Kettlebell Workouts are usually Assisting Females Lose weight and Feel Good

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Pierce Burns

Kettlebell Workouts are usually Assisting Females Lose weight and Feel Good – Health

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Kettlebells are not simply for men. There are many ladies starting to utilize kettlebell exercises during their own fitness programs. Women are usually beginning to see the advantages of these types of training sessions since they wish to gain strength and also reduce weight so they feel a lot more confident. I’ve seen numerous kettlebell workouts for women on store shelves. They include a kettlebell and Digital video disc for teaching how to carry out the exercise sessions. They take pleasure in that they could obtain a strength exercising as well as cardio work out in one workout as well as actually do this from the particular comfort of his or her homes. This is ideal for females with kids given that they typically don’t have enough time to have the ability to be able to go to the gym. Among the actual things that most men and women don’t know about kettlebells is that they target the actual butt, hamstrings, and also ab muscles. These kinds of are generally most of the parts that women focus on when working out. That is one more reason why a lot of women of all ages are making the most of all of them.Women wish to get rid of their stubborn problem areas and can not figure out how in order to. Kettlebell workouts for women tend to be a good method to be able to focus on these kinds of areas to get everyone that female figure that numerous girls desire. Remember exactly what your buttocks use in order to resemble? Is it now only a saggy area? Kettlebells can help in order to burn up the calorie consumption as well as tighten up your entire sagging areas. Your behind may actually look greater then it ever has got previously. Kettlebell swings are the main kettlebell exercise with regard to toning your glutes so that they no longer sag. There are lots of kettlebell programs on the internet however a lot of all of them are usually generic and don’t focus on one gender. There are hardly any ladies which enjoy in order to train enjoy guys mainly because they would like to give attention to their own stubborn areas not mens. Chris Lopez’s kettlebell workouts also include a e book along with workouts for women so they really can focus on their own problem areas as well as not men trouble spots.I’ve observed kettlebell workouts for females all over the place. Every time I go to The General Store I notice they have got many kettlebell work out programs with numerous kettlebells so ladies can work their own technique through the different weights. At this time there tend to be typically 2.5, 5, 7.5 and also 10 lb kettlebells. They include Digital video disks as well as training manuals in order to follow as well as the work outs. This really is only just what each woman needs. Strength exercising is an essential portion of keeping in form and preserving your rate of metabolism going even when anyone tend to be ageing. Lots of women tend to give attention to cardio machine exercise routines and also exercises that do not provide very much advantage. Kettlebells have proven that they increase strength, mobility and also balance. These kinds of tend to be simply a few of the benefits. Females will realize that their own overall quality of life increases any time they are working out with kettlebells. They will have more confidence as well as they shall be a lot more self-sufficient simply because they tend to be stronger.

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Go take a look at Kettlebell workouts for women and begin the best excess fat burning kettlebell workout now.

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Go take a look at Kettlebell workouts for women and begin the best excess fat burning kettlebell workout now.

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Muscle Fitness Training is Very Good for the Body

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Britney Smith

Muscle Fitness Training is Very Good for the Body – Health – Fitness

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When getting in shape, many people are interested in building their muscle and toning their bodies. Doing so doesn’t mean that you have to be fully buffed out and cut like body builders; it’s simply a way to stay in shape and become strong and healthy.

In fact, muscle fitness training can be right for anyone who wants no muscle build up but wants to strengthen muscles, and it can be right for those who do want the big muscle build up. This kind of training is pretty universal, and can usually be tailored to just about anyone’s needs.

What to Expect

Depending on what type of muscle fitness training you are interested in, there are programs that range in intensity and length. As with everything else, the variations may not be for everyone.

You should expect to sweat and use most of your energy during a proper muscle fitness training program. However, you should not use so much energy that you feel weak or are unable to complete the training session. Make sure you eat plenty of healthy food and drink a lot of water before starting your training.


