Titanium Muscle Gain TM 3 Months Supply, Professional and Recreational Muscle Building, body building
June 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Milk
- Titanium Muscle Gain Muscle Gainer
- 30 capsules per bottle, 3 Bottles, 90 capsules, 3 Months supply, only 1 capsule needed per day
- Used for Muscle Building
- Manufactured in the USA
- Advanced Formula with carefully selected ingredients
Product Description
Titanium Muscle Gain TM is a formula for both the serious and recreational body builder. It is used for increasing performance and building muscle. It is designed for use in athletic activities as well as body building. It has been carefully formulated to find the right balance. Used for improving dense muscle mass and muscle accumulation.
Titanium Muscle Gain is trademark protected, resale is strictly prohibited
This product is not intended to cure or preve… More >>
How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys
June 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Eric Carpenter
How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys – Health – Fitness
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According to physicians, developing muscle mass will actually improve your bone density and this will also reduce your risk of getting injuries. However, building muscles is not restricted to athletes or people who are trying to lose weight. A skinny person can also build muscles too, and what is needed is a change of diet coupled with a fitness routine. If you include protein in your diet, and work out specific muscle groups, it is possible for you to build muscles. How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys is easy and here is how you can go about it.
The first thing that you need to do is to increase your intake of calories with every meal. You can double the portion of meat that you take in a meal so that you have extra protein. You should also include whole grain in every meal that you take. You should avoid foods that have empty calories such as refined sugar, snacks and white carbohydrates. You should eat dense snacks between meals in addition. You might end up feeling full but if you incorporate daily exercise those extra calories will be put to a good use.
How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys can also be accomplished by strength training. You should train the different muscle groups each day. If you work out the same muscle groups each day, you will not give them the opportunity to rest as well as to grow. In fact, working the same muscle groups each day can cause injury. Working with a different group of muscles each day will help you to gain muscles, and the overall muscle growth will be impressive. You should use weights for your strength training, and the weights should be heavy enough such that you are only able to do 6 to 8 repetitions before your muscles fail.
How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys can be complimented by adding cardio to your workouts. Although cardio exercises can increase your metabolism, burning extra calories, it is important that you deliver oxygen to muscles that you are trying to build. You can do at least twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercises before you start your strength training. There are a number of cardio exercises that you might want to consider, and they include running, biking swimming and step aerobics among others.
How To Gain Muscle Quickly For Skinny Guys is also accomplished by eating snacks that are rich in protein, or protein supplements after your workout. This is because after workouts, your muscles are more likely to benefit because they are at the optimum stage of trying to repair and rebuild. Shakes and smoothies that have whey protein are the best because they deliver protein to the muscles in the quickest time possible. However, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before you make any changes to your diet and exercise. It is also recommended that you get plenty of sleep because this is the time when your muscles are growing the most.
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In addition, you can get more info in how to gain muscle quickly by visiting http://www.howtogainmusclequickly.org
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Eric Carpenter
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In addition, you can get more info in how to gain muscle quickly by visiting http://www.howtogainmusclequickly.org
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Gain Muscle and Lose Fat
June 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Joshua Jenkins
Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – Health – Weight Loss
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Who wouldn’t like to lose their fat and replace it with muscle? Believe it or not, muscle development plays a major roll in the amount of fat being burned. Maybe weight training could be the answer to your weight problem. Personal trainers have known for years that weight training is one of the greatest forms of exercise for losing excess fat.
There are two options to choose when it comes to muscle development, light or heavy. The light way involves pushing your body to the extreme which eventually has led many people to give up on their entire plan. Picking the light approach to weight lifting is a good choice for those who want to have fun and wish to attain specific results.
For toning and losing fat, you need to find a good program that emphasizes light weights with several repetitions during each set. Working out with heavier weights will cause you to develop larger muscles. Lighter weights with more repetitions will tone up your body and boost your metabolism so that you can easily burn more fat.
If you haven’t noticed lately, all weight loss programs are not the same. The never ending torturous programs that many people choose are not necessarily going to produce the results that their looking for. Choosing the wrong program could easily make some people frustrated and cause them to quit.
Some of you are probably thinking about how you can possibly locate an exercise program that suits your needs. You could look t hrough the thousands of books at the library or search the millions of websites on the internet for the answer but this usually leads to nowhere.
The only way to find that perfect program is to listen to what the experts have to say. In order to be successful with your goals, it’s vital that you stay focused and motivated on the end results. You’ll begin noticing, after you’ve been in your routine for several months, that it all starts to become much easier and part of your way of life.
