Health Club Step Risers

April 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Innovative – will enhance your well being.

Product Description
Square shaped risers for use with the Health Club Step. Comes in a pair. Color: Purple…. More >>

Health Club Step Risers

Fitness And Health Tips

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by David Robarge

Being active makes a person healthy and strong. It is not just for people who have a weight problem but for everyone who likes to stay fit. There are a lot of people looking for fitness and health tips and that is what this article is all about. Setting up a home gym for your exercise and training programs can be very convenient especially if you are really serious into staying fit. Having one at home can help ensure that you always get the fitness training and exercise that you require in order staying healthy. With a home gym following fitness and health tips no longer have to depend on whether you have the time to go somewhere else just to do them and stay fit. Certain basic equipment is what a home gym needs for it to provide an effective overall fitness regimen. That does not mean that you have to buy all that fancy gym equipment only the very basic is what a home gym usually needs. For the very basic of home gyms, sufficient floor space is all you will ever need along with knowledge about basic training techniques such as calisthenics and basic aerobic exercises. Using dumbbells is another fitness and health tips option for your strength training needs. Even having only a set of dumbbells can give you a thorough strength workout. What is good about them is that they are versatile and handy enough to use in even a limited area of a home gym. Also when setting up your home gym a chin up bar is a must for doing pull up exercises which is another great fitness and health tips. Both push ups and pull ups are quite effective in trying to build your upper body strength. Chin up bars would be the simplest equipment that you can have for doing pull ups. Here is an inexpensive fitness and health tips, jump rope it allows you to do cardio exercises without having to go out for a run. If you find that you just don’t have the space in your home to set up even the very basic treadmill, a simple and inexpensive jump rope would be a good and simple alternative. A home exercise and training gym don’t need to be the one with the most number of sophisticated gadgets to be effective in keeping you fit and healthy. And with the right fitness and health tips all you need is to have the very basic equipment so that you may be able to do the most effective fitness program there is. Always remember to have some warm up exercises before starting any fitness and health tips. Stretching the muscles is especially good when focused on commonly tight muscle areas like the hamstring and the lower back. These exercises can be done for at least two to three times a week although its daily practice would also be suggested. Stretching exercises should be done within your full range of motion. The right stretching exercises would feel comfortable and would not feel painful and proper form is also important in doing the fitness and health tips.“Fitness And Health Tips ”

If you find this information helpful there are articles and videos on my blog also a free download that you will find very helpful.

Samantha Kelly – A Female Health And Fitness Trainer Shares Her Secrets

March 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Toni Shai

Staying healthy is really a challenge and many of us are usually on the look for the next wonder product that will help us reduce all the extra pounds and build muscles quickly. Undoubtedly, using the right supplements may help us to achieve our objectives, but getting as well as staying fit often boils down to hard work plus perseverance. Whilst body building is definitely regarded mens domain, female health and fitness trainer and model Samantha Kelly is a living evidence how the sports activity is perfect for both genders and that you can actually feel fantastic and look incredible as long as you pick a decent bodybuilding workout and also apply yourself.

Raised in a family of business owners, Samantha Kelly meets every fresh challenge with perseverance and vigor – today, she actually is a pro-fitness instructor, working and also living in lively Los Angeles, and has had an exciting career being a national and global fitness model. Her images have been printed in near twenty different periodicals and she’s already been on the cover of a number of them as well. With beautiful face and stunning and busty body, she is certainly very attractive and inspiration for many women and men alike. Even though she is an upcoming fitness celeb, Samantha Kelly only began training on a regular basis at the age of twenty two. With dedication and clear vision, she has managed to achieve most of her workout goals and at this time, she is not just working as a trainer, but additionally exercises at least five times weekly. Her hard work has also paid off on the professional levels and she is the owner of and also runs her fitness business. When asked if she had been using a distinct fitness training now in comparison to a few years before, she replied that today she is “merely working smarter rather than harder.” In addition, she added that she cycles her workout routines weekly, which in turn guarantees diversity and great final results.

