The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started in Bodybuilding

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started In Bodybuilding provides newcomers with a sound, systematic approach to realizing their muscular potentials through proper weight lifting. Designed to get beginners motivated and keep them motivated while providing them with a solid foundation on which to build, it: Coaches readers in bodybuilding fundamentals, such as proper form and the best numbers of reps and sets Describes specialized routines for different muscle … More >>

The Gold’s Gym Guide to Getting Started in Bodybuilding

Muscle Fitness Workout – Complete Guide To Fitness

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

A lot of people nowadays are doing workouts not just to build muscle but also to keep their body fit and healthy. If you also wish to have a strong and healthy body, all you have to do is find a muscle fitness workout that is right for you. Below are the things you should know before you start working out and information that will help you achieve your health goals.

Click Here For Complete Guide To Fitness Instant Access Now!

There are a lot of health benefits when you engage in physical fitness. Improved bone strength, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are just naming a few things a muscle fitness workout can give to your body. Now upon choosing a workout try to ask yourself what are you aiming for. If you want to gain muscles for example, you should do workouts that are specifically for that purpose. It will be pointless to do workouts that are not in sync with what your goals are.

Professional fitness trainers also suggest that a certain workout should follow the FIT formula; fitness, intensity, and time. Frequency means how often you will be doing your workouts. Intensity is naturally, how intense will you attack your exercises. Time is the duration of your workouts. Try to do your workout routines as often as possible in a week and never forget to give your body some rest to make it recover. Make your sessions last for at least thirty minutes and do it with enthusiasm.

Be consistent and dedicated to your workout routine. Lack of consistency and dedication will get you nowhere and would not give you the results you are aiming for. Try to choose routines that you think will give you a good time doing them. It will also be great if these exercises are the ones that do not need any special equipment. This gives you the freedom to do your workouts anywhere at anytime you want.

Who would not want a fit and healthy body? It is just natural for you to be longing for the same thing. Now start looking for a muscle fitness workout that is perfectly for you. Again, remember that all it takes is consistency and dedication and you will surely reach your goals.

Click Here For Complete Guide To Fitness Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Fitness Workout Routine and Complete Guide To Fitness.

Fitness Workout Routine – Complete Guide To Fitness

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Claire Adams

A fit and healthy body is for sure anybody desires. You too can have the body of your dreams by simply looking for a fitness workout routine that is right for you. There are a lot of workouts to choose from that you can follow to transform your body into something that you can be proud of. Some examples of these workouts can be found below used by many to maintain their health and fitness. A workout that aims in building muscles is one of the most popular. A muscle mass fitness workout routine is the one to choose if you have a skinny frame to add some bulk and tone to your body. This workout targets the different muscles in the body to give it mass and definition resulting to an astonishing physique. If you have a body ridden with fat however there is also a workout routine for you. Not only these routines make you loose extra weight, you also get to have leaner and well toned muscles. There are also specialized routines that only target a specific area of the body. Access Complete Guide To Fitness!If you are an athlete that needs to improve the level of your game there are also workouts for this purpose. Professional basketball players for example follow a strict workout plan to ensure they are in top condition all season. It also helps them be less prone to injuries that can end their career. Take extra care though if you are planning to follow such routines. They are designed for professionals and ordinary people might find it demanding if they choose to do it.One important thing that you should do first is to visit your doctor before doing any of these routines. Underlying injuries and physical ailments could be aggravated without you knowing it. Your doctor knows best which exercises are safe for you to do and the ones that you should avoid.Much dedication and effort on your part is also very important. So choose a fitness workout routine you will be comfortable with. Start as soon as possible and you too will have a fit and healthy body in no time.Access Complete Guide To Fitness!

This author writes about Complete Guide To Fitness and Muscle Fitness Workout.

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Newbie Guide to Body Building

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Alexa Mei

What do you think about when you hear the words “body building”? Do you think about women and men with huge muscles parading about in tiny bathing suits and posing for pictures? Do you think of the guy who is able to lift a few hundred pounds without help? Believe it or not, there is so much more to body building than just morphing into a stereotypically muscle clad meat head. Body building is a fantastic way to tone and strengthen you muscles as you get into shape.

Anybody can do a body building workout. Here are a few hints to help you get started.

No body building routine is complete if you do not back it up with a balanced and healthy diet. When you think about it, this means that body building is just like all of the other forms of exercise. If you really want to be healthy you need to eat nutritious, balanced and healthy foods. This means that you should not eat junk food but should eat grains, fruits and vegetables. You should avoid foods that contain a lot of chemicals or high amounts of high fructose corn syrup. These things work against your body. When you eat natural foods, healthy foods and a balanced diet, you are taking steps to make sure that your muscles are getting all of the nutrients and vitamins that they need to stay healthy as they get worked out during your exercise routines.

