The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle

August 20, 2012 by  
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Article by R.T. Bucher

The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – Health – Fitness

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The fastest way to gain muscle is with an intensive workout routine, coupled with a proper diet and adding some much need supplements. Please also understand we are not including steroids to aid us.

Try to understand first of all what must occur for muscle to grow, when lifting weights the small muscle fibers are shredded. The body immediately looks for a way to repair the damage. But, when it repairs them, it makes them bigger. It is trying to protect itself.

Now in order to find the fastest way to gain muscles we need to find the quickest way to damage the muscle we have. The best way to do this is with short repetitions and heavy weight. We want to put the muscles in duress quickly, so to shred them faster.

It’s important to note, your body will start trying to use muscle as energy if you work out to long. So keep your muscle building routines under an hour. Short reps and longer sets are for sure the fastest way to gain muscle.

You need to also implement a rigorous but much needed diet plan, including supplements like whey protein and creatine. Both of these are highly important when building muscles. They will help aid in the recovery of the small muscle tears and repair the muscle tissue faster.

On another note, immediately after a strenuous workout you need to replenish the liquids and carbohydrates you lost. It would be a futile point to workout and not replenish the most important nutrients your muscles need to grow. I always try to drink 64 ounces of water a day and religiously stick to low glycemic carbs like oatmeal and yams.

Try to avoid sugars and high glycemic carbs like potatoes. They cause your insulin levels to skyrocket. You want to keep your insulin levels maintained evenly throughout the day. Make sure your are eating 6 small meals a day with a focus on high protein. I try to get 20 grams of protein with each meal. Shoot for 1.5 grams of protein or each pound you way, it is very important when trying the fastest way to gain muscle.

Keeping track of what you eat and how hard you work out will help you find the fastest way to gain muscle. Stick to this formula and stay motivated and focused. You should start seeing insane results in two or three weeks.

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Discover how to get ripped and big by visiting Burn The Fat Today!

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Discover how to get ripped and big by visiting Burn The Fat Today!

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The Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Just what are They?

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Marcello Nugent

The Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Just what are They? – Health

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The Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Exactly what are They? Are you familiar with who produces the best supplements for muscle gain currently? There are so much supplements in the marketplace that it’s tough to really know what is great for you and also what isn’t. The key to understanding what the best supplements are for muscle gain should be to research and browse reviews from those who have tried them already. You must know what you’re really getting into before you spend your hard earned cash.

Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Cyto Sports Muscle Milk There’s no doubt a need for discovering specifically what the best supplements for muscle gain are actually. The Cyto Sports Muscle Milk is a popular product, and although some people might perceive it is a nutritional supplement for gaining weight can it assist in support muscle growth? Muscle Milk is simply a protein powder that is certainly built to enable you to build muscle, and muscle alone. The easiest way to know for sure should be to talk with those who’re weight lifters because they really know what to anticipate plus they really know what to take into account in a protein powder.

Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Twin Lab Amino Fuel If you are reading regarding the best supplements for muscle gain, then you will wish to look into Twin Lab Amino Fuel. The reason this product is useful for everybody is because it’s amino acid based, meaning it’s simply proteins and absolutely nothing more. Your body will not need to work so much to break it down and use it, and your body can absorb it easily. This means that when your absorption rates are higher that your body is able to utilize what you are giving it. But if your body doesn’t use it then you have wasted your hard-earned dollars, so ensure that you know what you are getting before you decide to purchase it.

Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Find Creatine Monohydrate Are you aware that the body actually creates the most effective supplements for muscle gain? This means that we should be able to trigger it, and if we’re hoping to build muscle specifically we certainly can. Creatine works together with sugar to give the muscles, so essentially it provides us energy. Creatine may be found in our most vital organs like the liver, pancreas, and even the kidneys, and this is how it actually reaches our muscles. Why is Creatine so hot? Creatine occurs naturally in foods, and that’s why Creatine will always be available for sale. When utilized in conjunction with a balanced diet, Creatine is super effective and will assist you to reach weight loss and bodybuilding goals.

