Fitness Programs for Women: Four Essential Tips

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Bryant Towell

Fitness Programs for Women: Four Essential Tips – Health

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Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines. If you’re looking for fitness programs for women that really work, try using the four following tips.

1. Lift Heavy Weights

Plenty of women make their way into the weight room now and again, but most are afraid that they’ll get “bulky” if they lift too heavy. That’s nonsense! It takes male bodybuilders years of dedicated effort to pack on muscle mass, and they’ve got testosterone and tons of food on their side. Not only will you not get “too big” by lifting challenging weights – you’ll actually look better.

Lifts like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and other heavy movements are great for stimulating your metabolism and packing on a little bit of lean mass. Whether or not you realize it, that’s really what you want! The right amount of muscle gives you a lean, fit look that you simply can’t achieve with cardio alone. Challenging yourself in the gym will also cause you to burn more calories, which means you get to eat more and still lose weight.

2. Low Fat is NOT Healthy!

Some nutritionists are still stuck in the 1980s’ low-fat craze, but avoiding dietary fat is NOT going to get you the results you want. In fact, most “low-fat” products like crackers, pretzels, and other grain-based products will make it nearly impossible to get lean! They make your blood sugar levels skyrocket, which in turn causes your body to secrete tons of insulin – a hormone which actually makes your body store even more fat. If you’re trying to get lean, ditch most of your carbs and eat plenty of olive oil, avocados, nuts, and even some red meat.

3. Ease Up on the Cardio

If you’re going to start lifting heavy weights (which you should!), then you’re also going to need to ease up on all of that cardio you’re probably doing. Slaving away on a treadmill or elliptical is simply not necessary, and it eats up way too much of your time. It’s great to do a few short sessions per week for your cardiovascular health, but hours upon hours of monotonous movement aren’t going to help you lose fat.

However, there is a much better type of cardio for optimal fat loss: interval training! On a track, treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike, simply alternate short bursts of all-out sprinting with longer bouts of active rest. For example, you might do eight rounds of fifteen-second sprints and forty-five second “jogs” on an elliptical machine. The whole thing will be over in under ten minutes, but the intensity of the workout will cause your body to burn more fat all day long.

4. Don’t Under-eat

One of the worst things you can do in fitness programs for women is to eat too little. Your body is an adaptive machine, and it will respond to severe calorie restriction by slowing its metabolism way down. Have you ever noticed how lethargic, tired, and cold you get when you don’t eat enough? Those are sure signs that your body is burning less fuel!

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t cut calories at all – your body does need a reason to use its fat stores for energy instead of your food. The key is to eat just little enough that you can burn fat while avoiding hunger. Focus first on the right food choices, and then start counting calories if you truly need to. Overall, it’s best to take it slow and steady with your fitness programs for women and focus on losing no more than a pound per week.

About the Author

Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines.

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Bryant Towell

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Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Four Effective Resistance Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Resistance training includes all exercises devoted towards increasing size of skeletal muscles and improving physical strength. It is a form of strength training that uses free weights, elastic bands, exercise machines or one’s own body weight to increase strength and endurance. Resistance training exercises help you burn excessive fats accumulated around body parts especially belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. Moreover, they also increase your stamina and boost energy levels.

There are numerous resistance training exercises that you should perform on a regular basis to strengthen your whole body and build your muscles. Among those exercises, Squat is a magnificent resistance training workout that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves all at once.

Push-Up, like Squat, is another compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

You can also perform this exercise in the comfort of your home or even room. This exercise targets abs, back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

Lat Pulldown is one of the best exercises you can do to work the major muscles of your back, known as latissmus dorsi. Not only does this exercise help strengthen your back, but it also burn fat from abdomen and lower back.

Lunges make an excellent exercise to resistance train your lower limbs. Like squats, it targets muscles in your legs including calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Make sure that you incorporate these 4 exercises 2 to 3 times a week into your regular resistance training sessions. In order to reap the maximum weight-loss results from resistance training workouts, you need to perform some aerobic exercises as well. You should do brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming half an hour before starting a resistance training session.

After performing Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts or other resistance training exercises, make sure that you nourish your body with protein and carbohydrate.

Protein contains amino acids that are known as the building blocks. They are metabolized directly in muscles and help cellular growth to take place. Consumption of protein-rich diets before and after resistance training exercises helps in increased nitrogen retention, which plays an important role in repair and building of muscle tissue.

Protein rich diets include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and fish oil, dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk, cereals such as millet, barley, oat, and wheat, pulses such as red beans, and chickpeas, eggs, nuts, whole grains etc.

