Fitness Training – Get Super Fit

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Can you become super fit overnight? The answer to this question is not yes. Some people do not follow a fitness training schedule because they have the opinion that it is a long and tiring process. This is true to some extent because there are no shortcuts to become fit and healthy. If you are worried about losing the excess weight on your stomach, hips or things, you have to join a proper fitness training program. A health consultant would create a proper program for you. This may seem tiring and exhausting. However, it proves to be very effective if an organized approach is used. Let’s have a look at some easy fitness training tips.

One of the key ways to maintain shape is circuit training. This form of training proves to be advantageous for the feet, calf muscles and hip area. These are some of the most common areas for gaining weight. What is circuit training? It requires you to run for a long distance on daily basis. This does not mean that you have to run fast. This kind of training is given to increase the stamina and reduce fat. However, you have to do circuit training on a regular scale because it takes time to produce results.

Exercising is not only about lifting weights. The movement of any body part can be termed as exercise. Stretching exercises are very important for a person who wants to maintain his body shape. Most trainers include these exercises in every fitness training session. The purpose of these movements is to reduce the stiffness in the body. It is easier for a person to move his limbs after stretching exercises. In addition to that, you should remember that it takes a considerable time to become super fit. If you have ten kilograms of extra fat on your stomach, you cannot lose it in duration of one week. Similarly, you have to exercise on continuous basis to improve your physique.

There are two ways to get high standard training. One of them is to join a proper gym and get assistance from a professional trainer. However, this option does not work for people who have strict working schedules. Thus, such people can buy a set of training DVD’s or CD’s. This is a self training option and you have to learn all the exercises by seeing. The main advantage of this option is that you can see view the training sessions as many times as you want.

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Women’s Bootcamp Fitness Workout Tips

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Women’s Fitness Bootcamps are becoming the most popular training method today. Women meet up from 2 days a week to 5 days a week to shed inches and burn body fat from problem areas. An important part of bootcamp training is a warm up session. Warmups prepare the body for exercise but shouldn’t be confused with stretching, although stretching is an essential part of the warm up

The warm up serves to elevate body temperature by one.4 to 2.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The comprehensive warming up session practiced in women’s bootcamps includes three essential parts: general warm up, stretching, and specific warming strength activity. A general warm up, where muscles are loosened and warmed is performed before starting up each bootcamp session.

Due to the importance of the warm-up, personal fitness trainers in bootcamps demonstrate and instruct women how to perform it correctly, in order to avoid risk of injury from engaging later in specific strength and stretching exercises.

Women’s Bootcamp warm ups are split into: joint movements and various aerobic exercises.

The joint rotations go down the body. Such rotations are targeted to improve joint motion by lubricating the joints. Bootcamp trainers demonstrate circular movements to improve the rotations and include circular rotations to the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, waist, hips, legs, knees, ankles.

Next, comes the light aerobic warm-up which includes a few minutes of aerobic activity such as jumping a rope to increase the cardio-vascular function. This continues to raise the body temperature and blood flow before effective strength and stretching training can take place.

Then the stretching phase of the warm-up includes both static and dynamic stretching exercises, where static stretching should precede the dynamic stretches in order to avoid potential risk.

Static stretching usually starts with upper body and goes down the lower body with emphasis on the muscles that will be used during the core workout.

Dynamic stretching comes next with some arm swings and leg raises to increase flexibility. The last phase of the bootcamp warm-up session includes specific strength exercises to warm muscles that will be used heavily later on during the bootcamp. This phase includes exactly the same bootcamp strength exercises but at reduced intensity to enhance the strength, balance, and coordination during workouts as well as prevent potential injury.

All that women have to do in order to take advantage of such carefully designed fitness programs-is join a successful women’s bootcamp that conducts assessment of women’s weightloss and physical conditions prior to starting the workout itself and provides women with personally tailored programs that incorporate the right amount of warmup exercises, stretching exercises, and strength exercises before the actual workout- to ensure the best fat loss and workout results over time.