There are plenty of supplements available for purchase which work, but it’s about creating balance, and finding the things that work for you. Everyone is special, and every person may have a different goal. In case you are ever wondering about the best supplements for muscle gain, these three are a fantastic starting place.

About the Author

For for info on best supplements for muscle gain make sure you visit Empower Network.

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For for info on best supplements for muscle gain make sure you visit Empower Network.

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Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Naturally

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle


You can simply perform this at home where you will feel more relaxed and it will be more convenient.Just remember, when we talk about developing the abs, exercises alone aren’t enough. Therefore, you’re better be concentrating on cardio, strength training and your diet for the best results. At first you may not appear to be achieving your goal to lose weight as you lose fat and gain muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.


Abdominal muscles are no different than any other muscle group. So proper selection of abdominal exercise is necessary to make it more effective and avoid damages to each abdominal part. Well, this will need handwork and lots of self discipline and self sacrifices. There are different preparation and training programs that will help to make this happen. It is critical to being able to lose weight and gain muscle.


In order to have a trim figure it is necessary to keep a balanced diet and fitness routine for life.

Remember; Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself. Additionally, you should also drink large amounts of water to keep you feeling full through out the day and to flush your body of bad greasy cells to lose weight naturally.

The right diet can fight cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. Aside from making it into routine,the best way to lose weight and strengthen your abdominal muscles is to vary the exercises you perform. You will improve your body much more quickly.


Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that it can take up to one week to notice the signs of exercise. Keeping that in mind, the more weight you need to lose, the sooner it is that you will start noticing results.  While exercise is a major part of losing weight, it is important that you don’t overdo it, particularly if you haven’t been exercising regularly.  Running on a treadmill for three hours, instead of twenty minutes, may help you lose weight quickly, but, at the same time, it ‘s also likely to land you in hospital. 


>> Adding exercising to your diet plan will definitely help you lose that fat on your belly.

>> Lifestyle Changes need your commitment.

Alan Mead has written on many topics over more years that he cares to admit to. Alan recommends that you click the link for more information on this subject.

Click here: Have a question? Simply Click Link Above… and Ask Me Your Questions… and I will answer Your questions LIVE on My Free Webinar This Week! (get personalized help every week… Free… im here to change your health for ever! Come join me NOW! Istarted passionately studying what lean people were doing in 1981 because my waistline was 40 inches. I have learned a lot since then. I am now in the best shape of my life at the age of 45. My waistline is now 31 inches. Nutrition is 60-70% of your fat loss muscle gain program. Follow me & I will teach you exactly how to eat for your body type, activity level, starting point, & your goals. Go to to learn secrets and tips to work out less and see more results. I believe that it is one of the most time efficient, results orientated fitness / fat;loss programs on the market today. You can work-out till your blue in the face but if you do not incorporate Interval Cardio (done first thing in the morning in a fasted state), intense functional multi-joint, compound exercises, small healthy meals often with protein and carbs combined together, positive mindset, goal setting & social support (you will turn into who you hang around) you will not change your body much. But if you do focus on the 5 pillars of fitness & health, you will radically change your waistline, your lifestyle, and your life. YOUR ATTITUDE WILL DETERMINE YOUR ALTITUDE (how high you go in life) YOUR WAISTLINE DETERMINES YOU ATTITUDE

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The Best Way to Gain Muscle: Gaining It Fast and Gaining It Safely

July 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Marcus Lee

The Best Way to Gain Muscle: Gaining It Fast and Gaining It Safely – Awards

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When someone is aspiring to become a bodybuilder, he should remember that the best way to gain muscle is knowing not just what to do but also the wrong way of doing it. Following the routines seen in magazines for bodybuilders are the greatest error that can be make in creating a routine and program for his bodybuilding effort. The aspirant has the best chances of making it by doing a program tailored for amateurs; this is the best way to gain muscle. In this way, muscle will build at the quickest possible time while avoiding too much strain on the physical and mental systems.

One should begin to train for strength in order to maximize every minute spent bodybuilding. As the body becomes stronger, it also acquires in muscular mass. It is best to undergo weight training to attain strength, since it allows the trainee to begin with a very easy weight and then increasing it gradually to a nearly infinite level. The best way to build muscle is by beginning the training with insignificant weights, after which the upward climb in weights is consistently maintained, and the body always pushed to the limit with every single opportunity. One must keep his attention on ever increasing his level in working out, and not on the length of time doing unnecessary exercises.

