7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

January 11, 2013 by  
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Step-By-Step Guide To Packing on 10 Pounds of Full, Lean Muscle In Under Two Months—Following a Simple, Healthy and Highly Effective Workout and Nutrition Program

Getting fit is tough, but taking off fat while packing on 10 pounds of muscle? That can be the ultimate challenge. And the truth is, getting a full, ripped physique is a lot more than just hitting the gym once in a while. Putting on and maintaining muscle mass is all about eating right, wor… More >>

7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

Physical or Muscle Fitness a Sign of a Healthy Lifestyle

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Errol Webb

Physical or Muscle Fitness a Sign of a Healthy Lifestyle – Health

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Move Toward Muscle Fitness TodayA lot of fitness trends have been promoted today and it’s easy to see why, with the newfound fondness, or should I say addiction of people towards fitness, s a lot of entrepreneurs have been making the most out of this good money-making opportunity and started coming up with all sorts of fitness related businesses.The most common of fitness trends is related to muscle fitness. Gymnasiums have existed for a while, but have seen a rise in popularity in recent years. People living in urban environments have become more aware of the choices and steps involved in living a healthy lifestyle, as well as the importance of being healthy. Although, admittedly, majority of them do flock to gyms just to attain that perfect figure that they desire or start moving toward a healthy lifestyle today. Taking these reasons into consideration, what all of us so desperately want, or need, is the muscle fitness that has been such an important factor in attaining that healthy lifestyle. With the ever growing number of fast-food chains and restaurants, Americans have clearly, and sadly, been accustomed to the habit of eating out. Eating healthy is difficult with all the high calorie, high fat food that we eat each day. It is sad to think of the number of people that are overweight, are diabetic, or have been diagnosed with colon cancer recently.A great way to start shedding unwanted pounds and warding off illness is to start with working toward better muscle fitness.For people on the go, it’s quite hard, almost impossible to fit in a cardiovascular workout for your muscle fitness regimen, but it only takes a lot of willpower to overcome these little obstacles. The following are some easy ways to start becoming more phsically fit.Start your muscle fitness routine by incorporating some cardiovascular exercises into your daily life, beginning in the early morning. Studies prove that we still burn calories while asleep, but as tempting as it may be to sleep off the weight, this is not the answer. All I’m saying is that by beginning your schedule earlier, it allows you to attempt to work in some simple exercise for a fresher, more energized morning. Make the little sacrifice of waking up at least thirty minutes earlier that your usual schedule, this way you get to do your exercises before you even take your breakfast. It’s a proven fact that you burn more fat this way. You are running low on calories when you wake up in the morning, making it easier for your body to begin the fat burning process, by using whatever calories you still have left, and keeping you energized for the rest of the day. Breakfast should consist of well-balanced foods. The first meal of the day, breakfast, is the most important. Fruit, a bagel topped with cottage cheese, along with a glass of orange juice (apple, banana, whatever makes you happy) contain some of the ingredients that you need to start your day as well as provide you with the energy for your daily muscle fitness routine. It is lazy to say muscle fitness is something you don’t have time for. Make the effort and help get yourself in better shape.No matter how busy you get, do your best to incorporate some calorie burning techniques into your day. It may even improve your midday work fatigue. Some ways to gain better muscle fitness are taking stairs rather than the elevator, walking the dog, playing with your children, and more. (or walk to) your errands. And try to be as (physically) just as occupied as you can possibly be.Read our team of writers at http://www.bloggersparadice.com/. Worried about your health and need to do some research on physical health.

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Errol Webb writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Heart Healthy

September 29, 2012 by  
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Article by Susun Weed

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copyright Susun S. Weed

Excerpt from: New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 by Susun S. Weed”Open your heart to me, my own,” whispers Grandmother Growth so softly you aren’t certain you hear her. “Open the wisdom way of compassion here in your heart and draw me inside. Let Grandmother Growth be inside you, helping you encompass the whole, in the beat of your own heart, my heart, Crone’s heart.”

Step 0: Do Nothing

Thinking of taking hormone replacement to keep your heart healthy? Think again. Data released in April of the year 2000, from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative, showed “a small increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in the lungs of women on hormone replacement compared with women on placebo.” The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), completed in 1998, found the same connection. For a healthy heart, don’t take hormones.

