A Test You Can Not Learn For: Physical Fitness Test

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jeremy S. Abrahamson

If an individual has decided to become more physically fit, there are certain steps that should be followed before embarking on this physical fitness journey. Those steps include consulting with a physician and then deciding what physical fitness regimen to undertake.

Consulting with a Physician

First of all the individual should consult with their doctor to make sure that the physical fitness exercise plan that they are considering matches their current physical fitness. This is especially true for older adults. The physician can make needed recommendations based on a physical fitness test.

There are many ways that doctors can perform physical fitness tests on their patients. Some of these methods include tests such as standing on one leg, bending the body forward and back, bending the legs, etc. In addition, to enhance the physical fitness test, doctors may order the individual to utilize equipment to determine their level of physical fitness.

Such equipment could include walking on a treadmill and utilizing a stair climb. Generally, when these tests are conducted the individual is wired to a monitoring system which returns their heart rate, provides respiratory data and indicators to determine the strength of the individual.

When the physical fitness test has been completed, then the physician can make recommendations regarding what exercise program to undertake. This recommendation will not only be based on the scoring achieved through the physical fitness test, but a clear idea of the level of the individual’s physical fitness.

Deciding on a Physical Fitness Plan

When an individual is ready and has made the commitment to start a physical fitness program they need to determine which activities they would like to engage in. For example if an individual wants to increase their stamina they may choose an activity such as swimming, power walking, etc. Or if an individual wants to build their body strength they may wish to engage in lifting weights.

Additionally, if the goal of the physical fitness exercise program that the individual is considering includes the loss of weight they may wish to choose a physical fitness plan that burns substantial amounts of calories. One such exercise is swimming.

Another important component in considering what physical fitness plan to embark on is an individual’s financial situation. For example, if choosing walking as the fitness plan to be committed to the only investment may be a good pair of walking shoes. However, if choosing weight lifting the individual may purchase free standing weights or invest in a weight lifting unit that has various stations incorporated in the unit.

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article’s author on exercise equipment and pool exercise equipment.

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Stupendous Diet and Fitness Tips

March 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

If you want to lose weight fast, today I have a few great diet and fitness tips. These tips aren’t the typical things you may be used to hear

Article Source: http://health.ezinemark.com/stupendous-diet-and-fitness-tips-4f3f867e4c4.html

Josie McEachern enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. If you would like to find the best Garage Door Prices, all you have to do is visit http://garagedoorprices.blogspot.com.

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Improving Physical Fitness with Home Workout Equipment

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Regardless of your reason of improving your physical fitness with a home workout, whether you want to build a healthier self or sculpt a body for others to admire with jealousy, you will need to follow the same general guidelines as most other people who are looking to get into shape.

The Home Workout Machines Takeover

Even though some people firmly believe that the only way of making true and noticeable progress is by dedicating themselves to training at the gym, this may not hold true for everyone. Indeed, there are many people out there who seem to strive better when working out within the confines of their home. The number of people falling into this category has largely increased with the recent influx of various workout machines and exercise equipment designed for home usage.

If you believe that you can achieve results fast using only body weight exercises and perhaps dumbbells then you will be in for a rude awakening.

Of course, you will end up improving your physical fitness but it will take you a very long time to achieve the results you want. When it comes to exercise equipment, most legitimate offers provide you with a specially designed machine that is designed to help you focus your training on a specific aspect. There is a large variety of machines for you to choose from out there, ranging from some of them designed to improve your flexibility while others help you focus solely on your arm muscles.

More Affordable Choices

If you argue that most of these machines represent quite an expensive investment, then you are of course right.

Luckily however, there is a large number of manufacturers out there who have been working on less complicated pieces of equipment that are still proven to be effective.

