Barbell Upright Row Fitness Exercise

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

The barbell upright row is an exercise which stimulates the muscles of the shoulders and the upper back. To perform the exercise, the trainer stands erect whilst grasping a barbell with an over-hand grip to the front of the thighs. The bar is then brought upwards, parallel to the body, until the elbows are flared up in line with the ears. The movement is then reversed to the starting position in a controlled manner.

The up-right row can also be performed used dumbbells, as well as on a cable system. Those who are conscious of their form during the exercise can ensure sound form by performing the exercise with a low cable pulley whilst laying flat on the floor. This variation forces the torso to remain stationary during the execution of the exercise, therefore ensuring maximum stress to the target muscle groups. The dumbbell variation of the upright row may be preferred by those who suffer from muscle imbalances.

The dumbbells result in unilateral training, with each side of the body working independently to life equal resistance, therefore stressing each muscle equally.

The width of the grip taken when performing the exercise will impact the stimulus to the various muscle groups. Those who are focused on stressing the shoulders and the trapezius will want to take a relatively narrow grip. Taking a wider grip, however, will result in much greater isolation of the middle deltoid head (the muscle head to the middle of the shoulder). The barbell will only be able to be brought up to chest height if a wider grip is taken, and the recruitment of the trapezius is therefore limited.

Those with injurious rotator cuffs may wish to avoid this exercise. The grip may also be uncomfortable for those with inflexible and injurious wrists, although this can be reduced somewhat by using an EZ bar, or a rope attachment on a low cable pulley.

Fitness Uncovered is a bodybuilding and fitness resource and contains more information on bodybuilding.

More Barbell Exercises Articles

First Degree Fitness WR-N Neptune Rower

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • Monitor – Program for time (elapsed or goal), stroke count (cumulative or goal)
  • Tough polycarbonate tank with marine grade, stainless steel internals
  • Ergonomic Handle – Intelligently designed to prevent strain on arms, wrists
  • Built-In Wheels – Light and easy to move on any surface
  • Seat – Super comfortable seat running on precision bearings and rollers for absolute smoothness

Product Description
Developed by professional rowers to deliver the feeling, sound and sight of real on-water rowing in your own home.
Designed and engineered by craftsmen using only the highest quality components to ensure complete satisfaction of function, performance and reliability.

Maximum user weight: 300 lb.

Frame: 5 years
Tank and seals: 2 years
Mechanical components: 2 years
All wearing parts: 1 year… More >>

First Degree Fitness WR-N Neptune Rower

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Shows readers how to perfect each area of the body by following Lou’s personal advice…. More >>

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

Get Amazing Physical Fitness Benefits

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Physical fitness benefits extend beyond the physical, as they also can give you a sense of emotional well being. These benefits can improve the functioning of your mind and emotions by giving your brain more oxygen. This can have the effect of giving you a more positive way of looking at life as a whole. The best way to understand this experience is to have it yourself.

Perhaps it is a cumulative effect due to greater blood circulation, endorphin release, and feeling good about accomplishing something positive. For the majority of people, the real challenge is to begin. So that is why the most important thing is to just start somewhere. Make small goals and take it one day at a time. Here are some great physical fitness benefits you will want in your life.

Pursuing physical fitness can give you a feeling of calmness all day look and can even help you enjoy more restful sleep. Working out is a great way to reduce stress, which can produce a calm feeling that persists even when you’re resting. As your fitness improves, you may very well start to experience more positive feelings in all kinds of ways. A better night’s rest can come about in at least two ways.

Declining levels of stress and tension will allow you to rest more easily. At an even more basic level, exercise tires out your body, so you need more rest.

If you want your brain to function at a higher more optimum level, you need to find a good exercise program. Everyone can benefit from better concentration throughout the day. Revitalization is what you are looking for from you exercise routine. You should all be concerned about Alzheimer’s disease. As your lifestyle changes you should continue your fitness routine because research shows that it is good for your memory in the long term.