As every person that has attempted to lose bodyweight and get into shape knows quite well, doing routine workouts alone might not result in success, unless these workout routines are coupled with proper nutrition. Once again, Samantha Kelly shares her magic formula with us, stating that she likes to keep a slim appearance all year round and accomplishes this by consuming a lot of fresh veggies, all steamed, without any sauces, as well as taking 6 to seven smaller portions each day. Furthermore, she drinks up to a gallon and a half of water each day.

If you wish to read more about Samantha Kelly as well as her bodybuilding routines, then you may always visit her web site, follow her on her blog, and also when you are there, view a few of her sensual nude movies.

Samantha Kelly is a busty fitness modeland her photographs are already published in a good many national as well as international magazines. To view her gorgeous photos and watch her nude videos, visit her official website right this moment!

Australian Fitness & Health Expo the Largest Fitness and Health Event

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Alex Zender

This April 27th through the 29th of 2012 are the date for the Australian Fitness & Health Expo that will be held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre. This is the largest health and fitness show in the Southern hemisphere and will be the place to generate leads, meet trade buyers and sellers in the fitness and health industry, and gain information. , For all those that are serious about developing and conducting business with and within Australia’s health and fitness industries, this is a must attend event. This three day event will provide the opportunity to meet more buyers than any other sales medium. Exhibitors can demonstrate their products and capture sales leads from sporting, rehabilitation, education and fitness clubs and facilities. Exhibitors will be face to face with the key buyers of commercial fitness equipment and business services from health and fitness chains, as well as, independent club owners. You will be able to capture sales and leads as the show attracts the widest range of buyers from sectors such as the following: • Health, wellness and rehabilitation • Sports clubs and facilities • Military and emergency services • Hotels, resorts, corporate, and residential facilities • Schools, colleges and universities

There is expected to be over 20,000 attendees at this year’s health and fitness show, and these are from all walks of life, exhibitors, those that work within the health and fitness industry, and enthusiasts. The show will be the place for everyone involved and interested in the fitness and health industry and definitely not something that should be missed. For those that are interested in exhibiting at this year’s health and fitness show, the Australian Health and Fitness Expo site provides all the details that are needed, including layouts of the floor plan and more. There are many reasons the commercial exhibitor should be interested which includes the average value of sales leads generated by exhibitors from the last year’s expos was $ 249,000. There will be over 3000 buyers of commercial equipment and business services, and a total of 19,945 visitors, making for a full house and plenty awareness of your new products, brand or service. This year’s expo will also feature five live stages featuring live performances and demonstrations and a number of guest celebrities which include:

• Christie Jenkins • Josh Ross • Michelle Dean • Sydney Swans Football Club • Derek Poundstone • Matt O’Neil• Steve Cook • Jennifer Rankin • Christina Vujunich • Charles Glass• Monica Brant • Mark Lobliner • Dorian Yates • Beto Perez • Marcus Bondi• Shannan Ponton • Michelle Bridges • Danny Green This is the largest health and fitness show in the Southern hemisphere and is all about feeling good, looking good, and staying fit, as well as, generating leads, making contacts and getting to the next level. For commercial businesses that are interested in becoming an exhibitor at the coming Fitness and Health Expo they can visit Australian Fitness & Health Expo site where they will be provided with all the information they need to know on how to become a distributor.

Don’t wait another year for exciting new training methods, equipment and sports nutrition. Visit the Australian Fitness & Health Expo.

