Top 5 Questions Asked From Gym Trainers When They Suggest Weight Training For Women

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Rakesh Vasoya

Top 5 Questions Asked From Gym Trainers When They Suggest Weight Training For Women – Health – Weight Loss

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Most woman feel that only cardio and other exercises should be a part of their daily schedule and weight training for woman is a sin. They fail to realize the importance of weights training for woman, no fitness regime is complete without weight trainings for both men and women. Frequently asked questions to trainers about Weights loss training for women are:

1. Will I get muscular body Will my body look muscular?: This question is the most common one asked to the trainers. One thing which keeps woman away from weight loss trainings is the fear of growing muscles like a man. This is practically impossible as muscles are triggered by testosterones, a hormone absent in women. So, there is no reason why woman should not be doing the weight loss training. Instead, the exercises in weight lossing training will tone the muscles and make the body look toned and fit, instead of muscular.

2. Is there any risk and danger involved?: Most women ask about the potential risks and dangers associated with weight losses training for women. This is because most women believe that their body is not equipped to carry weights. But this is not true! Actually, a female’s body is more compatible with load bearing exercises naturally. So, if a woman does weights losses training exercise with proper machines and instructions, there is no chance that she can injure herself.

3. Will the chest size increase due to weight losses trainings: This is another very big reason why women shy away from weights losses trainings exercises. No matter how hard you try it is not possible to increase the chest size! Fatty tissues make the breast and weights loss trainings has no effect on the size of the breast. Increase in chest size due to it for women is just a farce.

4. Is this important for women: Most women believe that doing cardio is enough and thus there is no need of its. But what they don’t know is that is the best out of the lot. Weight trains helps in increasing the density of the bone which is beneficial I times to come. This is useful as training reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and make the bones stronger. This also means that weight train improves metabolism which burn the calories faster.

5. After leaving this schedule will the muscles turn into fats: Many women who think about going for weights train drop their plan because it is an another myth that the muscles you have developed by weights trains will all turn into fat once you stop the exercise. But, this of course is again not possible. Muscles and fat are two different things and most of the times are confused together. What actually might happen is that once the weighttraining is stopped, the muscles can get loose and flabby again. This is a general phenomenon and nothing to do with the women alone. Men can undergo the same effects.

So, next time when your gym trainer suggests you weightstraining, don’t look him with a raised eyebrow. All he wants is you to be happy and safe so, if your gym trainer adds the weighting training schedule in your training program, don’t doubt his caliber or intentions.

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Visit to lose body fat faster. This Is TheSite That Includes The Most Powerful & Effective Fat Loss Training Workouts. You Are Guaranteed To Lose Up to 3.8 Pounds Of Body Fat Each & Every Week Until You Have Six Pack Abs. To Get A Selection Of Weight Training Workouts, Meal Plans & Cardio Plans, Visit Our Site http
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Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts

July 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Callie Abbott

Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts – Sports – Golf

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Quite a lot of questions have been asked about the perfect physical condition for a great game of golf. You don’t need bulging muscles or flexibility like that of a ballerina to become Tiger Woods. It all boils down to proper golf exercises that target specific areas in our body to give you powerful and accurate swings and the stamina to maintain that power until the game ends.

Golf Training Exercise 101 – What Is Used For the Sport?

Before we start out with our training program to improve your body for golf, the first thing we need to do is to determine what areas in our body need to be improved. For example, the muscles in our body need to be tight as a spring if you want to get a lot of power behind your swing; making sure that they are flexible enough to avoid getting aches and pains after a few holes.

The secret to being a successful golfer is the improvement of the so-called core muscle group. This involves every major muscle group, starting from your belly button — your abs, sternum, hips, and buttocks. That’s right, improving the “core muscle group” definitely guarantees a peak physical condition during your game.

A Simple Exercise You Can Do At Home

There are two ways to do this simple exercise — with any normal chair in your home or with an exercise ball. You should be sitting upright, with your chest high and your back straight (don’t slouch).

Hold with your two hands a weighted medicine ball or a 5 or 10 pound dumbbell held straight out in front of you with your hands extended. Rotate your upper body without moving from your sitting position until you reach your limit. Continue holding the ball and rotate to the other direction. Repeat this exercise a few times until you get the hang of it.