It’s great if your preferred mode of exercise is strength training. Strength training has many benefits associated with it. Using your own body weight and lifting weights can give you the same or at least similar benefits. Some of the possible benefits include greater muscle strength and definition, stronger tendons and ligaments, and decreased body fat, and many more. If you engage in this kind of activity, you should be sure to eat healthily and get the proper nutritional support because you will need it. The physical activities you choose to do will be the main determining factor in what benefits you’ll receive. You are more likely to stick with an exercise program if you’re doing something that you enjoy.

If you are looking for a home gym, check out the Bowflex PR1000 home gym.

Fitness And Health Tips

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by David Robarge

Being active makes a person healthy and strong. It is not just for people who have a weight problem but for everyone who likes to stay fit. There are a lot of people looking for fitness and health tips and that is what this article is all about. Setting up a home gym for your exercise and training programs can be very convenient especially if you are really serious into staying fit. Having one at home can help ensure that you always get the fitness training and exercise that you require in order staying healthy. With a home gym following fitness and health tips no longer have to depend on whether you have the time to go somewhere else just to do them and stay fit. Certain basic equipment is what a home gym needs for it to provide an effective overall fitness regimen. That does not mean that you have to buy all that fancy gym equipment only the very basic is what a home gym usually needs. For the very basic of home gyms, sufficient floor space is all you will ever need along with knowledge about basic training techniques such as calisthenics and basic aerobic exercises. Using dumbbells is another fitness and health tips option for your strength training needs. Even having only a set of dumbbells can give you a thorough strength workout. What is good about them is that they are versatile and handy enough to use in even a limited area of a home gym. Also when setting up your home gym a chin up bar is a must for doing pull up exercises which is another great fitness and health tips. Both push ups and pull ups are quite effective in trying to build your upper body strength. Chin up bars would be the simplest equipment that you can have for doing pull ups. Here is an inexpensive fitness and health tips, jump rope it allows you to do cardio exercises without having to go out for a run. If you find that you just don’t have the space in your home to set up even the very basic treadmill, a simple and inexpensive jump rope would be a good and simple alternative. A home exercise and training gym don’t need to be the one with the most number of sophisticated gadgets to be effective in keeping you fit and healthy. And with the right fitness and health tips all you need is to have the very basic equipment so that you may be able to do the most effective fitness program there is. Always remember to have some warm up exercises before starting any fitness and health tips. Stretching the muscles is especially good when focused on commonly tight muscle areas like the hamstring and the lower back. These exercises can be done for at least two to three times a week although its daily practice would also be suggested. Stretching exercises should be done within your full range of motion. The right stretching exercises would feel comfortable and would not feel painful and proper form is also important in doing the fitness and health tips.“Fitness And Health Tips ”

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Nine fitness tips for Teenage.

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Karim5117

Teenage girls are extremely conscious about their image and figure nowadays. Teenagers often opt for some very dangerous, fast diets that do more damage than excellent. However, the truth is, they can achieve shed weight quickly without putting their health in risk. A regular routine is one of the best solutions to shed some pounds, while consuming nutritious meals is another way to shed weight. It is best to consult a doctor if you want to confirm the right bodyweight for your height and figure, and ask them for the best fast but secure weight-loss program for you.

For youngsters that want to become stronger and thinner, here are ten tips that will surely benefit you as a fast but secure weight-loss program.

1. Eating treats correctly can help you shed weight quickly – this is the best way to complete up your abdomen, and still remain sleek and decrease. For example, protein ready treats like cheese post, fruit, and one tbsp offering of peanut butter take care of wanting for food really well, while giving you an energy boost.

2. Turning off the television is another way to lessen your diet. According to some research, we usually consume about 40% more energy while watching TV. Other annoying activities such as driving, text messaging can result in consuming too much as well. Therefore, when you are consuming, focus on one goal on just that for shed weight quickly.