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Home Fitness Workouts – 4 Reason Why This Can Be Your Ticket to Getting in Shape Faster

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Hugo Guerreiro

Everybody wants to get in shape and I’m sure you’re probably one of them. You’ll find several options to exercise, and a lot of people choose fitness in your own home workout programs Let us face the facts, you would like to get fit rapidly, however, you most likely want some privacy and do not want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away Let’s be realistic, you want to condition your body quickly, however, you almost certainly want some privacy and don’t want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away

The question comes up, can you be successful at getting in shape quickly with home fitness workouts?

The answer is a definite yes if you take the necessary steps to make it happen. Here are some ways that you can make your home fitness workouts successful, so you can look and feel the way you’ve always wanted.

Create a plan and stick with it

This is the number one reason most people fail to follow through on home fitness workouts or any exercise plan for that matter. You have to take the time, sit down and decide what kind of workouts you’re going to do, when you’re going to do them and fill in as much detail as possible. If you start exercising without any real direction of what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’re going to do it, it becomes really easy to get distracted and give up altogether.

Take your home fitness workouts seriously

This goes along with creating your plan. You need to really ask yourself if you want to get into shape, have better health and lose the weight that you been wanting to lose for probably years now. As part of the plan, exercise must become as important as going to work, eating and anything else you do on a daily basis. If it comes down to watching TV or getting in your workout, what are you going to do?

You have to decide now how much you really want to get in shape. It might be hard in the beginning to be consistent. However, if you perform your workouts regularly over a month’s time, you’ll be in the habit of making it a part of your day. One good tip would be to write it down on your calendar or add it to the do list with the specific time and workout you’re going to do. This will force you to set time aside and plan for your workout.

Don’t think everything has to be perfect

One of the reasons why people get frustrated, skip their home fitness workouts and give up altogether, is because they think they need to do everything perfectly.

Don’t worry so much about how you’re doing your exercise, but just doing the best you can. Most people think they can do more than they really can. Just go ahead and be ready to modify what you do, so you can keep doing it consistently. For example, if you are performing a certain strength exercise as part of your home fitness workout and you find your using too much weight, it’s OK to stop, change the weight and continue to finish the exercise. Also, if you need a rest half way through the set for five to ten seconds, then take the rest.

The point trying to be made here is you do what you can to complete your workout. It’s more important to do the workouts with modifications than trying to force yourself to do something that could injure you or cause you to have to take more recovery days.

Workout as early in the day as possible

This simple tip, especially for home fitness workouts, can make or break your success in getting in shape. Try to schedule your exercise the first thing in the morning or as close to waking up as possible. For one, you’ll have the energy to exercise. Two, you won’t have any other distractions that might take you away from it. If you wait until later in the day, especially when you’re at home, you might find it hard to do it without being interrupted. Also, you might just be tired from the day and it becomes very easy to pass up your exercise for another day. If you get it out of the way first thing, you’ll feel better and you won’t feel the stress of having to get it done later.

In conclusion, home fitness workouts can work if you follow these tips and make your exercise a priority. If you do, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can get in shape and start feeling the way you’ve always wanted.

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Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RB921 Magnetic Recumbent Bike

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Bikes

  • Fast and reliable magnetic resistance system
  • Fully adjustable tension, seat, and pedal straps
  • Oversized stabilizers and levelers for a solid workout platform
  • LCD monitor tracks your time, distance, pulse, calories
  • Manual resistance adjustment with 8 levels

Product Description
Fast and reliable magnetic resistance system
Manual resistance adjustment with 8 levels
Convenient step-through design for comfortable and ergonomically correct positioning
Heart rate sensors’ location allows for natural hand positioning
Fully adjustable tension, seat, and pedal straps
Adjustable frame allows you to control distance from your seat to the pedals
Oversize stabilizers and levelers for a solid workout platform… More >>

Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RB921 Magnetic Recumbent Bike

Fitness Training Promises Lean and Healthy Physique

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Joseph Chackery

Healthy living is something everyone wants to ascertain, and being physically active is not just a good way to lose weight but it also keeps you fit and healthy.

