How To Build Muscle With Free Weights and Machine Weights

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Niz Rambo aka Nizam Shapie

Something you need to keep in mind and by no means put behind you is with the intention of while you do exercises, you are training for life. You still may well consume an hour a day in the fitness center, although that will still leave an additional 23 hours or so on behalf of your muscles to function exclusive of using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of drill, the movement of your body in the course of the work out is established as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more efficient the work out will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.Take on behalf of the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl.

If you aren’t familiar with the drill, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forwards, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the work out as many times as you want.Using that same movement in favor of exercise on a bicep curl machine, you ought to sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, followed by perform the same movement like above to move the handles in an upward movement.

At this point, looking on the muscle contractions in this work out, you are contracting effectively your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. While you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders perform. The machine has several muscles used during this drill limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles within your forearms and fingers.

For the most part of the time, while using machine weights, you will always be restricted as to what type of drill you can do. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.One of the most excellent thing about free weights is the fact that you move a slight chuck around to choose the weight you want to work out. Instead of dragging it over to your work out area, you simply choose it on the machine.

When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.A lot of people argue in the reality that free weights are the most excellent for your body. While this is normally factual, many people out there feel that machine weights are the most excellent.

There are pros and cons with both equipments, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to reach dramatic results.Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask the majority of them regarding machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to stop joking around.Inside a nutshell, free weights will operate more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more efficient overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer various significant advantages.

In some cases, it is most excellent to stabilize the muscles that are being used during a movement, which is where machines are the best to use. The decision on which to work out for you must be based on what you expect to accomplish with lifting weights and where you intend to operate the equipment, such as residence or at a gymnasium. Both systems are significant for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you wish for the most excellent possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the proper workouts they need.

Nizam Shapie is an expert on fitness consultation and losing fat for man (gynecomastia). For more information about weight training and supplementation, please visit You also can get FREE Fat Killer Report at

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Free weights or bands – which ones give the best results?

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Tom Kalka

With so much conflicting information out there about fitness and exercise, it’s no wonder that clients often want advice about whether or not to use machines for exercise as opposed to free weights and bands.

But as a professional trainer, my answer is simple – I say, “Machines, free weights and cables”.

Confused? Don’t be. The fact is that each of these types of equipment has benefits and drawbacks that the others do not. Ultimately a good workout regimen will use a variety of exercises and equipment in order to produce “muscle confusion” which is a core element of fitness boot camps. So let’s take a closer look at each one of these and when you would use them.


We’ve covered this area before – machines are great mostly for safety reasons because they limit your range of motion. But this same limit is also why we’re not crazy about them, as limited range of motion means you cannot work each side of your body independently. Therefore you wind up with one side stronger than the other and your weaker side never catches up. So if you work out from home this might be a good thing, but you will eventually find yourself needing to change up your exercise routine.

Free Weights

In my experience, guys love free weights, ladies, generally are much more intimated by them. Hopefully, this explanation will bring everyone back down to earth and realize the benefits and limitations to free weights. When using free weights you are going to need to recruit the more muscle fibers in the muscle you are working because of the need to stabilize the weight though-out the ROM. Not to mention, that when using dumbbells you will also have to exert the same force on both sides of your body to move the same weight. Another benefit to free weights is the fact that you can change the angle in which you hold the weight, or the angle in which you push or pull the weight, all of which allow you to target different muscle fibers and more fully develop the muscle.

The limitations with free weights are that they are much more dangerous to use if you don’t know what you are doing, or you think you know what you are doing but are wrong! Without a spotter, it can be very difficult to increase the amount of weight you use because of the dangers of dropping the weight or not being able to lift the weight into the proper starting position.

Bands or Cables

The invention of cables machines was an attempt to find a balance between both free weights and machines. You will see many different types of cable machines in your local fitness facility but you can also find them in many homes as well. The famous Bowflex is a great tool to use as well as the Crossbow and other variations as well. The problem with these tools include: most clients have no clue how to perform the exercise properly not to mention that they cannot figure out the correct configuration with the machine to hit the muscle they want to target. While being safer than free weights, you still have to maintain stability using cables which is a great benefit, not to mention that you can hit the muscle at many more angles with cables.

