5 Fitness Tips That You Must Know

September 12, 2012 by  
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Article by Katie Adams

5 Fitness Tips That You Must Know – Health – Fitness

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Fitness is something which we all wish to have. But nowadays, life is moving at a jet speed and this has given rise to a number of factors that is taking a toll on our health and adversely affecting our fitness. Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, thyroid glands malfunctioning etc. are stealthily creeping into our lives, deteriorating life quality and also shortening life span. Certain bad habits like sedentary lifestyle, junk food habit, lack of physical activity, smoking, drinking etc. have taken us miles away from fitness in the recent times. It is a good thing however that people have started to become aware of the negative impact of these habits and are trying to control them. They are trying to gather fitness tips to stay healthy and happy. This article will provide you with some important fitness tips. To follow these tips you need not be a fitness freak. Just steer clear of the bad habits and you can automatically abide by the fitness tips.

Here follows the fitness tips:

1. You have to be very specific with your fitness goals. It is not just enough setting a fitness goal. For instance aim at shedding 2 inches off your waistline through your daily work-outs. If you set 2 inches as your specific target, you will know how much exactly you will have to shed and that will give an impetus to your efforts. However make sure that you fix realistic fitness goals for yourself. Unrealistic goals will only shatter your confidence.

2. Adopt a fitness workout plan and chalk out a routine. You can take the help of a personal fitness trainer while doing so. This is one of the most important fitness tips. Your chances of succeeding in your fitness goal increase a tenfold if you follow a structured fitness routine or plan. Nowadays customizable fitness plans are available online too.

3. There is a tendency among fitness freaks to over-train themselves. This is very wrong. If you do so, you may soon lose interest in the workout or may even hurt yourself. The rule is to increase the fitness training timings bit by bit and not all at once. This is another vital fitness tip.

4. Select your own fitness role-models. Read about them and draw adequate inspiration from their journey. If possible put up their photos on the walls of your exercise room. That will be a constant source of mental boost up for you.

5. Nutrition affects your fitness to a great extent. So you need to eat a diet that has the nutritional ability to make you fit. Your diet should be a balanced diet consisting of good fats, natural carbohydrates and lean proteins. Seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are the main sources of good fats. Veggies and fruits are the main sources of natural carbohydrates. Red meat, chicken, poultry, fish are the main sources of lean proteins. Nutrition-related fitness tip is one of the most popular fitness tips.

So these are some important fitness tips. Follow these tips to live a hale and hearty life.

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Want to learn how to shed those impossible “pounds” fast and permenantly?

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CD450 Elliptical Machine by LifeCORE Fitness

September 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • Center-drive elliptical trainer with compact 42-inch-wide footprint
  • Positions your body perfectly upright for better comfort and efficiency
  • Advanced touchscreen display; 20 resistance levels; 300-pound capacity
  • Close 2-inch pedal spacing and 21-inch stride length
  • Measures 42 x 64 x 31 inches (W x H x D); weighs 227 pounds

Product Description
The new LifeCORE CD450 is the latest addition to the LifeCORE elliptical family. Utilizing patented center drive technology, the CD450 puts the user in a biomechanically correct position to enhance performance and workout efficiency.
Center Drive Design

The patented center drive system on the CD450 puts your body in a more natural, upright position during your workout. So you’ll enjoy better balance, stability and overall performance. Plus, with ergonomic touches l… More >>

CD450 Elliptical Machine by LifeCORE Fitness

The Personal fitness training Basic Information Guide

September 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Chad W. Smith

The Personal fitness training Basic Information Guide – Health – Weight Loss

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Personal fitness training takes the workout regime to the entirely new level that gives the confidence within to get the appropriate results. In this kind of training, the trainers offer the exercise advice as well as diet advice that ensure to gain maximum benefit of the time with them.

Personal fitness training is basically a method of exercising or getting trained in the specific area. Health fitness exercises can be developed by a trainer himself that can become a trademark about how to achieve the fitness. This training is more preferred by the lazy people who often slack off and hardly push themselves for the regular exercises.The personal fitness trainer motivates and encourages the obese people that make sure that the exercise should be done properly. People often try to be clever and miss out those exercises that they feel to be boring or difficult, so the training takes care of this fact that the person should not miss out any exercise that can effect adversely to the fitness.