Powerlifting Training Routine Fitness and Health

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Zohaib

Rebaine some of the most powerful people on earth. Weightlifting is a sport of international competitiveness where the goal is to raise the great weight. Maybe you’ve seen them on television in “The Strongest Man in the World” competition.Those trucks athletes, and the withdrawal of aircraft, and throw barrels high walls. How she strong? The simple answer is – a lot of lifting weights, and of course the right to food.Weightlifting routine:Your fitness goals can not lift trucks, aircraft, and the withdrawal, but weight lifting workout routine is one of the most effective way of brute force to win. Unlike traditional bodybuilding routine that focuses on carving your muscles, weight lifting workout designed to increase your strength and generally, muscle mass and strength. Safety during training raise the energyBecause the amount of weight involved, it is best to approach this with caution routine. When performing weight lifting movements, you must meet strict form to be used to help prevent damage to the joints.One area of ??the body that is susceptible to damage during these moves is the lower back. It is therefore important that you protect your back by keeping your abs and acting, while the performance of the exercises.If you are a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up to lifting heavier weights. It is always better to work with any person through this kind of training. Partner can spot you during heavy lifts, and to help motivate you at the same time.

Benefits of weight training:Certainly you will be motivated to adhere to strict weight lifting routine, but the rewards can be worthwhile. Weightlifting program provides the following benefits:

* First and foremost, you can get stronger. Lifting heavy weights is probably the most important element in muscle mass and increase strength.

* The nature of the explosives of this training burns lots of calories. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, a person will spend

Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Lorne Zalesin

Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

Ohio has slipped a bit in the ranking of the health of its residents. In 2007 Ohio was the 29th healthiest state in which to live, but it fell slightly from 2006 when it was the 24th healthiest state. Based on 20 different criteria, Ohio made it to the top ten only in one category. Ohio is 8th in the nation for the percentage of citizens that are covered by health insurance.

Other areas where Ohio shines include a high percentage of women receiving prenatal care, a solid high school graduation rate, a significant decrease in the rate of infectious disease, and a drop in the death rate from cardiovascular disease.

All these great strides and still a fall in the overall rankings, means Ohio still struggles in some areas. Ohio ranks 43rd for cancer deaths, 43rd for obesity, 41st for infant mortality rates, and 40th in the nation for preventable hospitalizations.

Weight gain is an epidemic nationwide with Ohio at the forefront. In 1990 the obesity rate was 11% amongst Ohio residents. By 2000 the obesity rate had almost doubled to over 20% of Ohio’s population. The current number of obese Ohio citizens is over 28 percent.

Other health challenges for Ohio include the high rate of cancer deaths, and the fact that 22 percent of the population are smokers.

With these challenges for Ohio residents it is important that if to be covered by health insurance. If you live in Ohio, you can find an online health insurance quote provider for your health insurance. These services are usually free and may also offer the backup of experienced health insurance Advisors to help you make sense of the options for you as an individual or for family health insurance. Talk with an Experienced Health Insurance Advisor. Affordable health insurance options are out there for you and your family.

GoArticlesLorne Zalesin joined following a successful career in residential building and real estate sales. A self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur”, Zalesin is a licensed residential builder, licensed residential real estate broker, and licensed in life insurance and health insurance. Zalesin earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s in Business Administration, from The University of Michigan.

Choose to live an optimistic lifestyle.

Related Healthy Living Quotes Articles

Getting the most of your health through muscle and fitness

February 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Daven

Being active everyday is the best way to achieve an optimum functioning muscle and fitness level. The wide spread of instantly prepared things have made people live a sedentary lifestyle and being active is not anymore a part of their daily routine. The risk of living a sedentary kind of lifestyle will give rise to certain diseases. Even though maintaining a high level of muscle and fitness routine is the only way to prevent diseases, some people still finds it hard to get into their feet and move. The rising trends of muscle and fitness programs on the television seems to have to effect for some people. Questions have been raised on how to make people aware about the importance of muscle and fitness in relation to health. Health organizations are trying to solve these problems by promoting health through conducting muscle and fitness programs that are free. Fun runs and marathons are organized to motivate people to start changing their lifestyle from sedentary to an active one. In this article, we would discuss about the benefits of a good level of muscle and fitness. we would also talk about the safety measure that everyone must apply to get the most of your muscle and fitness routine.