“Recently released data from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative suggests that during the first two years of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy there is a slightly greater risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots.”

Heart disease is America’s top killer (claiming a life every 34 seconds). Women aged 30-50 have far less risk of heart disease than a man their age. But postmenopausal women die from heart disease at rates as high as men’s. (Women account for 51 percent of all cardiovascular deaths; men, 49 percent.) Is it lack of estrogen?

No. Estrogen does lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, but cholesterol is only weakly linked to heart disease, especially in women. (Most heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol levels.)

Estrogen raises blood pressure (one of the top three reasons for heart attacks in women), increases triglycerides, promotes clotting (a leading factor in heart attacks and strokes), and raises levels of C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation associated with heart disease). Take progestins/progesterone too and you increase your risk of heart disease even more. Hormone replacement really isn’t heart healthy.

Aren’t there studies linking estrogen usage to lowered risk of heart disease? Only retrospective ones, which cannot establish a cause-and-effect link. And the women in those studies ate well, exercised regularly, and were unlikely to smoke – behaviors that are critical to heart health. The simple truth is more than 90 percent of all heart disease is preventable with lifestyle choices.

The three top risk factors for heart disease in women are too much belly fat, smoking, and untreated hypertension. High cholesterol is one of the top three risk factors for men, but not for women. (This is because, after menopause, we make heart healthy hormones from our cholesterol.)

Step 1: Collect Information

The Nurses Health Study – which followed 86,000 women for 14 years – shows what happens to those wise old Crones who follow heart healthy behaviors:

Physical Fitness training to stay healthy

September 20, 2012 by  
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Article by Dete49

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The components of physical fitness are: Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times.

You need to work on flexibility in other words the ability to move your joints or any group of joints through an entire, normal range of motion when stretching or playing sports. Your body composition which is the percentage of body fat a person has in comparison to his or her total body mass. By working on these three fitness components you will lose body fat. This will greatly improve your overall health. You will gain speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination, and eye-foot are all part of Physical Fitness.

The right kind of training can improve these factors within the limits of your potential. Your weight loss and fitness program should help to improve or maintain all the components of physical fitness routines.Constant pain is a sure way to kill your exercise program. Sacrificing Quality for Quantity. When you are ready to increase the number of reps of a particular exercise, and strengthen the corresponding muscles, instead of forcing yourself to do a little more each time try decreasing the number of repitions in a set but increase the number of sets.

Principles of Exercise Adherence to certain basic exercise routines is important for developing an effective program for you to become fit and lose weight. The same principles of exercise apply to everyone at all levels of physical training, from the pro athlete to the weekend jogger or sports person. You must exercise often to maintain your Physical Fitness.

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The components of physical fitness are:

Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times. Physical Fitness training

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The components of physical fitness are:

Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times. Physical Fitness training

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Healthy living benefits – a life of good health living and longevity

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Joe Golson

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Living a life of health and fitness may seem a huge sacrifice but the rewards are truly immeasurable. Not only will you be able to enjoy your life a little bit longer, you can also live it while looking good and looking younger.One research scientist put it this way :”live twenty years longer,look and feel twenty years younger while doing it”.

You don’t believe us? Here is a rundown of the benefits that healthy living can give. Read on and you may be tempted to leave the dark unhealthy side.

1. Younger lookingPeople who live healthy are younger looking than those who smoke and drink in excess. This is because chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes dry up the skin and create a more older appearance. Chemicals in the body also reduce the nutrients that go into the body, thus depriving the body of vitamins and minerals that keep the skin and other organs healthy and functioning.

Being young looking of course gives you a whole set of benefits, from a remarkable love life to success with career and in your social life. After all, whether we admit it or not, appearance do count in a lot of ways and being young looking and attractive can take you places. As shallow as it seems, you will have more friends and more romantic involvements. Everybody loves beautiful people.

2. Clear thinking It is not true that chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes and drugs can amp up creativity levels. These are actually just short-lived and as studies have shown. People who eat and live healthy are more able to think clearly, to focus on the job at hand and are more dependable when given instructions and their memories are often clear and good.