Personal training may include yoga, dance classes or Pilates that provides positive results if performed correctly in routine.The Personal health trainings are really good as well as effective alternative in order to stay fit without the inconvenience.People who hardly feel comfortable to exercise in front of many people prefer the personal fitness trainings. It is also needed by the lethargic people who require enough motivation in order to go to the gym.The personal health training gives the satisfaction that you are exercising in a right direction under the guidance of an expert fitness trainer.Such personal training provides the special programs that are designed according to the needs of the body. One gets the professional guidance for improving the specific areas such as physical strength, body postures, body flexibility, etc. it reduces the mental as well as physical anxiety. With the regular personal health training a person gets the healthy and effective lifestyle. This training is cost effective as well as not time bounded. Before starting any personal health training one should have the motivation and confidence to be successful in the goal of reducing weight and hence getting fit. Since an idea to work out is based on a fact that the person needs to get in the shape, so the personal fitness training is essential to make you believe that you can get well in shape.The personal health training makes you learn the physical and mental techniques that can keep you happy. Being fit can add years to the life.

Personal Fitness Training is the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the trained fitness trainer to develop a program specially designed for meeting the needs and interests of the people. Personal fitness training is a great option to have it as a career that even improves the quality of life.

About the Author

Chad and Kat Smith are Hagerstown’s top fitness and weight loss experts, and founders of Home Team Fitness, LLC. Their personal training and boot camp programs are getting Hagerstown lighter and leaner in 30 minutes a day. Log on to their website: www.hometeamfitness.net to download 6 FREE fitness reports today!

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Chad and Kat Smith are Hagerstown’s top fitness and weight loss experts, and founders of Home Team Fitness, LLC. Their personal training and boot camp programs are getting Hagerstown lighter and leaner in 30 minutes a day. Log on to their website: www.hometeamfitness.net to download 6 FREE fitness reports today!

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Keeping Marin County Fit Since 1997 Please Visit : www.JersonFitness.com www.marinfitnessbootcamp.com San Rafael, San Anselmo, Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Sausalito, Larkspur, Novato, Greenbrae, Tiburon, Belvedere, Fairfax, Welcome and Congratulations in taking the first step to a fit and healthy lifestyle! A typical session with Jerson is comprised of an individualized and professionally designed program that includes: warm up, calisthenics, circuit training, weight training, abdominal and core training, plyometric drills, agility training, power and assisted flexibility. Program Goals To progressively increase the strength, power, endurance,coordination, stabilization, flexibility of each client. To decrease excess body fat, while increasing lean body mass. To increase metabolism by spending as much energy (calories) as possible, during the workout – taking into consideration the client’s fitness level. As well as to increase the post workout after burn. To change the training routine of each client, as often as possible as not to allow adaptation or plateaus. While keeping record of improvements in specific exercises to measure progress. To give client’s back the confidence they once had about their bodies, emphasizing athleticism and a sense of achievement. To never stop learning and keep an open mind to new methods and techniques that will help the client achieve their fitness goals. To work and treat the body as a “whole”. Unless the client’s goals require an

Weight Training for Women: Fitness for Weight Loss

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Alwyn Lee Beikoff

Weight Training for Women: Fitness for Weight Loss – Society – Women’s Issues

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As obesity levels rise higher and higher around the world, there is one aspect to this problem that hasn’t changed…

You have to expend some energy and put in some effort if you want to achieve weight loss and fitness with diet and slimming exercises and weight training.

While there are many ways to go about this one of the most efficient weight loss methods continually meets resistance… (Hmm. Maybe that’s why it’s called resistance training…) namely, weight training.

Women generally have the hardest time accepting weight (resistance) training into their fast fighting repertoire. After all, few women want to bulk up and look muscular and less feminine…and that’s what’ll happen if you pump iron, right?


The only time you see a female body builder is when they’re posing on stage and a common reaction is ‘Yuk. I don’t want to look like that! I just want fitness and a nice slim figure.’

Yet if you saw those same women in normal clothes in normal situations you’d most likely want to have the trim, shapely body that they have.

