The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living

August 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Donald Hood

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living – Business

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(1888PressRelease) Recognizing that the mind and the body work better when they’re in harmony, The Spencer Institute now offers an online Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program for coaches, trainers, yoga instructors and more. The self-paced program offers insight on mind-body training and exercises that can be used to boost and enhance performance.

“If you believe it, you can achieve.” “What you think, you become.” “Mind over matter.” All of these aphorisms point to one important thing – the mind and body are inextricably linked, and the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. In recognition of the importance of the mind and body connection, The Spencer Institute now offers a 100 percent online Mindy Body Fitness Coach Certification Program.

The only online mind-body fitness training available, this self-paced program is designed for fitness professionals, body workers, massage therapists, life coaches, physical and athletic trainers, gym owners and others interested in enhancing clients’ health, reducing stress and giving clients the tools they need for a healthier life.

“More and more, we come to understand how much our minds and bodies are linked, and how one can profoundly affect the other, which gives us the ability to harness the dual powers of the mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness,” said Dr. John Spencer Ellis, CEO and president of The Spencer Institute and creator of the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program. “Anyone who loves yoga, who loves running, who loves eating and living well likely understands how amazing life can be when the mind and body work in harmony for holistic health.”

The online certification includes digital manuals, video and audio PowerPoint lectures and an online exam. The Mind Body Fitness Coach online training program qualifies for continuing education credits (CEUs) for ISSA, the Spencer Institute and NESTA and does not have any prerequisites. The certification is valid for two years.

Topics covered included scientific mind-body practices to enhance health, tips on coaching clients, a variety of perspectives on mind-body fitness, details on yoga, meditation, bodywork and more.

“A Mind Body Fitness Coach is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers I can think of. It combines science with practical application, movement with breathing, not to mention helping clients find more joy, connection and fitness from the inside out,” Ellis added.

About the Spencer InstituteFounded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis, an international leader in wellness coaching, personal development and fitness, The Spencer Institute offers life coaching, holistic education, nutrition coaching, sports psychology and wellness training certification programs delivered in online and distance learning formats that are designed to provide a step-by-step blueprint to success. The programs were developed to help people find the career of their dreams while helping others live better lives. For more information about the Spencer Institute or the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification Program, please visit


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Nutritious Living For a Healthy Living

August 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Brianon Skoverze

Nutritious Living For a Healthy Living – Health

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Developing a healthy living is a vey important factor in our living. Most of us be aware that living with a healthy body will be the best path to survive happy, to feel much better, and to look better. Healthy living will lead us enough where we can enjoy life to the fullest until we grow old and definately will never experience anything that might harm us or provide us pain.

In this kind of article, we will take you on the globe of healthy living along with healthy lifestyle. It is very simple yet it provides you how on how to develop yourself up for a better and healthy individual. In addition, we will provide you essential information that may be incorporated to your reading books.

At present, most of the people on the planet have fear of numerous diseases, and we are commonly looking for the best prevention. One of the top preventive measures to avoid disease may be a healthy diet. Remember that prevention surpasses cure; this famous line is often applied to anything in this world.

Eating healthy foods is really a vital factor to be faraway from some immeasurable diseases and have a good condition of your system. Each one of us witnesses that eating healthy and working with a regular exercise will leads us with a healthy lifestyle. There are many healthy recipes that can be seen in some health catalogues.

These healthy living magazines can be purchased from any bookstore in your locality along with healthy living catalogs where in addition , you find the guidelines on the food pyramid.

Speaking regarding food pyramid, it is a number of food that tells this importance of eating several different food that we need everyday. It shows the food that him and i need to eat fewer, and those that need to be eaten much too. To name one, carbohydrates is the most important food in the pyramid that marilyn and i should take because the item gives us more vigor for our everyday responsibilities, next are the vegatables and fruits group which is higher in protein.

However, remember too much is not good and definately will have a bad final result. Eat only that is required and avoid eating food that is certainly more in calories and less nutrients.

Cooking light could be the most common way of shedding pounds. Many of us are struggling with obesity with the main problem of weight loss. Inside our present time, natural existing is introduced and endorsed, the natural holistic dwelling. Life is full connected with challenges they say, but you can easlily avoid too much samples, especially when it comes to our health if we have been having a healthy existing.