If you are new to gym or are not sure about how to perform above mentioned resistance training workouts, then hire the services of a qualified gym trainer in your vicinity. Not only will he or she suggest you a right combination of resistance training exercises keeping in view your health, age group and training needs, but will also guide you on how to execute them safely. Another benefit of hiring a professional fitness trainer is that he or she will guide you on performing workouts with a perfect technique and right angle. This will allow you to get maximum benefits from hard resistance training exercises in a quick span of time.

Guy Long is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield and provides Personal Training in St.Kilda where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, fat loss and overall muscular strength for local residents. Ben Greenfield, the 2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association Personal Trainer of the Year, presents “Dry Land Strength Training for Swimmers.” This free online instructional weight training video accompanies the e-book “Top 12 Resistance Training Routines for Triathletes” which can be found at http Visit for more information.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Four of the Best Beginner Running Tips

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Running is a very effective way in achieving better health and a fitter body. It is a great habit that can build your heart’s endurance, increase your lung’s capacity for oxygen, and control your overall weight. Yes it is beneficial but in any exercise regimen you need to start right to prevent injuries happening to you. If you are planning to become a runner, you need to take note of some beginner running tips found in this article to make sure you start off your running the right way.

Beginner Running Tip #1: Go See a Doctor

The first and perhaps the most important thing you need to do is see a doctor. This is very important since some people whether you are really out of shape or not, may be diagnosed for some certain conditions that would make you unfit to run. Having heart problems, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, and other ailments could make the doctor suggest for you not to do some running because it can cause more injury to you or worsen your present condition.

Talk to your doctor about the plans that you have and ask for his advice on whether you should pursue your plans of running or not. If you have no existing condition then he would usually say it is perfectly fine and that he is happy that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your overall health condition.

Beginner Running Tip #2: Do a Run/Walk Program

Contrary to what some may believe, running needs to be learnt. Everybody can run, but running longer distances needs to be trained. Therefore you should start with a walking / running program before you run non-stop. Especially when you are overweight this is important as you do not want to put yourself at unnecessary risk of getting injured or experiencing health problems. Bottom line is to start slow and gradually increase your pacing and distance. You will be surprised of your progress in just a matter of weeks.

Beginner Running Tip #3: Check Your Pulse

When you are already running, one way to check your progress and see if you have made considerable amount of improvement is to check your pulse. Remember that running is a cardiovascular activity therefore it trains you heart to pump more blood through your body than it did before. In other words, as you get better trained the heart will need lesser beats than before to let you do the same amount of work. So regularly test yourself by doing a similar workout and then see if your pulse is lower or higher.

If it is lower, then there is a good chance you have made some progress.

However, if it is higher, than this could mean you might be overdoing it and the best way to get around it is to rest for a day and check your pulse the following day. When it is back to its normal level then you can start running again.

Beginner Running Tip #4: Keep a Running Log

More experienced runners keep a running log to help them monitor their progress. It does not mean that you can skip this since you are a beginner, it is better to practice this as early as possible so you get used to the habit and do what is commonly seen as best practice. In your record book, log your distance, time, and type of workout you can also add other information there to keep it more interesting for you.

This will help you follow your improvements, but can also be useful later on when you get injured and you can see the trajectory towards that injury. Especially over a longer period of time this becomes helpful. You might find out you always get pains after about 3-4 weeks of more intense speed work, or after increasing your weekly mileage to over a certain threshold. Your running log will help you understand better how your body functions and what it can and cannot handle.

Following these four beginner running tips should get you on the right track in your newfound passion. It is a great sport, providing plenty of benefits to you, including improved stamina, reduced risk of heart diseases and it can even help combat depression. With that mind, turn off that computer now and go for a run right now, so you can start reaping the benefits derived from running.

Want more beginner running tips? Then check out The 18 Most Important Beginner Running Tips of Best Running Tips is your website for anything to do with running training, apparel, gear and beginner running tips.
 CLICK HERE for a FREE RUNNING WORKOUT. Learn how to run and better your running form to run faster!

Four Keys to Hiring the Right Houston Personal Trainer

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Joseph Carter

Selecting a Houston personal trainer to facilitate you get in shape can be a intimidating and unclear process. Employing a personal trainer is seen by many to be kind of costly, but it can make a big difference in your level of fitness and health. Most Houstonians who have good personal trainers are hooked to the positive effects they produce and believe it to be a deal. This article will distinguish the four keys to selecting the appropriate Houston personal trainer.