With all the conflicting information you hear on TV and the outdated advice printed in magazines, you know how difficult it is to find real expert advice on fitness and fat loss these days.

A lot of reviews, comments and feedbacks about the different weight loss and fitness programs are coming out every day. In fact, they are a combination of good and bad which is probably why some individuals think that these are just a scam!

There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet is also the most effective way to reduce calorie intake. Avoid high fat foods with low fat foods such as fiber content fruits and vegetables and this can reduce the energy content of the diet to a certain limit.

Regular exercising is great – just being more active is also a good way to burn calories. Exercise keeps your body strong and fit; your body firmer and slimmer and keeps your complexion glowing and smooth.

More physical activity can increase a person

Summer Fitness For Kids

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

As important as the pre-game or pre-workout meal is, if kids don’t eat healthily as a general rule they won’t get the much needed nutrients necessary for optimum physical and mental growth, and vitality. So choosing from the following foods and reducing their intake of the obvious “junk” and packaged foods is imperative.

The school bell has rung for the final time this year. The kids are home. You have a few ideas to keep the kids fit, but it is hard to compete with cartoons, MySpace, and Nintendo. Obesity rates among children are reaching epidemic proportions, due in large part to a sedentary generation of kids. So, how can you keep your kids moving this summer.

Sometimes kids can be reluctant to take part in sports and games, especially if they think that they are being ‘forced’ to do them against their will. Children take their lead from their parents so if they see their parents taking part in sports and fitness then they are more than likely to want to copy. Ensuring that the whole family stay fit and healthy can provide the right motivation for the less reluctant child to get involved. Embracing a healthier lifestyle yourself can help teach a child that they need to do the same.

With levels of childhood obesity on the rise and conditions such as diabetes among children a major worry for parents, it has never been more important to think about fitness for kids. As more and more kids are spending increasing levels of time in front of the computer and television, together with the wide range of snacks and unhealthy junk food which are available to kids, these conditions are now reaching epidemic-like levels among the nation’s youngsters.

In today’s age of technical innovations and new ways to entertain children, the growing trend is a lower level of physical activity. More time is spent in front of the television watching movies, surfing the internet, or playing video games. Activity and exercise have given way to the latest sports video game and online adventure.

With the grown in status and awareness of sports such as golf and tennis, get your kids involved in a new sport. In addition to increasing activity and creating a spark of interest, sports will always increase a child’s coordination, movement patterns and build confidence with their peers. Sports such as golf, tennis, basketball, badminton, martial arts are great at keeping them interested and you will find aspiring champions in every child! Kids are great dreamers!

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga. Body posture awareness, muscle toning, improved stability and mobility of the joints. Internal organs are toned, strengthening the body immune, circulatory and digestive system. Agility, balance, control and coordination are improved, improved balance and sleep patterns.

Children today have access to more technology than ever before. Many children have at least one games console, TV, computer and a mobile phone. All these gadgets are far more tempting than actually going outside into the real world, and actually interacting with real friends.

For instance, a child that gets into a pattern of doing physical activities on a daily basis will then carry those habits into adulthood, making for a much less lazy person. Children who spend their play time outdoors doing cart wheels, running, hiking, hiking, playing with the dog, will then enjoy those as past time activities as adults, rather than vegging out on the couch with junk food. This will decrease the chances of health problems later in life.

The best exercise for kids is to get moving. Develop some fun fitness ideas for kids. We’re not talking about body building or abandoning them to the treadmill for a half hour each day. If it’s not fun, they won’t do it. In a previous article, The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity, I talked about how childhood obesity can be prevented. And honestly, it most cases it can be prevented.

Gone are the oranges that we used to give our children at half time. Replaced with lollies(candy)! Why? They need an energy boost. Well giving them lollies will give them an energy boost for about ten minutes if you are lucky. Then their energy will plummet to levels well below the level prior to consumption.