3. No illness People who live a healthy lifestyle are generally healthier peoples. They are not hampered by problems with their health or appointments with doctors that they have to go to. These people rarely take a leave of absence and when they do, they will often take a vacation and just relax. They don’t take a leave because they are sick.

4. Emotionally-secureAlthough there really is no direct relationship, people who live a life of health and fitness are happier.This is perhaps because they do not need to rely on chemicals for coping with the hardships that they encounter. Early on, they have developed natural coping strategies that can help them get through the daily grind.

5. Active body Eating the right kinds of food and keeping your body in shape will result to having more energy and that will spill over to your work and your “play” time. People who are active also come across as more capable and more independent. They are also perceived as more approachable, confident and charming.

There is no denying the wonderful benefits that regular exercise can do to people especially to those who want to achieve optimum health and fitness. To ensure that you stay healthy despite being on a diet, make exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to your overall wellness.

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Sometimes healthy Living can be very challenging,but don

The New Miracle Treatment for Women in Midlife and Beyond: A True Magic Bullet for Staying Healthy and Feeling Good

September 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

The New Miracle Treatment for Women in Midlife and Beyond: A True Magic Bullet for Staying Healthy and Feeling Good – Health

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When you first saw the title of this article, you immediately thought it was hogwash, right?

You were a bit disappointed, too, because doctors are supposed to be honest, and discuss only the treatments that have been scientifically proven to work; and everyone knows that there is no such thing as a miracle treatment that keeps you healthy as you age. But, here’s the thing: we are telling you the truth.

First, let us tell you what this miracle treatment can do. It can help you to retain your memory, and possibly even prevent dementia, or at least postpone it for years. It can prevent you from falling, the most common cause of injuries to those of us who no longer even count the number of candles on our birthday cakes. It can, in some cases, keep you from getting arthritis in your knees, and if you already have it, keep you up and moving. It can keep your heart healthy, and if you already have heart disease, it can get you back to feeling great. It can prevent some cancers. If you have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, it can, in some cases, make them go away, and at the very least, it may allow you to lower your dose of medication for each of these three. It can help you to breathe easy. It can keep you buff and help your sex life. It can help you sleep better, suppress your appetite, and even increase your metabolism. And it can improve your sense of wellbeing, keep your mood positive, and increase how long you live.

We know you’re still doubtful because if such a thing really existed, it would be on TV constantly and all over the internet, and you would’ve probably bought a huge amount of stock in it. But in fact, it not only exists, but all of the effects mentioned above of our miracle treatment have been scientifically proven!

Human beings were meant to move. Every aspect of our bodies’ functioning is geared toward that. On the flip side, movement and mobility are very important to the quality of life. What does this have to do with the miracle treatment? Easy — the miraculous new treatment for all our ills, particularly those accompanying the aging process, is movement. Because of all the negative connotations, we won’t call it exercise or any of those other clinical-sounding names, like “workout” or “physical activity.”

It really does all the things we said it can do. In fact, a recent study that followed more than 2500 people over the age of sixty for an average period of twelve years found that those who were fit from regular and adequate movement, whether they were overweight or not, had a significantly lower death rate at a young age than those who were not fit.

Here are the specifics. The official recommendations, released in 2007 by the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine, for the amount of physical activity necessary to improve and maintain our health include not one, but three different types of exercise: aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity, and balance/flexibility training. These are the recommendations.

1) Aerobic activity of moderate intensity for thirty minutes a day, five days per week — Go for a walk or climb those stairs in your building — anything goes here as long as you do it for thirty minutes;

2) Muscle strengthening activity including eight to ten exercises involving the major muscle groups, with eight to twelve repetitions each, at least twice a week — Use free weights, a barbell, or a machine that simulates weight lifting by resistance;

3) Balance and flexibility activity at least two days a week — do yoga, pilates, or Tai Chi. And be sure to stretch.

So now you know about the magic bullet for staying healthy. But, even though you know you need to stay active, sometimes, the whole idea of getting up and actually doing it is overwhelming. It is particularly hard to find the time when most of us have such a busy lifestyle. But there’s even more good news about our miracle treatment. For those who hate the gym, workouts, jogging and barbells, there is an alternative called “Exercise Lite”.