3. You have to step on a considering machine every day and monitor your bodyweight regularly and perfectly. If your bodyweight has increased for several successive days, then it’s high time you started a fast, but secure, weight-loss exercise program. You need to be mindful of versions in your weight!

4. Doing push-ups, the squat, and runs for five moments every day can help you maintain and build muscles. The stronger muscles you have, the better your metabolic rate. This will help you burn down more energy every day.

5. Whenever you are being hungry, call a friend and make sure that you get busy in talking to them. Research that being hungry usually last for five moments at most, so by time you hang up, your wanting for food will usually have gone away.

6. For fast weight-loss, it is better to have a well-balanced and healthy breakfast every day. However, you have to choose something that will satisfy your preferences and abdomen as well, without adding to your bodyweight, such as some chicken or cash, and egg whites with carried out whole wheat bread.

7. Treat yourself during saturdays and sundays but just stick with one glass or offering of light beer, wine, rum or soda. These drinks have at least 100 energy in each offering so the less you have, the better.

8. Eat fruit two times a day. Fruit with high-water content contain little to no fats. They complete up your abdomen while keeping your calorie consumption low, which helps during shed weight quickly applications.

9. Sleeps and a excellent evening of rest can do amazing things for your metabolic rate and can help you process meals faster, and better. When you have comfort and are getting enough rest, you are less susceptible to consuming out of stress or exhaustion.

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Heart Rate Training Zones – On Improving Fitness

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Gerald Flume

Want to improve your physical fitness, including your heart? Increase your physical stress. Of course there are right and wrong ways of doing this, but an analogy might get us started.

I. The benefits of (physical) stress for physical fitness

Tulip growers try to maximize the number of bulbs they grow per square meter or foot of available soil. But when the plants grow close together, they each tend to reduce the wind drag per plant among their neighbors at the same time that they all compete for the same square inches of sunlight as they grow upward. The result is thin stems, so thin that a mature plant cannot hold the flower and head upright by itself. So the tulip growers gently pass their extended arms over the tops of the growing plants to give the stems a little stress. Not enough to break them, but enough to stress them into growing thicker, stronger stems.

Humans tend to lose physical strength where there is too little physical stress or muscular exercise. One of the best ways to increase muscular strength and efficiency is known as interval training where intervals of more and less intense exercise and rest are interspersed. A core feature of interval training is switching between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

II. Interval training builds strength and endurance

Anaerobic exercise is intense and brief. One’s heart is racing near its maximum and the muscles are burning glycogen in the presence of very little available oxygen (anaerobic means “no oxygen”). This is especially the kind of stress that “thickens the stem” in humans, or rather than stimulates the muscles to build up. Especially as people age, anaerobic exercise becomes increasingly important for maintaining physical strength and endurance.

But anaerobic exercise of course comes at a price, and here is where consultation with a doctor becomes critical for advice that may enable one to avoid injury or sometimes a heart attack, especially if a person has certain physical conditions or is on some kinds of medication. Know your reasonable limitations beforehand. And in all cases of anaerobic exercise, a price is the build up of lactic acid and other waste products in the muscles resulting in physical symptoms of pain and exhaustion.

Intervals of rest or lesser exercise then become necessary in order to flush out and oxidize the lactic acid in the blood stream and elsewhere. Aerobic exercise relies on “burning” oxygen along with “fuel” like carbohydrates. It is less intense than anaerobic exercise, and can be carried on for relatively longer periods of time.

Varying periods of rest have their own benefits in the process too, such as to rebuild and strengthen damaged muscle tissues with proper nutrition. And warm ups and cool down periods play into the regimen for things like muscle stretching and metabolic preparation. In interval training, periods of more and less intense exercise plus rest are repeated. This has proven more efficient and effective than prolonged aerobic exercise alone for many sports activities.

III. Interval training pegged to heart rate zones

One of the key means of measuring and progressing in interval training then becomes heart rate zones. Although these may at times be a bit fuzzy and variable around the edges, nonetheless heart rate zones can be a usefully pegged, for example, to anaerobic versus aerobic exercise periods or to rest or warm up versus aerobic exercise.