The common misconception is that if you do weight training you are going to suddenly bloom out with muscles all over you. If only that were true; keeping the weight down would be easy.

The fact is, very few women could ever make themselves look like a Ms Olympia body builder. They are professional athletes who work incredibly hard in their training and on their diet in order to maximize their muscle mass and muscular appearance.

Believe me, getting too muscular is the least of your problems. So don’t reject this major weapon in your arsenal against body fat on a mistaken assumption.

Instead, consider what weight bearing exercise will do for you in the war on fat:

1. Build a firm foundation to your muscle structure. You have muscles all over you. We all do. Without them we wouldn’t be able to move. Moderate resistance training is all that’s required to firm and tone your muscles. Remember, it takes a lot of work to actually look muscular.

2. Burn more calories right away. You know aerobic exercise burns calories while you’ve doing them but a real boost comes from weight training. Your metabolism (rate of calorie burning) stays quite elevated for 20-40 minutes after an aerobic workout. With resistance training your metabolism stays elevated for at least an hour after your workout. Overall your metabolism will stay somewhat elevated and boosts calorie burning for anything from 4 to 24 hours depending on the intensity. It is important that your resistance training be progressively increased in intensity.

3. Burn even more calories in the long run. With resistance training you are actually building muscle tissue, which is very active metabolically in comparison to fat, which is nearly inert. A kilo of muscle requires 50-100 calories a day just to maintain itself. So the more muscle tissue you have the more energy (fat) you’ll burn off just by living, even when you’re resting!

4. Strengthen bones and supporting muscle structure This is so you don’t become prematurely old, stooped and weak and susceptible to injury. This is a major reason why even women who don’t need to lose fat should still be concerned about maintaining muscle tissue.

5. Improve self-esteem. When you look good you tend to feel good. With more toned muscle you not only look better but feel good because you actually have more energy. You feel more confident and positive about life, and better able to cope with stress.

So c’mon ladies, regardless of your age, let’s assist your diet and slimming program and boost your general fitness. It’s time to get into moving some weights around so you can move that excess weight off your body and raise the quality of body and life. Don’t wait. Start your weight training today.

About the Author

Alwyn Beikoff (http://www.BodyMindUnlimited.com) is an educator and personal performance coach who helps people the world over to change the way they think and create the body and life they desire.

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Alwyn Beikoff (http://www.BodyMindUnlimited.com) is an educator and personal performance coach who helps people the world over to change the way they think and create the body and life they desire.

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Some Helpful Fitness Training Tips

September 8, 2012 by  
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Article by Britney Smith

Some Helpful Fitness Training Tips – Health – Fitness

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Fitness training is essential for those who are bent on getting healthy and fit. There are many fitness training tips that you may not know of that can help you in your quest to getting fit and healthy. These fitness training tips are designed to help the athlete or individual to cope with how to maximize the efficiency of their training.

Integrate Different Workouts

For an effective workout, this fitness training tip shows us how to integrate different kinds of exercises to maximize the training. Aerobic exercises, muscle exercise, core stability and stretching are keys to an effective training. Other fitness training tips include starting your training with the aerobic exercise first and then the muscle exercise, followed by the core stability and finally the stretching workout.

Do The Training Exercises In The Morning

Many studies show that those who exercise in the morning do tend to stick to their training regimen more effectively than those who exercise after working hours or in the afternoon. This fitness training tip relies on the fact that most people have more energy in the morning. It is also in the morning that we plan our day, so what better way to start it.

Doing More Than One Set

Many people believe that doing just one set of exercises will suffice to keep them fit and healthy. The reality of it is that you need more than one set to be able to maintain fitness. Of all the fitness training tips, this one makes the most sense. Your body needs to move a lot to be able to effectively train and workout. Most exercises work best when done in two or three sets. The beginner should start with just one set if he or she has no prior experience to fitness training. As the individual gets used to the exercise, the number of sets should then be increased.

More fitness training tips include exercising at home and exercising in the outdoors when possible. Exercising at is best where you cannot make up excuses like the gym is too far or you are too busy or there are too many people using the equipment. Some people love to make up or find ways to avoid exercising even when they know they need it. Exercising outdoors (jogging, walking etc.) will prevent monotony as well as give you the variety needed to fully exert yourself.