Key #1 — In What Area of Houston Do You Need a Personal Trainer

While this may look unmistakable it is powerful that you select a personal trainer who operates in a section of Houston that is convenient for you. You will probably be meeting with the trainer two to three times per calendar week, and perhaps even using that same gym on other days as well, so you require a location to be somewhat easy to get to. For example, if you work or live in Spring you would not want to employ a Galleria area personal trainer, causing you to spend an hour plus traveling one way each time you had a session. The Houston area is full of quality physical trainers so it makes sense to hire one within a sensible proximity to your home or office.

Key #2 — Personal Referrals Are the Optimal Way to Locate a Quality Personal Trainer

While glossy marketing pamphlets and elaborate websites are nice, you are a great deal better off forming your decision with suggestions from friends or acquaintances who have actually used the services of the Houston personal trainer you’re considering hiring. If your friend informs you how she loves her trainer, has lost a considerable amount of weight and half of her body fat, and really relishes her workouts, that is a physical trainer who should be high on your list. On the other hand, if another acquaintance tells you that she really enjoys her trainer but that she has not really made any physical progress even though she’s used the trainer for over a year, you probably want to keep away from her physical trainer. Put Differently, results matter. Physical trainers bill by the session so there’s no real point in getting one unless you are going to advance towards your goals. A good word from someone who has gotten great results with that trainer is absolutely the best demonstration of an effective trainer.

Key #3 — Your Houston Physical Trainer Should Be Certified by One of the Major Associations

The physical trainer field has several major industry organizations they can belong to. Most of these associations have relatively demanding certification requirements which include certain educational and knowledge-based measures as well as up-to-date continuing education course requirements. One of the biggest organizations who certify personal trainers is ACE (American Council on Exercise). Any Houston personal trainer you look at hiring should have one of these certifications. The reality is that there is no certification requirement by the government before someone can

Joseph Carter writes on the topics of health and fitness. He is associated with the website of Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan. If you live in the Houston area and want to get in the best shape of your life you need Certified Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan.

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Four Effective Resistance Training Workouts

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Resistance training includes all exercises devoted towards increasing size of skeletal muscles and improving physical strength. It is a form of strength training that uses free weights, elastic bands, exercise machines or one’s own body weight to increase strength and endurance. Resistance training exercises help you burn excessive fats accumulated around body parts especially belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. Moreover, they also increase your stamina and boost energy levels.

There are numerous resistance training exercises that you should perform on a regular basis to strengthen your whole body and build your muscles. Among those exercises, Squat is a magnificent resistance training workout that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves all at once.

Push-Up, like Squat, is another compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

You can also perform this exercise in the comfort of your home or even room. This exercise targets abs, back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

Lat Pulldown is one of the best exercises you can do to work the major muscles of your back, known as latissmus dorsi. Not only does this exercise help strengthen your back, but it also burn fat from abdomen and lower back.

Lunges make an excellent exercise to resistance train your lower limbs. Like squats, it targets muscles in your legs including calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Make sure that you incorporate these 4 exercises 2 to 3 times a week into your regular resistance training sessions. In order to reap the maximum weight-loss results from resistance training workouts, you need to perform some aerobic exercises as well. You should do brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming half an hour before starting a resistance training session.

After performing Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts or other resistance training exercises, make sure that you nourish your body with protein and carbohydrate.

Protein contains amino acids that are known as the building blocks. They are metabolized directly in muscles and help cellular growth to take place. Consumption of protein-rich diets before and after resistance training exercises helps in increased nitrogen retention, which plays an important role in repair and building of muscle tissue.

Protein rich diets include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and fish oil, dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk, cereals such as millet, barley, oat, and wheat, pulses such as red beans, and chickpeas, eggs, nuts, whole grains etc.

If you are new to gym or are not sure about how to perform above mentioned resistance training workouts, then hire the services of a qualified gym trainer in your vicinity. Not only will he or she suggest you a right combination of resistance training exercises keeping in view your health, age group and training needs, but will also guide you on how to execute them safely. Another benefit of hiring a professional fitness trainer is that he or she will guide you on performing workouts with a perfect technique and right angle. This will allow you to get maximum benefits from hard resistance training exercises in a quick span of time.

Guy Long is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield and provides Personal Training in St.Kilda where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, fat loss and overall muscular strength for local residents.

Four of the Best Stomach Exercises For Women

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Although men often battle with saggy guts, women are many times met with the challenge of losing belly fat after pregnancy.

