Samantha Kelly – A Female Health And Fitness Trainer Shares Her Secrets

March 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Toni Shai

Staying healthy is really a challenge and many of us are usually on the look for the next wonder product that will help us reduce all the extra pounds and build muscles quickly. Undoubtedly, using the right supplements may help us to achieve our objectives, but getting as well as staying fit often boils down to hard work plus perseverance. Whilst body building is definitely regarded mens domain, female health and fitness trainer and model Samantha Kelly is a living evidence how the sports activity is perfect for both genders and that you can actually feel fantastic and look incredible as long as you pick a decent bodybuilding workout and also apply yourself.

Raised in a family of business owners, Samantha Kelly meets every fresh challenge with perseverance and vigor – today, she actually is a pro-fitness instructor, working and also living in lively Los Angeles, and has had an exciting career being a national and global fitness model. Her images have been printed in near twenty different periodicals and she’s already been on the cover of a number of them as well. With beautiful face and stunning and busty body, she is certainly very attractive and inspiration for many women and men alike. Even though she is an upcoming fitness celeb, Samantha Kelly only began training on a regular basis at the age of twenty two. With dedication and clear vision, she has managed to achieve most of her workout goals and at this time, she is not just working as a trainer, but additionally exercises at least five times weekly. Her hard work has also paid off on the professional levels and she is the owner of and also runs her fitness business. When asked if she had been using a distinct fitness training now in comparison to a few years before, she replied that today she is “merely working smarter rather than harder.” In addition, she added that she cycles her workout routines weekly, which in turn guarantees diversity and great final results.

As every person that has attempted to lose bodyweight and get into shape knows quite well, doing routine workouts alone might not result in success, unless these workout routines are coupled with proper nutrition. Once again, Samantha Kelly shares her magic formula with us, stating that she likes to keep a slim appearance all year round and accomplishes this by consuming a lot of fresh veggies, all steamed, without any sauces, as well as taking 6 to seven smaller portions each day. Furthermore, she drinks up to a gallon and a half of water each day.

If you wish to read more about Samantha Kelly as well as her bodybuilding routines, then you may always visit her web site, follow her on her blog, and also when you are there, view a few of her sensual nude movies.

Samantha Kelly is a busty fitness modeland her photographs are already published in a good many national as well as international magazines. To view her gorgeous photos and watch her nude videos, visit her official website right this moment!

Getting Fit With the Right Fitness Training Equipment

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Yap Shirley

Before beginning usage of fitness training equipment, one must know the types of equipment which are available in the market and how each of equipment works for various parts of the body.

Choosing the Proper Equipment

Various types of equipments are available for home now and it is not just for gym anymore. As simple equipment like set of weights is available, a garage or spare bedroom can be converted into complete home gym. We first have to choose the fitness training equipment we require and if looking for a total workout, the all in one gym sets suits well. With the same piece of machinery, one can tone muscles in a variety of various exercises.

Regular sports equipment for training such as punching bags, basketballs and footballs is available if someone is looking for more athletic oriented fitness equipment. This type of fitness training equipment is for those planning for less intensive workouts and for beginners. Fitness training equipment is also available for those who wish for a real light workout which is more geared towards aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, Pilates, yoga and step exercises. They can be used at home or gym or wherever someone finds time to do some exercise and many women prefers to have such equipment meant for doing such exercises.

Checking and trying out some equipment at a gym if someone is not sure of what kind of equipment they need. Once proper machine is found, necessary research work need to be done for finding out same home version of the equipment. Thus one can get the workout without paying the price of gym membership which also give the privacy and convenience of working out from home.

If someone aspiring to get the body into shape, fitness training equipment plays a vital role. Healthy eating and exercise habits can benefit throughout the life which prevent injuries and diseases. So having own set of fitness training equipment avoids slacking off from daily exercises. Having fitness training equipment at home is best advised to keep someone on track of getting and staying healthy.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Iron Bed Frames which discuss and review about Cheap Bed Frames.

