5 Dumbbell Exercises for Explosive Muscle Growth
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Mark Reese
Fitness experts have always debated as to which exercise provides the better muscle growth, free weights like dumbbell exercises or stationary weights like most gym equipment. I believe free weights or dumbbells win hands-down every time. Any method of workout that works more than one muscle at a time has to benefit more than a stationary machine.
Below I will provide some dumbbell exercises that will give you explosive muscle growth and muscle control. After all, what good are big bulky muscles if every time you try to use those muscles you are fumbling all over the place. I have seen guys with massive bulky muscles that can barely tie their own shoes they are so uncoordinated.
For a better overall fitness level you want to work the tiny muscles that surround and support your larger muscles. Complete and coordinated control at all times is what you need and dumbbells are the best way to achieve this.
Bicep Curl
Bicep curls are the best exercise to strengthen your bicep muscles. Remember, always make sure you rotate your arms well when doing bicep curls to get the most benefit from these exercises. Exhale when you bring the dumbbell up and really squeeze your biceps to get explosive muscle growth.
Inhale when lowering the weight and still use your muscles to guide the weight back down. Never let gravity pull it down for you, control the lowering and continue working the bicep on the way down.
Triceps Kickback or Reverse Curl
Triceps are the long lean muscle at the back of your upper arm opposite the front bicep muscle. Take the dumbbell in your hand, lean over a bench or chair if you are at home, raise your elbow so it touches your side, then slowly lift the dumbbell back while straitening your arm out past your butt while doing so.
Really squeeze the triceps as your arm becomes fully extended and then hold for a second or two. Holding and squeezing will really help with muscle growth, control and strength. You will also really feel “the burn” when doing it this way, which is really great for muscle growth. Then lower your arm back down, again resisting the weight and not letting gravity do all the return work.
Dumbbell Bench Press
The dumbbell bench press is great for really defining your chest muscles and getting that rock hard look. Lie down on a flat bench, rise the weight straight up in the air with a dumbbell in each hand and touching. Lower the weights straight down so they almost touch your chest while your arms drop down below you sides.
Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and resist the weights until they almost reach your chest, now lift the weights and exhale at the same time fully extending your arms above your chest.
Dumbbell Fly Lift
The fly lift is very similar to the bench press. You lay flat on your back in the same starting position with the weights held above your chest with your arms fully extended. However, this time instead of lowering the weight straight down, bring your arms out to the side.
Line-up you upper arms with your chest and create a 90 degree at your elbow. Exhale as you return the weight to the starting position above your chest and repeat. Again really squeeze your chest as you do so and hold for a couple seconds.
Dumbbell Row
Position your arm so it is fully extended with the dumbbell almost touching the floor. Lift the weight so that your arm slides past past your side and lift the dumbbell up as high as you can until it touches your chest at the nipple area, hold. Exhale while doing so and then slowly lower the weights again with your arm fully extended and weight just above the floor.
Safety & Warm-Up
Make sure when you are doing dumbbell exercises to have lots of room and don’t use a weight that is too heavy for your strength level. Always warm-up and loosen the muscles before you lift any weights. Warming up will prevent injury and allow you to lift more weight and give you explosive muscle growth.
By no means are those tips the complete puzzle. If you really want to explode your results with Dumbbell Exercises, click here at http://www.idealbodyformen.com/ and sign up for my FREE 7 part E-course. Together we can change your body and life forever. Stay strong.
Mark found himself in the same position as about 80% of the population, overweight, out of shape, and not having enough time in his busy day to spend hours at the gym to change it. Well, after several years of personally trying, testing and perfecting different methods and course’s, Mark has finally discovered a sure-fire way to keep fit and healthy every day without having to spend hour’s working-out at home or at the gym. After testing it out with his friends and family members who saw how effective Mark’s system was to fit into their busy daily schedule as well, they encouraged Mark to build on his system and share it with the world. Several months later Mark had compiled his methods and routines and called it the Ideal Fitness System at http://www.idealbodyformen.com/ Since then thousands have shared in Mark’s success and used the system for themselves to transform their bodies and lives to live a happier, healthier, more fit and productive lifestyle. I have used the Ideal Fitness System myself now for about 6 months and I LOVE it. I invite anyone who is serious about attaining the ideal body and fitness level that we all deserve and check out Mark’s system and try his FREE 7 part E-course for yourself, the results will amaze you. Stay strong and fit. Thanks.
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Muscle Building Workouts That Increase Speed of Muscle Growth
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
When it comes to build muscles, muscle building workouts are really important for muscle growth. People make a lot of mistakes in gym while working out and after month or two they do not see any progress, and this is the time when they just give up. That is why here are some basic steps that you should follow when it comes to exercises and weekly workout in gym or at home. The workout I will suggest you works for maybe first month but if you want to get further and get bigger muscles even faster you really should read our full guide.