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga.

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Location Matter With Outdoor Fitness Training

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Alyssa Amato

There is so much buzz about getting outside to train now for the fresh air, the extra sun, water views, training variety and so on. When most people head outside to do some personal training or outdoor group training they are often going off a recommendation from a friend or making a decision based on price and availability. Have you stopped to consider how good the Outdoor Training location is?

Having a good outdoor fitness training location is paramount and should be a major consideration. Most businesses want more business and hence pick a spot that is very prominent, close to pedestrian or vehicle traffic. They want maximum exposure as most outdoor businesses do not have a physical shop front. If they do this they may be sacrificing training conditions such as lighting, training surfaces, toilet facilities, drinking taps, wet weather options, shade and protection from the elements.

A good training location should have the following:

• Good lighting for day and night • Hard and soft surfaces • All weather training areas for summer and winter • An indoor wet weather venue for if it is storming • An undercover area if there are light showers • Enough space for static training, circuits, games etc • Fresh air, away from traffic • Client safety (dogs stalkers, traffic) • Good distance from housing • Toilets • Drink Tap • Car parking • Hills or stairs close by • Logs and steps • Benches • Brick walls • Chin-up or monkey bars • Soft sand • Close to running tracks • A pool or water body of sorts

Imagine the difference it can make to your safety, training results and comfort if your trainer has all of this going for him instead of being on a tiny strip of grass that is uneven, sloping, poorly lit and in full public view. In the Manly area there are many trainers on the beach front grass strip that miss some really important criteria, in hope of picking up some new business.

Your total training experience is a vital link to successful goals. If you can’t train due to weather or cancellations then you aren’t consistently moving forward to achieving your goals. If you aren’t achieving your goals quick enough or seeing significant progress then frustration will set in. It has been my experience that if someone doesn’t start to feel the benefits of an improvement in their health and fitness prior to reaching their frustration point or some other significant distraction that they lose sight of their goals, believe that they can’t do it or simply go back to enjoying comforts.

If you have a training location with all the good elements in the list as well as an Outdoor Trainer, great training variety, and supportive friends then you are going to have a great time. Some nice to haves are things like a local cafe close by that you can go to with friends for breakfast afterward. It is good for the outdoor fitness training business to have strong links with local businesses, schools, and charity organizations so that there is member growth that will eventuate in great class variety and energy in the group. Start today at

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Physical Fitness (Exercise)

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Shirley-Ann Pearman

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Physical fitness is a personal responsibility. Few individuals other than athletes and military personnel are actually required to participate in organized fitness programmes. Most people are physically unfit simply because they do not get enough exercise. Many do not take the time to exercise, and others try to stay fit with only light, infrequent activity.

A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as age, heredity, and behavior. Although people cannot control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them become physically fit and stay that way. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity for physical fitness but almost anyone can improve by exercising regularly.

The years between adolescence and middle age are the peak period for physical fitness. However, people of the peak period for physical fitness. However, people of all ages can stay fit with good health habits and regular exercise. Any person more than 35 years old, and anyone with a health problem, should consult a doctor before beginning a fitness programme.

Health habits that aid physical fitness include getting enough sleep, eating properly, receiving regular medical and dental care, and maintaining personal cleanliness. Health can be harmed by overeating and eating the wrong kinds of foods; smoking ; and drug abuse, including excessive use of alcohol. Harmful health habits can undo the results of regular exercise.

A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequently and intensely he or she exercises. Most health experts agree that people should exercise at least three times a week to maintain desirable fitness. Improvement occurs faster with more frequent workouts.

Physical fitness experts recommend a 30 minute workout of continuous exercise. The exercise need not be difficult or strenuous. However, as a person’s condition improves, he or she should increase the number of times each activity is performed. Every workout should include three basic types of exercise:

Flexibility exercise,Endurance exercise, and Strength exercises

Flexibility exercises, such as bending, turning, and twisting movements, stretch the connective tissues and move the joints through a wide range of motions. These exercises cut the risk of injury from strenuous exercise and reduce muscle soreness. They should be performed before and after each workout.

