Great Arm Toning Exercises For Women
June 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Article by Nick Jervis
Great Arm Toning Exercises For Women – Health – Fitness
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Do you long for those toned arms, the type that gives you confidence when wearing that slinky dress or close fitting t-shirt? Are you trying to lose bingo wings, surplus arm fat, or just want to improve your arm tone slightly?
You do? Then your prayers have been answered! And what is most important is that these exercises will not give you bulging biceps!
The ‘bicep curl’ exercise is a simple yet effective way of targeting the front area of the upper arms. Performing this exercise regularly along with the Triceps exercises (see my previous ‘Flabby Arms’ article) will result in great looking arms, ones that you can’t wait to show to potential admirers and will get people asking you what your secret is! As you know from previous articles there is no magic solution, just a little hard work on your part that has a great pay off!
As always if you haven’t got any dumbbells then a pair of water bottles or cans of food would be a great alternative. Anything in fact that is evenly weighted and comfortable to hold on to.
The Method
* Stand upright, looking ahead with shoulders pulled back.
* You can also perform this exercise sitting on a sturdy chair or Stability Ball.
* Have a dumbbell in each hand and elbows tucked in.
* Slowly curl the dumbbells up towards the shoulders area by bending your elbows.
* Do this in a smooth, controlled movement, keeping your elbows tucked in and breathing freely at all times.
* Stop the curl movement when the dumbbells get close to your shoulder area.
* Pause at the top of the movement and then slowly return the dumbbells to the start position.
You’ve just completed 1 repetition or rep. Repeat the above steps until you have completed a set of 12-15 repetitions. Aim to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Ladies if you’re reading this and worrying that you’re going to get bulky biceps like Arnie then read on! Put simply, you won’t, you’d have to be lifting some really heavy weights to bulk up. The weights that you are lifting should be light enough to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, with the final rep being a bit of struggle. So you wont putting on muscle bulk, what it WILL do however is to help produce lean muscle, which is what you’re aiming for.
Additionally males have a higher level or testosterone which is another reason why females will find it very difficult to add muscle bulk and size.
So ladies get on the weights and starting curling!
About the Author
Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.
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Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.
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The Great Importance Of Physical Fitness
June 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
There are those that will work very hard to get into great shape. Then there are others that might not be all that interested in physical fitness. Anyone not interested in physical fitness need to reevaluate such an attitude. Getting into proper physical shape has scores of important and helpful benefits. In fact, once you discover the benefits you can gain from a physical fitness program you will likely launch into it with great enthusiasm.
Here is just a brief look at the reasons why physical fitness is important….
Physical fitness greatly improves the quality of your life. When you are stronger, fitter, and in better cardiovascular health, you will find that all your physical endeavors in life become a lot easier to perform. After all, your body is a lot stronger and primed to better handle physical tasks. This makes the potential for injury risks in life a lot lower.
Your physical appearance will improve dramatically. And really, is that not the main reason most people work out? It is and it reflects a noble goal. When you work out and take part in regular physical fitness programs, you will discover your body develops an appearance that is very desirable. Seriously, who would not want a physique that looked outright stunning?
As the old saying goes, looks are not everything and this maxim can be applied towards physical fitness. That is to say, when you are physically fit you become a lot healthier on the inside. In particular, you strongly increase your heart’s health. Among the most common forms of premature and preventable death is heart disease. It is true many factors can contribute to heart disease and exercise alone may not be enough to guarantee heart problems will never occur. That said it is also true that those who work out regularly can reduce the odds of heart ailments dramatically.
When you are in great physical condition, your self-esteem gets a tremendous boost. When you feel better about yourself, you will embody the psychological traits of a confident person. This can have an amazing ripple effect through other areas of your life which is why the self-esteem boosting facets of physical fitness are so helpful.
Physical fitness programs are a great way to make new friends and meet new people. Consider this another overlooked component to exercise programs. Heading out to the gym, enrolling in martial arts lessons, hitting the courts to play tennis, and various other physical activities will all put you in contact with other people. This is a good thing because positive interactions with others certainly have their many varied rewards.
