Great Arm Workout

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

I’m not a big fan of one day being an arm workout, but I’ve gotten a few questions on a good arm day.  So, I thought I would deliver. 

To have an effective arm day, you have to pay attention to your rest and recovery time. This routine should be used in a 4-5 days a week exercise routine.  You should only do this arm workout alone and don’t add other muscle groups.  Try and rest at least 1 day between this arm day and both chest and back days. For example, your split may be chest day 1, legs day 2, arms day 3, shoulders day 4, back day 5. 

Like in all my routines, I recommend adding 5 pounds each week you complete all the reps assigned.  This routine will be a higher rep routine. We are focusing on getting down to the deep muscle tissue to stimulate growth.

Inside Grip Pull Ups 3 sets of 12 reps

French Press (Skullcrushers) 3 sets of 12 reps

Inside Grip Push Ups  3 sets of Near Failure*

Dumbbell Bicep Curl   3 sets of 12 reps

Tricep Pressdowns  3 sets of 12 reps

*Near Failure – I want you to perform at least 15 reps but stop 3-5 reps before muscle failure.  You will have to determine this by paying attention to your muscles. 

Try this arm workout and let us know how it did.  It’s a solid arm workout that can definitely add some muscle and definition to your arms. 

You don’t want to leave muscle building only up to the exercises you do.  You will have to focus on nutrition as well.  Eat big and healthy and you will see quality results real quick.

If you’re looking to build up some nice ladies legs for the beach season, check out my blog, Go Healthy Fitness.

More Great Arm Workouts Articles

7 Great Build Muscle Exercises

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Balu Muscle

To get the body of your dreams, you should know some build muscle exercises that can make the difference you are ultimately looking for. But every build muscle exercises have their purpose and you need to know the right ones to build muscles the way you want.

This article will be about some build muscle exercises that focus on isolation workouts, as they are excellent for specific areas on your body. However, full body workout exercises like the squat, bench press, dead lift etc. should also be in your workout schedule.

Biceps and Triceps

-Exercise #1:The first exercise is the close grip bench press. This is one of the build muscle exercises that works on your triceps in a way that a lot of exercises don

Searching for a great Leg Exercise routine?

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Vedder Easterwood

Legs Exercise routine for your Quadriceps

The quadriceps are the huge muscle groups in the entrance of your higher leg. Acquiring powerful quads will really help while using entire strength in the leg. These muscles are incredibly strong when skilled ideal and for a girl can mean some genuinely great curves. Right here are some critical moves for that quads:

Squat – The squat is undoubtedly the most beneficial leg workout for your quadriceps. To warmth factors up far more, add hefty dumbbells towards the equation. Hold them both at your sides or on your shoulders. Conduct around forty of those.

Entrance Lunge – To create this move successful; go forward little by little to have interaction the quads additional. It is possible to add dumbbells to this physical exercise at the same time.

Legs Workout for the Calves

It is possible to seriously tell whenever a woman is in shape once you see a pleasant shapely calf on the finish of her legs. They could be a challenging muscle to work and frequently only appear right after months of operating every single day. But when you get it done proper, you can begin viewing people puppies just after just a few weeks. Do that for pleasant shapely calves:

Calf Raises – It is possible to accomplish this move inside a selection of strategies. You can do it in the rocking movement from your heels towards your toes. You can do it with a single foot for the increased problem. You can also do it seated on an workout ball

Legs Exercise routine for the Hamstrings

This component in the human body will get somewhat nearer towards the tush. When worked ideal, it is going to give a superb minimize among your legs as well as your butt, an excellent issue when donning restricted jeans.

Deadlifts – This move is really a reproduction of the pretty familiar transfer you do everyday: elevate things up. Once you bend in excess of and stand back again up, that is certainly in essence a deadlift. Of course you could possibly want more resistance for your improved legs workout. You are able to do it one legged or with additional body weight. Both equally will do the job.

Exercise Ball Roll – That is certainly done, as the identify implies, with the physical exercise ball. Lie in your back with equally heels resting to the ball. Push your whole body approximately kind a straight line out of your heels to the shoulders. Stage one leg up while in the air and roll the ball in towards your entire body together with the other heel. Repeat along with the reverse leg. This is a tiny much more difficult leg exercise routine for your hamstrings.

