The Benefits of Resistance Training you can get from Home

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Dave Fraser

Similar to using workout machines, or free weights resistance training benefits are the same, and possibly even better. If you’re using exercise bands for training then you have the unique benefit that resistance will increase as you push or pull your way through the exercise, not to mention how portable and cost effective they are. What about the health benefits of using resistance training? This article will explore what other benefits beyond cost and space savings resistance training bands can offer you.

Range of activities and Strength increase

When you exercise using resistance training you begin to develop longer muscles, and stronger bones. This doesn’t happen over night but little by little it offers you the benefit of of a stronger you. This will help even more as you grow with age, and it allows you to become stronger and withstand more strenuous outdoor or indoor activities.

Lower Body Fat Percentage

Like most exercise routines resistance training burns fat. By increasing your heart rate you burn more calories then when you’re just standing still. A second benefit and way to lose weight is that muscle on our bodies burns more calories then fat when we’re resting. As we develop more lean muscle on our body from the workouts we’re doing we’re also increasing the number of daily calories we’re able to burn while resting.

Self Confidence Booster

Of course a big benefit of resistance training, and why most people start working out in the first place is an improve personal appearance. Resistance training isn’t for bulking up, rather it’s a sculpting routine that will elongate and tone muscles. The legs, buttocks, abs and arms can all be firmly shaped and toned with resistance exercises. A better personal appearance can also help us feel better about ourselves and in other areas of our life.

If you’re not already using resistance training in your exercise routines you should be. It’s a fun and unique form of exercising that can be done from home without expensive equipment, or expensive gym memberships.

Want to get started with resistance training quickly? Consider trying the Bodylastics system. Our website has a detailed review on the set, as well as other articles on workout bands and training techniques.

More Resistance Training Band Articles

Avoid Injuries From Running – 3 Simple Keys For Distance Runners

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

In order to improve as a distance runner you must avoid injuries from running. Consistency is the underlying goal of any training program. A distance runner thrives on progressing from week to week and month to month. Whether striving to get faster or go farther, a running injury can put a stop to any progress and begin to lose some of the hard earned endurance and speed. To maintain constant improvement, distance runners can benefit from the following keys to avoid running injuries:

Know your personal limits

Every runner has a different breaking point. The best example of this relates to a runners weekly mileage. Elite runners training volume will often include weeks of 100+ miles. For the everyday distance runner, this volume may be far beyond their limit. Your limit is the point that as you approach your body starts to break down.

For example, each time a particular runner approaches 50 miles in a week, an unannounced injury will pop up setting back their training. With proper training personal limits can be pushed back, but it is best to allow your body time to adjust to levels just below your limits and slowly build up to and then beyond.

Recover Recover Recover

The nature of increasing speed or endurance as a distance runner is based on consistently tearing down your body and slowly improving with each consecutive workout. The only way to steadily get faster and stronger is to allow your body to heal in between runs. This is especially true of speedwork, tempo and long runs. Training creates micro tears in your muscles and recovery allows them to heal themselves and get stronger. Proper recovery helps to repair your muscles.

Without the rest needed to rejuvenate, weakened muscles can swiftly lead to injury.

Identify Your Weak Areas

The body is only as strong as your weakest area. Experienced runners will listen to their bodies to see what areas are “talking” to them before, during and after a run. These talkative areas are generally the weak areas of the body. Once identified, these weaknesses can be targeted through specific exercises to strengthen potential problem areas.

The most effective way to prevent injuries from running is to strengthen those areas that are most prone to injury. Following a core and leg strengthening program designed specifically for endurance athletes will help you to avoid common injuries and to perform at your best. Click Here to see how you can live up to your potential as an endurance athlete.

Find More Speed Workouts For Distance Runners Articles

Running Shoes: Benefit from the best Pair on your Feet

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Tnf2

The latest support gear for running . . . moisture wicking clothing, Gps system watches, Various models of ipods – pales when compared with that one supplies item that a runner requires and every runner owns. Experienced person runners know there’s one tool it is indispensable traveling – an excellent set of runners.