I just began exercising regularly again and I thought some of you might be interested in some inexpensive ways to get in a workout at home. This is only a portion of my homemade fitness equipment, so I’ll probably do a part 2 to this video at some point. I hope you find it interesting, thanks for watching! Cheap inexpensive home gym fitness equipment weightlifting gear homemade workout training muscle building powerlifting lifting bodybuilding bench barbell lat machine chinup squat rack RamblinAround Rambling vlog hd partner

First Degree Fitness E-520 Fluid Rower

March 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • Rigid frame construction
  • Unmatched durability
  • Comfortable seat
  • 20 levels of resistance
  • Stands for storage

Product Description
The E-520 Fluid Rower is the epitome of all indoor rowers, bar none. It represents the highest quality indoor rowing experience and is the top of an already hard to beat line of fluid rowers from First Degree Fitness. It offers an industry-best on-water rowing emulation with a natural catch and resistance through the stroke along with unmatched durability and an unprecedented 20 levels of patented variable resistance. Many clubs or wellness center’s use it as thei… More >>

First Degree Fitness E-520 Fluid Rower

Military Physical Fitness Test Standards

March 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Marcus Martinez

Military Physical Fitness Test standards provide valuable information and guidelines for all fitness enthusiasts. What better way to test yourself than by using tests that gauge the readiness of soldiers in the best military in the world? Military Physical Fitness Tests (PFTs) have been established for each branch of the military and can help you set challenging goals for yourself while also motivating you by tracking your progression.Here are a few of the toughest Physical Fitness Test standards in the military (these aren

Training Zones for Football Fitness

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Darren

The below information should help provide you with guidelines for designing fitness and conditioning sessions with specific training objectives. Due to the intermittent exercise profile of football, players require a strong aerobic base in addition to capabilities to perform maximal bouts (i.e. sprints) and must be exposed to various training zones. The energy systems of a player therefore have to be trained with this profile in mind. An easy way to determine if the workrate matchs the desired training zone is to using Heart Rate (HR). Calculate Training Zone Via Resting Heart Rate

For charts, please refer to Soccer Training Zones and Drills

Fig 1. 3 Basic Training Zones and for a Trained and Un-Trained Player

The diagram above (Fig 1.) displays the training zones for a trained and untrained player (20yrs). The zones are indicated for the Trained Player only. The Un-Trained Player would hit these zones earlier. This chart above displays the three basics training zones. We can however go into more detail (as described below and displayed in Fig 2.) and sub-divide these zones. The zones are set based on percentages of generally one of three values:

Lactate Threshold VO2 Max Maximum Heart Rate

Fig2. Detailed Training Zones with Heart Rate for U-11 to U-21 ages.

Zone 1: Recovery Also known as: Overdistance Intensity: Very Low % Lactate Threshold: 65%-84% % VO2 Max: 55%-65% % Max Heart Rate: 60%-70% RPE Scale: 6-9

Used for: These are the easiest workouts, used to promote recovery after harder workouts. It is also generally the intensity level used during the recovery period of interval work and long slow distance (LSD) runs.

Zone 2: Endurance Also known as: Extensive Endurance Intensity: Moderate % Lactate Threshold: 85%-91% % VO2 Max: 66%-75% % Max Heart Rate: 71%-75% RPE Scale: 10-12

Used for: Used for long, endurance workouts and easy speed workout; builds and maintains aerobic endurance.

Zone 3: Lactate Threshold Also known as: Intensive Endurance Intensity: Moderate Plus % Lactate Threshold: 92%-95% % VO2 Max: 76%-80% % Max Heart Rate: 76%-80% RPE Scale: 13-14

Used for: Used for Tempo workouts, training in Zone 3 is usually done in the preparation and base phases. Generally, in the later phases you want to bump up to Zone 4.

Zone 4: VO2 Max Intervals Also known as: Anaerobic Threshold, Race/Pace Intensity: Race/Pace % Lactate Threshold: 96%-100% % VO2 Max: 81%-90% % Max Heart Rate: 81%-90% RPE Scale: 15-16

Used for: Intervals, hill work, and tempo work. Intervals in this zone generally have work-to-rest ratio of 3:1 or 4:1. Training at or slightly below your Lactate Threshold (a.k.a. Anaerobic Threshold) helps your body lean to “recycle” the lactic acid during high intensity work. This level is where you cross over from aerobic training to anaerobic training which is called the anaerobic threshold or AT. This is the point where the body cannot effectively remove lactic Acid from the working muscles quickly enough. Lactic Acid is a by product of glycogen consumption by the working muscles.

Zone 5a: Threshold Endurance Also known as: Superthreshold % Lactate Threshold: 100%-102% % VO2 Max: 91%-93% % Max Heart Rate: 91%-93% RPE Scale: 17

Used for: Intervals, hill work, and tempo work; typically used after some Zone 4 time has already been done. Zone 5 workouts are very short because it is difficult to maintain this level for any length of time.