Before going in gym and just start working on, you should follow this basic tips of muscle building nutrition, because it is really more important than workout. When it comes to nutrition you should eat a lot to feed your muscles which need a lot of proteins to grow bigger faster. You should eat 5-6 times per day, that includes meals which include mostly proteins and carbs with low fat.
You can eat whatever you want, just avoid fast food and eat a lot of meat, eggs, drink water and so on…You can read full nutrition advices and program in our guide.
Now is the time for weekly muscle building workouts. You need to know that going in gym 3 times per week is enough if you do it right. We explain in our guide how you can get bigger muscles with only 3 hours of workout per week which is really amazing if you do not have time for workout.
You should work on all muscle categories, legs, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back…Each day you need to work on two muscle categories and have 3-4 exercises which are specific for each. The main thing you should follow are the ideal concentration during the exercises, lifts should be slow, have around 12-8 reps for each exercise and take 1 minute rest after each routine which you need to have around 3-4.
This is the basic muscle building workouts now what you need to read further are the best exercises which will make your muscles grow like never before.
To get the exercises revealed follow us on our website. When it comes to muscle building we are the leaders on the net, follow us on musclebuildingtechniques website where you will get all necessary info to gain bigger muscles with only 3 hours per week workout.
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Why Muscular Endurance is as Important as Muscle Growth
January 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscular Endurance
When people are training at the gym and making their routines, they most often concentrate on simply increasing their muscle mass to become bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, while some of them may have workouts that are out of this world, many simply forget about just how important muscular endurance is, especially when you are increasing your muscle mass.
What Makes Muscular Endurance Important
As you probably know it already, whenever you are moving your muscles are contracting, and to do so they require oxygen. The bigger and more developed your muscles are the more oxygen they are going to require in order to move effectively. Increasing your muscles mass might make you stronger, but it won’t actually allow you to last longer.
Whenever your muscles are pushed to their limit they start filling up with lactic acid which is basically the substance that makes you feel the burn.
If you choose not to work on your muscular endurance the lactic acid will start pouring into your muscles very soon, and as a result all the muscles that are contracting will start to bring you pain which will not allow you to keep going until you rest.
If you want to make sure that you can actually make use of your muscles for extended periods of time then you will have no choice but to work on your muscular endurance and take some time off muscle growth exercises.
A Great Way of Improving Muscular Endurance
While there are undoubtedly many ways to do this, one of the best methods for beginners is to exercise with the Shake Weight.
While it should be noted that those who have been going to the gym for a while now will probably not find any use in working out with this dumbbell, those who are just starting will benefit in many ways from the Shake Weight.
For those who don’t know what it is, the Shake Weight is basically a dumbbell that you squeeze with your hands, causing it to bounce up and down in your hands. The goal is to try and keep it as steady as possible, and surprisingly this actually provides for a very intense and rewarding workout, working out not only your upper body muscular endurance, but also your cardio.
If you would like to learn more about Does Shake Weight work and if it can help you increase your muscular endurance and even lose weight simply check my Shake Weight For Men website

Order this DVD at www.shopcathe.com Muscle Endurance This high rep, total body conditioning workout not only increases functional fitness gains, but it promotes nicely shaped and defined muscles. You’ll experience maximum muscular endurance gains along with strength gains as you challenge each of the major muscle groups through a wide variety of exercises. Do this workout one to three times per week and you’ll soon enjoy the benefits of improved posture, increased bone density, and an overall healthy, happier you. Equipment needed A step bench, barbell, various weighted dumbbells, and a medicine ball (we will use an 8 pound medicine ball) Muscle Endurance Format: warm-up (6 min.), weight training (45 min.), Abs (9 1/2 min.), stretch (4 min.) Total = 64 1/2 min. Muscle Endurance This high rep, total body conditioning workout not only increases functional fitness gains, but it promotes nicely shaped and defined muscles. You’ll experience maximum muscular endurance gains along with strength gains as you challenge each of the major muscle groups through a wide variety of exercises. Do this workout one to three times per week and you’ll soon enjoy the benefits of improved posture, increased bone density, and an overall healthy, happier you. Equipment needed: A step bench, barbell, various weighted dumbbells, and a medicine ball (we will use an 8 pound medicine ball) Muscle Endurance Format: warm-up (6 min.), weight training (45 min.), Abs (9 1/2 min.), stretch (4 min.) Total …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Why Muscular Endurance is as Important as Muscle Growth
January 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by David Ben Efraim
When people are training at the gym and making their routines, they most often concentrate on simply increasing their muscle mass to become bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, while some of them may have workouts that are out of this world, many simply forget about just how important muscular endurance is, especially when you are increasing your muscle mass.
What Makes Muscular Endurance Important
As you probably know it already, whenever you are moving your muscles are contracting, and to do so they require oxygen. The bigger and more developed your muscles are the more oxygen they are going to require in order to move effectively. Increasing your muscles mass might make you stronger, but it won’t actually allow you to last longer.