You might even be well on your way to a new career. Don’t laugh at this notion. Many fitness professionals once started out as hobbyists and you may be on the path to joining them.
Of course, this is just a mere overview of the positive benefits associated with physical fitness programs. Even the most basic of exercise programs can deliver a whole host of positive benefits. Why not adds yourself to the mix of those that experience such similar benefits?
Body UP is a multi-national leading manufacturer and retailer fitness and exercise apparel . Their products include seamless bra and workout tops as well as active leisure wear .
Great Exercise For Pregnant Women
June 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Today I’ll devote this article to exercise for pregnant women. These exercises are safe and simple enough to do from home.
So, if you’re presently pregnant, keep reading this short article to learn some effective ways to remain healthy and keep an ideal weight while pregnant.
Great Exercise For Pregnant Women
Jump on a mini-trampoline
This exercise is nice, easy, and smooth. And the bouncing is actually quite minimal. You won’t be bouncing 6 inches in the air with a mini-trampoline.
Instead, what you can do is leave your toes constantly intact with the mini-trampoline and just sway your feet back and forth. Your heels will be the only things lifted.
Try to do this for 15 to 20 minutes per day. This exercise is also great for diminishing cellulite.
Squats done up against the wall
To do this, you just have to stand with your back against the wall.
Then slide down into the squat position. After that you just squat right back up.
Shoot for 10 reps of this exercise. Also try to do 3 or 4 sets.
Pushups done up against the wall
Just place your hands against the wall. Then bring your body to the wall until your nose almost makes contact with the wall. Then push your body off. Try to do for as many reps as you can. Shoot for doing 3 sets.
This will work your upper body, chest, arms, and shoulders. If you can, try to do these pushups 3 or 4 times a week.
Exercise for pregnant women can be easy and simple. These exercises will help you maintain a healthy weight all through your pregnancy.
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Tips On A Great Arm Workout
May 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
Article by Donovan Daily
Tips On A Great Arm Workout – Health – Fitness
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Many individuals frequently have a problem with their arm workout during a workout session for some reason. I noticed this as they’re not only performing poor exercises, they may be performing them using the incorrect form, and consequently, they frequently make no gains week after week. A number of people have even flat out come and inquired about how I’ve managed to get my arms so big. In this article I’d like to suggest the most beneficial ways in which to workout your arms, so as to get the most impressive gains possible, naturally.
Firstly, I need to declare that unless one has a good clean diet, and adequate rest, you will not gain muscular mass on your arms easily. I won’t be going into these two issues too much, but suffice to say you ought to strive for roughly 8 hours of sleep every night, and try and also have a protein rich diet. These issues aren’t what this article is about, so It is advisable to research into those two issues if you need a better understanding.
The exercises I personally use by which to get enormous success with my arm workouts are bicep curls using dumbbells, tricep pull downs and dips, that’s it. Seriously, the sheer numbers of people I see doing a large number of arm exercises is scary, it’s simply not needed. As long as you do these three exercises with good form and with enough intensity, you’ll experience phenomenal growth.
I try to do 10 reps of the exercise, and I do 5 sets of each one. The initial thing you ought to do is to find out what a good starting weight is for you. For instance, with the dumbbell bicep curls, it is best to be capable to do 10 reps easily on each arm. Once you’ve performed this initial 10 reps, we’ll then raise the weight, I normally increase it by 2KG, so if as an example my first set was 10 reps of 20KG’s for each arm, my second set shall be 10 reps of 22KG for each arm. We’ll add to the weight with each set, so for my workout, my first set maybe 20KG, my second 22KG, my third 24KG, fourth 26KG, and my final set it 28KG. It’s imperative you work each arm independently, hence me recommending dumbbell curls over barbell curls, as you should work each arm to full exertion. When bicep curling, you want to keep your back as vertical as you can, we want little movement in the back when lifting and lowering the load. All movement is in the arms only. It’s amazing how many people swing forward and backwards when bicep curling, this is certainly very poor form, and it’s not surprising there arms are the same size week after week. When bicep curling, you want to raise the load slowly, and lower it slowly, everything ought to be in a controlled motion.