If you will observe the vegetarians, or your green living people, you’re going to get to know that what these are practicing is something that may be really amazing and fantastic-the pure living. However, the body still requires us for taking proteins from various sources, such as eggs, the protein dish, and other poultry products with only limited amount of money, just to sustain the meals pyramid. Having all the items done appropriately, forever-young living will be achieved, slowly but absolutely.

Some of healthy living articles like this give healthy living tips which can be very useful and helpful for everyone who wants to start out and act now to gain a wonderful life today and then for the next years with their lives. Here are most of the basic matters that we sometimes often overlook

There are some simple yet essential methods to have a healthy existing. You can practice them anytime to improve the overall health within your body. If the body is in good condition, the fine metabolism will result that will good digestion, will result to better flow with the blood, and will give us more energy to do our daily tasks.

This can be a chain of organs and also system, and if each of them work perfectly, the brain will continue to work properly too, to help us think well involving better ideas. You can appear and feel better when you perform your desired living.

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If you are looking for the most effective treatment regarding nail fungus that is certainly all natural then why don’tyou try Claripro. Also If you are looking for the most effective treatment with regard to hives which is all natural then why don’t you try any herbal hives bottle of spray that worked with luck it is called Oxyhives Reduction.

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Brianon Skoverze

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If you are looking for the most effective treatment regarding nail fungus that is certainly all natural then why don’tyou try Claripro. Also If you are looking for the most effective treatment with regard to hives which is all natural then why don’t you try any herbal hives bottle of spray that worked with luck it is called Oxyhives Reduction.

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Ten Great Tips For Healthy Living

August 16, 2012 by  
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Article by Paul J Pearson

Ten Great Tips For Healthy Living – Health

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No matter what your age is, your health should be your number one concern. To learn how to lead a healthier lifestyle, you should concentrate on weight management. The following are ten great tips for healthy living:

1. One of the best tips for healthy living is the easiest. Walk and keep walking. Walking for your health is one of the best things you can do. It can help you to get the blood circulating and help you to burn off calories.

2. Smoking can be the cause of many debilitating health conditions, including emphysema and several types of cancers. Quitting smoking can help you to feel healthier and you receive almost immediate results.

3. Go to the doctor regularly for check ups. Most people wait until they are feeling ill to go. However, regular check ups can help you discover health conditions early, which means you can be more successful in treating them.

4. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Just three or four helpings a day can make a difference in your health.

5. Adding fiber to your diet can help you to be more regular. This can leave you feeling more energetic and less lethargic.

6. Try incorporating some activities into your life that require movement. A tennis game once or twice a week can make a big difference in the condition of your heart.

7. Make an appointment with your dentist for a cleaning at least once a year. Poor dental health can actually lead to poor health conditions in the heart and could very easily be prevented by regular care.

8. Everyone has stress in their lives, but if you do not learn how to deal with it, it can cause many problems. Try using relaxation techniques to help you calm down during stressful situations.

9. It is also important to get a good night’s sleep. Sleeping allows your body to rejuvenate itself and, when you are not getting enough, it can cause your body to shut down.

10. Another of the tips for healthy living that you should follow is to continue learning about your health. The more you understand how your body works, the better you can customize a plan for your own health.

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Learn More About Healthy Living By Joining The Plural Health Life Club Today At

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Learn More About Healthy Living By Joining The Plural Health Life Club Today At

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A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids

August 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Randy Disert

A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids – Health

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In the world where technology is rising, it is more difficult to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids. This is always a common scenario in every household to see kids holding their game console, cellphone, laptops and spending too much time in front of the television. This is highly difficult to let them get their butts out and become more active in the outdoors especially if both parents are working full time. However, providing this healthy lifestyle for kids may be easier as soon as parents are involved in the activities. Here are strategies you can do to promote a healthy lifestyle for kids.

First, provide your children with nutritious meals. This is your obligation to see to it that your kids are receiving enough nutrition to maintain them physically and mentally. It is a fact that most kids these days are suffering from obesity epidemic which make them more prone to illness and diseases. Do not allow your children to eat junk foods such as pizzas and hamburgers all the time. Take time to prepare them a meal that is low in fat and sugar content.