You can hire a trainer to customize a program for you that fits your needs, you can go to a gym and join one of their already created programs, or you can customize a plan yourself to do at home.

If doing it yourself, you’ll want to determine how long of a workout is best for you. You can experiment by putting together all of the exercises you enjoy doing and seeing how many of them you can get done within 1 hour and without exhausting yourself or hurting yourself.

If you can’t fit everything you want to get done into one muscle fitness training session, consider splitting the exercises into multiple sessions, and alternate them from day to day. This will also help to keep you from being bored with your training, which should keep you motivated and help you to stay on track.

You should also consider adding new exercises to your muscle fitness training sessions as you learn them. Add extra time before and after your workout to allow for warm ups and cool downs to make sure you get the most of your sessions, and this should ensure a long lasting fitness program that benefits your health, body and your mind.

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here : and also read more about her daily blog on slimming tips here :

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here : and also read more about her daily blog on slimming tips here :

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Healthy living benefits – a life of good health living and longevity

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Joe Golson

Healthy living benefits – a life of good health living and longevity – Health – Fitness

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Living a life of health and fitness may seem a huge sacrifice but the rewards are truly immeasurable. Not only will you be able to enjoy your life a little bit longer, you can also live it while looking good and looking younger.One research scientist put it this way :”live twenty years longer,look and feel twenty years younger while doing it”.

You don’t believe us? Here is a rundown of the benefits that healthy living can give. Read on and you may be tempted to leave the dark unhealthy side.

1. Younger lookingPeople who live healthy are younger looking than those who smoke and drink in excess. This is because chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes dry up the skin and create a more older appearance. Chemicals in the body also reduce the nutrients that go into the body, thus depriving the body of vitamins and minerals that keep the skin and other organs healthy and functioning.

Being young looking of course gives you a whole set of benefits, from a remarkable love life to success with career and in your social life. After all, whether we admit it or not, appearance do count in a lot of ways and being young looking and attractive can take you places. As shallow as it seems, you will have more friends and more romantic involvements. Everybody loves beautiful people.

2. Clear thinking It is not true that chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes and drugs can amp up creativity levels. These are actually just short-lived and as studies have shown. People who eat and live healthy are more able to think clearly, to focus on the job at hand and are more dependable when given instructions and their memories are often clear and good.

3. No illness People who live a healthy lifestyle are generally healthier peoples. They are not hampered by problems with their health or appointments with doctors that they have to go to. These people rarely take a leave of absence and when they do, they will often take a vacation and just relax. They don’t take a leave because they are sick.

4. Emotionally-secureAlthough there really is no direct relationship, people who live a life of health and fitness are happier.This is perhaps because they do not need to rely on chemicals for coping with the hardships that they encounter. Early on, they have developed natural coping strategies that can help them get through the daily grind.

5. Active body Eating the right kinds of food and keeping your body in shape will result to having more energy and that will spill over to your work and your “play” time. People who are active also come across as more capable and more independent. They are also perceived as more approachable, confident and charming.

There is no denying the wonderful benefits that regular exercise can do to people especially to those who want to achieve optimum health and fitness. To ensure that you stay healthy despite being on a diet, make exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to your overall wellness.

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Sometimes healthy Living can be very challenging,but don

The New Miracle Treatment for Women in Midlife and Beyond: A True Magic Bullet for Staying Healthy and Feeling Good

September 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

The New Miracle Treatment for Women in Midlife and Beyond: A True Magic Bullet for Staying Healthy and Feeling Good – Health

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When you first saw the title of this article, you immediately thought it was hogwash, right?

You were a bit disappointed, too, because doctors are supposed to be honest, and discuss only the treatments that have been scientifically proven to work; and everyone knows that there is no such thing as a miracle treatment that keeps you healthy as you age. But, here’s the thing: we are telling you the truth.