Several years ago, a very interesting study was done at the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. 255 volunteers were divided into two groups. One group went to the gym regularly for a standard workout. The other group tried to integrate regular physical activities into their usual daily routines. They would walk up stairs instead of taking an elevator, clean their own houses and apartments, work in their own gardens; in other words, they took every opportunity to do the maximum physical activity with their daily activities. After six months, both groups had improved their fitness levels, lowered their blood pressures, and lost fat. But, after two years, only those in the group that had incorporated fitness into their routines were more likely to maintain their fitness level. Exercise lite worked and kept on working!

To receive the full health benefits as we mentioned above, you need to do at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic (cardio) exercise each day. With exercise lite, you can break it down into 10-minute segments so that the cumulative time is still 30 minutes a day. If you only have a couple of 10 minute breaks a day, go walking for those breaks and then take a quick walk before or after work. You want to shoot for 15-20 minute miles, and you want to get your pulse rate up but still be able to have a conversation. If you garden, you need to do it while moving around a lot, in other words, active gardening. Same thing goes for housework. The vacuum can be your best workout buddy! One easy way to do exercise lite is to wear a pedometer, a little meter you wear on your belt that records your steps. With the pedometer you want to aim for 10,000 steps a day.

Most important, make it fun and you’ll keep doing it. Do things you like. Find a class that is fun or start riding your bicycle or swimming. Get some great music and use it for your activity. If you need support, grab your friends and family to do an activity with you. And remember, don’t tell yourself that you are doing the dreaded “exercise”; fool yourself and have it become a normal part of your daily life.

Before starting any exercise program, check with your doctor!

©2008 Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

Author Bio Dr. Janet Horn is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with training in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She spent many years on the fulltime faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she published articles in medical journals on her research interests, including sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and women’s health. She started her solo private practice in 1990 while continuing to teach as an Associate Professor of Medicine on the part time faculty at Hopkins. She has been selected by Baltimore Magazine as one of the “Top Doctors in Baltimore” and by the Maryland Daily Record as one of the “Top 100 Women in Maryland.”

Dr. Robin Miller, in addition to being an experienced Board Certified Internist, is also an Integrative Medicine specialist, having trained with Dr. Andrew Weil as a Fellow at the University of Arizona. She is the founder and medical director of Triune Integrative Medicine, an innovative medical clinic in Medford, Oregon. She is an award winning medical correspondent on regional and national television, radio, and the internet. She is an award winning medical correspondent on regional and national television, radio, and the internet, the author of a health book for children, Kids Ask the Doctor, and a board member of The National Association of Medical Communicators, a society of medical journalists in all media.

About the Author

Dr. Janet Horn and Dr. Robin Miller are the authors of The Smart Woman’s Guide to Midlife and Beyond, which will be available this September from New Harbinger Publications.

Please visit http://www.SmartWomansHealth.com for more information.

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Janet Horn, M.D. and Robin H. Miller, M.D.

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Dr. Janet Horn and Dr. Robin Miller are the authors of The Smart Woman’s Guide to Midlife and Beyond, which will be available this September from New Harbinger Publications.

Please visit http://www.SmartWomansHealth.com for more information.

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Healthy Eating Tips that Can Prevent Heart Surgery

September 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Erin Harding

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It’s a well known fact that the foods people eat can impact the health of their hearts. It is important to limit unhealthy types of fat, salt and cholesterol as well as sugar. But you don’t have to give up flavor in order to maintain a healthy diet. Here are a few healthy eating tips that can help you to prevent the possibility of heart surgery in your future.

One tip you can follow to prevent heart disease is to consider the delicious foods that you can eat more of instead of thinking in terms of what you have to give up. The power of positive thinking works in many circumstances, including a healthy diet. Think of all the lean chicken or fish dishes that form the centerpiece of a healthy meal. Consider the wide variety of nutritious, crunchy vegetables that are available. There are even deserts and snacks that can be enjoyed, such as those that incorporate fresh fruits, seeds or nuts.

