a bodybuilding championships after just seven weeks of training
The 32-year-old former glamour model has gone from a size 10 to a tinny size 6…
… and from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat. “I’m really happy I’m going home with a trophy. If I can do this in a few weeks then what else can I achieve with more training time?”
Jodie Marsh won the fifth position in the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships
Jodie shows her muscles as she takes to the stage for her turn in the Natural Physique Association
Jodie Marsh poses with her bodybuilding trophy and personal trainer Tim Sharp who Marsh teamed up with last December as she changed her lifestyle in preparation for the competition
Jodie looks super sexy and muscular along with Jodie Marsh standout tattoos during her trainings. The star says she has never felt better than she does now after working to get into shape
She gave up alcohol for a strict diet of fruit, egg whites, wholemeal toast and protein shakes
Jodie Marsh: Female Body Builder in An Incredible Muscular New Look
Related links:
Ernestine Shepherd: Oldest Female Body Builder
Hottest Female Athletes in Sports 2011
Chris Jacken used to work as a doctor of a general hospital in February 1998. Currently, Chris is a writer specializing in weight loss related issues. He posts his articles on a number of different directories.
Find More Female Body Builders Articles
Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!
May 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.
To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!
To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!
The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.
This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!
Ernestine Shepherd: Oldest Female Body Builder
May 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Ms. Ernestine Shepherd has been recently recognized by Guinness as the oldest female athlete in the world thanks to the admirable and fit body. She still works as a trainer at the sport centers. She is currently living with her husband, her son and grandchildren in Baltimore city, Maryland.
Every morning, Ernestine Shepherd gets up at 3 am for meditating and running 16km before lunch. Her diet is very strict which contains three meals with brown rice, chicken breasts, vegetables and three glasses of raw eggs per day. Especially, she always refuses sweets, desserts, and hamburgers. She said that she enjoyed everything she ate. She shared, “My main thing — I drink liquid egg whites… And that isn’t a supplement. I drink that to keep myself lean and strong.”
Ms. Stepherd’s strict practicing schedule
The oldest female bodybuilder drinks three glasses of raw eggs everday
Ms. Shepherd’s husband always encourages her to practice sports. He prepares meals to make sure she stays fueled up on Gatorade, drinks plenty of water and is well-rested.
Stepherd is talking about an award she gained in a competition
Ms Shepherd and her sport training class in the center
Ms. Shepherd with a happy smile in the Guinness World Records ceremony 2011
Ms. Shepherd is showing her healthy body at the age of 74
Currently, our oldest female body builder wishes to be on the cover of a magazine which shows how wonderful and healthy the old look in sportswear. Talking about the record, Ernestine Shepherd shares that she is happy when her husband and family create favorable conditions and time for her to practice sports. Within 18 years, Ms. Shepherd has joined in marathon competitions and won two bodybuilding contests.
Ernestine Shepherd: World’s oldest body builder
Related links:
Bodybuilding Achievement Records
Understanding The World Of Bodybuilding
Carmen Dell’Orefice: World’s Oldest Working Model Turns 80
Chris Jacken used to work as a doctor of a general hospital in February 1998. Currently, Chris is a writer specializing in weight loss related issues. He posts his articles on a number of different directories.
How female body builders can build more muscle mass naturally.
March 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Fritz Blanc
If you are a female body builder aspiring to develop your body and eventually enter your first female body building contest, you are certainly aware that you’ll need to do your homework in order to reach the desire amount of muscle mass and definition required. Building muscle is like building a house, you need to have a plan and work on that plan and finally one day you see the finished product of all your hard work. A female body builder can train much the same way as a male body builder. The only thing is that a man is generally stronger therefore can handle more weight than a woman body builder.
The female body builder needs to develop a good training routine. It would be a good idea to get a trainer for the first few training sessions so that she learns the correct way to do the exercises and the correct way to use the gym equipment.
How do the hormones work to build the muscle of the female body builder?Men and women produce exactly the same hormones, only in different amounts. It may come as a surprise to know that women’s ovaries primarily produce testosterone, from which estrogen is then made. This ovarian production accounts for one-quarter of the total circulating testosterone in a woman’s body. Testosterone is one of a family of hormones called androgens
To raise her muscle building hormone level, a woman body builder must always train with 100 % effort and intensity. If the female body builder wants to see real muscle gains, she must be willing to push herself to the limit in the gym everytime.