When I was out there myself looking for something cheap that would help me get faster results from my home workout I came across the Shake Weight, which is like a dumbbell that shakes back and forth while you squeeze it and try to hold it in place. Seeing as how it only came at the price of $ 30 I actually gave it a shot. Even though I found that the claims of the Shake weight’s makers were heavily exaggerated I still found it very useful to some extent

If you are interested in hearing about my Shake Weight results and experience with the product then simply go over to my Shake Weight For Men website which I dedicated to sharing my knowledge about a product that received a good amount of mixed reviews.

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LifeSpan Fitness TR3000i Folding Treadmill

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • 2.75-horsepower folding treadmill with spacious 20-by-56-inch running surface
  • Biomechanically correct deck suspension system supports up to 350 pounds
  • Multicolored LCD console tracks your time, calories, distance, speed, and more
  • Offers several weight loss, healthy living, sports training, and heart rate programs
  • EZ Drop folding system; measures 35 x 52 x 75 inches (W x H x D); lifetime warranty on frame and motor
  • Fitness Professor “Head of the Class” Best Treadmill under $1,500 for 2011

Amazon.com Product Description
The LifeSpan TR3000i folding treadmill is durable, reliable, and loaded with valuable features, helping you walk, jog, or run with confidence in the comfort of your own home. The award-winning treadmill’s pleasing design includes safe and convenient handlebar controls, which let you control your speed and incline without ever removing your hands from the handlebars. As a result, you can run or walk without fear of losing your concentration or balance whil… More >>

LifeSpan Fitness TR3000i Folding Treadmill

First Degree Fitness Evolution Series E-520 Fluid Professional Rower

March 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • Unmatched Durability – Virtually Maintenance Free
  • 20 Level Patented Variable Fluid Resistance
  • World’s Most Comfortable Seat at “Office Chair” Height
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 10 Years Frame, 3 Years Polycarbonate Tank & Seals, 2 Years Mechanical & All Other Components
  • Footprint: 75″ x 28″

Product Description
Absolute comfort, stability and performance.Also Widest range of resistance available… More >>

First Degree Fitness Evolution Series E-520 Fluid Professional Rower

Maintaining Body Fitness Tips

March 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Staying healthy is one thing and keeping fit is another, it is important to keep fit so that the body can function well. There are several body fitness tips which help you stay fit and healthy. One thing an individual needs to do so that he or she can maintain the body and fitness.

Morning exercises are one way of staying fit. You must make it a routine to exercise every morning. Morning exercises can be jogging to the perk and back, press ups and stretching. Set an alarm to notify you every morning and you will see how fast this will become part of your life style.Exercising comes with many benefits as it makes one active and lowers the risks of death. Try walking to school rather than taking the bus, this will sure help you stay fit and it is one of the best tips for body and fitness.

Other fitness tips are eating healthy and taking plenty of liquids especially water.

Make sure that the meals you eat are balanced and comprise of fruits too. Do not avoid wholegrain and cereals as they reduce chances of getting heart diseases and colon cancer. Another body fitness tips are mind exercises, this ones can be done by playing indoor games such as chess, cards and poker.

Working out can be strenuous to some people but there are enjoyable work outs will enable you keep fit and stay relaxed too. Dancing is another way to keep fit and stay healthy. Body fitness tips will require you to be always active. Don’t just sit in the couch all day watching TV try and jog around or play with the kids. The above body fitness tips will help you stay healthy.

For reading this article on my blog, visit Maintaining body fitness tips and for more articles related to health and fitness visit My Health Blog

Fitness Tips and Secrets

Explaining how to get in shape quick and efficiently for the summertime and a lifetime…a few do’s and dont’s fitness ideas and secret. workout and cardio talk, you know? the good and boring stuff.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Physical Fitness Articles

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

It is undeniable that exercise is very beneficial for our daily lives. There are a lot of benefits you can take from it and also from physical fitness articles in the book Physical Fitness. Exercise is able to ensure all your body systems to work properly. People who do not have an exercise routine have greater risk to suffer from some different ailments and diseases as they are getting older. However, establishing a exercise routine is very hard to start. Scientist have come up with target heart rate zones that can tell people whether they are at the level of exercise that is beneficial for health. These charts are based on age and are helpful but the most important thing a person can do is listen to their body. To force yourself into the pain zone because you “should” be able to do it is dangerous.