Benefits of a high level functioning muscle and fitnessThere are a lot of health benefits you can gain as soon as you start to engage in muscle and fitness routine. People who started on a healthy lifestyle have reported a remarkable improvement on their daily functioning. The basic benefit of getting into muscle and fitness routine is a stronger and disease resistant body. People who are so dedicated in maintaining a healthy living have testified that their costs of hospitalization fee have remarkably dropped since they started to live healthy. On the other hand, families who are into muscle and fitness routine have learned to value the essence of living healthy. Their kids are influenced to eat nutritious foods rather than eating junk foods. At the same time, their children prefer to play outside and get active rather than watch television or play computer games. Another significance of getting into muscle and fitness routine is that you are able to influence other people to start a healthy lifestyle. The effect of motivating everyone to start muscle and fitness routine will remarkable decrease the occurrence of health related diseases.

Safety tips when starting on a muscle and fitness routineBefore you get into an active lifestyle, it is better to take it easy at first. If you are unsure about your current health status, it is better to ask for a health clearance primarily. If you are planning to go running, it is recommended to take each mile easy and increased it slightly every week. Having the best outdoor apparel would also keep you safe from environmental hazards. Another way to keep you safe is have an exercise buddy with you all the time. Keeping a daily journal of the things you do to improve muscle and fitness will keep you on track with your daily activities.

Bobby B. is an expert professional on the topic of debt relief, being a financial consultant to private firms who are in need of financial rehabilitation.

Don’t miss out on updated topics by Bobby about family fitness by visiting his website, click here.

6 Health And Fitness Tips

January 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Here are 6 of the top health and fitness tips, ranging from healthy eating habits to programs for exercising. These are health and fitness tips that will help you with weight loss and an overall healthier lifestyle.

1. Drink plenty of water. This is something that you have likely heard many times already, and there is a good reason for this. Drinking water helps to decrease your appetite and eliminate cravings. It also nourishes and hydrates your body on the inside and out. This includes your skin. If you can, you want to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day.

2.If you want to lose weight quicker and have a healthier heart, you should really think about trying some interval cardio training. Try the basic formula of sprinting and then walking in back-to-back intervals. Find a flat stretch of road that is about 50 yards long, and sprint the whole thing. Come back taking a slow walk. Repeat this as many times as you can. Keep in mind that you need to warm up first, and you should also cool down when you complete the workout. This kind of training will increase your metabolism, burn extra fat, and take less time than other cardio workouts.

3.Avoid sugar at all costs! This is one of the most important health and fitness tips. Your body releases insulin when you take in sugar. Insulin makes your body store fat. This is why you actually gain more weight when you eat those fat-free foods with extra sugar. Examine product labels and avoid foods that have a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. These two ingredients are commonly found in the so-called healthy breakfast cereals and bars.

4.Try to add more of the following into your diet:
*Olive oil
*Natural peanut butter
*Whole grains
*Protein powder

By consuming these foods you will burn more body fat and improve your health.

5.Add weight training to your workout. By adding muscle to your body, you will increase your life expectancy, give your body strength and burn body fat. You can tone up by using a weight that you can lift 8-12 times. You can add bulk by using a weight that you can lift 4-6 times. Practice your weight training routine 2-3 times a week, and keep each session under 45 minutes.

6.You should always take a quality multivitamin. In general, hardly anyone gets enough vitamins and minerals just by consuming food. This is why you have to take a vitamin in conjunction with healthy eating habits. Most people are lacking severely in omega-3 fatty acids, and this is supposedly what contributes to a lot of health issues, namely obesity. The easiest way to get omega-3’s in your diet is by taking fish oil softgels. You want to take between 2,000 to 3,000 mg a day.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, however if you follow these simple health and fitness tips, you will be well on your way to a healthier you!

For more information about Full Body Workout and Workout Routines, visit today!