Other golf exercises that mimic the same maneuver targets our body’s rotation. The perfect swing comes from a full rotation of our upper body while maintaining a constant position with our lower body. This helps guarantee that you swing with the right posture to avoid upper or lower back pains every after each swing and gain full flexibility as well as improved rotation strength and muscle stamina.

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Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.

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Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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How Can Women Benefit From Weight Training?

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

When it comes to weight training, it is not uncommon that many women are easily put off from the idea of doing it. One of the main reasons is the fear of putting on muscle bulk which is not very likely due to the lack of testosterone hormone in the female body. Weight training do not build bulky muscles in women but it certainly has many benefits in terms of health and fitness for women. The following are the 5 main benefits of weight training for women.

Prevent Osteporosis
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass due to the loss of calcium. This will weaken the bone and cause the bone to break easily. Unfortunately, women often suffer more from this than men due to loss of estrogen after menopause. By starting strength training early, it can prevent and delay the effects of osteoporosis.

Prevent Sarcopenia
Sarcopenia refers to the loss of muscle size and mass that leads to the declining strength with increasing age.

With loss of strength, it can lead to potential fall injuries and loss of function. As women started off with less muscle fibers than men, they are dramatically affected by sarcopenia as they aged. Strength training can help greatly reduced effects of sarcopenia and improve function. Therefore, it is important for women to engage in such training early in life.

Increase Metabolism
In terms of weight management, it’s advantageous to have high metabolism as it would mean that the body is very capable of burning high amount of calories. This is crucial because you would have to exercise more to burn the same amount of calories compared to someone who has a higher metabolism than you. With proper weight training, it can kick up your metabolism.

Improve Toning
Weight training not only gives your metabolism a big boost, it also tones the body.

Because of the higher metabolism, higher amount of fat calories are expended at rest that results in the melting of the body fat. When the excess fat is removed from the body, it allows you to show the tones in the body.

Improve Functional Strength
Most importantly, our quality of life is much affected by out functional strength. Without functional strength, we will find it hard to carry our groceries, move your furniture in your home, squat and lean over to pick up your baby and walk up the stairs. Strength training basically improves your abilities to carry out our daily chores. And especially for women who can lose their muscular strength quite easily, it is even more important to do weight training.

TC is a Perth personal trainer and bootcamp instructor who serves the City of Nedlands, Claremont and Subiaco in Western Australia. He specializes in women fat loss Perth program and runs a boot camp catered to that. For a week of FREE access to his boot camp, please visit his Perth women boot camp website.

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Anaerobic Digestion Makes Renewable Energy from Rubbish

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises


An Anaerobic Digestion system which is suitable for processing mixed (black bag) waste has been developed from technology first developed in Israel.

It recovers resources from waste while producing renewable energy and helping to reduce carbon emissions.

The ArrowBio process has been developed through a series of pilot and demonstration plants to a level ready to be used commercially in many countries, and is best described as a water-based mechanical biological treatment (MBT) facility, with energy recovery.

ArrowBio’s process has been developed in such a way that it can either be used as a stand-alone solution or in conjunction with other technologies. For example it can be built within sustainable energy parks to provide a source of energy for the park, as well as recycled materials for further processing.

The recycled materials are re-used as feedstock by the other businesses based within the park to create a variety of products.

Two Stage Anaerobic Digestor

ArrowBio sets out to fully recover and wash the recyclable elements of the waste, so it should be favoured by environmental groups which tend to object to alternative processes which handle mixed waste, like incineration, on the basis that the ability of incineration to handle mixed wastes reduces the necessity to separate and recycle, and that the flu gas can contain toxic chemicals. The argument is also that incineration makes it too easy to neglect recycling, so it should not be used. None of these objections apply to Anaerobic Digestion.

The process has at its core a two stage anaerobic digestor which has been optimized for better energy yield than competing systems, from every unit mass of organic matter processed.

Extracting the maximum available gas yield, is in fact a stated primary aim of the ArrowBio processs.