If one feels they are working hard, they are. If they can’t carry on a conversation without gasping for breath, they may be working too hard. The biggest downside of going at it too hard is that no one voluntarily continues a program of misery. If they want to make exercise a practical and consistent part of their life, then it needs to be enjoyable-well, at least not miserable! Exercise needs to be sustained, not sporadic, to produce the benefits of exercise. Some, who are just starting out on the adventure of exercise, may not be able to exercise for more than a few minutes at a time. This is OK. Over a few weeks they can gradually build up their exercise duration until most will be able to exercise for at least an hour at a time. Beyond intensity, the most important thing about reaping the benefits of exercise is that it needs to happen every day. Because, when the routine of regular exercise stops, so do the benefits. Read this collection of physical fitness articles in the book Physical Fitness.

Physical Fitness Articles

MySpace Friend Me www.myspace.com 5 Minute Tone Body, Abs Workout Fitness Training w/ Tammy Five min exercise routine to tone your abs for a great bikini body. Related Videos 5 Minute Tone Body, Butt Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy www.youtube.com Soon to Come 5 Minute…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Components of Fitness

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Every single component of fitness is just as necessary as the next, for a well rounded and complete exercise program. Below you will find the major components listed, and a few reasons why each should be included in your routines.


This is the most important component hands down. You can’t exercise properly until you have researched on your own, or have been given instructions by a trained professional, such as a personal trainer, physiotherapist or doctor. Exercising without information is like going in to the wilderness without any supplies. In the best case scenario you risk not seeing results. In the worst case, injury. There is a ton of information online so at a minimum, look up exercise techniques and read the basics before trying out a new fitness program.

Warm Up

A warm up before starting a workout is one the most important components because this is what will prepare your body for all of the other training.

A warm up is like having a fitness breakfast. Like nutrition, skipping breakfast will result in a quicker burnout time half way though the day. A warm up works similarly because without one, you will burn out half way through your workout!

The warm up prevents injuries and “wakes the muscles” so your body has an idea of what to expect next. Every warm up should last 5-10 minutes and should resemble what you are about to do, on a smaller scale. For example, If you are running your warm up should be walking.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, known to most as “cardio” is the workout that will make your heart strong and also, aid weight loss goals the most effectively.

Some people think cardio is not necessary but when you see people with big muscles, having trouble making it up a flight of stairs, it makes you think twice. Cardio is all the fun activities like running, cycling, playing tennis and swimming. It gives you muscular endurance, a strong heart and an instant feeling of wellness.

Cardio exercise should be included in to your program at least twice a week for 20-40 minutes.

Strength Training/Weight Lifting

Lifting weights is sometimes neglected because many people think that lifting weights is synonymous with big muscles. Hardly! It’s actually very hard to build a lot of muscle mass for both men and women. To be quite honest those huge muscles you see on body builders are usually not natural. Instead, strength training is what gives you “tone.” While you are losing weight with sustained cardio activity, it’s the weights that will inflate those flattened muscles, to create a cut and defined physique. You will also build muscle but on most people, it builds tone oppose to mass, so don’t worry!

Lifting weights also adds bone density and strengthens joints and ligaments which prevents osteoporosis and makes us stronger and independent for much longer. This is especially important when we reach our senior years.

Weight training should be included a minimum of twice a week. Workout times vary depending on your program but you can expect anything from 20-60 minutes.


Stretching is also sometimes looked over, especially after a challenging workout, when all you want to do is hit the showers! It’s a very important component because flexibility training prevents injuries and keeps the body limber. If you never stretch, it won’t take long for your bod to start feeling tight, achey and fatigued. Stretching is also a great tension reliever and prevents chronic pain like neck and backaches. Don’t skip this one!

Stretch at the end of every workout for 5-10 minutes. It’s also recommend to include a stretch workout weekly or bi weekly, such as taking a yoga class.