Leg Exercise routine for that Thighs

The internal and outer thighs can be a common challenge spot for ladies. They’re technically called the abductors and adductors. The very best leg exercise for these muscle mass is as follows:

Leg Lifts – Lay in your facet on do that standing up, possibly way it definitely targets your thighs. To get the job done the outer thigh, elevate the outer leg up or out. To operate the interior thigh, do the job the inner leg up or in.

For an excellent leg exercise, consist of these workout routines with your energy program.

I am a verified fitness coach with over 5 years of experience. If you have any more questions you are free to contact me for help. Visit: somanabolic muscle maximizer review

The Secret To Great Abs With Upper Ab Exercises

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Mike Vargas

The abdominal muscles are a hard aspect of the body system; they usually have problems with several setbacks that different muscle groups aren’t subject to as easily. Certain problems that can transpire may include unwanted fat residing in around the tummy, hardly any usage in the course of daily activities, not at all completing one’s upper ab exercises to focus on the muscles, and with regard to women, post being pregnant muscle challenges. Unfortunately with regard to the upper abdominals we merely have complete control over one element among the aforesaid points and that’s the amount of physical activity we can furnish one’s body with.

Living an inactive way of life could be the number one source of flabby ab muscles. Give some thought to simply how much television an average joe engages in per calendar day. A number of reports say a typical house-hold watches about 8 hours of TV per day. Let us assume that you’ll find 4 persons in the place so that equates out to two hours of television viewing for each and every human being in that particular residence a day. Should you walk for thirty minutes of those TV minutes each and every day, keep a stride of 3 mph, you could lose close to 180 calories a walking session. Now is the exciting piece: if you decide to adjust nothing at all within your eating plan and yet moved those 30 minutes a day, you would start to shed weight at a pace close to one lb every three weeks (because thirty-five hundred calorie units is equal to one lb, twenty events of half hour intervals at 180 calories for every time period of steady walking should be thirty-six hundred calorie units). This is not an irrational speed or stretch of time. This rise in calorie usage may minimize the extra fat around the upper abdominals and trigger far more firmness.

Lowering the level of weight is just one minor factor to ripping the upper abs. Engaging in upper ab exercises is yet another tactic to increase definition and lean muscle mass. Favorite activity options to acquire results are usually the conventional “crunch” and also “seated leg tucks”. These types of upper ab exercises demonstrate limited tension on the remainder of the upper body and do not have to have an individual to remain any sort of fantastic fitness condition.

The last thing to bear in mind is to not end up getting discouraged if you fail to see gains instantly. The loss of 1 lb every 3 weeks is not a whole lot and will likely be very difficult to verify aesthetically especially along with a regular upper ab exercise process. Make a reasonable period of time just before getting down on yourself. Shoot for a goal somewhere similar to three-six calendar months. At the same time, any time you exclusively implement just one thing but not the other, please don’t be expecting a well-defined stomach area; it requires both the items to acquire gains.

You may see it all the time in the gym, people endlessly performing upper ab exercises. This article tells you the truth about the abs and how to effectively train and eat to get the results you want. There are no gimmicks or special weight lifting devices, just good old-fashioned grit. If you want more unbiased and non-sales oriented information, head over to Chunk Fitness to learn more!

More Upper Abdominal Exercises Articles

No Weights Needed to Get Great Arm Exercises

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jack Bush

Any time you perform arm exercises, the muscles that are influenced the most are of course your biceps, triceps, and all the muscles that are located in your hands and in your wrist. The only arm exercises that work do not have to always be curling dumbbells or other weight related activities. Because weights are not always available when you want to work on your arms, there are alternatives. There are some arm strengthening exercises out there that do not require weights that you can do. The most effective of these weightless exercises are pushups and pull ups. These are effective for either gender. When using these exercises on a regular basis, women find that their arm flab begins to disappear.

Time and money are required to be a member of a fitness center. This sometimes can be the reason that we don’t attend. In developing your arms you do not have to have a fitness center. Exercising at home without the use of weights can give you just as good of results in your arms. Worried that you need to go by some exercise equipment? No need to worry. All you need is your body.

Pull Ups and Push Ups

Pushups: What exercise routine across the country does not include pushups? They are so easy. The very issues they can be done with them are innumerable. What to stay at the bottom position of a push up for longer? It can be done. Add resistance and increase the level of difficulty just by elevating your feet as you perform the exercise. Yes, these are arm muscles, but they are also great for the chest and shoulders.