Endurance exercises include cycling, running, and swimming. These activities, also call aerobic exercises, raise the rate of heartbeat and breathing and strengthen the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Strength exercises include pull-ups, pushups, situps, and exercises with weights. They strengthen the arms and shoulders and other muscular parts of the body.

Physical Fitness Programmes

School Programmes help children develop good physical fitness habits. Fitness during childhood influences fitness as an adult. By the time most people reach adulthood, their fitness habits have been firmly established.

It has been recommended that all primary and secondary schools should provide a daily exercise period of at least 20 minutes. This period should include vigorous activities designed to develop agility, endurance, flexibility, ad strength.

An effective school programme should offer regular health examinations, courses in health care, and performance tests to measure students’ progress in physical fitness. Such a programme also provides instruction in running, throwing, and other skills, and special programmes for handicapped and retarded students.

Physical fitness programmes should teach the younger children simple exercises and progress to more complicated ones as the children mature. Older pupils can participate in such activities as gymnastics, swimming, and dual and team sports. Secondary school programmes should include intramural sports, which involve competition among students of the same school and interscholastic sports, in which schools compete against one another.

Community programmes contribute to the physical fitness of the people by increasing the opportunities for exercise. A community needs leadership, adequate facilities, and good organization to develop successful fitness programmes. These programmes should meet the needs of residents with different interests and skills.

In many communities, schools become recreation and fitness centre during evenings and weekends and on days when the regular classes are not held. Schools can offer sports equipment and such facilities as gyms, playing fields, running tracks, and swimming pools. Some communities have special paths for cycling and jogging.

Many business companies, labour and service organizations, churches, private clubs, and park and recreation agencies provide facilities and instructors for community programmes. A number of firms have fitness programmes for their own employees.

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The applications for your iphone 3gs for your physical fitness help

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Poovey Bui

Our own iPhones can easily serve us in many uses. Often all of us listen to music while we are doing exercises in fitness center and tunes keeps all of us motivated. Not simply MP3 players and also there are some far more interesting features that can help to improve your health and fitness. If you want to have better design and live healthier life then you should definitely know about very best health and fitness software for apple iphone.

Best well being apps iPhone: In this segment we are going to focus on briefly concerning the best physical fitness apps i phone.

. Nike Training Golf club: You can label this application like a really pocket personal trainer which is very effective. Training will seem to you more like a game due to the point centered incentive method of this application. With pics and vids and along with voice instruction it will teach you the workouts so you will become familiar with the exact strategy for doing various exercises. These types of instructions are free of charge for getting but it will require little bit extra space of your telephone memory because of the 600MB size. Yet indeed this fitness app of i phone is absolutely worthwhile.

. Run Keeper: This kind of application may track your own runs and still provide you plenty of feedbacks. Utilizing your iPhone Global positioning system it will course wherever you might have gone. This app is fantastic for those times when you have found a fantastic route to keep on running repeatedly. Many of us divided the working between the outdoors and the gymnasium and this app will let you get into manual information so that zero running can get untracked. With your audio on in the iPhone, Run Keeper works and provide you the audio indications to let you know regarding the progress.

Lose it can be an iPhone request that quotations the calories from fat of those food items which you are usually eating as well as provides additional information regarding the meals. You can type in your ambitions and Lose It will disclose how much you might have progressed. You can also add the exercises within the app to see how much gram calorie you have burned up doing those exercises. You only need to scan your barcode of the food packet with your Fooducate and you may get rapid overview of the actual foods nutritional value as well as health standing and also some other in-depth information on the merchandise. It is really an tremendously effective health and fitness app.

. Whole food market quality recipes: If you are inside strict diet then by using this software you can find dishes that suit your diet. Downloading them can help you achieve your workout goals.

The author has written several articles related to the Apple technology and has covered best health and fitness apps for iphone, best health apps iphone, and best fitness apps iphone in his various articles.