A heart rate within such-and-such beats per minute range should be maintained for so-many seconds or minutes for a given individual for a given section of interval exercises. As one moves in training from less fit to more, the ideal intervals of heavier exercise will increase and rest periods decrease or move farther apart. And again, where heart rate is measured, such as conveniently with technology, heart rate ranges defined as heart rates zones. Heart rate zones then identify or help identify levels of exercise, particularly aerobic versus anaerobic versus rest.

For a healthy person at least, heart rate zones are mapped out typically based on heart rate measured at rest (minimum beats per minute) and at very heavy exercise (maximum heart rate). The latter can become problematic especially where health concerns come into play, but in less precise fashion, can be taken as 220 minus age before the age of 30, with a beats per minute tappering off more slowly after age 30, especially for a healthy person. And there are other related or unrelated means as well.

To facilitate interval training “on the go” and improved physical fitness, heart rate monitors are wirelessly tied to GPS devices such as with the Garmin 210 that can warn of pre-programmed intervals and provide a display of heart rate, time, distance, direction, and other useful measures.

Exercise and Physical Fitness

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Regular exercises will keep you active, help you live for longer and will make you feel much better. As you know, exercises will help everyone maintain a healthy weight.
Exercising regularly means that you are preventing or delaying yourself from diabetes, heart problems and some types of cancers. The norm is that most adults need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for at least 5 days per week. Swimming, brisk walking, bicycling, weight training, etc can keep you fit and also can strengthen your body.
Its a common thing for everyone to get demotivated after sometime, but in order to be motivated you need to find out the right exercise for you. Chose an exercise schedule that is fun for you, make sure you change it slightly every week. Doing what like will always keep you motivated. Another option is, conduct exercises with a friend of yours. This will also increase the level of motivation. Planning a group bike ride or some similar activity is a great option.
Note: If you have been inactive for sometime, make sure you start off slowly and gradually increase your exercise time and difficulty. for example, start off with some easy exercise and do it only for about 10 minutes. Make it 15 minutes the next day. Gradually increase your timing until it reaches about 30-45 minutes. Along with the time increment, increase the difficulty as well. If you start off big at once, you might end up with injuries.
Some basic exercises are provided below:
1. Always warmup/jog for about 5 minutes before you start your exercise session;
1 minute: Medium intensity jog or walk.
1 minute: Faster, increasing speed or hill climbing to work at a medium-high intensity level.
1 minute: All out walking or running as fast as you can.
2 minutes: Walk or Jog to recover. REPEAT 2-3 times if necessary
2. Bending or Twisting
This exercise is good for increasing flexibility of the hamstring and the lower back. Bending and twisting regularly will prevent you from having back aches and other lower body pains in the future, since it prevents your body from becoming stiff and rigid.
3. Push-up
This is a great exercise for building strength specially chest, shoulder, triceps. Push-ups is also good for abdominal and lower body muscles.
4. Plank
This is also another exercise that builds strength in the core muscles like abdominal muscles, lower back muscles. Should not put strain on your neck while doing this exercise.
5. Back Extension
For many people who sit most of the time have weak lower back muscles. Back extensions will strengthen those weak muscles and thereby reducing injuries and soreness. It also strengthens the upper body muscles.
However, like mentioned before you need to find out the exercise that best suites you. Different people have different intentions. Some people might want to maintain their slim figure but some might to reduce their unwanted fat and weight.
The newly opened Big Tummy will help you find a tailor made exercise schedule and plan that is made just for you and your body preferences. You will have to answer some questions and Big Tummy Club will recommend you an exercise program that will help you lose your unwanted fat or maintain you current slim figure. This is a free service offered by Big Tummy Therefore take advantage of this service.


If you do not want the help of Big Tummy Club’s customization service and if you want to search for a program by yourself. Big Tummy Club will still guide you to find the program that will best suite you.