But if you may be new to jogging, how do you know if for example the pair of jogging shoes you plan to assist you to buy are really meets your needs? Actually, performing newbies might not know how to determine an appropriate running footwear – unless they’re competitive sports physicians and physical therapists. Nevertheless there are some effortless tips which enables you to you get the perfect pair of running shoes North Face jackets for your feet, even though you have no idea exactly what means to ‘over-pronate.Wi Just carry out these guidelines: Refrain from any all-purpose black-jack shoe stores. This includes your local inexpensive department store, shoes stores that have already “mart” in the title, and any keep that also markets dress shoes. Perhaps stores that are sports connected – such as ones the spot that the salesclerks dress since referees – should be avoided. With regard to you’re exceedingly lucky, instead of getting a really serious North Face T-Shirts Outlet runner being salesclerk, you’ll finish up with a high college student doing work for college tuition hard earned cash.

Visit a “real” operating store. You will know it’s a running store the subsequent you tip through the doorway. Moisture wicking clothing will be on the whole set of racks. Really the only footwear viewable will be trainers. The d隆搂|cor may perhaps include kind tee-shirts hung within the wall. And you will probably see lots of the basics which usually runners need to have, like energy levels gels, chafing lubrication and spice up spray. Likelihood is that you’ll perhaps see a number of piles of race varieties or fliers through cash register. Ask for a gait investigation. The best managing stores can analyze your current gait. Quite a few do this simply by videotaping your legs while you are powered by a cardio equipment. Others just simply watch everyone as you dash around the car park. An experienced running shoe salesperson should be able to tell your walking by reviewing you run. Following determining when you over-pronate or under-pronate (and also neither), all of the salesclerk will be able to advocate an appropriate running shoe, such Womens North Face Cipher Jackets outlet as a general stability running shoes or routine control sneaker.

Try quite a few on. Subsequently try on a lot more. If the salesclerk really appears exasperated or discouraged because you hold trying on match after partners, pick up your personal wallet along with walk out in the store. Knowledgeable runners understand that a properly measured running shoe can indicate the difference from a great work and a horrid run. In addition know that usually it takes a lot of time to get that great pair. Jog in them when you buy them. Before choosing the shoes, have an opportunity to manage in them. Work with the store’s treadmill machine or go forth to the automobile parking space. Any reliable running save will permit you to take the athletic shoes for a “test drive” prior to buying any them.

Find out about the go back policy. It doesn’t matter how much attempt you put to shopping for jogging sneakers, it’s North Face GTX XCR Shoe Wheat White nonetheless possible you’re going to end up with moobs that seems lead body fat once you reach the two-mile draw on your subsequent run. Therefore ask about that store’s return policy. The majority of reputable jogging stores allow you to return these comfortable shoes within fortnight or four weeks, especially if yet properly fitted to your base.

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Designer Shoes At Great Prices Come From Family Run Stores

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Stewart Wrighter

For those who like delicious footwear, finding an outlet which has all the latest fashions is like walking into a goldmine. Indeed, there are some companies that not only have physical shops, they also sell online too and this is the best way to see all that is on offer quickly. Some people may like the extremely stylish Thierry Rabotin shoes which are really on the cutting edge of fashion, while others will want footwear which will aid them in running faster and more safely. This is done with the innovative Vibram Fivefinger shoes which have a really unusual design.

The running footwear mentioned is different in that each toe has its own compartment, much like a pair of gloves. The sole is made up of flexible rubber like material but it holds the foot in just the right position to run. Also, the toes cannot rub together as in normal footwear so the runner will find them more comfortable once he has gotten used to wearing them.

The great thing about some of these stores is that they will always be on the lookout for the next big thing to hit the market. Materials are changing all the time and when they are incorporated into footwear, everyone gets excited by the new look which designers comes up with. For example, any material which allows the foot to breathe and lose heat is great for runners and athletes. However, by making a totally different design, those who are a little trendy will jump on them immediately.

For the fashion designers in Paris and other centers of excellence, the whole outfit will not be complete unless the footwear is perfect. This means then that designers put just as much emphasis on the feet as they do to other parts of the body too. Once this footwear hits the catwalk, footwear of a similar design is released all round the world, albeit in a much more toned down style, so that people from every walk of life can put something fashionable into their lives. Of course, some of these trends are a little off the wall, but for the most part, most of us like to look like we are with the ‘in’ people.