First, let us tell you what this miracle treatment can do. It can help you to retain your memory, and possibly even prevent dementia, or at least postpone it for years. It can prevent you from falling, the most common cause of injuries to those of us who no longer even count the number of candles on our birthday cakes. It can, in some cases, keep you from getting arthritis in your knees, and if you already have it, keep you up and moving. It can keep your heart healthy, and if you already have heart disease, it can get you back to feeling great. It can prevent some cancers. If you have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, it can, in some cases, make them go away, and at the very least, it may allow you to lower your dose of medication for each of these three. It can help you to breathe easy. It can keep you buff and help your sex life. It can help you sleep better, suppress your appetite, and even increase your metabolism. And it can improve your sense of wellbeing, keep your mood positive, and increase how long you live.

We know you’re still doubtful because if such a thing really existed, it would be on TV constantly and all over the internet, and you would’ve probably bought a huge amount of stock in it. But in fact, it not only exists, but all of the effects mentioned above of our miracle treatment have been scientifically proven!

Human beings were meant to move. Every aspect of our bodies’ functioning is geared toward that. On the flip side, movement and mobility are very important to the quality of life. What does this have to do with the miracle treatment? Easy — the miraculous new treatment for all our ills, particularly those accompanying the aging process, is movement. Because of all the negative connotations, we won’t call it exercise or any of those other clinical-sounding names, like “workout” or “physical activity.”

It really does all the things we said it can do. In fact, a recent study that followed more than 2500 people over the age of sixty for an average period of twelve years found that those who were fit from regular and adequate movement, whether they were overweight or not, had a significantly lower death rate at a young age than those who were not fit.

Here are the specifics. The official recommendations, released in 2007 by the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine, for the amount of physical activity necessary to improve and maintain our health include not one, but three different types of exercise: aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity, and balance/flexibility training. These are the recommendations.

1) Aerobic activity of moderate intensity for thirty minutes a day, five days per week — Go for a walk or climb those stairs in your building — anything goes here as long as you do it for thirty minutes;

2) Muscle strengthening activity including eight to ten exercises involving the major muscle groups, with eight to twelve repetitions each, at least twice a week — Use free weights, a barbell, or a machine that simulates weight lifting by resistance;

3) Balance and flexibility activity at least two days a week — do yoga, pilates, or Tai Chi. And be sure to stretch.

So now you know about the magic bullet for staying healthy. But, even though you know you need to stay active, sometimes, the whole idea of getting up and actually doing it is overwhelming. It is particularly hard to find the time when most of us have such a busy lifestyle. But there’s even more good news about our miracle treatment. For those who hate the gym, workouts, jogging and barbells, there is an alternative called “Exercise Lite”.

Several years ago, a very interesting study was done at the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. 255 volunteers were divided into two groups. One group went to the gym regularly for a standard workout. The other group tried to integrate regular physical activities into their usual daily routines. They would walk up stairs instead of taking an elevator, clean their own houses and apartments, work in their own gardens; in other words, they took every opportunity to do the maximum physical activity with their daily activities. After six months, both groups had improved their fitness levels, lowered their blood pressures, and lost fat. But, after two years, only those in the group that had incorporated fitness into their routines were more likely to maintain their fitness level. Exercise lite worked and kept on working!

To receive the full health benefits as we mentioned above, you need to do at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic (cardio) exercise each day. With exercise lite, you can break it down into 10-minute segments so that the cumulative time is still 30 minutes a day. If you only have a couple of 10 minute breaks a day, go walking for those breaks and then take a quick walk before or after work. You want to shoot for 15-20 minute miles, and you want to get your pulse rate up but still be able to have a conversation. If you garden, you need to do it while moving around a lot, in other words, active gardening. Same thing goes for housework. The vacuum can be your best workout buddy! One easy way to do exercise lite is to wear a pedometer, a little meter you wear on your belt that records your steps. With the pedometer you want to aim for 10,000 steps a day.