The best way to gain muscle is to use free weights as often as possible as opposed to nautical machines. This is because such equipment result in the muscles move around in inflexible and unnatural positions and movement routines that not only make them susceptible to harm but also promote improper physical development. Instead, free weights such as barbells and dumbbells encourage natural muscular movement. In addition, they force the arms and legs to balance and control the weight more naturally, thus building more muscle. Machine weights in contrast carry out the balancing for the trainee, which rob him of an important phase of muscular growth.

The best way to gain muscle during the early phases of training is to regularly perform multifaceted drills which benefit a number of muscles together, thus bringing more benefit than those weightlifting movements that enlarge only a lone muscle at any given point. Regarding this aspect, the most crucial routine would be squat training, which is done until one can lift at least 300 pounds. The squat is a routine that flexes each and every muscle in the system, honing it as a single being. Dead lifting, together with squatting, is also the best way to build muscle in the arms. In totality, we highly recommend a full body routine for the workout program if one wants to know the best way to build muscle for the entire system.

Relaxing cannot be overemphasized if one is desirous of attaining the best way to build muscle. Muscles cannot grow if there is not enough resting, and it cannot help the body recover either. Furthermore, it is during sleep that growth hormones are released for muscle buildup. The bodybuilder must allocate at least an 8-hour resting period every day, as well as additional naps after his gym session if he can.

Strive to boost weight, devour a healthy daily menu and most importantly, devour lots of nutritious chow. The body has to have as much food as it can consume, especially proteins which are needed for bigger and adequately and properly developed muscles. Dieting is not the best way to gain muscle.

And last of all, the best way to gain muscle is by persistence and enduring efforts, without surrendering until the attainment of the goal is seen.

About the Author

This article is published by Marcus Lee, the owner of Read The Best Way To Gain Muscle and Muscle Building Diet for further information.

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This article is published by Marcus Lee, the owner of Read The Best Way To Gain Muscle and Muscle Building Diet for further information.

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Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started: Check out the written article Today I want to share with you some quality advice on how to gain weight. Now I caution you that this is for the really skinny guy looking to really gain weight because they barely have any meat on their bones. I know what it is like when you feel like you eat all the time and have nothing to show for it. I have been there. I also understand the feelings that you feel when people start to resent you because you can eat whatever you want and not ever gain a pound. They don’t realize that to skinny guys, this is a curse more than it is a blessing at times. However, I also despise people saying that they have ‘tried everything but nothing works’. This is the biggest lie that you need to stop telling yourself. You may have tried a couple of things but trust me, you just haven’t tried the right things yet. Here are 9 tips that will help you to start to gain weigh in no time at all. These are tips I have personally used and I guarantee they will work for you. Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started:
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How to Gain Weight Fast and Retain it as Muscle Mass

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Peter Dougan

How to Gain Weight Fast and Retain it as Muscle Mass – Health – Fitness

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Many people who are asking the question, how to gain weight fast, are being misinformed and confused by all the conflicting information. How to gain weight fast is one of the most talked about questions in the bodybuilding world. It is being discussed on television, in magazines, diet books, and on the Internet.

How to gain weight fast and build muscle mass is simply a matter of diet and exercise. Many people are not eating enough proteins and eating too many simple carbohydrates. Although, it is very important to achieve a balance between protein, carbs and fats, it’s how many overall calories you consume not what type that is important. You must also subject your body to exercise that stresses your muscles. This is necessary to grow and keep muscle mass.

To gain weight fast and retain the weight gain (muscle mass), there are many factors that will come into play.

* You must eat enough protein, carbs and fats. You must consume all 3 groups in order to build and retain muscle mass. You should also drink lost of water, it is essential if you want to gain weight fast.

* Don’t train too hard. When you train you actually break down muscle cells. Your muscles must have time to recover and grow. Train each muscle group only once or at the most twice a week.