One very important factor that most people look for too is the price of the goods. If they are placed too high then the man in the street, so to speak, will not be able to afford them. Therefore, these stores that supply fashionable footwear tend to gauge what their clients will spend and buy footwear accordingly. If they make a mistake at this point, the footwear will stay on the shelves and everyone will lose out. Family run stores really get to know their clientele and some will even last through several generations. This means that customers who used the place as kids will bring their own children in to buy them something for special occasions or for them to wear to school. Promoting these stores is the way to keep them open, of course.

Stewart Wrighter and his wife often search the internet to find great Thierry Rabotin shoes of every style for their family. He and his wife ordered Vibram Fivefinger Shoes for mountaineering.

Go From Flab Arms to Sexy Arms In 4 Easy Steps

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by William Onedge

Flabby arms have a way of making a person feel insecure, even if they are not overweight. They can ruin your day, and put a damper on your entire sense of being. It’s amazing how something that seems so insignificant can do so much damage. Luckily, all of that can be changed.

When you go from flabby arms to sexy arms, your life will seem better, and everything will look good on you. To make it a reality, you’ll need to first start making simple changes in your diet. Is your diet loaded with carbs? Most likely, it is because unfortunately, people do not know how to eat these days. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Bad carbs consist of mostly refined sugars and junk foods such as candy, cakes, ice cream, white bread, and potato chips. Good carbs consist of food containing more nutritional value such as bananas, apples, wheat bread, wheat noodles, and all vegetables.

1.) To get rid of flabby arms, there is no doubt that you have got to stop consuming so many bad carbs. Pay attention to your beverages as well. If you drink a lot of soda and artificial juice, your body will continue to hold onto fat. To get rid of flabby arms, you have to change your eating habits by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

By making a few simple changes in your diet, you should start to notice that your arms shrink considerably, especially over the first couple of weeks. Although you will be experiencing fat loss, you will still have to do something about that flab. Having flabby arms is what makes it all so unattractive. To put an end to this, you are going to have to exercise.

2.) Triceps and biceps exercises should be enough to take care of the flab. Keep in mind from the very beginning that you’ll have to stay persistent in your efforts to see positive results. Biceps curls are a great way to decrease some of the flabbiness you may be dealing with. Simply take a bar and some weight you cannot lift anymore than eight to ten times. You want to make sure that the weight on the bar is a bit of a challenge so that you see quicker results. The muscles need to really work hard to tighten up and burn any additional fat you are left with.

3.) Triceps pull downs and kickbacks are another good way to get rid of flabby arms completely. Most people tend to experience flab on the back on of their arms surrounding the triceps area more so than anywhere else. The weight lifted for these exercises also needs to be no more than you can do eight to ten times each. The amount of sets you do should be somewhere in the middle, ranging from around four to seven. Rest is very important when doing flabby arms exercises because that is when the tightening will start to occur. Your muscles cannot tighten and burn fat adequately if no rest is provided. Give your arms about 48 hours of rest before working them again.

4.) Probably you can work your arms about three times per week. Along with the flabby arms exercises, you will need to continue to pay close attention to your diet and practice other methods of fat loss, such as cardiovascular exercise, at least three days per week for about 45 minutes. This type of exercise will help to keep your metabolism up, making it very difficult for your flabby arms to return.

Give your diet and exercise program about a month or two before taking full effect. Before you know it, you’ll have the attractive arms you have always wanted, and everyone will notice. The only difference is that this time, people won’t be looking because they’re disgusted, they’ll be looking because they want to!

You need to eat, but just do not overdo it. That’s where a good weight loss system can help you. At There’s a Free Workout Program and a Great Product Review on a system that can help you on your way to fabulous looking arms and the body you always wanted in less time than you think.

More Flabby Arm Exercise Articles

Detox: Healthy Living Starts From Within

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Thomas Jane

In my early 20s, I was fortunate to bag the job-of-a-lifetime! I plan events, TV commercials and photo shoots for magazines — yes, basically I rub elbows with celebrities and up-and-coming stars. The glamour and thrill of advertising was priceless, but I had sacrificed a lot of things including holidays and vacations, sleep, and my health. The fast-paced environment of the industry was taxing; food were my ways of coping. But then I wasn’t eating right. That’s where the problem starts.