Zone 5b: Anaerobic Endurance Also known as: Speed Endurance % Lactate Threshold: 103%-105% % VO2 Max: 94%-98% % Max Heart Rate: 94%-98% RPE Scale: 18-19

Used for: Intervals and hill work to improve anaerobic endurance. Intervals in this zone generally have work-to-rest ratio of 1:1, for example, a 20 second sprint followed by 20 seconds of easy recovery (Zone 1).

Zone 5c: Anaerobic Capacity Also known as: Power % Lactate Threshold: 106%+ % VO2 Max: 98%-100% % Max Heart Rate: 98%-100% RPE Scale: 20

Used for: Short-term Sprinting. Intervals in this zone have a work to rest ratio of 1:2 or more.

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What determines how could of an athlete you will be

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Weight Loss and Fitness Through Circuit Training

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

A great exercise program includes both cardiovascular (aerobic) and strength training. These are typically done separately, even on separate days sometimes. Circuit training combines them both into one workout.

The premise is simple; if you link together enough strength building exercises and run or walk fast between them, you are doing both cardiovascular and strength training. It’s simple, it works well, and you decide how long to work out, which exercises to include, and how hard to push yourself.

Circuit training aficionados refer to the spots you do your strength building exercises as “stations.” A station can be an exercise machine, a set of dumbbells, a chinup bar, a mat to do crunches on, a spot where you do pushups, and just about anything else.

The first circuit training I did was at a school where along a circular trail there were a number of spots, or “stations,” appeared.

One station was a chinup bar, another was a spot where you did pushups, another where you did jumping jacks, and so forth. Similar circuits exist in many public parks.

Your gym may have a circuit setup, including a variety of exercise machines, free weight exercises, and stations for pushups, crunches, and similar exercises that require no equipment. Alternately you can do what I often do at my gym at make your own circuit.

I find circuit training to give me a great workout and it’s fast as well. With limited time it’s great, It’s also hard to get bored as you’re generally moving pretty fast. If you haven’t tried circuit training you may want to give it a try. And with all times of exercise, make sure you incorporate warm up and cooldown exercises.

Harry Baldwin is a prolific writer whose topics including fitness and gardening topics. His latest is Best Garden Hose focused on garden and lawn care, including information on garden hose storage.

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Join Fitness Training Program To Keep Fit

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

In order to have a healthy Lifestyle and keep yourself physically active, Fitness Training is the most suitable thing that can help you healthy. It can reduce the risk of chronic disease and improve your sleep habits and self-esteem. Exercise also helps you to lose your weight. However, sometimes it’s best to check with your doctor before you start to exercise, which help you chose the most suitble exercise.


You can do it in just five steps:


1.By assessing your fitness level by recording your pulse rate before and after a one-mile walk, body mass index, number of push-ups you can do at a time.


2.You can design your fitness program by considering your fitness goals


3.You can assemble your exercise equipment; you can choose something that’s practical, enjoyable and easy to use.


4.Give yourself plenty of time to warm up; you don’t have to do all your exercise at one time.

If you’re not feeling good, give yourself permission to take a day or two off.


5.Last and final step is monitoring your program; it is important decision to start a Fitness Training program. Listen to your body first when you choose to exercise specially .when you’re sick. If your signs and symptoms get worse with physical activity, stop and take rest.


You must take suggestion from your doctor before you start an exercise program if any of the following apply:


1.Heart attack.


2.Asthma or lung disease.


3.Diabetes or heart, liver or kidney disease.




5.You feel pain in your chest, joints or muscles during physical activity.


6.You have arthritis or osteoporosis etc.

Fitness training improves your mood. Finding the right fitness program may be your ticket to getting in shape. It balances five elements of good health. Aerobic fitness Muscular fitness Stretching Core stability Balance training You will look better and feel better when you exercise regularly. It will boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression and manage high blood pressure. Exercise also burn calories in your body and helps you to keep your weight under control.


Sanjana Sharma is the author of this article. To know more about Fitness training, exercise equipment, vibration health, Australia Fitness and home fitness equipment, visit

Lose That Belly With These Great Fitness Tips

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Harry88

Are you looking to get in shape? Fitness is an important way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but requires a lot of effort and time. If you are looking to get fit, this article has many useful tips to help and teach you the best methods to maximize your workout in the least amount of time.