Most important, make it fun and you’ll keep doing it. Do things you like. Find a class that is fun or start riding your bicycle or swimming. Get some great music and use it for your activity. If you need support, grab your friends and family to do an activity with you. And remember, don’t tell yourself that you are doing the dreaded “exercise”; fool yourself and have it become a normal part of your daily life.

Before starting any exercise program, check with your doctor!

©2008 Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

Author Bio Dr. Janet Horn is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with training in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She spent many years on the fulltime faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she published articles in medical journals on her research interests, including sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and women’s health. She started her solo private practice in 1990 while continuing to teach as an Associate Professor of Medicine on the part time faculty at Hopkins. She has been selected by Baltimore Magazine as one of the “Top Doctors in Baltimore” and by the Maryland Daily Record as one of the “Top 100 Women in Maryland.”

Dr. Robin Miller, in addition to being an experienced Board Certified Internist, is also an Integrative Medicine specialist, having trained with Dr. Andrew Weil as a Fellow at the University of Arizona. She is the founder and medical director of Triune Integrative Medicine, an innovative medical clinic in Medford, Oregon. She is an award winning medical correspondent on regional and national television, radio, and the internet. She is an award winning medical correspondent on regional and national television, radio, and the internet, the author of a health book for children, Kids Ask the Doctor, and a board member of The National Association of Medical Communicators, a society of medical journalists in all media.

About the Author

Dr. Janet Horn and Dr. Robin Miller are the authors of The Smart Woman’s Guide to Midlife and Beyond, which will be available this September from New Harbinger Publications.

Please visit for more information.

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Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

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Dr. Janet Horn and Dr. Robin Miller are the authors of The Smart Woman’s Guide to Midlife and Beyond, which will be available this September from New Harbinger Publications.

Please visit for more information.

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The Interval Training Is Good at Endurance Training

August 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Uggmbt

The Interval Training Is Good at Endurance Training – Shopping – Clothing

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There will be the same results with the methods of uniform training for this type of training way.

However, if we want to get this result, we ought to make strength of training within the scope of aerobic metabolism.

It is able to do like this when we are making the best use of this kind of methods. There will some effects when we make practice strength out of anaerobic metabolism. Therefore; it will make good differences in developing the aerobic endurance courses.

The interval training method is in the next.The interval training way refers to two times practice should arrange for suitable break. It is going to show that under the conditions for body to have no fully recovery while it starts to the next time training.

Because the interval training methods have some strict rules.In addition, there are practice strength, numbers of replications, training groups as well as the times and methods of the intervalrest for intervaltraining methods. In addition, the functions of body is always in the high level of activity.

For this reason this kind of training will have great effects on oxygen transportation system activities for body as well as the process of energy metabolism. In addition; it is the usual or common way to develop the qualities of endurance.

You are going to pay more attention to the endurance training, which is within the scope of aerobic supersession.

The aerobic endurance training could have good developments with this method, too. In addition, what if it is out of the scope of aerobic metabolism, it could put them into use for assisting the anaerobic endurance.

We are able to make an example as the development for anaerobic endurance. The time of taking exercises is general about 0.5 minutes and 4 minutes. The intensity of practicing is similar with the ones of matches.

The time of breaks of making exercises is short.It is able to sure that we are able to take training again and again without better recovery for body.

The nervous muscle system is able to go on working for a long time under the conditions of high lactic acid concentration in the course of finishing this kind of intervaltraining.

It needs the short time for the intervalbreaks between twice training.It is able to sure that we are able to take training again and again without better recovery for body.

The nervous muscle system is able to go on working for a long time under the conditions of high lactic acid concentration in the course of finishing this kind of intervaltraining.

In this way, it is also able to assist the developments of the ability of tolerating acidic materials as well as defeating tiredness.

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Checkout the physical to manage Nike Free Run 2 dependant on modified encounter. Also, study methods to select the very best Nike Free Run.