Pull Ups: It is only pulling your body up with your arms. Look around for horizontal bar to performed the pull ups on. Grab on to the horizontal bar as you’re lying under it within overhand grip. Pull yourself up and you will then be performing a supine pull up. The biceps really get targeted if you pull up as you are sitting under the bar.

Develop Stronger Hands and Wrists

Chinese Hand Balls: Just place the Chinese balls in your hand and hold them parallel to the ground. The number of balls used in the beginning will be two. Over time it can increase up to six. Keep the balls constantly moving with using your fingers well at the same time not bumping them together. It stretches your hands and even your arm muscles. Arthritis patients can find is beneficial.

Massage Rings: Squeezing the rings in a rhythmic pattern is the key. Made out of rubber they possess nodules that help in the exercise. Plan on two to three sets of twenty squeezes a day.

The thought of many people is that no weights used in arm exercises are more natural. They actually simulate the motions the arms encounter each day. Faster muscle development can be found when using weights in the exercise regimen. Your results will last longer when you develop your muscles using natural exercises. Give it some time. You get lifelong benefits when you perform arm exercises with no weights.

Do you want to look for more information about building muscle quickly? Please visit the muscle building workout programs. They are proven programs of step-by-step guide to help you gain mass muscle. Please click the reviews for more…Read the review on muscle gaining secrets for more.Click the No nonsense muscle building ebook to read more.Read the Muscle Gain Truth Review for more.Click the 7 minute muscle pdf to read more.

If you want to find more information about muscle building programs, Please check it out at muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review for more.

Muscular Strength Exercises – 3 Great Muscular Strength Exercises

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Finding good muscular strength exercises is not always easy, since it is not only important what kind of muscular strength exercise you perform, but also how you perform it.

You see, the best way to increase muscular strength is by lifting heavy weights and challenging your body to keep up with the pace. A lot of exercises that you see in the fitness media lay a great emphasis on “toning” exercises which really increase muscular endurance by performing a large number of reps on low weights.

This is fine, but it is not the way to build pure brute muscular strength. To do that we need heavy weights on low reps, around 6-8 per set. The last rep should be difficult to complete.

Below are 3 great muscular strength exercises that will work multiple muscle groups at the same time while strengthening your core, to help improve your posture and prevent injury.


These can be performed with a long barbell bar or dumbbells in each hand.

I personally prefer the barbell version, since it helps you keep a better technique and lift heavier weight. Don’t cheat on this muscular strength exercise and take care to perform proper technique. You can start on a light weight with this one until you get the technique down.

Put your feet flat beneath the bar, and then squat down to grab the bar in an overhand or mixed grip about a shoulder-width apart. Keep your back and arms straight and your head looking forwards.

Lift the bar by pushing your heels into the floor and extending your hips and knees to full extension. Pull your shoulders back slightly at the top of the movement, then slowly return to the start position.

Bentover Barbell Row

This is one of the great muscular strength exercises for the shoulders, back, lats, and arms.

Bend your knees slightly and grab the bar with a wide overhand grip, making sure to keep your back straight at all times.

Now, pull the bar towards your upper waist as if you were rowing a boat (but don’t arc the motion), then slowly lower it back down to the start until your arms are straight and your shoulders pulled downwards slightly.

Standing Military Press

A super muscular strength exercise to build the upper shoulders, trapezius muscles, lats, upper chest and back.

This exercise is safer to perform with a high weights rack where you can put the bar at the start and end of the exercise, to avoid straining your back when lifting it off the floor.

Grab the bar in an overhand grip slightly more than a shoulder-width apart. Lift off the rack and start with it just above your chest, in front of you neck. Push the bar up until your arms are almost extended, hold briefly, then lower back to the start position. Repeat.

This exercise can also be done behind the neck, but make sure you have someone to spot you, and / or use a sliding weight rack.

For a free 6 week workout video explaining exactly what to do and how to do it go here ==> Muscular Strength Exercises.

Bodybuilding a Realistic Approach: How You Can Have a Great Body!