Establish an ideal time to go to bed. Establish manners which your children ought to follow when it comes to watching television and playing games. Give them time to play and watch but make sure you monitor their sleep. Ensure that they receive plenty time to sleep and rest and not remain up late all the time. You can do this through removing their access to television, computers and game consoles once it is time to sleep especially if they sleep in different rooms. Rest is necessary to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids since it should contribute to give them strong body and mind and grow faster.

Spend time to take your children out. You cannot tell your kids to wake up up, exercise and become active. You will surely get a strange look reply from them. Take a break to bring your household into swimming, camping or picnics and play with them. You may additionally go to the gym with them and work out as one household. This should give your kids the time to stay away from their game consoles and be more physically active as well as taking time to bond with each other.

Get them starting in karate, dancing classes or basketball to cultivate their physique and be more active. This will help them divert their attention from foods, games and other bad habits. Activities such as these may help them be more disciplined, keep them moving and move their butts off the couch. This may also help them develop their confidence, gain friends and improve their capacity to deal with others.

Developing a healthy lifestyle for kids may startfrom the parents. Set an example for them. What they see in you, they should surely follow. If you live healthy, your kids may additionally do the same. But you must remember that telling them to do this and that should result to a fair amount of resistance from them. Incorporate the changes slowly however progressively will surely give you the most success in creating a healthy lifestyle for kids.

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Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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Achieve a Healthy and Fit Living Through Fitness Personal Training

August 2, 2012 by  
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Article by Mark C. Madison

Achieve a Healthy and Fit Living Through Fitness Personal Training – Health – Fitness

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It’s really hard to avoid food. Who can ever resist chocolate, ice cream or cake? Digging in a plate of delicious is never easy to achieve. But then, if you want to stay healthy and fit, should you stop eating?

The answer is no! You don’t have to neglect your diet. You don’t have to starve yourself to death just to lose extra pounds. All you have to do is engage in Fitness Personal Training to achieve a healthy and fit living!

Fitness Personal Training is designed to meet your needs. It considers your factors and life’s considerations in creating the customized training process. It will provide you a unique training directed to your personal development.

It also provides you many benefits. You’ll be provided to ongoing support and motivation you need with the customized workout plan. You will also be assisted in the specific fitness goals you have. The principle is to provide you a fitness growth for your personal development.

Here are a few reasons why you should engage in Fitness Personal Training:

First, it provides cross training. What this means is that, through this, you’ll be provided with a variety of effective workouts basing it on your specific goals. Although there are many workouts advertised, you can never guarantee from general experience, and this is what this training style perfectly understands. For example, your friend started new workout training and referred it to you. There’s no guarantee that the experience your friend has will work for you the same way.

Second, it teaches what it shows. Many workout advertisements today in the television and even the internet promote using exercise equipments. They would use videos to show how these equipments work. With this training, not only will you be taught with equipment usage, but, you’ll be taught principles of exercise which you can put to good use for life.

Third, it sets the right pace. Although the success of your training depends on you, it’s best to have professional guidance that way you’ll know what pace you should keep up with and what pace you should be going.

Lastly, it turns your weaknesses to strengths. With this training type, your weaknesses and strengths will be pointed out, thus, you’ll be given the opportunity to have a training program specific to you so that your needs can be developed.

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Fitness Personal Training is your ally to fight against an unhealthy and unfit lifestyle. Check out, we have a free 7-day ecourse for you. Start your healthy and lifestyle today!

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Fitness Personal Training is your ally to fight against an unhealthy and unfit lifestyle. Check out, we have a free 7-day ecourse for you. Start your healthy and lifestyle today!

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Healthy Living Tips Everyone Should Implement Right Now

August 2, 2012 by  
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Article by John Bradstreet

Healthy Living Tips Everyone Should Implement Right Now – Health

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It is a phenomenon of the last 10 to 15 years that people from all over the world have become educated on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. We now have a much better understanding of how diet, exercise and supplementation fit into this.