With all of the seasonings that are available, it is easy to cut down on salt, fat and sugar, so another tip for heart-healthy eating is to season foods like lean cuts of meat or low-fat ice cream with fresh spices. Cinnamon is a spice that can be used in many main or side dishes to lower your blood sugar as well as LDL cholesterol levels through its potent antioxidant capability. Sprinkle it on low-fat ice cream or yogurt for a delicious desert. Add oregano to your pasta dishes for a punch of antioxidant power that is as strong as three cups of chopped broccoli. Pep up a salad by sprinkling on another antioxidant power house such as thyme. Of course you’ll want to use fresh spices whenever possible for the greatest heart-healthy effect.

Another tip for beating future heart surgery is to add more high-fiber foods to your daily meals. Some tasty high-fiber foods are beans. Eat them four or more times each week and you’ll be 22 percent less likely to develop heart disease than people who eat beans only once a week. That is a big difference, and it won’t take a lot of beans to reach it. Eat only half a cup or so per day, and the type of beans you consume doesn’t matter. Choose your favorites from green beans, black beans, pinto beans or others. Add them to salads and soups, make a pot of beanie chili or just eat them by themselves. They are a delicious way to add more healthful, filling fiber to your diet.

When you feel like snacking, a good tip is to munch on seeds. Chia seeds are a good choice for omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to helping the heart, they are beneficial for digestion, insomnia and concentration. Flax seeds are crunchy and flavorful, and they offer easy absorption that will bring you a lower risk of heart disease. Sesame seeds contain antioxidants that have been shown to reduce cholesterol while adding calcium to the diet, so eat them at snack time or sprinkle them on a salad or in soups. Pumpkin seeds are another delicious choice that will help you catch up on your omega 3 as well as adding protein to your snack.

Another handy tip for improving your diet is to add more vegetables to it. Because they are typically low in calories, veggies can fill you up and make you less inclined to gorge yourself on fatty foods. Filled with vitamins and minerals–plus fiber–vegetables such as spinach or cauliflower can be used in a healthy stir-fry meal or tossed in a salad. Keep broccoli, carrots and celery washed and cut in your refrigerator for quick, healthy snacks. By consuming five or more servings of healthy vegetables every day, you’ll quickly lower your risk of heart disease, heart attack and heart surgery by about twenty percent. Of course, eating those vegetables raw is the most efficient way to gain the health benefits, but you can stir fry or steam them as well. And when the weather is nice, grilling them outside can be an extra-special treat.

One final tip for heart healthy eating is to add a little fruit to your diet. Don’t go overboard, however, because fruits are high in sugar. But many of them, such as avocados, are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. That means they can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Fruits that contain large amounts of vitamin C–such as oranges and strawberries–can protect your arteries from damage. Red fruits are a logical choice for heart health. Pink grapefruit and watermelon both contain lycopene while apples and cherries contain anthocyanins. All of these will contribute to a healthier heart when consumed on a regular basis.

These are just a few healthy eating tips that can help you to prevent heart surgery in your future. Apply them to your diet today and start reaping the benefits right away.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. All medical information presented should be discussed with your healthcare professional. Remember, the failure to seek timely medical advice can have serious ramifications. We urge you to discuss any current health related problems you are experiencing with a healthcare professional immediately.

About the Author

Erin Harding is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics including health tips to prevent heart surgery

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Erin Harding is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics including health tips to prevent heart surgery

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Related Healthy Eating Tips Articles

Healthy Eating for Kids

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW

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Healthy Eating for Kids

Teaching kids healthy eating is not a lecture, it is a parental practice through which children observe and learn. Further, although kids may whine and squirm and even outright reject what’s on the plate, parents must come to realize that being held hostage by childish control strategies only improperly empowers children and thus creates greater feeding difficulties in the long run.

It is the parents who are in control of what food comes into the house, how it is prepared and how it is served. Meal design, food purchases, preparation and service thus become the real feeding grounds for developing healthy eating by our kids as managed by parents.

Children can be involved in all the areas of meal design, food purchase, preparation and service – at parents and child’s discretion. While children may be involved at any step along the way, it is up to the parent to direct the options available to the child so that decisions are made within a range of healthy choices.