This is recognised as good policy environmentally, and of course the gas and, or electricity generates revenue, which helps to pay for the upkeep of the plant.

The process consists of two distinct yet integrated components: a “front-end” wet Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and a “back-end” advanced anaerobic digestion system.

The wet MRF combines standard solid waste handling technology in combination with liquid and slurry pumping, water based processing facilitates, passive separation, and cleaning of recyclables and their automatic conveyance around the facility, while also suppressing odours and dust.

The wet MRF the action is cleans, and recovers, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and plastics separated by type.

These are then sorted into recycled materials of various grades that can be sold directly into the recycling market.

A “hydrocrusher” has also been successfully developed by ArrowBio which forms part of the wet (anaerobic) process. In effect the biodegradable waste is jetted with high pressure jets of water through a series of pipes. Food and paper is torn apart, greatly increasing the surface area available to biological action, while simultaneously suspending the organic chemicals in a watery solution.

Any waste that is not recoverable or that is not sent through the anaerobic digesters exits from the ArrowBio facility as a residue, and is normally present in only in minor quantities.

The first part of ArrowBio’s anaerobic digestion process is known as the acidogenic stage, and the second is a methanogenic stage. The biomass achieves optimum efficiency compared with single tank AD, and optimisation of pH levels, temperature and residence times is achieved automatically.

The plant has low emissions. The ArrowBio design needs no costly gas scrubbing stage, and the largely water borne technique does not produce the troublesome (dust, odour, etc) emissions experienced from other processes.

Recognition of the sustainability benefits of Anaerobic Digestion is rising fast. Find out more about this technology for the future at the Anaerobic Digestion web site, and more about the ArrowBio AD Process.

Read more about the AD process now. Visit the ArrowBio page at Anaerobic Digestion.Com. The AD Community.

Steve Evans is also a regular contributor of dog breed related articles.

There are essential details about the top dog breeds and many other canine articles at: The Dog Breeds Compendium.

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jim O’Connor

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts – Health – Fitness

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For those who spend more than 1 minute on strengthtraining workouts, you are wasting your valuable time!Wouldn’t you want to strength train in the most effective, scientifically feasible way, and increaseyour muscle and strength by 400 plus percent?

One (1) minute muscle developing workouts are doneONCE per week or less. That calculates to maximally 4 minutes of strength training exercises per month! I am sure many people are saying that I havegone mad. The famous words, “he’s got to be kidding” are ringing vigorously in my ears. Dear reader, I amNOT kidding! Thousands of people are now exercisingless while getting tremendously better results. It is not just me stating this; the scientific documentation by far speakslouder than our conversation.

I would like to tell you about a client of mine named Todd.Todd, a relatively lean 46 year old, wanted to improve hisstrength and muscle tone. Prior to consulting with me, he followed the typical 3 days per week, 3 sets per exercise,and 3-4 exercises per body part routine. Todd was following the program John, his neighbor, told him about. Neighbor John received all his information from typical “bodybuilding magazines.”

Yes, Todd did get results in the beginning due to the initialadaptation of physical activity, but after three months, gains keptcoming slower, and slower until there was no progressionat all in his strength and muscle size. As a result of limitedprogress, Todd told me he hated to workout. He said he was tired all the time, and workouts were taking up too much time in his life. This is precisely the point in which he contacted me for help.

I quickly diagnosed the reasons for his challenges, andenthusiastically told him to take three, yes THREE weeksoff where he would not lift one single weight. After the three weeks, I explained to him his program was not effective, efficient, nor based on rational, sound exercisescience principles.

Todd’s initial program took him 4 hours per week; therefore, I condensed it down to 1 minute per week. He was hesitant, and thought I was joking. However, I reasoned with him, andhe started to see significant strength, and muscle gains not monthly, but after each workout. My rational approachto his new effective, efficient, result producing program is attributed to hi intensity, Static Contraction Training.

The majority of driven bodybuilders are not thinkinglogically, or scientifically about what they are doing. They justdo what the next person does. This current non-rational bodybuildingapproach, that has been around for decades, leads to wastingvaluable time, overtraining, and lack of long term progress. Hi intensity, Static Contraction Training does neither of these!