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Building Aerobic Endurance Through a Good Diet – For Triathletes and Triathlons

August 11, 2012 by  
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Article by Paul Scott

Building Aerobic Endurance Through a Good Diet – For Triathletes and Triathlons – Sports – Other Sports

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To become an endurance athlete you have to provide high- quality raw materials in your diet and the right training to allow the body to best adapt. Both good health and good fitness come from feeding and exercising the body in the right proportions.

Eat fat, burn fat

To maintain optimal fitness, your diet should contain quality sources of fat, amounting to one-quarter or one-third of calories consumed. However, as fat has over twice the energy per gram compared to carbohydrate or protein, you do not need large amounts. A triathlete consuming 3,000 calories in a day needs just 70-90 grams of fat to be in the optimal zone. Research has shown that athletes who cut fat their intake to very low levels actually reduce their fitness and endurance.

High-carb diets

The high-carbohydrate diet, often recommended for athletes and usually recommending that more than 70 per cent of calories should come from carb-rich foods, is actually too high. This leaves little room for fats and protein (only 30 per cent) and restricts food choice. More than 50 per cent is a better target, so you can enjoy carb-rich meals but include good fat and protein sources. Too many carbohydrates in the diet may actually switch the muscles into using carbohydrates instead of fat and cause the body to store fat. Ironically, slightly more fat than was often thought ideal in the diet allows you to be leaner, use fat better as a fuel and eat a more varied diet.

Stress and eating

Aerobic training at a comfortable pace leads to a more controlled appetite and improved ability to cope with stress. This translates into more control of your diet. You binge less, time your foods to suit your activity better and teach your body to use fat as a fuel. Muscles always have to use a small amount of carbohydrate, even at low training speeds.

Losing body fat

To make your body lose fat, you need to create a deficit of calories, i.e. less in and more out. If you exercise an additional 300 calories a day, drop your food intake 200 calories and train correctly you can lose over a pound of weight (450 grams) per week. You are not starving yourself: your body taps into stored fats to cover the deficit and you’ve made only minor activity and diet alterations. Do this and months later you’ll be leaner, fitter and healthier.

Did you know?

Less than 25-50 grams of fat is likely to be used in 90 minutes of training if you pace correctly and have a good fitness level. You may use over half your muscle glycogen stores in the same session if the pace is fast or the terrain is hilly. So you always need carbohydrates, even at modest training speeds – whilst fat stores come down very slowly

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Case Study: Dealing with a Broken Heart and Good Nutritional Needs

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Protica Research

Case Study: Dealing with a Broken Heart and Good Nutritional Needs – Health – Nutrition

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Can you die from a broken heart? Technically, you cannot, but it may feel like it. A rare condition called broken heart syndrome strikes middle-aged to elderly women and can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack, including high blood pressure and an abnormal EKG. The patient will typically be brought to an emergency room and be put through the typical heart tests; however, within hours those same symptoms that brought her to the hospital will be gone and she will leave, completely healthy.

Broken heart syndrome is not a commonly known condition and is not often discussed or written about. It is not so much a physical condition as it an emotional one; however, it does cause real pain and feels every bit as real as a heart attack. The cause is extreme emotional situations, including intense fear, anxiety or physical stress. When this happens, alert hormones, called catecholamines, are flooded throughout the body’s system. These hormones make your entire body react – raising the blood pressure, causing chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms that can cause both patient and doctor to be convinced that it is a legitimate heart attack.

The condition, technically called stress cardiomyopathy, is temporary in most cases. The catecholamines in broken heart syndrome (BHS) are two to three times higher than the levels of an actual heart attack patient and seven to 34 times higher than what is considered a normal level. This condition is considered to be rare, is rarely fatal and does not cause any lasting damage to the heart. It rarely returns after the initial episode (Source: Agatston, MD 2010).

It happens to a lesser degree to most people. For instance, the pounding heart after a near miss car accident or when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night are both examples of heart stress. Normal anxiety or stress can progress, however, and may end up resulting in broken heart syndrome.