To sum it up: If you want to gain muscle and losing weight, you’ll have to find the right exercise program that emphasizes lifting light weights with more repetitions.
Check out the latest articles on weight loss through muscle building along with non-biased program reviews at How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat
About the Author
This author writes articles about weight loss and fitness. You can visit his site and read his latest article here: Best Exercise for Losing Weight
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This author writes articles about weight loss and fitness. You can visit his site and read his latest article here: Best Exercise for Losing Weight
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6 Tips on How to Gain Lean Muscle
June 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Mike Johnston
6 Tips on How to Gain Lean Muscle – Sports – Other Sports
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Every bodybuilder wants to know how to gain lean muscle. Having a good understanding about basic bodybuilding principles including training frequency, the types of exercises to perform and the importance of diet can help develop bodybuilding strength and build muscle mass fast and naturally. There is no need to resort to the use of artificial drugs to accelerate muscle gain. You might look good in the short term but your health will suffer in the long term. When the side effects occur that
Kettle Bells Was The Answer When I Asked How Do You Gain Muscles
May 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Kevin
Kettle Bells Was The Answer When I Asked How Do You Gain Muscles – Health – Fitness
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Great decision, your holiday is over and you have once again decided to get your workouts started again. You now have your workout routine figured out and you’ve picked one that is going to kick your body into gear. Your previous workouts have always used free weights like barbells and dumbbells. You want to mix things up a bit but you are not sure about the best way to do that. No worries, you have many options to make your routines seem re-energized and new. First things first though, where are you going to exercise? For many people, the simplest option is to join a gym because then you have access to all their different types of weight lifting machines and free weights which include kettle bells. Kettle what you say? Absolutely, kettle bells. You would be shocked at the number of kettle bell owners or users that have incorporated these pieces of equipment into their normal routines.
The following will discuss the details about what these strange looking weights are and how they can be used in your workouts. For me, I was always pondering how do you gain muscles. When I came upon these free weights my workouts were rejuvenated and I was once again waking up sore in the morning (and that was a good thing).
What Are Kettle Bells
Are you asking yourself right now, what are these things? Kettle bells are similar to most dumbbells in that they are usually made of cast iron. They allow you to perform ballistic type exercises that work your cardio as well as building strength and flexibility. Their basic shape looks like a cannonball with a handle. You now have a basic idea what a kettle bell is and have an understanding of what it looks like. So let’s move on to talk about how to gain muscles using these in our workout routines.
So before I saw a picture of an actual kettle bell, I thought to myself, what a unique shape for a free weight. Funny shape possibly, but its shape is perfectly suited around its use. When you hold a dumbbell in one hand and a kettle bell in the other, you will immediately sense that the difference between the two is in their centres of mass. You are going to immediately feel the difference once you lift each of these types. The dumbbells have their centres of mass right at your hands, whereas the kettle bells have their centres of mass away from your hands (remember their shapes; ball and handle).
You will use these types of free weights in swinging or ballistic style routines which would be pretty tough with a normal barbell. What are the benefits then? When you are swinging these weights around, you are allowing your body to build up muscles in several areas at once. You are working your legs, your arms and lower back all the while increasing your grip strength. Talk about a workout. Use a dumbbell and you are usually focussing only on one muscle group at a time, whereas, with the kettle bells you are working your total core. You are doing a bunch of dumbbell exercises all at once.
Given everything we’ve talked about, you should now have a really good idea of what these unique looking free weights are and their appeal when added into your workout. People who are like you, that want the answer to how do you gain muscles, have incorporated these weights into their routines and have been blown away with the new dimensions that they add to their workouts. Do an online search and you may be surprised at how many different types of kettle bell routines there are for you to chose from. I challenge you to give these exercises a shot and see what they can do for your training.
About the Author
The author of this post is Kevin and he has a passion for active living and healthy lifestyles. He believes fitness plays a vital role in each of our lives.
If you are wondering how do you gain muscles you can check out his website here:
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The author of this post is Kevin and he has a passion for active living and healthy lifestyles. He believes fitness plays a vital role in each of our lives.
If you are wondering how do you gain muscles you can check out his website here:
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www.OnTheEdgeFitness.com Instructions on learning the foundation of kettlebell exercises. Lauren teaches you how to perfect your kettlebell 2 handed swing. Common mistakes are covered.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Workout to Gain Muscle – The Best Possible Workout to Gain Muscle
May 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
If you ask any fellow lifter or bodybuilder about their routine, chances are they can’t give you a very good answer. Most people use routines that are ineffective and just plain lazy.
This article will explain the best workout to gain muscle. At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for building muscle fast, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of muscle in just 6 months.