The increased coverage on health by the media has made people more aware. They now understand that by living a healthy lifestyle you can not only live longer but those years will also be more enjoyable and productive.

Today people are inundated from many different sources on exactly what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. With all this information it is easy to see why some may be confused. We are going to look at 10 healthy living tips that we feel are the most important in reaching your goals.


It is very important that we eat a well balanced diet. Try to stay away from fast and processed foods as much as possible as these do not contain the nutrients that our body requires. Incorporate more fruits into your eating habits. If you have grapes, bananas or dried fruit around the house it is better and healthier to munch on these rather than having too many sweets available.

Many people are in the habit of eating their food to fast. By slowing down and enjoying the foods that you eat it will also allow your body to absorb more of the nutrients and vitamins that it needs. Doing this you will improve both your digestive and immune systems. Remember that a strong immune system will help protect you from illness and disease.

It is important that you get 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. If you are a person who drinks a lot of sugary drinks try to cut back. It is easy for the body to sometimes confuse dehydration with hunger. When you drink adequate amounts of water each day the chance of overeating is reduced and it is more likely you will not become overweight or obese.

Reduce the amount of red meat that you eat. Many people are simply in the habit of eating too much red meat. Try to eat one or two meals a week which do not contain meat. You do not have to cut out meat completely but reducing the amount you eat is a healthier and wiser choice.

In the age where everything seems to be super sized it is much healthier to eat smaller meals more often. This will help you keep your metabolism operating at peak performance and protect you from becoming overweight or obese. Being overweight is one of the biggest obstacles to living a healthy lifestyle.


Due to the hectic lifestyles that many of us live we do not always get an adequate amount of sleep each night. This negatively affects our health in several ways. When you are tied waking up you do not have the energy or concentration to get you through the day. Make sure that you get eight hours of sleep each night and you will be pleasantly surprised at how much better you will start to feel.


We live in a society where many are under increasing amounts of stress. This can come in many forms. We may be stressed out due to work schedules, family situations or just the environment we find ourselves in. Stress management is something that is often overlooked. Occasional stress is not a problem but when it becomes chronic it can be. Over prolonged periods of time stress can negatively affect your health by depleting your body of the vitamins and nutrients that it requires. You should make time each day to relax and mellow out. This can be in the form of reading, yoga or simply by removing yourself from a stressful situation. Try to do this for at least a half hour per day.


In the age of the couch potato it is imperative that you have some type of exercise program that you can maintain for the long run. If you do not already have an exercise program sit back for a few minutes and think about what you enjoy doing. It may be walking, dancing with your spouse, weightlifting or swimming. If you are doing something that you enjoy it is much easier stick with it over the long run.

Regular exercise benefits your health in many different ways that is why it is so important. It helps to avoid a variety of diseases and illnesses by making our bodies stronger. You will be surprised at how much better you feel and how much more energy you have in a very short amount of time.

In summary, there is an abundance of very good information available to people today that can help them live a healthier lifestyle. These are a few healthy living tips that you can implement and will have a positive impact on your health and overall happiness.

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For our latest Healthy Living Tips visit us immediately. You will be feeling and looking better with the right information.

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For our latest Healthy Living Tips visit us immediately. You will be feeling and looking better with the right information.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. How to start living a healthier lifestyle – Tips for a healthy life We all want to live a healthier lifestyle, but how? Trisha Calvo of Shape Magazine has advice that will keep you moving in the right direction. Keywords: healthy lifestyle tips healthy life how to live a healthy lifestyle
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EFAs for Healthy Living

July 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Nappy Roots

EFAs for Healthy Living – Health – Nutrition

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Feeling lost when thе topic shifts to essential fatty acids? Are “Omega-3” and “Omega-6” Greek to you? If so, then іt’s important thаt уоu take a moment to read up оn thеse dietary requirements and ensure thаt уоu’re gеttіng everything you neеd fоr optimal performance. It may be easier than yоu think!

The first category of fatty acids іѕ called Linoleic Acid (LA), which falls intо thе poly-unsaturated category. The ѕeсond is called Alpha Linolenic Acid (LNA), аlso frоm the poly-unsaturated category but somеtіmеs referred to аs “super-unsaturated” bесаusе of itѕ extremely low melting point.