* Don’t train too long, keep your workouts to an hour or less. After about 45 minutes of exercise your cortisol level starts to increase. Cortisol is known to destroy muscle cells.

* Try to increase your reps or weight every time you exercise a particular muscle group. If you don’t, your muscles won’t have any reason to grow.

* If you can afford it use nutritional supplements to help you gain weight fast.

When you ask the question “how to gain weight fast”, there are all kinds of recommendations all throughout the bodybuilding magazines and web sites. One thing that most have in common is they recommend a high protein diet. While I agree that protein is important and necessary to gain weight fast, you must also eat enough calories. Calories are what will give you the energy needed to digest and process the protein into muscle. Calories also give you the energy to exercise which also builds muscle.

As you can see, you need a well balanced diet in order to gain weight fast and to turn that weight into muscle mass. Don’t be taken by all the low carb, high protein, low fat, etc. that are all the rage today. A well balanced diet, consuming lots and lots of calories from carbs, fat and protein will give you the edge in your search for how to gain weight fast.

About the Author

For more information on how to gain weight fast and turn that weight into muscle mass, and also to see some excellent resources please visit:

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For more information on how to gain weight fast and turn that weight into muscle mass, and also to see some excellent resources please visit:

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Diet To Gain Muscle Mass – How To Increase muscle so smart and effective

July 17, 2012 by  
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Article by Adams

Diet To Gain Muscle Mass – How To Increase muscle so smart and effective – Health – Fitness

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When looking for a diet to, you have already separated from the rest of the others who think the only exercise will help you gain muscle.

You see, the diet to increase muscle mass is an important part of bodybuilding and without it, but you’re wasting much time. What we want is the kind of diet to gain muscle that can help us on our way to building muscle.

Diet To Gaining Muscle Mass – The List

The following diet to gain muscle mass which includes foods you probably already heard, and some foods that may surprise you to hear but also help.

– Lean meat: We’ve all heard of the flesh as a great source to strengthen the muscles and the reason is that it contains a number rich in protein. And proteins are essential to build muscle.

Another reason I lean meat is on our list of diet to gain muscle mass is due to the high amount of iron and other essential vitamins.

– Chicken: Chicken is another great source of chicken in the diet to increase muscle mass. Has almost 25 grams of protein per 100 grams. That’s a lot and has much less saturated fat than meat, so many people prefer chicken over beef.Ads by Google

– Salmon: All fish are great for building muscle, but salmon is a little better. It contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids, besides being rich in protein. Salmon is also a great source of other vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy body, which is another reason why you should include salmon in your diet once or twice a week.

– Eggs: Small, cheap, easy to make and packed with protein. Besides having a lot of healthy fat.

– Yogurt: Not many people know this, but yogurt is a great source of protein, plus it contains bacteria that are good for the digestive system. You can not lose this detail in your diet.

– Nuts: Nuts come in many varieties and they all work very well in our diet to gain muscle mass. Specifically almonds and cashew nuts are very good. They are rich in protein and healthy fats.

1,2,3 Go!

Before going crazy with all the food in the list, there are some tips to keep in mind. Come about 6 meals a day. Do not miss more than 3 hours between your meals. Eat less carbs, sleep well and avoid fast food because of the unnecessary fat.

Follows this diet to gain muscle mass and the results of having the body of your dreams will come true.

Want to know how to gain muscle mass quickly and easily without spending hours in the gym, doing exercises that do not go with your slim, without steroids or dangerous supplements and routine right for you?

Discover the article Following the method of Increasing muscle mass fashion Effective, natural and Quickly … How To Gain Muscle

About the Author

Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle

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Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle

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Fastest Way To Gain Muscle

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

If you want to look at the quickest way through which you can build muscle then the simple answer is by eating the right kind of food and being dedicated to the right exercises. To put this fact straight, if you work out harder then it is going to be faster for you to gain muscles, which are bulky and big. Therefore, you can find a few techniques and tips through which you will be able to help in your progress, read further to know.