Diet to boost testosterone level in female body building:Oysters is loaded with zinc mineral and should be a food in your top food group. Zinc does many important things in the body, but one of them is to help create more muscle and thereby boost testosterone levels for the muscular development of the woman body builder. Chicken will also give the woman body builder a goodly amount of protein.
The egg yolks contain cholesterol and testosterone is produced from cholesterol, therefore consuming egg yolks would be a good way to get the important building blocks for testosterone for the female body builder.
Now, don’t be too concerned about clogging up your arteries, most people don’t realize that actually 85% to 95% of your cholesterol is made by your liver, and not from the foods you eat. Eggs yolks also contained other essential nutrients and vitamins.
A compound in garlic called allicin is one of the the best natural ways to raise the levels of muscle building hormone in a woman body builder. Allicin breaks down easily, so do get real garlic, not the supplements which often don’t have any active allicin left to raise any testosterone level. Broccoli and Cabbage can also be a great natural testosterone boosters because they contain Indole-3-carbinol.
I don’t have to remind any woman body builder to limit her consumption of alcohol and cigarette. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels. Also make sure to get adequate sleep every night. A lack of sleep contributes to cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.
Among the best natural ways to raise testosterone levels is exercise which should be of short duration and high intensity in order to boost human growth hormone production and keeps testosterone levels peaked for the female building her body. Obviously not everyone can exercise this vigorously, so make sure you talk to your doctor before you do.
The woman body builder will focus on high intensity exercises which require large muscles of the body such as leg squats and bench presses. In conclusion, if you follow the tips above which will raise your natural testosterone level. You will therefore be well on your way to build the mass and the definition required to win the next female body building contest.
Fritz has a web site dedicated to body buiding: http://www.muscle-sculpting.info

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Female Musclebuilding Queen
March 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Chris Wong
As I gone still in the bases at the Ultimate 4 Women’s Basketball Game Title in St. Louis, it took me that their full season boils down to 1 day, the National Title.That is what the devotees check. What they do not image is the lengthy process of developing to that place, the journey of the players themselves, the strain and robust physical process. The route to a title is the same for every female athlete: it is a individual journeying.Different Korbball, which is a team sport, muscle building is a particularly alone path only that does not take it any less aggressive. Yet many women collapse under the pressure of intense contest. I believe that Pat Summit, head coach of the Tennessee Lady Volunteers basketball team, summed it up best: “A girl thinks that fight is the different of refinement. A young woman isn’t irritated by the restrictions society enforces on her. A girl refuses to sweat openly, and doesn’t get mad when she loses.Don’t get me bad. I like little young women. You can dress them up, and put hair stems on them. But I don’t have much use for them at this level, the title level.” Iris is the image of a fighter. I believe that the process Iris Kyle showed us at the 2009 Arnold Classic was one of beautify and stunner, of refining her own look through the streamlining of her physique and gracing her muscular structure to produce exquisite, classic lines.Understandably, Iris is one definite model of somebody who values the shape, but at the comparable time, points to winnings. Iris Kyle acts her know of the process and her love of wild competition to the arena. That’s why Iris is who she is a fighter, not a succeeder by default. Not all bodybuilder desire to be sensations of Kyle’s calibre. There are chars who compete simply because they love the process and then there are women who compete to succeed. But why not have several?It appears to me that if you do not love the journeying, the bang of standing up onstage is given empty. For several of us, the journey takes more such obstacles than for others. We know that we may never be Ms. Olympia, or even Ms. International, but we choose to do it only the very same. Taking a record or a title at a territorial show is also a heroic goal, and the journeying down this track is no fewer consider or detailed. Get for example, the competitor Kimberly Reed, who gone named with MS when she was 23. She refused her doc’s instructions to rest, selecting instead to become a NASA worldrecord holder in powerlifting and a competitive female bodybuilder. Kim did her start show up in 2003 at the Eastern USA Powerlifting Titles, taking first place in the open 97-pound weightiness class for bench press, and getting the Greatest Lifter Prize. She then worked around and arranged third at the Upper Ohio Valley female Bodybuilding Titles as a lightweight competition. Kim offers a valuable lesson: she appreciates the process of competing for what it is, a robust joining betwixt the mind and body, where the head wills the physical structure to spirit, hurling itself toward the intensiveness of the win. It takes a lot of private strength to stay on this journey: we build up, we diet, we put our lives on hold. We juggling household life with work and hold on developing.We are not simply as great as the hand we are dealt, that is self-delusion. A good instance is recent IFBB pro Diana Tinnelle; she’s passing confident and quite elaborate while onstage, she displays that she thrives on competition and loves each min of it. Merely in that respect is more than one path to succeed. The journey itself is the basic succeed, only making it to the stage. I hear a lot of lamenting about this, that there should be more opportunities for women to turn pro and more professional-level shows for women- but at the end of the day, until female bodybuilder commit as athletes to really embrace the pressure of contest, we are only as good as our fear of success permits us to be. So my doubt is: Are you fearful of being The One?Juicy private ChatBody Consistence Cases
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Samantha Kelly – A Female Health And Fitness Trainer Shares Her Secrets
March 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
Article by Toni Shai
Staying healthy is really a challenge and many of us are usually on the look for the next wonder product that will help us reduce all the extra pounds and build muscles quickly. Undoubtedly, using the right supplements may help us to achieve our objectives, but getting as well as staying fit often boils down to hard work plus perseverance. Whilst body building is definitely regarded mens domain, female health and fitness trainer and model Samantha Kelly is a living evidence how the sports activity is perfect for both genders and that you can actually feel fantastic and look incredible as long as you pick a decent bodybuilding workout and also apply yourself.