If parents haven’t managed the process of developing healthy eating habits, kids may come to think they are in charge or have more say than is appropriate. If this is the case, wrestling control back from the hands of the child, to the parent can be a challenge. Parents must understand that kids will chose not necessarily what is best, but what is most enjoyable from ease of preparation to overly salty or sugary foods. When parents look to change their child’s eating habits, they can expect objections and protests. Parents who give in to such behaviour only serve to teach their children that that behaviour pays off and thus the parent increases the likelihood that the child will continue to use those strategies whenever faced with things not to their liking. When parents seek to alter a child’s direction, the parent must be able to withstand the objections and protest and hold their own ground. Thus the child eventually learns that the parent means business and that the inappropriate strategies are futile.

Here are some tips for managing children’s healthy eating.

1. Depending on the age of the child, spend some time talking and constructing meal plans together. Remember though, parents guide the process and cannot be swayed or negotiated into poor decisions. Don’t use a poor decision to reinforce a good one.

2. Parents and child can go shopping together. When purchasing fruits and vegetables, ask the grocery clerk to help determine what is the freshest or ripest. Listen and learn with your child and go about smelling the produce and fruits together. Remember, it can’t come into the house if you the parent don’t buy it!

3. Unpack groceries together. This serves to teach your children the efforts involved in getting food from the store to home. Thank your child for their assistance. Let your child know how much they are appreciated.

4. Prepare snacks and meals together. Let the kids participate and have fun along the way. Think of meal preparation as a science experiment or art class. Wonder how flavours will go together or how things might look when cooked or put to the plate. Use the time to enjoy each other’s company. This will be very new territory for many kids and parents alike. However, it remains the parent’s responsibility to show their appreciation and love to their child during the process, regardless of how much or little the child actually participates. Their mere presence, for however long, is to be reinforced.

5. Finally, sit down and enjoy the eating together. Statistically, the more meals a family enjoys together, the better behaved and adjusted the children tend to be. Further, parents are more in touch with their children’s lives and together they have better rapport. As a result of the better rapport, parents actually hold more influence with their children than do the children’s peers. This becomes an essential element come the child’s adolescence when parents seek to protect their kids from more serious social issues.

Throughout, remember that developing healthy eating habits is not a race or a destination. It is a process over time. Ignore the setbacks and build on each day’s successes. Successes are there if you concentrate on finding them as opposed to being distracted by upsets.

Bon Appetite!

Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW (905) 628-4847gary@yoursocialworker.com http://www.yoursocialworker.com Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters. Services include counselling, mediation, assessment, assessment critiques and workshops.

About the Author

Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters.

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Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW

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Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters.

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Healthy Diet Recipes – The Different Types Of Paleo Snacks

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Lesli

Healthy Diet Recipes – The Different Types Of Paleo Snacks – Food – Desserts

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A Paleolithic diet (commonly called a Paleo or “caveman” diet) is a diet lifestyle based on the theory that our bodies aren’t designed to eat processed foods and we should only eat those foods that would have been available during the Paleolithic era. It emphasizes natural, unprocessed foods that can be eaten without preparation. Paleo diet advocates claim that health problems like obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease are “diseases of civilization” caused by modern, packaged and processed foods.

The very first thing on the list of “Paleo Snacks” is “Fresh fruit of any kind. ” Nuts are on there (limit to 4 ounces a day if you’re trying to lose weight) and dried fruit (limit to 2 ounces a day). Cold meats, raw vegetables, avocado and/or tomato slices, homemade salmon and beef jerky, hard boiled egg (limit to six a week — he’s not a big fan of eggs) and unsalted sunflower seeds (limit to 4 ounces a day) are all on there.

Beef recipes are packed with nutrients such as amino acids, minerals, and proteins. Beef can be called a powerhouse of nutrients because it is loaded with 10 vital nutrients, that aids in tissue repair and promotes body functions. Beef dishes are tasty and filling too. You can prepare these beef dishes on all special occasions or otherwise.