The main thing about to know how to gain muscle is having to follow the right diet, correct food quantities. It does not matter even if you are working out for five hours a day; if you do not get the right calories, you are not going to get bigger. Most people have this understanding that the main portion that helps in muscle gain is protein. However if you do not support the protein intake with the right amount of carbohydrate then there is no way that you are going to grow or gain.

You should double up the intake of meals. If you are going to follow a poor diet, then eating twice as much as your portion is going to just help you gain ugly fat. however if you are going to eat healthy foods to find a good way to muscle building then the fastest way of making this happen is to see that your muscle is responding the right way to the hard work you invest. However, do not force yourself to double your meals if you cannot consume the food.

You should start writing a diary for your workout. Once you are into the habit of working then you will find it how easy it is to lose track of what you are following. It is in fact very easy to just slip the amount of reps that you are performing per exercise or how much weight you are lifting. If you are into the habit of entering all these details down on a pad, this is the best way to know your progress since you will know the ways to push yourself by lifting more.

You should be very sure that the methods you are using for muscle gain are good techniques. If you are not doing it the right way then you are doing nothing but just cheating yourself, even without being aware of what you are doing. You should be able to complete the phase of lifting as quickly as possible, you should however remember to keep under your control, you should exhale at all times, during the time of release you should do it slowly. You should manage to get about two counts each time that you lower the weights. This could be tough buy you will only see big benefits from the same. When you follow the right kind of principles, you are only going to be rest assured about building muscle in the fastest way possible.

Great tips like this will”;>help you discover the secrets gaining muscle while”;>losing body fat.

Your Strength Training Program: Advanced Tips To Gain Strength Quickly

July 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Rusty Moore

Your Strength Training Program: Advanced Tips To Gain Strength Quickly – Health – Fitness

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A Strength Training Program is Much Different Than A Bodybuilding Program.

In order to setup a proper strength training program, you need to understand how a muscle gets stronger. If you fail to understand the physiology behind getting stronger, you will put together a sub-optimal strength training program. My goal in this short article is to explain the differences between bodybuilding and gaining strength.

How a Bodybuilding Program Works.

Bodybuilding involves breaking down a muscle. This is done by performing reps in the 6-12 range and working the muscle to exhaustion. Typically bodybuilders aim for a “burn” and a “pump” in the muscle. They employ things like forced reps and negatives. If your goal is to build muscle then you are purposely trying to damage that muscle group. The idea is that when the muscle repairs itself, it will overcompensate and add a little more mass to that muscle group. Over time, these muscle groups will become noticeably larger. A proper strength training program aims for something much different.

How a Strength Training Program Works.

A good strength training program should focus on making a muscle more efficient, not in breaking down a muscle. If your strength training program is geared toward things like the “pump” or the “burn” then you need to change your approach. Think of bodybuilding as “muscle” based and strength training as “nervous system” based. In a good strength training program you are trying to train your nervous system to send stronger impulses to the muscle group being worked. Your strength training program should be based around performing heavy weights and low repetitions.

Heavy Weights Generate Stronger Nerve Impulses to the Muscle Than Light Weights.

If you take a 5 pound weight and curl it, you nervous system barely needs to work to contract your bicep muscle. If you take a 40 pound weight and curl it, your nervous system needs to work harder. The heavier the weights you chose, the less reps you can perform in a specific lift. That is why an effective strength training program is based around lifting heavy weights for low reps.

How Many Sets and Reps are Optimal in a Good Strength Training Program?

In order to train your nervous system to become more efficient, you need to train it to fire strong impulses to the muscle over and over again. You must perform a specific heavy lift enough times for the mind-to-muscle link to get stronger. Gaining strength is a skill that is developed with practice like any other skill, so your strength training program needs to reflect that. Each set you perform should be 2-5 reps, but you will need to perform many sets to get the proper practice. You can decide for yourself how many sets you want to perform, I recommend between 6-10 sets in the major lifts.

Never Train To Failure if You Want to Gain Strength at a Fast Rate!

Training to failure is definitely a bodybuilding thing. None of your sets in your strength training program should ever be taken to failure. Every time you train to failure you are teaching your nervous system to fail. You will be rewarded with weaker impulses sent to the muscle on the next sets you perform. When you train to failure you are taking a “few steps back” in your quest to gaining strength. Obviously forced reps are to be avoided as well.