First of all, Static Contraction Training is based on the principle of activating the absolute maximum number of muscle fibers possible in their greatest strength range, therefore, triggering the muscle fibers to adapt by getting stronger and larger in size.

Please be aware, strength training is not aerobic (low intensity,high volume work. ) It is a high intensity, all out maximum effort for an extremely short duration. Muscle growth can be broken down into two main principles which I have practice for years, intensity and rest/recovery. In order to stimulate muscle growth, you need to provide a greater intensity or apply a greater stimulus than you generated in the previous workout, thus, activating the growth mechanism. Once this highly complicated growth mechanism is triggered, you MUST let the body replenish its limited reserves, compensate for the stimulus, and overcompensate to adapt for another training session. The precise amount of rest is mandatory in order to complete the muscle growth process. In the event you fail to allow sufficient recovery time to occur, you most definitely will short circuit the growth process, significantly compromising results.

Another crucial aspect of progressive results is tracking progress, and rest days between workouts. If you are not progressing each workout, you need more recovery time. If you areprogressing each workout, you have optimized your rest days. There is no fixed program for all. It is specifically individual. Some will need 4 days rest between workouts, while others need 12. Your specific numbers will dictate your rest days.

When performing Static Contraction Training, your objective is to statically (without motion) hold the maximum amount of weight you can in your strongest range of motionfor 5-10 seconds. Record that weight, and move onto the next exercise. If your intensity is high enough, and your rest is optimal, your numbers willskyrocket! This translates into significant strength, and muscle gains.

I could go on forever regarding the science, andstudies to back Static Contraction Training, but for the scope of this article I want to cover the basic, core principles.

For a detailed, tell all, guide to Static Contraction Training, I highly recommend the Train Smart ebook in whichI have provided a link below for your convenience.

For those who prefer working out in their homes, a brilliant friend of mine designed an amazing home gym that is built only for Static ContractionTraining. It is truly a cutting edge scientificbreakthrough. Check it out at, meter and all, it is likenothing you have ever seen.

The information above will get you started on your way to investing the absolute minimal exercise time while gettingbetter results than any other bodybuilding protocol available today.Enjoy your muscles in minutes while training intelligently!

* Please Note: Consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program.


For additional health and fitness tips like the one mentioned above,visit Wellness Word “Multimedia” Newsletter at


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Jim O’Connor – Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) – Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967


About the Author

Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Phil Knox

Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion – Health

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Weight Lifting routines are confounding because there are so many muscle-bound block-heads out there claiming that their weight lifting workout routine is the unparalleled way to build muscle.Well, you don’t have to follow those no body’s anymore. Michael Ferencsik, the 2008 Forever Natural Bodybuilding Champion has just released a step by step manual to help folks of all ages build muscle and lose fat! This guy has 30 years of personal training practice and is a highly decorated natural bodybuilder. He knows exactly what the human body needs to build muscle and lose weight and he’s ready to unveil you all of his trade secrets!The biggest benefit to Michael’s weight lifting routines is that it is designed for beginners. You don’t have to be a big strong experienced bodybuilder to reap the rewards of his masterful insights. You can build muscle and get fit using his Muscle Maximization Manuscript even if you’ve never stepped into a gym in your life, in fact, he has a special section for complete rookies in his ebook where he provides home weight lifting routines using everyday items in your home just because he wants you to begin to strengthen and tone your muscles. His book then moves on to beginner weight lifting routines for when you are ready to step into the gym, and it also reveals intermediate and advanced weight training routines to use as you progress.Weight lifting workout routines and weight loss systems that you buy from television commercials or from the best seller list at the bookstore are generic plans written by average people, but the Muscle Maximization Manuscript was written by a highly decorated Natural Bodybuilding Champion! Who are you more likely to trust?His simple weight lifting routines are time-tested systems fine tuned for beginners and advanced weight trainers alike.Ready to get started? Here is a look at Michaels Mass weight lifting routine for beginners:Multi joint weight lifting routines are the best type of weight training exercise beginners can perform because it builds a solid foundation of muscle fast! You’ll will see quick results and your success will motivate you to work harder toward your bodybuilding goals. As you advance, you’ll incorporate Isolation weight lifting routines to tone and define the details in your muscle. These multi joint weight training routines are meant to be performed with alot of weight, as much as you can lift just 6 to 8 times. Make certain that you always use perfect form, take your time and don’t rush the movement. Use a belt for exrta support when performing squats, dead lifts and presses. Watch my YouTube videos for detailed instructions on form while executing these weight training routines and pick up my ebook for complete instructions on this routine and many more.Squats: 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions eachDead Lifts: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsBench Presses or Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsStanding Overhead Barbell Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsPull Ups: 3 sets of 6 to 8Dips: 3 sets of 6 to 10 (work up to 10 reps before adding weight)Close Grip Triceps Bench Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8Weighted Sit Ups: 3 sets of 10 to 12 These weight lifting routines are meant to be a total body workout. Always perform no less than 6 repititions per set. Make certain that you get adaquate rest inbetween workouts, at least 48 hours. Never workout two days in a row.Watch Michael Ferencsik demonstrate exactly how to perform these and many more Weight Lifting Routines on YouTube right now. Or, just pick up his step by step bodybuilding guide and diet ebook now by going to Enjoy your free weight lifting routines
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Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Creatine Monohydrate Powder, 1000 Grams, From Prolab