In conclusion, the best answer I could provide is that a proper exercise routine should incorporate all three types of tools, not to mention the numerous other tools available to you including: video tapes, treadmills, elliptical trainers, walking, jogging, and running, swimming, kickboxing, etc. The real secret is to constantly shock your body and never allow it to get use to doing one thing. This way, your body has to continually grow to keep up with the demands you are putting on it.

Tom Kalka is the President of Custom Fitness Concepts, a fitness boot camp company with locations in Maryland and Washington, DC. Visit their website or blog to learn more about the best ways to exercise including outdoor training and the techniques discussed in this article.

Why Free Poker Training Videos Make It So Simple To Learn How To Win Poker Online And Where To Get One Now

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Jose Bolton

All the time I hear certain types of poker players from every flavor of the game, cash and free online poker, cash poker and casino live games and the tournament circuit banging away about what a good player they are, how they know the secrets of the game and how they’ve cracked the winning code, you’ll always fine one or more in online game chat or in the card room bar or at the table.Normally a year or thereabouts later they’ll have either wiped out their bankroll or quit trying to play in an effort to try to find a less difficult fast buck maker. Since you are here you are most likely not this type of player since you ,I assume, want to get far better!The main mistake the self styled “masters or poker” have is that they reckon that those few tips, tricks and “insider pro” secrets they read about are a one stop magic pill solution to winning poker all the time and that all those players who obsess aboutall that math stuff are doing it the hard way. If only it were that simple, well maybe not, if it were the game would not be what it is, the fact is that poker isn’t a standard model game that can have a standard model of play applied that will allow the player to win according to some formula or trickery, there are just to many game mechanic and human variables involved for that.the fact is that no one opponent plays the same. To win consistently you have to constantly keep track of the way standard games work and how current games are playing.A really good example of this is to think about the competition scene a decade back as opposed to the tournaments today. A decade back, when you stole more blinds than everybody else, you had been almost sure to win money.In the present game, players consistently raise and reraise. Because of this, it is important to settle back more and wait until these over competitive opponents hand their money to you.I strongly think the simplest way to understand poker should be to watch videos of the highest quality players playing the game you need to understand more about.To help you get going I’ve discovered a very good and also truly free poker training videos to get you going.When you are learning tournaments, there is no point in watching cash game videos. Also, you must take note of the manner excellent players play and behave.You mustn’t only try to emulate these players but also attempt to figure out an appropriate counter method to beat these great players.The most important thing in poker is to be flexible. Just because you had an excellent tactic to beat the games two years ago it doesn’t necessarily promise you will be able to defeat the games right now.If you continually think about and look at the action, you’ll have great results in your future. If you want to learn how to play poker and take your game to a higher level make a start by looking at the free poker training videos.Here is a “easy” secret you should utilize to get maximum value from your poker coaching videos.Begin by watching the recording, and every time the game comes around to the presenting pro, pause it and think of what you’d do in this situation.Examine your position, your chip stack, your opponents’ chip stacks, and anything else you can pick up on that might influence into your decision. Decide how you would play the hand and then unpause the video to find out what the coach does.Work with video in this manner and I guarantee you will learn a lot more than you’ll learn by just viewing the video passive. See the free poker training videos here.

Nick works for top rated (Usa player welcoming) free online poker site NoPayPOKER and, as part of his work looks for the best books on poker and free online poker training vid to help you players succeed more. You’ll find reviews of the best free poker online education books and videos on the NoPay blo

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Free Workout Routines For Women – More to learn

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Robert Fogarty

Losing weight can be difficult for women. Those few extra pounds can be hard on a woman’s emotional state as well as her physical state. Whether you want a beginner, intermediate, or advanced workout you’ll enjoy these free workout routines for women.