Schedule Plenty of Rest In Between Sets in Your Strength Training Program.

Bodybuilders strive hard for things like “the pump” and they are trying to really exhaust their muscles, so they need to keep rest to a minimum. In a strength training program, you want maximum nerve impulses sent to the muscle each and every rep. In order to insure that really strong impulses are generated, you need to rest up to 5 minutes in between each set. If you ever play video games it is like waiting for your character’s energy to recharge up to 100%. Schedule enough time in your strength training program to rest 3-5 minutes in between each set.

You Should Not Be Sore After Performing Your Strength Training Program.

Since your strength training program isn’t breaking down your muscles, you should experience very little soreness the days after your workout. Since the muscles don’t need to repair themselves, you can work each muscle group more often than if you following a bodybuilding routine. A bodybuilder might work each muscle group twice a week, you should be able to work each muscle group 3-4 times per week. If you “practice” each lift 4 times per week, you should get quicker results than someone who does it 2 times per week. Just make sure that you aren’t breaking the muscle down like a bodybuilder.

A Quick Summary of a Good Strength Training Program

1) 3-5 reps per set2) 6-10 sets per exercise3) 3-5 minutes rest in between sets4) Never train to failure5) Never perform forced reps6) Practice major lifts 3-4 times per week

Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion out there in setting up an effective strength training program.

About the Author

Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding

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Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding

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Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports

July 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Neil Playfoot

Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports – Health – Fitness

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Looking at body builders and the thoughts of using steroids is enough to keep many people away from the weight lifting machines.

Since people are learning that lifting weights can be used to lose weight, more of them are trying weight training. With all of the publicity about athletes and steroids, the use of steroids has decreased.

So actually the stereotypes associated with weight training are really just what we said – stereotypes. Exercising, such as weight training, is of great benefit, even to the average man or woman, and they would see that, if they would only give it a try.

The world of sports is so competitive that people try to find all the angles they can to get an edge. Strength training exercises can be extremely helpful to gain that edge and little bit of extra advantage.

Even if you are not involved with the traditional sports that almost mandate this type of training, you can still benefit from some amount of extra strength. In addition, your muscles don’t have to gain in volume so keep that in mind.

You will lessen the chances of becoming injured by simply bolstering your muscles to attain a bit more strength. Offering you today will be some great brainstorms for exercises using strength training.

While all people have their individual likes and dislikes, most approve of a physique that is physically fit. Nevertheless, the truth is that only a small amount of people maintain the perseverance for even a simple strength training regimen. It simply won’t work to use the excuse that it is impossible to get to a gym.

Because anyone can use their own home to exercise with body weights.

The thinking process behind this is most shun that type of dedication-and it doesn’t feel good! It isn’t easy to force yourself to improve how much you work and keep on the right path. A good amount of recognition ought to be given to the individual who apparently works hard at exercise via strength training. An easy reason is it takes a big dose of training and faithfulness.

Though you can continue doing the same and procure good consequences with a program that is ordinary. It might floor you at what you can bring about. Multiple benefits can be had from these work out exercises. An added bonus is the fact that exercising with weights could continue keeping strength in the bones as well as bettering your joint health later on in life. Good considerations are many as to why a strength training regimen should be free from harm as well as practical.

Did you know that strength training exercises must be properly selected based upon your overall needs? There are many exercises that will improve your all round body strength as well.

A sedentary schedule, one devoid of a consistent exercise program, is common in today’s society. Lack of mobility, such as sitting down for long periods of time, can lead to wellness issues in the future.

If you do participate in some type of sporting event, these exercises will definitely help. Staying in shape is a combination of doing workouts to stay fit and also build upper and lower body strength. Each paragraph below will present different ways of working out using strength training exercises that work.

Leg muscles are an excellent place to begin; you can feel better and become stronger by doing certain exercises. You could start with your back leg muscles and your quadriceps to get going. Training machines at your local gym, or at home, can help you build these particular muscles. Muscles on the back of your leg, though not as large, would be your next activity to do.