With tricep curls, it’s exactly the same principle as when bicep curling. We’ll be doing 5 sets of 10 reps, and each set has an increase in weight. Again, you should keep the back as horizontal as you possibly can, no forward or backwards motion to compensate. The only real movement should really be in your arms, I suggest you feel your triceps’s burning during this exercise when done properly. Again, this really is to be done in a slow, controlled motion. Several people prefer to keep their legs side-by-side when performing this exercise, but I find I can get a better depth of the lowering motion if I stand in a stance with one leg in front of the other.
Finally, with dips, again, you need this to be in a controlled motion, but this time around, not necessarily slow. I don’t want you to shoot up and down, but it doesn’t have to be as slow as stated previously with the bicep curls or tricep pull downs. You can perform 3 sets of this exercise, reason being, we’re going till failure with each set. This implies that for the first set, we’ll do our dips for as many as we’re able to. There is not any pre-determined stopping point. If you can only do 15, fine. If you can do 40, fine. Whatever you can perform, make sure you’re pushing yourself as much as it’s possible to, and that you can’t physically do anymore dips during that set. After the set is completed, we’ll have a 30 second breather, and begin the subsequent set where we’ll be going till failure again. Once this set is completed, another 30 second rest, before we begin the very last set where we’ll again be going till failure.
The exercises mentioned in this post are a great way to really gain muscle on your arms, so long as their performed in the steps cited above, and so long as you have your diet and sleep arrangement in check. I hope you’ve found this article useful, and that it aids you to achieve your goals while working out.
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In this Fitness Tip, Mike talks to you about his favorite arm workout. For more info, check out
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Great Arm Workout With Dumbbells
May 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
One of the muscles most people look at is the biceps. When most people think of showing off their muscles, they will probably think about flexing their biceps. In order to get great looking biceps, you must work them out. A great way to do this is by using dumbbells. The point in lifting weights in the first place is to put your muscles under stress. When you do this, you will actually cause small micro tears in your muscle fibers. This may sound like a bad thing but it really isn’t. When your muscles are torn, your body goes in and start to repair them. This is why your muscles get bigger when you work them out.
If you want to have bigger biceps, you need to put them under great pressure in order to cause these micro tears. Your weight plays a big part in how big your biceps are. In general, if you want to increase the diameter of your biceps by an inch, you will have to gain about 10 pounds.
So besides just lifting weights, you also need to eat as well. So what is a good way to build those biceps? One way is to do dumbbell curls.
The routine I often do is called the pyramid sets. The way you do this is by doing 5 sets of standing curls with the dumbbell, alternating arms with 2-3 minutes of rest in between sets. After you do 1 or 2 warm up sets, you will begin your first set. For you first set, you will be doing 6-8 reps. So choose a weight that is heavy enough where you won’t be able to do anymore than 8 reps. When you first start out, you may not know how much weight to use so just pick one and test it out. After a few workouts, you’ll be able to gauge which dumbbell weights are best for you.
Each set after that, you will be increasing the weight and doing 2 less reps.
So for the second set, you will be doing 4-6 reps. When you curl the dumbbell up, do it fast. It should only take you one second. When you bring it back down however, you want to do it slower. This should take you 3 seconds. The third set will consist of 2-4 reps and the final set will consist of 1-2 reps. After you are done with the last set, you will go back to the weight you used for your first set and do as many curls as you can while keeping proper form but this time instead of going down for 3 seconds, you go down in 1 second.
The aim of doing this routine is to lift extremely heavy weights while still keep proper form in order to force your muscles to grow. You should workout with this method once a week and get plenty or rest in between.
Jeff Tsil owns a website about adjustable dumbells. Here you will find information about this fitness equipment as well as the many benefits of using it.
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Muscular Strength Exercises – 3 Great Muscular Strength Exercises
April 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscular Endurance
Finding good muscular strength exercises is not always easy, since it is not only important what kind of muscular strength exercise you perform, but also how you perform it.
You see, the best way to increase muscular strength is by lifting heavy weights and challenging your body to keep up with the pace. A lot of exercises that you see in the fitness media lay a great emphasis on “toning” exercises which really increase muscular endurance by performing a large number of reps on low weights.