When you exercise, your metabolism increases. This can cause an increase in the amount of calories that can be burned even when you are done with your workout. For the rest of the day, following your workout, your body will continue to burn calories even if you are not being physically active.

Many people want to increase their fitness but cannot because they have problems with their knees, hips or other joints. These people should try low impact exercises like walking or swimming. It is possible to fill all of your exercise needs by just doing these two things and adding in some training with light weights.

A great fitness tips that many runners do not realize is that they can become faster if they incorporate a resistance training routine to their workout. Studies have shown that a two month long weight lifting routine can significantly increase the speed at which a person runs. So all runners should lift weights.

Test your abdominal strength. Start in a sitting position, as if you were finishing a crunch, and lower yourself to the floor. The slower you go, the better you are doing with control. If you feel that you are going to give out and end up falling back quickly you need to do a bit more work.

If you are not feeling well, you would be wise to skip your workout that day. You should use your energy to help your body heal itself rather than using energy to build muscle and cardio vascular strength. Once your body has healed completely, then you can resume your routine.

In order to gain more muscle it is essential to eat some quality protein, such as lean meat, every single day. Make sure you get at least 4 to eight ounces. Avoid supplements; it is far better to get your protein in a tasty meal, and it’s cheaper doing it this way too.

If you want to get big arms faster, you need to work opposing muscle groups, back to back for a faster work out. In this sort of process, one muscle group is forced to rest while the other one is at work. This way you won’t have to rest as much between sets.

If you find yourself struggling with chin-ups, change the way you think about them. Instead of thinking of it as pulling your chin up to a bar, think of it as pulling your elbows down. Just by taking advantage of this simple mind trick, your chin-up efforts will seem a lot easier!

Change your fitness routine. We all get bored with things in our life, and a fitness schedule is no different. By trying a new form of exercise, you will find that you are suddenly invigorated and ready to put new effort into keeping fit. Change your routine, try a completely different exercise plan, and think of it as a new start.

If you want to be a better tennis player, enhance your ability to change your focus quickly from far away to near by. This simulates the same focus it takes to hit a ball, and then react to a ball hit by your opponent. Soon you will be beating your opponent with ease!

Boost your fitness by adding little bursts of jogging to your daily walk. It is great if you already have a habit of taking a walk every day. You can increase the benefits you get from that daily routine by increasing the intensity every few minutes and jogging for a minute or two. Not only will you burn more calories overall, but you will also finish your route a little more quickly.

Do not let any excuse come between you and your workout. Even if you are away from home and the gym, you can still find ten minutes to walk up and down stairs, or jog around a parking lot. Letting something stop you from working out is putting yourself on the path of quitting. Don’t do it!

Unless you’re working with heavy overhead weights, you shouldn’t wear a weight belt in your regular exercise. A weight belt will provide you with a lot of excess support, but in return it detracts from body’s natural balancing muscles. If you constantly wear a weight belt your body’s abdominal and core muscles will actually weaken due to a lack of strain caused by all the support.

Investing into a set of free weights for your household can help you a lot. If you don’t have time to go to the gym then you can work at the start or end of your day. Free weights around the household can also give you more motivation to workout to your true potential because you don’t have a bunch of strangers staring at you.

With the previous tips floating through your thoughts, you ought to be ready to create your own personal fitness routine! It does take some research and some work, but if you keep at it, it is indeed achievable. So, go out there, enjoy yourself, and achieve all of your fitness goals!

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Losing weight is not difficult if you know the way? Take a look at our our post about atkins diet plan now.

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Why Is Physical Fitness Important?

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jesse Regan

Long time ago, physical fitness was required only to people whose nature of work required high body endurance such as the members of the military. But, this has changed over time. This change, which began in the modern era, was triggered by the advancement of technology which improves the general quality of life worldwide. But ironically, the modern world was still besotted with problems such as epidemics, high mortality rates, short life spans, disease-ridden countries and many more. These problems have led to the launching of programs which are supposed to make people aware about the importance of healthy lifestyles in all aspects of life. The stand taken in order to solve the said problems manifest the consciousness of people from all over the world about the importance of physical fitness.

Physical fitness is defined as being physically healthy. It is manifested by a body with strong immune system which is largely due to the ingestion of vital nutrients taken from nutritious foods. In addition to nutritious foods, taking exercise regularly also contributes to physical fitness which results to having well functioning body systems.