These fitness training tips are designed for those who have just started their training or those who have some difficulty trying to stick to their fitness training regimen.

If you are serious about fitness exercises you should read this : http://muscleshape.info/

About the Author

Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here : http://muscleshape.info/

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here : http://muscleshape.info/

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Free Training Info at www.3d-muscle.com Weights belts can be very a very effective way of making calisthenics of bodyweight exercises harder after you have become strong in areas. A set of 20 bodyweight dips compared to 10 dips with weight would provide different muscular stimulation and turn this basic exercise in to a muscle building phenomenon! The same for pull ups, and leg raises too.

Improving Your Pull-Ups for the Marines Physical Fitness Test

September 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Jonathon Hyatt

Improving Your Pull-Ups for the Marines Physical Fitness Test – Health

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Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training. Whether you’re trying to secure a spot at officer school – or you’re just getting into shape for your next test – follow these tips for your best performance yet.

Train Heavy

When people have a rep goal for a certain exercise, they usually spend way too much time training with light weights. This is true for pull-ups, as well as squats, push-ups, and other calisthenics. Your goal might be to do twenty chins with your bodyweight, but adding extra resistance is what will actually get you there.

If you don’t already have one, find a sturdy chain belt for adding weight. If you have a weighted vest with adjustable poundage, that’ll also work. Dedicate at least half of your training sessions to using heavy weights that only allow you to get six to eight pull-ups. If you get stronger, you’ll be able to do more reps with your bodyweight, as well.

Practice Daily

If you want to become proficient at any exercise, you need to practice it as often as possible. This doesn’t mean that every pull-up session needs to be a gut-busting, all-out effort – it simply means that you should do them every day. In fact, you may even want to set up a portable pull-up bar in your home. Do easy sets of five or ten every time you pass it, and you’ll soon find the movement to be far easier than before.

Hit the Gym

It’s important to do a variety of exercises to strengthen your upper back and biceps – the muscles that do most of the work in the pull-up. Barbell rows, dumbbell rows, and deadlifts are the best movements you can do, and you should focus on constantly lifting heavier weights. Some Marines are quick to write off curls as “non-functional,” but they can also help you squeeze out those last few inches to get your chin over the bar. Bicep work is especially important if you’re going to use an underhand grip in your PFT.


Make sure you fuel yourself with the right food every time you train or test. Poor nutrition will cause you to lose steam well before you hit twenty pull-ups, even if you’re strong enough to do it. Low-carb diets are great for losing weight, but you need starches and sugars for intense training. Energize with oats, potatoes, and yams for an even keel of energy. Gatorade and other glucose-based sports drinks are good, too – but stay away from table sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Lose Some Weight

Heavy hitters can sometimes get good scores, but it’s the middleweights and little guys who usually excel at the Marines physical fitness test. To really get good at pull-ups, you’ll need to strike a balance between having enough muscle mass – and not weighing yourself down with extra flab. To get as lean and mean as possible, eat al of your carbs just before and after training. Load up on protein, eat moderate amounts of healthy fat, and stay away from fast food and other junk.

About the Author

Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training.

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Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training.

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For TShirts strengthproject.spreadshirt.com www.strength-project.com http please visit our website and facebook for more training advice, tips, and discussions. This is the first weeks pull up videos for beginners. If you can already do pull ups, this weeks video is not for you. Make sure you subscribe and for a workout routine for beginners, please go to strength-project.com and in the tutorial section, go to calisthenics and you’ll find pull ups week 1 for beginners. Do these workouts and eventually you WILL get to the point where you can do a pull up.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Army Fitness Test

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jackson Fyre

The Army Fitness Test – Health – Fitness

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Regardless of your age, all soldiers in the Active Army, Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard have to take the Army Physical Fitness Test, also known as the “APFT.” The Army Physical Fitness Test is a three-part event that will access your physical ability and test your endurance and cardio fitness. The APFT will put your major muscle groups and respiratory system through the ringer to see how you effectively move and maneuver. How you perform in the testing is linked to a soldier’s ability to perform tasks that have some fitness element to them. There are alternate APFT events for soldiers who have permanent profiles or for soldiers who have temporary profiles equaling greater than three-month duration.