Despite the fact that broken heart syndrome is rarely fatal, it is important that you never let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security. It is a very rare syndrome in the first place, and women’s heart attack symptoms are hard enough to recognize and are rarely treated in a timely manner, resulting in the woman’s death from her first heart attack. While pain or other symptoms can result from extreme shock or panic, it is also likely that you are in fact having a heart attack. If there is any chance at all that you are, or you are not 100 percent sure, it is best to go to the emergency room to be safe rather than sorry.

The most common sufferer of broken heart syndrome is the 60 year old woman – also the most common age for female heart disease sufferers. Men start seeing increased heart disease risk at age 45-50, while women’s increased risk starts later. Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking or living with a smoker, obesity (most particularly abdominal fat), sedentary lifestyle and insufficient estrogen (Source: Ammer 2005). Heredity and family history also play a role in assessing the risk factors for developing heart disease.

Learning to reduce those factors that can be changed and to deal with those that cannot is important. Diet and exercise are also important to include in a new healthy lifestyle. Using the DASH diet (fresh fruits and vegetables, reduced sodium and lean protein sources) is also very beneficial.

Exercise Suggestions

Before starting any exercise routine, it should be discussed with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough for physical activity and that you are selecting something that will be beneficial rather than harmful. For instance, a steady walk is a good exercise choice while trying to run a 5K on your first day out is not. Aim for enough movement to feel good but not so much that you are exhausted or too sore to move the next day. As you get more used to moving around, you can add more. Strength training is a good choice as well, and can protect women’s bones from osteoporosis.

A simple reduction in weight can help to protect the heart by lowering the blood pressure and the cholesterol level.

Eating Heart Healthy

Soy protein is one of the best proteins that can be added to the diet, improving overall cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels and improving the blood pressure. Making sure that the diet is healthy and well-balanced is important, especially for those who are concerned about their cardiovascular health.

Broken heart syndrome is not fatal; however, if it happens more than a few times, it can increase the chance of having real heart damage build up.

Broken Heart Syndrome and Damaged Hearts: A Case Study

Wavelene was at the funeral of her youngest sister, a heart wrenching time in her life, when she got into a minor altercation with her niece and nephew over whose fault it was that Sherilyn died at the young age of 45. The conversation got ugly, and Wavelene ended up storming away in near hysterics. The service was touching and beautiful, but afterward the fight resumed exactly where it left off. By then, Sherilyn’s grieving children had enlisted a few more family members to take their side. Wavelene was trying to defend herself when she felt a horrifying pain in her chest. Convinced that she was having a heart attack, she asked her own children to take her to the emergency room. Once there, the usual tests were run – she did have extremely high blood pressure, and an echocardiogram showed that the apex of her heart (the upper section) was not moving, which is the classic sign of a coronary in progress. The ER staff was equally convinced that she was in the middle of a heart attack, and they called in a cardiologist as well as her own family physician.

Her doctor suggested a procedure to clear out the veins that he was sure were blocked, however, they soon found that she did not have any blockages at all and within a few hours, her blood pressure normalized and she felt fine. She was released from the hospital and went home, and the incident was not repeated.

To make sure that she remained in top health, Wavelene changed her diet, reducing the sodium and red meat that she was eating and adding Profect, a protein supplement from Protica. She also started exercising every other day with her doctor’s permission, including strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Because of this episode, her doctor has also suggested that she monitor her blood pressure at home on a regular basis and will review this information at her follow-up visits.

To protect her heart as much as she can, Wavelene continues to watch for the risk factors that she can control and tries to not get overly stressed over the ones that she cannot, including her own personal family health history.