Body building relies quite a bit upon proper protein intake. Protein is what helps your muscles rebuild after a workout so it is incredibly important that you get enough protein in your system. Lots of body builders will add protein powders to their food so that they can be sure they are taking in enough of it. When you are first tarting the sport this probably won’t be as important to you. Eating a well balanced diet should be enough when you first start out. If you become very involved in body building and start to take part in it more often or to intensify your workouts, you might want to think about upping your protein intake to compensate for the needs of your muscles. You should ask your doctor about the different types of protein powder.

Keep a positive frame of mind. The story of The Little Engine that Could is more than a cliché. It is an actual mindset that you can have. It is often the key to being successful.

You need to believe that you can do it. If you don’t want to be easily discouraged you need a positive outlook. More importantly, your body will have a better response if you maintain a positive outlook. It is easier to body build when you are happy with the actions you are taking. If you can’t stand the actions you are taking you won’t be able to take them for very long. When you want to build your health, muscle strength and stamina body building is a fantastic exercise. Body building is often assigned “hobby” status by people who do not understand it. It is actually a great way to build your muscle tone and strength while simultaneously working to be healthier. If you approach the sport correctly body building is an excellent way to build strength throughout your whole body.

Alexa website’s: White Patches On Skin, Fungus Treatment, Exercise Induced Asthma and Getting Pregnant Tips.

Showing some crazy pictures of bodybuilders with enormous bodies. ————————————————————————— Have a look at my other videos, or sub/visit my channel.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How to Build Muscle Faster – Gain Slabs of Muscle With This Guide to How to Build Muscle Faster

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Everyone who wants to build muscle seems to be looking for a quick fix. Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen! However, if you want to know how to build muscle faster, then read on to find out what you can do to accelerate your progress.

This article will tell you how to build muscle faster through weight training, nutrition, and supplementation. At the end of the article, discover the best, move proven guide to building muscle, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds in just 6 months.

Train To Get Stronger!

If you’ve been looking for advice on how to build muscle faster, you may have read a bunch of bull about how many sets, reps, and exercise you need to do to “fully stimulate” each muscle. All you need to worry about is getting stronger.

A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period. You need to gain strength on compound, heavy movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses.

These movements will allow you to use the most weight and gain the most strength.

Eat To Grow

The most important part of how to build muscle faster is eating enough to grow. You can leave blood, sweat, and tears on the gym room floor every time you train, but you will never make any progress if you don’t eat enough.

First, you must get enough protein, about 2 grams per pound of body weight ever day. Second, fill the caloric void with complex carbs and healthy fats. Make sure you are eating enough to actually GAIN weight!

Choose The Right Supplements

Though they should definitely not be your focus, some supplements can help you with how to build muscle faster. Just be sure to ignore the bogus products with hyped-up ads, bodybuilder endorsements, and crazy claims.

Protein powder, creatine, and amino acids are the basis for a good supplementation program.

You’re going to have to research other good products, but make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned money on any junk!

Follow A Proven Muscle Building System!

Guide To Kettlebell Exercises

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Georgette Adanas

Exercises are critical as looking very good has turn into a national phenomenon. Unless you look clever you cannot hope to attain all that you want. Standard exercises are a part of the daily routine of most people, and while there are many workout routines which you might follow, it is advisable to attempt out the Kettlebell exercises. The Kettlebell can appear outdated compared to the most recent workout strategies and equipments, but this strategy is guaranteed to create your muscles like no other exercises and assist you to build muscle mass, create strength and induce weight reduction.

The Kettlebell workout routines happen to be in practice for a long time. Initially, it was the Russians who had started using cast iron cannon balls to exercise but later the craze for Kettlebells just like an effective workout equipment spread worldwide. Kettlebell was introduced in United States by a former Russian special forces coach, Pavel Tsatsouline and since that time Kettlebell workouts have been utilized by quite a few leading trainers, athletes and celebrities, who’ve vouched for flexibility and success of this workout routine.

The amount of energy that Kettlebell workout routines installs in an individual can not be matched by anything else. The suitcase type manage which is present on the best from the Kettlebell supplies effective gripping for several workouts. “Girya”, because the Kettlebell is referred to as in Russia, has an successful mechanism that makes certain that the body builder exerts maximum energy while utilizing the Kettlebell to build their muscles correctly. The shape in the ball has given it the name of Kettlebell. Nevertheless, lately the Kettlebell comes with rubber grips rather with the old suitcase type grips and is more effective because of its scientific designing.