Here are the three events that you will perform in the Army Physical Fitness Test. The events are listed in the required order.

-Push-ups-Sit-ups-2-mile run

You perform the events in the order listed above, and you will have to take at least 10 minutes to recover and no more than 20 minutes to recover before moving on to the next event.

Push-up event (2 minutes) – This event will test the endurance of your chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles. Depending on your age, there is a specific standard of push-ups you will need to perform in two minutes.

Sit-up event (2 minutes) – Sit-ups will test the endurance of your hip-flexors and abdominal muscles. Again, depending on your age, there is a standard amount of sit-ups you will need to do in that two-minute time frame.

2-mile event – This cardio event will challenge the endurance of your respiratory system and legs, and of course there is a time limit depending on your age.

There are many different exercises you can do to get yourself ready for these fitness tests. Make sure that you continue to do push-ups and sit-ups a few times a week, and always push yourself to the limit when do these workouts. Another great workout to do to get your upper body ready for the push-up test is chin-ups. Begin to do chin-ups and pull-ups, which will build your biceps and back. You can also do some free weight lifting to get your upper body ready for that push-up test.

To train for your sit-ups, you will definitely want to do as many sit-ups as possible, get used to the motion. Start involving extra weight when doing your sit-ups, and make sure that you are timing yourself too. Do not take this event lightly, because you might find it extremely difficult to reach your required amount if you do not prepare.

When preparing for your 2 mile run, make sure you time yourself so you know what pace you will need to run at during the actually testing. Besides running, you can also do interval training and stairs to get your lungs nice and strong. Swimming is another great way to build strength for your lungs, but make sure you get out and run as much as possible.

About the Author

Jackson has been involved with helping people get into shape for about 5 years. If there is a question you have Jackson can answer it. He can help you with fitness related questions like, “How to train for a marathon ?” or certified personal trainer questions.

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Jackson has been involved with helping people get into shape for about 5 years. If there is a question you have Jackson can answer it. He can help you with fitness related questions like, “How to train for a marathon ?” or certified personal trainer questions.

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Watch as 11th Regiment, Bravo Troop completes the Army Physical Fitness Test during Operation Warrior Forge held on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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LifeCore Fitness LC-550 C-Drive Center Drive Elliptical Trainer

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

Product Description
LifeCore Fitness LC-550 C-Drive Center Drive EllipticalIt’s like having an elliptical machine designed specifically for your body. LifeCORE’s new CD550 features an adjustable stride selector so you can choose the appropriate stride length for your body. Plus, you’ll enjoy a host of customizable workout programs for a truly personalized workout experience.Adjustable Stride LengthThe LifeCORE CD550 features a revolutionary adjustable stride selector that allows you to… More >>

LifeCore Fitness LC-550 C-Drive Center Drive Elliptical Trainer

Moms & Fitness – Tips for the Busy Mom

September 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Amber Jonas

Moms & Fitness – Tips for the Busy Mom – Health

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Some moms have a busy lifestyle. They cook, they clean, and they drive their children to classes. They teach, they referee, and the list goes on.

If you’re a mom, you know how to get things done for everyone else, but chances are, you don’t take time to take care of your self. While busy schedules keep moms on the go, moms find themselves without much time for fitness.

School schedules and car pools combined with household tasks and a full-time job don’t leave mom much time for moms to get the full benefits of exercise.

Moms manage to squeeze in dentist appointments for their children and can make time to show up, without a moment to spare, at a class play, mentioned at the last minute. Super mom can somehow manage to find time to do the things she needs to do to successfully manage her schedule, keeping everyone happy.

The “I don’t have time to exercise” isn’t a good excuse. If you really want to find time for fitness and exercise, there are many things you can do.

Finding time to take care of your self, with plenty of rest and exercise, should be one of those things you do for yourself without hesitation. Schedule the time in your day planner or make a note on the dry-erase board your “me-time.” Procrastination is a word that has no meaning for moms when it comes to taking care of your children. The same should apply for making time for fitness.

Diversify your fitness schedule to include solo walks, a quick round of tennis, or horseback riding with the one you love. Be creative in planning your schedule.