LA and LNA facilitate the production оf оthеr naturally produced fatty acids, ѕо theу’rе reаlly important supplements to gеt thе body energized. Additionally, growing processes and mental functions аre improved aѕ the fatty acids act aѕ transporters of oxygen, electrons аnd energy in and out of cells. With these acids, hemoglobin production iѕ stimulated аnd nutrients pass along cell membranes effortlessly. Digestive functions arе improved and chronic heartburn becomeѕ a thing оf the past.

The recovery time from fatigue іs shortened аnd thе damage frоm saturated fats іѕ reduced, sinсe thеѕе fatty acids helps to disperse аnd transport thе bad cholesterol оut of the system.

How dоeѕ оnе knоw іf he оr she іѕ suffering frоm a deficiency оf Linoleic Acid? Symptoms include Eczema-like skin conditions, loss of hair, behavioral outbursts, liver аnd kidney degeneration, excessive thirst and sweating, arthritis, reproductive failure and increased healing time for wounds or infections.

Essential fatty acids likе Linoleic Acid can bе found іn thе “Omega-6” family: vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and seeds. Other good sources include safflower, sunflower, corn, primrose, pumpkin, wheat germ and soya oils.

Doctors have uѕеd Omega-6 / LNA essential fatty acids to reduce inflammation, treat menstrual disorders, improve skin conditions (like acne оr psoriasis) and rejuvenate hair follicles.

Telltale signs оf Linolenic Acid deficiency are: weakness, impaired vision or learning ability, poor motor skills, tingling in thе arms аnd legs, behavioral outbursts and poor growth.

Essential fatty acids likе Linolenic Acid сan be found in thе “Omega-3” family: mustard seeds, pumpkin seeds, soya bean, walnut oil, green leafy vegetables, grains, spirulina, fish, canola oil and flaxseed oil.

UK research shows that children given essential fatty acids (notably the Omega-3’s) scored higher on reading tests, hаd generally better behavior аnd lesѕ incidences of ADD. Omega-3 treatment haѕ bеen uѕеd bу doctors tо naturally treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, depression, inflammation, arthritis and autoimmune disorders. Harvard University research has аlso bеen shown to hеlp wіth high blood pressure, cholesterol and іn cancer prevention.

To improve ovеrall body functions, including mental health аnd skin conditions, adding оnе serving of fish оr nuts eаch day cаn bе all іt takes. Doctors еspеcіаllу recommend flaxseed, flaxseed oil and fish oil supplements. A balance оf thе twо іѕ crucial for good health, аѕ too muсh Omega-6 сan sоmеtimеѕ have reverse effects.

For vegetarians, good sources of fatty acids include: soy milk, cereals rich іn Vitamin D аnd B12, whоle grain breads аnd leafy green vegetables. It’s important, however, that the vegan or vegetarian combine their vegetable intake wіth iron (pulses, tofu, nuts), calcium (legumes, cashews, almonds) аnd B12 (wheat germ, yeast extract, avocados). In order tо work, thesе acids nеed vitamins (A, B3, B6, C, E) аnd minerals (Magnesium, Zinc) to perform.

Since the Industrial Revolution, there havе been dramatic alterations in human food supply, whісh compromise the quality аnd quantity оf our nutrient intake. While saturated trans-fats havе becоme heavily regulated оvеr the years, moѕt people’s diet patterns аre far from balanced.

Many people аrе exposed to а disproportionate amount оf Omega-6, compared to Omega-3. Doctors now uѕe essential fatty acids tо treat evеrythіng frоm heartburn symptoms tо eczema.

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I have a burning passion for natural health cures. I am especially interested in so-called incurable diseases. I firmly believe that we are being polluted by what we put into our bodies and with proper knowledge most of our illnesses can be reversed or cured. Knowledge truly is power when it comes to health care. I stress natural health care because in my opinion if it’s not natural it’s not healthy for the body. A quick fix is just that; it may temporarily allievate the symptoms but it will never cure the problem. Natural is Health! Unnatural is unhealthy!