I have an erratic eating pattern. I sometimes eat one meal in a day; yes, I consider coffee as my meal. Because with the kind of work I am in, who has the time to indulge in a 30-minute break? Sometimes, I binge in weird places and times. Sometimes I eat walking my way to a meeting, while waiting for a taxi cab, while working on my laptop, etc.

So you see the way I lived my life then is quite stressed out and toxic.

When I started working, I lost a lot of weight. You could say that I got slimmer, but if you’d weigh me down the scale I was underweight. Then I got pregnant. Then I gave birth. Then I stayed at home to become a work-at-home mom. Then came another problem: post-pregnancy weight and the effects of sitting for long hours in front of a computer.

I tried almost all types of diets and bought all kinds of slimming products from slimming teas to slimming coffees and slimming pills to get me back in shape, but none of them worked on me completely. I’d loose a couple of centimeters and shed some pounds, but it goes back again when I start pigging out — especially on holidays.

Exercise outdoors, yes, but never on a gym. But it is not the same as it used to. I cannot go anywhere as I please as I have parenting duties, household chores, and work to mind.

In a holiday reunion with my family last year I saw my cousin, who could pass as a contestant for The Biggest Lose, and whoa — he really lost the weight. So we talked and I learned through him the wonder of detox diets.

I got home and googled it.

According to Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D., a naturopathic doctor, lecturer, and author of the book Detoxification, “Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin,” she writes in her book. “Just as our hearts beat nonstop and our lungs breathe continuously, so our metabolic processes continuously dispose of accumulated toxic matter.”

The general idea suggests that detox diets can involve consuming extremely limited foods (water or juice only) or eliminating certain foods from the diet (like Atkins Diet) thereby resulting to cause the body to burn or secret accumulated stored fats and toxins.

Page recommends that if you feel “congested” from too much food — or the wrong kinds of food — you may want to detoxify. If your energy level is low, if you have been taking many medications that have not been eliminated from your system, or you feel bloated with all the foods and beverages you’ve taken on weekdays, a weekend detox may help you feel better.

So, I started to change my lifestyle. I embarked on a green lifestyle and embraced anything organic. I could never be a Vegan because I still need lean meat in my life, but still eating vegetables are a must.

Now, I am doing daily reps of Cardio and Pilates exercises and healthy diet (6 meals a day in small portions; I make sure that I take at least 2 liters of water a day (water therapy — the best detox ever!), eat fresh fruits and veggies, and have my Wheatgrass Juice Diet on weekends.

Aside from my exercise and diet regimens, I make sure that I indulge in wellness activities like going to the day spa for a massage therapy and meditations to aide detoxing.

Indeed, detoxing is not just about secreting toxins inside the body but also relieving ourselves with negative emotional baggage.

And just what Deepak Chopra said, “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”

Thomas Jane is a freelance writer for Holistic Health Associates, a Frederick, Maryland-based massage therapy center providing Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone and the likes. When permitted she schedules a once-a-week massage therapy session by calling (301) 620-1414.

Anaerobic Digestion Makes Renewable Energy from Rubbish

January 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises


An Anaerobic Digestion system which is suitable for processing mixed (black bag) waste has been developed from technology first developed in Israel.

It recovers resources from waste while producing renewable energy and helping to reduce carbon emissions.

The ArrowBio process has been developed through a series of pilot and demonstration plants to a level ready to be used commercially in many countries, and is best described as a water-based mechanical biological treatment (MBT) facility, with energy recovery.

ArrowBio’s process has been developed in such a way that it can either be used as a stand-alone solution or in conjunction with other technologies. For example it can be built within sustainable energy parks to provide a source of energy for the park, as well as recycled materials for further processing.

The recycled materials are re-used as feedstock by the other businesses based within the park to create a variety of products.