Kettlebell workout routines can achieve superb results and enable you to shed fat or create muscles based on your wants. The success of this equipment cannot be matched by most gym instruments and there are actually many variations readily available in the industry for full body development. Repetition of exercises may be the key towards the excellent body and it is possible to realize that in case you exercise consistently using the Kettlebell and eat a healthy diet to nourish your body.

Workouts are crucial for the body and you should not lag behind the rest in this department. With each one of these workout routines inside your arsenal you can effortlessly master any type of strategy and would be able to sculpt that best body that you consistently wanted to flaunt. So get going and get your kettlebell currently.

Georgette Adanas has been writing articles or reviews on buying kettleworx ultra since 1999.

What To Look For In A Bodybuilding Guide

December 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Steven Gwillim

Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and should not be entered into lightly. It is probably one of the best ways to sculpt your body into a Bodacious looking Bod.

Bodybuilding is an ego driven sport so people are not going to want to admit that they can’t look like arnold or the buff gym rat if the weight 135 lbs soaking wet if they just try a little bit harder. It is the art and the science of developing your body. If you are going to become serious about bodybuilding you are going to need the best bodybuilding guide, we will get into that at the end of the article.


Muscles need time to heal, once a week for directly hitting a muscle is fine. Addicted To A Better Body Building big muscles fast is a science and I’m addicted to it. So, Ill show you on these pages how to customize bodybuilding so that you can get big muscles fast, lose all the fat you want, and get the body you’ve always really wanted.

It does contain principles that can be effectively applied to gaining muscle mass but if you’re looking for a more specific mass building program, it is interesting to note that Tom recommend 1 bodybuilding guide/program that have also earned 5 star ratings from this site: RIPPED Weight Training.

Successful bodybuilders feel the muscle not the weight. Leave your ego at the door If it’s true that the most muscle growth occurs by using a weight that allows perfectly strict form, then why don’t people cut back the weight and use perfect form more often. The stretch is most important on exercises where there is still a full load “pulling” on the muscle in the stretched position.

On these types of exercises where the maximum resistance is placed on the muscle in the contracted position, pausing to “squeeze” the muscle will give you a much stronger contraction. At the same time, it provides little stimulus for new muscle growth. Use these techniques faithfully and you’ll be amazed at how much muscle mass you can develop without ever needing super-heavy weights.


Weightlifting, bodybuilding and powerlifting are largely driven by competition, with participants vying to lift heavier weights or build bigger muscles than other athletes. Weight training builds strength to improve performance in other athletic activities. Weight training should be introduced at a young age, around thetime when the children reach adolescence.

Weightlifters train with weights, too, but they are only interested in learning to lift as much weight as possible, and then only for the few particular lifts that are involved in competition. Around the mid-1940s most bodybuilders became disgruntled with the AAU since they only allowed amateur competitors and they placed more focus on the Olympic sport of weightlifting. The RIPPED bodybuilding guide will go into detail way more then just this.

The sport should therefore not be confused with strongman competition or powerlifting, where the main point is on actual physical strength, or with Olympic weightlifting, where the main point is equally split between strength and technique. They will also use weights to “pump up” by forcing blood to their muscles to improve size and vascularity, and immediately before competition will often eat sugary foods such as chocolate in order to increase their vascularity.

Bodybuilding is a sport that involves building muscles. Bodybuilding is more a philosophy of life than a straightforward physical activity. Bodybuilding is a school of patience and hope. Bodybuilding is a culture, a way of life. It is a sport which combines weight training and lifting with an increase in calories through specially formulated diets. Bodybuilding is a great sport and hobby.

Steve Gwillim’s R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training Program and Bodybuilding Guide:

You will find truckloads more bodybuilding tips in his manual then you ever thought possible.

Body building Weight Training Program

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Step360 Kit – Includes: Resistant Cord & Fitness Guide

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Burn more calories faster
  • Sculpt your body lean
  • Durable non-slip adjustable platform
  • Platform has resistance band anchors for combo strength/balance exercises

Product Description
Revitalize Your Cardio Workout: The NEW STEP360 The Step360 will transform your workouts and your body! The revolutionary design marries two adjustable air-filled chambers with a flat, padded platform. You’ll burn hundreds of calories each workout while firming your muscles and flattening your abs. Every time you step on the Step360’s platform, you engage your entire core and surrounding stabilizing muscles. Add or decrease air to control just how challenging you w… More >>

Step360 Kit – Includes: Resistant Cord & Fitness Guide

Beginners’ Guide On Jogging Exercise

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Is jogging your daily exercise? Is there something you normally do before taking off the road? What rituals do you have before jogging? It is well known that jogging can do people good provided being done the right way. As a form of excersie, it keeps the body healthy and fit. However, you have to make sure you are engaging yourself to jogging the right way to get the best out of this exercise.