Free Workout Routine for Women to Burn Fat

Monday: Combines Cardio and Toning

o Do a 6 minute warm up on the treadmill

o Do a 15 minute jog on the treadmill or outside

o Do a 5 minute cool down

o Do 2 sets bicep curls

o Do 4 sets Dumbbell front raises (view image)

Tuesday: Your Tuesday free workout routines for women is just a brisk 15 min walk

Wednesday: Combines Cardio and Core

o Do a 6 minute warm up

o Do 4 sets Crunches

o Do 2 sets bent knee hip raises

o Do 15 minutes on treadmill or go for a 15 jog

o 5 minute cool down

Thursday: Your Thursday free workout routines for women is just a 30 minutes brisk walk

Friday: Combines cardio and Lower Body

o Do a 6 minute warm up on the treadmill

o Do 2 sets squats

o do 2 sets forward lunges

o Do a 15 minute jogging on treadmill or outside

o Do a 5 minute cool down

Saturday: Your Saturday free workout routines for women is a 30 minutes brisk walk outside or using a treadmill

Sunday: Off

This is just one free workout routine for women. There are all kinds of them available online so you should have no problem finding one that fits your needs. There are different reasons for doing a workout including:

> Getting fit

> Losing weight

> Toning up

> Reducing stress

Any type of workout is great – a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy and for most part leads to weight gain. As we get a little older those extra pounds are more difficult to lose. Just a simple workout can keep you healthier, younger, and looking your best.

For example, did you know that a 30 minute brisk walk every day can help you shed belly pounds quickly and it can significantly improve your cardio. There’s no memberships, no costs, and all you need is a pair of good runners and the motivation to get off the couch and enjoy the outdoors. Walk around the block, around a park, enjoy some trails, or invest in a treadmill – just walk – it’s all that really matters.

Just as walking is an excellent form of exercise so is jogging. While you may not consider it a workout, it’s really healthy for you. If you alternate jogging with a little bit of strength training you will enjoy the best of both worlds. Free workout routines for women are the best way to get in shape and lose those extra pounds.

Being fit and in shape is important to your overall health. It’s a well-known fact that those who participate in cardio activities and stay in shape have less heart disease, less diabetes, less cancer, and are overall far healthier than those who do not. With free workout routines for women you have no reason not to get healthy!

Looking for more details? Please visit the website given below: workout routines for women

Online Free Printable Coupons You Can Avail At No Cost For You

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Mikediamond201

There is a new revolutionary trend in buying these days; that is by utilizing free printable coupons to obtain massive discounts for shopping at merchant retail stores. Business enterprises understand the growing trend where people are now quickly jumping into the bandwagon of internet use and social networks; as opposed to utilizing print media to avail voucher codes.

There are numerous folks every day browsing the World Wide Web, who frequent online sites for more information on budget saving tips and advice on frugal online shopping. One can find coupons that can save money on certain products you buy. You can print and make use of them in retail shops. They are as hassle-free as a promotional voucher code simply placed before proceeding to checkout online.

A lot of merchant companies have established rewards program which point their valued clients to join and register with their email addresses; that will in turn allow merchants constant reach of their clients base. This marketing technique has totally become widespread in the coupon industry today. In the long run, companies will cease to rely on typical sources of coupon as magazines, or newspapers. People are starting to see that these enterprises are now enabling clients to pull up discount codes directly from their mobile phones and be utilized straightly on the checkout counter of a retail store. Gone are the days where coupons are found in magazines, and newspaper inserts. People switched to free printable coupons online where the access is immediate and the delivery instantaneous.

Several pro environment associations, government, civic orgs, and business corporations have vowed to engage in doing business in the ‘greenest’ ways possible. It is therefore natural that they provide consumers with other options to source coupons to be printed. More and more new era consumers are looking to avoid using paper, including regular coupons and printable coupons, and choose paperless scannable mobile coupons, and text founded discount codes.

Nobody exactly knows what the future of the discounts and savings marketing methods will hold, yet there are crucial signs that the consumer world is evolving from printed coupons into the virtual or electronic ones. It’s awesome to think that although printable coupons just recently came into being as a probable technique to bring in promotion codes to valued customers, that they will soon be forgotten, and new ways on saving introduced online. Free printable coupons are far more easier to use than the conventional vouchers you cut and clip. Compared to other coupons that are given from newspapers, magazines, or leaflets, there is no need for difficult looking and browsing for it. Free printable coupons online sites are available online with a simple click of a mouse. provides 1000’s of Free Printable Coupons for Everyone. Grocery Coupons – Retail Coupons – Manufacturer Coupons – Sunday Paper Coupons – Food Coupons – Restaurant Coupons

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