In order to take care of this problem the following are a number of the best stomach exercises for women. A very favored one of the best stomach exercises for women is something labeled the bicycle. What this very exercise tends to target is that area that regularly is coined a six pack.

The process for this includes having your hands resting behind your head, and the knees bent with feet up off the ground.Then, begin to twist your right arm in the way of your left knee, having extended the right leg outwards.

Move from twisting to one arm and knee to the other then stretch out the other leg. Rather than moving the elbow, twist the waist and at the same time try to keep the back straight on the ground.

Or else what happens is that the abs won’t receive much of a workout.Another one of the best stomach exercises for women is the twisting crunch. This involves having your back remain flat on the floor and the feet flat with the knees bent.

Get your hands behind your head and start to crunch up where the right shoulder should move towards the left knee. And then move to the other side of your shoulder and knee. Make sure that you continue to breath properly while doing so for instance – while coming up breath out, and begin to while you lie back but do not come back entirely. As with any other stomach exercise, there should be constant tension experienced around the abs with doing this.

A standing crunch exercise maybe the best stomach exercise for women for any pregnant woman to do to help exercise those abs.This requires you to stand upright and bend slightly forward to where you feel the tightening of your abs and breath out. Hold steady for a number of seconds and gradually see yourself right back up and take a deep breath in.

One more thing that can be done is resting your hands behind your head for support as you lean forward. The V-knee is one of the best stomach exercises for women, although is seen to be a little more of an advanced exercise to engage in.

This begins perched on the floor with arms bent placed behind you, legs straight out, and palms flat on the floor.Start to lean back a little and bring your chest forward once you bring your knees to your chest.

Also have your chest come forward. While keeping your legs in the air, allow them to return to the first position, and do several more repetitions. These exercises can really prove to be amazing for burning belly fat once tried out.

Jeremy Thomas prides himself in keeping his body fit and healthy. To view the full article on this, you can check out: Best Stomach Exercises for Women Aside from that, here’s a review of a great product worth taking a look at: The Truth About Abs Review

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Four Benefits Found With Personal Training Studios

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Kylie Sultana

Majority of the people can find out that they are at present reaping the benefits of some type of dieting and exercise regimen so that they can improve the opportunities that persists with health. The main difficulty that is involved in this is maximum number of the people do not stick to the workout and dieting routines which in due course of time cause a failure in the efforts that are made with the purpose of improving health and getting over inefficient habits. To discover a resource of support so that you can enhance your opportunities for health and minimize the risks of failure, take a good benefit of the many benefits of personal training.

First Benefit: Obtaining Results

The first benefit that is generally the most appealing possibility for an individual to get benefitted from is seen with identifying real solutions to obtaining results. Through the resources of personal training Castle Hill you will be in a position to find an individual who is encouraged to assist you in achieving results and will develop a plan that is designed specifically around your needs. By determining the best resources of exercise and nutrition for you to reap the benefits of in order to accomplish your objectives, you will be in a position to meet both short and long-term results for enhancing your total health.

Second Benefit: Finding Motivation

While several individuals are motivated when they initially began an exercise or dieting program, this motivation starts to fade away as outcomes come slowly and temptation becomes a frequent influence in your life. By getting access to the resources of personal training studios, you will be in a position to discover a source of motivation that will assist you to remain on track and achieve your primary health-related objectives. By having an individual who actively takes part in your attempts and is proud of your results, you will discover a source of motivation that assists you to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Third Benefit: Seeking Aid

The third benefit of finding a personal training Castle Hill resource is identifying a solution of help to assist you achieve your objectives. Many people understand unique exercise routines and even different dieting programs but are uncertain of what will work for them. The experience and education a personal trainer can bestow for you will help you to pinpoint the particular resources you can depend on to accomplishing your health-related goals.

Fourth Benefit: Long-Term Advantages

The final advantage you will be able to discover is seen with accomplishing long-term results. Through the resources of personal training studios you will be able to accumulate your short-term goals to eventually see long-term advantages that may have previously appeared impossible to accomplish.

Every one of these advantages assists to identify why people should look into the several resources that are available to them with the benefits of personal training.

At Lifestylz Personal Training, we try not to complicate things — we know there are a lot of different opinions and options out there! We work with the facts about health and wellbeing, and that’s why we think of ourselves as a healthy lifestyle centre, rather than just a training studio. Visit the website to create a healthier lifestyle

To expand your own knowledge of all that is available to you from Personal Training Studios resources, begin by looking for an improvement in your health by going to