Exercises for Flabby Arms

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Older women usually get flabby arms. This is easy to fix. With these simple moves, you’ll be able to have those sexy arms back. You’ll notice the difference and soon you can confidently wear those tank tops.

First step is the ball push up. Get an average size 8 inch diameter ball. Go down on your knees and place your hips in a play position. Make sure that you keep your abdominals tight. The target of this workout is your arms, chest and shoulders. Press the ball down and bring it back up. Breath in and out as you move down and up. Remember to keep your abs tight. Do this in 15 repetitions.

You will need one dumbbell for the next routine. Go down on both knees and place one hand on the ground, Get your abs tight and your shoulders over the wrist. Hold the dumbbell with your other hand. Raise your left leg up. Raise the dumbbell upward and hinge from your elbow then tighten the your triceps at the back of your arm. Hinge back up and down gently. Keep your shoulders steady while doing this. Repeat this 12-15 times on each arm.

You’ll also be needing dumbbells for the third exercise. The biceps and triceps are the muscles in the arms that you need to work on. Holding the dumbbells, stand up with feet hip width apart. Move the dumbbells up and down. Do the same 12-15 times. Put the dumbbells at your side. Do not swing the dumbbells.

You will need a chair for your final exercise. Any chair at home that is stable will do. Sit on the edge, palms down and fingetips facing your knees. Move your bottoms up fom the chair and with bent elbows, slide down on an imaginary wall. Move up and down. At the back of your arms is where you’ll feel the impact. This will also have an impact on your abs and shoulders. Also do 12-15 repetitions. Do this simple exercises twice a week and keep it for a month and you’ll see the difference.

Bob Brendon Stomach Flattening Exercises
Lose Fat Exercises

Get Rid of Flabby Arms with Arm Exercises for Women

May 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

When you lose weight you are sometimes left with flabby arms.  The loose fold of your upper arms can be a real problem.  There is help available to get rid of flabby arms once and for all.  Arm exercises for women will help you to get the young appearance of toned arms.  If you have lost weight and have flabby arms then try doing arm exercises for women.

When you start the exercises you are going to want to think about the loose flab you have on other parts of your body.  You may be able to work on that flab the same time you do the arm exercises.  Are you familiar with Pilates?  The use of a Pilate’s ball is essential to your exercise routine as is the dumbbells you will need to use.  The key to the success of your exercises is taking your time and going slow.  When you go to fast you risk injury and that will affect your workouts.

One of the best arm exercises for women is to slowly position you on the ball andbegin the exercise.  The next thing you do is to slowly lift the weights over your head.  Then you need to slowly lower your hands behind your head.  Then lift the hands above the head again.  This is something you will want to repeat several times.

Some arm exercises for women use weights such as dumbbells while others use the body for weight.  They are all great ways to get rid of flab.  One of the best exercises that uses the body is to do pushups.  This will do more than exercise the arms.  It will also help to define the abdominals when you do it right.  You should do about 15 pushups a day and as your body becomes accustomed to them you can increase the numbers.  You can also start on your knees and as time goes by and you get stronger you will be able to do pushups from your toes instead of your knees.

Another exercise where you use dumbbells is the shrug.  Put your arms straight down at your sides while standing straight.  You will be holding your dumbbells in both hands.  Then lift your shoulders as if you were shrugging.  This is a good exercise for the shoulders.

Besides pushups and shrugs you can do the skull crusher, bicep curls or dumbbell fly.  Doing arm exercises for women is a start in the right direction.  Mix them in with some abdominal exercises and do some cardio exercises.  Cardio exercises will give you energy and help you to do your workout.

You should mix exercise with a proper diet.  If you don’t eat healthy food you will not be successful at getting rid of the arm flab.  If flab is a problem on other parts of your body you can eat right and exercise to get rid of it once and for all.  No more flab on your arms or stomach, wouldn’t that be nice?

If you are looking for more information, please visit the following website: Arm Exercises for Women

Flabby Arms Exercises

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Waving and then stopping but the arms keep moving. Not a really a nice picture right? Then how do you get rid of loose and flabby arms? It is very easy Routine and the right eating habits is the solution. Problem is, not really all people have time to check out the gym. Here are some ways on how you can get rid of flabby arms in just with a minimum time spent. This is a very easy routine that may help you lose your loose and flabby arms. You’ll be able to execute this in the privacy of your place, in the office or perhaps at the shopping line.

All you should do is extend your arms down at your side and then tighten up your arms and push back. Remember not to push too far back. If you are new to this, try to begin by placing your hands up against the wall and try to keep your rib cage elevated. Tighten up your arms and hands facing the wall. Push your palms back up against the wall.

After that you can sense beneath your arm tightening up. Hold that for a couple seconds and take a deep breath. Relax the arms and shake them out. Repeat this twice. If you are sitting on a chair and have those arm rests, put your arms up against the arm rest and press your palms against tit. To begin, you’ll need some type of resistance to feel your muscles tighten up so you will need to push back against anything. When you get used to it, you can do this even while you are standing at the grocery line. Tighten the arms and push back gently and no one will notice that you’re performing an routine. With your arms hanging out, again keep the rib cage fully elevated and take a slow deep breath. And don’t forget to stretch out. You’ll need some stretching out considering that the arms could possibly feel tightly held. Bend your elbows and slowly and gradually raise it upward. You could then sense the under the arms extending. Keep that that is at least 15 seconds.

Absolutely no regular membership charge and no need to check out the gym. This exercise will tighten up your arms quickly in just five minutes a day.

Bob Brendon http://naturalweightlossguides.com/lose-fat-exercises/exercises-for-flabby-arms/– exercises for flabby arms http://naturalweightlossguides.com — how to lose weight

More Arm Exercise Articles

Flabby Arms Exercises

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Waving and then stopping but the arms keep moving. Not a really a nice picture right? Then how do you get rid of loose and flabby arms? It is very easy Routine and the right eating habits is the solution. Problem is, not really all people have time to check out the gym. Here are some ways on how you can get rid of flabby arms in just with a minimum time spent. This is a very easy routine that may help you lose your loose and flabby arms. You’ll be able to execute this in the privacy of your place, in the office or perhaps at the shopping line.

All you should do is extend your arms down at your side and then tighten up your arms and push back. Remember not to push too far back. If you are new to this, try to begin by placing your hands up against the wall and try to keep your rib cage elevated. Tighten up your arms and hands facing the wall. Push your palms back up against the wall.

After that you can sense beneath your arm tightening up. Hold that for a couple seconds and take a deep breath. Relax the arms and shake them out. Repeat this twice. If you are sitting on a chair and have those arm rests, put your arms up against the arm rest and press your palms against tit. To begin, you’ll need some type of resistance to feel your muscles tighten up so you will need to push back against anything. When you get used to it, you can do this even while you are standing at the grocery line. Tighten the arms and push back gently and no one will notice that you’re performing an routine. With your arms hanging out, again keep the rib cage fully elevated and take a slow deep breath. And don’t forget to stretch out. You’ll need some stretching out considering that the arms could possibly feel tightly held. Bend your elbows and slowly and gradually raise it upward. You could then sense the under the arms extending. Keep that that is at least 15 seconds.

Absolutely no regular membership charge and no need to check out the gym. This exercise will tighten up your arms quickly in just five minutes a day.

Bob Brendon http://naturalweightlossguides.com/lose-fat-exercises/exercises-for-flabby-arms/– exercises for flabby arms http://naturalweightlossguides.com — how to lose weight