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • 1000 Grams Powder
  • Serving Size: 1 teaspoon
  • 200 Servings Per Container

Product Description
Prolab Creatine Monohydrate is a natural compound found in the body that plays a powerful role in energy metabolism. Supplementation with Creatine Monohydrate can help maximize energy output during intense training to help you reach the next level. This nutrient maximizes strength, performance and muscular development…. More >>

Creatine Monohydrate Powder, 1000 Grams, From Prolab

Weight Lifting Diet – How to Get Massive Results From a Weight Lifting Diet

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting Diet is distinct. By that I mean that a diet for bodybuilders is different from normal ones. So if you are using a weight maintaining diet, you should change. When I was starting, I had problems with diet, because I didn’t know its importance.

A good weight lifting diet can improve the results of your workouts in a manner many people don’t know. When I saw the results I was really amazed by how fast I was building my muscles. Here I’m going to give you three key tips to change your diet in order to improve dramatically your workouts’ results.

You should eat more. Well, you want to build muscles, don’t you? You must gain weight, but not fat. To gain weight, you should eat more. Now here is the key. You should eat in 15 to 30 minutes after waking up. Then you’re going to eat after each interval of three hours.
Proteins & Carbohydrates. Keep in mind that the two main components of every weight lifting diet are proteins and carbohydrates. Every meal you have should have those. You can find proteins on:
red meal;

And you can find carbohydrates on :

Workout time. You should schedule your day to be able to go to the gym 45 minutes after eating a meal. And you want to prepare this meal with a little more carbohydrates than normal. That will give your body the additional energy it needs to stimulate your muscles.

And folks, never forget this. The diet is going to put a limit on the workout’s effects. So you should be working out and you should be using the diet. Consistency is the key, keep doing it, you’ll get results – and with those tips I just gave you, you’ll get there faster.

Those tips really helped me when I’ve found them. Basically that is what I’ve been doing in relation to weight lifting diet. But that is not all, if you want to get more about weight lifting diet and bodybuilding in general, click here to go to my website – – and get more from where that came from.

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Free $200 Advertising for Microsoft Adcenter from Marin Software