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Nappy Roots

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I have a burning passion for natural health cures. I am especially interested in so-called incurable diseases. I firmly believe that we are being polluted by what we put into our bodies and with proper knowledge most of our illnesses can be reversed or cured. Knowledge truly is power when it comes to health care. I stress natural health care because in my opinion if it’s not natural it’s not healthy for the body. A quick fix is just that; it may temporarily allievate the symptoms but it will never cure the problem. Natural is Health! Unnatural is unhealthy!

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7 Tips for Healthy Living

July 18, 2012 by  
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Article by Naturalhealth12

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Sometimes it can be hard to know what the best thing is to do for your health. Our naturopath Katherine shares her top 10 tips for healthy living. 1. Chew your food Your mouth is the first part of your digestive system, containing enzymes which begin the process of breaking down carbohydrates. By chewing food thoroughly you are aiding the digestive process, as particles will be smaller and easier to digest once they reach the stomach. 2. Keep your fluids up Aim to drink 2 liters (8 glasses) of purified or spring water each day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, moodiness and even constipation! 3. Cut back on the refined carbohydrates Yes, this includes our old friend sugar. Sugar and other simple carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, white rice, biscuits, cakes and of course chocolate and lollies, cause a fast rise in blood sugar levels, with a resultant drop shortly following. This means that the energy gained from these foods is quick and short lived, whereas complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, rye, brown rice, oats and spelt give you slow and sustained energy release, as well as making you feel fuller longer. 4. Balance your blood sugar levels An imbalance in blood sugar levels can lead to foggy headedness, headache, fatigue, irritability and sugar cravings. Using complex instead of simple carbohydrates as outlined above will have a beneficial effect on your blood sugar levels. Other dietary factors which regulate blood sugar levels include eating protein with every meal and eating smaller meals more frequently. Avoid skipping meals as this leads to low blood sugar levels and can slow down metabolism. 5. Include plenty of roughage Low fiber intake has been associated with bowel and colon cancer as well as other digestive diseases. Fiber has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels, gives us stool bulk to prevent constipation and increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system. Fiber is found in fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. If your diet is based around these foods you can be sure you are getting adequate amounts of fiber. 6. De-stress and think positively Stress contributes to a number of health issues affecting the nervous and digestive systems, lowering immunity and causing hormonal imbalance. Removing stress from our lives is rarely an option however there are ways to help cope with stress more effectively, which will reduce its negative effects in the body. Eating a balanced diet with adequate protein and regulating blood sugar levels as described above will help your body deal with stress more effectively. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, exercise, meditation and calming self talk can help to deal with stress. If you have a significant amount of stress in your life seeing a counselor, massage therapist, naturopathy Brisbane or acupuncture Brisbane may help you to deal with it more effectively. 7. It’s all about you Having the time to do something that you enjoy or that relaxes you is an integral part of achieving wellbeing. You might have a hobby such as painting, playing an instrument or sewing, or you may enjoy simply reading a book or relaxing in a hot bath. Think of what makes you happy and make sure that you find the time to indulge yourself in these activities. The result will be greater personal satisfaction and lower stress levels.

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Acupuncture Brisbane helps to promote the flow of QI and balance energies within the body.

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Related Tips For Healthy Living Articles

Naturally Healthy living

July 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Health is wealth says a popular proverb. With reduction in physical work and deterioration in quality of fruits and vegetables that we eat, our body does not receive the nutrition and protein that it needs to be fit. In such conditions, when our body is less resistant and more prone to diseases any bad habit can prove to be hazardous to our life. With people getting addicted to smoking, drinking and various other habits, there has been a drastic increase in diseases leading to early deaths. One bad habit that has been the root cause for various diseases and deaths is smoking. Smoking is an addiction that kills a person slowly without his knowledge. It is better to be away from smoking but if you having got into it, and then it’s high time to quit it. Many find it difficult to quit and thing How to stop smoking. Though there are various medical ways to stop smoking, here are some tips how to stop Smoking just your way:

Determination: Your mind is your asset. Determine strongly in your mind that you want to quit smoking.
When your desire to smoke is taking a toll, drink a glass of water or orange juice. The sipping of water or juice will subside your desire to smoke.
Just divert your mood. Call somebody who does not smoke and tell your conviction to quit smoking and divert your mood from smoking for that moment.
Stop doing activities that are connected to smoking. For example, if you smoke every time you have coffee or tea then stop drinking them and instead have some other healthy drinks
Start a strict regime everyday that includes exercise and yoga which leads to concentration and mental balance.