Two Stage Anaerobic Digestor

ArrowBio sets out to fully recover and wash the recyclable elements of the waste, so it should be favoured by environmental groups which tend to object to alternative processes which handle mixed waste, like incineration, on the basis that the ability of incineration to handle mixed wastes reduces the necessity to separate and recycle, and that the flu gas can contain toxic chemicals. The argument is also that incineration makes it too easy to neglect recycling, so it should not be used. None of these objections apply to Anaerobic Digestion.

The process has at its core a two stage anaerobic digestor which has been optimized for better energy yield than competing systems, from every unit mass of organic matter processed.

Extracting the maximum available gas yield, is in fact a stated primary aim of the ArrowBio processs.

This is recognised as good policy environmentally, and of course the gas and, or electricity generates revenue, which helps to pay for the upkeep of the plant.

The process consists of two distinct yet integrated components: a “front-end” wet Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and a “back-end” advanced anaerobic digestion system.

The wet MRF combines standard solid waste handling technology in combination with liquid and slurry pumping, water based processing facilitates, passive separation, and cleaning of recyclables and their automatic conveyance around the facility, while also suppressing odours and dust.

The wet MRF the action is cleans, and recovers, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and plastics separated by type.

These are then sorted into recycled materials of various grades that can be sold directly into the recycling market.

A “hydrocrusher” has also been successfully developed by ArrowBio which forms part of the wet (anaerobic) process. In effect the biodegradable waste is jetted with high pressure jets of water through a series of pipes. Food and paper is torn apart, greatly increasing the surface area available to biological action, while simultaneously suspending the organic chemicals in a watery solution.

Any waste that is not recoverable or that is not sent through the anaerobic digesters exits from the ArrowBio facility as a residue, and is normally present in only in minor quantities.

The first part of ArrowBio’s anaerobic digestion process is known as the acidogenic stage, and the second is a methanogenic stage. The biomass achieves optimum efficiency compared with single tank AD, and optimisation of pH levels, temperature and residence times is achieved automatically.

The plant has low emissions. The ArrowBio design needs no costly gas scrubbing stage, and the largely water borne technique does not produce the troublesome (dust, odour, etc) emissions experienced from other processes.

Recognition of the sustainability benefits of Anaerobic Digestion is rising fast. Find out more about this technology for the future at the Anaerobic Digestion web site, and more about the ArrowBio AD Process.

Read more about the AD process now. Visit the ArrowBio page at Anaerobic Digestion.Com. The AD Community.

Steve Evans is also a regular contributor of dog breed related articles.

There are essential details about the top dog breeds and many other canine articles at: The Dog Breeds Compendium.

Aerobic dance. The background music is All Around The World by Zippers. ps I am not the maker of the footage. It was obtained from other place and I forget the original source of it. As for the music, I have tried to find but I can’t find the mp3 for it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Get in Shape from the Feet Up with Toning Shoes

January 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

The latest craze in footwear is toning shoes that actually get you in shape from the feet up. There’s no need for a gym or a fancy exercise routine. All you have to do is walk to reap the benefits of calorie burning and muscle toning.

Easy and versatile, toning shoes come in a variety of styles, ranging from sneakers and flip-flops to regular shoes, sandals and boots. So no matter what your outfit, there is a toning shoe to match and a good selection of brands to choose from.

Sneaker-Type Toning Shoes

Sneaker–type toning shoes are made by companies such as New Balance, MBT, Skechers, Reebok and Avia.

On the women’s side, the New Balance WW850 is a nice option that looks like a regular sneaker. There is no tell-tale curving or sloping sole that is common with most toning shoes. Instead, New Balance’s Tru-Balance Sole technology is a special system of components that is designed to create natural instability that mimics being on a balance board.

The WW850 has a C-Cap midsole made of compression molded EVA. It has a solid rubber outsole and an ABZORB insert for shock absorption. The upper is synthetic and mesh. The WW850 comes in gray with pink and white, black with pink and gray and blue with gray and white.

Men’s options for sneaker style-toning shoes include MBT Shoes’ Sini design. Available in denim and  mesh,  drizzle nubuck and mesh, white nubuck and mesh and black leather, the Sini is a stylish blend of sport and style that is perfect for walking and fitness activities.
The Sini features MBT’s patented Masai Barefoot Technology, which is based on a unique multi-layered sole that changes flat surfaces into uneven ones.