This is fine, but it is not the way to build pure brute muscular strength. To do that we need heavy weights on low reps, around 6-8 per set. The last rep should be difficult to complete.
Below are 3 great muscular strength exercises that will work multiple muscle groups at the same time while strengthening your core, to help improve your posture and prevent injury.
These can be performed with a long barbell bar or dumbbells in each hand.
I personally prefer the barbell version, since it helps you keep a better technique and lift heavier weight. Don’t cheat on this muscular strength exercise and take care to perform proper technique. You can start on a light weight with this one until you get the technique down.
Put your feet flat beneath the bar, and then squat down to grab the bar in an overhand or mixed grip about a shoulder-width apart. Keep your back and arms straight and your head looking forwards.
Lift the bar by pushing your heels into the floor and extending your hips and knees to full extension. Pull your shoulders back slightly at the top of the movement, then slowly return to the start position.
Bentover Barbell Row
This is one of the great muscular strength exercises for the shoulders, back, lats, and arms.
Bend your knees slightly and grab the bar with a wide overhand grip, making sure to keep your back straight at all times.
Now, pull the bar towards your upper waist as if you were rowing a boat (but don’t arc the motion), then slowly lower it back down to the start until your arms are straight and your shoulders pulled downwards slightly.
Standing Military Press
A super muscular strength exercise to build the upper shoulders, trapezius muscles, lats, upper chest and back.
This exercise is safer to perform with a high weights rack where you can put the bar at the start and end of the exercise, to avoid straining your back when lifting it off the floor.
Grab the bar in an overhand grip slightly more than a shoulder-width apart. Lift off the rack and start with it just above your chest, in front of you neck. Push the bar up until your arms are almost extended, hold briefly, then lower back to the start position. Repeat.
This exercise can also be done behind the neck, but make sure you have someone to spot you, and / or use a sliding weight rack.
For a free 6 week workout video explaining exactly what to do and how to do it go here ==> Muscular Strength Exercises.
Use These 7 Great Tips to Increase Metabolism
April 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Bill Hildebrand
Dieting is no way to try to increase your metabolism. Diets and weight loss pills do not affect how your body’s metabolism works, at least not in a healthful way. Most people end up dropping their diet even before losing much weight. As a result, they become distressed and unhappy without achieving any significant benefits. Help has arrived. Put these seven proven tips for increased metabolism into practice immediately and start to notice changes for a healthier and hotter you.
1. Seeing to it that you sleep well at night is one of the most important steps to increasing metabolism. There have been scientific studies that demonstrate people getting four or less hours of sleep may have slower metabolic rates as compared to individuals who get eight hours of sleep per night. The advisable sleep for most adults is seven to nine hours but can vary from person to person. After a short time you will see what is best for your body.
2. Some studies show that as we get into the later afternoon and early evening our metabolism tends to slow down. Therefore, is would be wise to get into a habit of taking walks or dong some other form of exercise later in the day to ramp up your metabolism to burn more calories. Increasing lean muscle is an excellent way to speed up metabolism and burn more calories over a longer period of time. Weight lifting exercises have been shown to be an excellent way to achieve those extended calorie burning hours. Be careful not to exercise so late that you disrupt your sleep pattern.
3. Get mobile and increase the activity in your life. Increased activity will give you the benefits of boosted metabolism and more calorie burning. As an alternative to driving a car everywhere you go, consider walking to a few of the closer locations. Adjusting some life routines will start to show steady progress as time passes. Some adjustments will take longer to implement but some will come easy. Instead of watching reruns on TV, you might consider pumping some dumbbells, doing pushups, or even dong some good stretching exercises. You may decide to make some other changes such as taking the stairway instead of hopping on the elevator or walking instead of riding somewhere. I’m positive you can think of additional ways to get more active also.
4. When planning meals, try to incorporate more protein and healthy fats into your diet. One of the benefits of more protein intake is that it can help stabilize the amount of insulin released into your bloodstream. Reducing carbohydrate intake especially from snack food and soda is very important. Try to get rid of that low feeling that comes after eating high carb meals by changing to such foods as nuts, avacado, and salad dressing with olive oil that provide healthy fats instead. Stay away from most store-bought salad dressings since most contain sweeteners such as corn syrup. Search the web for healthy, easy to make dressings that fit your tastes.