Whenever your muscles are pushed to their limit they start filling up with lactic acid which is basically the substance that makes you feel the burn. If you choose not to work on your muscular endurance the lactic acid will start pouring into your muscles very soon, and as a result all the muscles that are contracting will start to bring you pain which will not allow you to keep going until you rest.
If you want to make sure that you can actually make use of your muscles for extended periods of time then you will have no choice but to work on your muscular endurance and take some time off muscle growth exercises.
A Great Way of Improving Muscular Endurance
While there are undoubtedly many ways to do this, one of the best methods for beginners is to exercise with the Shake Weight. While it should be noted that those who have been going to the gym for a while now will probably not find any use in working out with this dumbbell, those who are just starting will benefit in many ways from the Shake Weight.
For those who don’t know what it is, the Shake Weight is basically a dumbbell that you squeeze with your hands, causing it to bounce up and down in your hands. The goal is to try and keep it as steady as possible, and surprisingly this actually provides for a very intense and rewarding workout, working out not only your upper body muscular endurance, but also your cardio. Like I previously mentioned it, this tool is the perfect thing for amateurs who are only beginning training, but will probably not yield impressive results if you have been exercising for some time already.
If you would like to learn more about Does Shake Weight work and if it can help you increase your muscular endurance and even lose weight simply check my Shake Weight For Men website.
Find More Muscular Endurance Training Articles
Determining What the Best Supplement for Muscle Growth Really Is
December 27, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
The process of muscle building involves ensuring that when you exercise your body it must get adequate amounts of fuel so that you can gain some strength and recover from your workouts properly. The best supplement for muscle growth will give your muscles what they truly need to become stronger and grow. Although, there are alot of supplements to consider for good health and strength, some are more important than others.
The Power of Protein
There’s no doubt that the best supplement for muscle growth is a protein supplement. These often come in powder form and are taken as a drink when mixed with water or added to a smoothie. The best choice for this is usually high quality whey protein.
Protein is thought to be the best supplement for muscle growth because it helps your body to recover from the stress placed on it during a workout. It provides essential amino acids which the body can’t produce on its own but is vital to building muscle.
Being easy to digest, whey protein can help you in creating new muscle mass.
Even while you’ll often notice that the price of the high quality supplements are more expensive than others, taking them can help ensure that you are getting the best protein.
Using Creatine for Muscle Building
As you might already know creatine is one supplement product that’s very commonly used when building muscle. This is one of the best supplements for muscle growth something that can be worth including with your workouts. This can be added in according to your diet to assist in building muscle mass more efficiently.
Creatine comes in either pill, powder or liquid form. Even though the body can form levels of creatine on it’s own it is not quite enough to help to increase muscle mass.
Adding Amino Acids
Amino acids are the particular ingredients found in the best supplements for muscle growth that can support the building of more muscle. Glutamine, L-Arginine, and L-Lysine are all amino acids that are usually found in muscle growth supplements and are among the most useful. For the best results select a supplement which has numerous ingredients especially if it contains all 3.
To build muscle it is important to have the synthesis of protein in which amino acids bring. And, when used these amino acids can help promote more effective workouts as it can assist with the protection of your muscles and reduce the potential of injury.
Human growth hormone can be stimulated by taking L-argimine which can then stimulate muscle growth.
Protection of the muscles while working together with supporting the natural responses from the body through strength training and growth of muscle is what you’ll find in the best supplements for muscle growth.
So, therefore a combination of various supplements may help in reaching the best results.
Remember that the best way to build muscle safely is to choose natural supplements that don’t have side effects or other dangers.
Steriod usage is never a good idea. While in some cases it might be tempting to use these, there are just too many damaging effects that can result from using them that won’t make it worth it in the long term.
If you’d like to find out more about the best supplement for muscle growth be sure to check out this great guide on turbulence training review
Check out my website at: www.NathanStrength.com These are the top 10 supplements I believe every serious weight lifter should consider taking. Leave a comment down below on which supplement I should explain next: Fish Oil www.youtube.com Whey Protein www.youtube.com Creatine www.youtube.com Multivitamin www.youtube.com Vitamin d3 www.youtube.com Gainer www.youtube.com Nitric Oxide Enhancer www.youtube.com Glutamine Dextrose Beta Alanine www.youtube.com MassMania Trailer: www.youtube.com Mass Mania Routine Day 1: www.youtube.com Mass Mania Routine Day 2: www.youtube.com Mass Mania Routine Day 3: www.youtube.com Mass Mania Routine Day 4: www.youtube.com Formore details check out my website at NathanStrength.com Video Co-Directors: NathanStrength and Angel Navarro Videographer/Editor: Angel Navarro (www.youtube.com Music Track title: Arise From Ashes License Composer: Pierre Gerwig Langer (SESAC) Publisher:Lynne Publishing (PRS – CAE: 541626758)