Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Shows readers how to perfect each area of the body by following Lou’s personal advice…. More >>

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

Kettlebell Workout – A Beginners Guide

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell Training have the potential to turn your training behavior on its head. Fat loss, muscle building
and conditioning can all happen simultaneously with balance and stretching skill being improved too — If you do not have kettlebell Training in your regime, you’re missing out.

Now, before getting on to the bread and butter of the article – the exercises themselves – I feel it’s crucial to clarify what a kettlebell is.

The Training tool of decision for the Russian elite forces, kettlebells have been in predominant in Russian society for a markedly long time. Shaped such as a cannonball with a handle on the highly rated, kettlebells facilitate for compound movements that work the body as a whole with a large amount of muscles and muscle groups being worked in each physical exercise.

When purchasing a kettlebell, it is critical to check that you begin off with the correct weight. Too heavy and you could risk injuring yourself; too light and your training will undergo. Men who are new to the world of fitness training
should begin with a 16kg with more matured athletes opting as a substitute for a 20kg or even a 24kg kettlebell. Female trainers should begin with an 8kg weight with more matured athletes choosing up a 12kg or 16kg as a substitute.

Unlike dumbells, kettlebells don’t increase incrementally in small jumps. This is compensated by variation in the exercises performed. As strength and conditioning is increased, more complicated kettlebell exercises are deployed that push the body harder and additionally.

The first exercise any aspiring kettlebell athlete (or girevek, as they’re known in Russia) should learn is the two handed swing. regardless it’s relative simplicity, the swing is an excellent exercise as it targets the back, the legs the abs all the while going up flexibility in the hips and going up cardio vascular endurance. The swing epitomises all the things that is brilliant about kettlebell exercises.

To implement the two handed kettlebell swing, you should begin by putting your feet shoulder distance apart with your toes pointly slightly outwards. The following step is to squat down and elect up the kettlebell gripping the handle with both hands while sticking your bottom out in the air. Next, stand up and swing the kettlebell in front of you, pushing your hips forwards at the highly rated of the swing. in the end, permit the kettlebell fall down between your knees while you squat down. Rinse and repeat.

It is critical to deal with your breathing while carrying out the swing. While the kettlebell is rising, the girevek should be exhaling progressively with a sharp exhale at the highly rated of the swing. The girevek should then inhale as the kettlebell falls and swings down between their legs.

A basic workout that may be carried out with the two handed swing is as goes after:

– Warmup for 10 minutes, doing a diversity of bodyweight exercises. I suggest jogging for thirty seconds, then doing thirty seconds of pushups, thirty seconds of squats and then thirty seconds of ab crunches. Repeated 5 times at a moderate pace, the body should be warmed up and ready for action.

– Alternate between one minute intervals of swings and active rest for twelve minutes, i.e. one minute of swings followed by one minutes of jogging followed by another minute of swings followed by one minute of pushups, and so on and so forth. Active recovery is not supposed to tax the body immensely and should thus be carried out at a moderate to low pace to keep the body active.

The next morning after completing the physical exercise, you’ll definately feel it!

Once you’ve masted the two handed swing, you can move on to other variations of the swing such as the one handed swing and the DARC swing where the kettlebell is released by one hand in the air and caught by other.

Beyond the swing, there are hundreds of kettlebell Training to experiment with.

Good luck in your Training!

(TIP: href=”http://afvallenbuik.org/informatie/kettlebell-workout-het-succesvolste-thuis-fitness-programma-van-dit-moment/”>Kettlebell Workout .)

More Tips on Kettlebell Workout.Kettlebell Workout

More workout vids at www.mbodystrength.com MBody Kettlebell Boot Camper Melody Dimla demonstrates a simple kettlebell workout for beginners using easy exercises and a single kettlebell. Kettlebell Workout Instructions: Complete all exercises as a circuit, resting as little as possible between exercises and 45-60 seconds between circuits. Super Basic Kettlebell Workout for Beginners A1: Alternating Lunge – 3 x 30-60 sec A2: Squat Curl – 3 x 30-60 sec A3: Push Up Position Hold – 3 x 30-60 sec A4: Halo – 3 x 30-60 sec A5: Deadlift – 3 x 30-60 sec Find kettlebells for sale at www.mbodystrength.com More workouts and gear at www.mbodystrength.com

Totalee Awesome: A Complete Guide to Body-Building Success

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
In this comprehensive handbook, Lee Haney, current Mr. Olympia, reveals his training techniques and nutritional secrets for bodybuilding success. Aspiring bodybuilders as well as fitness fanatics will respond to his easy-to-follow method. 80 photographs…. More >>

Totalee Awesome: A Complete Guide to Body-Building Success

Weight Training and Bodybuilding: A Complete Guide for Young Athletes

March 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Outlines beginning, intermediate, and advanced weight training programs for those interested in body building or merely in improving athletic skills…. More >>