5. Some people think they can achieve weight loss by skipping meals in order to reduce their calorie consumption. As far as losing pounds or increasing metabolism, skipping meals is not healthful or advised as the method to accomplish that. Slower metabolism and increased weight gain may actually end up being the result of this approach. The body thinks you are trying to starve it and will take action by producing fat to store for the future. A much better idea is to eat six smaller portion, healthy food choice meals spaced out over the day. A big benefit of eating these smaller and more frequent meals is your bodies ability to better increase metabolism and help you reduce weight.
6. Drink a few glasses of ice water throughout the day. Not only does your body require the water to make sure you maintain proper digestion, but you can burn more calories warming the ice water to body temperature. If you find it difficult to drink enough plain water, try adding a little lemon or lime juice to give it a bit of a citrus buzz. Water is essential for detoxifying your system and maintaining metabolic balances for all your organs. Staying properly hydrated will keep you energized and help you maintain optimal health.
7. Try adding raw juices from fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. You could even go so far as to try juice fasting or going on a juice diet for a few days. This may be over the top for some people, but definitely adding juices from fresh produce will increase metabolism and help to detoxify your system. You also get the added benefits of increased antioxidants and the vitamins and minerals that are found in these fresh fruits and veggies. Using a juicer is the ideal way to accomplish this and then just get creative or purchase a juice recipe book to give you some good ideas for some refreshing juice drinks.
There is no simple magic formula to help you increase metabolism and lose weight. However by applying all or some of these methods you will see noticeable changes for a healthier you. Then see if you don’t start getting some surprised looks from some of your friends or jealous looks from people on the street.
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MMA Training Workouts – Do You Want To Look Great and Learn to Kick Butt?
April 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Paul Halme
The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workout is a new workout regimen that is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness, both as an aerobic exercise and as an anaerobic exercise. This workout targets specific muscles in the body which makes it all the more effective. This type of workout is designed to constantly change the pace of the routines to help participants lose weight faster than usual.
And because MMA training workouts are very dynamic, with the changes of pace incorporated in it, participants develop better stamina and improves their endurance. Aside from the pace, changes in the exercise also include using different equipment which translates to participants getting stronger throughout their programs.
An MMA training workouts can be performed alone, but is best when done with the help of professionals. Professional trainers with MMA workout experience will help participants lose weight faster and develop muscles sooner. Professionals are able to offers advises as well as tips on how to perform certain routines the proper way, which will also help participants avoid injuries.
As in all types of other workouts, it is imperative that participants have the right attitude before committing to a certain program. Those who decide to take on this type of workout must have the right determination, commitment and will to be able to achieve the goals he/she has set beforehand.
MMA training workouts incorporate many facets of the sport of MMA into the exercise. Some of these include take-downs, striking with hands and feet, grappling, wrestling, clinching and ground-pound technique. Not every UFC fighter uses all these aspects of the fighting game, but in the ever-increasing MMA World it seems that being a well rounded fighter is becoming more and more important to winning!
Aside from seeking the advice of professionals, there are many ways of learning more about MMA training workouts. One can join online communities to learn additional information about proper techniques related to a good workout. Training videos are also available for sale that will teach how to do the routines the right way. Sherdog is one such community.
MMA training workouts are effective in losing weight and building muscles, but the bonus with it is that participants also learn techniques about self-defense. You really get more out of this training than you might imagine. Not only do you learn to defend yourself, but you also in a short time will look great too! That is a huge bonus.
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5 Great Fitness and Health Tips
April 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Tips
Article by Liam Murphy
Keeping healthy is extremely important, no matter what age you happen to be. It’s imperative that you take measures to work on your health and fitness throughout your entire life. Wondering where you can begin? Well, here are 5 great fitness and health tips that you can use to make sure you stay healthy and fit all your life.