You don’t need to visit your local gym in order to work on your quadriceps; some exercises can be performed at home. All you have to do is do a movement similar to sitting down, hold, and then return to this standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. By maintaining your balance and equilibrium, making sure that your thighs are level with the ground, this home exercise will definitely help you out.

A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. Depending on what you want in your life, it will take more changes than just adding an exercise program. If you do not make any adjustments in your diet, and it is unhealthy, then you will not see much improvement with weight loss.

Exercise is important, but to become a healthy person you must have a healthy diet. When you have the right food source, doing even simple push ups will benefit you greatly. Changing your life is easier, when you have input on the food you want, or the exercises you are willing to do. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started.

Simply put there are two general preferences to exercise with strength training. Free weights or weight training devices can be used as some people prefer them. Other people have the preference of body weight use and no other type of weights.

For sports, you can get the results you want with either approach. There are some professional athletes who rely solely on natural body weight types of exercises. Years ago Hershel Walker entered professional football, and he made some news because he did not lift any weights.

Walker was a terrifying vehicle on the football field and he only used body weight exercise.

There are as many reasons for starting a strength training program as there are people. People have their individual ambitions and aim. Actively pursuing this for the reasons of sports is in a category by itself.

Those that yearn to be strong for better sports performance should strengthen for that purpose. But the non-sports person can easily begin a program for general strength building and firming, as well. If that is the case, you don’t have to rush, slowly decide what it is that you are interested in.

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What to Eat to Gain Muscle Mass Quickly

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Are you wondering what to eat to gain muscle mass quickly? Good, because I have listed a guide below to get you off on the right foot. Follow this plan, along with some additional resources and a good workout regime and you will be well on your way to gaining muscle mass quickly.

First let me say that protein powder is essential in gaining weight. It is alway good to get most of your protein from whole foods, but 2 – 3 protein powder shakes is very acceptable in your new muscle gaining workout plan. Ok first thing in our what to eat to gain muscle mass quickly plan we are going to cover is what not to eat.

First thing to get rid of to help put your home in “safe mode” is the soda or pop, and juices. I know you think fruit juice is healthy, but it is loaded with sugar, most fruits are naturally high in sugar. Now throw out or donate all your high fat processed meat, then move on to frozen desserts and ice cream, I know it hurts sometimes, but just trust me.

Most process foods. T determine which ones, just look at the ingredients list, if you find 5 things that you can not pronounce, then throw it out. Next get rid of crackers and all white flour products like white bread and bagels. Finally breaking supplies, potato chips and all rotting leftovers in Tupperware containers.

Now when you want to know what to eat to gain muscle mass quickly, here it is. First stock up on water, either bottles or gallon jugs, which ever, you can recycle your water container, and just fill them up at the sink if you want to save money. Next, while you are buying your water bottles or jugs, get a few bags of frozen chicken breasts, you can buy the fresh ones too if you want.

Get a couple cans of cooking spray, the ones made from canola or olive oil are the best. Ok, now the big list:
dried fruit
extra lean ground sirloin
fruit – apples, grapes, bananas, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, mango, oranges, tangerines, and pineapple
green tea
lean turkey and chicken sausage
poultry and fish
mixed nuts
sauces and condiments – pesto, salsa, curry sauce, tomato pasta sauce, balsamic vinegar, white cooking wine, red wine, raspberry vinegar and flavored flax oil
spices – salt, pepper, fresh garlic, basil, oregano, chili powder, and cinnamon
vegetables – spinach, broccoli, peppers, asparagus, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, cucumbers, celery and carrots

Ok, now that we have our refrigerator and cabinets stocked we can start developing some good habits to replace our old bad habits. While putting these new habits into action you will have to make a commitment to yourself, because creating new habits in place of old ones is fairly difficult. Some things to keep you on track:

1. Post your meal plan on the fridge
2. Prepare your meals in advance
3. Buy a cooler and Tupperware containers
4. Buy your supplements in bulk

The only thing left is to know exactly how to gain muscle mass, and I have found an excellent program that details step by step instructions on gaining muscle mass. It includes custom workout routines, daily meal plans, grocery list, personal coaching and online support, check it out at

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