Weight Training and Bodybuilding: A Complete Guide for Young Athletes

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Natural Bodybuilding

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Continuously published since 1936, Ironman is the dean of bodybuilding magazines. It has been showcasing every major bodybuilder, training technique, scientific advance, as well as other aspects of the iron game, longer than any other bodybuilding magazine. With articles by and photos of the greatest names in the sport, the Ironman archives represent the best of bodybuilding. This definitive, information-packed volume contains Ironman’s best information on natural … More >>

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Natural Bodybuilding

Guide to selecting the best kettlebell for your training

February 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Duncan Boltt

Guide to selecting the best kettlebell for your trainingThere are many variations of kettlebells but they all fit in the following types of kettlebells:Types of kettlebells* Competition kettlebells* Adjustable kettlebells* Cast iron kettlebells* Rubber coated kettlebellsKettlebells have become very popular and because of this there is a massive variety of different users each with their individual preferences on types of kettlebells.In this article I will detail each type of kettlebell and go through its advantages and disadvantages. This will give you a good overall picture of what kettlebells are available and so you can choose which kettlebells suits your training needs.The Rubber coated kettlebellThese are widely used, and because of the rubber coating they don’t scratch and rust. However the grip and feel of the kettlebell is changed and they tend to stick as you swing them.The sizes vary depending on the weight. They also can be colour coded but these quickly loose their finish which can look poor.The Cast Iron KettlebellCast iron Kettlebells are the most widely used kettlebels, they are a big chunk of iron. The simplicity of them makes them no non-sense kettlebells which appeals to a lot of people.The sizes vary depending on the weight of kettlebell making it easy to select between each weight.The finishing on cast Iron kettlebells varies from supplier and I recommend getting a well painted kettlebell. This is because kettlebells attract moisture and so rust easily if they aren’t painted.If your looking for quality cast iron kettlebells check out ptgear.The Adjustable kettlebellAdjustable Kettlebells allow the user to adjust the weight of the kettlebell to suit the training session. They are obviously more expensive than other forms of kettlebells because of the extra manufacturing that goes into constructing them. They also are not a solid piece of iron, which I believe takes something away from the feel of kettlebell training. Kettlebells are by tradition a big piece of Iron there is something very satisfying about the simplicity of this.The Competition Kettlebell Competition kettlebells are all the same size and shape. If you are interested in competing with kettlebells then these will be the right set for you. They are all colour coded to show each weight.Different preferences in shape and gripOn Top of the different types of kettlebell available, they also vary in size and shape which will effect the balance and strength gains.Variations in size and shape:* Wide handle OR wider handleThis is down to user preference, wider handles will challenge your grip more, but thinner handles allow you to use a hook grip.* Smooth Handle OR Rough HandleSmooth handles are generally better, they will be less abrasive on your hands and allow the handle to rotate better in training.* Rubber Bottom OR no protection rubber flat bottomRubber bottoms make kettlebells less stable, and they can dig into your shoulder when you are performing kettlebell clean and presses. I don’t worry about this as it really doesn’t matter if the base of the kettlebell gets damaged.I hope this has helped give you an overall view of the different types of kettlebells available.Ptgear has an excelent range of Kettlebells. They are painted cast iron kettlebells with a smooth medium sized grip.

I am an experienced kettlebell trainer based in Cambridge

Related Kettlebell Articles

As a guide to youth Bodybuilding Bodybuilding

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Jack Jones

among youth has increased in popularity in the last decade as young people try to add the strength of other sports. The strengthening of the muscles helps to improve the skills of basketball, football skills, abilities to fight and much more. It is up to the coach to make sure that each person makes fitness exercises correctly. Read on to learn the young bodybuilding coach.

Coach Youth Bodybuilding success

understand the objective fitness trainer for each person. Are there specific groups of muscles of a person wants or needs to improve? Do you plan to compete in various weightlifting competitions or who do not want a specific sport?

young bodybuilders Pair with a partner in a similar range of weightlifting. Two people working at the same time reduce the burden of adjustment pesos.

Teach students that a person “in situ” the weights while the other lifts. Observers help lift weights of the elevator if there is a problem, maintain the account of repetitions (weight in motion) and encourages the elevator to keep lifting.

Create personalized calendars lifting weights established by the coach. For example, Mondays are the upper body for a group, back / biceps and lats another group of lower body and center of another group. Tuesday, changing the focus of the meeting of.

encourage bodybuilders to take at least one day off work each week to allow their bodies to recover.

mix in some aerobic exercises for improve over all health and strength.

have forced the lifting of representatives (represented by until you can not do more to help and spotted with the last representative ).

Labor representatives on the negative. For example, they have spotted the help lift the weight up on the bench, and then press the elevator slowly lowers the weight to restore a representative to.

Keep Workout to a maximum of about an hour.

Using compound exercises for the work of several muscles


Use the bench press with a lift lying on his back on the bench, with the bar weight included in either hand and laying across his chest. Push up on the weights until your elbows are extended.

Will Step

military press. Raise the bar from the ground up to the chest using his legs and arms. Press the bar up to his chest over his head and back to chest level for each of the representatives.


Spend time in the dead lift, which uses a bar with weights on the ground. Squat and seize the bar with both hands. Stand upright, lifting the bar with straight arms. Make sure that the lifting is done with the legs, keeping your back straight.