Click here to Visit BigTummyClub

Hi everyone. My name is Robert Lenon. I am an affiliate marketer and a free lance writer. I am mainly concerned about the growing obese community and I research and recommend products and products that helps these people to lose their unwanted fat and weight. Ofcourse I get a commission for your purchases but that is used for running my website My reviews of products and products are in depth and does not miss any part at all. Please visit my site if you are interested in fat and weight loss.

Wishing you a healthy and slim life.
Best Regards
Robert Lenon


Effective Group Fitness Training Tips

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Many people rarely consider the need for professional group fitness instructor liability insurance. It makes sense, however, that in our litigious society precautions should be taken to ensure that those who choose to earn their living as a fitness instructor are protected against legal damages.

Young, healthy persons may be able to jump right into the conditioning phase, while those who have been exercising regularly may already be in the maintenance phase. Factors such as extended inactivity, injury or illness can drop you from a maintenance to a conditioning phase.

This fitness-training program for soccer is highly effective in building both strength and speed in the players. What is more, unlike most people think, it is not a very difficult training process. The training becomes much easier when both the coach and the players follow the guidelines associated with the same religiously.

You can pick audio or video fitness podcasts. Which is better? It all depends on your Ipod system gear. If space is restricted or you’re going to a room without any media gear, then an audio download is likely to be the best offering. Download, adjust your headphones, push play and let the sweat roll!

Understand that you need to start slowly. Your body will adjust quickly to the changes that will take place as you get into a regular exercise program – but overdoing things at the beginning will have the opposite effect you are looking for.

There was a time when people conditioned their bodies out of necessity. In certain cultures a lack of physical conditioning often meant death, either for reasons of acquiring food or surviving a battle. The Spartans are a prime example that most everyone is surely familiar with.

Don’t always stick to the same routines. You must experiment with different types of exercises to ensure various muscle groups are strengthened. If your body becomes accustomed to you training routine, you won’t put enough stress on the muscles to keep them fit.

Group outdoor training offers something different to the conventional fat burning exercise and fitness strength training promoted in gyms. It is commenced outdoors and often alternates venues and even if they don’t, the surroundings forever change with the seasons.

Finally, do stretching exercises. Stretching taut muscles helps to loosen and relax the muscles. It stretches them back into shape. Ending a fitness training schedule with stretches help to ease the tightness and tautness of the muscles.

All of us know that losing a few kilos to get back in shape is not an easy thing. In spite of all the diets, you still find out that you need to lose a little more weight to be able to wear your favorite pair of jeans.

Although the career outlook for personal fitness training is growing, fitness trainers with more formal training and certification may have more favorable employment opportunities due to rapid job growth in health clubs, fitness facilities, and other settings where fitness workers are concentrated.

Whether you are employed full time or staying at home, you can all take advantage of personal training. Every woman in the world wants to look attractive and everyone wants to wear those skinny jeans and leggings they used to wear when they were in school.

Read About Gold Coast Boot Camp Also Read About Outdoor Group Fitness And Group Fitness Training

LifeSpan Fitness TR4000i Folding Treadmill

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • 3.25-Horsepower folding treadmill with spacious 20 x 60-Inch running surface
  • Commercial-grade deck and aluminum side rails offer long-lasting durability
  • Multicolored LCD console tracks your time, calories, distance, speed, and more
  • Offers several weight loss, healthy living, sports training, and heart rate programs
  • Measures 35 x 52 x 79-Inch (width x height x depth), lifetime warranty on frame and motor

Product Description
Rated the #1 treadmill by Health Magazine, this solid, durable and stable treadmill supports the training of serious runners.

Purchase & Receive a free membership to the Lifespan Fitness Club!

Running Surface: 20 X 60

Belt: 2ply

Rollers: 2.5″ Front/ 2″ Rear

Folding: Yes w/ EZ Assist

Heart Rate Control: Yes with wireless chest strap included

Hand Pulse Grips: Yes, and arm rest speed… More >>

LifeSpan Fitness TR4000i Folding Treadmill

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