Christine Ammer. The New A to Z of Women’s Health Fifth Edition Checkmark Books, Garden City New York 2005

Arthur Agatston, MD When the Heart Breaks Prevention Magazine April 2010

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About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

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Buy Immuno-Viva on today! Featured in the July isssue of Allure Magazine, Immuno-Viva®’s flagship and most powerful product, Core, packs a powerful punch of antioxidants -in fact 1 tsp of Core oil is the equivalent of 16 pounds of raspberries. Core Capsules are the same cold pressed black raspberry and black cumin seed oils used in liquid Core, but come in an easy to swallow, encapsulated form. The ingredients in Core capsules are rich in Omega fatty acids and antioxidants, offering nutritional support to counteract many health problems. Core delivers a wide array of health benefits, providing comprehensive heart, skin, immune and inflammatory support. Research shows that Core may help*: Boost immune function Improve heart health Lower LDL cholesterol Lower blood pressure Improve circulation Support a healthy inflammatory response Prevent and repair cellular damage caused by free radicals

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A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids

August 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Randy Disert

A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids – Health

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In the world where technology is rising, it is more difficult to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids. This is always a common scenario in every household to see kids holding their game console, cellphone, laptops and spending too much time in front of the television. This is highly difficult to let them get their butts out and become more active in the outdoors especially if both parents are working full time. However, providing this healthy lifestyle for kids may be easier as soon as parents are involved in the activities. Here are strategies you can do to promote a healthy lifestyle for kids.

First, provide your children with nutritious meals. This is your obligation to see to it that your kids are receiving enough nutrition to maintain them physically and mentally. It is a fact that most kids these days are suffering from obesity epidemic which make them more prone to illness and diseases. Do not allow your children to eat junk foods such as pizzas and hamburgers all the time. Take time to prepare them a meal that is low in fat and sugar content.

Establish an ideal time to go to bed. Establish manners which your children ought to follow when it comes to watching television and playing games. Give them time to play and watch but make sure you monitor their sleep. Ensure that they receive plenty time to sleep and rest and not remain up late all the time. You can do this through removing their access to television, computers and game consoles once it is time to sleep especially if they sleep in different rooms. Rest is necessary to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids since it should contribute to give them strong body and mind and grow faster.

Spend time to take your children out. You cannot tell your kids to wake up up, exercise and become active. You will surely get a strange look reply from them. Take a break to bring your household into swimming, camping or picnics and play with them. You may additionally go to the gym with them and work out as one household. This should give your kids the time to stay away from their game consoles and be more physically active as well as taking time to bond with each other.

Get them starting in karate, dancing classes or basketball to cultivate their physique and be more active. This will help them divert their attention from foods, games and other bad habits. Activities such as these may help them be more disciplined, keep them moving and move their butts off the couch. This may also help them develop their confidence, gain friends and improve their capacity to deal with others.

Developing a healthy lifestyle for kids may startfrom the parents. Set an example for them. What they see in you, they should surely follow. If you live healthy, your kids may additionally do the same. But you must remember that telling them to do this and that should result to a fair amount of resistance from them. Incorporate the changes slowly however progressively will surely give you the most success in creating a healthy lifestyle for kids.

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Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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Randy Disert

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Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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Weight lifting is a very good body building exercise.

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Farid

Weight lifting is a very good body building exercise. – Autos

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Body modification is done for many non-medical reasons. These reasons differ from person to person, and they include sexual augmentation, aesthetic reasons, denoting affiliation and religious reasons etc.

Olympic weight lifting is also called Olympic – style weightlifting. It is a well recognized sport which participants attempt a single, maximum weight lift or a barbell loaded with weight plates.

There are two lifts that are try to win. They are clean and jerk and snatch. In the past there was another weight lifting procedure known as clean and press. But in this technique, unlike the other two lifts it was difficult in judging apt form and therefore discontinued. Read more Campingferie oestjylland

Weight lifting is a type of strength training. By these exercises the skinny muscles are developed and strengthened. In weight lifting weighted bars, dumbbells and weight stacks are used. The force of gravity is used in the above type. The force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric reduction is opposed.

In weight training, specific muscle groups and types of movements are targeted and many specialized equipment is been used to accomplish results.

Weight lifting includes many features and these are sports rather than forms of exercise.

Body building, Olympic weightlifting, power lifting and strongman all include weight training.

