High Jump Training – Secrets of Hamstring Stretches To Jump Higher

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Brian Fender

High Jump Training – Secrets of Hamstring Stretches To Jump Higher – Outdoors

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If you have a dream of being a famous basketball or volleyball player then you will want to know how you can develop the abilities necessary to be able to out leap and outplay the other competitors. To be renowned at either of these sports will require a period of high jump training.

To start with you need to identify to what level you want to improve your leaping ability. Most top athletes will use a professional trainer that can help to motivate them and coordinate the workout regimes. If you are going to use a trainer or a friend to help you during your training then it is essential to choose someone that you respect and trust.

The exercises you will need to carry out in high jump training will work on strengthening and developing the leg muscles primarily but also enhance your overall posture, balance, coordination, and stamina. Exercises such as toe raises and leg presses can be done on a daily basis to rapidly improve your jumping ability. Remember to warm up before working out as if you pull a muscle you may be out of action for some time.

Another useful exercise is the jump squat. This involves leaping in the air from a squatting position. When doing any form of fitness regime it is essential that you have the right diet. There are supplements that can be taken that will quicken the time needed to develop muscle mass. Also make sure that you are keeping your body correctly hydrated.

Running and jumping is also an important skill as sports like basketball and volleyball are faced paced games. If you have access to an athletic track you can practice the hurdles. By sprinting and leaping you will be improving your leg muscles plus your coordination when in the air.

With the right dedication and training there is no reason why any of us cannot become a top basketball or volleyball player.

About the Author

Are you looking to permanently Increase your Vertical Leap? Check out the author’s website at http://www.verticaljumpguidereview.com where he tells you about the Top 3 Programs for maximizing your vertical jump explosion!

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Brian Fender

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Are you looking to permanently Increase your Vertical Leap? Check out the author’s website at http://www.verticaljumpguidereview.com where he tells you about the Top 3 Programs for maximizing your vertical jump explosion!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Many people incorrectly stretch their hamstrings. Learn how to properly stretch your hamstrings with tips from the experts at Duke Sports Medicine. For more information visit www.dukehealth.org

It Would Really Help You To Learn Proper Hamstring Stretches to Enhance Your Workout!

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Bryan C

It Would Really Help You To Learn Proper Hamstring Stretches to Enhance Your Workout! – Health – Fitness

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Within your workout, you would really help yourself by learning how to do proper hamstring stretches as you warm up and cool down. Your lower body can maintain flexibility, and it will stave off injury. You can very easily injure your hamstrings, as strains and tears are extremely prevalent in most athletes. Sprinters and the like can also experience these injuries when they have to put in quick bursts of energy. At the same time, if you stretch properly, you will be able to diminish the likelihood of getting your hamstrings in a bind. The following outlines some exercises that can come in handy when you work out. Basic StretchSit on the floor, pointing your legs right in front of you. Hold out your arms straight in front of you, bending your waist as you lean forward. Maintain constant movement, sliding your hands down your legs as you keep up the movement. Be sure to have straight knees as you do this. Reach to the point where you start to strain, then hold that pose for 10 seconds, releasing soon after. Do this three times Seated Hamstring/Groin Stretch Sit upright, pointing out both of your legs completely. Bend that right knee while it is on the floor, curling it up so you are resting your foot against the other thigh, holding it there. While maintaining an extended spine and lowering your shoulders, you reach forward to grab your left foot, which should still be extended. Move as far as you can, keeping your spine relaxed to get that full stretch, then hold this. Your extended leg should experience a good stretch, as well as your flexed leg’s rear and inner thigh. Switch legs and do this again, being sure to maintain breathing. Variations on Lying Hamstring StretchLay on your back, flexing your knees at a ninety degree angle. Hold your left leg up, taking your hands, and holding your leg behind the thigh. Following this, bring your leg up to your chest, maintaining a straight other leg as you do so. The thigh that is flexed should undergo a tremendous stretch. Switch legs and repeat this. Keep up the steady breathing. If this exercise is performed adequately, you can return to the position you started with, switching legs, and trying to keep the raised leg straight as you ease it into your chest. Once more, your raised thigh should stretch appropriately; however, unlike before, where just the top of the thigh felt the burn, your whole thigh should get a good workout, and you will feel the stretch within it the whole time. As with all those exercises, your back should stay flat and down. Do this with the opposite leg. Keep your breathing steady as you keep going. You can find these positions in a variety of different ways. You can just shift how the lower leg is positioned in order to switch up the lying hamstring stretch. Merely twist the leg over your chest. Make sure you do not force the leg, instead letting it ease up. Sit upright, keeping the right leg out. Your left knee should be bend over, and you must put your left foot against your right thigh, resting on the inside. The toes of your right foot must point right up. Using your hands, move down your leg, bending at the hips to achieve this exercise. Let your right hamstring get a good stretch. Switch the leg and do this again. Trick – Get every part of that hamstring stretched by making your toes point a different direction east time you lean forward. Chair Stretch For HamstringsSit upright, and set your right foot on a chair or something that matches its height. Have the left foot remain on the floor. Achieve a slight bend of the right knee. Maintaining a straight back, use your hips to move forward. Let your right hamstring stretch as much as it can. Switch these legs and do it again. You can do quite a large number of hamstring stretches if you like. If you can get into a daily workout routine with the help of these hamstring stretches, your flexibility will be greatly helped, you will reduce lower back pain, and you can even prevent injury.

About the Author

Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to people who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol abay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of “Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep” at http://www.turbofitnesssecrets.com.

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Bryan C

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Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to people who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol abay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of “Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep” at http://www.turbofitnesssecrets.com.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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