This gives users the feel of walking barefoot.  By challenging balance in this way, MBT shoes change the way you use your muscles, toning your legs and feet and also improving your joints and spine. MBT is one of the pioneers of the toning shoe and their Sini Design is a great way for men to stylishly reap the benefits of their toning technology.

Toning Sandals and Flip-Flops

For warmer weather, there are many different styles of toning sandals and flip flops for both women and men. Two fashionable ones are Orthaheel’s Women’s Seatrek sandal and their Men’s Ryder thong. Both feature Orthaheel’s podiatrist designed technology with a biomechanical Tri-planar Motion Control footbed and a deep heel cup. This helps to support and realign feet back to their natural neutral position.

The Women’s Seatrek sandal is a sleek little number with asymmetrical straps and an adjustable hook-and-loop closure. It has a rubber outsole that grips the ground and a faux cork-covered EVA midsole that is lightweight, shock absorbent and cushioned. The Seatrek comes in silver or pewter.

The Men’s Ryder thong is engineered to give toes extra wiggle room. The sandal features an adjustable strap and a contoured footbed. The Ryder is both lightweight and water resistant and has a rubber outsole with wave tread for extra traction. It comes in Chocolate or Black Polyurethane.

Toning Boots

For toning in winter weather, Skechers Shape Ups’ Women’s Elasticity boots are the perfect blend of fashion and function. These suede and faux fur boots come up to your calves and are a cozy, comfortable and incredibly stylish way to tone your beach legs during the colder months. The Elasticity comes in chocolate brown or black. They feature Skechers’ Kinetic Wedge soft foam midsoles to absorb shock. When walking, the feeling is as though you are walking in sand.

Men have an equally fashionable yet functional boot option in MBT’s Tisa ankle boot. Made of breathable full-grain leather, the Tisa has elastic goring for easy on and off wear. This bootie also has an antimicrobial dry and cool mesh and foam insole for breathability. The outsole is rubber for excellent traction. The Tisa comes in black or toffee.

Toning Shoes

Sneakers, sandals and boots are great, but if you just want a simple pair of toning shoes for everyday use, Earth’s line of footwear is incredibly comfortable and effective. Earth designs their shoes with Kalsø Negative Heel Technology. This positions your toes 3.7 degrees higher than your heels to strengthen and tone your body and improve your posture.

For women, Earth’s Inhale Microfiber Mary Jane is a casual shoe that is comfortable yet stylish. The Inhale is made of lightweight microfiber and the Kalso-Lite Soles are flexible. The collar is made of padded elasticized neoprene and the cross straps are adjustable. The Inhale is also vegan certified and comes in black or rose.

For men, Earth’s Tova – Khaki Microfiber shoe is a sporty little number that is perfect for casual activities. The Tova has vibrant contrast stitching embellishing its nubuck toe cap. The shoe laces up between oversized metal eyelets. For added comfort, the Tova has a padded collar and tongue.

With so many different styles of toning shoes available, men and women can find a pair to fit any fashion in any season. Toning shoes make fitness simple, since all you have to do is walk to reap the benefits. Why not take advantage and get a pair today? They are all you need to get in shape from the feet up.

Brad Roland is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics and brands such as toning shoes .

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How To Get The Best Value From Your Commercial Weight Lifting Equipment

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Commercial weight lifting equipment is absolutely necessary for any gym. Equipment built for commercial use allows for a greater workload as many more users will be utilizing the machine functions. There are many different types of commercial equipment and not all of them are machines. From intricate weight lifting gym systems to traditional dumbbells, the options are vast and all are beneficial in one way or another.

Building from the ground up is a good place to start when looking at commercial weight lifting equipment. With large machines generally being very heavy, protecting your gym floors is pertinent. Commercial grade fitness mats generally come in pre-measured sheets at a size of four feet by six feet. The thickness of the mats can vary from one half inch to three quarter inch thick. Some of these fitness mats are even made from materials like recycled rubber, which in turn help the environment while protecting gym floors from heavy weight damage.

Once you have a prepared surface for your commercial weight lifting equipment to rest on, you can begin to fill your gym with machines and equipment to meet your client needs.