Focus On Compound Movements
The most important thing to do when you work out to gain muscle is to focus on compound, multi joint exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, and pulls. These exercises allow you to use the most weight possible, and thus allow for the largest strength gains.
Train To Failure
After you complete your warm up sets, you should take your heavy sets to absolute failure, the point at which you cannot complete another rep.
Some gurus and “experts” may say otherwise, and that doing it this way will “surely” lead to over-training, but those are the same people that tend to be small and weak.
The Program
This is a rough outline of the program. If you’re going to truly learn how to train, you need to be able to add in your own extra movements and variations as you see fit for you own body.
Day 1: Squat
Do squats as your main movement on this day, and work up to a top set of 4-6 reps. After this, do a down set of 8-10 reps at a lighter weight, and then move on to other movements for legs, calves, and abs.
Day 2: Bench Press
Do bench press with the same protocol as you did the squat, and then move on to movements for the chest, shoulders, triceps, upper back and biceps.
Day 3: Deadlift
Again use the same protocol as on squats and bench press, and follow the deadlifts up with exercises for the legs, calves, and abs.
Day 4: Military Press
You guessed it, again work up to a top set of 4-6 and follow it with a down set of 8-10 reps. Work the same muscles with your extra exercises as on the bench press day.
Follow A Proven Muscle Building System!
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The Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Revealed!
May 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
One of the larger obstacles to success, when striving to get fit, is having to wait a long time to see any results, especially after enduring a severely restrictive diet and undergoing a grueling exercise program, when trying to lose weight and build muscle. It is much easier to follow through on a regimented diet and exercise program if a bit of progress is seen, as early as possible.
The best way to see early results, in the quest to lose fat and build muscle, is to successfully jump-start metabolism. The easiest way to do this is by commencing upon a program that requires participation in exercises that focus, initially and primarily, on correct weight training techniques to put on muscle. The muscle that is added, in the beginning, will make it easy to remove additional fat later, during the aerobic portion of the exercise program, when it is combined with a low calorie, high protein, low glycemic index diet.
The recommendation is to start the weight training portion of this process, by working the upper body one day, with exercises for the triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest and alternately concentrating on the lower body the next day, with some glute, thigh, hip and calf exercises.
Use five to 10 pound weights to perform at least three sets of 20 on each body part and follow each session of weight training with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. After a couple of weeks, when the exercises are starting to be less difficult, the routine should be mixed up a bit to keep the intensity going. Vary the weight training routine, by including more body parts and adding a bit more weight, or put high intensity strength training into the mix, to keep metabolism at a high level, while continuing to alternate between the upper and lower halves of the body. Don’t ever worry about what the scale says during the body transformation process, while losing fat and gaining muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.
Make sure to continue to weight train daily, as the most important part of the exercise program, even if some days the aerobic portion of the routine is neglected. Continue eating the healthy high protein diet, gradually adding calories, as the fat is lost and the body transformation continues. Soon, the results will be noticeable with clothes that fit better and a sleeker body with less fat.
Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics.com instead of illegal anabolics
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Essentials of Fast Muscles Gain – How to Gain Muscle Quickly
May 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Let’s face it; we are a society of quick fixes. Even the more experienced bodybuilders who should know better sometimes fall for the latest hype about a product that promises fast muscles gain. But can you really gain muscle fast?
Well, you can gain muscle fast, but don’t expect miracles. The essentials of fast muscle gain can be broken down as follows:
1. Stimulus: This means good old work. You must be prepared to put in the work that will stimulate your muscles to grow. The best and quickest way is by learning scientific methods of lifting weights. Establish a weight training program and stick to it. Hire a personal trainer or buy books and videos to learn the proper techniques.
2. Nutrition: This can never be stressed enough. To build muscle you have to gain lean weight. Even if you are overweight today from the wrong kind of tissue (fat), you still have to gain lean mass.
Yes, sounds a little strange in a society where weight loss is almost an obsession, but it is a fact. What will build up lean mass is extra caloric intake. But this caloric intake must be quality, not just empty calories. Eat several meals with a balanced ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat every day.
3. Progressive resistance: In order for your body to keep growing you should keep challenging it with progressively heavier weights, increased repetitions, or increased sets. The more advanced you get the harder it will seem to increase the weight utilized and the increases will get smaller. This is normal, but can be extremely frustrating especially when it seems to last too long.
4. Intensity: Whether you prefer to use lighter weights and higher repetitions or heavier weights and lower repetitions, maximum workout intensity should be your goal. This means working the muscle to the point of failure or slightly beyond. You should vary intensity on different days though, by going heavier with fewer repetitions some days or light with high repetitions other days. This helps target different types of muscle such as fast twitch or slow twitch muscles.