Each one of us has our own rituals before jogging. For a jogging pro, they have less ritual. But for beginners, they have to make sure everything is in place before going out and jog. Since beginners have limited idea or no idea at all on how to do jogging activities right, they might need some help with it.


This article will be dealing more on the preparations jogging beginners bear in mind.

Since they are new to the activity, they require more assessment and considerations before taking off the road.


First on the list is to prepare everything needed for jogging. The shoes, type of clothes, and kits to bring while running should be intact. A pair of running shoes is really recommended for long term jogging activities as well as cottony apparels good for running. The night before you jog, make sure you have prepared everything so that you will have less time in preparing your jogging stuffs the next morning.


They normally start with warm up exercises such as stretching and breathing exercises.


This will make sure that the body is well conditioned to go jogging. Warm up activities is beneficial to us since it will prepare the body for more rigorous running activities. Experts prefer to have simple warming exercises to make sure that the body can adjust to the intensity of the activities and it will not be shocked for the changes with the activities you will be dealing with.


If say for instance, you are very exhausted with jogging, do not put yourself at a sudden halt. It should be a gradual stop so that the body again can adjust to the changes of the functions since your body will be put to rest.Don’t put a stop in everything. Even though you stopped running, continue walking first until you completely stop. Do not sit down immediately.


You breathe in and out of your lungs for a period of time. If your body becomes relax, that is the time that you can completely settle down.These are just some things that jogging beginners have to bear in mind. It is best to do a self-research before engaging yourself to jogging for you to be well informed and to get tips and ideas on how you can make your jog a worthwhile activity.


Arm yourself with adequate knowledge and understanding on how jogging works for you so as to get considerable results and to make sure that you are doing it the right way.


share knowledge to the others who care to understand jogging tip. Go and visit jogging tip for free website to get plenty of information. Come and visit us at:

The Ultimate Guide in Muscle Building For Women – Women Can Build Lean Attractive Muscle Too!

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Dave Vower


The fitness industry may be more in tune with the male populace, but in reality the females are never left out of the picture. The only big difference is that women tend to be different than men and I mean really different. Not just on the outside, but the most important determining factor for female body building success is what’s on the inside. Yes, every person has a little of everything. Amazingly, men have a little estrogen (the female hormone) in their bodies whereas females have tiny deposits of testosterone (the male hormone) themselves.

It has been known that this testosterone is the ones responsible for the development of the boys’ secondary sex characteristics. And men tend to be more masculine than females because of this. The sad thing is that some women take in hormones just to build their muscles fast. Unfortunately, this strategy leads to many kinds of negative health consequences and adverse effects.

But wait, who said women can’t become fit? They can have a leaner body figure even without having much of the male hormone. Although they may progress a little slow compared to the way men build muscles, women can really bring in some 6 packs on their abdomen and have some amazing firm humps for themselves. If men would claim that women will never catch up to them in terms of how much muscles they are going to build, well they are wrong. Women can have the exact muscles as men do although it will necessitate more strenuous and time consuming activities.

Basically, the types of exercises that are needed to be done for females remain relatively the same as what men usually undergo. The ever popular squats, bench or shoulder presses, chin ups and deadlifts are commonly used. This is best done foremost before the weight lifting sessions. It is also best to have some rest periods between exercises to let go of all undesired chemical by products that were created after a strenuous workout.

Regarding diet, women must never forget to bring in all the necessary caloric requirements. A gram of protein per pound of your weight must be followed during your meals. Eat more frequently, about 5 times or more daily rather than just eating 3 huge meals. Protein shakes are also recommended. Moreover, water is also of the essence. Water therapy helps replenish your system with your lost fluids during times of workout.

Lastly, cook your food before you eat them. But bear in mind not to under or overcook them. This will help reduce the fat and keep your body lean and healthy looking. Once all of these guidelines are followed, in time, the females can build their own set of muscles just as men do.

We can provide you with the most effective body building and weight lifting advice on the net. Find The Best Info About Muscle Building For Women and how to Build your Muscles FAST at Muscle Building Women. Your Success depends on it!

Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness, relationships and Marketing, you can also check out his latest websites here: Yonex Badminton RacketBosch Dishwasher Repair

Visit Too see a special video about bodybuilding!
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