Power lifting consists of three actions which is the bench press, the squat, and the dead lift.

Power lifting is like to Olympic weight lifting. Read more Madlavningskursus Soenderjylland

Olympic weight lifting is truly a power test, and it is opposed to power lifting which is a test of limit strength. Both are similar for the reason that both disciplines involve lifting weights in three efforts.

Power lifting evolved from a sport known as “Odd lifts”.

This sport too followed the same three attempts lay out. But this sport uses a wide array of events relative to strongman events.

Power lifting meets chiefly takes place in the United States, United Kingdom and Russia. But it also takes place in many other countries around the planet.

Weight lifting enables to lose fat and change the body. Although diet and cardio are important, weightlifting add to the body looks easier. Weight lifting can hoist one metabolism.

The more muscle one has the more calories will be burned all day long since muscle burns more calories than fat.

Weight lifting also strengthens bones. Therefore weight lifting is more important for women, as female bones have a tendency to become weaker as they grow old and especially after bearing children. Read more Friskoler Roedding

Muscular staying power is increased by weight lifting and both male and female bodies are been made stronger.

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Hold the good body figure with Meizitang slimming gel in cold winter

July 9, 2012 by  
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Hold the good body figure with Meizitang slimming gel in cold winter – Health – Weight Loss

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As people’s understanding of the ways to lose weight, most people also must pay attention to the beauty of weight loss methods, weight loss products, security, compared to other weight loss methods, weight loss products! Medicine to lose weight is not only very good results and is consistent with the safety requirements, and it will become the mainstream way to lose weight.

My sister in Shanghai three months ago a mother, and, like all the girls giving birth, her body fat than before the baby is almost 50 pounds. And a few months she would go to work, and how to do it? She thought he must slim down quickly to a new image back to my colleagues in front. So she tried a number of ways to lose weight, slimming drugs such as eating, drinking diet tea, what with the weight belt, but a month later, no effect is not that bad a lot of the body down, stomach, and also on own the.At last she used meizitang slimming gel, and told me that she was lose weight.Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel helps to eliminate free radicals in the body, speeding up and thus delaying the aging of skin metabolism. Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel restores skin tension, improves skin elasticity elasticity, and reduces wrinkles.Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gels moistens the intestines and relaxes the bowels to cleanse the digestive system. Ingredients such as Rhizoma Alismatis and Cassia seeds have a diuretic effect and can relax the intestines, thus effectively eliminating the toxic elements metabolic process.Meizitang is Suitable For:General obesity, pubertal fat and postpartum weight gain. Especially effective for people who always fail to reduce weight or those who tend to regain fat. Besides, It is also a good choice for whoever just wants to keep slim.Meizitang is Unsuitable For:1. People with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure or cerebrovascular disease;2. People with psychosis or addict of drugs, medicine or alcohol;3. People with hyperthyroidism, insufficiency of liver or kidney;4. People with prostatic hyperplasia or glaucoma;5. Women in pregnancy or lactation;6. People under the age of 18 or above 60;7. Can not be taken with other drugs.

Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel accelerates fat metabolism and reduces the accumulation of it. Cassia seeds, which are a component of Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel, reduce fat by influencing exogenous absorption of cholesterol and strengthen endogenous metabolism; Cassia seeds, also present in Meizitang Botanical Slimming Sof Gel can reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, which then influence the metabolism of fat, increase the breakdown and transformation of the fat, and burn and continually reduce the amount of fat cells in the human body.

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Tiffany Hendra of Sanctuary Of Style teams up with her sister, Natalie Bolton on a 2 month (60 day) summer slim-down. Join them as they divulge their personal challenges with exercise & eating tips. Whether your share Natalie’s issue with her tummy and “muffin top” or Tiffany’s issue with her bootie trying to become friends with the back of her knees…we will all help hold one another accountable! Join the Sanctuary Of Style Facebook Page, and subscribe to the blogsite, for the discussion!
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