5. Full range: If you’ve been to the gym often, you may have observed the guy who slaps on the plates and the proceeds to do the movements, none of which are done to full range. This may be a training technique for the advanced athlete but for most people it won’t do much good. Always perform the full range of motion by lifting the weight all the way and bringing it back all the way down. Of course, you should never lock out joints, nor should you lower the weight past a certain point or you risk injury.
Want to build muscle fast? Muscle building strategies for professional bodybuiders don’t always work for the average guy! Check out what works at muscle building programs now. David Kamau is offering free special reports full of fitness training tips by highly respected fitness trainers today.
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How To Gain Muscle Quickly And Get Ripped In Weeks?
May 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Pierce Pope
People who dream about having a chiseled body always think about How to Gain Muscle in a short span of time. To gain muscle quickly the first step is to get pumped up about your desired goal so that you do not experience a lack of enthusiasm when you embark on the physical process to gain muscle quickly. Many people start to exercise rigorously for the first couple of days to gain muscle quickly, but after that they tend to get tired or feel turned down in the dream task and leave without acquiring any type of genuine results. You need to encourage yourself during these hard workout sessions, so that you can be surrounded by a positive energy. It’s all in your mind.To gain muscle quickly, it is also important to provide your body with a safe muscle gaining supplement. Without the combination of a workout regime and a powerful scientifically formulated supplement, then it will be very hard for you to get results. Rippling muscles is desired by almost everybody. But the only reason that many people do not want to engage themselves in different programs in how to get ripped is because they feel that it is going to be a tough task and they do not have the energy to pull off those kinds of rigorous exercises. But you do not need to worry about these kinds of issues because you can get ripped now by using NitroCut supplement. These supplements can help you to gain muscle quickly and you can also get ripped now. By taking Nitrocut supplement your body will have the right amount of energy that is required to carry out the exercises and workouts necessary to get ripped now. NitroCut supplements can solve your question on how to get ripped. If you are not using NitroCut supplements then it can take a long time to get ripped muscles as the body is not equipped to produce that amount of nitric oxide necessary for such tasks. So many people who are exercising without the support of NitroCut supplements have experienced less desired results even after going through hard workout regimes for several months. You can get ripped now by incorporating the right kind of exercises, a good diet and NitroCut supplements. Through the aid of NitroCut you can gain muscle quickly and get ripped in just a matter of few weeks.
You need to consume L-arginine Bodybuilding supplements to enhance the level of nitric oxide in the body. Consider Nitrocut supplement togain muscle quickly.
How to Gain Muscle Quick
May 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
The most important step for your goal of gaining muscle quickly is the very first one, which is the decision to commit to your workout program. You will have to battle through sore muscles and sacrifices, and it is better to decide ahead of time if you can do it than it is to drop out halfway through.
Once the decision has been made, decide where you want to gain muscle. Different muscles require different workouts. To build your leg muscle, you will need a workout involving running and jumping whereas a focus on your chest and arms will require weight lifting.
Craft a realistic training program for yourself. Don’t force yourself into doing too much at once, as you will only exhaust yourself. Three sessions of weight lifting per week is ideal.
Don’t overdo repetitions; only a small number of them are needed per exercise. Start easy and then challange yourself more and more as the weeks pass by. If you don’t feel sore by the end of the day, you can do more. If you are struggling even several days after the last workout, you need to do less. Slight soreness means your muscles are growing.
Your body will want food every time you work out. Proteins are needed for before and after your workout as they are key for building and repairing muscle tissue. Lean meats provide protein without too much fat. Sweets, alcohol and fried food will only hinder your quest to gain muscle quickly. Small meals, taken often, will help your body burn energy slower over a longer period of time.
Remember to rest.
Working out too much will hurt your muscles, or even damage them. Muscles will grow back bigger and stronger after your stretch them during exercises, but not if you strain them too much. Rotate which muscles you are focusing on over the course of your week to give each muscle group sufficient time to heal.
Sleep for at least 8 hours every night. Your body and muscles will need to rest, and a lack of sleep can hurt your muscle building and also make you feel awful when working out.
Keep your goals realistic and keep track of them. It may take some time and a lot of effort before you start seeing noticeable results. Men also gain muscle faster than women. The only way to be sure to get the best results is to stick to your program. You should talk with your doctor before beginning any stressful training in order to be sure you are healthy enough. Be aware of your body and its limits so that you build muscle quickly, but do so without a painful or crippling injury.
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