For traditional weight lifting via the use of free weights, there are a few different options on the market today. Barbells utilize a bar that can be straight or shaped for hand placement (known as the EZ Curl Bar) and are normally made from iron. The length of the bars varies. Commercial barbells are generally categorized as Olympic barbells because of their ability to handle a larger weight capacity in comparison to standard barbells. While the standard version is more commonly found in the home exercise room, many gyms also carry this style.

Weight plates are used in conjunction with the Olympic and standard barbells.

Also made of iron, the weight plates display how heavy they are so the user can determine how many plates to slide onto the barbell. The plates are held in place with the use of spring collars, offering a secure lift when in use. When clients are using barbells for weight lifting, there are three different kinds of benches to aid in their exercise. Incline, decline and flat benches all offer various positions for the user to lift in. Some are adjustable; some have racks for the barbell to rest in when not in use and others are just flat.

Commercial weight lifting machines offer a different approach to lifting than the traditional barbell method. Multi and single station machines allow users to perform a range of exercises. Some prefer these machines because they feel they are easier and safer to use. Others see the multitude of pins, cables and pulleys as a hassle and opt for free weights. Offering both kinds of commercial weight lifting equipment is a definite must for all of your clients.

Alexander Sutton has been helping people discover the simplest ways to improve their quality of life. For more information, please visit Commercial Weight Lifting Equipment.

Seven things that may be holding you back from running

December 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Start Running for Beginners

Ever thought about what is stopping you moving forward from developing a successful running plan? Some of you are simply having a hard time getting started running for beginners, and today we are going to check out why. Maybe you have recently started and just could not keep with the program, perhaps you are someone who has not able to get rolling at all, or maybe you are just learning about running, and testing the waters to find out what must be done to start a running program. For individuals who are already running regularly, there may be some really good tips in here for you as well, for taking your running one stage further.

Here are a few things that could be stopping you from proceeding from having a successful running program: ??

Fear of injury – Fine, so nobody ever desires to get hurt, right? And, the fact is that if you run for a long enough period of time, then the probability of injury increases. Obviously, you can avoid many of the injuries from taking place by having good form and running with decent shoes. And, even though you do get injured, at least you will have taken advantage of being healthier in the long run. I would instead be a runner while enjoying the great things about running, even if it means getting injured every once in a while, than sitting on the sofa and being unfit, but rarely injured. ??

Unsure where to start – Maybe the reason that you cannot get started running is basically that you just do not have a hint where to begin. Well, in case this is you, you are clearly doing what can be done to cope with this halting point. You should continue to learn about running from sites like this one as well as other running blogs and podcasts. There are also running magazines and books that will help teach you as well. Speak to your friends that are runners, and ask them if they are ready to give you a few guidelines. Maybe they would run along, and be an accountability buddy as well. ??

Do not have a plan – I’m sure I have pointed out this issue a couple of time here, but not having a plan is a sure approach to fade out as a runner. Come up with a simple running plan and go do it. ??

cannot find time to run – All of us live hectic lives, and I know gelling a run could be hard at times. But even 3 times a week for half an hour watch run shouldn’t be too hard for even the most frantic executive. If the president of our great country has time to exercise throughout the week, I think you can make an hour or two to do it likewise. In the end, there are 168 hours inside the week. Really don’t you believe you can spend two of them to take care of your body? ?

?It is Too Difficult to Run – The fact is that running can be hard work. If it were easy everyone would do it, correct? But, it also has many advantages that make it definitely worth the effort. The good thing to keep in mind is that you don’t need to run a marathon the first time out. You can start slowly and build up a little bit each time. Just take your time, and make a little bit of improvement each time you go out. ?

Fear of success – You may be a person that is actually afraid that you will encounter too much success, and you will not know how to cope with that success whenever you do achieve it. Maybe you are scared that if shed fifteen lbs men will look at you differently? Do not be fearful of success, but instead accept it. You are probably uncomfortable with the changes that success brings, and this will be one way to figure out how to embrace change and good results.

The goal of Start Running for Beginners is to help you start running and stick with a regular program. Learn more about how to start running for beginners and running to lose weight.

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