Weight Training Program For Women – Use These Ideas To Improve Your Base Levels Of Fitness

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip Roberts

If you have been looking for a weight training program for women, you may not have realised that by following a few ‘basics’ you can go a long way towards achieving your goals, as well as those of your family.

If you have let your fitness go a bit, you can rest assured you are not alone! Particularly as people become older, they find themselves putting fitness on the back burner. Other, more pressing matters, such as family and work duties, are put before health and fitness. These simple tips can help show you the way to regaining your fitness. You can regain some of the body tone that you had when you were younger by following these tips. When people age, they sometimes neglect their fitness. Working out may lose out to the demands of work and family as we age. If you are in this situation yourself, then make use of the tips in this article to turn things around. Just like the last time you were slender, when you use this advice you will get into great shape.

Do not wear tight uncomfortable clothes when you exercise. If you wear clothes that do not let you breath, it will be more difficult for you to exercise. Make sure that your workout clothing is flexible, comfortable, and well ventilated, so it allows your skin to breathe. Make sure to put on some fresh clothes after your workout. Make it a point to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing during your exercise routine. You need to wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe, otherwise you will not sweat which causes you to feel uncomfortable. Comfortable, natural materials, such as a cotton jersey, are very good exercise clothes. Be sure to keep a change of fresh clothing to change into when you are finished exercising.

If you are interested in working out in a climbing gym, you should take the time to purchase proper climbing shoes. Buy shoes that are particularly flexible if you want to successfully climb. You need different shoes for running and walking then you do for climbing, because the requirements for traction and balance are different. Buy special shoes for climbing. Flexibility and traction are important features to have in a pair of shoes while climbing. Get a pair of shoes made for climbing rather than using regular training shoes.

Exercise can help reduce menstrual cramps. A woman’s hormone levels increase during this time, which can lead to feelings of stress. Exercise can help eliminate stress and anxiety. This can also help the body deal with bloating due to the retention of water. Exercise can help women relieve their pain and discomfort around their period. Hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly cycle can bring on emotional fluctuations, including stress or depression. An effective antidote to high levels of stress and anxiety is exercise. It can also relieve bloating and other stress-related water retention.

Educate yourself about your child’s physical education program at school and make sure they are getting the proper education and information they need. You may find it necessary to volunteer part of your time to ensure your child gets proper physical education. This may lead to your child gaining a larger interest in physical fitness. Perhaps your child has not been properly educated at school. Find out more about the physical education courses your child has taken. You can volunteer your time at the school during special fitness programs to show your child how important it is to you, and it should be important to them, too. This could lead to them being more involved.

If you pay for your training sessions ahead of time, you are more likely to be motivated to attend them regularly. You will be more likely to attend your workout sessions because not attending them will result in lost money. Once way to increase training compliance is to pay your personal trainer up front. This way, you are much more apt to keep your appointments because if you don’t, you’ll be wasting money.

Even when you are seated at your desk, you can still do some stretching exercises that will help prepare you for any weight training program for women. When you are at work, you should not be sitting for too long without getting up from time to time. You should attempt to move around and stretch for a few minutes out of every hour to 90 minutes; this can improve blood flow and prevent painful cramping. Instead of sitting idly in your chair at work, use that time to do some stretching exercises. Sitting for hours at a time without getting up and moving around is unhealthy. Get up every hour or so and spend five minutes stretching; this will keep your circulation going and help prevent cramps in your muscles.

If you are someone who wants to be in shape, read these tips and find out how easy it can be. Spend some time working on yourself and do the work it takes to get into shape. These are not only virtues on the training floor, but in life in general. If you can do this in your exeryday life, you can do it in a work out. Get up and go do it. As you can see, getting in shape doesn’t have to be tough. You just need to work hard and stay motivated to reach your goals. These characteristics are inherent in all sorts of things in life. When you are successful with all other aspects of your life, your fitness goals will be a breeze. Just get up and go for it!

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