December 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Bodybuilding A Realistic Approach, shows you how to realistically tone, shape, and build your body. It helps you set and reach realistic goals by first identifying your body type and showing how to properly perform basic exercises for the entire body. It includes easy-to-follow workouts and nutritional programs for losing and gaining weight. The first few chapters are for people who are just getting started with weights and progresses to those who want to compet… More >>

Bodybuilding a Realistic Approach: How You Can Have a Great Body!

2 Great Kettlebells Training Exercises

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Aaron McCloud

There are a variety of kettlebells training exercises you can do to get stronger and increase your endurance. Kettlebells are great training tools and easy to learn how to use.

The exercises below are just a few to start you off. But seriously, they are all great – I still do swings regularly just because they’re so good for my legs.

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is probably the most basic kettlebell exercise. And the easiest to start with.Take your kettlebell, set in on the ground, and then stand over it, with a foot on either side. Your feet should be at shoulder width, pointed slightly outward.

Crouch down and pick up the kettlebell with both hands, so that it’s hanging between your legs. Then just bend your knees, crouch down, and stand up while explosively thrusting your hips forward.

This will swing the kettlebell flying up to chest altitude. Then it will fall back down in an arc, and you bend your knees to go with it back between your legs. And stand up explosively again. And again.

This is a great exercise for leg endurance. Check out the link below for pictures of how to do this exercise.

Kettlebell Press

The press is a basic one of the kettlebells training exercises, but a good one. Also, it’s upper body centered to compliment the swing’s lower-body-centered-ness.

Pick up the kettlebell with one arm. Lift your arm up, fist upward and forearm against your body, till your fist is up against your torso and right next to your chin. Then, using your shoulder, press the kettlebell upward above your head – like a military press (or shoulder press). Then lower it down slowly.

If you have two kettlebells you can do both arms at the same time, but be careful; it’s tricky. Otherwise, make sure that you work both arms equally to, well, stay balanced and strong in both arms.

These are just two basic kettlebells training exercises. If you want more kettlebells exercise or training info, or photos to show how to do these exercises, check out the links below.

I’m Aaron McCloud and I run Complete Strength Training, a site devoted to providing high quality information about strength training. To get more info about kettlebells exercise, photos of exercises, or workout routines check out this page on kettlebell workouts and exercise. I’ve been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while, so there’s a lot of info about how to get stronger, more powerful, and more ripped. – Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

They Great Thing About Bodybuilding Nutrition Is That You Get To Eat A lot

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Some athletes may not give too much thought as to what they eat. They just know what they should eat and then they eat it. They don’t eat too much or too little and they likely never count calories. Bodybuilding nutrition is different. Bodybuilding nutrition requires a lot of eating. That’s because with bodybuilding nutrition you’re looking to always fuel your muscles, whereas performance nutrition only has you eating to get results out of a single event.

Bodybuilding nutrition has changed over the years. It used to be that bodybuilding was all about how big you got and so bodybuilding nutrition consisted mainly of eating everything in sight. This resulted in a lot of muscle gain, but it also resulted in fat gain. Bodybuilding nutrition has now become much more scientific.

Goal Oriented Nutrition

Bodybuilding nutrition today consists of scientifically getting the right amounts of nutrients in your body at certain times. For instance, bodybuilding nutrition includes lots of protein for muscle building, it includes lots of carbs for muscle fuel and it includes fat as well to help coat the muscles and to help them work more efficiently. However, bodybuilding nutrition depends on the bodybuilder’s goal. And no two bodybuilders likely eat the same thing or the same way.

Bulking And Cutting

Bodybuilding nutrition depends on what goals you have in mind. To become a bodybuilder, you have to bulk. This consists of eating lots of protein, lots of carbs and lots of fat. The workouts are hard and the idea is to convert all of those nutrients into rock hard muscle. Then, when the bodybuilder wants to show those muscles off, the bodybuilder nutrition must be different.

Bulking builds lots of muscle but it can also build up fat. That means that all your hard work is being covered by a layer of blubber. In order for your hard earned muscle to show, and to actually officially be called a bodybuilder, you must remove that fat while keeping the muscle. This takes a little know how and a lot of experimentation.

No two bodies work the same way. Some people have faster metabolisms than others and that means they may burn through nutrients faster than others. For that reason, bodybuilding nutrition must be tested and tweaked until you find out what works for you. Building muscle is easy, it’s the losing of fat while keeping the muscle that truly makes a bodybuilder a bodybuilder.


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