An excellent Paleo recipes resource is cookbooks. Paleo Cookbooks are a compilation of the best Paleo recipes available and they gather recipes for different types of meals. When you make stone age recipes with modern foods, remember you want to insure that all of the ingredients are free of (1) Grains, (2) Legumes including peanuts, beans, peas, soybeans, tofu, soy milk and flour (almond flour is ok), (3) Dairy products (unless you are a scadanavian dairy farmer), (4) Salt, (5) Yeast including bread goods, pickled foods, vinegar, fermented foods and fermented beverages (all contain yeast), (6) processed sugars, (7) excessive added fats except for permitted oils. You should try and choose the leanest cuts of grass-fed free-range meats. remember, the mainstays of the paleo diet are fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats and seafood.

Nutrition is the ultimate legal drug that can make or break your performance, drastically improve recovery, and give you the added mental clarity and focus needed to get through nine grueling events in 48 hours.

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Dead lift, clean, squat, presses, clean and jerk, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, paralettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.Going “paleo” is about creating a new lifestyle habit. It’s about lifelong dietary change. Not the typical 2 week diet where you count calories, lose 5 pounds of water weight, then gain it back a week later.

Find Paleo recipes tips and much more from our Paleo recipes reference at athletes diet, Visit: http://healthy-dietrecipes.blogspot.com/

About the Author

I’m Lesli Mark from Califonia

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I’m Lesli Mark from Califonia

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Practical Tips That You Simply Can Apply Now To Healthy Living

August 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by MBrenton Racster

Practical Tips That You Simply Can Apply Now To Healthy Living – Health

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All of us hope to be healthier and with the changing of just a few habits, this can be accomplished. As you read the tips on healthier living that we’ll be sharing in this article, try to remember that this is not something you can do all at once. What you need to do is try to develop good and healthy habits and that is something that you can start today but that really happens over time.

If you want to get more nutrition out of your food then you should vary your diet often. All food contains different vitamins, minerals and amino acids which you need. This is why you should eat different foods from different food groups that are healthy as well. You may have heard that it is good to eat fruit and vegetables everyday but this does not mean that you have to eat the same apple and spinach each day. With loads of different fruits and vegetables to choose from you should be adventurous. There are also loads of different foods with protein, carbohydrates and whole grain in. So that you don’t get stuck in a rut add some variety to your food.

If you want to have better health, a good place to start is with your teeth and gums. In recent years, it’s been discovered that dental health has a large impact on your overall health. Gum disease, for example, has been linked to heart problems.

Tooth decay, for example, can cause infections and other health issues in other areas of your body. That’s why it’s important to get regular teeth cleanings, take care of any dental procedures your dentist recommends, brush your teeth regularly and maybe use an herbal mouthwash for your gums. Taking care of your teeth and gums is about more than just making sure your mouth looks good, it’s also about safeguarding the rest of your body as well.

While it is obviously better to eat foods that are healthy instead of foods that are unhealthy, when it comes to improving your health and dropping pounds, the amount of food that you eat is just as important as the type of food you eat. Just by reducing the size of the portions you bring in, you cut down on your calorie intake and that can help to reduce the harmful effects that might be a result of the unhealthy foods you might be consuming. Naturally you don’t have to pay much mind to the number of salads or green veggies you eat but those are not the types of foods that encourage overindulgence anyway. It’s carbohydrates like bread and pasta, sweets and salty foods that are the worst culprits, as it’s always tempting to reach for another portion. Learn to deal with moderate portions and resist the urge to reach for more helpings.

As you can see by the tips in this article, healthy living isn’t hard or mysterious. It’s important to understand that every little change you make towards this important goal can help there. Developing good and healthy habits now is like investing in your own future which, thanks to these habits, will hopefully be healthy and long.

A lot of these health tips will be really beneficial in various health issues and they can even be very helpful to get taller in a natural way.

In the event you among those folks that trying to find a solutions to gain height naturally and safely, then take a look at the following website page on Grow Taller For Idiots and find out about a very popular step by step system to grow taller naturally.

You can also find much more on this particular e-book on this Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review.

About the Author

On this article are a couple of helpful recommendations that will aid you to improve the general health

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MBrenton Racster

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On this article are a couple of helpful recommendations that will aid you to improve the general health

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