If you know on Monday you have to pick up one child at 2:00, but you have to pick the other one up thirty minutes later, make good use of the time between pickups. You could toss your walking shoes in the car, having them ready to slip on when you pick up the child at 2:00. Both of you could take a short walk while you wait for the second child. If your daughter has a practice 25 minutes across town at the high school, you could take your swimsuit and use the school’s swimming pool to swim a few laps. Most schools don’t mind you using the pool if you call ahead. Some offer free swims on certain days of the week. If your son’s football practice is held over 45 minutes, continue walking around the track until you hear him tell you, “Mom, I’m ready to go now.”

The important thing to remember is, because you are a mom, you may have to jump in and take advantage of a thirty-minute window to have time for fitness. Be prepared for those opportunities and learn to expect the unexpected, taking care to use those extra few minutes wisely. The results will amaze you.

About the Author

Thanks for reading. If you found this article helpful you can read more of my tips, information, and more articles on my website: http://www.thishealthylife.com

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Thanks for reading. If you found this article helpful you can read more of my tips, information, and more articles on my website: http://www.thishealthylife.com

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Fitness Training Program Pointers – Important Facts You Need to Know

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Dexter Provitt

Fitness Training Program Pointers – Important Facts You Need to Know – Health

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The fitness bandwagon has taken America by storm. Gym routines, workout videos and home workout programs have been developed by industry experts (and those proclaiming themselves to be such). However, not all training regimens are complete in themselves. For a fitness training program to deliver results, it has to be a well-rounded routine. Basically, this means that the elements of cardiovascular fitness, stretching, muscular fitness, core stability and balance must be covered in whatever routine you engage in. If only one part of the program is prioritized, say cardiovascular fitness alone, you won’t be able to get the toned muscles you want. The key here, really, is to balance the components.

Cardiovascular or endurance activity, also known as aerobic fitness, is the foundation of most fitness training regimens. By allowing you to breathe faster and more deeply, the amount of oxygen that circulates in your blood is maximized. This results in a more efficient circulatory system. Your heart rate increases as your blood vessels are able to transport oxygen throughout your body when you do such activities as walking, jogging and water aerobics. By exercising the large muscle groups for at least an hour a day throughout the week, heart rate is increased and cardiovascular fitness is enhanced.

Another key element of a well-rounded fitness training program is muscular fitness. Bone and muscular strength is developed through a thrice weekly strength training program. If you are trying to lose weight, strength training keeps you from losing muscle mass as you shed away the fats through vigorous aerobic exercises. While a gym often has the widest array of resistance machines, free weights and other tools for strength training, it is still possible to do strength training without paying for expensive gym membership. Home-made weights, such as mineral water bottles filled with water or sand, has a similar effect. If you don’t like the idea of lifting weights, you can always do bodyweight exercises like push ups, squats and crunches to train your muscles.

Stretching exercises give the needed balance to your muscles while improving the range of motion of your joints. Regular stretching exercises improve posture and relieve stress. Yoga and Pilates are great mind-body exercises that stretch and flex the body while centering the mind.

Core stability is another element in a comprehensive fitness training routine. The muscles of your abdomen, lower back and pelvis must be strengthened to enable you to do upper and lower body movements without strain or injury. Abdominal crunches and workouts on a stability ball all develop the core.

The final component of a complete fitness program is balance training. If you have poor balance, you are more prone to falls and fractures. Standing on a leg or engaging in tai chi exercises promote balance.

If you want to engage in a training program that provides your body a complete workout, make sure that you incorporate all these elements into your routine. By doing exercises that focus on each of the aspects, you also prevent boredom on your part since you will be doing different sets of movements everyday.

About the Author

Proud father of three boys, bodyweight training enthusiast, and sports nutrition expert.

Be sure to read our shocking TACFIT Commando review and find out how this intense home fitness program from Scott Sonnon can get you really fit, really fast.

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Dexter Provitt

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Proud father of three boys, bodyweight training enthusiast, and sports nutrition expert.

Be sure to read our shocking TACFIT Commando review and find out how this intense home fitness program from Scott Sonnon can get you really fit, really fast.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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