Tip #1 – Get Moving – First of all, if you want to stay fit and healthy, you have to get moving. Every day you need to think about how you can get moving in order to keep your body in good shape. There are many little things that you can do to keep moving throughout the day. While going to the gym is a great idea, you don’t have to spend an hour at the gym in order to get the movement that you need. Simply take the time to take the dog for a walk, mow your own lawn, take the stairs, park further away in the parking lot, or even to play with your kids. This will help you to get the exercise that you need on a regular basis and it is also great for lowering your stress level too.
Tip #2 – Cut Back the Fat – Another important tip to remember for fitness and health is to make sure that you cut back the fat in your diet. Bad fats can lead to a variety of different physical problems that can end up haunting you as you grow older. So, start cutting the fried foods out of your diet, as well as fast food and even meets that are fatty, such as sausage, bacon, salami, and even ham. You should limit dairy products as well and eat lower fat products instead. Limit the sauces, lunch meats, butter, and mayonnaise that you eat as well. Try to eat lean and you’ll definitely reap the benefits.
Tip #3 – De-Stress – Start getting rid of some of the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a variety of health problems. Spend time enjoying yourself each day, such as listening to music, enjoying a hot bath, a long walk, or even reading. Meditating can also help you out as well.
Tip #4 – Stop Smoking – One of the worst things that you can do for your health is to smoke. If you want to be healthier, then one of the best things that you can do for your health is to stop smoking. When you smoke you raise the risk for a variety of nasty diseases, so take the steps to quit as soon as you can.
Tip #5 – Drink More Water – Most people don’t drink enough water each day and it shows in their health and fitness. If you want to be fit and healthy, then water is an important part of your diet. You should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses each day, and more when you are exercising. The body needs water to be healthy, and the more you drink water, the healthier you will be.
These are just 5 great fitness and health tips that can really make a difference in your life. Nothing can replace your health, so take the time to follow these tips so you can improve your health for life.
Click Here Now to watch regularly updated videos of Free Online Workouts! Liam Murphy is a celebrated authority on Fitness Toning, providing muscle and fitness advice at
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Strength Training: Great For Women
April 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Workouts
Article by Sarah Elena Elliott
So many women who are looking to lose weight and get in shape avoid strength training out of fear of bulking up. They don’t want the masculine appearance of muscles and assume that their bodies will look just like that of a man’s if they participate in strength training on a regular basis. This is a myth!
In fact, not only will you not bulk up you will actually increase your metabolism, look slimmer, feel better and even lose weight much quicker than you would without it. The common fear is that gaining muscles will cause you to gain weight, but the opposite is true. The more muscle you gain the more calories your body burns even while resting. Adding just 5 lbs. a muscle is an extra 250 calories a day that your body will burn.
Muscle replaces fat and takes up less room in your body. Two women can weigh exactly the same, but one woman can be dramatically thinner even if they are the same height. The difference is, the more muscles a woman has in place of fat the smaller and tighter her body is. Extra muscle is the path to truly changing the way your body works in a positive way.
What should you be working on? Specifically your body is broken into three regions for strength training. Your upper body, core and lower body all need to be worked in order to gain overall muscle with maximum benefits.
Your upper body is made up of your arms, shoulders, upper back, neck and chest. You can work with free weights or machines to target these specific body parts. The bench press is one obvious method for targeting your chest muscle.
Your lower body is made up of your hamstrings, quads, calves and tibialis and these parts can be worked with lunges, squats, the leg press machine, and leg raises. The more muscle you have in your legs the easier it will be to accomplish rigorous aerobic exercises.
And finally, your core is made up of your lower back, obliques, hips and groin. These areas can be worked with crunches, back extensions and other machines that target these regions. Core strength is essential for preventing injury.
Always remember to give your body time to rest in between strength training sessions so that you can build new muscles. New muscles cannot grow if you continue to break them down, the healing process and the aches you have after a workout are actually good things!
Your body is building new muscle and growing! Each time that you do strength training try to push yourself using weights that actually challenge your body. It’s a big mistake to lift light weights many times instead of heavy weights a few times. A higher weight lifted combined with fewer reps will ensure muscle growth. Make sure that you always increase the amount of weight you are lifting to challenge your body and always separate your regional workouts. Never do two upper body workouts in a row, it is important to mix them up.
Sarah Elena Elliott reads each and every day. It’s her favorite weight loss blog.