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Jackie Scheepers

Free $ 200 Advertising for Microsoft Adcenter from Marin Software – Internet

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Since 2006, Marin Software has leading the way marketers manage their online advertising programs. With over 800 clients spending over $ 2billion annually in Google, Yahoo?Bing, Facebook, etc, we are the largest online advertising platform in market. Our new solution, Marin Professional was launched to meet the needs of mid-market advertisers spending between $ 10k-$ 100k/month. Marin Professional is designed to help marketers save time and increase conversions through automated bidding, campaign expansion tools, creative testing, custom reporting, and more.Maximize ROI with Automated Keyword Level BiddingIncrease Conversions by 20+% with Automated Keyword BiddingMarin’s patent pending bidding solution has been proven to boost the performance of your online advertising spend by at least 20%. Simply define your business model and targets such as cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), or margin goals, and Marin Professional automatically bids on keywords maximizing your business objectives.Transparency and ControlMarin’s tried and tested bidding solution combines powerful optimization with an easy it use interface which puts you in control. The system also allows marketers to manually control bids, or to adjust bidding in anticipation of a seasonal or promotional change by scheduling bid adjustments. And, bid preview allows you review calculated bids to evaluate adjustments before pushing the bid changes to search engines.Get Alerted When Performance ChangesAutomated Alerts Let You Know When Things ChangeFilters and alerts help you to manage large scale campaigns by exception by notifying you when performance is abnormal. Marin automatically alerts you via email when performance drops or spikes so that you can address issues proactively.Quickly Analyze Performance with Predefined ViewsPredefined and custom saved views in Marin Professional help marketers easily identify high-impact keywords and creative for analysis. With the analytics-to-action work flow, marketers can then address poorly performing keywords or creative directly from the analytics view.Manage Your Facebook Ads in Same Interface as PPC and DisplayEffectively Manage and Grow Your Ad CampaignsEasy-to-use interface to create new campaigns and manage targeting settings across ads in bulk. Maintain Ad freshness by automatically rotating creative to prevent ad-blindness. Create hundreds of finely targeted micro-target audience ads with the click of a button.Optimize Towards Your Key Social Media MetricsImprove audience insights by understanding performance as it varies by demographics, likes, and interests. Optimize to Facebook Interactions including “Likes”,”RSVP’s”, and even App installations driven by ads.Intelligent Recommendations for Growing CampaignsExpert Tips Help Focus Your TimeLeveraging expertise in SEM. Marin’s analysis highlights recommendations to improve your marketing performance. Whether you’re looking to save money or grow your search program, Marin provides insightful and actionable recommendations. As you work, the Recommendation Engine provides tips and tutorials for increasing search volume, reducing cost and saving time.Get Started in Minutes, Not DaysSet-Up Wizards Make it Easy to Link in AccountsWith a just few clicks of the mouse, your existing campaigns can be seamlessly integrated into the Marin Professional platform. Set-up wizards and contextual help will instantly make Marin a central hub for managing and optimizing your online advertising campaigns.Useful Training Videos and Best Practices ResourcesThe Help Center makes it easy for new users to get up and running quickly with Marin. The collaborative forum provides users access to searchable help and video training, fully integrated with a community of experts and best practice advice.Take Control of your Online Marketing Campaigns Today!Marin Professional makes it easy!Get started with a Risk=FREE 14-Day Trail of Marin ProfessionalFor more details kindly visit

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Learn Hair Removal Techniques From Body Builders

May 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by JB Harrison

Learn Hair Removal Techniques From Body Builders – Health

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Today, a male body builder is not the only person into removing hair from all over their body.

Aside from the fact that there are more and more female body builders, there are scores of everyday males and females who remove hair from all over their bodies.Both in the media and on the street, an obvious example is how many males and females are into head shaving.

At the pool or the beach, and even on neighborhood basketball courts, it’s much more common to see males with smooth and hairless chests and backs. And even a few without armpit or leg hair.

Even males who model underwear and fitness equipment have removed their body hair. They have it removed because the current fashion in this society is for males to be hairless.Some would say it’s about time they caught up with the females …

It’s a reality that body hair removal has become a major means of projecting a positive image for men since they have become more aware of their overall appearance. Females know are some definite benefits to removing body hair, and males are learning this too.

Less body hair means less body heat. If they would have less body heat, then they would have less body odor. Everyone can support that.

But, perhaps even more of a benefit is the fact that removing body hair helps to define body shape. This applies to a female’s legs. For males, their chests.Body builders use some type of hair removals to prepare for a competition.We look to body builders and other athletes as examples of the growing trend which is body hair removal.

But even for body builders, it hasn’t always been easy to connect with the, “perfect”, hair removal product or system. Before the mid 90s, body builders relied mostly on services employing people who became their personal body shaver. These people used a wet razor to remove the hair from the body builder’s entire body a few hours before a competition. Then they’d oil them down.