Using pull ups on a bar, also known as Chin-ups. Grab a position bar high enough that your feet do not touch the ground. Pull it out at the bar as high as possible and reducing its way through.


bar dips for yourself until the uprising at the bar until your arms are straight. Slowly lower your chest until you are level with your hands and then push back until your arms are directly.


work the legs with squats. The weight bar is kept behind his head with both hands. Bend your knees to squat down as far as possible, and then standing.

This article is written by Online Article Tool.

The above article can be found in my site How to Sports.Everthing about Car,Pets,sports and Travel.

Your Guide To Finding A Personal Trainer

January 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Nolan Fisher

Not everyone works out best alone and some individuals need a trainer to give them physical fitness tips and to keep them motivated. If you’re one of those kinds of exercisers, you need to find a personal trainer that would be good for you. But how do you find one and what do you look for?

Fitness trainers come with different specialties. Some train weight lifters while others train the average overweight individual looking to lose weight. Find a trainer who has a focus that matches with your fitness goals. Maybe you know a lot about fitness or maybe you need to go through reviews of exercise bikes and elliptical trainers before you can start. In such a case, you’ll want a trainer who knows a lot about ergonomics and how people exercise. This would be a trainer who is familiar with all of the equipment you will be using.

When you find a trainer that you think will be right for you, check to see if they are certified trainers or not. Certified trainers have been specially trained in health and fitness and may be better for those who have more complicated fitness issues. A noncertified trainer with a lot of experience may not be a bad thing. Ask about how much experience the individual has in fitness training and decide for yourself if they have had enough experience to handle your problem. This isn’t as big an issue with certified trainers but you may prefer that they have a period of experience as well.

When you find a fitness trainer for your personal training, ask about what the fees will be. Some can be as cheap as $ 15 an hour and high end trainers can easily cost $ 100 or more an hour. If cost is important to you, stick to a trainer that falls within your budget. Some trainers have package deals where they’ll give you ten sessions at a lower rate than single sessions. If you know you are going to be going for a long time, take the package plan and save yourself some money.

Having a trainer is like having a personal relationship with someone. You have to be a good client by following through with your trainer’s instructions and working as hard as you can during the work outs. You have to try different things and be able to be flexible as client with what your trainer wants to try.

When you find a personal trainer–the right one–you need to go through what your workouts should look like. The trainer should provide reviews of exercise bikes for you and should give you physical fitness tips. When you set up a schedule, it should include weight work and aerobic or cardio work. You might start out on a recumbent bicycle and then work your way up to an upright cycle, which uses different muscles and which is a better, more rigorous work out. You may start out with weight machines because you can dial in the weight you can tolerate and then when you’re stronger and fit, your trainer may bring you up to free weights and will spot you as you lift the heavier weights.

In some cases, your trainer will work out alongside of you so you can see how someone who works out for a living works out. You can model your training after theirs by watching exactly how they do things.

Finding a fitness trainer for your personal training is a difficult yet rewarding experience. When you find the trainer for you, your workout experience will only be enhanced.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding

January 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Are you interested in building dense, strong muscle?
Do you want to know the best way to build muscle fast?
Do you want a workout and Nutrition plan to completely suit you?

Then the Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding is what you’re looking for. Our complete no-nonsense approach to building muscle and losing fat will help you to the physique you desire in next to no time!

The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding covers the two main par… More >>

The Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding

A Quick Guide to Leg Stretching

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Vance Kardasian

Leg stretching is more important than most people realize. A lot of people assume that they can just skip over leg stretching exercises because they are not worried about getting injured, well not only is this not true, but there are other reasons why you should make sure to do this stretching as well.

Did you know that by doing even just five minutes of leg stretching before and after a workout you are going to help boost your metabolism and ensure that you are always getting the most out of your workouts.

It is very important that you either use a leg stretching machine or do your own leg stretches without one, and you are going to notice a remarkable improvement in your workouts and how easy they become and how less strained your muscles are overall. There are a few stretches in particular that you are going to want to include in your routine, because they are proven by physical therapists to work extremely well at loosening and limbering up the muscles in the legs.

Best Leg Stretches

So for leg stretching, one of the best stretches that you can do is the hamstring stretch. This is going to stretch the muscles at the very back of your legs, the back thighs. Tight hamstrings are a common complaint among exercisers, and so you are going to want to make sure that you include at least some hamstring stretches in your routine.

These are very easy to do, and one idea is to sit on the floor with your legs out straight, and then extend your arms and reach forward by bending at the waist as far as you can. Make sure that you go as far as you can until you feel a slight stretch, but not too far or you could injure yourself.

You are also going to want to stretch the quadriceps when you do your leg stretching, and for one of the best exercises that you can do, you just lie down on your side, and then you bend the knee at the top of the leg as far as you can, and maintain this position for about thirty seconds. Keep in mind that the most common mistake people make when performing these stretches is that they do not hold them long enough, so make sure that you do this. Also be sure that you never push it too far and end up straining your muscle.

Stop by and visit my Calisthenics website for more tips, fitness resources and recommendations.

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