Maintaining health is not a rocket science.

All you need is the desire to have Natural Health. Being healthy means being internally strong, physically fit and mentally balanced. The perfect blend of all this is Natural health. So here are some general tips that if followed regularly you can attain Natural health:
Eat healthy and keep an eye on what you eat. Eat everything but eat in a limit.
A routine is a must. Ensure that you exercise or walk for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.
Always keep your mind in good terms. Keep your cool and take things in a light way. A fit body with a disturbed mind is of no use.
Be nice to people and always keep a smile on your face. A smile is the only medicine that can keep all your health problems away.

When we look healthy we feel healthy. There are thousands of beauty products in the market. All you need to do is choose those that best suit your skin. For that it is better to consult a beautician and know your skin first and then buy the beauty products that suit you. Many beauticians prefer natural beauty products otherwise.

this article is about Natural health the physical, mental and in terms of looks. In being healthy it mentions the tips of how to stop smoking.

How To Stop Smoking is one of the most demanded products in the market. As the people are getting more aware about the Beauty Products they are preferring those products which don’t have any side effect.

Visit for more natural health advice, exclusive health articles, videos and more! Watch the Relaxation and Meditation video in the YouTube link below Amazon Rainforest: Beach Relaxation:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Feeling Healthy – Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

How you look has a lot to do with how you feel. Millions of dollars are spent each year on exercise routines and gimmicks, make- up, and reconditioned new body parts. There seem to be no limits to what people will do to get a certain look.

Putting all of the artificial means to the side for a moment let’s consider possibly the best and most effective way to change your look and your body. Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that can work for you can be your best solution to finding your healthy fitness Fountain of Youth

So why so much talk about the abs? The abdominal muscles are among the large muscles in the core section of the body. They belong to the group of muscles in the body that makes movement effective, graceful, and effortless. Taking care of the abs affects back health and gives a person the energy to move through each day with minimal effort.

A slender, strong looking abdominal section also makes a person feel comfortable with their appearance.

How we look certainly affects how we feel. Feeling that your abs are strong and tight helps you to be and feel healthier.

Sometimes we are directed off of the path. We see many tools, some effective and some just gimmicks, that you can be used to give us an effective abdominal workout. Tools can certainly help us in our quest for better health but what would we do to sustain our workouts if we didn’t have any machines to sit and twist on.

Some of the most effective abdominal exercise routines for women include those programs that do not require any special equipment and can be done anywhere. Choosing an exercise program that you can use that will tone, condition, add strength and stamina, improve cardiovascular fitness, and improve flexibility is important for women.

Some of the programs that will do the aforementioned things are Pilates, yoga, and hill sprinting and walking, and boxing and martial arts.

All of these routines work the entire body without isolating any body parts. Effective abdominal training which emphasizes total body movement gives the added benefits mentioned earlier in addition to strengthening and sculpting the abdominals.

Another program for you to consider that works with total body, body weight exercise routines is the Combat Endurance Training program.

Developed by a Special Forces captain for his group of men this exercise routine employs total body movement by implementing exercises that give tone and power to all muscles of the body. Some of the additional reasons for success of the program include short breaks between exercises to build stamina along with an assortment of fast, explosive movements that help burn fat and tone and condition all body parts.

Strengthening the abdominal area is important as long as you don’t sacrifice the strength of the rest of your body. Taking your time to choose and then begin a program that strengthens and gives non stop energy to the entire body is a good idea for your overall health.

Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that gets your whole body moving is a choice that will bring you many happy returns.

Fred Nicklaus is a National Champion martial artist who has also trained other National and World Champions in his martial arts schools. After total hip replacement surgery in 2005 he found the Combat Endurance Training program and it has helped him maintain his health and fitness. He teaches local Combat Endurance Training classes to adults and children in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit to find out more about Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women and Combat Endurance Training.

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