Balance and Agility

I group balance and agility together as a minor component because you train for balance and agility during cardio and strength training sessions, provided you’re choosing exercises that target these components. In any case, I thought they deserved a special mention. Agility and balance are abilities that are fantastic for sports, but also general reaction time and injury prevention.

Compound exercises, stability ball training and outdoor (or gym floor) drills will improve your balance and agility.

Every fitness component compliments the other. If you do cardio but not weights, you will look scrawny. If you do weights but you don’t stretch, you will be too tight and uncomfortable to enjoy your muscles, not to mention the good chance you will be injured all together. Include all components to get the results you want quickly, safely and effectively.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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Spring fitness

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

When spring approaches and the weather gets nice, there’s nothing better than throwing on a pair of running shoes and getting some exercise outdoors. The only problem? Temperatures that are warmer than winter’s but still relatively cool make it easy to forget a very serious exercise-induced concern: Dehydration. Recent research shows that exercisers can actually lose more water in colder, spring-like weather than at any other time of the year.

How spring dehydration happens

When you work out, you typically get hot and begin to sweat. Sweating causes your nervous system to send a signal to the brain that says, “I’m about to get thirsty — hydrate me!” But in cold or cool weather, the brain doesn’t get that thirst signal in the same way.

In fact, some people don’t get a signal at all; they are lax in replenishing their water stores and put themselves at risk for dehydration.

Signs and symptoms of serious dehydration

A good rule of thumb: If you notice two or more of these symptoms at the same time, especially after any outdoor activity, sip some water and contact your doctor immediately.

Dry, sticky mouth

Muscle weakness and extreme, sudden fatigue


Extreme thirst

Irritability and a sense of confusion

Lack of sweating

No urination (or urine that’s dark yellow in color)

Rapid heartbeat


Who’s at risk of becoming dehydrated in cooler weather?

Endurance athletes.

Because they work out so often, they’re already more likely to experience dehydration than others.

Coffee and tea drinkers. The more caffeinated beverages you drink, the more you’re going to have to urinate, and the more water your body loses.

Tips to avoid springtime dehydration

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Understanding why cold weather dehydration happens is the first step in preventing it. Here are a few more tips:

1. Drink lots of water. If you know you’re going to go outdoors to exercise or perform other physical activities, drink before, during and after your outing. And depending on your activity level, the typical eight glasses of water a day may not be enough. Talk to your doctor about how much water you should be drinking.

2. Try a sports drink. Most will help you restore your electrolyte balance after an intense workout. Try drinking one or two servings before and after exercise.

3. If you’re thirsty, stop working out. Your body will tell you when you’re thirsty or when you’ve been working out too hard. Learn to listen to your body and cut your activities short if you sense dehydration is looming.

4. Weigh yourself. Some super-endurance athletes weigh themselves before and after a workout to gauge how much fluid they’ve lost during an activity. If, when you weigh yourself, you’ve lost more than one pound, replenish your water stores, fast.

5. Eat water-rich foods. Drinking water isn’t the only way to get fluid into your system. You also can stay hydrated by eating water-based fruits and veggies, like watermelon and cucumber.

Regardless of the season or weather

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Best Fitness Elliptical Crosstrainer

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • Compact and stable elliptical crosstrainer with synchronized arms for upper/lower body workout
  • Eight levels of magnetic resistance
  • LED console provides time, distance, speed, calories, and heart rate
  • Three by four-foot usage area with transport wheels for storage
  • In home warranty: five years frame; one year parts and electronics; three months wear; 90 days labor

Product Description
The new BFCT1 Elliptical Cross Trainer provides a non-impact cardio workout in a very compact space. The synchronized arms recruit your upper body providing a total body workout. Eight levels of smooth magnetic resistance give all users challenging workouts. The LED console offers feedback for time, distance, speed, calories and heart rate. Transport wheels allow anyone to move the unit easily. Elliptical trainers are the hottest cardio products in the market today,… More >>

Best Fitness Elliptical Crosstrainer

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