Societal changes are a driving force that pushed physical fitness in the limelight of people’s consciousness. This force has also generated trends which are still practiced until now. These trends are spearheaded by those who are in the worlds of fashion and entertainment. Actors and actresses owe their slender and fab bodies to the diet plans they take. Because they are being looked up to, other people follow their examples not only to become healthy but to have fabulous bodies also. Fashion has also encouraged people to be fit because most of the clothes they manufacture are suited only for those who have slender bodies. Hence, only those who are slim are branded fashionable most of the time.

Needless to say, these trends popularized by supermodels and celebrities are quite expensive for people with minimum incomes. Moreover, the diet plans endorsed by celebrities can only make people slim and not healthy. Because of this, nutritionists and health conscious individuals publicized the healthful properties of natural foods which are affordable for everyone. Good enough, this action has yield good benefits on people who do not want to be fooled by the ads about synthetic foods.

Taking exercises has also become a part of daily routine of many people. This is evident on the numerous gyms in different world cities. Based on studies and experience, working out benefits the body because it can improve body endurance and increase the efficiency of body systems. Working out has also become a fad which explains the reason why there are a lot of body exercises as more exercise equipment are invented and many individuals create workout regimens. Fitness ball exercises are famous exercises which make use of a large ball in order to achieve fitness on the abs, torso, and other parts of the body. Gyms have also become structured because those who wish to use the exercise equipment have to make themselves members first, thereby requiring them to be responsible while inside the gyms. GoodLife fitness is one example of it which has 159 clubs that help every member to achieve his fitness goals.

Achieving physical fitness may be a source of income for some, but its importance has undeniably generated benefits on many people which are manifested in their longer life spans and healthy lifestyles.

If you enjoy great fitness tips like these keep reading. If you are interesting in getting in the best shape of your physical and financial life, then visit my site Fitness of Wealth. Here you will learn from Jesse what it takes to get amazing results from being a top Beachbody coach.

Why is Fitness Important? by Austin Adventure Boot Camp 2 Shawn tells you about the importance of exercise and fitness for over all health and wellness. It’s not just for weight loss, it actually decreases stress, help prevent illness & disease and improves quality of life. Website: Music by John Richter This video was produced by Psychetruth http © Copyright 2009 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise For Weight Loss and Fitness

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by James Ma

Want to learn how aerobics can change your life? Consult the experts what types of aerobic exercises will work best for your body. Aerobics are the key to living a healthier and physically productive life, so don’t wait another day before starting a new healthy program that includes aerobics.

The key to weight loss is to increase heart rate and metabolism by spreading out moderate levels of energy over a longer period of time to trigger the use of fat in energy production. Doing it right could be a cure for obesity. There are many advantages of aerobics, which is why this form of exercise is both important and popular among health-conscious people.

Exercise can be broken down into two categories: aerobic and anaerobic. These differ in the ways in which your muscles contract during the exercise and how energy is generated within the muscles. Examples of anaerobic exercises include weight training or strength training, and with aerobic exercises, even the most well-built bodybuilder will not be able to run, swim, etc for long periods of time.

During aerobic exercise, your body breaks down glycogen to use for energy. If there is not enough glycogen in the body, you start using fat reserves instead, which is why you lose weight. Unlike anaerobic exercise such as weight training and strength exercise, aerobic exercise requires more on body’s stamina and not muscle strength.

Benefits of aerobics exercises are great, which is why most doctors recommend them to patients, even if you enjoy a normal weight. Some of these benefits include strengthening the repertory muscles, enlarging the heart to pump more efficiently, increasing the flow of blood (and oxygen) in the body, and increasing endurance. Aerobics decrease the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems and of osteoporosis in both men and women.

Aerobic exercise can be done from home or attend classes with groups. Many doctors recommend it to patients as a mean to maintain healthy lifestyle. Regardless of age, youngsters or seniors, aerobic exercise is one of the best forms of activities to keep fit as well as for weight management.

Are you interest to learn how aerobics can change your life? Consult the health care professional what types of aerobic exercises will work best for your body. Aerobics are the key to living a healthier and physically productive life, so don’t wait another day before starting a new healthy program that includes aerobics.

You can choose to lose weight effectively, please visit build muscle and burn fat effectively for the review. How metabolism can affect your life? Visit benefits of increasing your metabolism.

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