Raised in a family of business owners, Samantha Kelly meets every fresh challenge with perseverance and vigor – today, she actually is a pro-fitness instructor, working and also living in lively Los Angeles, and has had an exciting career being a national and global fitness model. Her images have been printed in near twenty different periodicals and she’s already been on the cover of a number of them as well. With beautiful face and stunning and busty body, she is certainly very attractive and inspiration for many women and men alike. Even though she is an upcoming fitness celeb, Samantha Kelly only began training on a regular basis at the age of twenty two. With dedication and clear vision, she has managed to achieve most of her workout goals and at this time, she is not just working as a trainer, but additionally exercises at least five times weekly. Her hard work has also paid off on the professional levels and she is the owner of and also runs her fitness business. When asked if she had been using a distinct fitness training now in comparison to a few years before, she replied that today she is “merely working smarter rather than harder.” In addition, she added that she cycles her workout routines weekly, which in turn guarantees diversity and great final results.
As every person that has attempted to lose bodyweight and get into shape knows quite well, doing routine workouts alone might not result in success, unless these workout routines are coupled with proper nutrition. Once again, Samantha Kelly shares her magic formula with us, stating that she likes to keep a slim appearance all year round and accomplishes this by consuming a lot of fresh veggies, all steamed, without any sauces, as well as taking 6 to seven smaller portions each day. Furthermore, she drinks up to a gallon and a half of water each day.
If you wish to read more about Samantha Kelly as well as her bodybuilding routines, then you may always visit her web site, follow her on her blog, and also when you are there, view a few of her sensual nude movies.
Samantha Kelly is a busty fitness modeland her photographs are already published in a good many national as well as international magazines. To view her gorgeous photos and watch her nude videos, visit her official website right this moment!
Three female bodybuilding Workout Exercises
December 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Workouts made specifically for women must be specified to cater her bodys needs as well as help her get the ideal look that female bodybuilders seek. Followed is a detailed explanation of three exercises that have helped women throughout the years to attain their goals for bodybuilding.
Dumbbell Press On Ball
A large ball and two dumbbells is all it takes to perform this exercise. Start by lying down on the ball with your back so that it supports your upper back. With a dumbbell in both of your hands, push straight up into the air ten times. Perform two sets of ten after you take a break in between for about a minute. The chest and the rear of the arms are the main targets of this exercise.
Barbell Bent Over Rows
Hold a barbell while bending at 30 degrees and holding your back upright. Suspend the barbell in the air while holding it in your palms.
Pull the weights with your elbows kept inside. This exercise is extremely efficient for developing your back while burning calories.
To perform squats, you’ll need a barbell that’s on a rack. Using your shoulders, lift it up behind them. Squat down and raise yourself back up. This exercise will help you achieve a toned butt and strong legs. This exercise is compound as it affects all muscles from down to your legs all the way up to your back and your shoulders.
The exercises discussed prior to this are ideal for female bodybuilders because they help develop the entire body. To work efficiently, you’ll need to incorporate them into a regular exercise routine. A proper workout doesn’t only include those exercises, however, but many more. Make sure that your workout is including exercises that develop all of your muscle groups.
If you want to lose fat and get the perfect body, you have to have good nutrition along with exercise. This is because you need the building blocks and energy to make muscle as well.
Discover more about losing body fat and suggested program to how to become a female fitness model here. Click the How to become a female fitness model to Read more…
Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.
To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!
To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!
The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.
This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!