Skee.TV presents Rockstar Health & Fitness, a new original Web series hosted by music industry executive & KIIS-FM yoga instructor Lori Rischer. Rockstar H&F features celebrities sharing their health, diet, and fitness tips. This first installment stars Fall Out Boy frontman Patrick Stump. In this episode, Patrick discusses his solo project and current release “Soul Punk” and fills us in on his weight loss secrets. The 9-episode Rockstar season’s all-star line up includes Hedley, Kirsten Price, Kim Glass, Lala Romero, OneRepublic and the World Famous DJ Skee, among others. Check out next week’s episode featuring Austin Brown. Created by Lori Rischer and Sera Roadnight. Produced By SkeeTV.

More Health And Fitness Tips Articles

Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by claude richard

There are many health benefits to doing a regular daily aerobic workout. Taking part in any type of aerobic exercise greatly improves a person’s health and fitness levels and of course, it can also be effective in weight loss since different types of aerobic activities help to burn more calories and for that reason can be combined with a healthy diet to produce even more health benefits. The term ‘aerobics’ means ‘with oxygen’ since you take in oxygen when you breathe and when you are exercising your breathing is faster and you feel quite warm and sweaty when you are working out as a result of taking in more air. This type of workout is extremely good for the heart and helps in delivering oxygen to different parts of the body.

What Type of Activities are Aerobic Workouts?

Aerobic activity can involve any type of exercise that raises a person’s metabolism. Some of the more popular exercises include swimming, cycling, walking, jogging, running, stair climbing and general aerobic workouts. However, any kind of activity or exercise will help to improve a person’s fitness level and aid in a person’s weight loss. For instance, performing household chores such as vacuuming and cleaning can also contribute towards raising a person’s fitness level.

What about dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, skipping, rowing, basketball or skating? These activities are also very good at burning calories.

In other words, any type of exercise will help you to get fitter as long as you do it regularly and it does not have to involve activities that are exhausting to perform. In fact, doing regular light or moderate aerobic activities is easier to maintain and gives better results since they are more likely to be kept up than aerobic exercises that involve high intensity workouts. In any case, it is always best to start at a lower level and gradually increase your activity levels when you get fitter.

For a person who is new to exercising or someone who finds it difficult to get themselves motivated or stick to any form of aerobic exercise, the best place to start is with doing something you enjoy for around thirty minutes a day three to five times a week. One of the easiest aerobic exercises to perform is walking since a person can start off doing a low intensity workout that is easy to keep up and then gradually progress to a more effective type of brisk walking. The only special requirement is a reasonably good pair of walking shoes and appropriate clothing. There are many people who enjoy performing this type of activity since it doesn’t really feel as though they are doing any specific kind of aerobic exercise. Many have increased their fitness levels to the point where they actually enjoy going jogging or running.

The thing to keep in mind with exercising is that any type of aerobic activity is effective as long as it is adhered to regularly and when it is performed on the right fitness level to suit the person doing the exercises.

Claude Richard writes articles on diffrent topics. To know more about acne exposed review treatment, acne exposed system treatment visit

What about dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, skipping, rowing, basketball or skating? These activities are also very good at burning calories.

Promera Health Con-cret 750 Mg, 48-Count

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • 50 times more potent than standard creatine
  • World’s first pure concentrated creatine
  • No loading or side effects
  • Creatine hydrochloride designed for serious athletes
  • A major source of energy or fuel for cellular and muscular function
  • Does not cause any negative side effects, such as bloating, water retention and GI issues

Product Description
CON-CRET is a pure, concentrated, creatine hydrochloride designed for serious athletes (both professional and amateur) and any fitness-oriented person who is looking to increase their conditioning level or gain a competitive advantage. CON-CRET is also ideal for anyone whose livelihood may benefit from an increase in the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), a major source of energy or fuel for cellular and muscular function, such as those on restrictive diets… More >>

Promera Health Con-cret 750 Mg, 48-Count

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