After the mid 90s, body builders began relying on laser hair removal treatments. But that didn’t really work out so well. This was mainly because the treatments couldn’t make their entire body hairless in one to three sessions and it takes a big chunk out of their competition winnings. So there was the time factor.Then there were the unsavory side effects of swelling, redness and maybe even some blistering, that often kept body builders from competitions, even if they completed the treatments well ahead of time. That was it, when people started getting scars.

The tried and true body shaver was used by many body builders again. Still, alternatives to laser hair removal was still tried by many body builders.

Electrolysis, waxing, depilatories and shaving are the alternatives to laser hair removal.

Electrolysis may be the only hair removal method that has been proven to be permanent, and that would seem ideal for a body builder, but – Because electrolysis involves treating each individual hair follicle, (the skin depression from which the hair emerges), it is also the most time consuming hair removal method. To completely remove all hairs in just one area can take years of weekly or monthly treatment sessions. And –

Even with the use of topical anesthetic, electrolysis is still quite painful, even for body builders since it involves inserting a fine wire alongside the hair shaft into the hair follicle through which an electric current and/or strong chemical is sent down to destroy the growth source at the end of the hair. And –

Swelling, redness, pinpoint scabbing and skin discoloration is one of the temporary effects of electrolysis, skin discoloration can also be a permanent effect, and so is scarring. Add to all of that – Electrolysis is the next most expensive method of hair removal.So it’s easy to see why electrolysis is not a viable laser hair removal alternative for body builders.

Waxing is a method that would seem viable for body builders since it can last 3-8 weeks and is inexpensive. It would seem ideal for a body builder because it can be done on the entire body in one session.

Waxing basically involves applying a warmed taffy like substance to the hairs in an area, then cloth strips, all of which are allowed a moment to cool and adhere to the hairs and then the strips are very quickly removed, pulling the hairs out by their roots.

Applying a topical anesthetic is recommended since this method is very painful. But that’s not the real problem.The real problem is that while the wax is adhering to the hairs, unfortunately, it’s also adhering to the skin. Some of the skin is yanked off when with the cloth strips. Swelling, rawness and redness is the result.

Usually, if waxing is done several days ahead of time and they stay out of direct sunlight, a body builder’s skin is able to heal for competition. Usually … There have been some complications such as infected ingrown hairs and other infections that have left scars.Which means waxing is not the best laser hair removal alternative.

A host of body builders use the hair removal product of a depilatory to remove all of their body hair. It is a quick, easy, painless and inexpensive method that can remove the hair on the chest, back, underarms,hair in the bikini line area and legs.

A depilatory employs strong chemicals that basically, “melt”, the hairs above the skin, which can then be wiped from the skin surface.Problem is, hair and skin are composed of similar materials so that these harsh chemicals that melt the hair can also burn the skin and cause swelling, redness, bumps, ingrown hairs and even scarring.So using a depilatory hair removal product is still not the best laser hair removal alternative.

A body shaver provides a smooth result when done properly and is inexpensive, reliable and safe that is why many body builders prefer it.

Sure, there’s only one way to receive a, “razor burn”, and that’s by shaving. And it’s possible to get scrapes, nicks and cuts, as well as rashes, bumps and ingrown hairs from shaving, but -These are minor side effects as compared to all other hair removal methods. And they can be covered with make up if need be. When necessary, body builders wear make up)And shaving truly can be done on any part of a body builder’s body. A body builder can even shave their heads if it is part of their whole presentation.

These then are the hair removal experiences and results of body builders from which the everyday person can learn.Although there is one more method of hair removal for all body shavers, including those into head shaving – It’s still shaving, but with an inexpensive tool designed to easily, quickly, and most importantly, safely provide clean, close, and smooth hair removal – All over your body.

About the Author

JB Harrison has written extesively on many health products and this time he give you great information on hair removal tips. Visit: revitol removal reviews for mor great scar removal information.

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JB Harrison

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JB Harrison has written extesively on many health products and this time he give you great information on hair removal tips. Visit: revitol removal reviews for mor great scar removal information.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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